Mango on Desire HD ? - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hi Guys !
I install mango 1 Week ago on my hd2 and love it ! Thanks you all !
Unfortunately, i break my hd 2 screen...
I have a desire HD, and i really loved to put mango on it.
Do you think there is a way to achieve this with this release ??
Sorry for my bad english, thank's for for this wonderful community !

AloneInTheDarK said:
Hi Guys !
I install mango 1 Week ago on my hd2 and love it ! Thanks you all !
Unfortunately, i break my hd 2 screen...
I have a desire HD, and i really loved to put mango on it.
Do you think there is a way to achieve this with this release ??
Sorry for my bad english, thank's for for this wonderful community !
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In short, no afraid not, device hardware is completely different as are the drivers required

timmymarsh said:
In short, no afraid not, device hardware is completely different as are the drivers required
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Thank you !
Do you think the hardware is so different ?
The spec are pretty the same has Windows mobile...
Unlike microsoft usually do, there is no driver include in windows phone ?

similar is unfortunatly not good enough, the HD2 and Hd7 are very very similar, but they are not the same. Even within the same SoC there may be differences in Implementation.
The HD2 was used to trial the initial WP7 OS before the HD7 was made, so drivers were made, all be it poorly, without those drivers we wouldnt have WP7 on the HD2, even with them we have some considerable issues with it! i believe the HSPL was also easier to get working on the HD2 too compared to modern devices, i know nothing about that other than what ive heard.
oh an windows phone isnt like its desktop cousin, ms doesnt pump it full of drivers!

hardware limitation.....


htc hd2 , still alive

HI . i am courious if anyone has any inside informaiton on the hd2 receiving more offical ROM updates . or have they already moved onto bigger and better things ?
only time will tell us ,but i think no more updates soon
is this the shortest ever lived super phone...?, although im pretty happy with it still
hoss_n2 said:
only time will tell us ,but i think no more updates soon
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I hope we get no updates soon, because looking at other HTC devices, I think HD2 has got only 1 chance of a big update and it shouldn't be wasted as 6.5.3. They will definetely release an update and the support called it Windows Mobile 7. I hope we get the better version (WP7S) and not the crappy Windows Phone Classic.
I really don't care, I haven't had an official rom on my HD2 since the HSPL was released and that wasn't going to change any time soon.
Pagnell said:
I really don't care, I haven't had an official rom on my HD2 since the HSPL was released and that wasn't going to change any time soon.
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but remember porting wp7 will be much more harder than porting wm6.5 roms ( no backword comptability ,which means drivers and applications used to operate the device will not be exist (camera ,bluetooth , wifi , radio ,and more ) like the problems happening in porting android to other phones the mentiond apps doesnot work
Sorry, I should have made my viewpoint clearer. From what I have seen and heard of WM7, I'm not that bothered about it anyway. It looks like a step backwards to me, albeit one with lots of eye candy for those that don't look beneath the surface. Microsoft have seen Apple succeed with that viewpoint and want a slice of the action.
I can upgrade to a new phone in 11 months time, I will be happy for my HD2 to have the various cooks of 6.5.x until then.

[Help] Can i update my OS to Windows Mobile 7 ?

Hi Guys.
i am new to this things. so i dont know if is this possible or not
i have HTC P3470 Pharos with default OS with phone is Windows Mobile 6.1 i was wondering if i can update my OS to Windows Phone 7.
any information on this would help me.
Guys come on. is there something wrong with my thread.
please let me know.
no way to get wp 7 to your phone.
lol i wait whole day just hear that.
Thanks for the reply man.
iDestroyer said:
lol i wait whole day just hear that.
Thanks for the reply man.
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To be honest, your phone's hardware is far too old for it to handle Windows Phone 7 - Microsoft demand super-speedy processors and high-resolution capacitive touchscreens to run it on. Although some of the hardware hurdles will be overcome by the developers here, I don't think you can ever realistically consider WP7 as a viable OS for the Pharos. It's build for WM6.x and it's going to stay that way.
By the way, a little searching would have saved you the day's wait
Edit: Ah, crap - didn't realise this was so old! Please excuse the zombieness. I'll back away now...

