Phone won't turn off and spuriously says it's charging - Galaxy S II General

I recently purchased a Mugen 3200mah extended battery (very good by the way) and put it in my phone. Today my phone kept making the "beep beep" noise to indicate that it's charging. I looked at it and it kept popping this message on and off. I thought this was pretty odd, and I've not really done anything to do the phone for a week. Last thing I did was flash Cognition ROM. I assumed the battery was at fault so put my stock battery in but I get issues with that battery as well. Strangely, I get different problems with both batteries.
With the Mugen, my phone keeps reading as "Charging" on and off, and if you turn the phone off, it'll bring up that big battery that you see normally when charging the phone in an off state.
With the stock battery, the phone will immediately turn itself on if you turn it off.
If I only had the issue with a stock battery and didn't own the extended battery then I wouldn't care, but I spent a fair amount of money on the extended battery and it gives me a lot more life, so I intend to carry on using it if I can. Does anybody have any ideas about this? I'm thinking of flashing a stock ROM and seeing if the problem still occurs but I'd rather try other ideas first as this requires me to delete all my apps AGAIN.
I've tried my extended battery in my mum's SGS2 and the problem doesn't happen. So it's something in my phone. Either hardware or software. Almost certainly hardware.

Some people report weird behavior with non stock batteries. But it can also be USB port problem as described in this thread:
Summary in this post:


