Who is Going to Buy the Tab 10.1 Before... - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

Before Apple has all production and sales stopped? The injunction may pass to prevent sales on 4 Samsung devices. The Tab 10.1, Nexus S 4G, DROID Charge, and Infuse. It's sad, but this judge does seem to favor Apple a lot in this case.
I am highly considering ordering a 32GB Black WiFi only one from my Sprint store just because I want one so badly. I really wanted a 3G/4G one from Sprint, but I guess that isn't going to happen.
The Verizon LTE 10.1 won't even be released in time, but if it is...I may consider buying it just for the purposes of having mobile network capabilities.

I've already got mine. They can't take it away no matter what happens.

I have the 32GB Black one. My wife got it for me for Father's Day. I know it's WIFI only but when the Galaxy S II comes out, I'm going to add the wifi hotspot so I can pair these 2 badasses together. Whosdaman - please keep us updated with all the latest on the SGS2 as usual

I really doubt that will happen...
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Kevin Gossett said:
I really doubt that will happen...
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+1. It's just a bunch of legal crap. They'll settle sooner or later.

Ugh. Hopefully this tweet from AnonymousIRC is a foreshadowing of larger attacks on Apple if they continue to try low, dirty tactics like that.
Seriously, attempting to block a competitors' ability to sell products when you're the market leader anyway? That's just pathetic, someone please tell Apple that just because Microsoft may have bullied them doesn't give them the right to do it to others.

BlackOtaku said:
Ugh. Hopefully this tweet from AnonymousIRC is a foreshadowing of larger attacks on Apple if they continue to try low, dirty tactics like that.
Seriously, attempting to block a competitors' ability to sell products when you're the market leader anyway? That's just pathetic, someone please tell Apple that just because Microsoft may have bullied them doesn't give them the right to do it to others.
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Thank goodness
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I got mine already also (wifi only) so no matter what happens I will still be able to use mine.

None of these devices look anything like Apples. I've also never heard anyone say "it looks like an iPhone"

WoW, Android must have a huge impact on ipad sales - haha.
In Germany Galaxy S2 has a massive sales rate, was even sold out for some time
Touchwizz looks like apple. I wouln't mind if they remove it.

The 10.1 doesn't really belong on that list, while the others have TouchWiz on them, the 10.1 does not and does not otherwise copy any Apple product.
Not really a fan of Apple's scare tactics, they're annoying.

Its not that they copied them...had no one been following this case? Samsung is using patented products in those devices without apples authorization
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Apple really needs to chill out. Those guys have enough to let a little slide. .

It's not just Apple - Oracle want a piece of the pie also - http://www.bnet.com/blog/technology...rd-the-tab/11127?tag=content;drawer-container

Whosdaman glad to see you over in the tab section. Appricated your work on the epic. Hope you pick up a tab soon and get to working some magic on it.
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Ahh, Oracle. The worst thing to happen to Sun Microsystems since... well, ever. Luckily Oracle stepped on a lot of toes and every piece of software they got from Sun that was worth anything got forked, so I don't have to ever see their ugly logo on any software I use.
I hope Google wins, not for Android's sake, but in the vain hope that Dalvik will overtake Java everywhere and kill the last major product Oracle got from Sun. They destroyed everything good about Sun, they don't deserve to profit from their products.
Wow, I'm just raging all over this thread aren't I?

Some reality for you: Apple will never get an injunction. Absent an actual verdict of infringement -- which will take years to achieve in our legal system -- Apple would need to prove irreparable harm in order to obtain a preliminary injunction pending trial. Considering the pace of Ipad sales, I think this will be all but impossible. Moreover, Apple would likely be required to post a bond to protect Samsung in case Samsung eventually prevailed at trial, with that bond being equivalent to all the lost profit that Samsung would lose if Tab sales were halted. Apple doesn't have that kind of cash to invest in games like this.
These suits are really about patent cross-licensing. Apple will eventually extort a bundle of license rights from Samsung in exchange for granting Samsung a bundle of Apple's license rights. This is like patent infringement insurance for Apple, because it'll stave off some future theoretical infringement claims not only from Samsung but from other patent holders. In other words, you bring one lawsuit today to help stave off 20 lawsuits in the future. Its good business practice, and every major technology company in the world does it to some degree.

Samsung should respond with a bad batch of screens

I have the 16 gb whifi but still would not like to see sales top for the sake of development.

Im glad i bought one soon after launch
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Exclusive Scoop!!! The Real reason Samsung was & is late with UPDATES!

