[Q] wifi and dhcp issue with 3.1 stock - Acer Iconia A500

hi everyone, some days ago I installed the virtuous 1.6, than replaced with a rooted stock 3.1. Since then, when I disconnect from my wifi for a while, getting far away from my router, it happens that coming back into the wifi field the tablet tries to reconnect but after 4 or 5 times it stops trying and tells me the connection is disabled. I see the dhcp service bouncing, no ip assigned. The only solution I've found googlin' around is to rename/delete the file dhcpcd-wlan0.lease in /data/misc/dhcp. It worked. but the issue got back again and again. I wanted to find out the cause and solve the problem once and forever, if possible. It's a pain in the... you know

Here is my topic. There is also one solution to it apart from the one you've found in google (which was probably my topic anyway ).

You're right, it'was your post. I've read it againg but I can't find out which could be the alternatrive solution. Keep in mind that when I got this wrong behaviour the first time obviously I invesitgated the possible causes, and I discovered the inability to retrieve a dhcp IP address either with my wifi router, with my wifi access point 3g and with a tethered connection via Iphone (all of them I normally use when I'm not at office). None of these would work until the uplisted file deletion). Would you be so kind as to suggest me, if you can, the possible solution in more detail (apart from performing a global reset that would be as annoying than deleting the file)
In any case, many tnx for your answer

Currently the common solution is to abandon the leaked 3.1 rom or put up with the bug.
Manually setting DHCP also works but it's usefull only if you'll use the tablet on one wifi. Else it's just a big pain in the arse.

I have same issue with the stock 3.1 rom.
At the end what I did was manually assign IP address for my iPhone's MyWi connection.
It seems mine has no trouble to connect to my home wi-fi network as well as work...

I also get that problem. But now, seems to have fixed it. I have done the followings:
- delete the dhcp lease file
- change the channel of my wifi router to 9 or below
- download the ad-hoc supported wpa_supplicant
Please try if above help you


