Has anyone in MUMBAI bought this Case for SGS II? - Galaxy S II General

Hi! Has anyone in MUMBAI purchased this SGS II CASE from either of these sellers? : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...d=243404898420 OR
If yes, then please send a message to my inbox with your phone number. Need to talk about it.

Lol. Yeah, I'm sure people are gonna give you their phone number. Just use private messages.
Incidentally, both those links are dead ends.

Giving the links again. They are opening okay here. And John, that's what I said.....inbox me a private message if you have ordered the above case and are in Mumbai.

links dead,please check it。not available


SMS delivered notification NOT working....

Every time I send an sms (after clicking on options and selecting SMS deliery report), I never get the report back, earlier (about 2 days ago, I used to), but since then, nothing. And I haven't added any new s/w or done anything to the phone. What could possibly be the reason? Any thoughts? Thanks.
well a thing like that could also be an issue with the phone company
O2 pay as you go never gives sms delivery receipts but if you type *0# in the "subj" box (below the number you are sending to) you will get them.
Thank you for your replies, appreciate the same. Did a soft reset and things are back to normal, sms delivery reports are now working.
Sorry to bring this up again but my Imate is still not receiving the sms delivery reports. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Is there any way to set the default to getting a delivery report?
I can't even find an option for a delivery report on the XDA II !!
Are you sure it's there in the options menu of the SMS prog ??
Hi Ravi, the option for sms delivery notification is in the new sms screen, bottom left, edit, then options and then check the box. However in my case, even after doing that for all individual sms', I still dont' get delivery reports....used to get them initially about a week ago but nothing ever since....... anyone having this problem?
Hi. I do not have a XDAII but still the XDAI. However, since flashed with WM2003, I do not get sms report either. I'm just wondering if it is not a WM2003 bug somewhere.
I'v never ever ever managed an sms receipt on XDA1
Has anyone managed an SMS delivery receipt on the original XDA? Maybe its down to the carrier not the phone. I'm on an O2 contract and it wont work at all!! :evil:
Re: I'v never ever ever managed an sms receipt on XDA1
njcoussell said:
Has anyone managed an SMS delivery receipt on the original XDA? Maybe its down to the carrier not the phone. I'm on an O2 contract and it wont work at all!! :evil:
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Hi, :lol: All I can say is I have been with O2 UK since 97, I have used Nokia 9000, 9110, 9210, 9210i, XDA, XDA2 and none of these phones will give you a SMS receipt. This is O2, not a fault on our phones.
The only way to get a receipt is at the start of your message is type *0#
O2 should really move with the times. We own one of the most advanced mobiles on the market and there support, leaves a lot to be desired.
StayLucky Regards Jim :wink:
Do O2 then charge you for the text reciept?
So all i have to do is type *O# (is that a zero or an oh?)
so start the message *O# then put a space and then typr the text?
Hopefully that will work then. No doubt O2 will fleece me and charge for the reciept!
Cheers for the info. :wink:
Re: I'v never ever ever managed an sms receipt on XDA1
jimVmax said:
The only way to get a receipt is at the start of your message is type *0#
StayLucky Regards Jim :wink:
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Here I am searching the hell out of my Tips database looking for this tip!
:wink: Anyhow did it work for you guy?
It worked!
Thank you :lol:
It worked!
I just recieved my first text receipt ever on my xda.! :wink:
Thanks for the top tip.! 8)
Re: It worked!
njcoussell said:
Thank you :lol:
It worked!
I just recieved my first text receipt ever on my xda.! :wink:
Thanks for the top tip.! 8)
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Hi to you all!
I am glad it worked for you! Yes just 2 save any confusion for anyone else.
There is no charge for the receipt! This is why they dont tell you how to get a receipt its free! and we like Free! :lol:
At start of message StarZeroHashSpace, so it will read.
*0# Hi njcoussell hope you are well!
Regards Jim :wink:
O2 Delivery reports
One word of warning with the *0# thing... people won't be able to reply to your texts! Dunno why this is, but whenever I send a text with delivery reports turned on, if someone tries to reply to my text it fails!!
You can reply to them!
Thanks for the warning Pope.
Just tested it out by sending a message to the missus' phone. I got a delivery report and she was able to reply direct! :lol:
Mind you hers is a vodafone so it might just be an O2 thing once again?
Cheers for the tip anyway; i shall only use the *0# thing.. on people I know once I have explained there may be a problem with replying. :wink:
By the way I notice that the reply says that it comes - from "joe bloggs" just as it would if you recieved a text from the person; if they were in your contacts list. Does that mean that the recipient is paying for the report?
The reason why O2 doesn't allow delivery reports is down to the sheer vloume of SMS that get sent via the network every day. Because of the Online accounts getting all the free SMS's (both P&G and Contract) along with the message bolt-on's and current 400 per month Retail offers on new connections, the network is saturated by SMS messages. Adding delivery reports would cripple the network completely. I have been told by O2 Dimensions that the daily amount of SMS sent each day over our network is 4 times that of the next competitors!!!!
Try This
try This:

