Facebook notification program - HD2 General

Am I missing it or hd2 doesn't have notifications for updates at all?
The only thing is going to "all people" and reading it there?

That is correct. There is no native method to be notified of facebook changes. It's just linked to facebook - it's not a facebook phone, if you get my meaning.
You'll need to find some 3rd party software if you want notifications. I don't know of any myself - I suggest a long hard google.

I use Fim and it can give you notifications when you are chatting to some one, but not when you get messages etc. can you not set up facebook to send you messages when you get an message or an update?

I use facebook for wm6, but I want notifications on homescreen for example...
It would be good if someone makes that application for wm6...I know there are some java applications...

You could always set up txt alerts, and (according to several uk users in this thread
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2915120374&topic=11391 )
they will be charged as part of your contract texts, but PLEASE don't quote me on that if you get a big bill.....check it for yourelf with your operator
Not ideal, but hey, i'm yet to find anything in life that is.

I am about to stop all sms updates from Facebook as I get them around 5hrs after the initial comment has been posted BUT my e-mail update is there within mins (on T-Mobile UK anyway)

I'm from Slovenia. I can't sue that here.
All what I wan't is for example 30mins interval of checking for updates and pop up window if there are any.
But I believe this doesnt exist for wm6 for now...


devloper and hacker app of the year.. chat style sms... from the treo 750v

This app will be for all wm devices.
This is an ongoing project that is in need of some of you guys expertise. The rom of the treo 750v has been dumped and is in need of hacker and developers. The treo 750v has features that NO OTHER wm device does. Like the threaded sms messaging, which is sms in a chat style form.
http://www.palm.com/sg/products/smar...messaging.html is a little more about how it works and what it does.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=279758 is a thread in the xda-treo forum, but I feel need to be here due to the fact that it will be for all wm devices and is in need of developers and hackers.
Attached is the rom dump.
Thanks, Cody
in many countries you pay pr. sms much more then you'd pay to send text over grps so for most ppl msn, skype or other IM clients would do the same thing only much cheaper
I am really not sure what the hype is about. Haven't used SMS in a long time a with 100MB data package, I have to agree with Rudegar even the built in MSN messenger is better.
Any way I thought you should know that what you posted is not a ROM dump and cannot be used to extract the app.
Interesting you say that. If you have kids sms messaging is almost a requirement. It is extremely popular with the younger generation. I find myself using it more and more. I have friends that send over 3k sms messages in a month. A threaded sms app sure makes it a much better experience.
The rom dump thread was moved by someone over to the treo section for those wondering where it went. The dump is on the ftp server.
userid: xdaupload pw: xda
file: treo750vrompartial_bcaslis.zip (dump of Part00, Part01 and Part02 partitions)
I played with the rom dump yesterday. The messaging app does load, just seems to be missing some resources and/or registry entries that I'm not prepared to import right now (test machines all being used already).
It also appears to be fixed at 240x240, although that can probably be fixed later.
The rest of the rom - doesn't contain many intersting .exes, but I know hannip is interested in a number of the other devices and drivers installed. They don't appear to be device specific (c.f. many eten files are).
In the UK, data contracts are very expensive, and you get loads of SMS bundled in your contracts, so SMS makes sense. I don't IM from my phones. But both have their uses.
But I still can't see the fascination with threaded SMS. It'd be quite straight forward to program even if the treo app can't be sucked out.
PS Whoever dumped the roms to begin with, many thanks!
However, we may need to get an overview of the databases on the device as well, in case there are any custom databases. The speed dial plugin that has thus far been elusive relies on a call db. Either a device backup (using sprite etc) or a database dump would be useful to check. Just a guess, might lead to nothing.