XDA Exec wont last more than 20 minutes

I know that there have been previous discussions on battery problems, but after doing my best to read through, I'm still a bit unsure and wasn't able to find an exact solution nor an identical match to my problem.
My problem is that recently my XDA Exec has gone from lasting around 6 or 7 hours to less than 20 minutes when using GPRS on lowest backlight and no sound.
When it goes off, the battery meter still has aroubd 95% left showing so it is really quite puzzling. What happens is that after around 20 minutes, the LCD just fades away into black and the device completely dies, no sign of life.
Trying to turn it on or reset it both result in a soft reset, and the device comes up to the O2 Logo fine, loads for a few seconds, gets to the WM logo screen and then the LCD fades away and it dies again.
The only solution is to connect it up to the power, after which it then works fine while powered, indicating some sort of power or battery problem. When plugged back in, the battery meter is still at around 90% or so and goes all he way back up to 100%.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be the problem and what might be a good solution? Would buying a new battery help (although the battery meter does indicate the battery is still nearly full and estimates around 6 hours usage)? Do I need to send it in for repair?
Thanks very much in advance, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated
You should wait for the experts to help but from my intuition it really sounds like a battery problem. Lithium batteries can act very strangely if they are faulty. If nothing else works you may want to try and get a new one. Better than throwing the device in my opinion.
I don't know that I'd count myself with the "experts," but my similar problem was solved by getting a new battery. Mine too would "fade" off and then only come back on when it was plugged in. And the "fade" happened at around 70% power, so by all appearances it should have had much more time left. This was a battery that was about 15 months old, but with quite a bit of daily usage.
Go for the new battery.
Welcome to about 10 months ago when this happened to almost everybody. Get a new battery, problem solved.
Thanks for the replies,
I guess I was just surprised it might be the battery itself that's dieing, seeing as the fact it still shows charge and that it doesn't get heavy usage, only a few times per month and it's only just gone a year and furthermore, compared to my old Pocket PC which had a lot more usage and still is working fine seven years later.
Am I right in thinking that this is what I need to purchase? Wouldn't want to get the wrong thing
Thanks again for the help
Quboid said:
Am I right in thinking that this is what I need to purchase? Wouldn't want to get the wrong thing
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That's the one!
Right, i have looked at most of these battery problems and my issue is the same as Quboid so, of I toddle off and purchase a new battery and guess what..!! Still the same, the damm thing shuts down with around 85% full charge.
What I cannot accept is the fact that this problem suddenly appears after no battery issues for the 12 months of owning the unit, you would have thought if the battery was going belly up that it would gradually happen but just happens..!!, now is it that the new battery is dead...not so sure becasue at the place i work there are several universals around amd i have tried different batteries and still the same problem...
Could it be something to do with the unerversal thinking the battery is dead or is it reading a false level of you need to hard reset when adding a new battery..??
This is getting me down, after months of no problems there is nothing worse than a dead machine after 20 minutes of a full charge.
on ebay you can find batteries that could be docked into a sort of charger and charge without the use of the fone.
are these any good?
It depends on the type of the battery. If you just take your phone to the shop where you bought it, and have them give you a new battery, you'll be fine.
The original batteries only last about 6-10 months, and then they will need replacing.
Thats what i have, a new battery from the suppliers...
I've got the same problem.
My XDA dies after about ten minute's use with a full battery. I have purchased a new battery and it still dies.
I've reinstalled the ROM -- which is the standard latest O2 ROM.
I've tried it on the O2 setup, and the non-O2 setup.
I'm running nothing extra software wise -- even completely clean it dies.