How to unlock MDA Compact? please...

Can some one please tell me how I can unlock my T-Mobile MDA Compact?
The site imei-check.co.uk says that it will
:arrow: Cost £20
:arrow: Take upto 48h
:arrow: AND they require photo ID
So basicaly my driving licence with my address on it.
not something I am willing to send to some unknown people.
I have used the utility I got from the site, to get the unlocking information.
it looks encrypted - does anyone know how to extract the unlocking code from it?
Thanks in advance!
I'd be very wary of giving people my full address, as well as my credit card details... especially when their website uses BLINK tags. Avoid.
They are reliable. It´s a seious company! They have alot of happy customers.
That may be so, but I still do not want to send anybody a scan of my driving licence.
and, I am sure a free solution must exist!
I am quite surprised that no one has posted it. (or am I looking in the wrong places?)
voshkin said:
and, I am sure a free solution must exist!
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Free soultion would be contacting your vendor (o2, t-mobile, ...), from where you get your phone and ask them after the unlocking code....
I got the unit second hand, and anyway the "vendor" in UK charges customers for unlock code.
There are plenty of FREE solutions available, however, they do not seem to work on my model
I'm from Poland, and I can't register @ PayPal... what should I do?
This is why I Like forums
You beg for help, some people say they have the same problem, others advise you to do what you do not want to do, and then the thread dies... without the solution :?
if its a second hand device and you dont have paypal find a friend that has and see if they can help, if you are unwllling to send photo id's they just go to your carrier and wait on them to get back to you with the details..... it doesnt get any simplier than that
I did not by the phone from a person I know personally.
If I were to do so, I would request that hypothetical person to get the unlocking code from T-mobile. Alas, that was not the case, and I am stuck with a phone that I cannot use.
I know that a software solution is available, I have seen it working, the most difficult part of the procedure is over, all that is left, is to decrypt the file produced by HTC PocketPC Phone Edition simlock remote unlocker. (probably with the password “we_took_you_for_the_ride_ha_ha”) and unlocking code gets calculated.
So once again, the software solution IS available.
Why must I search for friends willing to expose their ID’s on my behalf?
I have nothing to hide, in fact, I run a business, and my name can be checked on the http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/ but I do not send copies of my documents to people who, as the Chinese gentlemen rightfully points out, use BLINKing text on their webpage
AND whose “business” address is
50 Belmont Street
G65 9UP
Just see this map
Hi there,
I'm the Director of the IMEI-CHECK (brand of MIGsofT LTD UK --check us with company house too please), and we ask for the ID JUST to check that you are the real OWNER of the paypal account. Buying via paypal, we already have you details (NAME + ADDRESS) and the ID it will JUST confirm IT, THAT'S all.
Also MIGsofT Ltd signed the DATA PROTECTION ACT (please feel free in checking that too) so all your data are safe with us, and the address you posted is the correct one (please feel free to mail us some nice post cards, and if you want to visit our office please make an appointment first!).
We had to introduce this protection to avoid people buying with hijacked accounts, because two weeks ago we caught one of the big scammers/phishers and now police is investigating this and paypal and eBay need (a much to long) time to investigate.
So to protect ourselves we had to install this extra protection.
The seller is not getting any money if was used by hijacked paypal accounts. Even worse we have to pay GBP7 / reversed transaction...
To keep this service online we request something which proves identity of the paypal account holder. So the hijacker (which sold for 15GBP on eBay) will not have a chance anymore. We have to continue until police arrested this guy (full address and name are known)
Also the blinking text is really needed since 99% of customers will not read what not blink (we tried with red and bold and nobody read it so we had to do something)
what about users, that can't register to PayPal?
noone will help me
In the end, I paid £30 to a friend of mine who does unlocking as hobby.
I sent him the file produced by the HTC unlocking application, and he texted me the unlocking code. 8)
I am now a happy owner of a MDA compact; everything works the way I want, except voice dialling. :shock: But that is another issue altogether.
P.S. to the director of the IMEI unlocking company:
The address looks like residential to me…
voshkin said:
In the end, I paid £30 to a friend of mine who does unlocking as hobby.
I sent him the file produced by the HTC unlocking application, and he texted me the unlocking code. 8)
I am now a happy owner of a MDA compact; everything works the way I want, except voice dialling. :shock: But that is another issue altogether.
P.S. to the director of the IMEI unlocking company:
The address looks like residential to me…
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would he be able to unlock my MDA?
yes, but how will you give him £30?
voshkin said:
yes, but how will you give him £30?
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money transfer?
bank account?

