[Q] sound problem with android 2.2 rom - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello all,
since I have installed the android rom (2.2) on my htc hd2 all my friend complain about the quality of sound during the communication.
For me : quality of communication is good
for them : quality of communication is very poor.
Have you already heard such a problem ?
Any idea for me
Thanks a lot

copeing123 said:
Hello all,
since I have installed the android rom (2.2) on my htc hd2 all my friend complain about the quality of sound during the communication.
For me : quality of communication is good
for them : quality of communication is very poor.
Have you already heard such a problem ?
Any idea for me
Thanks a lot
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Did you also upgrade the RADIO?

How can I upgrade the radio?
what should I do ?
Thanks for your advices?

copeing123 said:
How can I upgrade the radio?
what should I do ?
Thanks for your advices?
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If you flashed a new ROM and not using a compatible RADIO something is bound to crash. Do a forum search for HD2 RADIOs or see the thread where you got the ROM about recommended RADIOs.

Thanks a lot
but (as you can see I am not very aware of all those things)
1. where can I see my radio version
2.how can i fing the best suitable for my rom

copeing123 said:
Thanks a lot
but (as you can see I am not very aware of all those things)
1. where can I see my radio version
2.how can i fing the best suitable for my rom
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To get the latest RADIO for HD2 install the latest Windows Mobile 6.5 update from your carrier or HTC. The latest RADIO comes within these packages. Then install Android.
Read up on what RADIOs are and how to install them here on XDA. Use the search function.



Hello, I am bad in english, so please give me please the link to the newest ROM and RADIO version for HTC TyTN (HERM100). He is unlocked. Please give me the ROM WM6 or WM6.1 clean, so without others aplications, like ROM from official HTC
Thanks very much, sory for maybe spam, but i cant search becouse I dont understand nothing
This is in bootloader:
Hi...take a look here to get started with rom info (most are using WM6.1):
And what version is like official from HTC Diamond, becouse this ROMs are modified and added many programs, i want the hole ROM instalation WM6.1 for Hermes, you understand me??
There are NO official wm6.1 for hermes...they are all ported from other devices & cooked!
I know man, a said like official ROM, so where is on this forum the ROM for Hermes with WM6.1 which is most similar to "Hermes official" (if that will been)
So I look for hole ROM instalation without programs from user modificators
When searching for roms pay attention to keywords such as "clean" or "naked." These are usually stripped down and should be what you're looking for. Also, for many of the usually bloated roms they also offer "Lite" versions which don't include as much custom software.
Does that answer the question?
There was some ROM nothing changed/added/removed ... but I can't find it now.
EDIT: found it - http://rapidshare.com/files/152424620/anryl910_19212.rar.html
I have IMATE JasJam
In Device Information it appears HERM100 PocketPc
Can someone please tell me where can I get WM6.1 ROM for my phone
sheharyar said:
I have IMATE JasJam
In Device Information it appears HERM100 PocketPc
Can someone please tell me where can I get WM6.1 ROM for my phone
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just go to this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=355
& choose your liked ROM
pajousek said:
There was some ROM nothing changed/added/removed ... but I can't find it now.
EDIT: found it - http://rapidshare.com/files/152424620/anryl910_19212.rar.html
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what rom is this??
nurkamol said:
just go to this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=355
& choose your liked ROM
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man I am new to windows mobile I really don't know the technical stuff
I actually upgraded ROM to but I am facing some problem with bluetooth. I am unable to receive any files. Can you please guide me.
sheharyar said:
man I am new to windows mobile I really don't know the technical stuff
I actually upgraded ROM to but I am facing some problem with bluetooth. I am unable to receive any files. Can you please guide me.
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what rom did you use? go find other roms that has bug free!!!
Rom Version is I downloaded it from some link present on this forum I don't remember now, I cannot find any other ROM for my device
There is a whole section of this forum DEVOTED to ROMs... Go to WM06 part, thats where all the newest ROMs are to be found.
Just make sure to Hard SPL your Hermes first or you may be looking at a brick...
sheharyar said:
man I am new to windows mobile I really don't know the technical stuff
I actually upgraded ROM to but I am facing some problem with bluetooth. I am unable to receive any files. Can you please guide me.
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u have to install bluetooth stack.....I did so after getting receiving problems in bluetooth after flashing my jasjam with pandora 6.1 naked rom.the problem was that the incoming beam wud fail itself even if the other device is visible and connected.now the default bluetooth prgrm is not at all used.the new stack works perfect and much better..........if u r lukin 4 a clean rom for tytn try the pandora naked rom.I had probs like keyboard mapping(do registry edit or dwnld advncd configuration tools and select english in keyboard options*it needs .net framework) and bluetooth.other than that its good

