What's a good Sprint like Rom? - EVO 4G General

The guy that made "Sprint lovers Rom " now has a iPhone 4 so no more support.:......I was expecting new sense/ 2.3 as a bonus, other than that a Sprint clone would be fine.
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At the current time, you won't find anything very 'Sprint-like' in a Gingerbread/Android 2.3 ROM that is fully functional, however I have no problem with Froyo/Android 2.2 and there are many great options out there that are in fact, very customized, rooted versions of the original Sprint/HTC Sense ROM.
I can only recommend what I personally preferred and do not claim that these are better than any others; I cannot speak highly enough for all the Devs
out there sharing the friuts of their labors for us to enjoy. However, I can give you a few suggestions with varying flavors that you can try.
One very nice, stable, fully functional and just too damned cool ROM is Calkulin's EViO. I believe that its still at v1.8 because there's really nothing more to do other than update apps after you install. You like it or you don't, but its just done. Everything works and works extremely well.
Similar to EViO but with a different flavor is the Azrael X v4.0 Again, this hasn't changed in quite some time, but like Calkulin's Froyo-based EViO, there's really nothing to fix...install, update, and enjoy. Either you like it or you don't.
There's many, many more to try so I'm not suggesting that you stop with those two. I've been through probably 25 ROMs, and 80-100 revisions. I simply recall enjoying those two the most of the full, Sense-based ROMs that I've used.
If you like a more stock-like ROM, much like the Sprint Lovers ROM, I always installed the 'Stock Turbo' ROM created by the same Dev that created the Azrael X ROM. It also hasn't changed in quite a while, but again...it doesn't need to be.
I hope that this helps, and good luck in your search. Thank you for your time.


Getting an EVO 4G, where should I start?

So I've been on verizon as long as I can remember, (previous droid and droid X owner), but due to financial issues my family is moving to sprint, which includes me. I'm no stranger to the ROM game, i've flashed more ROMs and done so many nandroid backups i've lost count. So basically what i'm asking is what's the best ROMs for the Evo? I recall seeing something mid-september of the Desire HD rom's, but remember no 4g connectivity and camera, did that ever pan out? And as far as kernel's go anything specific I should be using? And lastly i'm assuming z4root works on the Evo without a hitch? Thanks
I see you're also no stranger to doing no research .
I use MIUI. You should know everything is personal opinion. Try em and see what you like.
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Most people seem to be using CM ROM and others find DMG control or others more stable or whatever. I personally go between MIUI and CM depending on my tastes for the month.
Overall, both are two great ROMs, just find one that suits your taste and customize ability.
as others have stated before its all a matter of opinion i personally like Azrael X for sense and everything works cam 4G and what not for aosp i like CM6.1. kernels is a crapshoot since all phones like different things my phone likes CFS kernels and can be agressively undervolted without a problem some phones won't work with those conditions so you have to see what works for you. And Z4root does not work anymore your best bet will be the long way using the Fresh like pine cones thread or universal root by xhausx if your really lucky you and you get a older HBOOT phone like .97 or lower you can use unrEVOked. Hope you found any of this helpful
I like Cyanogen, personally. It runs really well, and I can live without 4G.
Many people, including me, like the heavily themed myns warm twopointtwo. Try them all see what you like. I will probably switch to cm once 4g is working for it though.
If I were you I'd take a look at all of the different ROM threads and get a feel both for the ROM and the community that supports that ROM. I've used Vaelpak, Fresh, and now I'm on Myn's Warm. I've liked them all but Warm is my absolute favorite.
When going through the threads you can get a real sense for the amount of support for that ROM and how much customization is available. I'd make a list of what's important to you also. Aesthetics is HUGE for me and I want a ROM that looks and feels good. Most AOSP functions look quite clunky to me and I wasn't a big fan of the Sense clock. But between Warm and the various customizations I was able to make it look how I wanted it to.
Be warned that there's thousands of pages to dig through so it's going to just take a lot of sampling on your part to figure out which one really suits you. If you ask 30 people you'll get a different answer each time so take our advice with a grain of salt.
Myn's ROM is amazing and it has 4G connectivity. I HIGHLY recommend it.
I'd second what JB said - the fresh like pine cones method works for newer EVO's. I got mine just after the hboot changed and went through about a week and a half of pain in the neck trying to get it rooted, and finally the revised method in that thread worked for me. Then I rooted another EVO using that method - in an hour flat. I would definitely recommend following that method very closely.
As to roms it's personal. I'm running avafroyo v10 and I like it, but I haven't tried a whole bunch of them so take that with a grain of salt. fresh worked pretty smoothly as well, but ava seems a bit faster IMO.
Having a hero and having enjoyed watching the development of Damageless and Flipz's rom, I use a stock rooted conservative rom on the EVO. I like sense (with all it's overhead). Kingx's kernels (with links that are banned on this site) are free and work well with the stock roms. I'm using BFS11 and twelve depending on the week.
So it's a matter of personal preference, and these are mine. Good luck.
there is no bad rom, they are all great, there are lots of fanboys that side with their rom more vocally than others (looking at the myns followers) but you wont go wrong with any, if your in need of 4g stick with a sense based, if 4g isn't a concern try an aosp variant, all roms have their own thread and you can get a great idea of the support behind them and problems that each have, I recommend flashing them all like I have so you get the best first hand experience then find a good kernel to pair with it
I also recommend you make a nandroid backup using amon ra 1.8 recovery to save your rsa keys then using clockwork so you can use rom manager to flash your roms as its super easy and requires little hands on during the process
Check out this site. This dude put alot of work into checking out which ROM's and Kernel's are good. Great site.

