Splashtop HD + Keyboard Dock = Minecraft? - Eee Pad Transformer General

I have been toying around with the idea of purchasing the keyboard dock for my Transformer.
Yesterday I was messing around with Splashtop HD, which is a remote desktop-ish app.
I wondered if you might be able to control Minecraft using the keyboard dock over Splashtop? Or even if you could plug in a USB mouse and control it through that as well.
If this were possible I would definitely buy a keyboard dock.... like tomorrow lol.

It would definitely play, but good luck with the camera. Android doesn't know how to deal with hovering and relative position of the mouse cursor, because, being primarily a touchscreen OS, it requires that you click and drag everything, just like how you would handle panning and rotation by touching the screen with your fingers. The same applies to most apps currently available. The OS doesn't mechanically "know" where the cursor is until you click on something, so that means in a first person game like Minecraft you have to constantly click and drag to rotate the camera.

AND no right click... kinda pointless if you are the builder type.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

Get a netbook
Sent from my Transformer TF101

It works, but not well
I know this is old, but thought I'd respond anyway.
There is a right click you can use; it is under Asus options when you go into settings. Choose to set right click to be context menu instead of acting like the back button.
It does work, but not well. As said above, the cursor has difficulty following you, so I just end up spinning around in really fast circles.

No, it works perfectly if you Buy the app from the market. The 8 bucks is totally worth it, adds trackball mode which eliminates spinning around, and right click works perfectly. My Minecraft experience feels native!


[Q] Stop screen from rotating

So I bought one of the cases recommended over in the accessories forum, which holds the tab propped up at an angle. It really helps with typing and all around use when you set the Tab on a desk or table. The way the case works, the camera is on the side closest to the user. Whenever I open any game (Angry Birds, Vendetta Online, etc) it flips the orientation so that the camera side is on top, instead of on the bottom. This has made it unusable! The case designer had the right idea, since putting the tab in the other way would expose the charging port (It's a folio style case). I've tried turning off the automatic screen orientation setting, but it didn't help. Any ideas?
Blaine12 said:
So I bought one of the cases recommended over in the accessories forum, which holds the tab propped up at an angle. It really helps with typing and all around use when you set the Tab on a desk or table. The way the case works, the camera is on the side closest to the user. Whenever I open any game (Angry Birds, Vendetta Online, etc) it flips the orientation so that the camera side is on top, instead of on the bottom. This has made it unusable! The case designer had the right idea, since putting the tab in the other way would expose the charging port (It's a folio style case). I've tried turning off the automatic screen orientation setting, but it didn't help. Any ideas?
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I'm not sure I'm following your description of how the case functions. Something like this? Could you link the case model?
I've been wondering about this as well. I really don't think there's anything we can do about it..
pandamaja said:
I'm not sure I'm following your description of how the case functions. Something like this? Could you link the case model?
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Here is a link to the case I bought.
Pics here & here of how the case folds.
Regardless of all that, the real question is... How do I run games and such with the bottom of the screen being the camera side? I thought the whole point of doing away with all the physical buttons was so that it could be rotated any which way?!?
smaskell said:
I've been wondering about this as well. I really don't think there's anything we can do about it..
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Well there is one thing we could do...
Spend $59.99 on the Samsung case
Blaine12 said:
I thought the whole point of doing away with all the physical buttons was so that it could be rotated any which way?!?
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Total guess here, but maybe it has something to do with applications that need to track orientation (like Vendetta) and/or programming decisions by the developers (Angry Birds?).
If its a programming thing, maybe theres a way to send a bug report to the developers about the orientation issue and they could roll it into a future update.
Or ... just learn to play Vendetta with the thumb controls and Angry Birds must be a whole new experience upside down ;-)

Your opinion on browsing on a tablet (mouseover)

