Lost 2 email accounts!! --'Solution' found - HD2 General

My Leo decided to have a 'brain fart' and stopped connecting to the Internet yesterday and also both off my POP3 email accounts disappeared. The two 'tabs' for the accounts were still on sense email but if i clicked on it it went to my hotmail account. If i flicked through the accounts i only have hotmail and outlook.
Today i realized it wasn't my services provider so i messed around some more and re-set up my data settings so i can no go back on to the Internet but i still have my two email accounts missing, anyone had this before and can help?
Solution found, here it is in case somebody else has trouble.
On the email tab in sense, press the 'Menu' softkey and press the option for Account setting. You can see your lost accounts here, you need to (or i did anyway) re-enter most of your settings including incoming, out going server details and password...

I experienced this yesterday.
I've allso lost my Google Maps login data.

Am sure this is a cooincidence, but mine did the same thing, on the same day...
The program provided automatically performed the action you described above

Yeah, I lost my google mail account too and had to put in my details again.


Delete Email account?

Where do I delete the Email-account I just created just for testing..?
in message menu, click menu then tools then options.
From there select the account to delete and then keep holding down on it till you get the pop up menu, select delete.
deleting exchange email account?
I set up an exchange account, but then I decided I wanted to delete it so I could set up the webmail account instead. I have no trouble deleting a gmail account, but for the exchange/outlook account it won't let me remove it. Any advice or suggestions? I'm tech retarded so if anybody has any suggestions, can they write it so a 12 year old could figure it out? Thanks!
Figured it out!!!
If you're having trouble deleting an exchange account... try this... worked for me:
Start-> Programs-> active sync ... from there, delete your account and it should auto delete it from your email accounts too. Good luck!
msc78 said:
I set up an exchange account, but then I decided I wanted to delete it so I could set up the webmail account instead. I have no trouble deleting a gmail account, but for the exchange/outlook account it won't let me remove it. Any advice or suggestions? I'm tech retarded so if anybody has any suggestions, can they write it so a 12 year old could figure it out? Thanks!
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I have a similar issue, I set up a "hotmail" account that uses windows live, and even if I set the windows live scheduler to "manual" it still keeps connecting and syncing the phone.
I want to remove the hotmail account setup completely (I have 2 gmail accounts set up perfectly happily), but the "delete" option in Messaging > Options (where all the accounts are displayed), is always greyed out.
Unlike Outlook accounts, the Hotmail account is NOT available via Active Sync, so I can't get at it that way.
Can I remove this account by editing the registry??
AHA!! - I think I just did it! Go into Windows Live, select "Switch Accounts", and then on the first part of setting up a new account, hit the "Reject" button. Windows live disconnects the old account first, by the looks of it.
Solution found, thread closed

HELP!! Cant delete email accounts from Mail tab

I hope someone out there has come across this problem and found a solution.
I created a hotmail account and it was working for a while then just decided to stop working. I tried to delete the account and start again but it just wont let me delete it. I have a yahoo account and it will quite happily let me delete that one, but the hotmail account is greyed out so cannot be selected.
I've look through all the menu's and gone through various suggestions I have found on here but to no avail.
I now have 2 email accounts (both hotmail) that no longer work and I can no longer delete.
Help Help Help!!
Have you tried to go to Manila Email tab and press menu -> account settings?
Do it and tell me if you see the accounts.
Are you using SWYPE?
If so - dont use swype anymore as i had the issue that the mail accounts disappeared as the entered data wasnt saved.
If you can open up the account settings just fill in the empty fields like pop/imap server and smtp server and password if it disappeared too.
Holla at me if you still need help and figuer out that i was right
I'v look at account settings and the 4 email accounts I have are there, but the 2 hotmail accounts i set up previously (the one's i'm having problems with) are there but they are greyed out.
I cant select them at all to delete them.
No, not using swype, i'm still on the standard 1.43 rom from 02 UK.
did you find a solution, I have the exact same problem
Just a stab in the dark, but have you tried installing (or if you haven't update Windows Live through the Windows Marketplace app)/reinstalling the Windows Live app?
I know from experience the version off the marketplace is newer than the pre-installed version and overwrites the old version and so may overwrite/get rid of the unworking Hotmail accounts?
and don't forget that if you signedinto the live app it creates an undeleteable hotmail account that only disappears once you log out of the live app
thanks for the suggestions, the account is not created through Windows live. I created it by putting in the pop3 and smtp details, its been working OK since just after Xmas. Only thing that as happened recently, is that like others have mentions some of my other email account settings got lost. The email account was set up following the instructions in tip 43 from the Tips and Registry tricks post at the top of this forum. I have other accounts set up in the same way and they are working OK.
I am running stock WWE 1.66 rom
Guys, what worked for me is:
Go to inbox through the Mail tab.
Choose Menu.
Choose Tools
Choose Options
Touch and Hold the account and choose Delete.
Bye Bye Greyed out email account.
I have to make a note that some options of Manilla does not work, but if you approach it from Windows options, then it works.
Good Luck, people of XDA.
In my case it was because I was signed in to Windows Live. Just go to the Messenger screen, option, and choose to change account, and press yes. The account will disappear.