SMS delivery notice shows only the number not the name?

I am pasting the question from another forum which interests me as well…
"Hi all,
when sending sms and you set the setting for ask for delivery notice on you get back the delivery notice but it will only show you the number not the Name.
This is very annoying when you are sending sms to many contacts.
Is there a work around that?. I contacted the poor online support of Imate and one "not-so-tactful" support lady said "this is what it suppose to do" and they cut me off even before asking my next question to them.
what a shame i-mate has such a poor online support."
Unfortunately I don't think there is. The delivery report comes back from the networks servers with the persons mobile number only. The contact name for that number is stored locally on your phone handset only. What you need is a program that can scan received delivery reports, pull out the number and match it to your contacts database. Far too long winded.
Such a function would probably only benefit someone sending one sms to multiple contacts, then waiting to see who actually received it, so probably not considered by any software developers.
never the less, it is still a shortcoming of the Windows Mobile software, as all nokia phones old and new (even the ancient 8210), and sony ericsson phones can do this!
If anybody is still trying to find the solution for this... here it is...
SMS Delivery Receipt Fix
zormic said:
If anybody is still trying to find the solution for this... here it is...
SMS Delivery Receipt Fix
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Perhaps it's me being dumb, but I couldn't locate a download link on the site.
Dear astage,
Everything is there for you to download. Just click the menu of the left and it will give you the download link. A very staright forward link. Just try it again and don't forget to post your finding.
Depends on your browser I guess... You can get it here, too.
i have attached it since the original link is not accessible
damn i didnt realize i bumped the post
sory mods please delete it

[Q] Messages Threads title Mixed up

i have searched the forum for this issue but can't find any.
My Wife and i both face error of messages from the sender is mixed up with another sender.
our firmware is asia JF4
A's messages ended in B's thread but A's messages are no where to be found.
please advise
Thank you!
This happened to me also. Switched to handcent and no more issues after
thanks for the tip!
Samsung sg wanted me to go down to the service center for them to look at the problem. will do when i'm really free lol...
jedi5diah said:
thanks for the tip!
Samsung sg wanted me to go down to the service center for them to look at the problem. will do when i'm really free lol...
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Let me know what they will do. They asked me to go down as well. I reckoned that the best they can do is to either hard reset or flash to another FW. Either way I cannot duplicate the problem on the spot. Since handcent works well for now, I can live with it.