I have found the real reason that Samsung was ans is late to updating their phones to the latest or next to latest versions of Android Fryo and 2.3/2.4 Gingerbread.... Its simple Apple has Samsung as a supplier for the Iphone's A4 cpu and its Retina Display (which is probably a version of the Galaxy S screen super-AMOLED. Thus I found this..."Apple is quite annoyed by Samsung's fast rise in a market which it virtually created," James Song, an analyst at Daewoo Securities, said on Friday." This would make perfect sense since Samsung does not want to offend one of its chief customers.
Could this be the reason? Stay tuned news at 11pm, updates as they happen...
I really hate apple. Jobs should get an award for single handedly making people technically dumber. Most iphone users can barely navigate itunes let alone a pc. I hope the iphone 5 bombs and sammy outsells it with the galaxy S2. I will never be able to use another handset if it doesnt have a samoled display.
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I don't believe they make their lcd's and its not a super amoled display on the iphone4. This is not the reason sammy is late with updates. The reason they're late is they suck at software(getting better tho) and all the individual carrier crap they have to add in or make provisions for.
FYI; samsung and apple look to be bitter rivals now.
RushAOZ said:
I really hate apple. Jobs should get an award for single handedly making people technically dumber. Most iphone users can barely navigate itunes let alone a pc. I hope the iphone 5 bombs and sammy outsells it with the galaxy S2. I will never be able to use another handset if it doesnt have a samoled display.
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i am an android lover but one could also say that Jobs was so smart that he made it possible for companies like Samsung and HTC to become bigg sellers in this market that Jobs created. Like the super villains in moves Jobs may have created his own enemies...
I don't think that has anything to do with it.
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samsung makes a lot of parts for a lot of different cell phones and non samsung related products. I do know samsung makes some htc screens, ie. Incredible, evo, ect....
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epicslam said:
i am an android lover but one could also say that Jobs was so smart that he made it possible for companies like Samsung and HTC to become bigg sellers in this market that Jobs created. Like the super villains in moves Jobs may have created his own enemies...
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Not true. The main reasons we live in such a smartphone driven world today is blackberry, motorola, and, honestly, windows mobile. The idea that we could have full keyboards (since texting had become so commonplace), keep an array of files with us, and music on our phones intrigued a large portion of consumers. The first true "turning point" in my opinion was when the motorola q was released. It was the first smartphone geared towards the normal consumer and not businessmen.
You have to give motorola credit. While they may suck at a lot of things, they have generally been "pioneers" in that they change consumers minds for them. The razor introduced the idea of ultra slim phones, the Q introduced a phone that's more than a phone, and the Droid made the general (unaware) public aware of the android OS. If anything, apple has been following their lead. Just with better marketing and implementation lol.
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No he didn't. The only reasons apple is where they are is because of the app store and how ridiculously easy it is to use that pos. Apple didn't invent **** or bring anything new to the table. They just released an easy to use phone in a market that was flooded with ****ty winmo phones. Stop spreading that hoopla about jobs and apple "inventing". Its the reason why android is speeding by and apple wont catch up unless they finally revise ios and make it more functional... but at that point they'd be copying off android wouldn't they? There's nothing new under the sun. Its never what you do but how its done.
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It's not Samsung that holds up upgrades. It is U.S. carriers. International Samsung phones get their upgrades months before ours.
Considering Apple is sueing sammy, and sammy is sueing apple, I venture to guess apple is looking to expand its suppliers.
Oh and retina is not amoled, its high density lcd.
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epicslam said:
I have found the real reason that Samsung was ans is late to updating their phones to the latest or next to latest versions of Android Fryo and 2.3/2.4 Gingerbread.... Its simple Apple has Samsung as a supplier for the Iphone's A4 cpu and its Retina Display (which is probably a version of the Galaxy S screen super-AMOLED. Thus I found this..."Apple is quite annoyed by Samsung's fast rise in a market which it virtually created," James Song, an analyst at Daewoo Securities, said on Friday." This would make perfect sense since Samsung does not want to offend one of its chief customers.
Could this be the reason? Stay tuned news at 11pm, updates as they happen...
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This may just be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on XDA... It would be a little less ridiculous if you had your facts straight.
I Hope they both get FK'ed over... honestly Apple has made people retarded.
and Sammy has continually screwed it's customers over with updates...
i Just wish there was a company that cared about its customers instead of profits... But then again that'll never happen.
There are two reasons why Samsung was so late with updates.
1. There was a huge bug in in their bloatware with Froyo that made it difficult to make a non-buggy port.
2. The carriers are the ones who send out our updates; for all we know we could have gotten it months before if it were an international carrier supporting our updates.
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Its because its a new processor and now that they have the basic framework pretty well mapped we should now start seeing updates much sooner once they are released. But then again I could be wrong and be creating another unfounded rumor like op is doing.
Its because Sammy wants to get people to buy their new phones when they come out. The sgs II
Sent From My Evo Killer!!
Jobs is just mad he knows the sgs2 will take a massive dump on whatever iphone hes putting together. Oh! I can't have my provider of parts and lcds outsell my phone too!! You know what's really ****ing hilarious?? I bet that jobs uses android. Any real power user considers idevices a joke.
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RushAOZ said:
Jobs is just mad he knows the sgs2 will take a massive dump on whatever iphone hes putting together. Oh! I can't have my provider of parts and lcds outsell my phone too!! You know what's really ****ing hilarious?? I bet that jobs uses android. Any real power user considers idevices a joke.
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Chill dude =P
But yeah, an Iphone is like all the Pop music today. The close-minded people thinks it's the best on Earth, when there's so many things better than it.
musclehead84 said:
Its because Sammy wants to get people to buy their new phones when they come out. The sgs II
Sent From My Evo Killer!!
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well read the link to the article. From a business stand point would you want to tick off one of your biggest customers? I think that apple is not the best thing on the face of the earth. They are just good at marketing to a select group of people. I do think that Apple told Samsung to slow the updates and which as a up side would give samsung money from people purchasing more phones off contract from carriers.
ok..first of all as stated..the IPS-LCD in iphone 4 is not made by samsung..its made by LG...also...Samsung does not make Evo screens either...
There is also no one to offend..Apple's strategy revolves around making big checks to companies with latest tech to make shortages for competitors..Samsung on the other hand wont have shortages as they can make their own...
Also, there has been no delay on 2.3/2.4..it came out in standard time on the international Galaxy S..just because google released Gignerbread 4 month ago did not mean it was ready for the public...if you follow trend of Nexus One and Nexus S..it seems like it takes around 4 months for it go rom developer phone to first consumer phone...
And as for Froyo delays...most of it was US carriers fault...
epicslam said:
well read the link to the article. From a business stand point would you want to tick off one of your biggest customers? I think that apple is not the best thing on the face of the earth. They are just good at marketing to a select group of people. I do think that Apple told Samsung to slow the updates and which as a up side would give samsung money from people purchasing more phones off contract from carriers.
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Apple had nothing to do with it. The screen for the iPhone 4 is made by LG, by the way. Samsung has Apple by the balls because they are their second-largest part supplier behind Sony, so no. Samsung and carriers are to blame for neglecting their customer-base. Google has now made a new clause in their manufacturer contracts that says Google has to review any UI customizations a handset maker puts over Android before they will give them early access to their source code. This means no more carrier and manufacturer drag-ass or excuses for grossly neglected software updates to customers. Google will simply make the handset maker's life hell as well as revoke their competitive edge in beating others to the market with the latest version of Android. It's a round-about way of making handset makers like Samsung fall the **** in line and stop screwing around with this "fragmentation" crap.

