[INFO] Note to all ROM makers - Galaxy S II General

There seems to be issues with baksmali/smali v1.2.6 when deodexing latest samsung roms (2.3.4 maybe also some 2.3.3!).
If you baksmali framework.odex and smali it back to a dex file (without changing anything) your ROM will become laggy!
Some people say its the hardware acceleration that no longer works.
The web browser becomes unusable. There have been reports that video player and camera also seems laggy.
My suggestion is NOT to deodex framework.odex! I'm sorry to say this...
I know this means no custom deodexed roms! But I do believe you will run into more problems we don't know about yet!
But you can still do mods!
Just not deodexed framework mods. You can deodex apk files in the app folder. You can also try and deodex files in the framework folder as long and you dont deodex the framework.odex file! But here you have to convert them back to odex files!
As proof I have made this mod for stock XXKG1. I have the odexed the files back to odex using the dexopt-wrapper tool.

It is not just 1.2.6, I have built from the latest source and still has problems.

I disagree 100% fwiw with OP
I have no speed issues beyond that stupid browser, and that looks just like a baksmali bug. I don't do the "quit" attitude - I will fix it...
But anyway, there is no lag or anything here, even on 2.3.4 deodexed and underclocked.
So while there may be a browser issue, I would not suggest to people not to deodex. I can provide thousands of posts of people happy with a properly Deodexed and optimised ROM...

do we know why this happens? Is there an logic explanation

stian230 said:
do we know why this happens? Is there an logic explanation
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Most likely minor baksmali bug

designgears said:
It is not just 1.2.6, I have built from the latest source and still has problems.
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Maybe if we can debug using source we can figure out what goes wrong!

pulser_g2 said:
I disagree 100% fwiw with OP
I have no speed issues beyond that stupid browser, and that looks just like a baksmali bug. I don't do the "quit" attitude - I will fix it...
But anyway, there is no lag or anything here, even on 2.3.4 deodexed and underclocked.
So while there may be a browser issue, I would not suggest to people not to deodex. I can provide thousands of posts of people happy with a properly Deodexed and optimised ROM...
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I hope you are right... But alot people also complains about all sorts of problems with the custom roms... and we dont really know if its related to this or not...

I spent all yesterday thinking about that...
The odex file is only valid when used with the exact BOOTCLASSPATH files. dalvik enforces this by storing a checksum of each file that the odex file is dependent on, and ensuring that the checksum for each file matches when the odex file is loaded.
When you are deodexing an apk, even if you don't need to set BOOTCLASSPATH for it (because you don't get any error msg while baksmali), by default these 5 jar are already included in the classpath: core.jar, ext.jar, framework.jar, android.policy.jar and services.jar. This means that an odex file has dependencies on every "BOOTCLASSPATH" file that is loaded when it is generated.
So i was thinking about to deodexing every apk in /system/app a part Browser.apk (i.e leaving Browser.odex) and try to figure out which jar file inside /system/framework has to remain odexed.
Maybe we can still have overscroll glow mod, renounce to have the extended power menu in order to get an HW accellerated Browser!
I don't know if it make sense for you as my english need to be improved

_JKay_ said:
I hope you are right... But alot people also complains about all sorts of problems with the custom roms... and we dont really know if its related to this or not...
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You got any examples to hand?
The common issues I see are
- failing to read my install instructions
- trying to come from some other ROM without following the instructions
- trying to restore titanium backups entirely, depositing apps that are codes like half-polished turds in the phone
- pushing incorrect files into rom without knowing what they are doing
- stupid setcpu config
Am interested to see if you have found other issues, as camera and video player are confirmed by a fair number to be fine...
I swapped my phone with one running stock, and I had to tell my friend what I had done, as he was sure it was his oh, and I was underclocked to 800 max too at the time

pulser_g2 said:
You got any examples to hand?
The common issues I see are
- failing to read my install instructions
- trying to come from some other ROM without following the instructions
- trying to restore titanium backups entirely, depositing apps that are codes like half-polished turds in the phone
- pushing incorrect files into rom without knowing what they are doing
- stupid setcpu config
Am interested to see if you have found other issues, as camera and video player are confirmed by a fair number to be fine...
I swapped my phone with one running stock, and I had to tell my friend what I had done, as he was sure it was his oh, and I was underclocked to 800 max too at the time
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The frameword.odex is not compiled correctly!! That's a fact!! The laggy browser proofs it. Framework.odex the largest most important file in the android framework!! And that does not concern you? Is that not a bit naive?

