[Q] HD2 dead Battery? - HD2 General

I woke up this morning and my phone was off. As you probably already know, the HD2 does not stay off if it is plugged in (with WP7 on it). I checked the charger and outlet; everything was plugged in. I also used a different charger, and different outlet which I know works, and got the same result. When the phone was plugged in it would turn on and start booting then I would see the flashing light - indicating that the battery was dying- and the phone would shut off. This happened like ten times.
I took out the battery and put it back in, with no results. Then I switched batteries and it finally worked. I'm still learning about technology in general; is it possible that my other battery is dead?
Has anyone else had this issue?

your other battery is probably just flat, and cant charge because it needs a running OS, and since the OS cant get far enough into the boot sequence to start charging, the several times it bootlooped will have drained the last of the charge.
Options - external charger, loan of a hd2 running winmo, or my personal fave, (used it three times now) usb cable with end cut off, red wire to + black wire to - on battery, hold for a minute or two, should have enough juice to boot far enough to begin charging. Best to use wall charger rather than pc usb, since the pc may connect and disconnect time or two whilst booting, preventing continual charge.

I forgot to mention that the first time that the I booted with the battery that doesn't seem to work I actually got to the wp7 home screen and it was about 20 seconds before the phone died.
Even so, I'll try that cut off cord thing when I reach home. Thanks for the advice.

I guess my phone just felt like being retarded the "flat" battery is working now.


8125 died, now is acting strange. Red light shows charging, but isnt.?

2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
now when i plug it in (to the stock charger) the red light comes on, but if i take the battery out, it stays on. if the battery is in, it is on. but i cant turn it on. ive left it for 15 hours now, and still nothing
even tried another battery.
when i first put the other battery in it turned on, was booting, but then died. probably cuz the battery was dead. but i had it plugged in as soon as i turned it on.
now the same thing happens.
any ideas?
i also thought i smelled something burnt. like if you have ever had a laptop that had a bad a/c connector and would heat up a bit, or even smoke!
dont know if it was my imagination or what?
thanks in advance
T mobile MDA shows RED LED
that is strange that you post this today, because I just received T-mobile MDA unit from 3bay that has a similar problem.
-The phone does not turn on when I press the power button.
-It does not respond to a soft reset or a hard reset.
-With the battery in, I connect the AC charger to the phone and for about 1-3 seconds the charging LED color is RED. THe LED turns off and I can not get the same result if I reconnect the AC charger.
The only visible sign of life this MDA unit has is:
-with the battery out and the AC charger connected, when the USB is removed to the point where it is not connected to the MDA, the charging LED light flashes red for a split second and the screen flashes white for a split second as well. [I hope this is a sign that there's still life in this MDA, but i'm thinking my unit is truly a brick..]
From all the websites I've searched, this does not seem to be an issue, although for me it is a scary one! Anybody that can help would be much appreciated because I want a working MDA not a dead one
EDIT: It turns out my non-booting MDA was due to a faulty vibrator and flashlight MDA part. After removing these two pieces that are connected to the back cover of the MDA housing, the MDA booted up with no problem.
danrw84 said:
2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
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I'm in exactly the same position - left phone on charge overnight two days ago and in the morning it was completely dead. I have managed to get it to power on for about 2-3 seconds on one or two occasions but now it won't do a thing
Not sure if this will help, but have you tried to push that soft reset button that you have to to push with your stylus when it is plugged in?
Sounds stupid, but my power button is completely dead and I thats how I have to start mine up. I also have to pop out the SD card to get the screen to come out of sleep mode!
I might not work, but hey...worth a try.
Well, I eventually got back up and running. Turns out the battery was completely dead. I used the 9v battery trick and then used my USB charger to get the battery fully charged and all is well.
This leads me to query how do I now charge my phone when I don't have access to a PC? I was using a standard AC wall charger and the phone showed that it was charging but due to the fact that the display stays lit whilst on external power, this eventually killed the battery as the charge indicator appeared to be false.
*as posted verbatim in another thread*
funny...i'm having the same problem with 2, what were perfectly fine, wizards.
which is what brought me to this forum post.
These two devices were turned off and sat in my desk for months as they were not needed. They were perfectly good, successfully unlocked and upgraded from the advice/steps/tools provided here (thanks!). They were my primary personal and work devices until i was given the option to try a few iPAQs.
Now that I want to go back NEITHER device will boot. On the original chargers (both wall and usb) both devices will display the red light as shown in the pic above, will not boot normally, or via the 2 or 3 button methods common for these devices. The batteries do not get warm, which tells me that they are not getting current...which makes NO sense if i'm using 4 different stock charging options (2 wall and 2 usb) in different locations. One expect some variable would work to eliminate some oddity, but nothing is working.
something odd is going here. how can 2 perfectly good devices and charges suddenly crapout? I could really believe it's the battery, but one is grand spankin new (only used for a month)! Both have the main board die? Both not recognizable on any computer?
Is it possible that the backup battery is causing this? Can it me charged same as the standard if its drained? I know i'm grasping at straws here, but this odd a coincidence.
okay..this was too simple.
for some reason the USB will not provide enough"juice" to pop these out of their sleep.
I have been using this great little charging system made by good old Radio Shack that is a single plug with different adapters for all different devices...i've been using it for my iPAQ's, Blackjacks, BB's, ect. SO as a last resort i went and got the CORRECT adapter (as there are many mini usb adapters available) and SHAZAM!!! they boot right up!
don't ask me why the stock wall chargers will not work, but these RS iGo systems are the trick!
i'm going to link to the other similar issue in hopes any other folks having the same issue can benefit from this.