Apple Tries to Block Samsung Tablets in Australia

Seriously is apple really that scared?
I really hope this doesn't delay the Australian release.
They must be that scared
you never heard anything from apple until just recently when the android phones and tablets are really starting to challenge apple, they now see android and the companies that make android phones/tabs as a threat and they cant develop iOS fast enough to stay ahead so are now doing all they can to slow the pace of the android train down.
lets be honest iOS has been the same since launch and it really needs a overhaul.
Seriously?! I used to respect apple with there innovation and cutting edge technology but since they began all these lawsuits and injunctions I have totally lost all respect for them and their "big bully boy" attitude towards its competition. Shame on Apple! They must really fear the 10.1 TAB... Maybe alienating themselves from Samsung who made a fair bit of Apple's components wasn't such a good idea....
For now, Apple has successfully blocked the sale of the galaxy tab 10.1 in Australia till the lawsuit is settled. who know how long that is. I really hope samsung blocks the ipad3!
I don't think Apple is scared, the iPad is way too dominate at this point, I just think they're greedy assholes.
Seems like someone in Australia is drinking too much of icoolaid than Foster beer. C'on mate, you need to cool off drinking Foster not icoolaid.
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....just to note, no Aussies actually drink Fosters. It's all about the Victoria Bitter.
Cant people from Australia just order theres online?
ariel123 said:
Cant people from Australia just order theres online?
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I don't believe this will allow even shipments.
Apple is absolutely absurd.
Seihaku said:
I don't think Apple is scared, the iPad is way too dominate at this point, I just think they're greedy assholes.
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I wouldn't be too sure. Second quarter numbers show that Apple's share of tablets shipped in the second quarter dropped from 96% in 2010 to just over 60% in 2011. Android's market share increased from 2.9% to over 30%.
If that isn't scary to Apple, then they're fools.
ariel123 said:
Cant people from Australia just order theres online?
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*is Australian*
Ordered mine online, there weren't any turtleneck wearing Apple agents at customs making sure my Tab 10.1 didn't get to me.
Also, no one in Australia drinks Fosters beer because a) it's horrible and no one in their right mind would drink it and b) it's only sold internationally and you can't actually buy it inside Australia unless you're at an airport or something.
(Haha, first post... I've been lurking for ages and just decided to randomly join all of a sudden)
Seriously just order it online.
This ruling has stink written all over it. A corporation in Country A is able to persuade Country B's judicial system (6K miles away), to cockblock Country C (also 6K miles away), from selling them widgets.
Perhaps Google should think about including Country Bs judges when handing out their I/O gift bags next year.
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I know why apple is mad,not sure if this true or not but the new Iphone 5 (slimminest)looks like the samsung galaxy tab 10.1......
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Samsung will release Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia despite Apple complaint
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UKseagull said:
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Good for Samsung. TBH, they should just kiss & make up. It would benefit if both sides were to do that in the long run.
The tab is now delayed thanks to Apple. I cant believe they are complaining about "touch and feel" and "finger gestures". The only finger gesture Samsung should give apple is....
It's great, a mate of mine has an iPad 2 and I've got my GT10.1 and we can't see any similarities between either of them when we compare em. They're two entirely different beasts for different consumers.
He had a play around with my Tab and was like "dude, this is so different from what I'm used to with the iPad".
I have an iMac and MBP at home. So an iPhone and load would make alot of media swapping easier. But honestly, Android allows me to design the device interface better for how I need it for quick access on the go.
Apple may find themselves on the other side of those law suits when they finally decide to overhaul their UI. Serious, their iOS5 redesign of notifications has been in Android since 1.0! Watch out Apple.... your doing exactly what you are accusing others of doing to you. All you need is to be the Microsoft of the 2000's .... you recall how you dealt with them right? Next you'll be developing an Android iTunes App and an Android iPhone/iPad.
Tread lightly with all your lawsuits. I came to Apple for home computing because my needs are DJ, remix, and simplicity and great one stop support between the two environments. Don't make me regret trusting you by worrying about only the competition and not your customers
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Apple wins patent, what does that means for android