_JKay_ said:
The frameword.odex is not compiled correctly!! That's a fact!! The laggy browser proofs it. Framework.odex the largest most important file in the android framework!! And that does not concern you? Is that not a bit naive?
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I believe what I see. I have asked HomerSp if he can take a look at it, when he can, as he knows a lot about the deodexing process.
But at the end of the day, while there is clearly something not working in baksmali or smali, this seems a good opportunity to fix it and pass on the fix to JF
I know what is in framework.jar, and that it covers most things...
I do genuinely have interest in seeing the issues you raised, as perhaps there is disparity between methods of deodexing??? I am interested to see if I can reproduce any here too, as that would highlight a wider issue.

pulser_g2 said:
I believe what I see. I have asked HomerSp if he can take a look at it, when he can, as he knows a lot about the deodexing process.
But at the end of the day, while there is clearly something not working in baksmali or smali, this seems a good opportunity to fix it and pass on the fix to JF
I know what is in framework.jar, and that it covers most things...
I do genuinely have interest in seeing the issues you raised, as perhaps there is disparity between methods of deodexing??? I am interested to see if I can reproduce any here too, as that would highlight a wider issue.
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Well.... I will not use deodexed custom roms so I won't find any issues!!! But some people probably will or already has...
I'd rather spend my time on fixing this and create odexed mods until its fixed!
As soon as I see that the framework.odex can be compiled without breaking the browser... I might try some custom roms again..

That's weird. I'm using Lite'ning 1,5 ROM (which is deodexed) since i bought this phone and everything runs very smooth (including browser, video playback, gaming, launcher and so on). Before i had HTC Desire Z with CM7 on it and it was freezing slow if compared to my current setup. It's just flying.

AllWin said:
That's weird. I'm using Lite'ning 1,5 ROM (which is deodexed) since i bought this phone and everything runs very smooth (including browser, video playback, gaming, launcher and so on). Before i had HTC Desire Z with CM7 on it and it was freezing slow if compared to my current setup. It's just flying.
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I know that version (2.2) does not include the original stock browser but a patched version.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

_JKay_ said:
I know that version (2.2) does not include the original stock browser but a patched version.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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You're basing all your points on 1 main problem, the browser.
That's hardly the way to go. Rather, they will work to solving the problem regarding the browser, then we can continue to have proper custom roms. Besides, KG1 is a leaked rom. Deodexing didn't affect KF2, it might not cause problems for later leaked or "official" roms.
Rather than directing others to your odexed mods, the way for things to move on is to see the problem being fixed. There's a reason why custom roms are almost always deodexed. Don't rock the boat if you don't like the status quo.

kenkiller said:
You're basing all your points on 1 main problem, the browser.
That's hardly the way to go. Rather, they will work to solving the problem regarding the browser, then we can continue to have proper custom roms. Besides, KG1 is a leaked rom. Deodexing didn't affect KF2, it might not cause problems for later leaked or "official" roms.
Rather than directing others to your odexed mods, the way for things to move on is to see the problem being fixed. There's a reason why custom roms are almost always deodexed. Don't rock the boat if you don't like the status quo.
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That's actually exactly what I am saying!! Don't spend time on fixing the browser! Spend time on fixing the baksmali/smali tools!!
But until that's fixed I believe you can't really rely on the deodexed roms because framework.odex does not compile correctly!!
Some people said that you can't do mods that are odexed!! Thats the reason for the example! You actually don't need to deodex the framework!! But I admit.. it's easier not to odex files...

BTW guys, following the OP IDEA i got my own custom rom working with the odexed stock Browser (i.e. HW accellerated).
Basically all the apps have been deodexed apart Browser, and i left the framework jar files odexed!
Basically i got the same features/mod as before, the only think i have to renounce is the overscroll glow effect (i don't like it at all, i prefer the stock Samsung bounce effect) and the extended power menu (we can easily replace it by using quickboot).
That's it
thanks _JKay_ for the IDEA!

But I do think the problems wont fix itself in the future. The SGS facing the same problems with XXJVQ!!

LeoMar75 said:
BTW guys, following the OP IDEA i got my own custom rom working with the odexed stock Browser (i.e. HW accellerated).
Basically all the apps have been deodexed apart Browser, and i left the framework jar files odexed!
Basically i got the same features/mod as before, the only think i have to renounce is the overscroll glow effect (i don't like it at all, i prefer the stock Samsung bounce effect) and the extended power menu (we can easily replace it by using quickboot).
That's it
thanks _JKay_ for the IDEA!
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No problem! Actually my mod gives you the extended power menu

_JKay_ said:
But I do think the problems wont fix itself in the future. The SGS facing the same problems with XXJVQ!!
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I agree with you, but at least, since a lot of people complain about the stock browser, we can stay happy with it!
I reckon we need new tool for deodexing, smali backsmali are dated now...