X10 & Netgear DG834v5 Wifi Connection Problems - Solution

Hello all,
I love my X10, but the frustration with getting it to connect to my Netgear DG834 router was getting to me, so I dedicated an afternoon to working out a solution and I've found one that works for me, so I hope it'll work for you too.
Summary of problem
The phone will connect to the Router once, and once only. Any attempt to re-connect to the wifi will result in the phone disconnecting, scanning again, then discinnecting until the user gives up. Nothing will cause the phone to reconnect (telling it to forget the connection for example). The only surefire way to reconnect is to reboot the router each time - not ideal.
Manually adding a Static IP also doesn't work - which is weird as that is how I've solved it, see below.
Scale of problem
The problem seems to be with the router and not necessarily the phone as it appears to be on a wide range of phones (Hero, Droid, Touch HD etc.). Seeing at the DG834 is the most popular router in the world, and Android is growing all the time, there are a large number of people affected.
However Iphone and Symbian phones appear to be unaffected.
Reason for the problem
Currently unknown, but appears to be something to do with the handshaking procedure when a device asks the router for an address (DHCP) - though as to what I don't know.
1) Download an app called WiFiStatic from the App Market. WiFiStatic takes each DHCP assigned IP address and stores it in a small database to be re-applied whenever you are back in range of the same Router again. It is not an ideal solution as you may have to re-scan and re-assign if you visit a busy hotspot, but this is a two press function, so it's not that onerous.
2) Turn off your Router. Make sure the WiFi on your phone is off too.
3) With the router off, clear your Remembered WiFi connections (or at the very least the Netgear connection). Once that's done, turn the Router on again and wait until it is full back up again.
4) When the Router is fully operational again, turn on your wifi on the phone and let is scan for and connect to the Netgear Router. You may need to tell it to connect from the Wireless Settings menu on the phone.
5) The phone should now connect to the Router successfully. If it doesn't, repeat the above procedure.
6) With the phone connected to the router, fire up WiFiStatic. Check Auto Switch and Show Visual Prompt if they are not already selected, then Tap Add configuration at the bottom of the screen.
7) The IP address and other settings assigned by your router should be displayed at the top of the screen, at the bottom should be the name of your router and its MAC address. If not then tap Menu > Generate to populate the form.
8)Tap Menu > Done when everything is ok.
That's it. Now when you move into range of your Netgear, you should get connected, though it does take a bit longer than normal (the Router still wants to assign an address first before accepting the static IP). You can speed this up by changing the Device table on the router to always keep the Phone's static IP open.
This shouldn't work as all my other attempts with Static IP failed, but I've had five days now of instant connection to WiFi at home, so something has been freed up.
i can not tell you how seeing this post was like finding bin ladin in the white house. Prob would have found him twice trying to solve this WIFI problem. And the strange thing is this is the 1st phone i have had that there are so few posts about it...is everyone on that icrack? scary. cheers to you...
Thank you for posting this.
I tried this with my and it seems it doesn't make a difference for me. I still can only connect once to the router and for me to connect again i have to restart the router again. Am i missing something?
Problem is when I connect for the first time at home it works then when i leave to the office i use the wifi there and never have any problems there but when i get back home it doesn't work. Do you guys switch the wifi off manually when you are not using it?
one thing that is almost always overlooked is updating the router's firmware. this usually solves a number of issues. I dont know about netgear but it's worth a try to update
bimmerboii said:
one thing that is almost always overlooked is updating the router's firmware. this usually solves a number of issues. I dont know about netgear but it's worth a try to update
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That was one of the first thing i tried....it seems i have the latest firmware.
Is this an issue for a lot of people then? Ive one of these routers and never had an issue connecting any phones to it. Had 3 nokias and 3 different android phones, currently on the x10, and they all connected fine everytime.
i have some troubles in x10i wifi connection and holp someone helps me~
im chinese, my x10i have had the lastest firmware but the phone cant connect the AP which set the channel is "13". but i used it long before and suddy just one day i find it dosnt work~ it cant scan(and find) the AP anymore !
then i have tried and config the router in another wifi channel(just like 1,8,11..) and the phone can scan and refind the AP.
i have tried to reload the phone's default setting,but it dont work(in channel 13)ToT
someone tell me why? and someone give me some suggest?
in china , lots of router's wifi channel are using "13" by default(factory setting);so, if my x10i cant works in that channel means i couldnt find the "opend APs" which in the public place(like KFC~~)
THX to help~
StampedChipmunk said:
Hello all,
I love my X10, but the frustration with getting it to connect to my Netgear DG834 router was getting to me, so I dedicated an afternoon to working out a solution and I've found one that works for me, so I hope it'll work for you too.
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Thank you! I have spent three days trying to get my phone to re-connect to a DG834v5.
Your solution has worked! I had gone as far as reserving an IP address on the router and linked it to the MAC of the phone... no dice. The phone would connect once and then never again until the router was reset. Really irritating because I have two PPPoe connections running through the router with a routing table that has to be re-loaded via telnet every time the router is reset. I was considering a new phone or a new router.
I have near the same problem.
But I found out that when I remove on the access point the hidden function ( SID ) then it works perfect.
so that is a bug in the ROM of the X10, I have the R2b026.
At the moment everone can see my Access Point but I can live with that solution.
Worked for me! Many many thanks this had been infuriating me...
Same problem here - never had an issue with any other router, so I blame Netgear...
Let's just hope this works - it's been driving me crazy for the past 5 days...
Neh, hasn't worked for me....
Stupid freakin' Netgear...
works on the HD2 aswell. Thanks alot!
Not just Netgear, maybe Android
k1sr said:
Same problem here - never had an issue with any other router, so I blame Netgear...
Let's just hope this works - it's been driving me crazy for the past 5 days...
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I am having the same issue on my HD2 Android 2.3.4, connecting to a D-Link DIR-635. If I use Static IP, everything is fine...
WORKS! I can't believe it, finally i can disconnect and connect without having to reset my router everytime. BIG thanks man!
alright, it worked fine for the first 5-6 hours. then it went back to not connecting without rebooting the router. this problem happens only with my home router, at work i can connect fine, as well as in other places.
any thoughts or solutions? i mean it did work in the beginning, then why did it stop? shall i change my router?
P.S.: i noticed that every time i connect to my home router i get the same IP address and all the stats are the same.

