Google account verification failed - Eee Pad Transformer General

I setup my TF last night with my google account. Woke up this morning and had a message that verification had failed. Same thing on my phone(couldn't access anything google). I logged into gmal on my desktop and it gave me message about suspicious activity on my account, I had to reset my password, and now all is fine.
Anyone have this happen?

Are you using two step verification for gmail?
If so, you need to go to your account settings in the browser gmail, and setup a password for your Asus Transformer, then use that long automatically generated password.


Gmail and TYTN??

I've successfully used POP and gmail on my phone a few weeks ago. I received my email periodically but then recently I had to reset my phone. When I put in my password, a password is already saved and i know it's not my password because there are too many asterisks. Everytime gmaill tries accessing my email, i have to log in and log out and constantly enter my password. Is there any way I can erase what the system has saved for my password? I have tried numerous times erasing the gmail account and reinstalling it but for some reason that password, whatever it is, is saved to my phone. Please help? Thanks in advance! =D
Oh, those asterisks
One thing that might be happening is that you have an even number of asterisks, and that it is twice as long as your password. That's what I've noticed on my Gmail account. So, is your problem that the password just seems incorrect due to its length, or can you not send/receive your Gmail?
I can receive and send emails but before I do it, I have to constantly type in my password. The password saved is twice as long as my password and then some. I have to manually check if I have received any emails but a few weeks ago it would notify me like a text if I received an email. Any suggestions?
This might be more of a solution than you need but it should fix your problem.
Try Seven-beta which is an excellent tool (best I've come across) for getting Push Gmail (and most other emails accounts) on your phone. It works instantly and is very simple to set up. You can get it from their site or get it where I uploaded to here.

Lost 2 email accounts!! --'Solution' found

My Leo decided to have a 'brain fart' and stopped connecting to the Internet yesterday and also both off my POP3 email accounts disappeared. The two 'tabs' for the accounts were still on sense email but if i clicked on it it went to my hotmail account. If i flicked through the accounts i only have hotmail and outlook.
Today i realized it wasn't my services provider so i messed around some more and re-set up my data settings so i can no go back on to the Internet but i still have my two email accounts missing, anyone had this before and can help?
Solution found, here it is in case somebody else has trouble.
On the email tab in sense, press the 'Menu' softkey and press the option for Account setting. You can see your lost accounts here, you need to (or i did anyway) re-enter most of your settings including incoming, out going server details and password...
I experienced this yesterday.
I've allso lost my Google Maps login data.
Am sure this is a cooincidence, but mine did the same thing, on the same day...
The program provided automatically performed the action you described above
Yeah, I lost my google mail account too and had to put in my details again.

HTC email not working on gmail?

The HTC email stopped working for gmail out of nowhere saying login failed so i removed the account and tried to add it back but it says login failed and i have the incorrect password which i know i dont, the gmail app works fine and the phone still syncs to my google account, just the htc email app, anyone know what the problem may be?
nm randomly started working...odd
Oddly enough, my Gmail stopped syncing this morning.
Post questions is Q&A section.

why will my gmail account show my mail?

As of yesterday, My gmail account on my phone shows no mail at all. I have deleted and recreated the account. It says the certificate is not valid and asks me if i want to continue on my first send and receive after that, but I still get no mail. My Gmail account has mail, I can access it from the pc no problem. If I send to myself it appears in my inbox on the pc. I have no clue of what else to check
matthend said:
As of yesterday, My gmail account on my phone shows no mail at all. I have deleted and recreated the account. It says the certificate is not valid and asks me if i want to continue on my first send and receive after that, but I still get no mail. My Gmail account has mail, I can access it from the pc no problem. If I send to myself it appears in my inbox on the pc. I have no clue of what else to check
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The invalid certificate issue is almost always caused by the host computer (in this case, your phone) having the incorrect date. If you phone says it's 2012, any certificate that expires in 2011 will automatically be considered expired and thus invalid.
If you are dual-booting Android, your phone's date will be set in the future. Not sure why this happens, but it does every time for me.
Thanks! that was exactly it! This forum rocks!

Gmail as live account issue with phone set up

So when I first booted up my 920 I was asked to sign in to live using the email I log into xbox with (i use gmail) so I did and everything showed up and work except when I try and DL something from the market place, it keeps saying it needs email/acct verification and to check my gmail. I have checked every nook and cranny looking for an email in my gmail and see nothing?
any thoughts?
It keeps saying my hotmail pw is incorrect if I go into settings--accounts.....its obviously not a hotmail account, but it is the account I use to sign into xbox live
You now have a Microsoft-Account that is using a GMail-Address for identification. You could try going to and log in with your Microsoft Account (Gmail-Address + Password) there. I can't imagine the verification mail could have ended up there but it's the only thing I can think of right now.