I wanted to keep it running until the Omni or I-Mate Ultimate 7150 comes out, so this is really a pain.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
theambler said:
I've got the same problem.
My XDA dies after about ten minute's use with a full battery. I have purchased a new battery and it still dies.
I've reinstalled the ROM -- which is the standard latest O2 ROM.
I've tried it on the O2 setup, and the non-O2 setup.
I'm running nothing extra software wise -- even completely clean it dies.
I wanted to keep it running until the Omni or I-Mate Ultimate 7150 comes out, so this is really a pain.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
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My oh My,..
i got the same exact problem, i bought two new betteries one of them is 3150mAh
downgraded to O2 rom official, and still dies at 85%
i was thinking about getting a desktop charger. till i noticed something..
when you charge your handset it charges up 100% but the charger indicator light remains on orange. (and says charging on the soft version)
it should turn green when its full, now shouldnt it.
leaving the phone to charge till the light turns green and ignoring the software reader could charge the battery, (it would still die at 85% thought)
weird problem.. i am sure now that it is a handset problem, because both the battery and the OS (rom) were changed, and still with same results.
can anyone think of something we can try?
come on ppl.. think.. lols
i heva that problem to!!
hi thare i have the that problem to any way to fix it ?
I have the similar problem, except it dies at cca. 30% capacity.
As I can see there are a lot of users with this problem on this device.
I am new to this device, I've been using Wizard till now and just recently bought the Universal that is over a year old.
This battery problem really iritates me.
If ANYONE has a solution to this problem that will actually work I beg him to share it with us that are new to this device.
Well, this seems to be a problem that cannot be answered, as i mentioned before, my unit is a M5000, standard issue without any rom upgrades, new battery from from the Orange shop yet it still fails at even 95%. Gonna try a hard reset because I am sure it is a software issue, i did read somewere that the machine "thinks" it is fully charged/discharged and when you put a new battery in you need to do a re set to position the unit to basic state.
Lets see what happens.
My battery problem solved
Short time ago I suffered likewise problems with my MDA pro. After reading all the comments I decided to go for a new battery from handit. With this installed the problems even worsened, regardless which charger, or cable, or combination thereof, I used. So I swallowed my avarice and bought a new battery from T-Mobile, assured that this is the one they deliver with their phones, and now everything works fine!
It seems that there are slight differences between the batteries from diefferent manufacturers, and the pro might misinterpret the signals from the battery's electronics.
By the way - have you noticed the little red slider adjacent to the baterry with which it is fixed into the housing? If you do not put it into the 'lock' position the connection between the device and the battery becomes unreliable. It may well be that a heating-up of the battery while being charged disconnects it from its contacts!
Its a well known problem, after 9-10 months the battery cannot handle high powered functions causing it to turn off.
Get a new battery and you'll be sorted.
a 3150mah from ebay is only about £10-£15 but will make your universal a bit fatter. (they provide the larger cover for the back)
Yeh fine,,,all well an good if you do not use a jasjar car tray or holder as such, the soddin thing will not fit in it with this slug on its back
Qtek 9000 battery probs
Hi everybody
All I can say is I'm having det excact same problems with a Qtek 9000. Have tried changing batteries. Have even bought an extra extended battery (3150 mAh), and all for nothing. It worked for a brief periode. But now I'm back to square one again. The darn thing dies on me, even though the battery is charged (70-90%).
Have had a dialog with Qtek, but they claim they havn't heard of the problem before
Have been trying to figure out what the problem is..... and have tried to solve it with various workarounds.... Situation right now... Im pretty sure it's the battery on the systemboard that's causing the problems.
It kind of makes sense IMO... if you have a PC with a faulty battery nothing will work.
I'm going to see if I can get the battery changed (still have warranty). Keep your fingers crossed. I'll get back to you all if it fixes my problems.