[Q] WINDOWS PHONE 7 release on nov 8 on HTC HD7

I have confirmed that Windows Phone 7 is being released on several devices on November 8th. The tmobile version has two devices, the one that interests me is the HTC HD7 (and dell venue pro). Nice looking phone 4.3 inch screen, but major difference is it has three buttons (touch like the HD).
here is the link...
does anyone know how they plan to give the hd2 owners the OS? and what about the people who dont know anything about flashing?
WHo has reliable information on how they plan to do this.
Hd2 will not be getting wp7.... that was announced a long time ago. No official upgrade.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
YES an excuse to tell myself to buy a new device!!!
zarathustrax said:
Hd2 will not be getting wp7.... that was announced a long time ago. No official upgrade.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Thank you for the bad/good news!!!
I actually just signed up to get a HD7 as soon as it's released. I keep seeing that there are too many driver/hardware compatibility issues to make wp7 work on the hd2...
A little f'd up because HTC hinted that anyone who bought the HD2 would be able to upgrade when wp7 came's a good thing that we have great chef's otherwise the HD2 would be a waste
android on htc hd7 same as htc hd2??
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, or is it more complicated then the htc hd2. are these the same phone basically spec wise except for touch buttons and a kickstand. lets strat the comparison, as i just ordered a hd2 to put android on it but not sure if the hd7 will run android better.
hd7 is not out yet how do we know if you can even run android on windows phone 7! we will all have to wait and see!
Hopefully our great devs here will be able to port wp7 over. Cotulla already got it to boot up on the hd2, which is a great sign. Considering the hd7 has the exact same hardware as our hd2, wp7 has the possibility to run great on our phones. We can only hope and support our devs. Time will tell.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
xxfirerican said:
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, or is it more complicated then the htc hd2. are these the same phone basically spec wise except for touch buttons and a kickstand. lets strat the comparison, as i just ordered a hd2 to put android on it but not sure if the hd7 will run android better.
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You should get a native android phone if you just want to run android. Android on the hd2 will probably never run as well as native android phone... its always gonna be a hacked on version of android.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
android on hd7 risky move
xxfirerican said:
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, .
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I'd be a little skeptical about trying the same process on the HD7, will an uploader work or will it brick the phone. we know what happened with the the hd2 hspl was neccessary. And, if the drivers are so different that the wm7 is incompatible with the hd2's hardware...i would assume just throwing the android we have now onto a diffent device is asking for trouble (althoug from everything I'm seeing, the hd7 is almost the same thing... i dont like the fact that the 16gb of memory is on board...will it have an sd slot?)
I'd wait until someone successfully does it
When I looked at the spec it look like it the same processor as my HD2 except for the button. So it can be program to use Windows Mobile 7 without programming the other buttong? Just curious. Can someone check it out? Thanks.
Oh you dear, sweet, uninitiated. Allow me to clarify some points:
A-Officially, no. This was announced some months ago that the HD2 will NOT be getting an upgrade to WP7 from MS or HTC.
A-Maybe. As it has been stated, Cotulla has booted WP7 successfully on HD2 hardware, but it is uncertain as to wether it will work in day to day use. His team is currently VERY secretive about what is/isn't working.
A-I have always said, if you wan't Android, buy and Android device. WP7 will almost certainly NOT work with current Android builds. Different hardware, different drivers etc. Oh and WP7 is not compatable with CE applications...which means HaRET...and pretty much any program written for WinMo.
I hope that clears some things up!

WP7 Port on HD2 - Today - Have you seen this?

WP7 Port on WM6.5 - Have you seen this.
For the reply, I have seen by @ansar, in xda, I think his thread about this, must be consider very Credible.
I hope in the final of the day to see WP7s, running in my HD2.
pack21 said:
WP7 Port on WM6.5 - Have you seen this.
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pack21 said:
For the reply, I have seen by @ansar, in xda, I think his thread about this, must be consider very Credible.
I hope in the final of the day to see WP7s, running in my HD2.
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Oh My GOD !!
I've Been waiting for this since i've known WP7 !!!
I've seen the vid posted by Cotulla a few weeks ago, but i didn't imagine that it could be TRUE !!
its a dream that is coming TRUE !!! *cries deeply*
Thanks for the tip, hope to be available to public ASAP !
Thanks pack21 ..
It's just renewed 6.5 with some parts of 7, not WP7 itself.
I don't like WP7, frankly
No positive responses from microsoft
Even though porting of WP7 has been successful on device such as HD2, however, Microsoft seems not planning to help the developers and hackers in realizing the dream of running WP7, so most likely even if the porting is successful, most or some features and applications are NOT likely to work.
Refer to:
l3ong91 said:
Even though porting of WP7 has been successful on device such as HD2, however, Microsoft seems not planning to help the developers and hackers in realizing the dream of running WP7, so most likely even if the porting is successful, most or some features and applications are NOT likely to work.
Refer to:
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Are you on crack?
ANYTHING that you run on the HD7 can be run on the HD2 via WP7.
l3ong91 said:
Even though porting of WP7 has been successful on device such as HD2, however, Microsoft seems not planning to help the developers and hackers in realizing the dream of running WP7, so most likely even if the porting is successful, most or some features and applications are NOT likely to work.
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I don't know where you have been but it is not here. the HD2 runs Windows Phone 7 better than any of the official WP7 devices.
T-Macgnolia said:
I don't know where you have been but it is not here. the HD2 runs Windows Phone 7 better than any of the official WP7 devices.
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Very true!
l3ong91 said:
Even though porting of WP7 has been successful on device such as HD2, however, Microsoft seems not planning to help the developers and hackers in realizing the dream of running WP7, so most likely even if the porting is successful, most or some features and applications are NOT likely to work.
Refer to:
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You should do some research... the port was successful and it runs practically the same as it runs on a HD7, except that the multitouch is buggy, we only have 2 point touch rather than the 4point touch native phones have, and the stock camera app doesn't autofocus because we don't have a dedicated camera button that can be pressed halfway down to initialize autofocus. But we already have a good camera app made that use autofocus and takes full advantage of the camera. We even have 720p video recording now on the HD2 with wp7, something we don't have with any other OS on the HD2.
And I would keep my HD2 over any other native WP7 phone even with those small issues... because unlike any WP7 phone, we can also run android off SD card, which also runs without hardly any issues and runs almost as good as a native phone. That more than makes up for any small issues that these ports have. The HD2 is like an EVO and a HD7 combined into one device... nothing out now can beat that!
Also, this thread is like 4 months old. There was no need to revive it.
Wow, way to necro a WP7 port thread from back in October, guys.
The year is 2011 AD...
Really, MS is missing the boat here... there are thousands of HD2's out there; and Microsoft neeeeds all the phones they can claim to be running their new WP7 platform so developers will be attracted to create apps for their sadly lacking app store. They should willing issue authorization codes (along with the appropriate "run at your own risk / we wash our hands of it / it's ALL your fault" disclaimer) to anyone who wants to flash their HD2 to WP7; and then, happily count that code as another phone running the new WP7. $$$
personally using wp7 on hd2 i found it awesome:
number of apps? 90% of iphone and android apps are rubbish (i tried a lot of them);
on wp7 i've all i want from my phone, i don't need android or winmo6.5;
but because wp7 is still buggy on hd2 (battery and multitouch) i've finally decided to sell my hd2 for 260€, and i've bought an lg optimus 7 for 240€... i was bored to flash a rom every week, and now i don't need to wait cotulla's work for an official update...
i think that microsoft should thank to cotulla and dft (and many other) for giving the opportunity of try this OS to the HD2 community (a community of developers and tester), I think it is an excellent springboard

