Cm7 - Minimum Cpu Settings experience - Wildfire General

Hello together,
after i used Cm7.1 for some days with the CPU-Settings
(352-652 Smartass), i recognized that my phone sometimes is a little bit laggy. For example when i suddenly pull down the statusbar,when i open system from lockscreen, when mail arrives and are displayed in status bar. Its not lagging per se, but sometimes it does.
So i changed the lower value to 528 and the phone is much more responsive for me. Because i read in some threads here that people found Gingerbread Cm7 a little bit laggy, maybe that could be a solution for this issue.
Anybody made the same experience with the lower Cpu-settings?

nope. I'm running smartass on 245/710 and the only downside of the lower bound is that it takes a small fraction of a second until the lockscreen is present and (i assume) at 710 mhz. But that doesn't bother me.
I have to check if my incoming calls are delayed though, but no problem so far
(The wildfire will always be laggy sometimes imo, got to live with that )

Ive noticed the lockscreen-delay too, but with a higher cpumin its gone.The incoming calls were not much delayed for me at cpumin:342, ive checked it
10 times and it was always around 800-1500 miliseconds between the reaction of my wildfire and hearing the ringtone of the calling phone.
My problem was the initial lag when starting to do things, as im using the phone not for gaming .....mostly for sms,phoning,navigation and a lot of mailing i just want to have short reaction time get into mail menue and so on.....and this, i found for me, is much better with a higher minimum CPU frequency.


uh...Jasjar issue perhaps...can't find any info on this.

Well hello there xda Community,
I decided to purchase a i-mate JasJar (HTC Universal) a while back. I have noticed that just about any ROM I install on here doesn't seem to perform very well, even some of the very best ones. I have a feeling that it is the CPU that may have been damaged in some way. I do not know for sure. Some issues that I've experienced go as; pauses in videos I play (audio, sometimes picture), sometimes songs pause for almost 10 seconds...It acts as if the whole device freezes up. Runs very slow when I run Skype (NEWEST VERSION) with nothing else running. Freezes sometimes when incoming call comes in if I'm using an application...ALL THE PROBLEMS I JUST STATED OCCUR SHORTLY AFTER SOFT RESET...and/or when there is a lot of free ram. I have also read in other posts of owner's jasjars booting up in five this common, I'm generally waiting, oh...say around 30 to 45 Seconds...and btw, I've tried just about every tweak and tune up for the Jasjar (no improvment) CPU Speed up, RAM Cache luck,
I'm curious to know if this is how the device was designed to run or if this is just an isolated issue on the exact piece of equipment I'm using...
Any help or advice would be of any importance to me...Thanks
I too have a jasjar. On the skype issue, I use XCpuscalar 2.95 AND SET THE DEVICE SPEED TO 520 and the cracles disappear. I think the video issue you are having could be the device increasing and decreasing cpu speed depending on cpu usage so setting it on 1 cpu speed should help. Goodluck!

phone app lag

I'm using the latest damagecontrol rom on my hero with a 710 MHz overclock and I'm pretty happy with my hero. The phone performs a good deal better however my main issue from before still remains. The dialer lags horribly so that I can't answer 50% of my incoming calls.
Do I need a task manager? A better rom? A better dialer app? I like the main apps functionality but if there is an app that doesn't crash every other time then I'm down.
fortunado said:
I'm using the latest damagecontrol rom on my hero with a 710 MHz overclock and I'm pretty happy with my hero. The phone performs a good deal better however my main issue from before still remains. The dialer lags horribly so that I can't answer 50% of my incoming calls.
Do I need a task manager? A better rom? A better dialer app? I like the main apps functionality but if there is an app that doesn't crash every other time then I'm down.
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There are several people who have this problem. Some people suggest setting your Slot Index to 1 instead of 2, but its not that big of a help in my experience. And I have heard that the towers force a specific polling rate on you.
I have found that moving ringtones from the SD card to internal memory seems to help a little if you have a slow card. Now that I have a class 6, the difference is negligable.
Actually it happens on outgoing calls as well. :\
happens to me too. isn't "ring lag" that has been discussed before. just a delay when you click on a contact name and it tries to call. can take up to 20-30 secs... will call them twice if you tap it twice, you'll have them on call waiting aaha.
Clear your call history, Mine after about 3 weeks makes the dialer lag so bad its unuseable. That at least helps with the visible dialer lag, doesn't seem to make much difference for incoming calls (which I still miss most of the time).
I just posted in another thread, I've tried a dozen different ROMS, OC and non-OC, and have yet to get the phone to ring for even 50% of the 23 second ring-cycle.
I had SEVERE lag when I was on the stock 2.1 release from Sprint. After I rooted I haven't tried all the ROM's out there, but there is NO LAG on Aloysius 2.1. Plus, if you download the snow version, you get the AOSP dialer as well so you can try both. I am not saying your current ROM is bad, but I'd play around and see.
i wonder if it is a diff phone.apk in that rom, i wonder if it could be extracted?

