signing of apk file - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

what do we mean by signing of apk
what happens if we sign an app

pushpakjain said:
what do we mean by signing of apk
what happens if we sign an app
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Singing of an app is to provide a key file to that app which tells the mobile that this z is a valid android app... signing can be done by both private and public key... I guess what I told was right...
Sent from......... I guess you know it...

^^^^ what he said, and one more thing - you don't sign system apps. If you sign even one system app, then you're gonna have to sign all of 'em with the same key.
You mod a non-system apk, you sign it after compiling. You mod a system apk, you compile it, and you only sign if you have edited the AndroidManifest.xml else you don't.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2


[Q] Is there way to modify package name???

I'm trying to modify AndroidManifest.xml,
So I could use my edited version of APP
While I use original APP that is on the market...
> I'm not trying to publish the edit version of someone's hard work,
> And take his credit...
> I just like to have both version of his/her and mine...
I tried changing NAME, but that didn't work out...
So I renamed <manifest androidackage="">
But it won't let me SIGN the apk file with the edited AndroidManifest.xml!
Someone help me please
::: Sorry for bad English :::
peurocs4 said:
But it won't let me SIGN the apk file with the edited AndroidManifest.xml!
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You should be able to sign every zip file, it doesn't matter whether you have edited manifest or not. How do you sign it?
I used APK manager to sign the file...
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need help with app FC'ing

i have an app that i created with app inventor. when i package the app and download the apk, it works fine. however, after i modify the manifest and sign the app, it just FC's on my phone.
this is the app
if anyone could take a look to see where the problem lies, i'd appreciate it.
nevermind, figured it out. stupid me changed the package name in the manifest

Needing an .PK8 and .PEM for SignAPK

Im trying to upload a app to the market and when signing my APK`s im using signapk and I CANT do it. It says
Google Play does not accept apks signed with certificates issued by Android team. Create a new certificate that is valid for at least 50 years.
But I`m able to upload it without signing it, But then it DOESNT work it wont install.
Im able to sign it and get it to install on my phone but market place wont take it!
Can anyone Create me a key.pk8 and a certificite.pem? Cause I cant ive tried the past 5 hours. The only thing ive been able to do is make some keyfile using cmd. Can someone atleast create me one or PM me to create me one? using the Name Hunter under it.
Ive tried all guides with no luck
You should really make your own... instead of trusting strangers to handle your private key. I make my keystores using keytool, and sign using the Ant-based build process.
Incidentally: did you change the name of your package? I believe the Play store does not accept conflicting keys for the same package, for security reasons. Or maybe you need to remove the app completely and start over.
Hopefully this helps you out
regaw_leinad said:
Hopefully this helps you out
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Nope. Already read. Goes right over my head
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
hyelton said:
Nope. Already read. Goes right over my head
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
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Weel you said you already made your key w/ the keytool, so follow steps 3 & 4 EXACTLY. The JarSigner is part of the Java JDK, so you should already have that.
regaw_leinad said:
Weel you said you already made your key w/ the keytool, so follow steps 3 & 4 EXACTLY. The JarSigner is part of the Java JDK, so you should already have that.
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can someone just make me one?
I`m about to give up. I was gonna use eclipse but NO couldn't down the add on had to do it manually. And now I gotta update a few other things which I cant cause the location im at is painfully slow at the moment
hyelton said:
can someone just make me one?
I`m about to give up. I was gonna use eclipse but NO couldn't down the add on had to do it manually. And now I gotta update a few other things which I cant cause the location im at is painfully slow at the moment
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Well, it's your private key, and you don't want anyone else to get a hold of it, because if they do, they can release applications under your id. Without releasing that key to someone, there is no other way to have someone sign your apk with your private key.
regaw_leinad said:
Well, it's your private key, and you don't want anyone else to get a hold of it, because if they do, they can release applications under your id. Without releasing that key to someone, there is no other way to have someone sign your apk with your private key.
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I know this. Thats why I would want to see if someone would make me one and Just PM me.
I am also try to create .pk8 and .pem file using my keystore .jks file.
I have created my .jks keystore file through android studio. But when i create .pem and .pk8 file using keystore tool and openssl tool, files created has some certification issue because when i try to sign the apk using these generated certificates got some signature exception.
Please help how can i create my private .pem and .pk8 file using generated .jks keystore file.
I am also try to create .pk8 and .pem file using my keystore .jks file.
I have created my .jks keystore file through android studio. But when i create .pem and .pk8 file using keystore tool and openssl tool, files created has some certification issue because when i try to sign the apk using these generated certificates got some signature exception.
Please help how can i create my private .pem and .pk8 file using generated .jks keystore file.
How can you guys know enough to develop an app, but can't figure out how to sign it??
Like he's trying to tell you oh, it would be like giving somebody your credit card number and CCV code. The purpose of a private key is just that, it's private.
Fire Hound 8.1
compile the below source and use according to usage.
I know that I am answering a 2012 thread, but it would be useful for others too.

