It gets really old, really fast...
mattykinsx said:
It gets really old, really fast...
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Wow, that's ridiculous. Good ole Mr. Jobs, hard at work to do what's best for his people....
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So in theory if my buddy is filming his kids bday party and say they have music in background. Would this program keep him from filming said party?
I dunno this sounds like big brother stuff to me
timdawgdentist said:
I dunno this sounds like big brother stuff to me
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There's a reason I don't buy Apple and it's not a product related issue. Nor is it a pricing issue.
This isn't the first "big brother" move and it won't be the last.
All the more reason to trade in my evo i love being able to do nothing with my phone forced to like stupid **** and put up with more dropped calls and slow ass data speeds...aahh who am i kidding f*ck apple
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Good thing I don't buy Android. Freedom to express.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
timdawgdentist said:
So in theory if my buddy is filming his kids bday party and say they have music in background. Would this program keep him from filming said party?
I dunno this sounds like big brother stuff to me
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The article said that (copied word for word) "the device would trigger the attention of infra-red sensors installed at the venue. These sensors would then instruct the iPhone to disable its camera."
So basically the people running the Venue would have complete control over the camera app of the iphone, if they had that infrared technology installed. It's ridiculous.
Just another patent that apple will never use. Screw crapple and jobs.
I can't see Apple unilaterally doing this on the iPhone. It would drive consumers from the iPhone and towards Android. A more likely scenario is: the music industry pushes for legislation requiring all future recording devices include this technology. Apple owns the patent. Apple makes $$$.
That said, I still don't see this going anywhere. It's far too intrusive... and stupid. I mean, have you ever seen concerts that were filmed on small handheld devices? The look and sound like ass. The music industry isn't losing any revenues this way.
Also, cops could potentially use this technology to prevent people from filming them beating an unarmed suspect to pulp. So the ACLU would get involved, too.
wtf is this parental control or big brother control on an iphone.. im a grown man i dont need a cell phone telling me what i can or cannot do ; especailly when i paid over $300 dollar for it plus a overpriced cell phone bill every month..
Another "hey do you need to use my evo?" Moment.
If I saw Steve Jobs crossing the street, I wouldn't hesitate to speed up and jump the curb to plow into that POS idiot, just so I wouldn't have to read about all this stupid **** he does with Apple.
This is just getting out of hand.....I swear iPhones are like the "666" mark of the devil lol, everyone that has one is automatically going to "heck" <~~~ hahaha
Sent from my PC36100
This would be a bad move for concert goers, especially those who just want to take pictures if themselves and their favorite stars.
The article says the patent is "seen" to be for this purpose, but could be for much more. There are many companies that do not allow camera phones into they businesses, and the right technology could help with this. I don't know if an infra red sensor would ease any fears tho.
nhutpham said:
This would be a bad move for concert goers, especially those who just want to take pictures if themselves and their favorite stars.
The article says the patent is "seen" to be for this purpose, but could be for much more. There are many companies that do not allow camera phones into they businesses, and the right technology could help with this. I don't know if an infra red sensor would ease any fears tho.
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Ah yes... I bet this is the more likely scenario. We are not allowed to take pictures at hte government agency where I work, but of course, with everyone's phone having a built-in camera these days, that policy is largely un-enforceable.
Still, I worry that adoiption of such technology could be used by the government to hide abuses of power (i.e. police brutality).
I'm totally gonna get a device I can wear around my neck that emits that ir signal. that way nobody with an iDevice can film or take pics of me or anything near me.
can you imagine the pranks that can be done with that! no more innocent birthday party pics, reunion pictures etc etc taken with idevices
I also like how Jobs is always running his mouth about how apple is the only company that invents things and all other phones are just apple copies yet apple was just ordered to pay nokia I believe $600 million plus a fee per phone they make for copyright infringement. Screw Jobs and crapple!
k2buckley said:
The article said that (copied word for word) "the device would trigger the attention of infra-red sensors installed at the venue. These sensors would then instruct the iPhone to disable its camera."