NO LONGER ACTIVE PLEASE CLOSE [devs] deodex version of ivanmmj Eris_Official 1.0

per positive response below is a link to a copy of ivanmmj Eris_Official 1.0 ROM that I have fully deodexed. This is more meant for devs for continued play time, but it is a flashable ROM. PLEASE NOTE that ivanmmj himself looks to be coming out with the next version of Eris_Official 1.0 per his thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=652044.
Hope this is helpful and Enjoy
P.S. please let me know of any issues as this is my first full deodex also I would like to encurage using this tread to exploring moding some of the system files on Eris ROM builds as it has been fun to tweak things
P.P.S. If you want the Zanfer kernel let me know and I will look at adding it in however ivanmmj's new version should have it...
what is Deodex?
I'm definitely interested, but I also think Ivan is working on the same project himself. I'm pretty sure his "1.1" is deodexed and has Zanfur's kernel. Not sure what other changes he has in mind, but you might want to check with him before posting since you'll end up being the one getting all the PM's from people wanting help. ;-)
Yes please I'm looking for exactly that
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
That would be awesome.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
BTW jcase's plain jane1.0 has zanfur overclocking kernel.....
i dont know what you think but it might be a better platorm than ivanmmjs
a deodexed version of that would be tight....
kernels are easy to compile and swap out, a different kernel isnt going to influence the build at all
i always seem to get better battery life from the non oc'ed kernel.
Morkai Almandragon said:
what is Deodex?
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Yes, what does that mean ?
hallstevenson said:
Yes, what does that mean ?
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it means you have a classes.dex file rather than a .odex file
it makes things easier, its also possible to metamorph these builds and its possible to install a deoexed app on multiple platforms.
anonomouse said:
it means you have a classes.dex file rather than a .odex file
it makes things easier, its also possible to metamorph these builds and its possible to install a deoexed app on multiple platforms.
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Means I can finally modify Rosie.apk to my liking.
hallstevenson said:
Yes, what does that [deodex] mean ?
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A more experienced developer can add more but a few quick basics:
.odex files are precompiled class flies that correlate to a .apk or .jar file. In an odex ROM an .apk/.jar file will not function without it's correlated .odex.
a deodex build takes all of the .odex files converts them to a classes.dex and puts them into the .apk or .jar file package
deodex ROM are easier to mod because each .apk or .jar is a "complete" package and can be more easily decompiled and ported (i.e. you do not have to worry about the .odex files)
A deodexed build requires less space in /system, but more space in /data
A deodexed build requires a longer initial boot because they must regenerating those odex files from the dex files in the .apks/.jars and save them to /data/dalvik-cache
Thats a quick list of what I know
odex only help speed up app loading time and first time boot. Think of this as Windows' prefetch.
If you want to re-create odex for apk for porting, etc... I suggest only do this to /system/app not /data/app because when you do update from market and your app will break, unless you wipe out dalvik-cache.
zach.xtr said:
This is more meant for devs for continued play time, but it is a flashable ROM.
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Would this be ok for an every day ROM? Or should it just be used by dev's as a base ROM?
Hey guys I've been testing this for Ivan. same thing he has a version deodexed.
I edited this
to work for this rom. which works great, but I get an error of
com.htc.bgp because of it, does anyone have any idea why?
Romparoo said:
Would this be ok for an every day ROM? Or should it just be used by dev's as a base ROM?
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Technically it is fine as an everyday ROM, however I do not recomend using it for such because it is not support and will have no additional features over ivanmmj origional 1.0.
So I guess, yes it meant to be used as a base ROM or "spare parts" for devs.
BlazeD OnE said:
Hey guys I've been testing this for Ivan. same thing he has a version deodexed.
I edited this
to work for this rom. which works great, but I get an error of
com.htc.bgp because of it, does anyone have any idea why?
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Someone else did this, on androidforums.com. I haven't replied to his posting, but it's in like page 19 of the 'show off your UI layout' thread there. I'm working on a modified Rosie.apk right now, as soon as I get this de-odex'd Ivan's on my phone running. Titanium backup here I come.
FYI, I was able to flash the deodexed version over the original Eris_Official 1.0 Alpha without having to do a full wipe (just wiped dalvik-cache). Naturally, I went back and re-flashed Zanfur's overclock kernel after that.

Help Build ROM!!

