Anybody found a way to unintergrate their Sprint number out of their Google number? - EVO 4G General

I flashed a new gb rom and accidently hit yes. I liked two numbers
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Online you can do it at the google voice website, I did it to mine when I accidentally integrated it.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

Yep! go to your Google Voice settings on your computer and you can turn it off.


Real Messaging!!

Okay so I don't have a xoom but I have the g slate no forum for that right now so I'm posting this here. The free amazon app of the day is text plus and its better than google voice to text. It pops up on your screen with a reply box has push notifications and sends your text plus number to your facebook friends or your gmail contacts. I just got it on my g slate and I'm texting my vibrant it seems to be working great and its free so why not try it out right?
Anyways its in the amazon market today for free so go get it and try it out.
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA Premium App
Yea its pretty sweet.
This is what I've been dying for on my tab lol
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA Premium App
I got it today & figured it wouldn't work with the Xoom.But hands down this app rocks!!!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
With use SyncSMs but I downloaded this as well.
Thanks a lot! Great app.
Just got it and its a must for any tablet users
sent from my Motorola XOOM
Spread the word!
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA Premium App
wots the link im in uk so dont understand about amazon market.
Not sure if uk has the Amazon market
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
I use textfree but I downloaded this just because. Didn't even install it. But will when I find use for it.
What is the difference between this app compare to kind like WhatsApp, Kik, PingChat?
gogol said:
What is the difference between this app compare to kind like WhatsApp, Kik, PingChat?
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Not sure what those apps do because I've never used them but this app gives you a phone number and allows you to text as if your tablet was a phone so its not I'm its text and it has a pop-up notification when you recieve a text. So basically it feels a lot like a native text application. Rather then an instant messaging client
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA Premium App
So you can call that number from land line as well?
Rodriguez92 said:
Not sure what those apps do because I've never used them but this app gives you a phone number and allows you to text as if your tablet was a phone so its not I'm its text and it has a pop-up notification when you recieve a text. So basically it feels a lot like a native text application. Rather then an instant messaging client
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Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
does this program send through your Google voice account?
gogol said:
So you can call that number from land line as well?
No, no calling just text.
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bjarnia said:
does this program send through your Google voice account?
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No, it gives you a number and you text as if that was your actual tablet number.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
meh.. useless in that case... hard enough for me to get my friends to test to my gv instead og my voice number... having a different number for my tablet sounds very confusing.
If your friends are that lazy I feel bad for them. It's really simple to add a contact to an existing one and text that number if you don't get a response from the phone number
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App

New xda app??

I have searched the market and im unable to find the xda app. Is there a new one in the works?? Also if there is, is there a way a Thank You button can be integrated?? Thank you to whom it may concern....
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using XDA Premium App
It shows for me. I'm on ICS, though. It has an integrated thanks button.
Im on ics also, searched google market and was unable to find the app. The version i have now does not have a thanks button... Sucks when i want to thank people..
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using XDA Premium App
rpomponio said:
Im on ics also, searched google market and was unable to find the app. The version i have now does not have a thanks button... Sucks when i want to thank people..
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using XDA Premium App
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I remember reading something about google market giving them problems on the app. Maybe a billing issue related to the change to google play?
eqjunkie829 said:
I remember reading something about google market giving them problems on the app. Maybe a billing issue related to the change to google play?
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I see, that makes sense, thanks
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using XDA Premium App
If I long press on a post, an option menu pops up, with a thanks button in the list
Sent from my Black Ice'd Glacier using xda premium
you can Google the apk and download the latest one straight to your phone
Didn't even notice thanks button. I had old xda app and when rebooted after install and didn't check out new features after ics optimization or whatever its called.
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using XDA

Google voice is free correct.

I was told that if you have an android phone that has no service that you can download an app called text app and you can text for free.Does anyone know about app and is the free texting correct?and google voice is free isn't it.If anyone know anything about these qwestion could you verify if there true or not. Thanks!!!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
Mesaman2012 said:
I was told that if you have an android phone that has no service that you can download an app called text app and you can text for free.Does anyone know about app and is the free texting correct?and google voice is free isn't it.If anyone know anything about these qwestion could you verify if there true or not. Thanks!!!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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Google Voice is free. Not sure on the app, might be GrooveIP Lite.
If you can connect to wifi then you're good. No voice/data plan? Good for flashing.
Still Charged Up
You can get the 30 dollar T-Mobile plan for 5GB of data and use the GV app and use Sipdroid for phone calls. It doesn't work too good over edge (unless you get good signal) so make sure you get 3g.
Sent from my xt862 using xda app-developers app
What is sipdroid?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
Mesaman2012 said:
What is sipdroid?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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Not to sound rude or anything but there's this cool thing called a search engine, maybe you've heard of it. You can use it to find basic to advanced information, such as the answers to literally all of your questions in this thread.
Mesaman2012 said:
What is sipdroid?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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Basically you make phone calls over data.

Receiving texts?

I was wondering if there is any way to use my nexus some way some how to text (from my VZW Droid Rzr)...something like the air droid app...?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Tablet Talk will do what you want.
Play store I assume?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Google Voice is what I use. You use the Google Voice number just like a cell number. Google even gives you a voice mail number.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
+1 for Tablet's amazing.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
rmm200 said:
Google Voice is what I use. You use the Google Voice number just like a cell number. Google even gives you a voice mail number.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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As far as I'm aware, GV only works in the USA

Voice Dial issue. Help!

I am not sure if there is a fix for this.
I press the button on my Bluetooth headset and I am prompted by "say call, followed by a name or a number".
It works perfectly if I am dialing a home or cell number. It does not recognize work numbers. No matter what I do. If I use Google voice search manually, it can dial my contacts work numbers without issue.
I am stock 4.2.2.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
No one else is experiencing this?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Come on! There must be one expert that knows what l am talking about.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Does the contact your trying to dial the work number have more then three numbers? Because mine will actually ask me which number but will only pull home work or home mobile ect. Meaning you can only reach two numbers per contact doesn't seem to matter what there labeled as
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Some have only 2. Some 3.
Even the ones with only 2 won't work. It is as if the word "work" was omitted from the search field.
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