So basically the people running the Venue would have complete control over the camera app of the iphone, if they had that infrared technology installed. It's ridiculous.
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Another observation I made is that if it is triggered to shut off the camera by infrared signals, what happens if you're recording a video at home and someone were to point the TV remote in your general area and changes the channel?
rugedraw said:
Another observation I made is that if it is triggered to shut off the camera by infrared signals, what happens if you're recording a video at home and someone were to point the TV remote in your general area and changes the channel?
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then apple will buy the rights to remote controls and sue the manufacturers, then release the remote control as its innovative method of turning off the pics and recording
Wow, just when one thinks the cockroaches in Cupertino can't get any lower.
I am fascinated by all the reaction here and my interaction with people I meet lately. More and more people coming around to the point of view I and others have held for many, many years. Good to see it.
If you haven't heard of it already, Apple has slapped HTC with a lawsuit today for violating ~20 patents.
They're trying for a permanent injunction to disallow any future HTC handset imports into the US.
Wow. Seems like someone's scared. What do you guys think about this?
If this keeps me from getting my Supersonic, so help me...
Whoops, just saw a similar post a few below mine...I skimmed at first and didn't see anything...mods please delete this
what did we expect steve jobs is a douche... apple is scared of android and its biggest phone producer of android devices. This is why I hate apple, they reinvented the game and now are doing what they hate microsoft for. Tryin to control the market and make **** stagnant an dull
I posted this same response on SprintUsers but I'm so disgusted with this I couldn't help but copy and paste it here.
"How very pathetic.
The only Apple product I have ever bought was my girlfriends iPod.
It's not enough that they have sold more phones than anyone now they want to monopolize the market?
I hated having no option but to install itunes just to be able to use her ipod. Just sad.
Apple is going on my boycott list along with McDonald's, WalMart, and a few others.
Whether they win or lose this suit it's official; I will NEVER purchase another product made by Apple, ever."
Just a heads up, the mods already locked one topic about this in this forum as another topic about it existed elsewhere:
**** Apple.
They are looking for a permanent injuction, which could affect future sales of phones here.
I am so sick of Apple.
Check this
The guy is a ****ing prick.
I am selling my macbook and ipod as soon as I find decent alternatives.
I wish Google OS was polished and out.
Apple got it's paradigm to replace MSDOS from Xerox, Google it.
How quickly they forget, if it wasn't for the gift from Xerox, apple wouldn't be.
So it seems a new industry of bootlegged / home brew phones could be around the corner. <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
gthing said: <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
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Cause apple invented touchscreens, downloading apps,
apple is salty because they became a victim of their own success...and now they are nervous that everyone is going to surpass them...which google will
gthing said: <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
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HTC is the big money in the Android game right now, they'll sue Moto next. Apple wants to ride the Android train, but Apple users just typically aren't smart enough for a device smarter than them.
Konikub said:
Cause apple invented touchscreens, downloading apps,
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Wow....guess I don't know as much about technology as I thought. Cause I was downloading applications on Windows 3.11 with 28.8 kb/s internet connection back in 93 or so....Didn't know apple invented that. Guess I need to start paying more attention. And I thought I was playing video poker on touchscreens and signing for packages on a touch-pad quite a while back too. Apple kicks ass, inventing all this **** and keeping it on the DL.
this is fun. apple has filed anything and everything under patents. people wonder why no one can beat the iphone. a device that cant even multitask. my moto razr did better than the iphone. the problem is that the fine line between profit and loss is extremely small when you get sued and knowing how apple goes about things they will take htc for the profit they earned. i have faith though. htc has some very very talented people including lawyers. they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
thats my .02 cents.
Avalaunchmods said:
this is fun. apple has filed anything and everything under patents. people wonder why no one can beat the iphone. a device that cant even multitask. my moto razr did better than the iphone. the problem is that the fine line between profit and loss is extremely small when you get sued and knowing how apple goes about things they will take htc for the profit they earned. i have faith though. htc has some very very talented people including lawyers. they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
thats my .02 cents.
