I had to laugh at this - Venue Pro General

I know its a sore subject around here. But thanks to a few of you, Dell appears to be close to making good a decent phone. We'll know by the end of the week.
In reviewing many of the threads here, especially the ones accusing Dell of fraud, Micheal Dell of being less than a man, and some basic Dell hates us stuff, I read a few lines by several people that mentioned every company and many phones go through this exact problem....of course, they were laughed off....some in anger...some in jest.
My time with the Venue Pro is almost over. 7 months with a single phone is a long time for me, and I've already purchased my next phone. I'll be looking for a Mango device near the end of the year....but in researching my new purchase I came across many of the things that were written here in the Venue Pro forum. I thought I would share one that just made me laugh.....this is for you Sparta....beware your next purchase...
" I think we all agree, T-Mobil knowingly sold product which they were fully aware was defective (whether the hardware or software). It's just NOTpossible this phone was released without them knowing about the problems. That said, I think they just crossed thier fingers, hoping we would not complaint too much; in the meantime they have made millions on us and when we complain they say "let them eat cake". Compare your experience with T-Mobil and a reputable department store; you walk into Best buy and say I just bought this and it does not work right.....ummm they giev you a new one, that works; think about it.
We're not alone.....the corporate world is evil.....

I understand him (and others) being angry. But at the end of the day you vote with your dollar, not your posts on a message board or on a twitter account. If you aren't happy don't give them your money next time.
Appreciate the info you've given in this section, enjoy that g2x!

venelar said:
I understand him (and others) being angry. But at the end of the day you vote with your dollar, not your posts on a message board or on a twitter account. If you aren't happy don't give them your money next time.
Appreciate the info you've given in this section, enjoy that g2x!
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My Dell is not gone...as I have to work with it daily...I'll just take it less serious now.
Also, check this out. Android Forums review of the Dell Venue. Yes its a Droid...but the interesting thing is the wrap up. Skip to the end and read the conclusions about this Venue Pro knock off....just what most people in this forum as been saying for months....
Here's the Link


Why close a discussion thread?

mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums.... if that had been a "we love HTC thread" would that have been closed?
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissastifaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
mikechannon said:
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturaly attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get usefull threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
Monty Burns said:
Ok .... so, the fact that we know HTC pay attention to people gripes, comments and compliments on these forums....
We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker.
I agree being rude and obnoxious are very good reasons but ... why not censor the very few posts related to it. Why close the general dissatisfaction with what appears to be a typical HTC release. Without a place to talk about the general failure of HTC, how can the majority of people learn? How can those prospective customers be aware of the challenges they need to overcome to turn a rubbish device (out of the factory) into a great device (after XDA and chefs)?
Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction.
And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract.
The one thing i've always used in years is the xda forums and some of that i haven't even owned a HTC device. Like it or not, most people here have invested a lot of hard earned cash (or will over the next 18/24 months) and that will naturally attract an emotional value - hence some anger when something like this doesn't work. The fact there was so much feeling in that thread should indicate the level of "emotion" about it and the incensed feeling they have about the amount people feel they have spent, money and time, on a device they are so unhappy about. Maybe if you guys created a "vent here thread" you might get to allow people to rant AND get useful threads - heck, even HTC might read the "vent here thread!" and take note?
Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer.
Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response.
I'm so worried after reading todays threads in particular, about ordering mine earlier today but sadly nothing else that supports FULL exchange meets my requirements. I know my consumer rights and will use them to the full should I need to but I hope not it does have so many great points.
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If you have doubts about this device then don't buy it. You will be severely disappointed. If you have not taken time out to test drive one before putting your order in then, with respect, more fool you.
Finally, moderators on here bend over backwards NOT to close threads or be seen as censoring debate. However we have to keep a balance and if, in our judgment, a thread is getting out of hand or no longer has any value nor serve any useful purpose then it will be closed.
All the best,
as you've quoted inside of quotes you have made it really dificult for me to "quote" back - nice job! (although i suspect not deliberate).
"We don't know that for sure. There are many on here who would disagree, saying that for them, if HTC were listening, then perceived problems would have been resolved quicker."
Yeah ok. So the very big majority of Winmob market phones are produced by HTC, this site is dedicated to HTC (and historicaly Winmob).... do you REALLY think they don't read these forums? Really? Honestly? Are you sure?
"Problem with this argument is that there are some on here who don't wish to face those challenges, which is fair enough. However what they do is to gripe about it and not help themselves, even when you point them in the right direction."
I agree. There are SOME who want to gripe. There are a ship load more who want to make a device work but can't, no matter the support they get from the community - random users suffering from the SMS bug for example? The very fact most of these people have googled/have knowledge of these forums, means that they have at least gone to some effort to resolve an issue. So yes some, but a VERY small number. So, how can they air the frustrations they have? where? Maybe the most expansive and read HTC forums... thats a good place to start!
"And it appears all you have to do is complain about a thread, not be justified in your complaint.
Not sure where you get that from. Please provide evidence of this or retract."
*sigh* .... ok .... i'll come back to this but, i did quote, if you really want me to link to a thread closed in the past 10 minutes other than i already quoted your mod. I will.
"Any "ranting", as you put it, should be made direct to HTC. XDA-Developers is exactly that; a developers site with a lot of interested non-developers in it. Its not the place to take out your frustrations against a manufacturer."
Yeah ya know, it was a developers site years ago.... its not any more and hasn't been for a long time. Its a cookers and users site now. If you still think HTC don't read this forum then .... The sites success over the years can also be its greatest strength if you let it.
Now this isn't a problem of the site itself, more one with many reviews and fanboys of ALL phones, Iphone, HTC, Nokia....
"Re your point on hard earned cash being spent, I can't disagree with this. However ask these people how many of them went out and gave the device a really good test drive and an assessment of whether it would meet their needs or not and you will be silenced by the response."
Trying out a phone is a shop is a VERY diferent affair to OWNING one. Any person will know that, sadly though, many of us have to go by the reviews and forum comments that are available and try to filter out what may or may not be fanboy. Magazines, forum posts, personal reviews, blogs are all individual and very personal. Saying that someone should have reviewed more is simply not fair. Its impossible. Try asking your local O2 shop if you can take a phone away for a couple of weeks to try?
Hold on .... yes you can!!!! And that was the point of the last thread that got closed! Your fellow mod closed a thread which wasn't actually personal to anyone and (from a personal fed up with moaners point of view) I was trying educate people who purchased there phones in the UK that they had a bucket load of rights. If they are not happy, and it was purchased from the uk, then please "turn it in!" and return it.
Now from my pov, i'm a londoner (can you tell?) but i work all over the world. Currently im in Durban (yeah I was there at the test match! and met the England team) but out here they dont have the HD 2 so, I have to go on the reviews etc. Some people out here will spend near on £600 getting it imported from Expansys UK (ummm .... co.za) and other sites.
Can i provide evidence? No. It was not made public so all I can assume is that if I PM a mod, things will be closed:
mikechannon said:
"In general "I hate my phone" threads neither contribute soluactions to problems nor do they seek answers to problems in a calm and reasoned way.
These forums are for the giving and receiving of information that assists users to get the best from their device - it is not a vehicle for "sounding-off" about your phone.