[Q] WiFi Problems AFTER Internet Sharing

This is an embarrassing question for two reasons. First, I’m sure it’s a simple answer that is just getting past me. Second, every search string I try comes up with dozens of pages talking about setting up Internet Sharing, none that I could find addressing my problem. After reading through numerous pages and double checking the terrific collection of FAQs that mmalka put together for the Rhodium Energy ROM, I decided to ask here.
My problem is with connecting to the Internet through a WiFi connection on my TP2 AFTER having used the Internet Sharing app.
I use WiFi at home all the time and I never have any issues setting it up after flashing – this time was no exception. It’s been working flawlessly since flashing the ROM in my signature several days ago. But I needed independent Internet access at work yesterday to test out a VPN/remote desktop connection on a laptop and decided to try the Internet Sharing app on our phones. VERY impressive! A couple of quick buttons pushed and viola’! Worked like a champ!
However, back at home I had trouble getting my phone to connect to my home WiFi router again. I discovered that when I tried turning on the WiFi, it was looking to be used as an Internet Sharing point again. So I deleted that connection (“forgot” it) and it successfully connected to my home WiFi router. However, it will not actually go to the Internet – everything faults out with “Connection is currently unavailable”. Switching to the T-Mo 3G connection, everything works great.
Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions short of a hard-reset?
Many thanks in advance.
Well, judging by the number of looks with no reply, either this was a simple solution that I should have been able to easily figure out or no one else is having the issue to know what to do. But I finally figured it out and just in case anyone else eventually comes across the same issue, I thought I tell you what I found.
After digging around, I found that the Internet Sharing application changes the Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter to a local IP address. So all I had to do was change it to “Use server-assigned IP address” and everything worked. (Settings tab, Wireless Controls, WiFi - Connect to WiFi Network, Advanced, Adapters and Networks, Network Adapters, edit Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter, Use server-assigned IP address.)
I have no idea whether going back to a standard wireless connection should automatically switch it back, but it doesn’t in my case. If anyone has a simpler way of address this, I’d love to hear about it.
Regardless, I hope this help someone.
gregb882 said:
I have no idea whether going back to a standard wireless connection should automatically switch it back, but it doesn’t in my case.
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OK, so I stumbled into another revelation. It seems that if you remain in the WiFi Router application (or simply go back to it) and use the "Stop" command to discontinue the service, the Broadcomm Network Adapter does get reset to "Use server assigned IP address". The few times I used Internet Sharing, I was in other apps when I finished and simply turned off WiFi.
Oh well, live and learn.
I had a similar issue recently.
my new router was connecting fine to another mobile, but not my EnergyRom mobile.Thought it was my new routers band G/N compatibilty issue. however your post help remind me that i had used internet sharing on my HD2 for my laptop a few days earlier..Checked out my settings and well broadcom adapter was set to static at it back to server assigned Ip and voila wireless is connected now
Really appreciate your post..Thanks so much for posting the solution, Gregb882

[Q] Help! My acer A500 no longer accesses the Internet

Guys a week ago I bought my acer a500 Iconia yesterday I updated it to version 3.1, it was fast hands, much improved, I turned on my wifi connected it more often when I was browsing it does not access the Internet more and more strange I I can even access my router. Then I saw in that topic if you give it a reset back 2x the wifi to work properly. The more I did it and did not work, so I found the website of acer patch to fix the problem, I used more problem remained, so I downloaded another update.zip to update it to version 3.2, more el is still with the same problem does anyone know how to solve this?
First thing I'd do is try a hard reset the device..see where that takes you. Have you tried other routers, or tried connecting a different device to your router (to make sure it's not a router issue...)? If not, try restarting your router and modem first.
I take it you're running stock/not rooted?
I use the stock 3.2 ROM, I think the problem is the router, I used a program to use my laptop as a router and it worked, but not yet tested on a real router, but I think it's IP.
had this to
I had this when I bought my tablet (back when it had 3.1).
as fast as I got home and tried it the first time all networks around me could be found except for the one in our house.
I did a factory-reset on the tablet but it didn't work.
then i did a factory-reset on my router (since I lost the admin password). this seemed to work and after reïnstalling the ISP's things it functioned completely again.
I would suggest you change the channel of your wifi, the protection and retype the SSID.
also clear the logs and the firewall blocks.
If you retried connecting with these instructions leave a message here with your results
i try make what you says, but dont workink , my probleme is my router...