So during the time was ban on XDA for flaming Noob. I have had the time to take a rom of my liking and personalize it to what I believe to be the perfect rom, well for me at least. Now that have everything all together I want to share my creation with the world and Good people here on XDA. But I have no idea how to make everything in to a DOT .zip file. I need help and I was wondering if anyone would care to help me.
What will be included in the rom:
GB launcher2
Galaxy tab TWlauncher clone
OC 1.2ghz Kernel w/ universal lagfixes
Gingerbread style theme w/ a little color
GPS fix
Gb keyboard w/ working vibration and sound
Avatar Movie app
Sims3 app and sims3.apk
Rom manager
Xda app
Root explorer
New market app
Android 2.2.1
and more.....
This rom will be a mix of Eugene and masters roms so all thank goes to them and a couple other people on the forum.
Thank You
sader2202 said:
So during the time was ban on XDA for flaming Noob. I have had the time to take a rom of my liking and personalize it to what I believe to be the perfect rom, well for me at least. Now that have everything all together I want to share my creation with the world and Good people here on XDA. But I have no idea how to make everything in to a DOT .zip file. I need help and I was wondering if anyone would care to help me.
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Hi. I think you'll find a lot of support on XDA for building your own ROM and/or for theming. You've covered a lot of different areas in terms of what you want to do. I have a few recommendations.
1. Do a quick search, either here or in Google, on how to build Android ROMs. There's a lot of good information out there and some of it might resonate with you in terms of how they explain things. That said, if all you're doing is changing a few files around; files you already have, then you would simply add them to, or replace the existing ones from a ROM you like. Just be sure to connect with the developers of that ROM so you can give credit where credit is due. Or, you could start with the Stock ROM and do it that way. But, in either case, you would be essentially using WinZip or some similar app to build the .zip file as you'd like to see it.
2. Consider hooking up with one of the existing developers and start making contributions to their work. That would give you a chance to work with some of the best people who are already doing what you want to do. I think in that case, it wouldn't take too long for you to come up to speed on who they've approached things. Also, this helps you from making some novice mistakes that I'm sure they've made along the way.
Lastly, consider the "value add" of your ROM over those that are already available. If you build something and no one has heard of you and then they don't see your ROM as having anything better or different to offer, then people might not want to use it. For example, Team Whiskey has Obsidian. Then they released Onyx. However, Onyx was materially different than Obsidian in that they removed a lot of the TouchWiz based theming and T-Mobile applications. So, a lot of people saw value in that.
Anyway, good luck. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun!
This thing sounds quite nice! Would you be interested in posting the 2.2.1 build you got your hands on and the GB KB with Vibration? I haven't seen either of those elsewhere.
vinnydakid said:
This thing sounds quite nice! Would you be interested in posting the 2.2.1 build you got your hands on and the GB KB with Vibration? I haven't seen either of those elsewhere.
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updated version has vibration
accidently hit thanks
sader2202 said:
So during the time was ban on XDA for flaming Noob. I have had the time to take a rom of my liking and personalize it to what I believe to be the perfect rom, well for me at least. Now that have everything all together I want to share my creation with the world and Good people here on XDA. But I have no idea how to make everything in to a DOT .zip file. I need help and I was wondering if anyone would care to help me.
What will be included in the rom:
GB launcher2
Galaxy tab TWlauncher clone
OC 1.2ghz Kernel w/ universal lagfixes
Gingerbread style theme w/ a little color
GPS fix
Gb keyboard w/ working vibration and sound
Avatar Movie app
Sims3 app and sims3.apk
Rom manager
Xda app
Root explorer
New market app
Android 2.2.1
and more.....
Thank You
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First, google WINRAR and download it.
Then select all your files, right click and click ARCHIVE and then choose location, name, and wait until its done, and it'll be in a .zip.
Root Explorer is not a free app, so you may want to reconsider adding that as part of your ROM.
wannagofast said:
Root Explorer is not a free app, so you may want to reconsider adding that as part of your ROM.
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Oops thanks for the heads up. I've been using it so much that i forgot that i brought it.
xriderx66 said:
First, google WINRAR and download it.
Then select all your files, right click and click ARCHIVE and then choose location, name, and wait until its done, and it'll be in a .zip.
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Thanks i had that install in my pc. thanks again.
xriderx66 said:
First, google WINRAR and download it.
Then select all your files, right click and click ARCHIVE and then choose location, name, and wait until its done, and it'll be in a .zip.
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wannagofast said:
Root Explorer is not a free app, so you may want to reconsider adding that as part of your ROM.
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Following the steps above, able to get him to do his ROM.
So this thread is no longer necessary!
Thanks for the help and feedback of all!
Closed Thread!