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they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
TRUE. i was thinking the same thing..
yea apple is feeling the pressure from google and HTC so they are going to go after HTC ... HA
apple taking on htc and nokia is a mistake i hope the judge ***** slaps apple
The stupidity of Apple never ceases to amaze me. Palm had touch screen technology LONG before Apple, yet you don't see Palm crying like little *****es. I hope Nokia, MS, Google, Palm, and Cisco all take turns telling Steve Jobs to STFU and then hopefully his turtleneck would strangle him for us.
Wishful thinking.
haha yea hopefully the judges all had bad experiences with iphones cauwse then they will hop in the STFU setve line
pseudoremora said:
The stupidity of Apple never ceases to amaze me. Palm had touch screen technology LONG before Apple, yet you don't see Palm crying like little *****es. I hope Nokia, MS, Google, Palm, and Cisco all take turns telling Steve Jobs to STFU and then hopefully his turtleneck would strangle him for us.
Wishful thinking.
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OMG Does he ever change clothes! lol One can only hope that that stupid looking turtleneck will get wrapped up tight in his sleep one night ( as he tosses and turns, loosing sleep because Android is kicking his beloved iphones ass) and choke him to death.
im suprised they didnt go for palm first...cause didnt a bunch of apple devs go to palm a couple years back?
I wouldn't call it technology more like. features
BrianDigital said:
I wouldn't call it technology more like. features
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well according to patents, "multitouch"
"A computer-implemented method for use in conjunction with a computing device with a touch screen display comprises: detecting one or more finger contacts with the touch screen display, applying one or more heuristics to the one or more finger contacts to determine a command for the device, and processing the command. The one or more heuristics comprise: a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a one-dimensional vertical screen scrolling command, a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a two-dimensional screen translation command, and a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a command to transition from displaying a respective item in a set of items to displaying a next item in the set of items."
which is a technology for some reason. funny as hell that steve jobs is listed as one of the inventors. i think htc beat this lawsuit by only implementing while you perform an action and as you see that is not in the patent. so the only time multitouch is used is when it detects two fingers moving away or towards one another which is not a command.
gotta love America
Quite the entertaining read, I applaud the degree of smugness, I could never be so pretentious towards something. It is apple insider though so take it worth a grain of salt.
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hrmm android market is changing to 15 minute refunds instead of 24 hours huh?
That sucks
skydeaner said:
hrmm android market is changing to 15 minute refunds instead of 24 hours huh?
That sucks
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This is correct.
Currently the Android market is the only app store that has a refund policy. webOS, OVI store, BB store, and app store do not have one. So at least we have one at all, gives us an advantage. Reading that article from Appleinsider does not surprise me, they have been criticized for bad articles for a long time. Apple fanboys seem to be the worst of all the platform fanboys.
While the app store is a much better experience in my opinion, I don't understand why they boast that you can download apps up to 2GB in size on a device that has no expandable memory option?
nukedukem said:
While the app store is a much better experience in my opinion, I don't understand why they boast that you can download apps up to 2GB in size on a device that has no expandable memory option?
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It's really no big deal. You can buy a new one each year with more geebees.
I will never understand why people would want to read something so biased.
Doesn't matter what side it's biased to.
Blitzpwnage said:
Quite the entertaining read, I applaud the degree of smugness, I could never be so pretentious towards something. It is apple insider though so take it worth a grain of salt.
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haters gonna' hate but most of what they say is still mostly true.
nukedukem said:
While the app store is a much better experience in my opinion, I don't understand why they boast that you can download apps up to 2GB in size on a device that has no expandable memory option?
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The EVO has something like 300 MB of internal free space for apps. Froyo's move to SD feature doesn't move the entire app to the SD, just non essential, storage type of app data. So even if you have a 32 GB SD card, you'll still eventually be hosed by the limited internal memory. You could root and modify to completely move the apps to the SD card but it's not perfect and it only benefits the 1% of users who know about rooting.