problems with getting activation ID

I have called them twice today, did chat three times and even e-mailed them. 4 times i have been told they are out of the activation codes, and the last time i got asked for the imei......this is becoming a huge headache, are the apps and the xbox live functionality really that worth it? or should i admit defeat and go back to droid? Any one else haveing similar issues? or is anyone willing to pass along there code because they just dropped in to check it out than flashed back to something else?
Make up another email and name. They can check your chat history so making up more stories wont help. With a new name and email start a chat. Make up some BS like you use a throat mic and they customer service on the phone didn't understand you. It doesn't matter what name or number you give them Im more than sure their codes are pretty universal on devices of the same type. If no success make up another email and name and try again. I got it on my 3rd try via chat.
so i went back in armed and ready, new name, new email, and hopes for a code
Caleb: Welcome to Microsoft Customer Service Chat, Josh.
Caleb: I understand that you need an activation code for Windows Phone 7. Is this correct?
Josh: yes sir
Caleb: Thank you for the confirmation.
Caleb: My apologies but our tool to generate the activation code is undergoing system update. Kindly contact this number: 877-438-9863. Business hours are 9:00 am to 1:00am Eastern Time. (6:00am to 10:00pm Pacific Time). They are the team that can assist you in activation code
back at square one............
Just wait it out. N if they say to call make up some BS. Say you got some issue with your voice or speaking. If not then try the email route.
he told me to call, i said i had a horrible stuttor and tried to call them already but got frustraited with them not being able to understand me lol. I did send an email so we will see what tommorow brings. Thanks
I took two attempts for me to get a code from them.
They will give you a code - just wait it out.
You can still configure your handset to sync your contacts, email and calendar with windows live whilst your waiting to activate?
If you set-up an outlook exchange account and use the following server address:
server: m.hotmail.com
Domain: leave clear
Username: web
Password: web
I found it wont let you complete the set-up without entering something for the domain. I entered a couple of random characters so you can finish the set-up, then once the account was complete I went back into the email settings and deleted the random characters.
got an reply in email this morning, was excited thought i finally got it! and sure enough all they say is i hear you need to activate, call our office at blah blah blah
im done with WP7, not worth all these attempts to get this ID anymore, going back to droid after i get off work.
LOL .. Before you give up .. one last chance :
Here is my story : I called them when the method was just found, I got an activation code . Tried it but it didn't work, I thought I got it wrong so I called and got another Key. It didn't work either So I hard-resetted WP7 and tried the sec code and it worked .. So now I have the first key which I'm not sure whether I got it correctly or not but you can try it and PM me if it worked :
I PM'ed you the red X's : )
Hello kawasaki, can you pm the red xxxx, i already try many ways with no luck
thank you
hey guys,
the chat that you guys mentioned, where can i find it? Can somebody be so kind and post me the link?
I went on Microsoft website and man, that thing's a maze. It just circles me around the website over and over and over...
They don't seem to be giving out the codes as much now.... good luck and let us know if it works.
dnnyt said:
Hello kawasaki, can you pm the red xxxx, i already try many ways with no luck
thank you
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I'd love to, But I already PM'ed the |OP| : )
Can we not all use the same key? If some one has a spare one that is, or once used is the key invalidated?
Essjaythegreat said:
Can we not all use the same key? If some one has a spare one that is, or once used is the key invalidated?
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Sure you could all use the same key, and then have all the devices using that key be banned by Microsoft. It is as simple as that.
ah right, lol was just a thought. I think ill just try an guess my key lol! at the rate ms is taking to reply to my emails ill have ill have guessed it hehe
failed...they asked for my IMEI..and i gave it to them..and they said i have a HD2...they don't support it..told me to get a genuine phone..LOL! oh well....
rlydiard said:
Sure you could all use the same key, and then have all the devices using that key be banned by Microsoft. It is as simple as that.
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hey..did you get a key in Taiwan? if so, how did you get it and what number did you call? I tried calling in Taiwan but the lady was kinda strict...
Strange behaviour
kc73837 said:
failed...they asked for my IMEI..and i gave it to them..and they said i have a HD2...they don't support it..told me to get a genuine phone..LOL! oh well....
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Not sure if I missed something. What is your country?
I called M$-Support of Germany on Monday this week and they gave me a key while we were on the phone. No question about IMEI but the manufactorer of my phone. I said HTC and there were no further questions.
In parallel I've sent an email to M$-International support last weekend. I received another key just a couple of minutes ago
paddle72 said:
Not sure if I missed something. What is your country?
I called M$-Support of Germany on Monday this week and they gave me a key while we were on the phone. No question about IMEI but the manufactorer of my phone. I said HTC and there were no further questions.
In parallel I've sent an email to M$-International support last weekend. I received another key just a couple of minutes ago
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And a few minutes later, your inbox will get spammed ; )
kawazaki said:
And a few minutes later, your inbox will get spammed ; )
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Ha ha ha.I think so.