Difference between upgrading Radio and ROM

Can someone please tell what is the difference between.. radio and a ROM
i see lot ppl asking for new version of Radio or ROM. Hw r these 2 thing different??
Thanks a lot
I have been trying 2 research the same thing. I have flashed a new ROM. but have no clue on how to install a new Radio, or even where to get them... is there a list and tuts anywhere on how/what to install?
Bee searching with no luck, though I did find a Radio that CR86 had a link to on his Touch HD v2.6 rom though have no idea on how to proceed to install the Radio, so I have my default one on my Wizard atm.
Hi, you can find the differences between RADIO and ROM at http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=FAQ
x86 said:
I have been trying 2 research the same thing. I have flashed a new ROM. but have no clue on how to install a new Radio, or even where to get them... is there a list and tuts anywhere on how/what to install?
Bee searching with no luck, though I did find a Radio that CR86 had a link to on his Touch HD v2.6 rom though have no idea on how to proceed to install the Radio, so I have my default one on my Wizard atm.
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You can find the Radio Upgrades at http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Elf_RadioUpgrades
thanks for the info cooper_xda, made things easier, but I'm learning alot about the software side of these devices lately
Radio : phone's communication software to your network/carrier
ROM : Phone's UI Software.
Or, something like that.
correct if wrong.
And to update both radio and rom, you have to flash it, nbh files is avail at htc upgrading forum.
pretty much got it right lol
radio controls all gsm and 3g functions (calls internet etc)
rom is basically windows mobile and all OEM software