[INFO] An update regarding the Browser issue on deodexed XXJVQ

An update about the browser issue and a temporary fix:
I managed to get the browser working on a deodexed JVQ.
Here is a temporary fix until we find how to fix the browser issue without the need for any odex files. You need to be on fully a stock firmware(non stock kernel is OK), means no modded apk files or framework files, because I have only tested it on a stock firmware, but if your firmware is modded and you don't mind re-flashing if it goes wrong then use at your own risk, making a CWM backup is a good idea on moded firmwares, you can copy the files using CWM or manually, choose what works best for you:
Flash via CWM: (You need around 16MB of free space on /system)
CWM Package: Download (6.3 MB) MD5:f5b8cbdde94be7cf6e4604f0051334eb
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How to copy the files manually: (You need around 16MB of free space on /system)
*Extract and copy the extracted odex folder with the odex files to your internal SD-card: Download (6.3 MB) MD5:2cff4b99c08d7b84af9c7e6838daccaa
*Put the phone on 'Debugging-mode' and connect it to your PC
*Open a command prompt and brows to the adb directory, then execute the following:
adb shell
busybox mount -o rw,remount /system
cp -r /sdcard/odex/* /system/framework
rm -r /data/dalvik-cache/*
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Done, the boot will take a some time because the firmware will re-build the dalvik-cache but the browser will work fine after that.
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This is for developers and experienced users:
It's not that simple as it appears that 4 odex files must be on /system/framework in order to get the browser running as it should, these 4 files are:
Remove one of these files and the circle collapses and the browser lags as you know.
I don't know if it's because the browser is programmed to look for the odex/classes files on /system/framework, if that is the case then it might be possible to change some lines in the browser classes files or the apk file itself.
I just wanted to share this with you so those with good-code-reader-eyes might have a clue on where to start looking.
Great, works on my modded deodexed rom with all mods still alive... you just need enough space in system and to wipe dalvik cache. Thanks!!!
diamond69 said:
Great, works on my modded deodexed rom with all mods still alive... you just need enough space in system and to wipe dalvik cache. Thanks!!!
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Some members have reported that it does not work on deodexed modified firmwares, so making a nandroid backup is recommended before using the CWM package.
yeah, a nandroid is nice to have, thats for sure!
so listen to Ramad, you could also screw your config when using the odexed framework files together with deodexed ones!
i had luck
till i used the powermenu -- hot reboot and then fine
or changed the lockscreens --endless hot reboots
so it is not as easy as it seems at first (although autobrightness-mod, batterymod and rotary-lockscreen are working well)
hey Ramad,
You may have a look on the link below, where i explain why there's *no* lags with the browser.
eric75004 said:
hey Ramad,
You may have a look on the link below, where i explain why there's *no* lags with the browser.
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Hi Eric
Did you try the browser on the deodexed version o XXJVQ, you will be able to deodex and use the browser, with or without modifications, on a stock firmware and it will behave normally, but the browser will not be smooth at all when the whole firmware is deodexed, this is why we say it lags, because it does not response as it should and lags behind the command when you scroll or click on a subject as a picture or a link. I think that you will get a better idea of what I wrote when you flash the deodexed firmware and try the browser.
Hello Ramad,
The first think i did after downloading the odex Firmware was to deodex it...
I thought as many that the browser was buggy/laggy until i decide to reflash to stock odex and debug it.
I'm then 100% confident that there's no lag on the browser itself and that it responds well. You feel that there is a an lag only because it do not render the zoom/scroll animation.
The issue come from the whole deodexing of apps and framework in batch. Guess that the apk use one of them (or many) to render the animation.
I got some similar unexpected visual effect when i began to study apk and compile them by myself.
I will add some tips to reproduce into this post related to the mod
It is nice and time saver to work together and see how to solve.
[Ramad] said:
Hi Eric
Did you try the browser on the deodexed version o XXJVQ, you will be able to deodex and use the browser, with or without modifications, on a stock firmware and it will behave normally, but the browser will not be smooth at all when the whole firmware is deodexed, this is why we say it lags, because it does not response as it should and lags behind the command when you scroll or click on a subject as a picture or a link. I think that you will get a better idea of what I wrote when you flash the deodexed firmware and try the browser.
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Hi Ramad!
did you read this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1132724
near the bottom you can find 07/03/2011 : How To FIX yourself the laggy deodexed browser.apk
It is for SGS2 but could work for SGS1 (with the right files from proper SGS1 browser to work with)
Still, I beleve for the SGS1 browser problem we have to look in correcty deodexing framework.jar file as for me that delivers the lagging problem...
Is the JVQ browser installable on JVP deodexed?
SamHaLeKe said:
Hi Ramad!
did you read this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1132724
near the bottom you can find 07/03/2011 : How To FIX yourself the laggy deodexed browser.apk
It is for SGS2 but could work for SGS1 (with the right files from proper SGS1 browser to work with)
Still, I beleve for the SGS1 browser problem we have to look in correcty deodexing framework.jar file as for me that delivers the lagging problem...
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Thank you I believe that it was the old method with an old browser that pulser_g2 referred to on his post here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=948790&page=81
But I will read the post in the link your provided, it could be helpful, thanks for the help my friend.
eric75004 said:
Hello Ramad,
The first think i did after downloading the odex Firmware was to deodex it...
I thought as many that the browser was buggy/laggy until i decide to reflash to stock odex and debug it.
I'm then 100% confident that there's no lag on the browser itself and that it responds well. You feel that there is a an lag only because it do not render the zoom/scroll animation.
The issue come from the whole deodexing of apps and framework in batch. Guess that the apk use one of them (or many) to render the animation.
I got some similar unexpected visual effect when i began to study apk and compile them by myself.
I will add some tips to reproduce into this post related to the mod
It is nice and time saver to work together and see how to solve.
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I did read your post just now, sorry. I got my hands full now, uploading three stock firmwares, don't be so exited, they are all 2.3.3