Einherjar Development - Thank you so much

I don't have enough posts yet to post on ROM specific threads. But I wanted to write to say a heartfelt thank you to the Einherjar Development team for making my Samsung Vibrant phone the exact phone that I dreamed it could be.
I don't have any development or coding skill, but I love to customize my phone by studying what's available and carefully following instructions. As a result, I've tried Bionix, CM7, Simply Honey, Axura, Nero and a few others. These are all great ROMs.
But nothing has ever given me exactly what I want as much as Trigger, and now Project V with the trigger theme. I am really picky about my technology, and most of the time I end up having to settle with not having everything exactly the way I wanted. But you guys at Einherjar Dev make deliver such quality, and these latest ROMs are so perfect that I even stepped back down from Gingerbread ROMs to keep using Project V.
Thank you for all of your hard work, and PLEASE keep it up!
I typically avoid these type threads, but I agree. Project V with the Trigger Theme is perfect. It allows you to have everything working and it does it well, while looking good.
I am now trying Asgard. 2.3.4 brings a LOT of features I like, but it's not the same as PV+Trigger (and that is at no fault to them, they don't have source).
Tonic_Acid made a great theme for Asgard also.
s15274n said:
i typically avoid these type threads, but i agree. Project v with the trigger theme is perfect. It allows you to have everything working and it does it well, while looking good.
I am now trying asgard. 2.3.4 brings a lot of features i like, but it's not the same as pv+trigger (and that is at no fault to them, they don't have source).
Tonic_acid made a great theme for asgard also.
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does it havehardware acceleration like asgard in te browser?
i flashed the sensation theme from EDT to the Asgard and it knocked me down to 2.3.3 and removed my voodoo lagfix.
Same here. Project V is sooo good. Im still holding from Gingerbread just because of PV. Thanks for all your hard work guys, we appreciate it.
While I'm sure they would prefer to be thanked in the form of donations I bet they enjoy just being appreciated as well.
Good on ya!
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Heck yeah. Been using EDT ROMs since I first really wanted to flash and it's been really hard for other ROMs to be my daily driver.
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I was a long term user of team whiskey roms but have flashed every rom out there outside of gb....but on 6/5/11 I found Project V and now I cannot find any reason to look elsewhere.
Project-V 6-5-11
Agreed - EDT is fantastic!
While we're on the topic - I LOVED Trigger, and now I'm on Bi-Winning v3.0. I tried Asgard, and I was impressed, but as mentioned, since no one has source, GB ROMs can only go so far. I haven't tried Project V, and I'm curious as to why everyone is all ga ga over it. I read the description as basically just being the stock ROM with tweaks, and that didn't didn't sound that exciting to me. So what is it that has everyone so excited about PV?
xhausted said:
i flashed the sensation theme from EDT to the Asgard and it knocked me down to 2.3.3 and removed my voodoo lagfix.
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I don't think that's possible. I'm running Asgard with the Sensation theme and I'm on 2.3.4. I don't think it's possible for a theme to change your firmware version.
lewishollow said:
Agreed - EDT is fantastic!
While we're on the topic - I LOVED Trigger, and now I'm on Bi-Winning v3.0. I tried Asgard, and I was impressed, but as mentioned, since no one has source, GB ROMs can only go so far. I haven't tried Project V, and I'm curious as to why everyone is all ga ga over it. I read the description as basically just being the stock ROM with tweaks, and that didn't didn't sound that exciting to me. So what is it that has everyone so excited about PV?
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For me its the stock look but better cuz its extremely smooth and fast,and best of all.....everything about it functions properly.
Project-V 6-5-11
Vibrantnew-b said:
I don't think that's possible. I'm running Asgard with the Sensation theme and I'm on 2.3.4. I don't think it's possible for a theme to change your firmware version.
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Well, that other Sensation was actually a complete ROM. He's updated it to be purely a theme now.
love 2.3.4 rom
The things I care about in a ROM are as follows in order of importance from MOST important to LEAST important:
- Aesthetics
- Battery Life
- Stability
- Performance
Yes that's right, aesthetics are a deal-breaker for me. If I can't get a ROM to look and feel the way I want, I don't care how good the performance is, I won't use it.
- Project V with Trigger Theme has perfect aesthetics for me giving me exactly what I want across every aspect of my android experience (the themed MMS is the best.)
- It delivers the best battery life of any ROM I've used to date, particularly when combined with the Bali kernel (most geared toward battery life, though Bullet is an excellent 1.45ghz option for performance)
- It is rock-solid stable, smooth, crisp and lag free.
- It's performance, meets all my expectations and needs, though being Froyo it obviously lacks GB features.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to surf ROMS. I'm too excited by all the awesome development going on. I mean, CM7 is amazing. And there's several ROMs from developers I've never even flashed yet. But I think EDT delivers high, high, high quality, and I just wanted to thank them.