The iPhone on the other hand has a 32GB version without that limitation.
True, it does contain facts. Unfortunately, they are buried deeply under all of the overly opinionated bs. I mean, they are pretty much saying that its a nice little facelift and all, but the app store will always be better because its made by Apple, and we all know that anything Apple makes must be the best thing ever, assuming you're holding it right of course.
Sent from my Evo 4G using the Badass XDA app of Awesomeness
Yeah most articles contain facts, somewhere, that doesn't make the obvious bias acceptable by any means.
And they neglect to mention the fact that, without root, you are free to download to, and install apps straight from, your computer...thus bypassing many of the complaints in the article.
How anyone can criticize Android for being "fragmented" then ignore that apple has taken the easy way out convincing a nearly blind mass that one device is "the best" and that it's not bizarre for everyone to carry around the exact same phone.. is beyond me.
Who knows, maybe apple isn't the only company trying to take over the world, but at least Google is giving anyone a shot at helping shape the Android experience.
Dear God, I really don't know how these people even walk around. Doesn't it physically hurt to be that much of a pretentious ass?
Mini-rant -
Almost every Android user can admit that the iPhone is pretty cool and has some neat features, while enjoying their own flavor of Android phone. However, I have only met ONE iPhone owner who has ever strayed from the path that Steve Jobs laid down for them and admitted that Android has it's own merits and advantages over iOS.
It's frustrating trying to have an intelligent conversation with an indoctrinated brick wall about the differences and awesomeness of both phones.
Good comedy on a slow morning. More facts were omitted than mentioned. Apple's invisible acceptance criteria for their own apps was totally ignored. Your app needs to benefit the future pov to be accepted. Can't blame him, the gui battle was painful.
Back on topic, it seems that itunes is the future hinge pin for apples' added capability. It offers an umbrella for moving content. So e-books and data and executables are all mac cloud by itunes.
So in as much as I have the utmost respect for apple, small minded blogs are really quite funny and indicate where the blind spots are.
Many years ago I learned to never discuss your competition unless they were a real threat and you were trying to divert attention away from your shortcomings by pointing out theirs.
We should consider it a compliment that a self proclaimed high end @pple resource found the need to dedicate time and bandwidth to defend their product by attacking ours.
And since Tom Tom was mentioned, who needs to buy a nav program for their phones these days? Oh, that's right, iPhone users do! Falling behind there, aren't they? I'll use my free nav and if I need something with on board maps,? I'll buy a whole PNA for around the price of the app. Apple has fallen far behind Android in navigation. I don't know how they can possibly catch up.
See how that works?
The problem with big games on the Android side is that there's been no equivalent to the iPod Touch and for the last 7 months, the dPad . The limited battery life off a modern smartphone still make it a relatively poor high power gaming platform. I bet without the Touch (and to a small part dPad), John Carmack wouldn't be talking favorably about the iPhone either. With the avalanche of tablets about to overtake us, that whole landscape may change. Meanwhile, we always have the Apple marketing created FUD that spews from their fanboi network to enjoy. how many rappers make videos about the iphone? Lets see... none.