Apple have won there patent suit against samsung which is due to pay out $1.05 billion.
What does this means for android?
A sad day in tech
A monopoly for apple in US?
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yor1001 said:
Apple have won there patent suit against samsung which is due to pay out $1.05 billion.
What does this means for android?
A sad day in tech
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I would think it means almost nothing for android. As far as for Samsung it probably just means more money spent on appeals in court.
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I'm trying to figure out if this means licensing deals will be worked out now or if features will be stripped from products.
It would kind of suck if zooming on photos and multi-touch is now removed. Combine that with the universal search and I would think we'd all have grounds to get our money back for products not being what we paid for at the time of purchase. Hmmmm.
bbeelzebub said:
I'm trying to figure out if this means licensing deals will be worked out now or if features will be stripped from products.
It would kind of suck if zooming on photos and multi-touch is now removed. Combine that with the universal search and I would think we'd all have grounds to get our money back for products not being what we paid for at the time of purchase. Hmmmm.
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Take comfort in the fact that google wont let those features go without a fight
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bbeelzebub said:
I'm trying to figure out if this means licensing deals will be worked out now or if features will be stripped from products.
It would kind of suck if zooming on photos and multi-touch is now removed. Combine that with the universal search and I would think we'd all have grounds to get our money back for products not being what we paid for at the time of purchase. Hmmmm.
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Current devices will continue to have that functionality. They won't remove it from your product
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Hopefully Samsung wins on Appeal...
Apple suing to stifle competition is why I looked at Android.
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I think now one thing we can do is go to apple store if we encounter any issues with Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S phones and ask them to fix the damn issue. Let's see if they say that it's not an iPhone or ipad, tell them their bosses at Cupertino think otherwise
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krips2003 said:
I think now one thing we can do is go to apple store if we encounter any issues with Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S phones and ask them to fix the damn issue. Let's see if they say that it's not an iPhone or ipad, tell them their bosses at Cupertino think otherwise
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As ridiculous as that seems, I'd think it a good laugh if I saw a dude rock up in an apple store demanding help since the "stolen copied Apple-tech" has a problem.
I'm just glad most of these ridiculous patent wars are in the US only and the rest of us can still enjoy imports without too much hassle.
As far as the patents go, Apple would probably patent the fact that their devices use a battery if they could, its stifling competition to the detriment of all consumers. Competition is healthy and stimulates innovation
Thought this was funny
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nakedninja42 said:
Thought this was funny
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As someone who values an iOS device over Android I guess I'm going to have the unpopular opinion here. But Samsung released a document that told it's employees how they needed to copy the iPhone. I mean come on. Are people that fanboyish that they're just going to ignore this huge piece of evidence? It's literally a guide on how to best copy the iPhone. As someone who's used an iPhone since they came out, used a Galaxy S, Motorola XT860, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Tab 10.1, HP TouchPad, HTC One S, and currently using a Galaxy S 3 until the new iPhone comes out, I can easily say that I can see how they would think they're copying features.
Looks like I'm not the only one that sees clear violation: http://www.theverge.com/2012/8/25/3267843/apple-vs-samsung-juror-speaks
mick1mouse said:
Every phone manufacturer does an extensive study on their competitors' products.
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Haha there are those rose coloured Android goggles. I've never seen a company break a product down and say "we need to copy these features" like Samsung did.
L33t Masta said:
Haha there are those rose coloured Android goggles. I've never seen a company break a product down and say "we need to copy these features" like Samsung did.
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Microsoft with Windows, also based on Apple designs. The problem is not the copying of designs (yes its unoriginal, its bad karma, we know) but instead the fact that Apple was able to patent such basic design ideas like a rectangular screen with rounded edges. That technically makes all touchscreen devices and laptop computers infringing devices. The patent office should not have allowed the patents to get approved in the first place. Even though App,e patented the idea, it doesn't mean they were the first to think of it.