When I got my transformer I immediately felt that browsing on it was a little uncomfortable when compared to the control I have on a desktop computer. I've noticed one poorly executed function was the PC equivalent of a "mouseover" or "hover" function. It made opening hover menus in a browser or controlling a flash video player a bit awkward, although still functional.
I've recently stumbled upon on 2010 article on why a Flash developer believes that flash would not work on the iPad, but many of the points that he makes are very valid given the implementation of flash that we have on our transformers.
I was just wondering if this was something you've all noticed and perhaps if you have your own ideas as to how a mouseover functionality could have been better implemented in android.
Also, I've once tried to bring this up in another topic which ended up getting closed, so let's try to keep that from happening.
Multitouch. Tap with 2 fingers to "hover".
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I think that a double tap would be a good solution for something like bringing up flash player controls without pausing the video.
What about scrubbing the video? For instance, with youtube you can use your mouse and move it (without clicking) along the progress bar while being shown the exact time in the video that you are currently pointing at. This obviously makes rewinding and fast forwarding much easier on a computer. I suppose on a tablet you would double tap and then drag your finger, as per this implementation?
EDIT: Wow, I'm sorry I totally misunderstood. You actually mean't using two fingers as opposed to double tapping with one.
LeoBloom. said:
When I got my transformer I immediately felt that browsing on it was a little uncomfortable when compared to the control I have on a desktop computer.
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I'll be brutally honest. You've got what I like to call not-used-to-something-that-is-new syndrome.
I'm sure when the personal computer first came out, people were crying left and right that typing on the computer was uncomfortable compared to the typewriter. In fact, if you go back long enough, I'm sure people were whining left and right that the page turning book format was uncomfortable to read compared to the scrolls. Heck, why stop there? I'm sure writing with ink was really awkward and uncomfortable to those who were used to the chisel and hammer.
The fact of the matter is every time a new technology came up, there would undoubtedly be resistance to the change. I have no doubt that there were arguments against Gutenberg's invention (the printing press).
I say the advantages of the tablet far outweighs the disadvantages. And please don't start arguing that the tablet could never replace your pc. No one is making such claim.
That was unnecessary.
The question here is how to make the "hover" functionality more intuitive.
i think a multitouch or swipe gesture would be the best option.
for example with the mousover menus, if u could quickly swipe across said menu to have it show the options.
not sure if its viable but who knows
or even a double tap. tap once to open the menu, tap again to select an entry or go to the main link
The problem is that a multitouch would register as a zoom function, not a hover function.. Computer analyses aren't good enough to tell the difference between two points of contact with relatively stable distance between them vs two points of contact moving away (because it's sensitive right now..?).
im using an external mouse really like it looking forward to ics for no more keyboard lag
i hope at least
also i would like a scrolling in facebook chat and pictures so you can see comments
p.s typing from it right now
I am using Logitech bluetooth keyboard with touchpad [designed for PS3]. For now it's the best solution for me.
o1d8oy said:
I am using Logitech bluetooth keyboard with touchpad [designed for PS3]. For now it's the best solution for me.
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are you havin keyboard lag?
i mean if like on facebook it doesnt respon as fast a computer
just checkin if the keyboard is problem or honeycomb
All I have to complain about is XKCD in Google Reader (app), and there's probably an app or greasemonkey script for this already.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Flash the KRAKD Rom no more keyboard lag
You will find that as more web developers and designers switch to HTML5 and CSS3 (which the stock android browser already supports btw) it will be much more of an experience like a desktop computer. In fact, hover effects implementing CSS3 currently support mouseovers on our transformer. the hover transitions work pretty dang well actually
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Spidey01 said:
All I have to complain about is XKCD in Google Reader (app), and there's probably an app or greasemonkey script for this already.
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Yep: https://market.android.com/details?...1bGwsMSwxLDEsIm5ldC5ieXR0ZW4ueGtjZHZpZXdlciJd
Click the title of the item in google reader and it opens in xkcd viewer, and there you can click on the cartoon to get the hover-over.
Yeah its clearly not good, I also frequently miss a keyboard with cursor keys to move around in an input field.
daners85glacier said:
You will find that as more web developers and designers switch to HTML5 and CSS3 (which the stock android browser already supports btw) it will be much more of an experience like a desktop computer. In fact, hover effects implementing CSS3 currently support mouseovers on our transformer. the hover transitions work pretty dang well actually
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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How exactly is the "hover" functionality implemented on the transformer with HTML5 and CSS3, in terms of how the user is able to call on the function?
Yeah, I'm trying to encourage someone who's a developer on a web software I use quite often to add the clickhover property to the default theme instead of pure hover. Not only does that enhance browsing on tablets, but it also supports a11y.
yes, mouse-over or the lack of it is a real pain in the ***. I use Opera Mobile and browsing websites that use mouse-over navigation without the dock is really annoying.
is there a fix/workaround/touch-combination to get the mouse-over effect working?
The problem is that a multitouch would register as a zoom function, not a hover function.. Computer analyses aren't good enough to tell the difference between two points of contact with relatively stable distance between them vs two points of contact moving away (because it's sensitive right now..?).
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This is false. There's nothing magical going on here, a touch UI is only as good as how it's programmed.
Two points of contact with stable distance CAN be discerned from two points moving away. For example a naive method to do this would be to store the last N number of touched coordinates per some time slice in the form of a recency list and then perform some minor arithmetic operations on them to determine the delta and make a reasonable assumption as to whether movement is occurring. It might be harder to discern movements where the quantity is similar to each other but where one quantity is essentially zero movement and the other is any movement, this is not so difficult to do.
d3l1 said:
yes, mouse-over or the lack of it is a real pain in the ***. I use Opera Mobile and browsing websites that use mouse-over navigation without the dock is really annoying.
is there a fix/workaround/touch-combination to get the mouse-over effect working?
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refer to point number 3