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
(In addition - this thread has been reported by Members)
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How can i provide more evidence than that? I'm not privvy to your private messages. The previous line though backs up my "love HTC or go away" argument to a small extent:
mikechannon said:
This thread does have some useful content, so I will not delete it but will close it as relevant points have already been made.
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I really think you guys, having helped, actually almost pushed HTC to where they are should now use your position and be .... responsible(? maybe a bit strong)) ... finaly get off the HTC only band wagon. Let them know that the stunning products they produce will no longer be accepted only 90% complete.
Ok. Lets be realistic. I ain't gona change your minds on anything and I don't want you to rebel against HTC as they make amazing hardware but, at least, in the position you have got.... maybe create a "if your gone B*&% and let off steam, do it in this thread?" thread? Maybe, just maybe there will be a common thread in it that HTC will finaly get to grips with .....?
Oh, and i've had a tytn, tytn 2 and having had both of those replaced under warranty i thought... no! Poke it! And had a tosh g900 when most people couldnt even spell 800 res screens and then foolishly went to a TD. That was refunded quickly under sales of goods act. Have an Acer M900 but due to the fact i'm living in south africa and i purchased that under my company contract, i now need to replace next week when im back in the UK. I was looking at a Milestone but the exchange support is rubbish at best. So, I have a week to try the HD2 or return it as not fit for purpose.... I do however, really want it to work!
And one final word.... my best winmob device without a device? Well two actually .... the Samsung Omnia and the baggage reconciliation devices i'm working with at the new Durban airport (what??? its not just a PHONE O/S!!!!??)
My opinion.
Here's an example of 2 threads.
I bought this fone for £x000 dollars and it should do everything I can ever imagine, rite out of the out of the box. I am disgusted that HTC expect ME to fix their problems.
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SMS didn't send
Hi everyone.
I tried to send a text message to my friends earlier and it's stuck in my outbox. Does anyone know why this might be? Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should do about it?
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This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
johncmolyneux said:
Here's an example of 2 threads.
This forum is not about defending or slating any particular device. It is meant for users to get together and talk about ways to make the experience better. This forum is not responsible for the fact that some hardware that comes out of some factory and gets some software installed on it is not 100% perfect!
Now for 1 moment, can we please put aside arguments regarding the device and talk about the forum? Which of the above 2 threads is the most constructive?
Thank you.
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More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
You are a Londoner eh? I should have known. You lot are nothing but trouble makers!
First off sorry about the quotes within quotes; didn't realise it stopped you from quoting back. Now that I do...
OK, lots in your post that I could come back on in detail but I won't because I'm the sort of chap that likes going forwards, not looking back in self pity or whatever.
The one thing that you have suggested, and you are not the first, is that we think on somewhere where people can let off steam WITHOUT cluttering up the forums. As you know there is some work going on as to how best we can restructure the place to make it better. Can I ask you to be a little patient while all this gets worked through.
In the meantime, think on the following:
- Help us to support people who need and want help and please be robust about those that don't but just fancy a moan and upsetting people on here without ever really wanting to seek help or to help themselves (the word Troll comes to mind).
- If you look at the Development & Hacking forums you will see that Development is stronger than ever and does not change what this place is all about. The work of the chefs is recognised and appreciated, and you can argue that is also development so 2-0 there.
- Lets all try to be a little adult, constructive and get along a little. I can tell you that, from a Mods perspective, we really want to be doing other things to make people's lives on here better rather than spending time closing threads down because people just can't have a little respect for each other. I often wonder whether anyone ever reads the forum rules.
Finally thank you for keeping on the straight and narrow re this thread and not going off the rails and getting it closed.
jakem said:
More to the point, what is the point of leaving the first example open? At the very least there should be a dedicated section for those unhelpful posts (as [★] suggested yesterday) but I think they should just be closed as they're so worthless.
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I totally agree mate (hence the support in said thread raised by [★] yesterday.)
I find this site a ridiculously valuable source of information when I need help with my phone, and I find it disheartening to have to wade through complaint after complaint just in order to get to constructive discussions.
If I wanted to live in troll city, I'd pack all my stuff into boxes; call a removals company; do some browsing of estate agents and property letting agents; check the reputation of the areas I was interested in and then guess what.... MOVE TO TROLL CITY!
I'm a placid guy generally, but some posts really make me struggle to just not tell the OP where to go.
+9999999 recurring to real constructive users of this site.
-9999999 recurring to trolls (and we know you don't think you're a troll, but you are.)
Monty Burns said:
Do you work for a newspaper?
Both comments are usefull. Just because you don't see the use in both doesn't mean they are not usefull. Does that mean 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms so they should be ignored of Fred Smiths Condom appreciation website?
(sorry thats a really poor example but its 2am here in SA and i've been on the beer and Eve-online and films for a few hours )
Very fair play to you for putting forward an argument (non abusive as I would hope) and maybe catch up tomorrow.
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If 10% of men don't like brand x of condoms then they should definitely speak their mind. They would be wrong though to go to a forum that supports uses of brand x condoms and slate them. A support forum is for support.
OK first, no idea who Martin is. (Its Monty spelt the wrong way - doh)
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
Monty Burns said:
OK first, no idea who Martin is.
Second, guys sounds like we might have a good conversation on the values of "to HTC or not HTC" although I might be on the wrong side, despite just spending a bucket load of fivers on a HT2.
Please, keep it clean and (well funny if you can't) but not personaly insulting. Everyone on a keyboard is a human being!
Be safe, have fun!
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I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
To be fair, those "I hate this phone" ranting type threads really do spiral into a hate fest or at least the few I've seen. If a topic is interesting and you comment on it, and go back later to see how it develops when all that is left is just insults, it has no use to most if not all.
johncmolyneux said:
I agree with that totally, but I do think this thread should be moved to a general area. Let's face it, it's hardly HD2 specific now is it!
It would be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, rather than just the ones with The God Phone. (Just kidding - that was meant to incite trouble )
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Argh! I'm not a god!!! (although I think I am, with my size 9 shoes... bow down before me!)
Seriously, maybe a good idea. I guess in an odd way this may complement (orb3000s?) the other thread vote about should it be HTC or not site? We don't know you server statistics of course but, we can hope that we can get to the stage where we can give our opinion on HTC honestly..... ( i wanted to deleted that and not type it as its not fair, i think we can, mostly ).
In my view its like a really cool manopoly. The games fun to play for almost all of us (i may/may not include myself in that after 2 years HTC abscense on next Friday) but for some it really sucks cos they keep losing.
I would think that moving it to an adult discussion of the real benefits as us users see if you become "open" but, we have no idea of the server costs... only you guys do.
(you do of course know that pressure will mount and mount and mount with regards to non-HTC phones. Your not silly Samsung, LG, Acer.... to name but a few know that the serious money is in smart phones in the next few years, not feature. In Slough o2 test 150-200 meg 4g phones a couple of weeks ago )
From what I understand, this is a developers forum. i.e. look to the potential rather than to the faults as is.
