need help with app FC'ing - Android Software Development

i have an app that i created with app inventor. when i package the app and download the apk, it works fine. however, after i modify the manifest and sign the app, it just FC's on my phone.
this is the app
if anyone could take a look to see where the problem lies, i'd appreciate it.

nevermind, figured it out. stupid me changed the package name in the manifest


Need a means to compile apks

OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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apk's are just renamed zip files.
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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yes, set to store...all you have to do is long-press the file and select rename...same to change it back afterward. I don't know about what app will allow you to set to store, but there are a TON of free zip apps. Check the market
I need to edit them though, and if I extract it edit it then zip it with an app, it's not set to store.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Root explorer can open xml files in apps but I don't think it can edit them.
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
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CMoney87 said:
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Yeah signapktic can sign on the phone, all I need is an app that either will, zip things set to store like in sundae or one that will directly modify the contents of the zip.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
akila87 said:
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
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Well making it a zip on my phone didn't screw anything up. I can still browse normally. What I need is a means to edit a zip without compressing it, like you have to for bootanimatjons and everything else.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
I would suggest having a look through the every free app you can find and see if any help. There are so many out there that I have no idea which would work for exactly what you will want it to do. Really, trial and error is the best way, sometimes lol
I'm not sure I understand correctly, some previously mentioned are right on track.
Contents of an APK file are as normal zip files, extract the APK with winrar, 7zip or similar program.. make modifications and re-zip it and change the file name.
Important process called "Zip Align" optimizes the file for the APK format and helps to optimize and align the archive for memory mapping I/O ensuring the payload is delivered correctly, for more info - mmap
If you would like to reverse an APK file, I choose to use APKTOOL a Google hosted project and complete with it's own reverse engineering syntax called "baksmali" - This wraps AAPT - Android Asset Packaging Tool part of the android SDK - need this installed.
An issue exists with obfuscated Java classes. Meaning source code has been scrambled (obfuscation algorithm) enabling it be understood by a compiler but no longer is human readable. Another issue is Signing the APK file as most installers are to authenticate the issuing publisher.
To build an APK anyone only need's have the Eclipse IDE and Android SDK installed and you can do this without even having an Android device by using the emulator to build and test your application.
Happy play!
EDIT: Apk edit and Apk tool are both able to help in this situation also.

making apks download

does anyone no how to make an apk install? for example miui music someone gave me the apk and it installed fine but I downloaded the miui rom and extracted it and took out the miui music but it wont install and I cant use root explorer cuz im not rooted is there something special you have to do to the apk so it will install?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I believe that u have to re-sign the Apk .... if u search the forums or Google it u may find an answer.... also if u search u might find an updated miui music apk.
That is all
nobody calls my EVO a fizzle and gets away with it!!
Indeed...The apk needs to be signed before it's installed. Download zipsigner 2 from the market. Put the .apk on your phone, sign it, and install it with your file manager.
I just get astro file manager and go to whatever folder it saved to
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
ok I signed the apk it installs fine but force closes when I open it
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Try clearing data & cache under settings/applications/manage applications and then a reboot.
still not working can I pm the apk that isnt signed and see if you can get it working
but ill pm tomarrow becuase im not home
thanks for your help ill hit the thanks button when I get on my laptop
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
No problem.....I'll give it a shot.
One other thing......Did you uninstall your old Miui Music app before you installed this one, or did you install over the top of it? Sometimes it makes a difference.

[Q] Create working apk?

I have an app on my phone that Id like to get on my rooted kindle. It goes along with another app that I was able to find the apk on the net, however I cant find the apk for this app due to it being so out of date (1+ year). How do I go about creating an apk of it from tibu backup on my phone to make it work on the kindle? I tried downloading it to my dropbox, unzipping on my computer, transferring to kindle and installing that way, but it keeps coming back app not installed. Any ideas? also off topic, Im having problems with the xda app on my kindle. anytime I go to type any response or search anything, the keyboard pops up then goes away immediately. Any reason why? TIA for any and all help.
Use AppSaver which can be found in the Market. It copies the APK for all or selected apps to your SDCard location. You can then e-mail or transfer the APK to your fire.
Super Manager has an APK manager which does the same thing, but you can do it on a package by package basis. It will save the filename in the Original package name or what I use, Readable Display Name.
Most of the APK's that I've moved to my KF that I could not load by other means were done via this method.
Even then, some packages simply won't install due to hardware requirements not in the KF, but you can't tell till your try.
terracode said:
Use AppSaver which can be found in the Market. It copies the APK for all or selected apps to your SDCard location. You can then e-mail or transfer the APK to your fire
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That app is pretty cool, but unfortunately it still showed app not installed. Ill use this on another phone, but for kindle it still didn't work. Could it be because the outdatedness of the app?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
pre4speed said:
That app is pretty cool, but unfortunately it still showed app not installed. Ill use this on another phone, but for kindle it still didn't work. Could it be because the outdatedness of the app?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Not sure... AppSaver has been working great on my Nexus S to grab apps that don't show up on the Fire Android or Amazon Market. Weird that your backed up app doesn't install. Have you tried copying it directly to the Data/app folder and restarting the Kindle (without manually installing from the Data/App folder)?
terracode said:
Not sure... AppSaver has been working great on my Nexus S to grab apps that don't show up on the Fire Android or Amazon Market. Weird that your backed up app doesn't install. Have you tried copying it directly to the Data/app folder and restarting the Kindle (without manually installing from the Data/App folder)?
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Ill give that a try. Thanx.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

signing of apk file

what do we mean by signing of apk
what happens if we sign an app
pushpakjain said:
what do we mean by signing of apk
what happens if we sign an app
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Singing of an app is to provide a key file to that app which tells the mobile that this z is a valid android app... signing can be done by both private and public key... I guess what I told was right...
Sent from......... I guess you know it...
^^^^ what he said, and one more thing - you don't sign system apps. If you sign even one system app, then you're gonna have to sign all of 'em with the same key.
You mod a non-system apk, you sign it after compiling. You mod a system apk, you compile it, and you only sign if you have edited the AndroidManifest.xml else you don't.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2

How to keep signature after modify apk

How to keep signature after modify apk?
Google said just replace the classes.dex and some files.
But I cant install the apk.
You cannot. And that limitation is there for a reason! That way nobody else than the developer himself can insert code and therefore malware into an app's code. The user will be notified that there's something wrong with the apk. It's more secure for the user and for the developer.
If you want to install your app though, uninstall the app and then you'll be able to install the new, modified apk.
If you happen to be using Eclipse, there is a setting to automatically uninstall the old app if they have different signatures. As somebody who bounces back and forth between computers (each use a different signature when running debug), as well as the live version of my app, this is incredibly helpful, as it saves about 20 seconds of having to go into settings and uninstalling.
You can keep the signature bynot modyfying the manifest. Also theres an window app taht called VTS. that can preserve the signature sir.