[Q] Dead Battery Issue

So I thought I had turned my phone off last night because I left the charger at work but apparently it did not shut down and the battery died. I know that MAGLDR doesn't allow charging while the phone is off, does anyone know a way to get enough of a charge to get the phone to turn on so I can charge it fully?
I can charge in MAGLDR, just the orange light sticks on and will stay on until you pull the battery. Try giving it a few minutes just to get some charge in it, pull the battery, turn on and start the booting process, then plug the charger back in, works for me on NAND builds, did it last night even whilst calibrating my battery.
Ok I will plug it in and leave it for a bit, the orange light shuts off after a few seconds but we will see what happens. I was always under the impression that MAGLDR didn't charge
chrisrj28 said:
Ok I will plug it in and leave it for a bit, the orange light shuts off after a few seconds but we will see what happens. I was always under the impression that MAGLDR didn't charge
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That's correct, magldr won't charge.
Another solution I saw a few days back said to go into Bootloader and charge from there - just tried it as an experiment and unless it charges without activating the charging light, Bootloader doesn't charge either.
When I had a similar problem I just kept booting it up into WP7, allowing it to charge for a few minutes until WP7 shut itself down again and then pulling the battery to repeat.
It took 5-10 cycles of this but eventually the phone decided it had enough battery to charge itself - seems daft to me too, but there you go.
If all else fails, search this forum - there was thread from a week or so ago where someone chopped a USB cable to charge directly to the battery terminals. A spare battery is also an option if it fits your wallet and timescales.

[Q] Charge failure

Several times when my HD2 had very low power it would go through a reset-reboot cycle which eventually resulted in a power off-> charge (I couldnt get it to merely remain powered off whilst charging as it would always start up and attempt a boot whenever I either put the bat in or pluged it in)
Last time this happened, however, it stopped charging altogther. I have two batteries, neither of which charge. Ive tried several roms and have now even returned to winmo 6.5!
BTW the roms flash ok, but in all cases, the phone restarts at some stage during boot.
The phone behaves as if Ive pulled the battery when I pull the usb cable, hence why it feels to me as if its an issue related to the battery not charging.
Any ideas? Anyone successfully charged up a battery without it being in the phone?
sorry *facepalm* just noticed one of the power pins was bent! Fixed!!

