HD2 Fixes? Texts / Emails / Notifications / Get Sports Scores? - HD2 General

I've searched and searched, and although ive found these questions often, ive never found a definitive answer. If the answer is out there, please just point me in the right direction.
1. going to my texts always takes me to my last text, and posts the first text of the message. Preferably, I want it to go to All Messages, not to the last message. And if it insists to go to the last message, at the very least it should show the most recent of those messages.
2. Same problem with email, cant get it to go to all emails as default! Also, my yahoo IMAP mail is acting like POP. Even after viewing and/or deleting its not affecting the emails on my actual yahoo account, they all still look like they havent been viewed yet.
3. How can i change the sound notification for texts and emails (and hopefully remove the annoying triple vibration for each junk email i get).
4. fourth and maybe most importantly, I cant find a single Real-time Live sports score app. ive tried many browsers and for some reason mobile espn just isnt as friendly with winmo as it was with the iphone. So i need some kind of app that easily allows viewing scores and stats ... any ideas?
Thanks everyone


Backing up text messages and rebuilding the device advice?

I'm going to do a hard reset and rebuild the TyTN. I want to keep my text messages. Anyone know what file/s and where they're located that I need to backup?
Any other tips on rebuilding?
I found SMSes notoriously difficult to extract from my PocketPC2002 / 2003 devices; Jeyo Mobile Extender, however, seems to do the trick, although it can be a little clumsy to sue at times (especially if you have many folders).
Spb backup.
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
lmychajluk said:
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
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I've got hundreds of message sent between myself and my girlfriend over the last three+ years ... soppy, I know, but the memories are great to look back on sometimes
There is a product I've just seen on this link which might do this for you
but it might be a bit much for just wanting to back up sms messages.
I had the same problem, my kids send me text messages all the time, and I tried to keep the ones like for passing exams, driving tests etc, but lost them all on an enforced hard reset. Very upsetting. I wish there were some program which just put them into text, or word and you could keep them that way.
Good luck

Android 1.0 bugs and glitches

Has anybody else found annoying bugs so far? Here's the ones that I've run into:
- Address Book server sync overwrites changes that you've made from the phone (haven't confirmed this one, might be my fault somehow)
- Multimedia volume slider plays your ringtone once you adjust the volume, but plays it at the volume set in the ringtone slider (not the volume that you're actually adjusting)
- Browser bookmarks list has a lot of trouble keeping site icons straight, it just kind of randomly shuffles them around to the wrong site as you load different bookmarks
- AOL Instant Messenger app shows weird behavior, not sure if it's a bug but it is definitely difficult to use in its current state. Locking the phone prevents messages from showing up, then on unlock they stream in all at once, and if you go too long without checking in on it the program will be terminated but your screen name will not be signed out of AOL's server
- There doesn't appear to be any way to set a vibration for notifications like Text Messages or IMs
- Some apps (MySpace Mobile, specifically) do not account for their process being interrupted when the screen rotates and the current action will be cancelled or the program will freeze.
Overall great phone, I'm really extremely impressed with it as a whole so far. I'm amazed at how fast my internet connection is on EDGE, my old Dash was technically on the exact same connection but took 5 or 10 times longer to load a full web page. Even without 3G the web browsing experience is comparable to using my desktop at home.
chefgon said:
- There doesn't appear to be any way to set a vibration for notifications like Text Messages or IMs
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ya there is. for example, go to the main Messaging page where it shows all of your threads. Click on Menu > Settings > Vibrate (put a check mark)
same thing with IMs or EMail
snofrandy said:
ya there is. for example, go to the main Messaging page where it shows all of your threads. Click on Menu > Settings > Vibrate (put a check mark)
same thing with IMs or EMail
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Awesome, thank you! Weird that the option isn't available in the same place as setting the vibration function for the phone. Has anybody found solutions to any of these other problems?
That fixed it for me. Thanks..its so Funny because Ive been messing around with my phone for 2 days and Just found this answer...Thanks
Android will get it wrong sometimes on sms threads when the sender is not in your contacts.
I noticed yesterday I received an sms from [email protected] and deleted it. Later an sms from +1913XXXXXXX. When I pulled up the my sms folders later, the newer, undeleted sms from the 913 number said it was from @domain.com.
(and the two are in no way related.) I did a reboot and it still displayed the same.
chefgon said:
Has anybody else found annoying bugs so far?
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When I plug my G1 into my iMac the computer freezes and I need to do a hard restart. Is anyone else having this issue? My updates are current on my iMac and all of my other phones work without any problems.
when i play music and i turn of the screen, there is a jump every 15 seconds
here's an email bug...
Go to craigslist.org. I wanted to ask a seller a question. When I email from there, it gives me 2 options, to use my pop 3 email account or gmail. If I use gmail, it takes off the craigslist.org extension and replaces it with gmail.com. If i choose to send with my pop 3, it just opens a blank email without the email address. I try to copy and paste the address into the sending field, but it won't let me. I use craigslist a lot, so this is a bit of a pain...
Otherwise, lovin the G1
scottslc said:
Go to craigslist.org. I wanted to ask a seller a question. When I email from there, it gives me 2 options, to use my pop 3 email account or gmail. If I use gmail, it takes off the craigslist.org extension and replaces it with gmail.com. If i choose to send with my pop 3, it just opens a blank email without the email address. I try to copy and paste the address into the sending field, but it won't let me. I use craigslist a lot, so this is a bit of a pain...
Otherwise, lovin the G1
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When it switches you over to gmail. Is the body filled out or the sender in the field?
no, just replaces the extention
Give it a try see what you find. www.craigslist.org
Actually i did try it and it worked for me.
But, i used the mobile version of Craigslist.
Mobile version of Craigs