CHARGING ISSUE - shouldi be worried?

I bought a second hand HD2, however it arrived with a third-party chinese battery. I contacted the seller who apologised and said that battery was a replacement because the original didn't hold a good charge, and he would send the original through the post. The battery however was fully charged so I flashed all the neccessary files and installed NAND Android (my reason for buying it in the first place), however today - the same day it arrived - I noticed that the orange charge light was going off, usually when the phone screen went off. This necessitated plugging the USB lead back in again, and within sometimes less than a minute the same problem would occur. I have checked the battery prongs, reset the the phone, changed USB settings etc and the problem persists.
Just wondered of I should be worried...I am unable to find an identical problem to this on the forums so I'm assuming it's not a ROM issue. I am currently using the Desire port from DFT.
Would a cheap Chinese battery demonstrate this sort of problem?
The seller says he never had an issue of charging the phone.
My next resort is to flash Windows Mobile back on, but I'm at work and a bit anxious so was hoping for someone with some experience to reassure me!
All USB syncing etc works is literally just charging that's the issue.
Maybe it's your USB that's faulty. I had a faulty usb that would go on and off sometimes too. However I don't see why the battery would affect the LED light, as the battery has to be connected to the phone for it to stay on, and so the battery can't be losing it's connection with the phone randomly, so it's either your usb cord, or the port.
Word of advice, don't let your phone lose power cuz of the faulty charging. I assume you know that MAGLDR doesn't let you charge the phone while off, so a dead battery in our case, is a dead phone. Happened to me once cuz of my usb, luckily there was still a small amount of charge left after i took the battery out and placed it back in.
It's definitely not the cable as I've used an official HTC charger with it which does exactly the same thing. I've also tried with a Samsung MicroUSB charger from my Galaxy S
Maybe it's the usb port then... That's the worst case scenario because you'd have to get the whole motherboard replaced...
However if in winmo you don't experience the problems, then it was just some software problems, so try a different radio and build, and see if they work.
Or maybe it's the LED that's faulty. (never heard of such a situation but anything is possible) >.>
Does it still charge even if the LED is not orange/on?
Thing is though I can pretty much get it to stay charging if I don't let it lock and the screen go off? Could this still be a problem with the USB port? I'm getting worried now as I don't like the hassle of sending things back through eBay. I'm wondering if the seller bought a spare battery thinking it was just a battery problem and isn't telling the whole story. Foolishly I didn't test the device with Windows Mobile, I just went straight into flashing as I had put Android on my friend's HD2 the other day in exactly the same way...his is even an ex Virgin Mobile phone like this one. Needless to say, he is having no charging issues.
Dude dont worry , the problem is the battery ! i got two chinese battery ones and both cant charge with the phone, i have to use eksternal charger Dont worry the red and orange led flashes constantly when i try to charge it
Just buy a cheap charger from ebay , and buy a oem htc hd2 battery
Hi thanks for your reply. Mine doesn't flash red and orange though: the orange light comes on as normal and the phone reports it as charging, but after a while (seems to be when the phone goes to standby most of the time) the orange light turns off and the charging symbol disappears. If I unplug and replug again the light comes back on for a period. I've not tested thoroughly but I THINK it will stay charging when I leave the phone out of standby with the screen set to stay on for 30 minutes. I really HOPE it's a battery issue but it sounds slightly different to yours as mine does at least charge to a degree. I'm worried there's a blown capacitor somewhere on the logic board that's making the phone charge malfunction but obviously there's no way of testing until I get a new battery.
It concerns me that the seller said he had no charging problems...he must have been able to charge it somehow as the battery was full when it arrived...could I have burnt something out when flashing?!
Mine do charge to about 50 % and then it stops
Im 100 % sure its the battery becouse the battery has a circuitboard inside of it, and thats often messed up considering its made cheap in china . But test it with your friends hd2 original battery You can 2 see if the wet indicatior has been activated
the " white " paper next to the battery poles should be white and not pink, alltso where the skrewholes of the phone that should allso be white just to make sure your phone is not waterdamaget
I don't think flashing could have burnt something out. Overclocking and generating a lot of heat can burn something out though.
Didn't you receive the stock battery? Why not try it with that, and if the problem stilll persists then it might not be the battery. Either way, it will help you to test out the phone with a stock battery.
I tried it again after a few hours and it charged for a fair while before the light went off again.
I don't have the original battery as the seller has yet to mail it to me.
Does anyone else think it's worth me trying out a stock Windows Mobile ROM to see if it works? Might be that Android ROMs are less forgiving of cheap batteries with dodgy circuitry..
Ok so I've flashed Windows Mobile onto the device and wiped Magldr. The phone now alternates between a green and an amber light on the charging indicator. Looks like Windows Mobile won't charge it at all!
Does anyone know what this means?
I've checked for water damage in the areas mentioned and there is no sign.
Well your best bet is to send it in for repairs. But I'd suggest you test the phone out first with a stock battery.
Well I Only bought the phone yesterday so I certainly won't be paying for any repairs.
Got a replacement battery today - a genuine HTC one.
Plugged in, switched on....flashing between amber and green
I have a nagging suspicion this is going to be an eBay refund nightmare.
have you checked that the pins on the phone is not bendt? pins where battery poles connect to phone
problem solved? fingers crossed
OK so as a last resort I flashed radio 2.15 to the device. Seems that this has completely fixed the problem as without even restoring the phone is now charging properly. It seems that a corrupted radio flash had affected the charge least I hope so.
The same problem has not come back again today at all.
Might be worth throwing this solution in a problems and solutions section as I haven't found any reference to it on the net and it might fix things for others panicking over their handsets.
That's nice.
Good for you, since it's a hassle to deal with sending back the device and shizz like that.
was just searching is anyone had a similar problem like me. to the OP yours sounds like my problem.
Had these fake OEM batteries for a while now. Until recently they have been charging ang turning off in 1 1/2 minutes. put a genuine OEM battery in and the problem is gone.
My solution was OEM can charge thru phone but fakes cant, use fakes as backup and charge it thru a desktop charger. goodluck