lets see how about the EVO... tons such as/....[/URL]
I personally can say from expierence when I was looking for a new phone the two phones I had in mind was the HTC EVO and the Iphone4 . I looked over both providers (Sprint vs AT&T) and compared prices and such . At the start of it all both phones were neck and neck for me . Then the Apple antenna issue popped up , I stepped back and watched how Apple would handle the situation , still keeping the HTC EVO in the back of my mind . After watching Steve Jobs talk about how users were holding thier phones wrong and how it was actually AT&T's fault due to their network it became a total finger pointing fight . Mean while the HTC EVO was still sitting there in my mind with very few issues besides a issue with battery life . After doing more research I found the Iphone also suffered from battery life issues itself . Months prior to its release the iphone was said to be having a removable battery , that feature never came to be when it was released . Long story short , Apple changing the removable battery idea and the Steve Jobs blow out It pretty much pointed me straight to Sprint and the HTC EVO . Ever since then I have never been happier , but I still see videos of apple owners who litterally look like zombies when talking about apple products . Hell the woman who activated my phone at Bestbuy had a iphone 3G and her words were "The iphone4 is awesome I must have it , Im going to get one" . Granted the statement alone wasnt funny but the fact he eyes litterally buldged out and glazed over was the killer part .To add further insult to injury , there was a small crowd of Iphone4 owners there was well when I got mine . I over heard comments like this "Ohh you wont drop calls if you hold it like this." "No you are holding it wrong hold it like this" . I was littlerally besides myself laughing my ass off listening to the whole conversation . Apple owners might consider us Android owners lower than them , but I can say this much Id much rather be with the lower crowd then in that crowd ROFL
uniquenameevo said:
It's really no big deal. You can buy a new one each year with more geebees.
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Just like Apple intended!
Now that Samsung is faster, thinner, and lighter than the ipad 2, apparently that doesn't matter to steve jobs any more.
Honestly, isn't it the case now that Jobs isn't spearing the marketing campaign anymore? The commercials lack the douchey weird quality that they had and now almost seem boring, cold. Maybe it's just me...
But yea, when one marketing strategy doesn't work you shift to another.
Ipad 2 strategy up to now has been mostly about speed, weight, size, and to a much lesser extent, apps. Now that the first three are not theirs for much longer, apple is doing damage control marketing to go back on what they said before... Speed, weight, and size are nice... But it's all about the apps... Standard apple douche move.
Sure it sounds bad, but I cannot wait for jobs to die. Then some of the dislike I have for apple might go... But I doubt it.
Haha well I don't Llke Steve jobs either but I don't really want him to die but to each their own I guess haha
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Bukem75 said:
Ipad 2 strategy up to now has been mostly about speed, weight, size, and to a much lesser extent, apps. Now that the first three are not theirs for much longer, apple is doing damage control marketing to go back on what they said before... Speed, weight, and size are nice... But it's all about the apps... Standard apple douche move.
Sure it sounds bad, but I cannot wait for jobs to die. Then some of the dislike I have for apple might go... But I doubt it.
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Are you serious right now? You want someone to drop dead because they know how to market their products properly? Apple is a business. Business is about money. If you have to bash your competition, and make your product seem like a god compared to all the others, you will do it. Hate him if you will, he knows what he is doing. He is a sleezy business man making millions with a cult like following for his brand. However, his attitude is a major flaw. He doesn't seem like the nicest of people.
Eclair~ said:
Are you serious right now? You want someone to drop dead because they know how to market their products properly? Apple is a business. Business is about money. If you have to bash your competition, and make your product seem like a god compared to all the others, you will do it. Hate him if you will, he knows what he is doing. He is a sleezy business man making millions with a cult like following for his brand. However, his attitude is a major flaw. He doesn't seem like the nicest of people.
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Yes, I think jobs is a prick and an elitist arsehole since I became aware of him in the 80ies. It's mostly his personality (snobbish commercials and lack of choice in hardware also) that keep me from giving apple a fair shake when evaluating their products. With him truly out of the picture... The choice in hardware is better...
Like you said, cult of personality. I can't stand cults
Isn't Jobs on medical leave still? Since I haven't read news about "OMG, Steve Jobs is now back and doing well again!" But then again, I don't know the process these big companies go through.
What apple has over any android tablet is availability here the the uk, you can walk into any electronics retailer and buy an ipad, but if you want an android tablet (example asus transformer, acer iconia which are both for sale) 'can i buy one today, over the counter'? no you'll have to order one which takes a week
What's the point of having electrical retailers that don't know what retail means?
The basics of supply and demand
If i wanted to buy online and wait a week i would buy from ebay
In here the Netherlands, you must wait a month to get an ipad2.
checkbox111 said:
What apple has over any android tablet is availability here the the uk, you can walk into any electronics retailer and buy an ipad, but if you want an android tablet (example asus transformer, acer iconia which are both for sale) 'can i buy one today, over the counter'? no you'll have to order one which takes a week
What's the point of having electrical retailers that don't know what retail means?