[Help] Update recomendation on xda exec

Hi there!
Today I've bought an xda exec with the following specs:
Rom: 1.13.82 WWE
Radio: 1.04.02
What is the recommended update to the ROM and Radio I can do?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards!
Benny-Danny said:
Rom: 1.13.82 WWE
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That's an old O2 ROM. The latest (last!) original XDA EXEC ROM from O2 can be found here.
Then there's an ocean of home-cooked ROMs, mostly WM6.x (you gain A2DP and other features but lose on video calling).
Benny-Danny said:
Hi there!
Today I've bought an xda exec with the following specs:
Rom: 1.13.82 WWE
Radio: 1.04.02
What is the recommended update to the ROM and Radio I can do?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards!
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Welcome to Uni forum (gosh, I sound just like Orb2000 now ) Actually, make it ORB3000!!!! There, much better!
While we cannot recommend a particular ROM and Radio combination, your device comes with standard features, so pretty much anything that takes your fancy and is suitable for your device in this section would be perfect for the taking. The first thing you should do is read the Wiki, it contains loads of necessary information to help you identify your device and its features for the upgrade purposes and avoid any mistakes or pitfalls. Then you can familiarize yourself with available ROMs and read user opinions and feedback on their performance and features. Generally the best performers will be found on top of the WM6.1 upgrade section marked as a Sticky. Finally, once you get to know all you need and are ready to upgrade, you will be able to try some out and select the one that has the best combination of features FOR YOU. As far as Radio is concerned, there is no fast and steady rule for a perfect combo, some developers will recommend the Radio to be used with their ROM, some users will suggest what works for them, you can always try various versions (ftp server is your friend) and see which will work best for you.
Best of luck. Enjoy!
I've already read lot's of information on wiki for universal...
Already unlocked the "sim lock" and just updated the radio to the last one (1.18.00). Before the universal, I had an Magician (still have it, and working great with the WM 6.1 by cotulla).
I've read about the G3 and bootloader, but didn't understand how to update the bootloader (my universal have 1.00 version)... What is that for?
Also, I will try the WM6.5 ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=529951 because read 'bout that and like it... just one question.. it the 6.1 better than the 6.5? If I change the rom to 6.5 can I change back to any other, inclusive the 6.1 rom?
enigma1nz said:
Welcome to Uni forum (gosh, I sound just like Orb2000 now )
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By the way I´m 3000!!
orb3000 said:
By the way I´m 3000!!
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Yes, sweetie, I know, I made myself sound like some improved, but not perfect model of you, you know - 'better than orb1000, but still not quite the orb3000'!!! My apologies. The only explanation I can offer is tiredness and late hour of my posting. Will amend my post now.
Benny-Danny said:
I've already read lot's of information on wiki for universal...
Already unlocked the "sim lock" and just updated the radio to the last one (1.18.00). Before the universal, I had an Magician (still have it, and working great with the WM 6.1 by cotulla).
I've read about the G3 and bootloader, but didn't understand how to update the bootloader (my universal have 1.00 version)... What is that for?
Also, I will try the WM6.5 ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=529951 because read 'bout that and like it... just one question.. it the 6.1 better than the 6.5? If I change the rom to 6.5 can I change back to any other, inclusive the 6.1 rom?
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6.1 ROMs are more developed and used, therefore will be more stable and practical in everyday usage. Another thing is available resources, e.g. 6.5 ROMs tend to be on resource-hungry side, therefore those of us with standard 64Mb machines will not get as much free RAM or speed in some cases available to run our favorite programs as those with devices upgraded to 128Mb. You can try 6.5, of course, just note the above points. And of course you will be able to downgrade to other 6.1 or shipped ROMs.
enigma1nz said:
Yes, sweetie, I know, I made myself sound like some improved, but not perfect model of you, you know - 'better than orb1000, but still not quite the orb3000'!!! My apologies. The only explanation I can offer is tiredness and late hour of my posting. Will amend my post now.
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No problem dear enigma0nz
Oops, it was 1