There are far too many distracting threads along the lines of "the virtual keyboard is killing me", "my wife left me because of the battery life", "the pink camera issue made me kill my neighbour". These type of threads may have valid points but they are all a bit melodramatic and really don't serve the purpose of the forum very well as they fan the flames of discontent rather that rise to the can-fix mindset. Despite what the trolls (for want of a better word) might like to say, this isn't a fanboi site, it's for those who realise a problem and want to solve it, simply just improve things, or just want to tweak things just because they can! I'm sure most of us here are all too aware of the shortcomings of Windows mobile software, just as we recognise the potential & strengths of this platform.
Speaking as a self-confessed technophile I will admit to spending an not inconsiderable amount of hard-earned money on utter crap i.e. gadgets that promised so much, yet delivered so little or were simply just badly executed. The HD2 is non of these, it's a stunning piece of design & engineering. It's not perfect, for example: the sharp edges of the camera lens annoy me a little, but it doesn't induce a desire in me to vent my spleen to the world.
I'm optimistic, I hope to survive longer than my HD2 and maybe via this forum HTC will hear my concern for this non-life threatening design flaw and engineer a more ergonomic lens cover for the next mobile phone I get. If they don't, it will undoubtedly leave a microscopic void in my life, but I'm strong enough to move on and no doubt the HTC designers will burn in hell for their tardiness.
xda-developers is what is says and is a great community that helps us get the best from these intriguing phones, so please diss the efforts of those who contribute and recognise that enthusiasm is a far better fertilizer for technology than manure.
Besides that, looking at my HD2 I've just noticed that it's going to be wet & windy at "My Location" tomorrow. That's fifty miles away and I'm not even going there, so it's a win for me!

do people really fall for this?

b84 said:
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Yes some fools do..!!!
Has been seen & reported many times..!!!
But I think it's your own fault when you pay for **** like this.
It's just not fair for the devs.
this bastard is expensive!
my rates:
install android 4$
update kernel 4$
format micro sd 4$
switch on the phone 4$
stick usb cable 4$
remove battery 4$
go to home screen 4$
go to messages 4$
dialing numbers 4$
including VAT. Prices are subject to change. If you order now you will win -10 IQ points.
Actually, this is modified version of the .99 deal where people buy/sell stupid things to raise their rating on eBay. In other words, if people are curious enough, say 20 people, this guy would only pocket around $100 but his positive feedback would be 27 instead of 7. This just costs a bit more.
There are also thousands of eBooks sold daily that contain information easy to find. BUT AS BROUGHT OUT SO MANY TIMES IN POSTS ON THIS SITE...people are too lazy to do a SEARCH.
So for those who do not want to get flamed, they spend 4.99 AU to get step by step instructions. Just because WE look at the instructions as EASY, or OBVIOUS, or feel a damn monkey could do it, does not mean that everyone else does.
Really no one here should complain either way...for it or against it. Some people have hours to pour over this website. Some barely have the 30 seconds we are asked to wait between searches (which irritates me, but I understand) and/or are too impatient to wait, and/or don't quite know WHAT to exactly search for as the obvious terms appear in almost every post making the answer oblique.
A thread was recently posted here where people from this site actually took the time to get some Craigslist ads shut down. Think of the money you could have made writing a better ad instead, ha ha ha ha ha.
Seriously though, what ever happened to the TRUE and HONEST and MOST POLITICALLY CORRECT saying, 'live and let live'? It died with the death of true democracy likely. (Oh, yea...sorry I keep forgetting that ONLY the US is the new kid on the block in terms of falling under a dictatorship. You guys have had to deal with it for years. Karl Marx hated these ads too.)
JonSolo said:
Actually, this is modified version of the .99 deal where people buy/sell stupid things to raise their rating on eBay. In other words, if people are curious enough, say 20 people, this guy would only pocket around $100 but his positive feedback would be 27 instead of 7. This just costs a bit more.
There are also thousands of eBooks sold daily that contain information easy to find. BUT AS BROUGHT OUT SO MANY TIMES IN POSTS ON THIS SITE...people are too lazy to do a SEARCH.
So for those who do not want to get flamed, they spend 4.99 AU to get step by step instructions. Just because WE look at the instructions as EASY, or OBVIOUS, or feel a damn monkey could do it, does not mean that everyone else does.
Really no one here should complain either way...for it or against it. Some people have hours to pour over this website. Some barely have the 30 seconds we are asked to wait between searches (which irritates me, but I understand) and/or are too impatient to wait, and/or don't quite know WHAT to exactly search for as the obvious terms appear in almost every post making the answer oblique.
A thread was recently posted here where people from this site actually took the time to get some Craigslist ads shut down. Think of the money you could have made writing a better ad instead, ha ha ha ha ha.
Seriously though, what ever happened to the TRUE and HONEST and MOST POLITICALLY CORRECT saying, 'live and let live'? It died with the death of true democracy likely. (Oh, yea...sorry I keep forgetting that ONLY the US is the new kid on the block in terms of falling under a dictatorship. You guys have had to deal with it for years. Karl Marx hated these ads too.)
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True words mate
And you're right, most of the people dunno how to use this nice search button right. But it is so easy. I mean if you want to learn something, you have always to begin with searching and reading. After this you can ask questions. I've spend hours of reading here and I had a fully working build before I ever wrote anything in these forums. As you said, people are just toooo lazy.
what about the devs
any money made should be sent to the devs. at the end of the day they made the effort to make it happen
b84 said:
any money made should be sent to the devs. at the end of the day they made the effort to make it happen
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At the end of the day this guy did the research and put the time in to put time into making a step by step guide and make an ebay listing.
The devs are the ones who release their work for free without wanting anything in return. If the devs wanted money they could do this on their own.
Im sure the guy took the time to make a step-by-step guide on how to install android so people dont give him negative feedback. He is spreading the knowledge of how big the community of the HD2 really is. If the person gets confused on installing android im sure he would google it and be lead to this forum anyway.
If the seller took the time to make a guide he should be compensated. Besides, Im sure 95% of the people here have NOT made any donation whatsoever.
@anap40 : Exactly!! you just beat me to it

Lovely tech support (She hung up)

Look at this great support I got. Copy and pastied responses several times. Apparently we all should call the galaxy hot line or something.
info: Please wait for a Samsung Agent to respond.
info: You are now chatting with 'Elena'
Elena: Hi, thank you for contacting Samsung Technical Support. How may I help you today?
Customer: My family bought three fascinates in anticipating the ultimate android operating system called Froyo 2.2. When will I get this update? Will I get it this year at least or do I have to wait another year?
Elena: I understand that you want upgrade the device from Android 2.1 to 2.2 . Am I correct ?
Customer: Yes that is what I mean.
Elena: Unfortunately there is no update available at this time for your phone model, nor is there an estimated date of one being released. We are unable to speculate when/if a software revision might be available due to the fact that this might lead to inaccurate information and confusion.
Elena: Should this become available, it will be posted on our website in the Samsung Download Center.
Elena: Samsung is working on these and we will release the software soon.
Customer: Thats not even you typing, you copied and pasted that, I saw that exact response on forums.
Customer: I regret buying 3 of these phones.
Elena: I can understand your situation and how frustrated you are at this moment.
Customer: I will never buy another samsung product again.
Elena: I would have surely helped , if I had any other information regarding them.
Elena: As this is a basic level support we have limited access to our database. I have provided all the information that are available in my database.
Customer: You do have more information, you are with holding it from me.
