[Q] How to enable cell broadcast? (Huawei u8800) - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

I have searched entire forum with keywords "cell" and "broadcast" both together and seperately but couldn't find any related thread.
I saw that many other Android devices have this setting under "call settings" category but u8800 -at least mine- doesn't have it.
I also looked for the stock sms client settings and Go SMS settings and there weren't either.
Anyone knows or any idea?
P.S. I have a rooted device with factory rom.


[HELP] Data Connection (Not Disconnecting After MMS)

Hay all,
I've got a major problem here and I'm not sure if it's a common Blackstone thing or if I can stop it.
Basicly after I recieve a Media Message (MMS) or send one the data connect stays active.
I'm on Orange and it uses Orange Internet as thats the only data connect info I can find on the phone (when sending a MMS it show up as Orange MMS in the little info bubble at the top)
Is there a way so that after I recieve an MMS or send one it automaticlly dissconects like on the Nokia Phones?
As this could cost me a fortune having an active connection open an not relising.
There are several ways to accomplish this. I'm guessing you're on stock ROM, so the easiest way to accomplish this would be to install HDTweak which has settings to automatically turn off data when not in use (you can set things like to turn off 1min after not being used or 5, etc). If you're on a cooked ROM, you can check if there is a "Data" tab when you go to Settings>Phone>Data which will have an option to automaticaly turn off data when not in use.
Thanks for the reply - When I go to settings there is no Data option
How do I do this rom stuff - I've new so a little unknowning on these kinda things
I would probably advise you to do the first thing I posted, which is try HDTweak, since you won't have to mess with ROMs that way as it's nothing more than a program, but with powerful features. However, if you do wish to flash to a new ROM, do so at your own risk. The ROM development section has great tutorials along with a plethra of ROMs to choose from, and I believe most of the new ones have the Data tab (I know Duty's ROMs have it, but I'm guessing that many of the other ones do as well, and you can always just ask in the thread with the ROM that interests you the most). Just make sure to read the wikis on in the ROM section, they'll answer all your questions and if there is anything left unanswered then a search in the ROM section will probably give you the solution.
Good luk

Marking SMS as unread

Sorry if this is a noob question, but I've read through the wiki, faq, and tried searching for the answer but can't find it anywhere.
I'm using the stock ROM (v.1.56.405.1), and once I've read an sms I cannot mark it as 'unread' again.
If I go into the inbox and don't use the threaded view, in the menu options the 'mark as unread' option is greyed-out and I can't select it. I can't find a similar option in TouchFlo either.
Please can anyone help? Thanks in advance
Hi there,
I'm having the very same problem. Have you been able to find a solution?
Nope, no luck as of yet.
any luck? i have the same problem.
is it 3 of us only having this problem?
I have started using the 'Energy' ROM for my Touch HD, and even in this (and Topix's ROM) there's still no way to re-mark a read txt as unread that I can find. I think it must just be a limitation of the phone. The only solution will be for someone very clever to make a little program that adds the function as an extra feature

[Q] AOSP modification - checkbox selection of contacts

Hey all, searched the forums, found nothing related. I was wondering if there is any work towards a check box type selection of recipients in the AOSP messaging app (and possibly email app), or conversely adding check boxes to the contacts app for the same purpose. Any pointers would be appreciated.

[Q] SMS Messaging?

Hello, Group:
This is a question for the Devs out there...
My wife has an ORIGINAL 3G Tab 7.0....it came with SMS messaging as Samsung/Sprint Stock. (No, *REALLY*)
We just purchased a SM-T237 (4G LTE) to replace it...only to find out that apparently, her Original device was the *only* Tablet model in the world that natively included Messaging (I've gotten several "what an Idiot you are" type-replies when I asked about this elsewhere.)
NOTE: This device was assigned a unique Phone number by Sprint when it was purchased (just like her Original Tab.)
(Now, before y'all start...she does *NOT* have an Android Phone...she's a bit of a Luddite, and has a Palm 755 that she *adores*...so that whole "Send SMS Messages through your Android Phone" app thing won't work. I have also tried installing a couple of those Apps on the new Tab, and manually inputting the Tab's phone #...that doesn't work either.)
So, here is my question: Is there *ANY* (I assume hardware-related) reason why (with the right .apks installed) SMS messaging would not work directly from the Tab?
Ass-u-me-ing the answer to the above is "sure, it should work", this is my Second Question: If I Rooted this device, could I import the SMS .apks from another (phone) device and have them work?
And does anyone have a suggestion as to which Device to import them from (and which .apks i'd need)?
Thanks in advance!
(A suggestion to the Devs....if it works, it could be included in a Custom ROM for this device (or, for that matter...an OEM ROM...although I know *that* isn't likely )
i dont know what it is, but she must be a bit of Luddite. maybe its linked with the imei.
There's an app in the play store called "mighty text" you can use on any tablet or your computer if you use Chrome browser. But you have to install it on your smartphone for it to work.

SMS limit removal

I send out the same text to a group of people quite often and I get a message saying messenger is sending a large amount of messages do you want to allow this? I have to click on it for each message that goes out. Is there any possible way to change the limit? I know you used to be able to set it to anything you want in settings/security but it's not there anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated...this is so annoying.
Have you tried GoSMS Pro?
Maybe I've never sent to as many as you, but I've never encountered that warning or behavior. I've used GoSMS for several years.
I've only seen this when I send many messages in quick succession (either with Google Messenger or something like Tasker). There should be a checkbox that says to always allow.
I'm also looking for a solution. I was using ResurrectionRemix (a CM based ROM) and it has an option to set the text restriction. So, it CAN be done. We just need to know WHERE the code is so that it can be changed. I can't find any search results explaining how to accomplish this. That SMS Limit Unlock app doesn't work on later ROMS.
After hours of searching today - it appears that the setting has been moved into the framework?
I hope I'm wrong as I'm no Android dev.... But, if I'm correct the only way I know of to "fix" it is to make the change in a custom Android build/ROM.
This SUCKS as I use mass texting for business purposes (communicating with many individuals who sign up for contract work). I really like Android N (along with AndroidPay) - but, looks like I'll be going back to M (on a custom ROM)...
If anyone locates/determines a way to alter that file using RootExplorer/Sqlite or some other way - please let me know.