The basics of supply and demand
If i wanted to buy online and wait a week i would buy from ebay
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You can walk into pc world and buy an android tablet over the counter and buyitdirect sell them over the counter too. Including the acer iconia.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Tyrian89 said:
You can walk into pc world and buy an android tablet over the counter and buyitdirect sell them over the counter too. Including the acer iconia.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
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PC world have never heard of the Asus transformer, and the iconia is mail order only
Buyitdirect won't have the transformer until may.
On the television news today they're stating that retails sales are lowest for 11 months!! is it hardly surprising. If you read a review about something that's ****, and would spend twice the time being repaired than what you would using it, then we've got loads of those, but if you want something that's remotely decent we don't stock it in store.
Might as well live in outback Botswana
It may be going about it different but usually big corporations tend to try something new if the first doesnt work. I can't blame Steve Job...but then again I'm not a super hardcore wish someone dead for making a ipad commercial android fan.
You can get a vega, xoom and one or two other android tablets at pcworld.
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Ahaha, I love how apple, having nothing to show except scaled up iphone apps is forcing into the ad "medical professionals uses of the ipad".
Not only this looks elitist and even colder but it is also completly unappropriate for medical use. I do work into the field of radiology and hell a 1080* res screen is way way way too much fail to look at radios or CT scans. You'd have to zoom in all the time and miss the bigger picture. Another point is also that a iOS device cannot plug into a classic medical environment that is 99% of the times using windows computers or remote servers without even a WIFI connectivity for security reasons.
Too long didn't read : Apple ipad2 makes you a doctor and allows your spoiled children to draw numbers with their fingers while their brain and cerebellous white matter is wiring, so that obviously, they won't even be able to handle a pen later on. Technology is not enough, you just need the smug.
epicfailguy2 said:
Ahaha, I love how apple, having nothing to show except scaled up iphone apps is forcing into the ad "medical professionals uses of the ipad".
Not only this looks elitist and even colder but it is also completly unappropriate for medical use. I do work into the field of radiology and hell a 1080* res screen is way way way too much fail to look at radios or CT scans. You'd have to zoom in all the time and miss the bigger picture. Another point is also that a iOS device cannot plug into a classic medical environment that is 99% of the times using windows computers or remote servers without even a WIFI connectivity for security reasons.
Too long didn't read : Apple ipad2 makes you a doctor and allows your spoiled children to draw numbers with their fingers while their brain and cerebellous white matter is wiring, so that obviously, they won't even be able to handle a pen later on. Technology is not enough, you just need the smug.
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Yea the whole medical app thing is a bit comical to me. I guess it's nice to have, but so what? 99.9% of the people who own an iPad don't buy one for the functionality mentioned there. Apple touted "thinner, lighter, faster" until none of those were true anymore and now it's "all about the apps". Outside of Netflix, there's nothing that it has that I want.
Title Changed
Thread title changed to something a little bit less... aggressive.
While I agree that the commercial is excessive, what marketing isn't. Let's keep it friendly in here, as many users here on XDA also happen to like iPads.
Bukem75 said:
Now that Samsung is faster, thinner, and lighter than the ipad 2, apparently that doesn't matter to steve jobs any more.
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Below is recent iPad 2 commercial from apple about how great there product is. It is half way down the page. You have to watch a 30 sec ad before the video plays.,2817,2381447,00.asp
Also below is a video that apple will be airing soon on there new product that is coming out later this year.
DensoYamaha41 said:
Below is recent iPad 2 commercial from apple about how great there product is. It is half way down the page. You have to watch a 30 sec ad before the video plays.,2817,2381447,00.asp
Also below is a video that apple will be airing soon on there new product that is coming out later this year.
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lol, awesome
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
Meh voice control is just a gimmick, not to mention you look like a ****ing retard talking to a machine.