Who should hold IP over an idea - the person or persons who thought of it first, or those who filled out the paperwork? Hell, even calculus was thought up by two people at the same time, without knowledge of the other.
Patents like this (if exercised when the devices first started appearing) can only inhibit technological advancement, as it removes competition. Competition fosters growth.
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spitzaf said:
Microsoft with Windows, also based on Apple designs. The problem is not the copying of designs (yes its unoriginal, its bad karma, we know) but instead the fact that Apple was able to patent such basic design ideas like a rectangular screen with rounded edges. That technically makes all touchscreen devices and laptop computers infringing devices. The patent office should not have allowed the patents to get approved in the first place. Even though App,e patented the idea, it doesn't mean they were the first to think of it.
Who should hold IP over an idea - the person or persons who thought of it first, or those who filled out the paperwork? Hell, even calculus was thought up by two people at the same time, without knowledge of the other.
Patents like this (if exercised when the devices first started appearing) can only inhibit technological advancement, as it removes competition. Competition fosters growth.
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Indeed! At to put perspective further, Apple even copied (Xerox) to get where they are. The game is not "who copied who", but rather who gets the patent first.
Apple is playing a dangerous game of "patenting" and sueing everyone. Making the competition unable to input basic idea in their products, I honeslty think it's a matter of time before Apple Gets sued by everyone they've copied over the years, and they copied a lot of people!
L33t Masta said:
As someone who values an iOS device over Android I guess I'm going to have the unpopular opinion here. But Samsung released a document that told it's employees how they needed to copy the iPhone. I mean come on. Are people that fanboyish that they're just going to ignore this huge piece of evidence? It's literally a guide on how to best copy the iPhone. As someone who's used an iPhone since they came out, used a Galaxy S, Motorola XT860, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Tab 10.1, HP TouchPad, HTC One S, and currently using a Galaxy S 3 until the new iPhone comes out, I can easily say that I can see how they would think they're copying features.
Looks like I'm not the only one that sees clear violation: http://www.theverge.com/2012/8/25/3267843/apple-vs-samsung-juror-speaks
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Copying isn't the real issue, it's the patent office. For example one of the design patents Apple was granted was for a rectangle with rounded corners. I think that anyone that's used a tray in a cafeteria knows that this is a silly patent. Yet Samsung had to defend this in court.
The patent office has publicly stated that they are under budget and overwhelmed with patent applications and that they do little research on prior art these days. They have stated that the will grant patents and let the courts sort it out. This is their way of sending a political message to Washington for more money. What results are judgements like we saw last Friday.
I believe that Samsung took a calculated risk when they copied Apple's alleged patents. They were a distant second place in the phone market behind Apple and saw what was happening to RIM and Nokia. Copying Apple not only thrust Samsung into first place, by a wide margin, it netted them $6 billion. That's a good leverage on the $1B judgement.
In any event, Samsung is now the number one phone maker an the threat of these kinds of lawsuits in the future are minimal since the Samsung products are now superior and we find Apple copying Android.
Gotta wonder about the jury.
Does anyone buying a Samsung tab REALLY think they're buying an iPad?
I'm no Apple basher. Even though I've never used any of their products (other than an Airport Express for my WAP), I'm sure they make great products.
But mistaking a Samsung, or any other, device for an Apple device?
Jacksmyname said:
Gotta wonder about the jury.
Does anyone buying a Samsung tab REALLY think they're buying an iPad?
I'm no Apple basher. Even though I've never used any of their products (other than an Airport Express for my WAP), I'm sure they make great products.
But mistaking a Samsung, or any other, device for an Apple device?
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Yes, the awards by the jury presumed EVERY Samsung phone purchased was a lost sale for Apple. My understanding is that this decision alone is grounds for appeal.
Must Watch...!!!
This was extracted from TED talks.
Jacksmyname said:
But mistaking a Samsung, or any other, device for an Apple device?
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I've been saying this along, does Apple think its customer base is not smart enough to differentiate between Apple and Samsung products? "Oh NOOOOs I just bought a Samsung when I thought I was getting the iPhone!" The entire design patent is a joke, next lawsuit is against Applebees for using similar name and rectangle tables with rounded edges!
I'm not a fanboi, I just hate stupidity!