Facebook notification program

Am I missing it or hd2 doesn't have notifications for updates at all?
The only thing is going to "all people" and reading it there?
That is correct. There is no native method to be notified of facebook changes. It's just linked to facebook - it's not a facebook phone, if you get my meaning.
You'll need to find some 3rd party software if you want notifications. I don't know of any myself - I suggest a long hard google.
I use Fim and it can give you notifications when you are chatting to some one, but not when you get messages etc. can you not set up facebook to send you messages when you get an message or an update?
I use facebook for wm6, but I want notifications on homescreen for example...
It would be good if someone makes that application for wm6...I know there are some java applications...
You could always set up txt alerts, and (according to several uk users in this thread
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2915120374&topic=11391 )
they will be charged as part of your contract texts, but PLEASE don't quote me on that if you get a big bill.....check it for yourelf with your operator
Not ideal, but hey, i'm yet to find anything in life that is.
I am about to stop all sms updates from Facebook as I get them around 5hrs after the initial comment has been posted BUT my e-mail update is there within mins (on T-Mobile UK anyway)
I'm from Slovenia. I can't sue that here.
All what I wan't is for example 30mins interval of checking for updates and pop up window if there are any.
But I believe this doesnt exist for wm6 for now...

Notification of new email

I use my HD2 with exchange synchronisation. It works well with one big problem!
My Exchange sorted the incoming mails to several folders. The problem is that I only get a notification if a mail is incomming directly to the main folder of my mailbox. If a mail was sortet in a subfolder there is no notification. Is there a reg tweak or something else to learn the HD2 to beep every time when a new mail arrives?
It would be great if this is possible, because currently i have to look to all folders the see if there is a new mail.
Same here...
I love to know a way to do a new mail notification on 'folders' too. However, I recall it did this on my iPhone too, so I'm not holding out too much hope!
Does no-one have a solution for this - it's driving me nuts ! The only thing that I've found in my searches on the 'net is the something from blackmonlabs called message-notify (I can't post the URL due to restrictions in this forum, but Googling it should turn it up)
This would work, but is going to screw up the lovely home page of the HD2, so is not really practical. What I'm looking for is something that will display a count of ALL unread messgaes irrespective of whether they are in the Inbox or have been automatically moved to a subfolder. Obviously this should be displayed in the Email notification icon.
If anyone can come up with a solution, I (and many others judging by what I'm reading elsewhere) would be very grateful !