Thanks again Ramad,i've put the files into the framework folder before flahing your stock deodex coming from the odex JVQ (plus the cfroot zimage and a little change in the updater-script to make a nowipe one as i always do,saying that just to be the more specific possible),and browser works indeed as it should.
I will try mods or little theme things step by step (as long as mods doesn't include framework.jar it should be ok?as for the odex mods without framework.jar preserve the browser?)
My noob's impressions already told me that the solution for that browser thing lies in the SamHaLeKe link.(browser new animations that must be well "declared" in the modified framework.jar...something like that?...)
Hum,sorry for thinking my opinion(sensation...)may belong here and for my surely difficult to understand english.
Hi SamHaLeke,
I went to read it...
Pulse-g2 did a regression by porting the classes from a older Browser.
Great if it work, but it is like to use the JVP Browser on JVQ...
If you don't mind the new features brought by the JVQ release, click to the following link. At the end of the post, there is my JVP modded browser.
Let us know if it work on JVQ with the deodexed framework.
In Sri Lanka
SamHaLeKe said:
Hi Ramad!
did you read this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1132724
near the bottom you can find 07/03/2011 : How To FIX yourself the laggy deodexed browser.apk
It is for SGS2 but could work for SGS1 (with the right files from proper SGS1 browser to work with)
Still, I beleve for the SGS1 browser problem we have to look in correcty deodexing framework.jar file as for me that delivers the lagging problem...
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Hi Bedja,
I do not get you.
Did you put the files and , then, reflashed your phone with the deodexed rom?
If exact, you're still running with deodexed, and challenged to fix the lag .
Please confirm: you may have the solution in your hand .
Bejda said:
Thanks again Ramad,i've put the files into the framework folder before flahing your stock deodex coming from the odex JVQ (plus the cfroot zimage and a little change in the updater-script to make a nowipe one as i always do,saying that just to be the more specific possible),and browser works indeed as it should.
I will try mods or little theme things step by step (as long as mods doesn't include framework.jar it should be ok?as for the odex mods without framework.jar preserve the browser?)
My noob's impressions already told me that the solution for that browser thing lies in the SamHaLeKe link.(browser new animations that must be well "declared" in the modified framework.jar...something like that?...)
Hum,sorry for thinking my opinion(sensation...)may belong here and for my surely difficult to understand english.
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hi eric!
that was the first i tried, after realizing that deodexed rom + jvq browser = a mess!
so i used your jvp version and had fc at launch, even after deleting browser-data.
so i went back to deodexed jvq (because of my mods) + your modded jvq browser + ramads 4 .odex files and it works well (browsing wiith jvq-browser), my mods are also "quite" okay:
- battery mods and theming: works!
- autobrightnessfix works
- tv animation works
- all 9 lockscreens are working (changing not)******
*****--> powermenu + 9-lockscreen switching is broken due to stock framework.odex but when i delete framework.odex and do a reboot, i can switch between all lockscreens and apply them (jvq browser laggs awfully now beause of that)
now i copy the framework.odex back & do a reboot: jvq browser is working again without lagging and i can use the new lockscreen aswell!
using dexopt (in the right bootclass order) to RE-ODEX my modded deodexed framework didn't help. now the browser laggs again.
maybe this might be helpful aswell
Yes it help a lot...
As , for sure, we now where to focus .
I just deodexed the framework by hand, and found something about opengl and jit, and the JVQ browser use openGl to render the scroll/zomm animation.
However it close to midnight in Sri Lanka, and i will resume the investigations tomorrow.
Have a good night/morning or afternoon depending your location .
In Sri lanka
diamond69 said:
hi eric!
that was the first i tried, after realizing that deodexed rom + jvq browser = a mess!
so i used your jvp version and had fc at launch, even after deleting browser-data.
so i went back to deodexed jvq (because of my mods) + your modded jvq browser + ramads 4 .odex files and it works well (browsing wiith jvq-browser), my mods are also "quite" okay:
- battery mods and theming: works!
- autobrightnessfix works
- tv animation works
- all 9 lockscreens are working (changing not)******
*****--> powermenu + 9-lockscreen switching is broken due to stock framework.odex but when i delete framework.odex and do a reboot, i can switch between all lockscreens and apply them (jvq browser laggs awfully now beause of that)
now i copy the framework.odex back & do a reboot: jvq browser is working again without lagging and i can use the new lockscreen aswell!
using dexopt (in the right bootclass order) to RE-ODEX my modded deodexed framework didn't help. now the browser laggs again.
maybe this might be helpful aswell
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i'm glad to hear i could point you into a nice direction for further investigations.
jit+open gl sounds good to me, in comparison to other browser-releases we never had any acceleration before
i whish you the best for tomorrow, maybe its gonna be a great jvq-day
works great on JVQ rooted with CF-root-v3.7
tested one two similar SG S i9000
flashed with CWM Manager
thanks for the zip, Ramad
Bejda said:
Thanks again Ramad,i've put the files into the framework folder before flahing your stock deodex coming from the odex JVQ (plus the cfroot zimage and a little change in the updater-script to make a nowipe one as i always do,saying that just to be the more specific possible),and browser works indeed as it should.
I will try mods or little theme things step by step (as long as mods doesn't include framework.jar it should be ok?as for the odex mods without framework.jar preserve the browser?)
My noob's impressions already told me that the solution for that browser thing lies in the SamHaLeKe link.(browser new animations that must be well "declared" in the modified framework.jar...something like that?...)
Hum,sorry for thinking my opinion(sensation...)may belong here and for my surely difficult to understand english.
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I did not read your post until now, sorry
Your way of working things is correct, you try things separately or step by step on a stable platform to see what brings it down.
Opinions and ideas are needed, we are not going any where without the best of them.
What about this solution http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1155129
snack23 said:
What about this solution http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1155129
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I was wondering the same.
I have yet run it his browser through the paces completely, but it seems to be running great so far. It is fast as heck and super smooth. I'm in the US using a Captivate on Continuum 6.1 (deodexed JVQ based).