Samsung ordered to pay Apple 1 billion

If you want a Sg3 better pick one up now ;]
”However, the jury found that several Samsung products illegally used such Apple creations as the "bounce-back" feature when a user scrolls to an end image, and the ability to zoom text with a tap of a finger.
Apple lawyer plans to formally demand Samsung pull its most popular mobile phones and computer tablets from the US market. They also can ask the judge to triple the damages to $3 billion. ”
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You think this means anything? Samsung will appeal this decision to prevent Apple from getting any sort of monetary compensation whatsoever. This is only the beginning..
I think the jury are apple fan boys... lol
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All this means is that Apple will have to start paying a lot more for Samsung components.
Sorry Apple fanbois, your device is actually largely made in Samsung factories. (somewhere around 25% of the components in the iPhone4 iirc) Watch for your coming price hike (on top of the already overpriced cost for the iPhone of course), if or when Samsung are forced to pay anything to Apple.
Meanwhile all Samsung have to do is drop 30% off their own prices and open up direct-to-public sales. I have no interest in the S3, but I might import an S4 down the line from a country that has the sense to tell Apple where to get to.
I can promise the world this however - I will NEVER now purchase an Apple product. I was tempted, once or twice, in the past, but not now. Not ever.
I would not purchase any Apple products either. The company has its moral compass all wrong. Stifling competition this way just goes to show how desperate it has become.
i think that from now on samsung need to do something new for his phones! maybe a new style and a new UI
The i9100 has been ruled out this trial, and I am assuming the S3 has too.
But yeah like the others said, it means nothing really, and Samsung will sure as hell appeal it.
I'm pretty sure every Samsung fan/iowner already knows this news anyway, I don't see the need for a thread???
Seems like the jury was filled with iTards.
Lol. seriously this whole patent wars has got to stop...
richfreestone said:
I'm pretty sure every Samsung fan/iowner already knows this news anyway, I don't see the need for a thread???
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There's a discussion on this very topic going on in the cm10 thread right now. We've all read about it but it doesn't mean we can't talk about it. I don't know about every else here but all my friends don't care about this stuff and all use iphones, so if not here then there is nowhere to talk .
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Instead of pinch to zoom Sammy should have used any other gestures like swirl clockwise to zoom/ anti clockwise to zoom out.
There's already a thread in this section discussing this decision

(Curiosity) Am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits?