Customer: Then let me talk to someone higher up please.
Elena: However, I suggest you please contact our Samsung Customer Support Team. You can reach our Galaxy handset support team at : 1-877-392-4252,Mon-Fri: 7 AM - 9 PM (CST), Sat: 9 AM - 6 PM (CST). They will be glad to help you with this.
Customer: Honestly, it 2011, Froyo was released last year and you can't even give me an eta on when I will get 2.2/2.3, thats disgraceful.
Customer: Please if I can talk to your manager that would be great.
Elena: I apologize, if I had the information available with me I would have surely provided you in this chat session.
Customer: Then may I please talk with your manager.
Elena: Tha manager is only available in Phone support only.
Elena: Yes, please contact our Samsung Customer Support Team they will transfer the call to the Manager.
Customer: Do you have the information as to why I DON'T have 2.2?
Elena: I apologize, we don't have that information available in my database.
Customer: I highly doubt that, I know how customer service works. You can make the call for me and find out the information I need, please do so.
Elena: I am really sorry, if I had the access to do that i will definitely arrange a call for you in this regar.
Elena: regard*
Elena: I don't mean to rush you, but I haven't had a response from you. Are we connected?
Customer: Do you have the information as to why the Galaxy S has 2.2 in the UK and other countries but the phones based off of it don't?
Customer: Such as the epic, captivate, vibrant, and of course the fascinate?
Elena: No, I don't have that information available, that is the reason I asked you please contact our next level support so that they will be glad to help you with this.
Customer: Fine
Elena: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
Elena: It was a pleasure assisting you. Thank you for contacting Samsung Technical Support. If you have a minute, please click on the blue “X close” button to receive a transcript of your chat and fill out a brief survey to help us serve you better. Have a wonderful day!
Customer: Yes
info: Chat session has been terminated by the Samsung Agent.
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To top it off, she HUNG UP ON ME. I was about to ask if an update would coem to fix gps. Oh well switching to HTC next time.
I must say, it sounds like you were harrassing the rep.
A Guy my brother works with was just complaining about his Droid X due to the 2.2 release he received two weeks ago. I understand why the devs want the release but for the rest of us, patience will serve us best.
There is a GPS fix on the forum. Do some searching and enjoy the fruit of our developers' labors.
tonu42 said:
Look at this great support I got. Copy and pastied responses several times. Apparently we all should call the galaxy hot line or something.
To top it off, she HUNG UP ON ME. I was about to ask if an update would coem to fix gps. Oh well switching to HTC next time.
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Dude, you are a freakin ignorant dumbass. The only people that have info on the ETA of the 2.2/2.3 update are the Samsung developers and Verizon rom builders, not customer support. Please do yourself a favor and shutup or work a customer facing job to realise how it is to be not in the loop.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Dont worry ...Good news The iphone is headed to Verizon to save us all from the ugly robot they call Android.
Sherwood1 said:
Dont worry ...Good news The iphone is headed to Verizon to save us all from the ugly robot they call Android.
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I really hope you're joking, but judging by the rest of your posts, I'm sure you aren't. In the admittedly short time I've had playing with iPhones, I can honestly say that they're absurdly overhyped. They really don't do anything better than any other phone on the market. Plus, Apple is content with repackaging the same thing(more or less) time after time with relatively minor tweaks and adjustments to keep their consumer base hooked. The iPhone isn't going to save anybody from anything, because by the time it actually comes around to Verizon, there be even more advanced phones on VZW(dual core, 4g, 2.3, etc). The iPhone will just seem antiquated by comparison(to the ones that actually give a damn about phone hardware/software) and that's an honest fact, not me being biased or a fanboy. This is just my 2 cents, it's kind of ridiculous for you to come and post that in an Android phone section of the forum. On topic, I have to agree with bwheelies. Working in an area where I have to deal with irate customers daily really gives me another perspective on things like this. It's really difficult to answer questions people have when the info hasn't trickled down to me and they continually press the issue and get pissed about it.
I'm really starting to think that a moderator on here should create a general rants and raves section like Craigslist, that way if we want a good laugh or to read something completely rediculous, we could go there instead of it flooding the important forums. People like you should be banned from here. Do us all a favor and search next time, you will see that there are at least 3 other posts almost identical to yours that you could've given your 2 cents two.
so fresh and so superclean.
Honestly I would hang up on you too. Why is it that people are so rude to customer service reps? Just imagine if you had to deal with people that are rude while you're doing everything you're allowed to, to try helping them. She's not the company, she had nothing to do with the software or hardware or the timeliness providers divulge.
From I-500 Powered By XDA
justin94 said:
I'm really starting to think that a moderator on here should create a general rants and raves section like Craigslist, that way if we want a good laugh or to read something completely rediculous, we could go there instead of it flooding the important forums. People like you should be banned from here. Do us all a favor and search next time, you will see that there are at least 3 other posts almost identical to yours that you could've given your 2 cents two.
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I'm pretty sure you're directing that at me, so I'm going to reply accordingly. The only thing I did was reply to a troll being a troll. Wasn't really trying to rant, it just came out as that. I don't flood the forums with anything, generally my posts are on topic and direct. In fact, this is the first time I've ever ranted about anything. What exactly should I be searching for? Sherwood trolling more threads so I can just follow him around and comment? That's the definition of trolling. I've derailed this topic enough, and I sincerely apologize to the OP.
The best thing about the iphone possibly coming to vzw, is that it will rid us of the likes of sherwood1.
adrynalyne said:
The best thing about the iphone possibly coming to vzw, is that it will rid us of the likes of sherwood1.
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Mean Bro Greene said:
I'm pretty sure you're directing that at me, so I'm going to reply accordingly. The only thing I did was reply to a troll being a troll. Wasn't really trying to rant, it just came out as that. I don't flood the forums with anything, generally my posts are on topic and direct. In fact, this is the first time I've ever ranted about anything. What exactly should I be searching for? Sherwood trolling more threads so I can just follow him around and comment? That's the definition of trolling. I've derailed this topic enough, and I sincerely apologize to the OP.
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Definitely was not directed at you, more towards the OP.
so fresh and so superclean.
If I had been the rep, I would have done more then hang up. Why harrass them over something they have no control over?
adrynalyne said:
The best thing about the iphone possibly coming to vzw, is that it will rid us of the likes of sherwood1.
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Yes, the little kiddies need the iLemming.
Guys The iphone will always lack in hardware sooner or later to Android.... a new android phone gets announced every day. But since the iphone was released no new phone has beat it in total hardware performance. And as far as doing anything better than android.....well it just offers more. what good is a OS when there are no applications on it.
Iphone wins in that area.
PS i was the guy that got banned for a few weeks cause i was handing out the Verizon leaked update to everyone...while mods were keeping it to themselves!! I didnt get it from them but they tend to keep things for themselves.
So your welcome, those who talk crap bout me, please show me one thing you offered....
BTW VOODOO the biggest joke in history and people still falling for it.
There was no reason for you to be such a douche. I work in customer service and we can't stand people like you. You think we know everything and that we just like to keep information from you to piss you off. We tell you what we know, and we often don't know much since we're JUST customer service reps. We're not the software developers, we're not corporate, and we often learn about things just before you do as the consumer.