[Q] Suggestions for a new ROM (to be introduced)

Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
aair said:
Hey People!! I'm new to XDA and this is my first post :silly: I'd like to introduce a new ROM. So basically i want to make something different for the galaxy y- the phone we've all loved to love! I want to have a redesigned launcher looking somewhat similar to the ICS ad Jellybean with softkeys like the one on ICS. It should be Deodexed rooted and have access to many other features (like pre-installed chainfire and stuff like that :fingers-crossed: ). Im planning on updating the stock kernel to the Merruk Technology Pre-final v2.0 as i've used it and it seems pretty fast and stable (I'm still waiting for the build to be final). I've a Init.d hack with battery calibration and also a hack which (I don't know how) decreases your ram usage haven't tested it yet but people who've used it says it works on stock rom too (which to me seems impossible because stock rom dosen't support init.d. Correct me if i'm wrong :highfive I've decided what to call it too. Now i only need some help which if anyone could offer would be truly amazing to me........
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What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
Sorry 'bout that
anasdcool71 said:
What kind of help do you need? You should have mentioned that in the first post.
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im not a themer, so a themer helping me out would be kinda good :cyclops:
and since this is my first mod a few bug fixing advices would be great too...
Many themers of our forum have made guides for other users to learn from. You can search in the Themes and Apps section for them.
About bugs, first make the custom rom. If you encounter a bug, tell us and we'll be happy to help you.
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
aair said:
could you please post the links of such posts which contain methods of themeing the status bar and launchers??? and also how do you edit some apks which ive downloaded from the play store??
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Go to /data/app/ you will see all your apps there....
After getting those apk you can freely edit...
Btw wat u want to edit in apk
Globally recognised and certified NOOB
Try using uot kitchen for initial theming. Use my guide in sign to go to advanced level
Sent from my GT-S6102 using XDA
just decompile and recompile the systemui and framework-res,
everything is in the drawable-ldpi
I too m making a rom but i think theming is much more difficult than making a rom so i suggest use someone's theme and ask him for permissions:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

Moto XPRT Gingerbread Modding HERE!