Sunday, September 2, 2012
Note 10.1 Owners & XDA Members:
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Ed and I am the owner of a small networking and integration firm in Louisville, KY. While I am extremely proficient in my profession, my interest in mobile devices is a personal one and really more of a hobby. The number of times I've been corrected by Entropy512 will confirm that.
Anyway, enough about me. What I was wanting to know is, am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits and basing their lawsuits on them? I mean seriously... the only Samsung device I own that has yet to be added to an Apple complaint is my absolutely gorgeous Tab 7.7 (GT-P6810) and it's 7.7" 1280x800 Super AMOLED Plus awesomeness! My other devices include the original Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), a Galaxy S III (GT-I9300), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8013) that I literally just bought yesterday!! Now today I read that Apple has added all but one of my devices to their most recent complaint. I would really like to own a device without having to worry about whether or not it was going to lose features. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
I don't feel like Apple is tracking spending habits, however every device listed is a very powerful (and popular) device. I've recently decided to pick up a GNote 10.1 over the TF700, and it feels like Apple is targeting anything popular that Samsung is rolling out. They really are trying to cripple the U.S market for Samsung, and It's really annoying.
iWay or no way I guess. I hope they get decimated with patent lawsuits.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Yes. It's all your fault! :laugh: But there is a solution - buy some iPad so they will sue themselves.
Biohazard0289 said:
I don't feel like Apple is tracking spending habits, however every device listed is a very powerful (and popular) device. I've recently decided to pick up a GNote 10.1 over the TF700, and it feels like Apple is targeting anything popular that Samsung is rolling out. They really are trying to cripple the U.S market for Samsung, and It's really annoying.
iWay or no way I guess. I hope they get decimated with patent lawsuits.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
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I get what you're saying. However, if you're gonna wish, you should probably wish for Apple to be annihilated, not decimated. To decimate is to reduce by 10%. I'd be happier with 90%. Apple was a very likeable company when they were on the verge of bankruptcy.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
how to say ?
This is a blockage to creativity. And it is getting more ridiculous.
I mean, all of us also can see, where is the part which S3, N7000, and N8000 have copied from apple ?
On its first launch of Galaxy S i9000, yes, apple has the right to say that, since from the design, make-up and appearance, it is quite "similar".
I said "similar", not "same". Apple also claim that the gallery model on i9000 is copying their products, with a pinch method to zoom, etc.
Yes, apple may say like that for i9100.
But what right do they have to sue all samsung products ? Getting frustrated after Steve Jobs pass away ?
Especially on the N8000, I don't see anything similar on the iPad products.
From the looks, it is different alrd. Not to say about the S-Pen, Multiscreen, Pop-up play, floating keyboard, with the 3D surround speaker on the left and right side of the N8000.
I only see that apple is getting more and more ridiculous.
How not to jealous with Samsung ?
Ever since from Samsung S2, Note 1, S3, Note 10.1,.... Samsung always can grab apple market.
With android as the open source, and a lot developer supporting android, how Apple can win market ?
In Singapore itself, the market for samsung has been grown eversince Galaxy S2. And one by one, ppl start to change from iPhone to Samsung.
Now you tell me, how not to jealous, in here, at least before Galaxy S come out, almost everyone here got an iPhone (I think arount 80% of the mobile market here was under Apple).
Once i9000 come out, ppl here still confuse to change or not, since i9000 is Samsung 1st debut to beat iPhone.
But after that, come out i9100, the market just suddenly boost up for Samsung here.
Up to now, only in around 2 years+, at least here, Samsung can grab at least 40 - 50% of iPhone market.
And now, with Galaxy Note 10.1" (with its all special features), don't u think if this device is very cool, it will grab the iPad market as well ?
:victory: **peace** :victory:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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+1. Apple has handled this worse than microsofts attempt of monopoly back in the 90s. At least microsoft just sought to dominate the market and didnt attempt to go suing its competition into the ground. Anybody of sound economic mind sees nothing good coming out of these rediculous lawsuits. Samsung is the center off apples imperialistic crosshairs only because Samsung is the only android manufacturer that can compete with Apple. If HTC was where Samsung is then Apple would no doubt go after them. I will vote with my dollar and not buy Apple products. But there will always be isheep out there who will pay for an overpriced product just to have an iproduct.
My guess is that this will all end in a massive antitrust smackdown of Apple. When the devil overplays his hand there is always hell to pay.
Imagine Apple thinking they have a patent on the rectangular phone with rounded corners. Motorola was making phones lile that 25 years ago. Pathetic.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
mitchellvii said:
My guess is that this will all end in a massive antitrust smackdown of Apple. When the devil overplays his hand there is always hell to pay.
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In USA it won't. It is American company, they won't do that to their own against company from the other side of the ocean.
In Europe though it's more likely, but Apple doesn't have monopoly, so maybe not.
Magnesus said:
In USA it won't. It is American company, they won't do that to their own against company from the other side of the ocean.
In Europe though it's more likely, but Apple doesn't have monopoly, so maybe not.
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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean people aren't watching you.