You're not even being a **** head to the right person. You should find the contact information for Samsung Corporate and get a hold of them somehow. They're the decision makers and they're the people who decide when **** comes out, not customer service. I can speak from experience, if you're professional and conduct yourself in a polite manner you'll get results. Once you start being a complete ignorant asshole, we do the bare minimum for you.
I hope you're happy that you made an innocent person's day more difficult because you wanted your stupid software update.
So your welcome, those who talk crap bout me, please show me one thing you offered....
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I can show you several things. You can't show one. Yet you are repeatedly banned.
Sherwood1 said:
Guys The iphone will always lack in hardware sooner or later to Android.... a new android phone gets announced every day. But since the iphone was released no new phone has beat it in total hardware performance. And as far as doing anything better than android.....well it just offers more. what good is a OS when there are no applications on it.
Iphone wins in that area.
PS i was the guy that got banned for a few weeks cause i was handing out the Verizon leaked update to everyone...while mods were keeping it to themselves!! I didnt get it from them but they tend to keep things for themselves.
So your welcome, those who talk crap bout me, please show me one thing you offered....
BTW VOODOO the biggest joke in history and people still falling for it.
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yag spelled backwords. Please get an iPhone asap. You have caused nothing but problems in these forums.
Sent from my Fascinate using Tapatalk Pro
Sherwood1 said:
Guys The iphone will always lack in hardware sooner or later to Android.... a new android phone gets announced every day. But since the iphone was released no new phone has beat it in total hardware performance. And as far as doing anything better than android.....well it just offers more. what good is a OS when there are no applications on it.
Iphone wins in that area.
PS i was the guy that got banned for a few weeks cause i was handing out the Verizon leaked update to everyone...while mods were keeping it to themselves!! I didnt get it from them but they tend to keep things for themselves.
So your welcome, those who talk crap bout me, please show me one thing you offered....
BTW VOODOO the biggest joke in history and people still falling for it.
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trollin' hard eh
tonu42 said:
Look at this great support I got. Copy and pastied responses several times. Apparently we all should call the galaxy hot line or something.
To top it off, she HUNG UP ON ME. I was about to ask if an update would coem to fix gps. Oh well switching to HTC next time.
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I'm embarrassed for you. I hope you know this doesn't help.
Sent from my Fascinate using Tapatalk Pro
Actually adrynalyne i just did!!! I gave out the Verizon Update no questions asked. You and others refused!!!!!!
I got banned because you think i need your permission to give something out!!!! I did people a favor and you held back!!!!
You offer VOODOO...garbage code!! Bricked more phones than god knows what!
Voodoo hahaha worthless and you know it!!
If you read the announcement like you were supposed to, you would have learned that you were not to release anything. But what do you read?

We are our own worst enemy

It's really so disappointing to see the reception given to SamsungJohn here in XDA. I know many of you are angry about the Froyo delays, but *****ing out the social media liasson won't accomplish anything.
This is the first time ever, AFAIK, that a handset manufacturer has reached out directly to the XDA community. Maybe it's all smoke and mirrors, who knows, but we won't see anything if we just reject their attempts out of hand.
And I think people need to stop with the notion that Samsung is evil or just wants to hurt users. They're a huge company; it may not have even been on the radar of the decisionmakers that we were dissatisfied.
We're in a fairly recent and novel paradigm where users expect timely software updates--a year and a half ago nobody expected that. You bought a phone and maybe there might be a firmware update somewhere down the road. And out of the millions of people who bought SGS phones, we're just a very small minority. If we want cooperation from Samsung we need to impress upon them the advantages of collaborating with devs, because honestly they're going to make billions either way. If we demonstrate that cooperation will involve crass tantrums, they'll just sell their phones to the millions of people who don't give a crap about independent development. Do we really want that kind of belligerent attitude a la Motorola? I don't know about you, but I'd rather we try to move Samsung towards us rather than away from us.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Samsung is trying to help us and we are biting our noses off just to spite our face. I think they are doing a great thing by coming on here.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Agreed...well said...both of you.
I agree that was pretty messed up. It's bad enough all the devs have been scrared away. Ex-da isn't what it used to.
I totally agree. The guy is not a decision maker at Samsung - he came here to try to get feedback about how the company can improve and people just flamed the guy relentlessly. Further proof that there are too many children and buffoons here. It's no wonder that devs loathe coming here. FYI to the guys that tore into SamsungJohn - Krylon had a good conversation with Sammy and they are looking to get in contact with Sombionix as well.
What's not on their radar with a 90% surety is timely software updates. Hardware companies are going to drag their feet as much as possible to provide software upgrades for old hardware, if they do it at all.
I don't meam any disrespect to anyone but I gotta disagree.
Samsung is a huge company but they have also been in the mobile business for quite a while and they have also been known to release products that don't quite work the way they are supposed to, just like the Vibrant and until now there was no post purchase support or at least no usable support or updates... Look at the history of the Beholds and almost any other phone they released.
Releasing a phone like the Vibrant in 2010 that lags out of the box and where the gps issues make the navigation function unusable is just not right. Stock this phone is a joke and after a few days of use it is really frustrating. They are supposed to do a lot more then just release a device after device and look at the sale numbers.
These are very expensive devices and for that kind of money they are supposed to work!
Agree or disagree with me but facts are facts. Not everyone who owns such a device will root or flash their device with a custom rom in order to make it usable. I have played with many other android phones and they all work smoother and stock a lot better than any of the galaxy s series so far...
To list some...
Htc incredible, nexus one, mytouch 4g, tmobile g2, droid x, even htc aria which is not even in the same class as above mentioned models.
If the developers on the xda forums can make this phone perform ten times better than stock, explain to me why Samsung's developers cannot do the same...
I speak for myself, but I am fed up with samsung and their quality control and I can say this was the last Samsung phone I purchased until they do something revolutionary and change my mind...
Isn't someone testing these devices for a week or two before they release them in order to make sure everything works as it should?! If they are then maybe samsung should hire someone from this forum instead...
Also why don't the phone manufacturers just make a survey on the forums for feedback from users as to what the phone should include as far as software or hardware... 2010 top tier android device without a flash for the camera is just wrong and the night mode cannot replace the flash. I do not use the camera as much but just for the sake of it they should have led flash, some people use it and want it, how expensive can it be to do that...
The Super AMOLED display is the best in my opinion for now, but it is not enough to justify the many other mistakes or flaws... The displays on other phone aren't crap either!
Sorry for the long post.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm totally sympathetic to the people who are fed up and say #neveragain. But the solution to that is to complain through other channels and then never buy Samsung again.
This rep came here reaching his hand out to the dev community, and insulting him or whining does a serious disservice to everyone else here. I think he came here to try to create a mutually beneficial relationship, not take complaint tickets. Many of us are skeptical, but we think it's worth seeing if anything can come of this (and if you aren't, the actual devs are).
BorisZX6R said:
I don't meam any disrespect to anyone but I gotta disagree.
Samsung is a huge company but they have also been in the mobile business for quite a while and they have also been known to release products that don't quite work the way they are supposed to, just like the Vibrant and until now there was no post purchase support or at least no usable support or updates... Look at the history of the Beholds and almost any other phone they released.
