[Q] put BLN notifier to 2.3.4 rc2 GT540 by mur4ik - GT540 Optimus General

could any developer whether it is possible to provide our GT540 by mur4ik rc2 2.3.4 software with BLN notifier , I know you NEED TO edit the kernel but I do not know if mur4ik are interested in editing your kernel.
the link of the application and the kernel and BLN:


Pershoot audioboost kernel without OC/UV?

Ok as the title says it: I need a kernel with pershoot audioboost but with the OC/UV any help please?

[Q] How to Disable BLN...?

How to disable BLN on Kyrillos ROM and G3Mod Kernel 2.2.2oc +
Swapnil11 said:
How to disable BLN on Kyrillos ROM and G3Mod Kernel 2.2.2oc +
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Try this app, it might work, otherwise you must install a kernel without bln support, such G3Mod Kernel 2.1 or Kyorakernel 1.0.0. I recommend Kyorakernel 1.0.0.
can it be disable on g3mod 2.2.2 or +...??

[Q] Gingerbread based CM?

Sorry if this sounds like a noob question. Is there a CM7 or 9 ROM which is based on gingerbread kernel (e.g. 4.5.3-109_DPP-11)? The reason I ask is that I really like CM7 functionality, but have heard that gb kernel based roms (like ms2ginger) have awesome battery life. If there is such a ROM, does it have battery life comparable to ms2ginger?
Cm7.2 or cm9 defy+ builds work on gingerbread kernel. You can use dht 22 kernel, which ms2ginger uses, and with it either cm72 or cm9 gives similar battery life. You can find the kernel link in Walters ms2ginger thread, if any difficulty tell me I can upload for u.
For quarx builds goto HTTP://quarx2k.ru
For eppy builds goto HTTP://defy.wdscript.fr
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
premaca said:
Cm7.2 or cm9 defy+ builds work on gingerbread kernel. You can use dht 22 kernel, which ms2ginger uses, and with it either cm72 or cm9 gives similar battery life. You can find the kernel link in Walters ms2ginger thread, if any difficulty tell me I can upload for u.
For quarx builds goto HTTP://quarx2k.ru
For eppy builds goto HTTP://defy.wdscript.fr
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
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Thanks! Now I just have to figure out which one to use between Quarx and Epsilon..
I couldn't find the thread or topic for Quarx/Eppy's gb bases CM7.2. Does someone have the link?

CM9 Kernel?

warning noob alert!
I dont get it with the flashable cm9 kernel thats needed for cm9, i have cm9 now but wondered if i have gb kernel or not after flashing the cm9 kernel cause inte the system info it says 2.6.32 which is froyo kernel? and if thats true then i dont have 4vsels only 3 right? do i have to use the nandroid and fixed .sbf tog get 2.3.4 and true gb kernel och does the cm9 kernel flashable zip really work? it really bugs me i want to know and i cant seem to find the answer...
sorry if the question i confusing.
Defy red lense running CM9 MIG 1.0
Every CM9 rom is based on the same kernel(base) 2.2.2
Just like CM7.
So, CM7 kernel includes some kernel fixes reqiured for rom to work on green/red lens MB525 devices
CM9 kernel doesn't change kernel version, it also includes fixes so it can work on 4.5.x sbfs, but the rom is still based on 2.2.2
I don't think that you have to downgrade anything.
Just flash CM9 or (I recommend) CM10 plus version, and after that (or before) flash cm9 kernel zip.
on http://defy.wdscript.fr/ you can find different kernels. Two for the defy and two for the defy+.
In the past, I've tried both kernels on my defy.
just download the kernel defy(+) you would test. install the kernel via recovery first, and after that, the Rom.
but remember:
on defy kernels, only defy roms work.
On defy+ kernels, dass only defy+ roms work.
As I remember, we on defy+ kernel I got four vsel entries.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA Premium HD app
Hi !
With defy green lens you have to flash the CM7 kernel.
With defy red lens U can flash CM9 kernel like as defy+.
That's aLL