[Q] Multitouch drum apps...

Just a simple question..
I've seen the iPad2 working with Drum Meister or something. Damn, it plays flawlessly, I can play like a real drum set, real amazing.
So I have this Atrix. Gingerbread 2.3.6 and with a modified touch file for 4 simultaneous touch detection. Not really sure if that's the culprit, as on the multitouch keyboard it works normally at my fast typing (and on the touch visualizer program), but when I play the drums on any of my drum apps (DroiDrum, Drum Set and DrumKit), it seems like the multitouch feature is failing.
I can do two simultaneous moves, even four instruments at once, but i cant play two or more instruments, like this video
It skips some touches, some instruments just refuse to play while I'm touching another one (like if I press and hold one), but if I hit them together, they play together.
Is that a bad app programming, or a android/touch limitation/issue?
If i had to guess, i'd say it's probably more along the lines of app programming more than it is a limitation with multi-touch on Android devices. It could also be having the mod to enable more touches to be recognized. I'm sure it helps to have that mod in some scenario's... but i'm pretty sure apps aren't really designed around the idea of having more than two or three touch inputs at once recognized, simply because of screen real estate. That's probably the main reason why devices like the iPad, or even the Motorola XyBoard or Xoom support more than two or three finger multi-touch.
I too am a lover of bangin on my black classic maple Ludwig set and gotta say i have searched and searched but no android app competes with the one on ios....
Try the reaindropfix. our beloved atrix go crazy if u continue to press screen for more then 15 sec.
search for it.
xateeq said:
Try the reaindropfix. our beloved atrix go crazy if u continue to press screen for more then 15 sec.
search for it.
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Oh god, at first sight it looks like that's the problem! Gonna test it and in a few minutes I'll be back
Nope, but it'll sure fix a bug I was experiencing when playing multitouch games