Releasing a phone like the Vibrant in 2010 that lags out of the box and where the gps issues make the navigation function unusable is just not right. Stock this phone is a joke and after a few days of use it is really frustrating. They are supposed to do a lot more then just release a device after device and look at the sale numbers.
These are very expensive devices and for that kind of money they are supposed to work!
Agree or disagree with me but facts are facts. Not everyone who owns such a device will root or flash their device with a custom rom in order to make it usable. I have played with many other android phones and they all work smoother and stock a lot better than any of the galaxy s series so far...
To list some...
Htc incredible, nexus one, mytouch 4g, tmobile g2, droid x, even htc aria which is not even in the same class as above mentioned models.
If the developers on the xda forums can make this phone perform ten times better than stock, explain to me why Samsung's developers cannot do the same...
I speak for myself, but I am fed up with samsung and their quality control and I can say this was the last Samsung phone I purchased until they do something revolutionary and change my mind...
Isn't someone testing these devices for a week or two before they release them in order to make sure everything works as it should?! If they are then maybe samsung should hire someone from this forum instead...
Also why don't the phone manufacturers just make a survey on the forums for feedback from users as to what the phone should include as far as software or hardware... 2010 top tier android device without a flash for the camera is just wrong and the night mode cannot replace the flash. I do not use the camera as much but just for the sake of it they should have led flash, some people use it and want it, how expensive can it be to do that...
The Super AMOLED display is the best in my opinion for now, but it is not enough to justify the many other mistakes or flaws... The displays on other phone aren't crap either!
Sorry for the long post.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I was one of those that got beholded they flat out lied on that one. Here I am again with the vibrant guessing thats samsung mo to screw ya
This rep was hosed due to his own lack of knowledge, nothing else.
He started off by filling the cool-aid cups and passing them around expecting everyone to drink freely.
"Hi, I'm SamsungJohn and I have some REALLY BIG things for everyone here"
*I'll wisely not mention that I can't answer questions about hardware or software and in fact I can't really answer a single question anyone has*
It was Samsung corporate in damage control mode,NOTHING ELSE.
Funk dem. Do they think everyone is so stupid they cannot see thru this BS ?
I honestly do feel sorry for John getting thrown to the sharks by his employer, but I know for a damn fact it could have been handled with tact and finesse.
Oh yea, before the flaming closet dwellers start in....
" Hi, I'm John, I work for Samsung, and they have given me the job position of liason with the public.
Now before I go any further, please understand that I am under corporate restraints and NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) so that I can only give so much info and so much data. I do not know yet if they will allow me to give access to unreleased software.
So, within those restraints I will do my best to provide what I can.
Yes, I know a great many of you are upset with Samsung and that is why I am here.
Please go easy on me as I do not own or control the company"
Now, would that really have been so very tough of an introduction ?
n2ishun said:
This rep was hosed due to his own lack of knowledge, nothing else.
He started off by filling the cool-aid cups and passing them around expecting everyone to drink freely.
"Hi, I'm SamsungJohn and I have some REALLY BIG things for everyone here"
*I'll wisely not mention that I can't answer questions about hardware or software and in fact I can't really answer a single question anyone has*
It was Samsung corporate in damage control mode,NOTHING ELSE.
Funk dem. Do they think everyone is so stupid they cannot see thru this BS ?
I honestly do feel sorry for John getting thrown to the sharks by his employer, but I know for a damn fact it could have been handled with tact and finesse.
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It's one thing to remain skeptical towards the guy and his motives but its completely another to flat out accuse him of lying and subterfuge merely because he may have omitted the exact words you need to hear or he wasn't nice enough, etc. It seems fairly obvious to me that if ANY large company was to hold a Q&A session on specifics of perceived missteps, they would choose a much more public forum - not a niche community of developers. On the other hand, if they wanted to incorporate new features or contract out some good developers, they are in the right place.
I don't doubt they (samsung) aren't doing this out of the goodness of their collective hearts, but if this is how changes are effected, I'll take it.
Totally agree with you Kubernetes, people think they'll get something done by impressing their rage upon the messenger. So far all of his threads are closed due to people completely ignoring the instructions and asking for release dates and trolling samsung saying they're gonna tell all their friends to never buy samsung, it's really disgusting if you ask me. I dunno about you guys but I'm the only person I know who cares if samsung releases timely updates...everyone else I know is NOT a power user and could not care less about updates. I think if outsiders say, higher ups in Samsung, were to read those threads they'd see more hostility and uncooperativeness
than a community that's ready to work with them.
Main reason I dislike all the people flaming him is because as soon as I try to ask a legit question, the thread is already locked. Trolls are blaring out people who want to handle this like adults.
Please don't try to put words in my mouth unless you intend to become my wife. I'm a dominating top so consider the job well before volunteering.
At no point did I say that John was lying, yet you say very directly that I did.
Exactly whom is the lier ?
Well honestly the way he was treated was bad, but again that is the way Samsung has treated us from the beginning, but I do have to say something about this section (vibrant) As a whole we fight with each other too much. Just take a look at the 2.2.1 rom release in the development section. It just one big ***** fest, and it is stupid. We need to focus on fixing and making our phones better not our EGO's. If we as a community can't get our collective a$$ together we will just fade away and kill our developer support. There is too much drama. One group doesn't want to work with another so on so forth. If we pooled our collective resources then we could be great.
n2ishun said:
This rep was hosed due to his own lack of knowledge, nothing else.
He started off by filling the cool-aid cups and passing them around expecting everyone to drink freely.
"Hi, I'm SamsungJohn and I have some REALLY BIG things for everyone here"
*I'll wisely not mention that I can't answer questions about hardware or software and in fact I can't really answer a single question anyone has*
It was Samsung corporate in damage control mode,NOTHING ELSE.
Funk dem. Do they think everyone is so stupid they cannot see thru this BS ?
I honestly do feel sorry for John getting thrown to the sharks by his employer, but I know for a damn fact it could have been handled with tact and finesse.
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It Is damage control, but that said, they are (cause they recognize not to do so is suicide) reaching out, but the teaser is just a tactic to buy more time.
I am in the corporate world and I am Senior Exec, So this is just normal proceedings from a business to engage - delay and then reveal what they really are going to offer. That tactic is done cause it lowers expectations so if it is not enough you do not end up with a mass rebellion on your hands. Samsung John is a Big Boy, he knows the rules and expects to hear both happy and hostile comments and takes them like a grain of salt. So there is nothing for us to be ashamed of, he asked for our opinion and comments and we gave them to him.... the good, the bad and the ugly
One other note SamsungJohn released the exact same email in every Galaxy forum, so do not be wooed into thinking he was talking directly to us. It was can statement and a canned response/followup.
This might be his big announcement
I have been a user here four about 2 months and have never posted because I know how to search and I don't want to deal with the egos and the flaming, but this was posted on another forum (has nothing to do with phones) that I use.
"I talked with someone in STA (the division of the company that focuses on mobile devices), no plans at least in the immediate future are int he works for OTA updates on the Galaxy S 3G lineup. Which has me pissed. (edit: by "immediate future" I mean we're looking at like March for the mandatory OTA update, which leads me to think this hardwire update is just a beta)
Even as an employee, I can guarantee this is going to be my last Samsung phone. I STILL don't have Froyo because of all the hoops I had to go through in addition to running errands today.