[Q] How to fix Force Close

So i'm using a private rom. I have no problem with it.
I edted some apk like System.apk, framework-res and Settings.apk
I signed it before pushing it to system because it force close if i dont sign it
The problem is other apps that i didn't edit force close like JobManger.apk and MyFiles.apk
What is the solution for this?
Did u set the correct permissions??
Zius said:
So i'm using a private rom. I have no problem with it.
I edted some apk like System.apk, framework-res and Settings.apk
I signed it before pushing it to system because it force close if i dont sign it
The problem is other apps that i didn't edit force close like JobManger.apk and MyFiles.apk
What is the solution for this?
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I think the apps force closes because u changed framework_res.apk
May be. .....
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
Zius said:
So i'm using a private rom. I have no problem with it.
I edted some apk like System.apk, framework-res and Settings.apk
I signed it before pushing it to system because it force close if i dont sign it
The problem is other apps that i didn't edit force close like JobManger.apk and MyFiles.apk
What is the solution for this?
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I guess you should try wiping data and cache then fix permissions and reboot.
Sent from my House
LetJect said:
I think the apps force closes because u changed framework_res.apk
May be. .....
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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I tried deleting the framework-res.apk..
And yes that is causing the force close of some apps.
How can i edit the framework-res without making other apps force close?
I have edited other framework-res of other roms but this prob does not show up?
Zius said:
I tried deleting the framework-res.apk..
And yes that is causing the force close of some apps.
How can i edit the framework-res without making other apps force close?
I have edited other framework-res of other roms but this prob does not show up?
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As apps force closes it indicates that apps are based on framework.....
So try to change apps ......with another similar apps....
Sent from my GT-S5360

How To Make Apps Automatically Hidden After Installation

When I Extract Some Apps From Any Rom,,Apps Like Quickpanel.apk,nofrillscpu.apk,spareparts.apk etc etc.They Get Automatically Hidden Amd Are Not Shown In App Menu..
How To Do That Can Anyone Give Me Guide
to hide app from launcher
decompile with apktool
open androidmanifest.xml
find the line that starts
<application android:label=
in that line will be a drawable value like
delete that part of the line - dont know if you have to delete the string lable too as iv not done it before
to show the apps in launcher reverse the process
re-sign the apk once done
Are you rooted? If so, install CCSWE App Manager from Google Play. Give it root permissions and you can hide/show any app from your launcher.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
dimsar2013 said:
Are you rooted? If so, install CCSWE App Manager from Google Play. Give it root permissions and you can hide/show any app from your launcher.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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TY bro.. But I dont want to use any third party app
marcussmith2626 said:
to hide app from launcher
decompile with apktool
open androidmanifest.xml
find the line that starts
<application android:label=
in that line will be a drawable value like
delete that part of the line - dont know if you have to delete the string lable too as iv not done it before
to show the apps in launcher reverse the process
re-sign the apk once done
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Mmmm..ok I wil try n rply soon