[Q] dropping wifi signal ???

anyone else experience wi fi issues ??? tablet keeps losing signal ?? laptop is perfect also my phone is full signal to ?? any fix for this ?? thanks
I posted a thread in this section about the same thing called "wifi strength". It is a problem with the antenna, it gets REALLY bad reception. Mine gets 25db less than my phone in the same exact spot in my house so it is obviously an issue with the tablet.
Someone in the general section replaced the antenna and said they got significantly better results, but it looks like no one has found a US vendor for the antenna yet.
I had this problem. If you have your Wifi set to stay on all the time (even when the tablet sleeps) the Wifi will not reconnect when you wake it up. It's something to do with the rotation of the Wifi address (DHCP).
Change the Wifi disconnect setting to "when the screen goes off." That fixed my problem.
If you setup a static ip address for your connection it will stop dropping the connection. Also, there is a fix for this in the development section. Search for wifi dhcp fix and install it.
Here is the file you need, you have to flash it through recovery so if your not rooted your out of luck. Otherwise the static ip trick should fix your problem.
I've been having problems with this recently. My a500 worked fine for ages, then started playing up when I got a new wireless router (Netgear DGND3300v2). It would keep dropping out, despite my other wireless devices working even better. If I turned the wireless off, it would take ages to reconnect, or not reconnect at all.
My issue was caused with the 11G channel on the wireless router being set to auto. I changed this to 6 and as soon as I did that, it worked flawlessly. Not had 1 problem since.
cruise350 said:
Here is the file you need, you have to flash it through recovery so if your not rooted your out of luck. Otherwise the static ip trick should fix your problem.
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Many thanks for posting this fix cruise.
I am on Timmydean's 3.2.1. (rooted)
Could you explain how to install this fix?
Many thanks