Thanks vijay for all of your assistance! Good to hear that the sms app loads. I've been trying to get the a2dp dll's to work on my treo 700wx and 700w devices just to get my feet wet. Having some issues getting the dll's to load, but with your help I might figure this out yet.
The excitement for the 750 sms app over the other threaded sms apps out there is the clean integration with the os and today screen. I've tried other sms threader apps and they are buggy, don't grab messages when the pda is suspended, and leave copies of sms messages in poutlook. The one from triangle powers is a .net app and loads extremely slow because of it. It is expected that the palm written app will solve all of these problems. Plus it handles mms pictues, audio etc.
i dont say i dont use sms i just say i use sms as sms's as in short message service msg's
not as chat because i dont see the point of using it as chat
of cause if you dont pay pr. each sms
and want to chat with somebody who dont have msn it's usefull i guess
but another issue is the delay if that person is on a different network then you heard that compeating phone companys are not always too snappy to route to eachother
Rudegar said:
i dont say i dont use sms i just say i use sms as sms's as in short message service msg's
not as chat because i dont see the point of using it as chat
of cause if you dont pay pr. each sms
and want to chat with somebody who dont have msn it's usefull i guess
but another issue is the delay if that person is on a different network then you heard that compeating phone companys are not always too snappy to route to eachother
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Well, I'm someone who wants the SMS chat program badly.
Understand, it's not so much that you use like an IM program, you don't.
This is just a method by which to organize your SMS conversations e.g. say you and your friend over the day send back and forth to each other 20 messages, all releated to the same thing. Now throw in 15 more random SMS from other peopel in the same day. Your inbox would be a mismash of 20 something messages (assuming you don't delete every single one, maybe there is important info you need).
This program would "group" your SMS into a single "chat style thread", like and IM history would. You can then just delete the entire thread at once when you are done with it. It's also nice to keep that previous information handy, especially if your discussing plans, information, phone numbers etc. You just scroll up to find it again.
If you're a heavy texter, this is a great way to organize your back-and-forth conversations. It's not an IM replacment, so don't think of it as that.
In my case I use it as a compliment to AIM. I have AIM forwarding all of my IM's to my cell phone when I am away. That way my friends and family can msgs me anytime anywhere. My phone/pda can remain in suspend mode conserving the battery and I still get my IM's. I can reply to them just like an IM session. No need for the AIM client on my phone.
The best thing about using sms over an IM client is that you can communicate with anyone that has a cell phone. You don't have to tell someone to register with an IM server to send them messages. It works in suspend mode. With a nice sms chat app the only advantage an IM client has over it is the messages are more instantaneous. But for phone use that is acceptable imo.
Of course this all assumes you don't have to pay on a per sms basis.
Hi! theloanranger said he extracted the 750v threaded app already. It's at:
Can somebody try it and post the screenshots please? I'm so looking forward to using it with my Pocket Loox T830 (not arrived yet)
Screenshots/Need some help!
Screenshots are found here:
NOTE: Some of us are having issues. We CANNOT send an SMS to an email address. We get an error message:
"Could not send message. The message center number or the email center number is invalid. Please contact the wireless operator."
Now, in the SMS app, if you go to Menu --> Options --> Advanced tab
Network Configuration/Manual/Edit...
You'll see spots for "message center number" and "email center number" and both are blank. When you put in a number (such as found here: http://www.smsfre.com/SMS-Mesaging-Centers.htm ) they do not stick after hitting "OK".
Any help/ideas?