So Apple can take it imo their users are just a bunch of left handed facerolling dribble-sheep anyway
Haha there is already a topic like this but yes they really can go f themselves. I dont think we are going to hear much about the case until tomorrow but im just praying that this phone does not get delayed/banned
slight22 said:
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
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Have you seen the new iphone design samsung should sue them for copying there round shape housing.. lolzz
I'm not gonna go into how bad the editorial but just gonna go ahead and say that Samsung still have time to show them the source code and prove that they didn't infringe anything. The final verdict isn't out yet
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The funny thing about source code, is that if the language is the same, the syntacs will be the same #main() is the same whether you a programing in windows, android or iOS. The proof is only in the comments not the code.
I could rebuild both Siri and the samsung voice system from ground up and there is a very real chance the code will look VERY similar. And when even the smallest program has hundreds of lines of code trying to prove this code or that is yours or theirs is very VERY hard. I personally think apple is trying to stop something that will decimate their iphone 5 before it's even out in market.
S-Voice is using Google's voice recognition API. Doubt Siri uses that.
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Well Apple is going at the Gnexus as well, but they haven't stopped the selling in the US, so why are they trying to ban the S3?
The same thing for HTC. Apple was/is trying to go after HTC for the second infringement from the OP. They are going after almost every HTC phone, but are only trying to ban the One Series and not the other phones that they are going after.
Apple is just trying to stop all of these new phone's that will put then to shame when they release the new iCrap 5 lol.
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
JJEgan said:
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
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the people who want "just" a phone these days is so small a number, it don't make sense to even sell them anymore.
As for apple leading the way, doubt it.
tekhna said:
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
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Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
So true, I think apple is really worried, if I was Samsung I would tell them to stop hassiling us or find someone else to make the amazing screens, they advertised the iPad3 with an amazing one of a kind screen but Samsung made the screen, all apple has every been doing is taking an idea, changing it a little and saying that they created it and ever since Steven jobs died they have run outta proper new things to do and iOS users are noticing that, all my iPhone friends want me to put android on there phone cause whenever apple updates something the system gets slower not faster and they hate the control apple has over them.
Sent from a I9000 running the amazing Tiger Rom
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slight22 said:
Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
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No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
I think Apple is just being a sore-loser because Samsung topped Apple in sales. Svoice is not gonna work for me anyway because I am not a natural-born english-speaking person. lol.
Even if Apple is successful, I will not buy an iPhone anyway, I'll probably end up with another HTC like the EVO LTE. Screw Apple.
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their asses.
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
tekhna said:
No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
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No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
ceo.mtcl said:
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
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Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
It would be nice if Samsung got so much money behind them that they could stop making parts for Apple, think 30 or 40% of the iphone 4 is made by Samsung.
There would be other companies out there...lg? who would step up but the change over would cripple Apple.
Always makes me laugh when Apple boys dis Samsung, if were not for them their phone would not even turn on.
slight22 said:
No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
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The us vs them mentality is about making money. Apple will go after anyone that produces a product that could take sales away. Apple is all about business and their business is to make money at all costs.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
apple is the new anti technology, anti innovation, anti consumer company!!!
There OS is stale and they know it...this includes there computer OS, windows 8 rocks apples mountain lion. There going to be the old n out fashion, and believe it or not Microsoft and android will be new fashion.
Just a matter of time Apple will steal the live tiles from MSFT..find out in about an hour.
Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Xenoism said:
Hey, for all of you who are curious about how the Samsung VS Apple trial has been going (I know I have), I came across this article this morning:
It's a tad lengthy, however its a good read. Enjoy.
Thoughts? Opinions?
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I was very disappointed to read the verdict - sad day for Samsung and their users. My question is - if Apple gets the judge to invoke the injunction does that mean that our rooted phones will also have to strip out the offending routines? Just makes me hate the zealots even more. Wonder how many of the members of the jury and judge had iphones? Does that mean that Apple cannot have any part of Project Butter?? Love my JB and the fact that my 2 year old phone is still cutting edge!!