Help with fixing Wi-Fi

I have reached my wit's end trying to resolve my problems, so I'm posting here for ideas on fixing this, any input is appreciated!
When this started I was on stock, rooted, ICS 4.0.3 and had been for months. My wife has a nexus s with the same config and hers works fine.
Last week, my daughters sidekick 4G stopped having wi-fi internet connectivity. I turned her wi-fi off, then back on and it was fine and has been ever since. Later that night, my nexus did the same thing, the same procedure resolved it. Ever since then, my wi-fi will only work for 1-5 minutes after turning the wi-fi on. This is the only thing I can think of that changed that could have caused this. This was the first night we connected her sidekick to wi-fi.
The wifi symbol is up there, it'll be blue for up to half an hour, but won't have internet connectivity for long. One thing I noticed pretty quickly was that even though the grey wi-fi symbol is there, I can't access the router settings at from the phone. I thought the grey wifi symbol still indicated I was connected to the router still, but it's not working. Each time this happens, I can turn wi-fi off, back on immediately and it'll work for 1-5 minutes. It appears that the more I constantly use it after turning it back on, it seems to maintain connectivity longer.
Last weekend, just after these issues started, I visited my sister and my phone operated on her wi-fi all weekend just fine.
When I came back home, my problems started immediately.
Here's what I've tried in pretty much the order I tried them:
I started by uninstalling avast, facebook, and autostarts
selected "Forget network" in access points screen and reconnected
Factory reset
Wipe dalvik cache & fix permissions
see if it worked without sim card in (it didn't)
flash GB broadcom driver
Switched router channel from 6 to 1
flash stock 2.3.6 (wi-fi problems still present)
flash OTA ICS (still had problems)
flash stock 2.3.6
flash OTA ICS
Flash PixelROM 1.60 LiteTouch
factory reset router (No wifi problems on using open network and default SSID for 30 minutes!)
resetup WPA Personal security and rename SSID same as before
Worked for another 15 minutes or so after this
flashed stock 2.3.6
flashed OTA ICS
Restored nandroid backup - quit working after this step
Factory reset router - worked for about 15 minutes, I decided I was ok so I setup security and SSID as before, then it quit working again
flashed PixelRom 1.60 LiteTouch
flashed stock 2.3.6
Flashed OTA ICS - THIS time I did not restore my google backups from the cloud, fearing that this was somehow restoring something that was causing me problems. It did not help.
Changed SSID on my router and reconnected phone
I have spent countless hours trying to fix this. I don't believe it's the hardware because the router factory reset seems to help quite a bit, works fine on unencrypted default router settings, and it worked on my sister's wi-fi.
I have nmap and wireshark and have a basic working knowledge of them. I have adb setup and usable on my computer. I also have dd-wrt installed on my router and have for years. Is there any kind of IP or hardware logging I could perform with these tools to help figure out what's going on??? ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!!
Well i'm no expert with any of this, but it sounds more like a router issue.. If both your sidekick and nexus have the same characteristics of failing wifi, it cant be the devices..
If you've already reset your router and it does the same exact thing, maybe it is something wrong with the router itself. You said it connected fine at your sisters house, so it cant be any hardware within the phone.. The only thing I could think of is maybe try a different router in your house to see if it works? If that helps get rid of the connectivity issue, then you can just get a new router and be happy with the wifis
I don't think a *hardware* problem with the router would only affect 1 device connecting to it wirelessly. I would think that kind of issue would affect all devices on the network.
Which makes me wonder if there's a setting on the router that may be causing it somehow, or some combination of packets might somehow cause the router to block my phone.
But again, I'm open to ideas here and I appreciate your input. I think getting another router will be my next step if I don't hear anything better by the time I get my next paycheck.
nevarDeath said:
I don't think a *hardware* problem with the router would only affect 1 device connecting to it wirelessly. I would think that kind of issue would affect all devices on the network.
Which makes me wonder if there's a setting on the router that may be causing it somehow, or some combination of packets might somehow cause the router to block my phone.
But again, I'm open to ideas here and I appreciate your input. I think getting another router will be my next step if I don't hear anything better by the time I get my next paycheck.
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Ohh, I thought you had said that both the sidekick and nexus were having problems connecting. My bad.
But yeah have you changed any settings on it lately? Or messed with anything related to the router? Some setting may be kicking your device off after 5 mins, maybe some frequency setting or something dumb like that, I have no clue.
I know how it feels to have funky wifi, so I was only trying to help. good luck
Have you removed DD-WRT from your Wireless Router and back to stock OS? I had a Linksys router with DD-WRT and after about 3 years it started working so weird it became useless with any device. Had to buy a new one.
BTW, are other devices connecting fine to this router?
As swamp goblin stated, I would try with a new router.
It sounds like an issue on your router (or AP) with mixed client settings. I have had this issue with an old Netgear AP.
Try forcing "WPA2 with AES only" if all clients support it, otherwise force "WPA with TKIP only". If you have mixed B/G/N devices, force the fastest mode that all devices support. I use "G only".
Then remove and re-add the router on all your devices.
Also check for router firmware updates, and if you use DD-WRT firmware, find the Wiki page for your model and revision and use the suggested build there. The DD-WRT database they have is a mess and should not be used!
swamp goblin said:
Ohh, I thought you had said that both the sidekick and nexus were having problems connecting. My bad.
But yeah have you changed any settings on it lately? Or messed with anything related to the router? Some setting may be kicking your device off after 5 mins, maybe some frequency setting or something dumb like that, I have no clue.
I know how it feels to have funky wifi, so I was only trying to help. good luck
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I haven't changed any settings, until this problem began, which makes this even more maddening. I appreciate your input regardless
Oogway13 said:
Have you removed DD-WRT from your Wireless Router and back to stock OS? I had a Linksys router with DD-WRT and after about 3 years it started working so weird it became useless with any device. Had to buy a new one.
BTW, are other devices connecting fine to this router?
As swamp goblin stated, I would try with a new router.
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I haven't removed it. I thought I had a model that couldn't go back to stock, but I WILL be looking into this. The other devices connecting fine are Sidekick 4G, Wife's Nexus S, Acer Aspire one, HP tx2000 laptop, and my wife's HP laptop. I also have my satellite receiver connected via ethernet.
SpookyTunes said:
It sounds like an issue on your router (or AP) with mixed client settings. I have had this issue with an old Netgear AP.
Try forcing "WPA2 with AES only" if all clients support it, otherwise force "WPA with TKIP only". If you have mixed B/G/N devices, force the fastest mode that all devices support. I use "G only".
Then remove and re-add the router on all your devices.
Also check for router firmware updates, and if you use DD-WRT firmware, find the Wiki page for your model and revision and use the suggested build there. The DD-WRT database they have is a mess and should not be used!
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I will certainly try these settings. Thanks for the tip on the wiki page
I had this problem too, I solved only flash again my radio...
Try if solve...
Or if don't work try to make a reset.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
SpookyTunes said:
...Try forcing "WPA2 with AES only" if all clients support i...
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THIS FIXED IT! I tried it first since it was the simplest solution and I've been 4 days with no loss of connectivity since I changed it to AES only, which all my clients do support! Thanks so much!