Windows 8 Controller

Windows 8 Controller lets you control your Windows 8 PC as if it is a tablet. Just using your Android phone, you can experience the Windows 8 gestures like pinch, stretch, rotate, swipe, side gestures etc.
Easily scroll through web pages, pinch to zoom in your photos, cycle through open apps...
It's fast and fluid! Give it a try, you'll love it!
Please search for Windows 8 Controller in Google Play or Youtube
Some features of Windows 8 Controller includes:
- Multitouch gestures (pinch, stretch, swipe, rotate)
- Natural Scrolling Experience (Scroll horizontally and vertically as you scroll on a tablet)
- Use as a mouse (move, left/right/middle/double click, drag)
- Side gestures (Swipe from left/right/bottom/top to switch to next open app, show charms, show app options, close app respectively)
- Tiles Screen (A tiles screen including most needed shortcuts like show start, show desktop, open computer and much more)
- Power Options (Don't you think it's not so easy to shut down the Windows 8? Not anymore. Windows 8 Controller includes power shortcuts. Shut down, restart, hibernate, sleep, lock, log off your computer with one tap)
- Volume Control (Do you need an easy way to adjust the volume of your Windows 8 PC? You've got it! Windows 8 Controller has a volume controller by which you can adjust/mute/unmute your computer's volume from your phone. Also you can use the hardware volume buttons of your phone)
- Virtual Keyboard (Type text by using your Android's keyboard. Take advantage of auto-complete feature of your keyboard or use swype keyboard. You can even type text to your computer by using voice-to-text feature of your Android phone's keyboard)
- Easily go back/forward (Tilt your phone left/right to go back/forward in your favourite web browser or file explorer)
- Four (or five) fingers pinch (to reveal start screen easily)
- With auto-connect and quick-connect features, it is very easy to connect your phone to your computer and start using Windows 8 Controller.
kerimka said:
Windows 8 Controller lets you control your Windows 8 PC as if it is a tablet. Just using your Android phone, you can experience the Windows 8 gestures like pinch, stretch, rotate, swipe, side gestures etc.
Easily scroll through web pages, pinch to zoom in your photos, cycle through open apps...
It's fast and fluid! Give it a try, you'll love it!
Please search for Windows 8 Controller in Google Play or Youtube
Some features of Windows 8 Controller includes:
- Multitouch gestures (pinch, stretch, swipe, rotate)
- Natural Scrolling Experience (Scroll horizontally and vertically as you scroll on a tablet)
- Use as a mouse (move, left/right/middle/double click, drag)
- Side gestures (Swipe from left/right/bottom/top to switch to next open app, show charms, show app options, close app respectively)
- Tiles Screen (A tiles screen including most needed shortcuts like show start, show desktop, open computer and much more)
- Power Options (Don't you think it's not so easy to shut down the Windows 8? Not anymore. Windows 8 Controller includes power shortcuts. Shut down, restart, hibernate, sleep, lock, log off your computer with one tap)
- Volume Control (Do you need an easy way to adjust the volume of your Windows 8 PC? You've got it! Windows 8 Controller has a volume controller by which you can adjust/mute/unmute your computer's volume from your phone. Also you can use the hardware volume buttons of your phone)
- Virtual Keyboard (Type text by using your Android's keyboard. Take advantage of auto-complete feature of your keyboard or use swype keyboard. You can even type text to your computer by using voice-to-text feature of your Android phone's keyboard)
- Easily go back/forward (Tilt your phone left/right to go back/forward in your favourite web browser or file explorer)
- Four (or five) fingers pinch (to reveal start screen easily)
- With auto-connect and quick-connect features, it is very easy to connect your phone to your computer and start using Windows 8 Controller.
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side stepping the paid/free differences