Why you're forced to use a completely different connection mode, when virtually every other phone on the market can update either OTA or with a standard USB mount point, then Kies refused to connect until I turned on USB debugging, turned off USB debugging, and restarted Kies.
Now? With 88% battery life, I need to let it charge to 100% just to even start downloading the update."
Idid not include a link since it is private forum and the guy has a job he would probably like to keep. This was posted last month when the Kies update came out.
With that said it would still be nice to work with samsung, what may come from it might not be the holy grail, but at least something may come from it.
I find alarming that a lot of people in these threads think of Samsung as some sort of benefactor. An overlord that we must strive to please or else face the consequences. That is the exact opposite of what it should be.
We don't need to please them with diplomacy as if we owe them something. They simply have to treat us like clients and thats the end of that.
I can't believe some of you feel that we must appease a paid employee and thank him for doing what he is being paid to do. What is he gonna do, quit his job because the whole XDA collective is not getting on its knees for him.
An advice to Samsung, and SamsungJohn: stop talking, and start acting. A good start would have been a post saying: "Hi, I'm a representative from Samsung. Here's a source code and some other tools you guys might find useful FOR IMPROVING OUR PRODUCT. THANK YOU!"
Kubernetes said:
This is the first time ever, AFAIK, that a handset manufacturer has reached out directly to the XDA community. Maybe it's all smoke and mirrors, who knows, but we won't see anything if we just reject their attempts out of hand.
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that. right. there.
Mannymal said:
I find alarming that a lot of people in these threads think of Samsung as some sort of benefactor. An overlord that we must strive to please or else face the consequences. That is the exact opposite of what it should be.
We don't need to please them with diplomacy as if we owe them something. They simply have to treat us like clients and thats the end of that.
I can't believe some of you feel that we must appease a paid employee and thank him for doing what he is being paid to do. What is he gonna do, quit his job because the whole XDA collective is not getting on its knees for him.
An advice to Samsung, and SamsungJohn: stop talking, and start acting. A good start would have been a post saying: "Hi, I'm a representative from Samsung. Here's a source code and some other tools you guys might find useful FOR IMPROVING OUR PRODUCT. THANK YOU!"
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Jesus that's myopic. Samsung doesn't need anything from us, we're just a tiny minority of people who have bought their phones. They clearly think there's something to be gained from forming relationships with devs, which is why SamsungJohn is here and not Android Central or a more consumer oriented site.
You want source? Great, I'm sure that's what Krylon and Supercurio are telling them. Like adults. And I'm sure they're also explaining how timely source release can benefit Samsung as well, instead of demanding it or crying about how we're owed better support.
Because in the end, he doesn't have to be here and Samsung doesn't have to do jack about helping XDA because they'll still sell a ****-ton of phones regardless. If you can't understand that there are things we want from Samsung and it's not "appeasement" to try to get them, I have no words for you. It's not like we're holding all the cards and some horrible fate will befall Samsung if they decide this is too much of a headache.

I am definitely sending my tablet back - no refund

Hi all!
I experienced a couple of issues with my tablet, but nothing crazy as far as now. I was still considering an exchange instead of a refund.
I have a faulty jack port, bad speakers balanced (corrected after root), and like every body else, bad battery monitoring with the dock losing charge while doing nothing. Some light bleeding, but minor and I didn't really cared. Oh and also, bad LED lights behaviour on the dock, which may be corrected with a dock firmware update, or not.
Anyway, the even worst surprised today is that my power adapter is dead. This is too much for me. I am really disappointed by Asus quality. Honestly, I can deal with some software issues, I can admit that such a complicated design like a tablet may lead to a faulty jack port (and even that...) but, really, a wrong design in the power adapter TOO ? How such a common and basic thing can go wrong ? And it is not like I have done something crazy with it, just plug it on the main to charge the dock/tablet and that's it. After 2 weeks, dead.
Asus, maybe you should reconsider some bits of you engineering process and especially the quality checks parts.
So my decision is taken, I will send it back and that's it. No more TF101 for me. I may wait for the next generation (October ?) hoping that the first generation was a test but maybe not. I will see. I liked the tablet.
We are not talking about a $1 toy and I clearly expected another quality paramount.
This is sad, when it works properly the tablet is good for the use I am looking at and the keyboard with extended battery is simply smart and useful. When you can charge it...
Get ready for the crazy fanboys to troll your thread with messages like "Mine is fine so you must be imagining it" or "You're in the minority" and then finish it up by calling you a troll.
You listed some issues that I forgot about. You're lucky you're taking the easy way out. TD doesn't allow refunds so I was forced to send it in to Asus on my dime. Counting all of the issues this device is plagued with will run you >$100.00 in postage alone to send this POS back.
Now I hear the B6O revision is better and it makes one feel like ****. B6O should have been what the device should have started with. They ripped everyone off.
We are not talking about a $1 toy and I clearly expected another quality paramount.
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Apparently this is lost on the fanboys.
Tubular said:
Get ready for the crazy fanboys to troll your thread with messages like "Mine is fine so you must be imagining it" or "You're in the minority" and then finish it up by calling you a troll.
Apparently this is lost on the fanboys.
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I think that I was part of the fanboys when I firstly received my tablet/dock. But each day was a new bad surprise.
On the good side, amazon does a very great job. They pay back everything : product+shipping costs+cost to ship back and insure it. We cannot expect better that having a product we don't want to send back.
fanboys are an unfortunate part of forum life. if you think they're bad here head over to the archos forums. you cant say one bad thinb wighout someone telling you it's your fault and that your expectations are too high. i rma'd my archos 4 time befor giving up and getting transformer. While i love my tf, i did exchange my first one for light bleed and dead pixel. current one is not perfect,but well within my tolerance level compared with my archos.
i think qc is a problem across the tablet spectrum right now. for the price i do think the tf is the best deal going.
that said ignore the fanfoys and do what in righg for you. the acer is not as nice and a little heavier, but has better build quality for the price.
How do you tell what revision you have? Is it printed on the exterior of the tablet? Ie, can I check something like that while I'm in the store easily?
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gottahavit said:
fanboys are an unfortunate part of forum life. if you think they're bad here head over to the archos forums. you cant say one bad thinb wighout someone telling you it's your fault and that your expectations are too high. i rma'd my archos 4 time befor giving up and getting transformer. While i love my tf, i did exchange my first one for light bleed and dead pixel. current one is not perfect,but well within my tolerance level compared with my archos.
i thing qc is a problem across gnd tablet spdctrum right now. for the price i do think the tf is the best deal going.
that said ignore the fanfoys and do what in righg for you. the acer is not as nice and a littld heavier, but has better build quality for ghd price.
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Funny, I seriously considered the iconia before getting the TF, just knew that I could not live with the screen as I often work with my tablet in direct sunlight and there is quite a difference between the iconia and say the TF or galaxy tab 10.1.
Sorry you had many issues with your machine.....for what its worth, I've boughtAsus products for 15 years and they are usually good quality, but every manufacturer has issues here and there. Hope it works out for you :-D
yeah....anyone who's satisfied with their purchase is a "Fanboy" and anyone who's plagued with problems is "to be expected"
Welcome to xda's technical support for the TF. We are here to listen to all of your complaints and issues. If we seem yo not care, it's because we don't. Feel free to continue spamming our forums with all of your unproductive and useless threads. We look forward to your feedback.