Difference between ROM and Radio

I actually want to know one thing. What is the difference between ROM and RADIO version?
Can you please help me out with it? Is it possible that RADIO version will effect on some functionality of device? Like if the radio is old it will be disturbing the user?
Thank you very much.
Faisal Tasleem said:
I actually want to know one thing. What is the difference between ROM and RADIO version?
Can you please help me out with it? Is it possible that RADIO version will effect on some functionality of device? Like if the radio is old it will be disturbing the user?
Thank you very much.
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Search, search, search!!!
Everything is explained in the forums and wiki.
The whole ROM is divided on three parts: OS, Radio and extROM. Now, OS (well you know, operating system), Radio ROM is where you have GSM (if you fry this say goodbuy to your device), Radio ROMs differ for the various part of the world, meaning that a Radio that works well in one part of Europe will not work so good on other countries (search the forum and wiki which Radio will be best for your country), and finaly extROM is part where operators put their **** on the device.
ibeqa said:
Search, search, search!!!
Everything is explained in the forums and wiki.
The whole ROM is divided on three parts: OS, Radio and extROM. Now, OS (well you know, operating system), Radio ROM is where you have GSM (if you fry this say goodbuy to your device), Radio ROMs differ for the various part of the world, meaning that a Radio that works well in one part of Europe will not work so good on other countries (search the forum and wiki which Radio will be best for your country), and finaly extROM is part where operators put their **** on the device.
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I was asking this information because I have the same problem as : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=543905
I am not able to find where the exact problem is. That was the reason I thought, it might help to upgrade the ROM or Radio version in order to solve this problem.
Before Yesterday it showed, 20% battery left and I got low battery notification. But after 24 hours. Today also the phone is still on and battery is on 20%.
Help please...
Thank you very much.
Faisal Tasleem said:
I was asking this information because I have the same problem as : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=543905
I am not able to find where the exact problem is. That was the reason I thought, it might help to upgrade the ROM or Radio version in order to solve this problem.
Before Yesterday it showed, 20% battery left and I got low battery notification. But after 24 hours. Today also the phone is still on and battery is on 20%.
Help please...
Thank you very much.
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One of the best Radio ROMs for me and a lot of people here is version 1.47. Search the forum there is a thread with a link in rapidshare.
ibeqa said:
One of the best Radio ROMs for me and a lot of people here is version 1.47. Search the forum there is a thread with a link in rapidshare.
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I have 1.48.x . Is it Ok?
I mean it's newer version. Is it Ok or I have to do the 1.47 ?
Thank you very much.
Faisal Tasleem said:
I have 1.48.x . Is it Ok?
I mean it's newer version. Is it Ok or I have to do the 1.47 ?
Thank you very much.
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Newer does not necessary mean better. You can always check both versions and than decide which one suits you.
P.S. Don't forget to do HardSPL before you change the Radio.

fm radio problem

hi all the issue i have is with the reception of my fm radio which is very poor i use the latest gtx nrg rom i have the impression that is a hardware problem do you have any suggestions or should i sent my hd to the service center?
Maybe try with different headphones first. The antenna is actually the wire of the headphones.
i tried that i also compared my hd with another one using the same headphones the difference to the reception was significant any other recommendations?
hightmare said:
i tried that i also compared my hd with another one using the same headphones the difference to the reception was significant any other recommendations?
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Ouch, sounds like a hardware issue which you can't do anything about but to claim warranty.
My experiences with this HTC FM receiver are very mixed.
It seems that the screencontroller causes alot of noise which you can clearly hear when you have weak reception and the screen turns off.
Another thing I have, also on the Touch Pro, is that sometimes the fm receiver goes in some slow mute, unmute etc like a slow oscillator.
hightmare said:
hi all the issue i have is with the reception of my fm radio which is very poor i use the latest gtx nrg rom i have the impression that is a hardware problem do you have any suggestions or should i sent my hd to the service center?
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Hi. I confirm to have exactly your problem. I used task29 to format the rom and flashed a lot of new rom but the problem is always present. I think it's not a hardware problem becouse the radio has bad reception but it function. I think it's a driver problem. Before i started to flash rom different from the original the radio was perfectly functioning. I noticed also that by flashing roms with windows mobile 6.1 compiled 1,5 years ago the radio had no problem. I've noticed this problem 4/5 months ago and i've also asked to various cooks which was the problem, but the answer was always the same the they do not had tested it. I've noticed that by installing the "power radio" software the reception is lightly better. This program uses different drivers.
The problems i have are these:
1) By making a scan radio doen not found any station "No station found" is the answer
2) By changin step by step the frequency i can listen various station
3) RDS is functioning only after for 1 or 2 station and after 1 or 2 minutes of listening.
4) By changing the headphones with other ones the problems are exactly the same.
Now i've have a NGR rom. The last one cooked on the 4 of september 2010. The problems are exactly the same.
maronna said:
Hi. I confirm to have exactly your problem. I used task29 to format the rom and flashed a lot of new rom but the problem is always present. I think it's not a hardware problem becouse the radio has bad reception but it function. I think it's a driver problem. Before i started to flash rom different from the original the radio was perfectly functioning. I noticed also that by flashing roms with windows mobile 6.1 compiled 1,5 years ago the radio had no problem. I've noticed this problem 4/5 months ago and i've also asked to various cooks which was the problem, but the answer was always the same the they do not had tested it. I've noticed that by installing the "power radio" software the reception is lightly better. This program uses different drivers.
The problems i have are these:
1) By making a scan radio doen not found any station "No station found" is the answer
2) By changin step by step the frequency i can listen various station
3) RDS is functioning only after for 1 or 2 station and after 1 or 2 minutes of listening.
4) By changing the headphones with other ones the problems are exactly the same.
Now i've have a NGR rom. The last one cooked on the 4 of september 2010. The problems
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so did you find any solution for this or the problem stil persit .
Even iam the victim of this problem
No! I didn,t find a solution. I asked to a lot of cookers and they have been supposing the problem is due to the drivers.
You have to know that htc has developed proper radio fm drivers the cookers don't have.
So the problem is due to the flashing of a cooked rom different from the original one.
As in another post:
"Microsoft hasn't defined a tuner API for Windows Mobile platform (yet) and manufactures such as HTC do not publish their API for FM radio.
GFMAPI is an FM Radio interface that designed to be used on different models of Windows Mobile devices.
It makes all FM RDS based applications such as Radio players, Radio Alarm, TMC navigation works on different devices"
So the chipset of the blackstone radio FM is the "BRF6350 Chipset"
I hope the cookers will find a solution. I Doubt the problem is a hardware problem.
Just someone of you has to try the following: virginize the Htc Blackstone by installing the original rom and the original radio. The rom and radio when u bought the phone.
If the problem persists with the original rom is a hardware problem. So leave the phone to adjust by htc. Otherwise if it is functioning really well with the original htc rom, we could only hope the cookers will find a way to solve the problem in all the future rom.
i agree with you someone who has the original rom 6.1 has to try to find out if this is a hardware problem
maronna said:
No! I didn,t find a solution. I asked to a lot of cookers and they have been supposing the problem is due to the drivers.
You have to know that htc has developed proper radio fm drivers the cookers don't have.
So the problem is due to the flashing of a cooked rom different from the original one.
As in another post:
"Microsoft hasn't defined a tuner API for Windows Mobile platform (yet) and manufactures such as HTC do not publish their API for FM radio.
GFMAPI is an FM Radio interface that designed to be used on different models of Windows Mobile devices.
It makes all FM RDS based applications such as Radio players, Radio Alarm, TMC navigation works on different devices"
So the chipset of the blackstone radio FM is the "BRF6350 Chipset"
I hope the cookers will find a solution. I Doubt the problem is a hardware problem.
Just someone of you has to try the following: virginize the Htc Blackstone by installing the original rom and the original radio. The rom and radio when u bought the phone.