The problem with wifi for this is that TCP sucks big time! there is so much redundancy built in for error checking that for anything like this, the slightest hiccup can just make it feel laggy and generally crap compared to using the real thing., ive tried to use similar programs for years and they all just annoy the buggery out of me after a while
Bluetooth offers a better solution but would have limited range and still isn't perfect, also bare in mind that everything under the sun uses 2.4GHz meaning a next door neighbours cordless phone can give you a headache too.
its just food for thought, perhaps you may live in a faraday cage and have no issues with interference, dropped packets and don't mind the slight lag that cant be removed, but not everyone is in such a fortunate position.
a Bluetooth option would be cool and of course a WP version for the grown ups
something's to keep in mind for the masses
Tempting ....
I just gave the Free "try it out app" a whirl.
I have an older laptop with non-multi touch touchpad so I was really excited about this app.
I have to echo the request for a bluetooth version of the app as well, there was definitely some odd lag going on ...
... But I can't be sure the lag wasn't being caused by the cascade of "This feature is only available in the paid version" messages I was getting.
Look, I think this app could be awesome, and I would happily pay for it, if I thought that it would work well enough to use daily. However, the experience on the Free app is really bad due to the restrictions. I understand not wanting to give away your work for free, but I think that the Free app paints a very unflattering picture of what the Full Version might be.
You may want to consider re-vamping the Free version, allowing for fewer restrictions or going to a 30 day trial, or just look at the code for how it displays the nag-message.
I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I think its a great idea, but when I say "cascade" of nag-messages I am being literal. There was a backlog of messages after closing the app so that for the next minute and a half I had "This feature ..." flashing on my home screen even after closing the app.
Good luck and I look forward to trying this again in a month or two!
I just gave the paid version a try and I'm not having any lag. It's very smooth. I haven't had a chance to dig too deeply into it, but so far it's very nice.
Anyway, whatever you do, don't drop the ball on this. Routinely I buy a paid app from a dev here and the development goes stagnant. There's a ton of potential for this app, please keep going!
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Specter597 said:
I just gave the Free "try it out app" a whirl.
I have an older laptop with non-multi touch touchpad so I was really excited about this app.
I have to echo the request for a bluetooth version of the app as well, there was definitely some odd lag going on ...
... But I can't be sure the lag wasn't being caused by the cascade of "This feature is only available in the paid version" messages I was getting.
Look, I think this app could be awesome, and I would happily pay for it, if I thought that it would work well enough to use daily. However, the experience on the Free app is really bad due to the restrictions. I understand not wanting to give away your work for free, but I think that the Free app paints a very unflattering picture of what the Full Version might be.
You may want to consider re-vamping the Free version, allowing for fewer restrictions or going to a 30 day trial, or just look at the code for how it displays the nag-message.
I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I think its a great idea, but when I say "cascade" of nag-messages I am being literal. There was a backlog of messages after closing the app so that for the next minute and a half I had "This feature ..." flashing on my home screen even after closing the app.
Good luck and I look forward to trying this again in a month or two!
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Can't download server. Website is down.