Good day
PS. I am not a fanboy. Just a veteran xda user who is getting tired of the load of bull**** on these forums. Feel me?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
rpavich said:
yeah....anyone who's satisfied with their purchase is a "Fanboy" and anyone who's plagued with problems is "to be expected"
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no anyone who pops into every topic that is discussing an issue just to tell everyone that either the problem doesn't really exist or you should have researched more, or what do you expect for the $, is a fanboy. also they tend to reply to posts asking about quality with comments like.."there are almost no issues,ignore what you read about issues, only the few with issues actually post, so they look more common than they are".
Bateluer said:
How do you tell what revision you have? Is it printed on the exterior of the tablet? Ie, can I check something like that while I'm in the store easily?
Sent from my Thunderbolt using XDA App
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The serial number is on the bottom edge of the tablet, near the charging port. It's also on the back of the box, along with other info and some barcodes.
Good luck.
Welcome to xda's technical support for the TF. We are here to listen to all of your complaints and issues. If we seem yo not care, it's because we don't. Feel free to continue spamming our forums with all of your unproductive and useless threads. We look forward to your feedback.
Good day
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Yeah, because technical support here is so farfetched. Listen if you want to be an asshole, that's your prerogative but don't act like there aren't people here who want to help people. So your implicit statement that there is no technical support here is false on its face. Ya feel me playa?
Asus Technical Support is so bad the users have to get it wherever they can. Oops.
yeah....anyone who's satisfied with their purchase is a "Fanboy" and anyone who's plagued with problems is "to be expected"
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Yeah, this would be funny if you weren't unintentionally acting like a dumb ass to try to gain some clout.
It's actually anyone satisfied with their purchase but believes that the existence of someone who is unsatisfied with their purchase due to massive issues is about as likely as a unicorn or a leprechaun and his pot of gold.
You wouldn't happen to fit that description would you?
starplaya93 said:
Welcome to xda's technical support for the TF. We are here to listen to all of your complaints and issues. If we seem yo not care, it's because we don't. Feel free to continue spamming our forums with all of your unproductive and useless threads. We look forward to your feedback.
Good day
PS. I am not a fanboy. Just a veteran xda user who is getting tired of the load of bull**** on these forums. Feel me?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Yep ... sums up my sentiments too.
Not a fanboy. I have a couple of small issues with my unit but, to be honest, i have similar issues with laptops, tvs, cameras, phones also. Problem is with sites like this you often start to notice things that the average Joe wouldnt even spot.
What Im getting fed up with is posts telling us that people are returning their units ...
Check out the Apple forums, or the Xoom forums, or the Samsung forums. EVERY item has faults. Maybe technology is moving too fast for production quality to keep up ? who knows ???
Ive found XDA great over the years, and the forums are very helpful. The problem these days is that the forums are getting clogged with people who seem to think everyone is interested to know that they are returning their unit ?? why do we need to know ??? utterly pointless and just a product of the Facebook era probably ....
Seriously ... if you have a question... use XDA. If you have an issue ... use XDA. If you just want to tell us whats going on in your life PLEASE use facebook.
There are lots of people who want help and want support - or people who genuinely have hints and tips. Problem is you cant see their posts as they get lost amongst all the other drivvle people post.
Hopefully you will find a unit that suits you but I assure you that every unit is prone to problems. Show me a forum for any item of any make or model where nobody has found a fault or ptoblem and ill eat my hat.
Also, let's cut this hypocritical nonsense out. If someone posted a thread about how much they loved the TF none of you would be raging over it. But when someone posts a thread about giving up on the TF you're all raging over it and how inappropriate it is.
The statement that these kinds of non-technical posts don't belong on here is laughable when you consider the double standard. If there are going to be threads for people who are throwing themselves all over the TF, there are going to be threads for people to explain their displeasure. Anything else is one sided and biased.
Of course you'd go for that if you were so insecure you couldn't handle someone reading something negative about the TF.
Tubular said:
Also, let's cut this hypocritical nonsense out. If someone posted a thread about how much they loved the TF none of you would be raging over it. But when someone posts a thread about giving up on the TF you're all raging over it and how inappropriate it is.
The statement that these kinds of non-technical posts don't belong on here is laughable when you consider the double standard. If there are going to be threads for people who are throwing themselves all over the TF, there are going to be threads for people to explain their displeasure. Anything else is one sided and biased.
Of course you'd go for that if you were so insecure you couldn't handle someone reading something negative about the TF.
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Im not insecure. far from it.
No problem reading negative stuff. If you check my posts ive had problems.
We dont need a thread from EVERY person who decides to leave. If you really think that the General forum needs a new thread from every person who has decided to return their TF then you are either very stupid or a genuine Troll.
We dont need a thread from EVERY person who decides to leave. If you really think that the General forum needs a new thread from every person who has decided to return their TF then you are either very stupid or a genuine Troll.
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The number of people who have left is far greater than the number of people who have made threads. I've been watching this forum for a while and I can tell you right now that the number of "I'm leaving" threads that have sprouted are far too little to warrant your kind of response.
You act as if there are twenty per day, all clogging up the main page. This is certainly not the case. This is not a major epidemic.
To think two different people can't make a thread on their experience and why they're leaving is absurd. This isn't four threads discussing the same tip on how to reset the the device. Each story is unique and therefore a separate point of discussion.
Tubular said:
The number of people who have left is far greater than the number of people who have made threads. I've been watching this forum for a while and I can tell you right now that the number of "I'm leaving" threads that have sprouted are far too little to warrant your kind of response.
You act as if there are twenty per day, all clogging up the main page. This is certainly not the case. This is not a major epidemic.
To think two different people can't make a thread on their experience and why they're leaving is absurd. This isn't four threads discussing the same tip on how to reset the the device. Each story is unique and therefore a separate point of discussion.
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more than happy for everyone to post their 'unique' experiences ... in one single thread !!!
Then all those who want to share know exactly where they can find them !!
Everyone else can see 'the wood for the trees' .....
The easiest way is to look for the black sealing tape on both sides of the box. The B60K,newer version, will have black instead of green tape.
The problem that I have is that there are bizzilion threads on here with people *****ing that there Trasformer is a piece of crap. Everytime someone wants to complain they start a new thread which is getting a little out of control.
I have complaits about the Transformer but I did my research first. I knew there were problems with it just like any new product.
Tubular said:
Get ready for the crazy fanboys to troll your thread with messages like "Mine is fine so you must be imagining it" or "You're in the minority" and then finish it up by calling you a troll.
You listed some issues that I forgot about. You're lucky you're taking the easy way out. TD doesn't allow refunds so I was forced to send it in to Asus on my dime. Counting all of the issues this device is plagued with will run you >$100.00 in postage alone to send this POS back.
Now I hear the B6O revision is better and it makes one feel like ****. B6O should have been what the device should have started with. They ripped everyone off.
Apparently this is lost on the fanboys.
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Where do you go to check if you have the B6O revision?
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Serial number on the box or the back lower of the unit.