[KERNEL][] forumber.kernel - 02032013

This it's very much patched compared to the genokolar's cm7 kernel and it's aim is for performance/battery balance.
-revert all of net changes for fix sleep RIL while edge turned on
-update sound drivers from ics kernel
-Increase some parameters governing the random number generator. (entropy fix)
-Atmel Touch Screen driver updated by me (increased feedback,fixed the lag). Now, as good as in
-Update WiFi configs by dzo
-Some fixed for SD Card detection by dzo
-"Phone sometimes stuck on bootanimation" is fixed
-Updated VSYNC and mdp4 drivers
-Lag on Atmel TS is fixed but I'm not sure,please give me a feedback about this
- re-enabled gemini JPEG engine
- disabled gemini JPEG engine for prevent purple and red lines on JPEG
- fix in call volume on some phones
- changed some voltages for system stability. You can change voltage volues with Antutu CPU Master
- updated ext3 and ext4 drivers from HTC G2 kernel so phone don't boot on some ROM's (like WhiteLight) fixed and also set wrong file permission on some devices fixed
- changed bfq i/o from cyanogenmod kernel
- a lot of updates from cyanogenmod kernel
- fixed 720p video recording
- disabled haptic feedback for softkeys by default. You can enable this with X5 Settings (in attachments)
- fix for bluetooth problems
- some video/screen problems fixed
- removed 122Mhz,undorvolt some frq for battery
- It can overclock to 1.8 Ghz
- force phone mic with headphones & fix speakerphone echo by ksatta
- Updated smartassV2 from franco kernel
- updated video encode/decode
- Fix memory allocation for video decode
- Reduced keypad led brightness
- Reduced RAM requirement for camera
- Atmel Fixed (reduced sensitivy)
- Enable haptic feedback for soft keys
- Latest kernel patches from ICS
- Internet/data speed was major improved by changing the TCP Congestion scheduler to a better one. (not tested)
- Various memory bugfixes and tweaks
Install zip by CWM (like ROM installation). No need wipe proccess. You can install all of - 2.3.x ROMs (except of MIUIv3).
Thanks to:
ksatta,genokolar,dzo,stockwell,franco,ezeti,cyanogenmod team
Is this kernel already in your WhiteLight rom? if not do you recommend installing it with this kernel?
Edward Stanbury said:
Is this kernel already in your WhiteLight rom? if not do you recommend installing it with this kernel?
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WhiteLight hasn't got this kernel yet,but you should install this kernel on WhiteLight.
forumber2 said:
WhiteLight hasn't got this kernel yet,but you should install this kernel on WhiteLight.
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sweet as thanks mate will give it a go now what rom do you currently use for your everyday use ?
Omg! Im using miui v3 so sad wait for along time and now it's not used for miui v3
»»Sent From My U8800««
This kernel can be used in Aurora ou Elora ROMS???
Hey forumber, nice work:good:. Keep it up man. Would be great to have a really good .35 kernel for cm7.2, stockroms, lewa and mokeeOS. I take it you are building off the u8800_defconfig in Genos kernel? Just building it now, then will pull in your latest commits. Will try push some changes out to you this week.:good:
DriftGT said:
This kernel can be used in Aurora ou Elora ROMS???
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PaulMilbank said:
Hey forumber, nice work:good:. Keep it up man. Would be great to have a really good .35 kernel for cm7.2, stockroms, lewa and mokeeOS. I take it you are building off the u8800_defconfig in Genos kernel? Just building it now, then will pull in your latest commits. Will try push some changes out to you this week.:good:
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Yeap,I built it with geno's u8800_defconfig (with my changes). Thanks for your support
DriftGT said:
This kernel can be used in Aurora ou Elora ROMS???
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please, read the first post!...aurora is kernel 3.xxx..
Ya I check that.
Kernel updated
forumber2 said:
Kernel updated
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Are you still planning on doing a CM-7 build?
If you want this to also work on MIUI just checkout this commit https://github.com/Victor-android/kernel_huawei/commit/e8917f2bc490ec2604b439318927da6dd9837536
PaulMilbank said:
Are you still planning on doing a CM-7 build?
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Can this work on stock roms?
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NeostarNeko said:
Can this work on stock roms?
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
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forumber2 said:
You can install all of - 2.3.x ROMs (except of MIUIv3).
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Sweep2wake and 2way call recorder would be awesome =)
I'm using cm7 by ezet which is 32 based kernel...Can I instal it through that rom? Or I have to change into B5xx first...
Thanks in advance
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iikbgsdw said:
I'm using cm7 by ezet which is 32 based kernel...Can I instal it through that rom? Or I have to change into B5xx first...
Thanks in advance
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i want to know the same thing aswell...
Sent from my SGS-II powered by CM9
Have to be on b5xx first.
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium

