Gmail - update sucks. - Epic 4G General

The app was updated without my involvement. Probably for you too. No matter what changes I make in the full web version or on the app, I can't get rid of the stupid Priority Inbox label, or Chat, or Important. Has anyone figured out how to put it back to the way it was? I hate scrolling way down over and over just to get to "All Mail" where so many of my messages go.


Facebook notification program

Am I missing it or hd2 doesn't have notifications for updates at all?
The only thing is going to "all people" and reading it there?
That is correct. There is no native method to be notified of facebook changes. It's just linked to facebook - it's not a facebook phone, if you get my meaning.
You'll need to find some 3rd party software if you want notifications. I don't know of any myself - I suggest a long hard google.
I use Fim and it can give you notifications when you are chatting to some one, but not when you get messages etc. can you not set up facebook to send you messages when you get an message or an update?
I use facebook for wm6, but I want notifications on homescreen for example...
It would be good if someone makes that application for wm6...I know there are some java applications...
You could always set up txt alerts, and (according to several uk users in this thread )
they will be charged as part of your contract texts, but PLEASE don't quote me on that if you get a big bill.....check it for yourelf with your operator
Not ideal, but hey, i'm yet to find anything in life that is.
I am about to stop all sms updates from Facebook as I get them around 5hrs after the initial comment has been posted BUT my e-mail update is there within mins (on T-Mobile UK anyway)
I'm from Slovenia. I can't sue that here.
All what I wan't is for example 30mins interval of checking for updates and pop up window if there are any.
But I believe this doesnt exist for wm6 for now...

Facebook Notifications Alert On Home Screen?

Just switched back to windows mobile from android when the HD2 came out. One of my biggest issues is the fact that I do not receive notifications for messages/alerts from fb on my home or notifications screen. You have to go into the FB app and refresh to see anything new. Does anyone know of an app/solution. The SMS notifications don't work quite well.
I know what you are talking about with the notifications pooping up at the top. I know that my Mom, Wife, and sister all have Android Devices and they all hate that feature. I don't know of a way to get that, however there is the Facebook Tab you could install that could eliminate one step and you just slide to the Facebook Tab and hit refresh.
Could try that. leave it running in the backrground and you get a pop up notifaction whenever you get a new comment or message. I used it for a while but i got rid of my Facebook cause its a pain in the ass!
You can setup Facebook (the site, not anything related to your phone) to send you e-mails for your notifications...
...which would ostensibly come to your phone...
use FIM. It runs in the background and delivers a WM notification if there is an update on FB.
I was actually coming on here to post that. I came across the app and it's amazing. Does everything I need. Notifcations, Chat, etc. Thanks Guys!
jimhaddon said:
use FIM. It runs in the background and delivers a WM notification if there is an update on FB.
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HD2 Fixes? Texts / Emails / Notifications / Get Sports Scores?

I've searched and searched, and although ive found these questions often, ive never found a definitive answer. If the answer is out there, please just point me in the right direction.
1. going to my texts always takes me to my last text, and posts the first text of the message. Preferably, I want it to go to All Messages, not to the last message. And if it insists to go to the last message, at the very least it should show the most recent of those messages.
2. Same problem with email, cant get it to go to all emails as default! Also, my yahoo IMAP mail is acting like POP. Even after viewing and/or deleting its not affecting the emails on my actual yahoo account, they all still look like they havent been viewed yet.
3. How can i change the sound notification for texts and emails (and hopefully remove the annoying triple vibration for each junk email i get).
4. fourth and maybe most importantly, I cant find a single Real-time Live sports score app. ive tried many browsers and for some reason mobile espn just isnt as friendly with winmo as it was with the iphone. So i need some kind of app that easily allows viewing scores and stats ... any ideas?
Thanks everyone

New App idea...

Just wondering if some type of text spam utility would be something people would like.
Runs in background, will only accept SMS messages if sender is in the users contacts list or maybe sends it to a "Spam" folder for later review.
Good? Bad? Even possible? LOL
I've heard a few people saying they're tired of getting junk texts.
I beleive there may be apps in the market that have similar features as the ones you describe, but its been a while since Ive viewed them.
Yes, you are right, I should check-out the market for similar apps.
I see "willard" in your that Willard, OH? I'm in Akron, OH
I could easily make one using some code from a current app of mine if you're still interested
Captainkrtek said:
I could easily make one using some code from a current app of mine if you're still interested
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LOL. I'm designing apps for sale. So, you can still send your code and I'll cut you for, say, 10%, ok? ROFL LMAO
Oh well, on to the next best idea
Would be best implemented by segregating the messages, not simply deleting them.
Some messages received from sources not in my contact list are very much not SPAM. Things like bill reminders from provider, download links from GameLoft, new contacts who I ask to just text me their name, etc.
Yes, I still might give this a shot. And maybe not a folder, but toss the messages into a database that could be searchable by date, time etc.
Trying to see this..hmmm...hit "Text Spammer" app. Screen shows "Search by date", "Search by Date/Time", "Show All". Then from there, "Add to Contacts", "Delete", "Main Menu". yeah, that works.
It's hard for me to see, because I'm not a big "texter", but I know some people live and die by their text messages.
Hell, I'm an unemployed programmer, what do I have to lose but some more brain cells and some time! LOL
If anything, I'll learn something new and that's always a good thing.
Going to flowchart this one a bit first to iron-out the design....oh joy
I don't know if this is even possible, but maybe the app could look for key words in the message and determine if they're likely spam or not. I get a lot of spam texts that all look the same and have the some of the same words in them.
Just an idea!
I shall take that into consideration. I'm not even sure I can intercept the message yet.
My schedule has been like Mr. Anderson's (Neo) the past couple of days and I'm just waking up at 10 pm after sleeping like 15 hours. LOL
Guess it's time to start researching and coding.
Well, I'm neck-deep into the process now. This stuff can get confusing for sure. Service starts and stops as I have coded it....just trying to figure out how/where to call other "stuff" from inside the Service.
Well, the Service is user Startable and Stopable.
I have captured an incoming SMS, that is, I'm running 2 emulators with my service on 5556 and the other on 5554 (Note: 5554 is a "regular" phone; my service is NOT on that phone, only the receivers'). 5554 sends text to 5556 and I get my Toast message about it with body and number.
Now the fun starts. As it is, the message goes through default SMS system and puts up the notify and the message is in the 5556 inbox. Now I have to compare phone number to contacts list; if number exists, ok, if not, store message in database and delete from inbox.
Does this sound ok? I'm not 100% warm and fuzzy they still get the notify (that can be bypassed, I think). Then again, let them get the notify, go to inbox, and if it's not there, the user knows to check the spam database.
Or I guess I could Toast a message about "Message sent to Spam Database", then delete it from the inbox.
Or toss-up a dialog box "Message from 339-9831-0076, Cheap Viagra" and have the dialog do a "Keep" or "Delete". That way there is probably no need for a database, but requires user intervention. And what if they're not at phone and have 50 incoming texts...50 dialog boxes??? I don't think so! ROFL
Or just write a whole new SMS messaging system! yeah, right...
I dunno, what do you guys think?
Making some serious progress, but getting tired and I know it's time to step away from the keyboard! LOL
Now I'm at a decision point...someone suggested looking at incoming messages by some keywords. Not sure what they meant.
Someone pointed-out that they get messages for bills due, game forums etc. that they want, but are not in the Contacts list. I'm not sure what to do here.
Say you get your Verizon text on "Bill Available", but I don't match on it and it goes to the database. Is the user going to like that? Probably not. What if I offer to ADD it to the Contacts? Think they'll go for that?
There isn't too much else I can do besides except set it like e-mail spam filters do: it goes to spam folder and you have the option to make it non-spam.
Hopefully I can get some comments on this Like I said, I need a nice long break and after I'm rested-up, I have to code the database stuff. I've done DB work in 2 other programs, so it's not going to be too bad. And I have to mess with the UI...oh joy
Do the "Bill Available" messages always come from the same number? If so, maybe you could add them as a contact, or put those numbers in some sort of whitelist so they don't get filtered.
I was the one mentioning filtering messages by keywords. I don't really know if this is feasible or wise. For a while, I was getting 1-2 messages a day almost identical just from different numbers asking me to sign up for this or that to win money or something. I didn't really think much of them, so I just replied STOP and deleted them. I believe the numbers were 5 or 6 digit numbers.
You might have to just do some market research and see what people are dealing with and what they want and make something fit the general consensus. I'm sure not everyone is going to be happy no matter what you do
I really don't know, for example, if my Verizon Bill Message # is the same as someone else. To complete the app v1.0 phase, I'm just going to send non-contact messages to the database and give option to add to Contacts.
I think I'm going to leave the default notification icon too. For people at their phone, they'll get the notification; by the time they get to it, I'll have marked it as "read" and the icon will go away. It's almost a programming "gift"...once they get used to it, they will know that a notification that comes and goes was a spam and to check database whenever.
(crap, I'll have to copy TO database and delete FROM contacts...damn)...(double damn, I'll have to store the "spam" phone number in user database and check incoming calls as spam from Contacts AND database <might need 2 databases>) see what happens when I get rest?
Once they get their Contacts up-to-date, it should run fine.
NEVERMIND, but I'm keeping this here for others. Always hated strings in C/C++ classes in college
Changed to if(phoneNbr.compareTo(result[0].....) worked fine. Damn string comparisons!!!
Ok, I'm either tired or going nuts. Running 2 emulators. One runs my Service, one is vanilla. Sent text from vanilla phone to phone running my Service. Preform lookup on the "Service" phone contacts to see if incoming matches. Obviously it does, because I get a row back from Contacts. But, this statement is NOT working:
if(phoneNbr.toString().trim() == result[0].replaceAll("\\D", "").toString().trim())
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Numbers Match!" ,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Here is my logcat of logging the SAME information I'm checking in the above "if". Uh, I'm stumped LOL
Log.v(TAG, phoneNbr.toString().trim());
Log.v(TAG, result[0].replaceAll("\\D", "").toString().trim());
12-31 10:05:01.896: VERBOSE/com.smartappsdev.TextSpamService(953): 15555215556
12-31 10:05:01.906: VERBOSE/com.smartappsdev.TextSpamService(953): 15555215556

Samsung Messages or Google Messages

Just got my S10+ this week, and have been busy playing with settings, etc..I'm coming over from the Note 8 (AT&T).
Question for everyone. Do you prefer the built in Samsung Messages app, or Google Messages. I like both, especially now with the dark them more readily available.
What makes me lean more towards Google Messages is the ability to get messages on the web/browser. Was using it all the time on the Note 8.
Wanted to ask if anybody has switched back/forth between the two messaging apps, and if they have encountered any issues? I had switched from Google Messages back to Samsung's message app on the Note 8, and my messages were being sent to the wrong person. That's not a good situation to be in. I ended up switching back because of that.
Also, I noticed there is an updated apk for Samsung messages. My S10+ is using v Looks like they are up to v Anybody install that apk? Any good/bad things in there?
Coming from an S7 edge i was forced off Google Messages due to the handling of group messages. Sometimes it would work but other times texts that belonged in a group would come in separately. I would then have to click to download the text before it popped back into the group. Other times those texts would show up as expired (even though i just received them) and i would never see what it was. Needless to say i couldn't use it anymore so i ended up using Samsung Messages which never has that issue. Now that i'm on S10+ i'm tempted to try Google Messages again in hopes that it works the way is should as i do prefer it over Samsung Messages just due to the look and of course the web messages.
I've been flip-flopping between: Textra, Google Messages, and Samsung messages.......I've decided to stick with Google Messages.
The Samsung app, feels dated.... I do like the notifications I get when sending to other (At&t) users using the Samsung messaging app (tells when read, or they're replying...ect...), but I only have 1 person out of my 200+ contacts that it's worked on (my 17yr old son, who hates the Samsung messaging app). Plus, it just feels dated. No swipe to delete and long messages require you to "read more".
Textra is the lightest of the bunch, and I've been using for the past 4 or 5 years..... It's also the most customizable. But, Google has upped their game on the last release and incremental updates. It just feels "native" to the phone now. I also like the fact when you receive a PIN number, it recognizes this and copies just the PIN for you.
Google Messages gets my vote
BTW: No issues with group messages for me on the Google Message app
I like the Google messages app very much, but since the update to OneUI I have been using the Samsung version as it's good enough and themes the same way as the other Samsung stock apps, which I like a lot.
I prefer Truecaller messages because of its spam feature..
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
nugzo said:
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
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Been using Google Messages for last like 2 years and never seem to have had any problems on Verizon besides the typical sending and receiving from an iPhone of videos etc
Textra every day of the week!
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
sharmajay said:
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
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Not in the United States. At least not yet.
It is live for 2 of my phones now
Using Google messages, but really like the ability to pin conversations to the top in Samsung app.
Sent feature request to
I prefer Android Messages over the stock one.
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I prefer Samsung over Google mainly because of the ability to pin conversation and star message, the pop up bubble.
If Samsung had scheduler that would be awesome.
There's Qsms which is quite good but I don't want additional apps installed when Samsung messages works atm .
I use Samsung messages at the moment. But the one thing I really miss from Google messages is swipe to archive conversations...I liked to be able to hide conversations I don't use a lot without having to delete them.
mastaofdacat said:
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
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You can enable the bubble for Google Messenges notifications in Advanced Settings/Smart Pop-up View.