Mister_Mxyzptlk said:
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Note 10.1 Owners & XDA Members:
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Ed and I am the owner of a small networking and integration firm in Louisville, KY. While I am extremely proficient in my profession, my interest in mobile devices is a personal one and really more of a hobby. The number of times I've been corrected by Entropy512 will confirm that.
Anyway, enough about me. What I was wanting to know is, am I the only one who feels like Apple is monitoring my spending habits and basing their lawsuits on them? I mean seriously... the only Samsung device I own that has yet to be added to an Apple complaint is my absolutely gorgeous Tab 7.7 (GT-P6810) and it's 7.7" 1280x800 Super AMOLED Plus awesomeness! My other devices include the original Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), a Galaxy S III (GT-I9300), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8013) that I literally just bought yesterday!! Now today I read that Apple has added all but one of my devices to their most recent complaint. I would really like to own a device without having to worry about whether or not it was going to lose features. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Sent from my GT-N8013 using XDA Premium HD app
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We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
toenail_flicker said:
We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
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You dont actually exist. You are just a virus i got responding to a Nigerian bank scam email
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
toenail_flicker said:
We are in The Matrix. Everything we do is being monitored.
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And the real joke is on everyone who owns an iPad, iPhone and gets their music/apps via iTunes or the app store. Bruce Willis know... www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...-Apple-over-music-rights-after-his-death.html
Welcome to iWorld, new iPad mini and iPhone 5 owners!
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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great article, i think these lines paint a pretty real picture of apple
"I will spend my last dying breath if I need to and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank to right this wrong. I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go to thermonuclear war on this," Steve Jobs told his biographer, Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs, page 512).
No wonder Apple and Samsung couldn't reach a settlement. This case is a rough replay of Apple suing Microsoft many years ago when Apple believed it was owner of the graphical user interface. In that case, it was well documented that both Steve Jobs and an Apple design team had visited Xerox PARC to see the first mouse-driven, graphical user interface available, then adopted its elements for the Macintosh. That case didn't get very far.
i LOLd hearing of how that first apple case didnt get very far
No matter what patent apple has for its products, I still believe that "general" technology is not suitable to be patented.
If technology is being patented generally, then, there would be no further invention.
And same thing goes for design.
If a product has been copied exactly the same, without any improvement at all, and you just put your own branding, then yes, I would agree that one is a violation to the copyright / patent. But if a copy has been improved with a lot of enhancement, I don't think it would be considered as a violation also.
I just couldn't believe a giant company like Apple would do such things, and forget that technology doesn't belong to 1 company only.
If Samsung has never started with its first Galaxy S (which according to apple is "copying" its iPhone), there won't be any improvement / invention so called as Phablet (N7000). No further invention like what we see at the N8000 as well, with its pop up play, real multitask with a multiscreen support, and no need to talk about tablet with smart-pen. Has apple done such improvement ? Other than its SIRI, which I believe before apple came out with it, others have known about this SIRI as well. Its so called as "Retina" display also come from where ?
Apple, you have grown up, but yet still act like a child ! Compete with your own innovation, let the consumer choose the technology, and let technology keep on improving !
BarryH_GEG said:
This is a great article.
Apple Worked A Broken Patent System
Apple used a dysfunctional U.S. patent system to gain excessive control over technologies it did not invent. If you value innovation, don't cheer Samsung's punishment.
Charles Babcock Editor At Large, InformationWeek
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Great article. Loved reading the comments section on it also. I'm really sick of Apple. The flawed patent system will be overhauled and many of apple patents will retracted as they should've never been issued in the first place.
I'm very interested in how the Motorola case against apple goes and this Samsung appeal.
I wonder how apple is feeling about MS jumping into the table game. If the surface does retail for the rumored $199, apple will have a heart attack..lol. apple is a household name BUT they aren't bigger than MICROSOFT. THEY don't have reach like MS does. It might take a collaboration of MS and Android to take down apple.
All I can say to Apple is you live by the sword you die by the sword.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
I had to jump in on this conversation with one question. What ever happened to the original develops of the GUI? I think it was Xerox. Why didn't they sue someone (Apple or Microsoft or both) for patent infringement back in the 80's? It might be a different world today if Xerox entered the PC market with its own interface.
They tried to years after the fact. The courts told them no dice.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda premium
mitchellvii said:
All I can say to Apple is you live by the sword you die by the sword.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
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how very true, anyone read the aticle about how Apple may be levied import bans against the newest iphone due to it's LTE system infringing on HTC's patents
parry, Riposte!