Let's talk Emulators & Controllers

Figured we could have a dedicated thread for us emulator fans out there and share ideas and whatnot.
I thought I'd start off by sharing my presets for PPSSPP, ePSXe and RetroArch for now and move up to other things in the near future.
DualShock 3:
+ Works flawlessly as of this date (30-03-2016) on LP via Sixaxis Controller.
+ Awesome battery life. Around 24-26 hours for me though ymmv.
+ Doesn't turn off that fast compared to the Shield Controller.
+ Can be hooked up relatively easy to most PCs or Android devices.
- No support yet for MM. (working as intended as of 03-06-2016)
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DualShock 4:
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Shield Controller:
+ Native Android buttons.
+ Headphone out and volume toggle.
+/- Works out of the box on Android/Shield TV when plugged in via USB. (native android buttons however does not work on Android TV... using a Sony Bravia KD-49X8005C here).
+/- Pretty stiff controls and buttons overall. This is a mixed bag since it shows good quality over time, but the same makes things such as grinding in a controller impossible if you know what I mean. Hard layered plastic is at blame here I guess.
- Lack of start and select makes things messy as you'd rather want those then having to rebind the native android buttons.
- Quite a large footprint compared to DS3/4 or any other BT controller for that matter.
- Short idle time before turning off. This will make several emulators like RetroArch unresponsive with the controller and means they have to be restarted. (update: Home>Recent>RetroArch works as well as it'll make the controller become "reinitialized".)
- Power button easily becomes pressed when carrying in say a bag. However since the idle time is so short compared to other controllers it shouldn't affect the battery time that much. Still something to consider though.
- Flat out denied on Windows devices not running GeForce Experience.
- Wifi Direct only works Nvidia Shield (Tablet/K1/X1/TV) devices (encrypted protocol.... whaaaaat da hell Nvidia?!)
? Battery life pending.
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8Bitdo FC30/NES30 Pro:
+ Wow! Very quality, much buttons, many options.
+ Programmable for pretty much "anything". And w/ firmware updates you're pretty much future proof for the time being.
? Battery life pending (I've read somewhere around 20 hours.)
+/- Footprint & Weight. About 1/3 of the weight of a PSP Go while also being slightly smaller (I'd say around 5% smaller when a PSP Go is closed). Ymmv regarding your preferences. That is, the larger hands you have the worse it becomes I guess, and the same goes if you prefer heavier controllers).
The d-pad and start/select feels like a NES, analogue sticks like a vita. Shoulders buttons (L1/2, R1/2) goes clickety-clack (i.e rather clicky for my taste but something you'll probably get used too). YXAB have a soft plastic texture which I prefer over the hard one used in the shield controller. Overall this is probably my 2nd best controller after the Dualshock 3 (2nd gen). Another thing to mention is that there is a plastic skin covering the metallic plate which is barely visible and easily removable with say a knife/box-cutter blade or flat-head screwdriver. I'd suggest to keep it on as long as possible unless you find it bothersome.
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Update (14-06-2016): I've also added some more pics so you can compare to other things you may own. That way you'll have a somewhat idea of the actual size of <insert controller> here.
Size comparison:
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Emulators w/ "recommended" settings
I recommend using the native PPSSPP app over the core found in RetroArch. Why you ask? Because the core lacks many functions that the native app supports and the GUI overall is a lot more user-friendly.
Go to Settings -> Graphics and set Rendering resolution to 1:1 -> Display resolution (HW scaler) to Auto -> Upscale level to Auto -> Upscale type (filter) to xBRZ -> and Anisotropic filtering to 16x.
Our device has a pretty powerful mobile Kepler gpu and can handle it, so don't fret.
Turn off On-screen touch controls in Settings -> Controls as we already have a controller.
The GUI overall is easy to manage even with touch support, so I would recommend using your hands (fingers) for a quicker setup as going though the menu is somewhat slower on a controller.
The GUI is the same as on PC so if you've used it before then you'll be welcomed by the same layout and similar settings.
Don't forget to configure your controller in Settings -> Controls > Control mapping and you're set!
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At first boot you'll be treated by a pretty lame GUI which is made to function across most Android devices. However, for a tablet or (phone) w/ controller, the xmb GUI is a much better alternative. I would recommend anyone who finds RetroArch complex to:
#1: Go into Settings -> Driver -> set Menu Driver to xmb (or glui if you desire but I will not cover that one here) -> Go back to Home and Quit RetroArch.
Restart RetroArch and you'll be treated with the xmb GUI instead.
Assuming you are using either DS3 or Shield Controller, it should have been picked up assuming you configured it beforehand with your tablet.
A(X) is back and B (O) is confirm in the menu. (Shield vs PS3/4 controller)
For anyone who've ever used a PS3 or PSP should be familiar with the xmb layout.
#2: Go to Settings -> Input -> And set your desired user count -> Then go to either Input Hotkey Binds (stuff like fast forward toggle and menu keybindings) and Input User 1 Binds.
View attachment 3701827
I recommend using ePSXe since it's far better than the ones found in RetroArch. Doing so will free up L2/R2 for use as shown above.
(new) I've tried out the PCSX Rearmed (PS1) emulator and noticed a little better support for some games, though testing is still in progress. So if you plan on using this one as well then I would recommend the new layout that comes with this post update.
#3: After you've set your desired inputs or if you followed mine + default D-pad, ABXY and analogue sticks, you should be ready to try out some emulators.
These inputs will work as default for all emulators listed below. For example: GBA only has A/B and no X/Y so these will be disabled. I use L3 and R3 as Start/Select while L2 works as a menu toggle and R2 as fast forward mode (as seen in the picture above).
#4: Head over to "Home" -> Online Updater and update everything except Core Updater just to be on the safe side. I skipped cheats because I never use any.
#5: In Core Updater, pick your desired emulators as RetroArch doesn't come with any out of the box. This why it has a lot of negative feedback overall I bet. These are constantly updated hence why keeping a set is stupid and adds space and junk overall since not everyone might use (again something that people who lack common sense ignore) everything that is available.
I picked the ones below and find them the most stable out of the ones available for each system. The names speak for themselves
Bonus: Pick Home -> Load Content -> Select File and Detect Core for a quick boot of your favorite game (Assuming you downloaded any cores). And preset your "ROM" folder in: Settings - > Directory -> File Browser Dir.
fMSX - Pending...
QuickNES - Pending...
Gambatte (GB/GBC) - Pending...
Snes9x Next - Pending...
mGBA - Pending...
DeSmuME (DS) - Crashes. No bios support either. Awaiting update.
PCSX Rearmed - Pending...
PicoDrive (Sega MS, MD, CD, 32X) - Pending...
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Shaders w/ Comparisons:
hqx family
Super Eagle
Super 2xSai
Super 2xSaI
xBR family
SNES9x Next: Pending...
mGBA: Pending...
PPSSPP: Pending...
ePSXe: Pending...
Another plus/minus to consider is latency:
Shield Controller uses WiFi-Direct which supposedly has 1/2 the latency of Bluetooth controllers.
I have a controller that should be added to the list: the SteelSeries Stratus XL
I'm hoping to get one or two of the 8Bitdo Bluetooth controllers this weekend. If I do, I'll post my experience with them.
Also Speedlink, TORID Gamepad (SL-6576_GN) works well
Some updates... Sixaxis now work on MM. As for more thorough reviews, I got a 8Bitdo FC30 Pro arriving sometime this week or the next. I'll update the main post with some more details once it has arrived.
I will probably buy the NES30 Pro as well since this controller looks rather promising minus the battery life. Still, it works on custom ROMs, and that's the main reason I (and probably you) would want it for since the Shield controller is rather bulky and not exactly the best for my rather small hands, not to mention it still doesn't work on anything else but stock ROM.
So what to expect this weekend or the next:
Shaders (finally!)
8Bitdo FC30 Pro mini review w/ pics.
Some minor edits to the posts.
Can you add Ipega-9023 for controllers ? I don't know buy or no for shield tablet ? And can you write pros and cons for this controller ? Thanks
Added 8Bitdo FC30 PRO wooo. Shaders comparison coming up sometime this next week/end.
anybody used the ds3 to play super meat boy ?
What about the Asus game pad for the Nexus player... I picked one up for 10...
and the xiaomi gamepad ?
Logitech F310 works too!
NeonFox said:
8Bitdo FC30/NES30 Pro:
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Wait, so does the NES30 Pro actually have Select and Start button? You know that work as such. I'm looking for a controller that will have those without some weird mapping. And what are those buttons at the bottom? It's kinda small for me, but I can't seem to find a controller all the buttons.
ive got the moga power pro and its a great controller but ive just bought the gamesir g4s and that is awesome
The gamesir g4s. For virtually the same amount you can get the Shield original gamepad. Then better the g3s.
Niii4 said:
The gamesir g4s. For virtually the same amount you can get the Shield original gamepad. Then better the g3s.
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Click to collapse
yes but the dead zones on the shield controller are horrible and make it rubbish for fps games the g4s is great for fps games
Horrible dead zones. Really?
Niii4 said:
Horrible dead zones. Really?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yep you have to move to sticks pretty far before you start looking/moving, there are loads of videos on youtube on it
Asus game pad is great!! I use it whenever I want to play emulators or Borderlands. The only problem is there is no home button. You can fix that though by going into the system>usr>keylayout folder and edit Vendor_0b05_Product_4500.kl to change the MODE button (power button) to HOME and the HOME button to BUTTON_START. Do that and restart your tablet and the Asus controller will work like a normal controller. The Circle Home button will now be start and the Power Button will be home. This won't effect anything with the controller like how it turns on and off. You still have to hold the power button for that.