Phone restarts once drained whilst charging

Once ive completely drained the battery, and i got to plug my hd2 WP7 in from a wall plug, it automatically switches on.
Then, it goes through MAGLDR and the boots WP7 onto the welcome screen, then restarts back to MAGLDR again!
So what i have to do, is leave it on the magldr screen for a few minuites and wait for it to charge up a little before starting WP7.
Anyone else have this problem?
I have checked BatteryTool whilst plugged in and on 30 second test, i get between 392 and 465.
Is this typical? this is whilst in the wall and the screen on.
p.s just looked at the charger, and its supposed to be outputting 5v DC and 1200mA
Same behavior here.
Seems that after x restarts also is capable of loading wp7 tough.
I run into the same problem. If you let it hang in MAGLDR, even on the first boot, to let it charge up some, then it can boot on the first round. For some reason it doesn't boot if you plug it in when the phone is off; does it not charge in this situation? I am yet to actually bust out a multimeter
The new magldr being developed supposedly fixes that. We all get that issue.
HD2 does it even without modifications. It seems it happens when it doesn't have enough charge to boot all the way into the OS so it reboots forever. As homeworld1031tx says, leave it on magldr screen for a few minutes which should let it get enough juice to boot properly.
aaah, glad to know im not the only one having this issue!
It becomes even more of a problem when your using a car charger.
I guess we will just have to waitt for the next MAGLDR
another one to watch out for, and that was what i thought you was going to say from your title
is that if you charge the phone whilst the red light blinks, it will not charge!
From what ive noticed this can happen from one of two ways, firstly is that you get the phone to hot, it seems to have some kind of thermal cut out, the second way is to run the battery right down low, it seems to get confused sometimes and wont let you charge even within windows. Infact the battery monitor program can sometimes show you a negative value for the charge left in the battery
In fact it almost discharges the device, The battery is a real pain in the arse, my advice to you is get an external charger cuz the other thing with using MAGLDR and The bootloader to charge is that it messes up your clock, an if you get a bunch of txts whilst its messed up it can be a pain in the arse to find them!
This isnt likely to get completely fixed guys (the Magldr issue fix is slightly different and wont fix everything), to try an make the best of a poor situation, i find a nice cradle with an Aux charge slot on it and a spare battery works wonders.