If the problem persists with the original rom is a hardware problem. So leave the phone to the adjust by htc. Otherwise if it is functioning really well with the original ht rom, we could only hope the cookers will find a way to solve the problem in all the future rom.
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Thnks for that, iam downloading the original rom.
will check and update you about the radio.
hightmare said:
i agree with you someone who has the original rom 6.1 has to try to find out if this is a hardware problem
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U will find your original rom here.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Blackstone/Shipped_ROMs but i reccomend u to follow the correct flashing procedure of revirginizing.
pankajvg said:
Thnks for that, iam downloading the original rom.
will check and update you about the radio.
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Ok, i will wait for your news.
maronna said:
U will find your original rom here.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Blackstone/Shipped_ROMs but i reccomend u to follow the correct flashing procedure of revirginizing.
Ok, i will wait for your news.
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Hi Maronna,
Your great , i just downloaded the Rom from HTC site .(Asia version dosent work so used US) This has Radio bundled in it .
The radio perfectly worked, so ideallys its a driver problem.
so we need to get our rom cookers to includde these drivers.
Thanks a lot .
So i was quite sure it was a driver problem. Generally hardware problems are different. For example: you are not able to listen to the radio fm any more.
I don't know why the cookers underevalue this big problem.
I discovered this problem for the first time with the IGO Navigator, becouse i tried to gain the TMC advices (of traffic) through the radio FM with a headphone wire. With the stock rom it was possible but with all the other ones not.
So i propose to all you to write to the cookers, NGR in particular (also if i've tried time ago), to try to solve the problem also if i doubt a solution will be found unless it will be possible to extract the API from the HTC roms... i think
Wow, that is weird!
I am using the NRG 8th of September rom and the radio works as expected.
I did not notice any difference from the stockrom
Can you try to flash the NRG rom again and check if it is still bad after the flash?
Also which HTC radio and rill are you using?
I'm on 1.17 and rill 1.15
lukesan said:
Wow, that is weird!
I am using the NRG 8th of September rom and the radio works as expected.
I did not notice any difference from the stockrom
Can you try to flash the NRG rom again and check if it is still bad after the flash?
Also which HTC radio and rill are you using?
I'm on 1.17 and rill 1.15
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Hi lukesan ,
can you give me the link for NRG 8th of September rom, i will try that .
but do you have the FM radio problem ?
secondly did it work after flashing this rom?
and your question about radio , i have tried all the versions but didnt work
pankajvg said:
Hi lukesan ,
can you give me the link for NRG 8th of September rom, i will try that .
but do you have the FM radio problem ?
secondly did it work after flashing this rom?
and your question about radio , i have tried all the versions but didnt work
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Hi Pankajvg,
Sure but I always shorten ENERGY to NRG
I use the GTX themed ones. They are really beautiful and the new versions are fast.
The download link is in post 2 on that first page.
And no I don't have the described problem with the radio that the thead starter and other have.
I still feel a bit uncomfy about the driver being the issue. Maybe affected users have a different model type. Do you actually have no reception at all ??
There are many variables that would be causing this but I have never actually used the standard HTC radio.
I use powerradio from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=531600
The radio and rom work perfectly, even being 10km up in the sky ;-)
I would also check the radio version http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=466274
The one I use is 1.17... which I find to work perfectly, nice clean GSM signal, almost instant GPS lock etc.
Let us all know your result so the rest can benefit of the result.
Hi Lukesan,
I have already tried with Power radio , but didnt help.
Iam downloading the NRG rom , will flash and update you shortly.
pankajvg said:
Hi Lukesan,
I have already tried with Power radio , but didnt help.
Iam downloading the NRG rom , will flash and update you shortly.
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Tried the NRG rom with 1.17 Radio, but didnt help.
its the same issue.
IaM rolling back to different rom as this ROM has issue with Active syn.
Active sync fails for Exchange account which is very imprtant for my official mails.
pankajvg said:
Tried the NRG rom with 1.17 Radio, but didnt help.
its the same issue.
IaM rolling back to different rom as this ROM has issue with Active syn.
Active sync fails for Exchange account which is very imprtant for my official mails.
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Wow seems you have multiple issues.
I'm running that rom and have no issue with my exchange account or radio.
Any way to isolate the files needed for the fm radio from the original rom and incorperate them in another?
Also which original rom are you guys trying? Might be worth to try one from another country and check if yours might be different hardware.
The other question remains, no reception at all or just bad reception?
As described in my first post the problem is bad reception.
I've istalled GTX rom from NRG since 8th of september. I had been flashing at about 200 / 300 rom. I confirm to have the same problem with all the roms 6.5 6.5.x except for the original htc and some other roms with 6.1 by maryone, Luca Picci.
I've also flashed from the first to the last radio (reception) and relative dll. Same problem.
The only exception i had was with a Maryone rom 6.5.5
As I told before the absense of signal is a hardware problem. The bad reception not. The chipset receives the electrical impulses.
May be your blackstone is newer or older than ours and it could have another fm chipset inside. I never told radio was no functioning at all.
can we have some solution for this .
iam really helpless now.