Hello everybody, It´s been like a week since I last posted, a lot of things went wrong in my house and I somehow lost all my computers
anyway, back in business again, Last night I had to install the stock Sprint GB sbf, to my surprise it worked Really, Really good.
I´ve had a Defy+ and a Milestone 2, And I remembered having lots of issues with modding aka. no signal, wifi issues (like the cm7 and 9 ones) data issues, system lags, poor battery life, kernel errors on development, Overclocking settings not being saved, recovery mess-ups, and a lot of depicable stuff, most of all kernel-related.
Anyway, last night I flashed the stock rom over cm7 and noticed a real speed, functionality and battery boost, so I thought of just theming, de-bloating and optimizing the stock Sprint ROM.
Please follow me here:
We will never be able to flash custom kernels (not w/o the help of a reaaaaal good DEV)
CM9 &10, though they are eye-candy, are based actually on Gingerbread kernel, so no new features can be added besides the ones you can get withg new apps.
CM7, though stable, lacks the performance and functionality of the stock rom.
Finally, the stock rom as I said, (and I´ve tested TONS of ROMS in different motorola devices) is the one with the best responsivenness, snappiness and battery life, plus It's almost clean (eg. bloatware is easily removed.)
How will it be done?, you may ask.
Well Our first step, will be deodexing the stock GB SBF.
After deodexing we will be optimizing the build.prop on our phone, to trick apps into installing on our phones, and to make some quick optimizations.
Once we have deodexed our rom, we will be able to run,autorun and theme /system/apps.
Apps like Gnow, the statusbar and other tweaks can be easily (RELLY EASY) ported to deodexed ROMS
So this is the challenge guys, Let´s build our own stockcustom ROM.
So far I´m re-flashing stock sprint GB to continue testing only the essential apps, so we can build from there.
And just for a tease; here is my latest build.prop, with some tweaks and tricks taken from other roms and my personal experience, just make sure you have root access, fire up a file explorer and replace your build.prop
Please Refer to next post for links on how to maybe help me with deodexing the full rom.
And please, developers, dont take this as a shady move towards your development, I just think that the best way to make something is to start from scratch..... there are too many source files, modded files and crap files on cm7,9&10 specially when not officially supported (Because everybody messes with the files and re-distributes them, so a lot of clutter and unneeded files, references and code are injected on some releases....)
So my friends, we have a common goal, By now I have succesfully overclocked/undervolted the phone to 1350/233 mhz (not on recovery!!)
I´ve deodexed system/framework/
and Im stuck trying to deodex system/apps/
Xprt Owners of the world, please come on over here, we can do this...
I´m an architect/artist so I really want this to have a sleek look, but not copying a specific stock look, if you know what I mean....
From now on refer to the "wished features post" for features you´d like
And now my final statement:
Though it IS possible to compile JB or ICS from source to our phones, my experience with this somehow outdated android motorolas, is that you will not get significant performance boosts or super cool functions with new software. The only way to get this functionality is by upgrading the kernel which I again declare IS NOT POSSIBLE on our phone. CM9 and 10 my look like JB and ICS, but run straight off a GB kernel.
Yes you will get a lot of new stuff like menus and graphics, but the functionality will be the same, plus all the eye candy will trade off your new features with lags and possible errors.
Software is built in time with devices, and it doesn´t matter how much you say "but the hardware is capable of more!!", incremental software updates "ignore" some HW features, so they have to be forced or modified to run, which adds more procesess/tasks to the kernel and this will suck your speed and battery.
Let´s build something pretty...............:laugh:
Hello everybody, and welcome to the world of modding.
From today, we will be coordinating an army of people to work towards a common goal: Having the best ROM for our phones, and surviving the day.
The tools you absolutely need:
Be a self-troubleshooter
Advanced Google skills
Some Weed
First of all I will just oversee the topic: ODEXED vs DEODEXED
In simple words, Odexed systems have XX.apk and XX.odex, which store certain app properties (like icons, colors, fonts, menus) so that they wont be messed up with, thus making the system more stable, Deodexed systems, have only APK´s with their icons, colors and behaviors packed on, thus making theming, modding and using alternative system apps easier.
If you would LOVE to read about the subject, please refer to this: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/what-is-odex-and-deodex-in-android-complete-guide/
Well, now that you are totally aware of the odex-deodex situation, you might ask yourself..
-how the phuck do I deodex my system??????
Well, deodexing implies merging the .odex properties onto the apk.
Hey!!!! but how???
you need brains, patience, Java SDK7, Android sdk, and music.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852322 this instructions are for deodexing.. good luck....
To save your time, you need Android SDK and JSDK properly installed, you need xUltimate (Try and find the version that works on you), and you need the patience and willingness of Sidharta.
Ive tried already 5 versions of xUltimate to find out errors on different files!!!!!!
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2065270This will tell you some other basics on the xultimate deal.
There are other ways to deodex, help me google that.
We will be based on the stock 1FF-p3_kronos_cdma_kronos-user-2.3.5-4.5.1-110-KNS-46-49-test-keys-signed-Sprint-US SBF....
I would love to develop something good to both sprint and boost, but I have a Sprint handset, so I cannot assure our development will work on boost handsets, so please just sprint handset owners only for now.
For xultimate errors and troubleshooting, please refer to Google.com!
Ive been up all last night deodexing my system apps, and found out that most google related apps cannot be deodexed...
maybe that's why you need to install gapps in cm7 or other custom roms...
anyway people, let's get fully deodexed.
Make sure you have both Android SDK and Java SDK 7 PROPERLY installed oin your pc before trying this.
Cheers, luck and please reply
One last thing, I dont know if it is related somehow, but try to flash your stock rom without a SIM card inserted
Quick update: I Think I´ve got it figured out....
You need full Android SDK, and Java development kit, Android sdk tools alone wont do it, and java alone wont do it, you need developer runtimes and libraries for some programs like xultimate to run right.....
And you need not to activate, use or anything your phone before trying to deodex, I guess just starting up and entering simple things as the time, or having a sim card installed, or your google account can write data on the phone and mess up with the deodexing process.....
xultimate has already deodexed full framework and has passed from the yesterday´s troublesome google quick search box...(first thing to fail last night) so let´s hope it goes well.. it is indeed a loong process...
and just another error, but now I think I have it figured out, you need smali-baksmali assembler/disassembler for some specific .jar packed files... I´ve just installed it, and hopefully will post a fully deodexed stock rom today or tomorrow, for you to test and for us to start theming.
remember if you want to try... you need jdk not just java, you need full android sdk bundle, and you need smali/baksmali on your jdk installation for it to work properly...
This completely sucks, I´ve been trying to troubleshoot the errors xultimate is throwing at me on specific files, that lead me to download A LOT of java JRE and JDK versions, and both in x64 and x32 flavors, which apparently caused a major mixup on my PC´s guts....
Now I´m freaking trying to clean up my dev enviroment, trying to re-set the appropiate paths and classes, but hell with it...
Anyone succeeded??? please let me know if you´ve tried and if you get into any error can you please upload a screenshot???
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
tzuba12 said:
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
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are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
rongsang said:
are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
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yes sir, but in the mean time I managed to patch it with the battery mod, power menu and ICS style notifications
If I can deodex it I think I can improve it a little bit more in terms of performance and looks and functionality , but my powerful pc is a zombie right now, this is no task an old notebook can handle
I have deodexed it a long time back but sadly I can't upload it now. You can run kitchen from cygwin and it will deodexed your rom completely.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Ive used the kitchen and xUltimate with no good results mate!...
I always get smali errors or heap size errors despite I was using even a 4gb heap size, and tried using different versions of smali baksmali....
I am beggining to think I´ve been cursed by the digital gods.
BTW, if you´re able to upload it, I´ll be very thankful dude! I think Im going nowhere right now