On a different note, you mentioned that you are using FFC. I have installed one, but so far have not been able to fire it up. Is there any zip file with the i9000 FFC files on it? Would really like to know if mine is working.
JIM in FLA waiting for Isaac!
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
xriderx66 said:
This just set a precedent for Apple.
Apple is now going to sue everything that makes anything they do.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Nope its our economy crashing.
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I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
skinzy98 said:
I love a
Samsung. And I'm sorry they lost. So hopefully Motorola will kick crapples butt
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
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Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
xriderx66 said:
Their patents that they were suing Apple with also just recently got invalidated.
All I want to see is Google doing something. I want google to sneak some patents over to the OEM's and help em out a bit.
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I can't believe I didn't here that. And it would be nice if Google helped out a bit.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
kobesabi said:
This means whatever next google nexus will likely be pretty different than most previous nexus. KeyLime will probably have redesign too to avoid lawsuit.
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Stock AOSP is not the problem, its mostly over Samsung's Touchwiz UI. Having familiar icons etc.
I dont see how their going to change the design though, from a rectangle to a square?
Jury member admits that they did not use prior art in consideration.
I hear an appeal.
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
an also i hope that google has some sort of super patent waiting to deal with that stupid apple patent for searching :/
if anything apple needs to have all their vague broad patents voided until they can make it narrow an none broad
Patents on trade dress are ridiculous "a rectangle with gently rounded corners" " a screen with even space from the bottom and top to the bezel"
I didn't know apple invented rectangles and other symmetrical shapes?? And then some of the patents are obvious stuff, bounce back, screen pinch, REALLY
The fact of the matter is nobody bought a sgs1 or any other Sammy products thinking it was apple products.
When you go to the big box stores apple products are usually merchandised in another area than most other OEM's.
Apple just has their panties in a wad because Sammy is actually selling more smart phones than them and their products are comparable, better IMO, to theirs.
Its not Sammy's fault that apple has only released like six smart phones. They put out products to appeal to everyone, not just an elite group of pretentious asses.
I could go on but I think you guys get the jest of it!
Its peanut butter jelly(bean) time...
pintek said:
these apple vs android OEMs make me think of one thing
Benz suing every other automaker for "copying" the automobile but the lawsuit would be like...
patent infringement on vehicles using a device to turn the wheels
having a location for the occupants to set their posterior on
Having spokes in the wheels
Having wheels with a round circumference
someone really needs to get a wiffleball bat an start swining for the fences on these apple yahoos they may have generalized smart phones but if you take cars into consideration it be like the first car with 4 wheels well hey 4 wheels is balanced an is general.
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You'll really love this posting to facebook that I found then. Check it out, it freaking beautiful on Benz' part and really drives the point too.
I just saw the most incredible interview involving a Mercedes Benz executive talking candidly about his disgust with how Apple has been acting lately in court about the whole smartphone ordeal. I wish I could find it to share in full but I came accross it while channel surfing. In a nutshell, he said "We at Mercedes own over 80,000 patents worldwide including the rights to the first self-propel
led 4 wheeled vehicle, or as we all would call it today, the 'CAR'. We could take every car manufacturer in the world to court with legitemate claims that they copied our idea and force them put out 3 or 2 or 5 wheeled vehicles etc. Do we? Of course not! We exist today as we do because we bring the absolute best we can build to the market year after year. When he's asked if they're worried about the constant attempts to copy them as Apple claims Samsung and Google did, he just smiles and says "let them try, that's what has kept us at the top of our craft for over 100 years. Why would we stop now?" -Absolutely brilliant! That's how a real innovative company acts. Mercedes for president!
I couldn't have said it better, great find!
sent from the depths of helly bean
Goophone is planning to sue Apple for design infringement since their cloned hardware came out first before Apple. ROTFLMAO
If this allowed, Samsung should hurry and produce a prototype next week so they can sue Apple if they release later.