Froyo roms increase your battery life! try this (UPDATE 08/26/2010)

this may be posted in the wrong section but i would like everyone running froyo to test this out
So I have been doing some experiments on ways to save battery life....I think i have made a break through it is not fully tested i would like for some of you to try it out.
with the latest updates to your ROM itself, setcpu, superuser, and the addition of cache cleaner and the incredible AUTOKILLER (a must have) i have been able to run extremely low setcpu sleep profiles without any noticeable loss of performance.
Believe it or not i have my sleep profile down clocked to 19200mhz with out "noticeable" performance loss
i would like for some of you if possible to try these profile out for a while and see how it works out for you
DEFAULT 480min---whatever you want max (mine is 787) ondemand (for performance)
OR DEFAULT 245min---whatever max (for even more battery savings)
SLEEP 192min---480max ondemand (works great even without sleep to wake lag)
it works dont believe me then check out set cpus new feature "time in state"
open setcpu
go over to info
scroll down a little and you will see the times in state your phones cpu runs in the most
you should now see values at the lowest state of 19200
if this works in theory we can benefit from longer battery life
and faster charging
please try these out and report back to the post or PM me...this could be good
UPDATE 8/22 EDIT: some users are having success running an even lower default 19min--whatever max (thats even more savings) will be looking into it
try these even lower profiles
DEFAULT 122min--whatever max (screen ON cpu does not drop below 122mhz)
Screen OFF 19min--245max (no lag just ran pandora and cardio trainer at the same time here no lag from sleep to wake either)
or Screen Off 19min--480 max for more performance
REMEMBER not to have conflicting profiles and to have SCREEN OFF at your highest priority
please post here your own findings and results
Thanks again
UPDATE 08/24/2010
after experimenting with other speeds i have finally settled on these speeds for my personal taste on performance and battery savings
DEFAULT 19MIN---786 or whatever MAX on demand
SCREEN OFF 19MIN---480 MAX on demand (highest priority) think deeply about why this is the highest
TEMP <40 19MIN---528MAX (screen off overrides this which cools anyway)
BATT <40 19MIN---604MAX
next more into advanced settings....coming soon
UPDATE 08/26/2010
im almost at the holy grail here
try this set up
SCREEN OFF 19--480 (95 priority)
TEMP <40 19--580 (90 priority)
ignore nice ---0
power save bias---0
hit apply (if you like it check set at boot)
things to notice....
in the main screen in setcpu watch the main frequency values bounce up and down...after a few seconds the values seem to stabilize at the lowest frequency of 19
in time of state screen even when screen on most of the time the 19 freq get the most values
i need a few guys to run, test and monitor the values that i just posted ^^^HERE^^^
this may further the battery life once we stabilize the frequency to 19 most of the time while keep the SAME performance which i think i may have did
run some linpacks and quadrants with those setting
i got
5.4 linpack running 787max
431 quad running 787max
then it drops back to 19 and stabilizes
hope this works and please post all your feed back and setting so we can learn this and get it perfect
I even use 122 and 480 for my screen off profile.. And I don't have any lag at all.
thisisreallygay said:
I even use 122 and 480 for my screen off profile.. And I don't have any lag at all.
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19 is even lower try it
Oh 19200? Wow I wasn't paying attention well enough. I'll try it.
Almost from the beginning of my rooting in May and using SetCPU, I've been using 19.2- 748.8 (on demand) with the screen on (sometimes higher but recently reduced the max to see if it helped with some FC's I was having - still haven't determined if it was the profile or the ROM that fixed my FC's).
I use 19.2-245 for screen off. I'd venture that there's about a one second delay for the caller ID to work once a call rings in, but it's more than bearable and worth it.
I have it go to 19.2-528 when the battery is less than 25%,and 19.2-480 if the temperature is above 49 degrees celcius.
I wonder what it's like when receiving a call. I just set it and I'm not having any lag with just turning it on or anything. I'll test it out with other things. I hope this greatly improves my battery.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Almost from the beginning of my rooting in May and using SetCPU, I've been using 19.2- 748.8 (on demand) with the screen on (sometimes higher but recently reduced the max to see if it helped with some FC's I was having - still haven't determined if it was the profile or the ROM that fixed my FC's).
I use 19.2-245 for screen off. I'd venture that there's about a one second delay for the caller ID to work once a call rings in, but it's more than bearable and worth it.
I have it go to 19.2-528 when the battery is less than 25%,and 19.2-480 if the temperature is above 49 degrees celcius.
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shame on you for keeping that secret all to yourself
By the way why did you say froyo roms specifically? I'm trying this on tainted tenzo and it's working. I'm usually on a frooy ROM though.
Hi Guys,
Can you please tell me how to get setcpu? I can't find it in the market.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Search for it on his website, idk what his website is you'll have to search for it. Or download a ROM with it already in it.
im on froyo 30 and was unable to get the 19.2 to show on time in state with screen off profile set to 100 priority at 245/19.2
i was however able to have it start using that frequency by using 710/19.2 as my default setting, then enabling the 245/19.2 profile as screen off.
ive read its not too good to have the cpu jump more than 300mhz per profile though so im not sure how this will work out.
thisisreallygay said:
By the way why did you say froyo roms specifically? I'm trying this on tainted tenzo and it's working. I'm usually on a frooy ROM though.
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hmm last time i was on sense rom sense fell apart if you clocked lower than 245
epically receiving a phone call
but i only test this method on froyo
I've heard that too. Although I don't know what is bad about it.
sh_mohanna said:
Hi Guys,
Can you please tell me how to get setcpu? I can't find it in the market.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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eklipze said:
im on froyo 30 and was unable to get the 19.2 to show on time in state with screen off profile set to 100 priority at 245/19.2
i was however able to have it start using that frequency by using 710/19.2 as my default setting, then enabling the 245/19.2 profile as screen off.
ive read its not too good to have the cpu jump more than 300mhz per profile though so im not sure how this will work out.
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i heard that too but all froyo dev have a 245 to 710 stock on their roms
thats why i kinda spilt the two profiles and why 245min--- is experimental
leave your screen off for a while and see if the ime of state shows up
also make sure not to have conflicting profiles running in setcpu
Hmm. Well tainted is vanilla but has some sense elements (like sense dialer) So idk. It seems to work. I'll test out calls.
thisisreallygay said:
Hmm. Well tainted is vanilla but has some sense elements (like sense dialer) So idk. It seems to work. I'll test out calls.
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oh ok tainted is not vanilla
tainted IS sense with sense removed with vanilla remaning hence the word tainted
some sense is still there
i think
Yeah it's got sense contacts and stuff but vanilla messaging. But it has the sense dialer so I think it would also have lag with calls if the sense ones were having lag. And I just tested it and it took a lil while for it to recognize whose number it was but it still gave me plenty of time to answer the call. I'll be testing to see how it improves battery. Thanks for the find
Im also testing setcpu Advanced settings batery life (without performance loss)
What settings are those?

Rom'd HTC Hero randomly reboots

Hey guys,
A few weeks back I rom'd my HTC hero with VillainRom 12 and it was working great for awhile. Now however it crashes all the time, or just freezes up and I have to remove the battery.
I have the phone over clocked to about 650mHz. The battery temps seem fine.
Has anyone else experienced this problem before? Any way I can do a debug on my phone to find out what's crashing?
It's really starting to annoy me considering that I use my phone for my business and it's not good when a customer calls and my phone dies and reboots when I go to answer a call.
try overclocking to a lower extent
it might be because your phone cannot handle ur clock speed
(my MAX clock speed is 672... it simply crashes with 691 or higher)
You were absolutely right. It was clocked too high.
I turned it down and now it works great.
Thanks for the tip.
652 seems to be my max.
710 is my max, I can't go below 192 either or the phone starts to have a fit, I wanted to use a lower clock speed in "screen off" mode, but I'll have to stick with 192

Why does my DZ fail me when I need it the most

Now I love my DZ; it is by far the most capable phone I've ever owned, but it has this nasty habit of failing me whenever I seem to need it the most.
For example, today I was stuck behind a huge accident on the highway with an exit coming up in a few feet. I thought, "hey I'll just see if I can find a detour around it from this exit." Pulled out my phone and quickly launched google maps. right then, it completely stops responding to all touch input; the trackpad and physical buttons work fine, but nothing was registering on the touchscreen or capacitive buttons. I eventually had to pull the battery to fix the issue.
It just seems that these things tend to happen whenever i need to lookup something quickly on the phone (when im just screwing around on it, it works perfectly fine) be it completely not responding to touch input, or something weird happening like getting stuck between 2 homescreens, or the notification panel gets stuck halfway down, or massive input lag (5+ seconds) to the point of it not being usable.
And everything goes back to normal after a reset; but by then, I usually don't need to lookup whatever it was anymore.
The most frustrating part is that I can't seem to figure out whats causing it. I'm running virtuous 2.0.0 without any sense 3 additions, and I generally only have 1 or 2 tasks going on on the phone at once (usually just music player + whatever I'm doing). I originally thought it was just a performance issue, so I've increased the clock up to 1.5ghz (using daemon controller) but it hasn't has of an effect.
Any ideas on what else i can try?
Sounds like simple bad karma, I suggest donating to a charity or going to church
Other than that, I'd have no idea, sorry. Seeing as its not totally regular, there'd be no good way to easily pinpoint the issue. Maybe see if the rom produces a last_kmsg?
makken85 said:
Now I love my DZ; it is by far the most capable phone I've ever owned, but it has this nasty habit of failing me whenever I seem to need it the most.
For example, today I was stuck behind a huge accident on the highway with an exit coming up in a few feet. I thought, "hey I'll just see if I can find a detour around it from this exit." Pulled out my phone and quickly launched google maps. right then, it completely stops responding to all touch input; the trackpad and physical buttons work fine, but nothing was registering on the touchscreen or capacitive buttons. I eventually had to pull the battery to fix the issue.
It just seems that these things tend to happen whenever i need to lookup something quickly on the phone (when im just screwing around on it, it works perfectly fine) be it completely not responding to touch input, or something weird happening like getting stuck between 2 homescreens, or the notification panel gets stuck halfway down, or massive input lag (5+ seconds) to the point of it not being usable.
And everything goes back to normal after a reset; but by then, I usually don't need to lookup whatever it was anymore.
The most frustrating part is that I can't seem to figure out whats causing it. I'm running virtuous 2.0.0 without any sense 3 additions, and I generally only have 1 or 2 tasks going on on the phone at once (usually just music player + whatever I'm doing). I originally thought it was just a performance issue, so I've increased the clock up to 1.5ghz (using daemon controller) but it hasn't has of an effect.
Any ideas on what else i can try?
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although people say roms are 'stable' and can recommend these ROMs as "dd" (daily drivers) you cannot say that will be completely reliable. This is because when people say a ROM is 'stable', it's only after using it for 2-3days; unfortunately, roms gather clutter and begin to slow down over time. Not a problem for many flashaholics, but a problem if you're a one-rom kinda guy (or girl). So if you're not one-night-stand rom kind of person, here are some tips:
Reset your phone regularly. Phones start acting funny when they've been on for too long
Try stock ROM with addons flashed on top of it, rather than baked in a new rom
Most reliable roms i've experienced are Stock Gingerbread or CyanogenMod. Try those
If you are flashing a new rom, use SuperWipe, this can help get rid of clutter from old roms
skulk3r said:
although people say roms are 'stable' and can recommend these ROMs as "dd" (daily drivers) you cannot say that will be completely reliable. This is because when people say a ROM is 'stable', it's only after using it for 2-3days; unfortunately, roms gather clutter and begin to slow down over time. Not a problem for many flashaholics, but a problem if you're a one-rom kinda guy (or girl). So if you're not one-night-stand rom kind of person, here are some tips:
Reset your phone regularly. Phones start acting funny when they've been on for too long
Try stock ROM with addons flashed on top of it, rather than baked in a new rom