Help: Mail Accounts Missing

I have encountered this problem twice. My mail accounts were working fine (able to send/receive and read mails).
Then when I restart my phone, my mail accounts went missing. That is, there is no accounts configured but the HTC Sense tab still shows the emails I have received. Able to scroll up and down through the mails but when I click on them to launch the mail app, it shows me the setup account screen.
Anyone encountered this problem as well?
2 options I am looking for help on:
1. To somehow be able to restore the account back
2. To remove the orphaned account info so that it will not reflect on the HTC Sense, and I will re-create the accounts
known problem, do a search.
Noway to solve it apparently, only to limit the damage by creating a provision XML to restore the accounts quickly after they go away.
I think that making sure all programs are closed before doing a soft reset or turning off the device should help
augustineong said:
I have encountered this problem twice. My mail accounts were working fine (able to send/receive and read mails).
Then when I restart my phone, my mail accounts went missing. That is, there is no accounts configured but the HTC Sense tab still shows the emails I have received. Able to scroll up and down through the mails but when I click on them to launch the mail app, it shows me the setup account screen.
Anyone encountered this problem as well?
2 options I am looking for help on:
1. To somehow be able to restore the account back
2. To remove the orphaned account info so that it will not reflect on the HTC Sense, and I will re-create the accounts
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I had never had this happen before until recently. The last change I made is to installed Radio and it has since happened twice.
I just had this same thing happen on my HD2 about 2 days ago. i am running the stock TMO US rom.
To fix it I had to go into the email setup under sense, delete the account, then add it again and this reconfigured the account for sense and the windows Messaging program.
Known issue. In case the mail account(s) don't appear under the winmo mail options, you can use the free app from below link to gain access and recover the account(s) by re-entering the missing details, and you should be good to go again.
another fix that works for me, is to go to the manila mail tab --> menu --> account settings and fill in any missing information.

Problem with HotMail accounts...

I use and HTC HD2
I use two HotMail accounts, that's why I created them as 'Other' instead of using 'Windows Live'
Then, I installed version of Swype... and it got my data connection and my email accounts messed up... =(
If I go to my Home Screen, and select the Mail tab, all my email accounts appeared at the right side of the window (as usual), but when selecting any of them and try to use the Inbox menu, it was impossible to get to its messages.
So, I went into the Start Menu, selected the E-Mail application, Selected Menu, Options.. and noticed that my GMail email accounts appeared there... but not the ones from HotMail. I deleted the GMail accounts there (they were messed up anyway) ... so this screen was cleaned up.
But going to my Home Screen, and selecting the Mail tab, still showed the Hotmail accounts, which didn't work... I just can't get rid of them... =(
How can I fix that?
I already fixed my data connection and restored my GMail accounts... but I can't still remove the 'broken' hotmail ones...
Any idea?

Contacts dissapearing - many other issues too

Hi All
I have a Milestone 2 and have set this up so that it syncs my Hotmail (via corporate sync) and yahoo accounts. The hotmail account also syncs my contacts and calendar.
I noticed that random contacts would dissapear from my contacts list or that some would have part of their details removed (like phone numbers). On my hotmail account and outlook the contacts are still all there and fine and it is just my phone. I spoke to Motorola who told me to do a hard reset. I did this but still have the same issue. Now they want me to send the phone to them for 2 weeks. I dont see why this is needed as its obviously a software fault that they need to fix. Any ideas on how I can solve this?
I was thinking of not using motoblur and using another app to do the EAS for the hotmail account. Is this possible?
I also have some other issues I have listed below:
If set to automatic the weather widget always shows I am in Lyonsdown (unless I set it to manual and London - then it shows my local weather for London). But I want it to work out where I am wirelessly so when I move around I get the current weather where I am and not for Lyonsdown all the time.
Facebook errors all the time saying my password is wrong yet it still seems to sync OK with facebook. I have removed facebook for now as I am fed up with it asking me to continuously enter a correct password.
If I log into motoblur to locate my phone it never works and it also shows the wrong phone number for my phone.
Thanks in advance for any help.