HTC HD2 and Windows Phone 8

What do u guys Think? Can the HD2 handle Wp8? or maybe only Windows Phone 7.8? Im acutally going to base my desicion of buying a new phone upon whether HD2 will get windows phone 8 or not.
All devs busted there asses working on the HD2, i mean what more can we ask from them?
7.8 yes but WP8 no... WP8 have different hardware.... maybe someone cook lite version but look how many problems we have with drivers for now...
so true, there are so many bugs and more and more devs drop their developing for HD2 and moves on to new devices, which means we are in a down hill and it will be harder and harder to fix many bugs and strange behaviours. Correct me if im wrong, but I guess we should be happy if we even get WP 7.8 anytime before summer of 2013
bigx86 said:
so true, there are so many bugs and more and more devs drop their developing for HD2 and moves on to new devices, which means we are in a down hill and it will be harder and harder to fix many bugs and strange behaviours. Correct me if im wrong, but I guess we should be happy if we even get WP 7.8 anytime before summer of 2013
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+1 on this.. i'm pretty sure it wont get a wp8. the device is pretty old now. but i believe wp 7.8 will be out soon(almost in sync with hd7) as we have all the drivers. :good:
bigx86 said:
so true, there are so many bugs and more and more devs drop their developing for HD2 and moves on to new devices, which means we are in a down hill and it will be harder and harder to fix many bugs and strange behaviours. Correct me if im wrong, but I guess we should be happy if we even get WP 7.8 anytime before summer of 2013
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Sorry, but when exactly is the Summer of 2013? What month? I don't live in the US, and my country doesn't even have seasons, so I'm not sure what month you're talking about.
Well, if the rumors are true, HTC could will release the HTC Rio, a WP8 device witch same specifications that HTC HD2. In this case, HD2 can update to Windows Phone 8 witch the help of developers.
Is it the same Snapdragon ? Same Ram ? Same Sensors? Same Screen?
daedric said:
Is it the same Snapdragon ? Same Ram ? Same Sensors? Same Screen?
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You should google before asking questions :angel:
Well, if the rumors are true, HTC could will release the HTC Rio, a WP8 device witch same specifications that HTC HD2. In this case, HD2 can update to Windows Phone 8 witch the help of developers
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I wouldnt bet on that if I were you .
We said this so many times before, until I lost count loll. Just because there is another phone with smiliar specs as the HD2 doesnt mean that all we need is move the software and we are good to go...There is alot of diffrences in the code (not to mention Windows CE => Windows NT) between WP 7.5 and WP8, I think we need to rewrite some drivers!!!
iliendo said:
You should google before asking questions :angel:
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Sir, i was not asking, just doing a rethorical question, trying to explain the user that just because it have the same amount of ram, or a Snapdragon 1ghz, doesn't mean it has similar specs.
bigx86 said:
I wouldnt bet on that if I were you .
We said this so many times before, until I lost count loll. Just because there is another phone with smiliar specs as the HD2 doesnt mean that all we need is move the software and we are good to go...There is alot of diffrences in the code (not to mention Windows CE => Windows NT) between WP 7.5 and WP8, I think we need to rewrite some drivers!!!
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It´s true. Drivers could be diferent of the HD2, but also is posible that the HTC Rio have got similar chipset and the drivers ports could be easy. I don´t lose the hope.
HTC Rio is a S4 device and our is S1.
There is still hope though, WP8 has more documentation compared to Windows Phone 7.
Nokia Lumia 920 is out today..
Windows phone 8 looks fantastic, i really hope that you guys can make it.
Please make it happen
Flickr and blur free camera shoots would be just great!
no chance for WP8 on HD2... especially when i see today presentation of Lumia 920....
hardware is toooo low for WP8 and too different....
i love Smart Shoot on Lumia 920 automatically remove walking people from photography
lumia 900 can't up to WP8, so i think our HD2 can't too ^^
bigx86 said:
so true, there are so many bugs and more and more devs drop their developing for HD2 and moves on to new devices, which means we are in a down hill and it will be harder and harder to fix many bugs and strange behaviours. Correct me if im wrong, but I guess we should be happy if we even get WP 7.8 anytime before summer of 2013
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"2013" its so long
i hope batteray drain not like wp7..
I love it when the " all knowing" members try to make fun of someone's question. Instead of just replying with a "yes" or "no" someone always has to be a real jerk. They probably will make a wp8 ROM for the HTC hd2, because people enjoy it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda app-developers app
Only if DFT and yuki get working back on the project
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2
jojojoey123 said:
I love it when the " all knowing" members try to make fun of someone's question. Instead of just replying with a "yes" or "no" someone always has to be a real jerk. They probably will make a wp8 ROM for the HTC hd2, because people enjoy it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda app-developers app
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It's not just people enjoying it. Sure, it has its weight, but remember, this ain't Android. We have the source code of almost nothing.
If we can find a device with very similar (read, almost all) hardware, we might have a chance of using it's drivers on HD2.
Has it stands, i hardly doubt there will be a single core, adreno200 WP8 device. Even on WP7 we're strugling with driver incompatibility.Why do you think we have such weird battery usage? And that camera trick? That's a exploit that's probably reseting some driver/process and lowering our battery consumption.
Where there's a will, there's a way... it's not impossible, just very difficult and highly improvable.
the porting of 7.8 has been very simple for devs, i think that we have serious possibilities to see WP8 on hd2!