[Q] Hoping for some assistance... HD2 not charging/powering on properly

Ok, I'll try to make this short and sweet and we'll see what happens. I spent the last 2 hours scouring this forum (pretty much the Bible for the HD2) and some other places and I'm still kinda dead in the water.
Here's the situation:
I just grabbed a used HD2 in excellent cosmetic shape. It was from a pawn shop, for $100 cash, and the device would power up at the pawn shop into Windows Mobile 6.5 just long enough to see Sense starting to load, then the battery would complain (probably hadn't had a proper charge in a long time I'm suspecting), then it would go into the "Goodbye!" routine.
Fair enough. So I get it home, and they included the HD2 USB adapter/charger, and I have my own 100% working microUSB cable. I verified the charger works by attaching it to my microUSB cable and then plugging it into my current phone (a cheapy LG 900g on NET10) and it works fine, no issues for power or data connectivity.
So I unplug the cable from the LG, plug it into the HD2, and attach it to my Belkin USB hub (powered, with nothing else attached to it, no other USB devices) and after a few seconds I get the orange charging light on the HD2. Note, it's still off, I didn't turn it back on after it shut itself off. So I let it charge for a few minutes, then I realize I should probably be better off using the actual dedicated HD2 charger, so I unplug the USB end from the USB hub, the orange light obviously goes out since it's now without that source of juice, then plug it into the HTC USB charger and...
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No orange charging light, no response when trying to power the HD2 up, absolutely nada. So now I'm frustrated. I disconnect the USB cable from the HD2, take off the back cover, remove the battery, wait about 1 minute, reinsert the battery (leaving the back cover off), attempt to power it up, no luck.
Plug the charger back in, and I can feel]/i] the tiny vibration motor just kinda "tick" ever few seconds; there's something going on in there, I'm certain. Repeat the unplug/remove battery/wait a minute/put it back together/plug it back in a few times, and then I get something:
The HD2 will vibrate and the screen will light up with the "Stick Together" graphic, for about 1/2 second. Then it's off again. Then it's on again, and off, and on, and off. It's a loop of some kind, but it's random. Sometimes the on/off happens every few seconds, sometimes it's 10, 15, 30, sometimes a full minute goes by before it'll "flash" then nothing again.
Now, the whole time this occurs, the orange charging light never ever comes back on again - it has not come on again regardless of whether I'm plugged into the USB hub or the HTC charger, it just doesn't light up anymore, so my current suspicion is that the battery itself is simply so "dead" it won't accept a charge of any kind - at least that's my current hope, as odd as that sounds. I can get a new battery, of course, it'll just take a few days to get one (ain't paying full price here in Vegas, will order something online).
I'm stumped. I check the contacts, they're fine, they were very very slightly bent but they're ok now. I don't know what else to do since it does seem like the battery could be the culprit. It'll sit here and just flash every so often - it's been plugged into the HTC charger for the past 30 minutes straight but, I'm not even seeing the flashes anymore (the past few minutes I've been typing this post).
Maybe the battery is to blame, I don't know, but I'm hoping that someone can say "Yes, that sounds like a completely toasted battery to me, get a new one" or whatever.
Any opinions? Anyone seen this particular behavior before? I do a search for "reboot loop" and what I find are people with HD2's that get stuck at the "Stick Together" screen and, well, that's not what's happening here - it shows that, for a 1/2 to 1 second on occasion, then nothing. The vibration motor kicks in when the flashes occur, as well.
It's like it wants to fire up but just doesn't have the power to do it - and since the charging circuit isn't kicking in (no orange light), well... that's my guess.
That's about it. If anyone has any advice, I'm reading.
Thanks, and have fun, always...
br0adband said:
Ok, I'll try to make this short and sweet and we'll see what happens. I spent the last 2 hours scouring this forum (pretty much the Bible for the HD2) and some other places and I'm still kinda dead in the water.
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Do you know what short means? p joking, just next time don't make it too long)
You won't get replies if your question is too long, because they won't bother reading it .
Anyway, back to topic.
Your battery has no juice, and for some reason the HD2 automatically boots when (no juice in battery and plugged into charger) .. you need to unplug cable, remove battery, plug in cable, wait for a minute or so, insert battery .
Firstly try the above which should stop the phone trying to start,, but two other things, firstly the battery pins bend real easily, so since you've been doing a few battery pulls, keep checking them. Second, a really REALLY discharged battery may have so little juice it wont start charging , in which case you can try the 'bare wire USB Lead charging method, where you get an old mini /micro USB lead, cut end off, bare red and black ,red to + black to - on the battery, into wall charger for around a minute, back into phone, real USB lead in, and hopefully it now has enough chrge to start booting and charging properly.
Turned out to be the battery itself - went back to the pawn shop, took the battery from the one I purchased and placed it into a known working HD2 still on the shelf (another as-is item) and attached the microUSB cable and charger, no dice: same exact issue.
Took the battery from the second HD2, put it into my HD2 that I purchased, attached the microUSB cable and charger, wham bam we're cookin' with fire now.
So I paid the guy $10 to let me swap the batteries and keep it hush-hush (I'm in there all the time buying used busted stuff anyway), came home, gave it a full night's charge and so far so good. Got NexusHD2-Gingerbread V3.0 NAND by tytung on it in about 10 minutes, and it's smooth as silk so far.
I appreciate the responses, thanks.