Notification of new email

I use my HD2 with exchange synchronisation. It works well with one big problem!
My Exchange sorted the incoming mails to several folders. The problem is that I only get a notification if a mail is incomming directly to the main folder of my mailbox. If a mail was sortet in a subfolder there is no notification. Is there a reg tweak or something else to learn the HD2 to beep every time when a new mail arrives?
It would be great if this is possible, because currently i have to look to all folders the see if there is a new mail.
Same here...
I love to know a way to do a new mail notification on 'folders' too. However, I recall it did this on my iPhone too, so I'm not holding out too much hope!
Does no-one have a solution for this - it's driving me nuts ! The only thing that I've found in my searches on the 'net is the something from blackmonlabs called message-notify (I can't post the URL due to restrictions in this forum, but Googling it should turn it up)
This would work, but is going to screw up the lovely home page of the HD2, so is not really practical. What I'm looking for is something that will display a count of ALL unread messgaes irrespective of whether they are in the Inbox or have been automatically moved to a subfolder. Obviously this should be displayed in the Email notification icon.
If anyone can come up with a solution, I (and many others judging by what I'm reading elsewhere) would be very grateful !

block fb sms

I have an interesting questionn - at least it is to me. Working with my daughter and facebook I've found that I have not control at all (technically speaking) over facebook messages to her phone. I am a t-mobile customer, I use family allowances but nothing set in family allowances will block the fb sms from coming in or going out. -this is interesting!
fb comes in as a bulk type sms, it isn't a 10 digit number that can be blocked.
fb messages are not logged as sms messages on the t-mobile site.
Even disabling the phone in family allowances doesn't stop the fb message from coming in.
Yes, I realize there is more to working with my daughter and facebook from a parenting standpoint, I'm not here to talk about that My thread here is about the technical side of this. What if it weren't facebook? It seems there are sms type messages that can't be blocked from the phone.
isnt that an option from within the facebook website itself? i.e. 'send me a text when i get updates' or something like that?
samsamuel said:
isnt that an option from within the facebook website itself? i.e. 'send me a text when i get updates' or something like that?
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Yes it is. But I, like I'm sure many other parents, thought that I could completely control this from family allowances. Since it's supposed to be an sms message and I can stop messaging in many different ways, I assumed that I could enforce our time schedule with the family allowances tool. But - I was wrong
So, yeah I can login to fb and turn that off, I really don't want to go that far with monitoring her though. I could turn the whole messaging service off on her phone, I'm guessing thta would do it - but I don't want to do that and I can go in and physically take the phone from her also - that's all a different subject
I thought it interesting for us phone geeks that a message comes in, isn't logged, can't be tracked, monitored, blocked or controlled.
I don't have a solution really, but I do suspect that it has to do with how the messages don't have a regular number...I'm guessing that when the fb texts come in, they're tagged with short-form number like "22622" etc, yes? I'm just assuming that based on the behavior of other bulk-source texts, from services like yahoo messenger, and banks, for example. (I have my account setup so I get texts with any account activity).
I would get on the phone with tech support (and not regular customer service, if you can help it) and demand to know why you can't block bulk texts like that...they may have another way than just your regular acct mgmt settings, but I don't know. That's where I would start if it were me
You can only stop the messages one of two ways:
Login to facebook and turn off the "SMS Notification" option.
Send the word "STOP" to the number that the notifications are coming from. This message has to come from her phone.
Both of those options seem to violate the strictures you have placed upon yourself. I guess the next move is yours.
I might also mention that accessing your child's facebook account without her permission is considered hacking and you could get arrested if she contacts the authorities. This is not a joke, there is a case going now along similar lines where a mother did this to a son.
You certainly can't control the time that these messages arrive. These are so-called "opt-in" services and do not count as regular SMS/MMS.
As a parent, I believe I understand your concerns: The messages come at times where your child should be in school, studying or sleeping.
If this is the case, you might consider creating a "charging area" in the family area (kitchen, living room, downstairs bath, etc). Everyone should leave their chargers here and then drop their phones off in the evening for charging.
Unless your child uses their phone as an alarm clock, this is not an unreasonable request.
This also gives your child the opportunity to build trust with you, as the phone will be left in a semi-public place, where anyone could check the phone for inappropriate content.

HD2 Fixes? Texts / Emails / Notifications / Get Sports Scores?

I've searched and searched, and although ive found these questions often, ive never found a definitive answer. If the answer is out there, please just point me in the right direction.
1. going to my texts always takes me to my last text, and posts the first text of the message. Preferably, I want it to go to All Messages, not to the last message. And if it insists to go to the last message, at the very least it should show the most recent of those messages.
2. Same problem with email, cant get it to go to all emails as default! Also, my yahoo IMAP mail is acting like POP. Even after viewing and/or deleting its not affecting the emails on my actual yahoo account, they all still look like they havent been viewed yet.
3. How can i change the sound notification for texts and emails (and hopefully remove the annoying triple vibration for each junk email i get).
4. fourth and maybe most importantly, I cant find a single Real-time Live sports score app. ive tried many browsers and for some reason mobile espn just isnt as friendly with winmo as it was with the iphone. So i need some kind of app that easily allows viewing scores and stats ... any ideas?
Thanks everyone

Gmail - update sucks.

The app was updated without my involvement. Probably for you too. No matter what changes I make in the full web version or on the app, I can't get rid of the stupid Priority Inbox label, or Chat, or Important. Has anyone figured out how to put it back to the way it was? I hate scrolling way down over and over just to get to "All Mail" where so many of my messages go.