Serious battery problem

Hello everyone,
unfortunately I have a serious problem that I think is not related to software. From few weeks my phone dies at half a day (before it lasts more than a full day).
I have already changed the battery (by buying another original Samsung) but I have not solved anything.
It also does a strange thing: I put in charge the telephone turned off, then when fully charged if I remove the battery and insert it again, the phone will not turn on as if he had the battery to zero. If I plug in the power supply and turn it on, the phone turns on and if I detach it again, the phone remains on indicating that the battery is charged (although I do not remember if it reports 100% or less).
If I do the same full charge but without removing the battery, when I detach the charger, the cell phone turns on normally (even if it has the serious problem of lack of autonomy that I said).
Initially I thought it was a problem of some software installed that consumed too many resources or rom or similar, but after having replaced to the original ROM, after changing the battery with a new one, having tried various battery chargers, now I'm worried because the problem seems to be due only to the phone.
Even if I leave the phone turned off and not in charge, the morning after I turn it on and died!
I am seriously worried: any of you happened something like this, even with other phones?
If I search on the forums, as it comes to batteries we always talk about software installed, optimizations etc., It is very difficult with all that's out there to find some problems similar to mine!
Please help me! : cry:

[Q] New battery, new phone, stuck at 5%

I just bought a brand-new Defy+, and I can't get it to charge at all. It started at 5%, and remains there. Of course, it's just out of the box, stock 2.3.6. I'm asking here because most of the threads I've seen address phones that are already rooted and using custom ROMs, with advice on how to go back to stock.
I've also got an old MB526, without a battery but on CM7.2. So I tried charging the battery in that, and get the same. Sometimes it dips to 4%, but that's it. Then after a while it gets to 5%.
Any ideas what I can do, or try? The crappy thing is that I bought it from Amazon in the US and had a friend bring it out to me in Cambodia. So there's no chance for months to buy a new battery or anything like that.
Seems like there is a problem with the battery, either the cell are short-circuited (could be because of an old battery) or the battery chip doesn' understand when the battery is full.
Usually it is possible to fix that by a full decharge-recharge, possibly with a different charger (like in your case).
If it is not the case, I'm afraid there's nothing to be done.
Thanks, @Lurkos. I tried to let it discharge, but the phone (both of them) powers off as soon as it's disconnected from the wall socket.
When you say battery chip, where is that located? On the battery, or on the phone?
Battery problem
Very likely a battery problem. If this is a $6-10 battery from ebay, then it is sure duplicate.
I ordered a couple of them from and both turned out to be fakes.
I am still searching for original BF5X battery for my Defy.
The only solution for you to is to remove the battery and charge it with an external battery charger for this battery. I have done the same whenever the phone shuts down in the night and I cannot get it to charge after that in the morning.