GChat on desktop with phone nearby

Has anyone cracked the code on when Google chat on the phone ignores desktop chat and when it doesn't? I have seen that sometimes when I chat with my friends on my desktop, sometimes my phone beeps for every line entered by the other party and sometimes it doesn't. I think in a perfect world, the phone should beep for the "first" line of text, and if I answer on the desktop, it should ignore the rest (but still record them for posterity). And if I answer on the phone, perhaps it should just haptic vibrate for each line of text received after the "first". I say "first" in quotes because I imagine that would be difficult to manage pragmatically. When is it the first chat of a new "session", and when is it just a delay in between chat lines of the same session? Maybe a customizable interval, like say five minutes. If no text is received within five minutes then it is a new session, so beep on the first line?
Lat night I was chatting with a friend (I was on the desktop) and every time he sent something, my phone would beep. Not the best solution in my opinion.
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
From my experience I use Gchat on my pc everyday when i am at work and I have my phone on my desk near by. When a friend of mine messages me it hits both for the first message, but if i answer on my desktop, it does not hit my phone ever until I sign off of gchat on my pc. Even if it is not focused on the gchat window. I am however using Trillian for my gchat, not sure what you all are using.
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
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This is what happens for me as well. Messages go to my phone on the first IM or if I don't have that window active on my desktop.
I am using the built-into-gmail-dot-com google chat. This has definitely happened to me several times before. Last night it happened again. The entire conversation I had with my friend, every time I received a message on my desktop, my phone also beeped. Other times it worked like it was supposed to (beeped the first time and that was it.)
I will see if I can get my wife to help me troubleshoot tonight.
perhaps a topic for a different thread...
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop....
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My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
Try (within setting of google talk) turn off notification bar, no vibrate, and set ringtone to silent.
That might approximate no notification.
etaChase said:
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
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thanks for that - have tried to "approximate" no notification, and that's all well and good. . . but not the same as turning it off.
I have looked around in my mobile settings in the google account but can't find it (thought it might be similar to turning on/off notification of appointments in the calendar)...
might just be missing it, but this seems like fairly simple feature. I am nearing feeling ready to root my phone and thought maybe this would be a feature that was only available after doing that. It would have been the final encouragement I need to take that (admittedly not very big) plunge!
I have a rooted Nexus One (CM6 with KOR) and that is as close as I can get to turning them off (that I can find anyway).
This was happening to me, too (when I used Gtalk on the PC, the phone sitting on my desk would sound the alert, with every chat message I rec'd) -- so I just manually signed out of Gtalk on the phone, and it stopped happening. I mostly use Gtalk on desktop anyway. (Though when I check "running processes" on the Vibrant, I see Gtalk always seems to be running -- must start up automatically -- even though I'm signed out...)
exactly Pevvy -
but signing out of Gmail kinda defeats the purpose of having the phone constantly synched. Guess the same argument could be made as to why you want chats saved/synched... anyhoo - I just don't want chat on my vibrant, period. I don't want them saved (so transcription is turned off in gChat on the desktop) and I would never chat from the phone. OK, never say never, but I would rather have to enable that, rather than always having it running using resources.
When I root that would a fun thing to explore to see if it can be deactivated through some custom start-up (so it doesn't show as a running service - I see the same thing) and only starts if I manually start it.
That said, if it is server side associated with the google account (its a hosted domain and that may further change things...) it may not be able to adjust even with root. Interest how this shows the blending/blurring between the net and the synch to the phone - and should data and synch be more push or pull.
Oh, I didn't sign out of Gmail on my phone -- just Gtalk (the chat service)... seems it was keeping me signed in automatically before, and I had to go into the app, and manually sign out.