Most reliable roms i've experienced are Stock Gingerbread or CyanogenMod. Try those
If you are flashing a new rom, use SuperWipe, this can help get rid of clutter from old roms
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Hmm, so you believe that this is purely a rom issue?
I havent run a stock rom for a while, but from what i remember the experience wasnt that pleasant, there was significant lag almost everywhere in the ui. Although i will admit that was back with froyo; i havent tried a stock gb stock rom yet.
Ill probablygive cm7 a go. Ive just grown so used to some sense features that its going to be hard for me to give them up (mainly recent apps in notifications, news widget, t9 dailer+manually linking contacts, and remote ring and forward on
Has anyone had similar issues running virtuous sense 2.0.0?
As far as recent apps goes, long pressing the home button is a standard feature of android that brings up the most recent. Stock is the last 8 (I think) cm7 can show 15.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Higher overclocking will make your phone LESS stable, not more. I'd stick around 1 GHz, as this is known to be very stable on most Z's, and usually does not result in any significant additional battery drain. OC may not have anything to do with your random hangs, but its probably not helping either.
redpoint73 said:
Higher overclocking will make your phone LESS stable, not more. I'd stick around 1 GHz, as this is known to be very stable on most Z's, and usually does not result in any significant additional battery drain. OC may not have anything to do with your random hangs, but its probably not helping either.
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I'd agree. I really wouldn't ever go over 1.2ghz for a daily driver personally.
I run my ROMs at 800mhz lol, so I don't see the advantage of a huge overclock unless you're just bragging about benchmark scores.
its funny when u wanna show off your phone and you take it out of your pocket acting all cool and stuff and when u press the power button it wont wake up or you get a blank screen
haha its just bad karma for u like nipqer said
Try the stock pre-rooted gingerbread...I just flashed t last week and it is way faster than my froyo was, and amazing battery life, for me anyways, I do have an extended life battery though lol. Anyways as far as speed it is snappy on 800 mhz
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
redpoint73 said:
Higher overclocking will make your phone LESS stable, not more. I'd stick around 1 GHz, as this is known to be very stable on most Z's, and usually does not result in any significant additional battery drain. OC may not have anything to do with your random hangs, but its probably not helping either.
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I've noticed the random hangs / glitches @ 800Mhz and 1Ghz, so I'm hesitant to say that the OC is the cause.
What do you use for stability testing? I've been running quadrant nonstop to test new OCs, but I don't think that benchmark stresses the cpu enough.
i am running Virtuous v2.0.0 w/ kernel unity v6 on it on desire z.
i've found bugs like
1/the top black bar ui, top left corner, some times i see the background wallpaper rather than the black bar. but it goes away if i pull down the notifications.
2/ the mail with microsoft exchange active sync, if i delete the mail it will automatically resync and downloads all mail including the on i deleted. but i got around that by using pop/imac instead.
all rather minor as i got ways to go around it.
i did have a similar issue where the touch screen goes unresponsive and i had to force close it, restart phone to get it back alive. but then i readjusted the clock speed and never had it happened again.
the phone is at around 825mhz with governor smart ass on wake time max, unless im watching 720p movies on the phone then i ramp it up at 1.4ghz.
sleep time on 368mhz max with governor at conservative.
i had it on like this since 11/09/11 (as i made a rom backup) and it never occured yet.
swinderz said:
i am running Virtuous v2.0.0 w/ kernel unity v6 on it on desire z.
i've found bugs like
1/the top black bar ui, top left corner, some times i see the background wallpaper rather than the black bar. but it goes away if i pull down the notifications.
2/ the mail with microsoft exchange active sync, if i delete the mail it will automatically resync and downloads all mail including the on i deleted. but i got around that by using pop/imac instead.
all rather minor as i got ways to go around it.
i did have a similar issue where the touch screen goes unresponsive and i had to force close it, restart phone to get it back alive. but then i readjusted the clock speed and never had it happened again.
the phone is at around 825mhz with governor smart ass on wake time max, unless im watching 720p movies on the phone then i ramp it up at 1.4ghz.
sleep time on 368mhz max with governor at conservative.
i had it on like this since 11/09/11 (as i made a rom backup) and it never occured yet.
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I've been playing with the wake min and wake gov settings the past few days. I have it set at 600Mhz min, performance gov; I haven't noticed much difference in the battery life, but I'll have to do more extensive testing to be sure.
Performance feels slightly better, especially after a fast wake. can anyone give a detailed explanation of the behavior of the different gov settings? I can't seem to find much info on it.
makken85 said:
I've been playing with the wake min and wake gov settings the past few days. I have it set at 600Mhz min, performance gov; I haven't noticed much difference in the battery life, but I'll have to do more extensive testing to be sure.
Performance feels slightly better, especially after a fast wake. can anyone give a detailed explanation of the behavior of the different gov settings? I can't seem to find much info on it.
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