Nexus 6p Turning off and won't turn on until plugged in

I recently had my nexus 6p battery replaced. I was told it was replaced with the Huawei brand battery. The capacity seems to be normal again. However, I have noticed that my phone is randomly shutting off about once a week. It will go from using it to just completely blank screen and off. The battery will be at any charge percentage, but when I try to turn on the screen or turn on the phone, it just stays blank. It only works if I plug the phone in, wait for the charging indicator, then I can unplug it and turn on the phone..
I have noticed this has happened when I opened my camera app and when I opened snapchat. I think this is a coincidence, but I am unsure.
I noticed when I plugged the phone in when it had turned off, I noticed a very feint red flash of light below the ear piece. This is supposed to be where the light sensor and proximity sensor are at.
I had it happen again to me when I was opening Android Messages when I was with one of the repair guys that replaced the battery. I used a USB A to C cable to plug it into a computer and then into my phone to show him that plugging it in jump starts it and the battery is not dead. However, this resulted in a bootup, then blank screen. Leaving it plugged in has it bootup and then blank screen and back to off animated charging. Thinking phone was dead dead, I went home and tried to call warranty. In the process, I plugged it into my computer, USB C to USB C and the phone turned on and booted up. My computer has a thunderbolt 3 port. My guess is the power supplied by the USB 2.0 type A port was too low to give it the jumpstart. But when I plug it into the chargers I have at home, which are more powerful, it is enough to jump start it and get it working again. Maybe it is a coincidence about the different charger outputs.
Any thoughts?
I think it might be a battery issue and people were telling me it was part of what's going on in that lawsuit.
Only cheap battery's available for the 6p unless you get a ceno. I purchased a battery from eBay supposed "OEM." The first one did exactly what you first mentioned. Early shut downs and failure to turn on. I didn't even get those with the original battery just that it was getting bit tired. I messaged the seller and he gladly sent me another no questions asked. I've had that battery for 3 months now no battery sensor but works great. I wouldn't hesitate to order another knock off but will make sure it works this time before I put the back cover back on!!! So in other words there's nothing wrong with your phone just that your battery is a lemon. The fact that it's the original battery your having problems with is even worse. If you like the phone spend the $100 and get a shop to replace the battery.
Exodusche said:
Only cheap battery's available for the 6p unless you get a ceno. I purchased a battery from eBay supposed "OEM." The first one did exactly what you first mentioned. Early shut downs and failure to turn on. I didn't even get those with the original battery just that it was getting bit tired. I messaged the seller and he gladly sent me another no questions asked. I've had that battery for 3 months now no battery sensor but works great. I wouldn't hesitate to order another knock off but will make sure it works this time before I put the back cover back on!!! So in other words there's nothing wrong with your phone just that your battery is a lemon. The fact that it's the original battery your having problems with is even worse. If you like the phone spend the $100 and get a shop to replace the battery.
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exactly true...:good:
I had the same issue, I tought the new battery was defective or false but it was because android 8.1 developer preview 1. I went back to android 8.0 and the issue dissapeared.
Hope it helps.
Exodusche said:
Only cheap battery's available for the 6p unless you get a ceno. I purchased a battery from eBay supposed "OEM." The first one did exactly what you first mentioned. Early shut downs and failure to turn on. I didn't even get those with the original battery just that it was getting bit tired. I messaged the seller and he gladly sent me another no questions asked. I've had that battery for 3 months now no battery sensor but works great. I wouldn't hesitate to order another knock off but will make sure it works this time before I put the back cover back on!!! So in other words there's nothing wrong with your phone just that your battery is a lemon. The fact that it's the original battery your having problems with is even worse. If you like the phone spend the $100 and get a shop to replace the battery.
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This is great to know, thank you. I'm having exactly the same problem as OP. I replaced the battery myself, I have no doubt that the battery is a cheap knock-off version even though it's got the Huawei branding and regulatory info on it.
I'll order another battery and see what happens. Cheers
I got the battery replaced and everything is great. Great battery life and no more restarting and locking up. Definitely was a battery issue.
what's the name of battery please?
Don't buy cheap knock off batteries. Remeber the original battery has a pretty fat ribbon cabble and also has the temperature controller built in the battery here's a pic
any link?
Probably Oreo 8.1 issue
gallegus said:
I had the same issue, I tought the new battery was defective or false but it was because android 8.1 developer preview 1. I went back to android 8.0 and the issue dissapeared.
Hope it helps.
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I have the same issue as everyone else posting here, except my battery is the original. The battery performance follows normal usage patterns. This means when I charge it, it eventually reaches 100%. When I'm normally using the phone on battery, it slowly discharges. Any phone acts like this.
My problems started when Oreo 8.1 was first installed. Other than being on the beta channel, this phone is not altered, or rooted.
Within fifteen minutes of using the phone heavily while on battery, the phone decides to shut down. The bars at the top and bottom of the screen turn bright red, the screen is greyed out, and it says "Shutting Down" in the middle of the screen. I have not traced this to any particular activity of mine. Usually just reading news or mail. When the phone shuts down, restarting will not work. It gets to the "android" screen, and shuts off again..
When I plug it into the charger The lightning bolt battery shape appears on the screen. Then the filling battery is shown, and it starts filling from very low. The second cycle of the filling battery starts filling from where I expect it to be: in the 80-95% range the phone was at when it crashed. At that point I can restart the phone, while plugged into the charger or not. The battery level indication after the phone is back is exactly what the battery was charged to when the phone crashed: usually 80-95%. I do not think it is a battery problem. I think the battery monitoring software is being interfered with.
Usually I can listen to an audio book with the screen off for a long period of time without triggering the crash. This does not require any network activity. Maybe that's a clue. Also, I have never crashed the phone while it is plugged into the charger. Maybe when the phone is in charging mode, the low battery monitor is not active, so it can't shut down the phone.
I have started putting adb into tcpip mode, and I've captured a few system logs of the phone as it crashed. There is no obvious crash at the end, but there are always a series of strange events, such as permission denials, and processes being killed. I think there may be an out-of-memory condition occurring. There is so much noise in the form of security violations being inserted into the log that it is difficult to determine which error is leading to the crash.
Perhaps I should try going back to Oreo 8.0.
xdamember143 said:
Don't buy cheap knock off batteries. Remeber the original battery has a pretty fat ribbon cabble and also has the temperature controller built in the battery here's a pic
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Where does one find such a battery?
Caboose27 said:
Where does one find such a battery?
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I bought mine on eBay awhile back but don't know if anyone sells the original batteries anymore. You can try though
nexus 6p shutdown issue
did going back to 8.0 solved nexus 6p shutdown issue..even exactly i am facing this i
No, I replaced the battery and that fixed the issue.