I need a solid rom for a friends phone

Can anyone recommend a solid rom? I installed a froyo rom about 10 months ago on a friends hero.. he has been getting lots of daily random reboots.. other than those he likes it. I'm looking for a solid rom.. don't care if it's froyo or gb.. just something that works well.. a rom that's been around for a while possibly. I've been installing roms on my Evo 4g and galaxy s 4g.. but don't have experience with hero roms..
probably cyanogenmod. If you want sense UI stock is probably the way to go, because its the most stable. Personally the most stable custom sense rom I've used was fresh hero 2.4. I think it was android 2.1. Now if you dont mind not having sense then I sugest Cyanogenmod it is currently at stable release of 7.0.3 android 2.3 Gingerbread. I have looked around and tried many roms but im slow about how to install things and have issues with most roms, so I always end up back at Cyanogenmod. Hope this helps
the truth is everyone is going to say something different,there are going to be issues on every rom some very minor and some big it all depends my only suggestion is to install a coouple different roms like aoscmod hero deck and cm7 and a stock sprint rom then make back ups of them so he can test them out and easily switch back to the one he likes best.
Bierce22 said:
the truth is everyone is going to say something different,there are going to be issues on every rom some very minor and some big it all depends my only suggestion is to install a coouple different roms like aoscmod hero deck and cm7 and a stock sprint rom then make back ups of them so he can test them out and easily switch back to the one he likes best.
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He's absolutely right about preference and different ppl but,
In the little time I've had with my hero... I've tried all of the roms available, and since OMFG has fixed the wifi problem I'm using their latest ... Smooth fast and no fc for me
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Bierce22 said:
the truth is everyone is going to say something different,there are going to be issues on every rom some very minor and some big it all depends my only suggestion is to install a coouple different roms like aoscmod hero deck and cm7 and a stock sprint rom then make back ups of them so he can test them out and easily switch back to the one he likes best.
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@OP.....Quoted above is the best answer to this question. Bierce22 nailed it. A rom/setup that runs perfect for me is in no way relevant to how it's going to work on your friends phone. There are just too many variables between phones and between people's preferences & needs.
I would recommend Cynogenmod 7 stable release.
Everything works, No reboots (In my experience) Super stable
and most important of all very smooth.
Just use Launcher pro (free version from market) or
the original launcher (see below for link) which comes with
GB because ADW is known for giving people force close problems.
thanks for the heads up guys.. I ended up putting the cm7/gb rom on it.. and so far so good. Runs pretty darn good.
Your random daily reboots could be from having your CPU speed set too high. Currently I'm building CM7 from source, but aosp is my other preference for stability, performance, etc. But as others above me said, each to their own. Find one that suits your friend best.
Sent from my Hero that never dies! ;D

Which MIUI rom do I download?

I'm confused.
At the moment I'm on Android Revolution. MIUI looks good for me, which one do I flash?
Just flash both at once, boot manager style.
This is not an ad.
To be honest I recommend the original from here first. http://miuiandroid.com/
Only because as it's maybe your first time you can experience the rom without any bugs or things which need changing (like the language setting to stop Android Market crashing).
If you like it you can try other versions of it from XDA. I used Freshly Squeezed for ages and enjoyed it. Thread / Screenshots.
MIUI is really nice. Before MIUI I was on CyanogenMod for months too, as well as trying most other roms.
Using freshly squeezed edition, 1.10.14 and 1.10.21 works ok for me, though I really haven't tried the other versions of MiUI for DHD.
Came from cm7 and sense but MIUI is just beauiful and fast.
You should try the freshly squeezed version, very stable I haven't had any issues with it
Sent from my Desire HD
I would suggest using the original one, only for the advantage of OTA updates. You dont have to flash everytime a new version comes out.
P.S: I havent used any of the other flavors, so this is the only advantage i know about
crazyjc81 said:
I would suggest using the original one, only for the advantage of OTA updates. You dont have to flash everytime a new version comes out.
P.S: I havent used any of the other flavors, so this is the only advantage i know about
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My DHD is running MIUI.us and it has OTA updates, too. Maybe a bit slower than the original MIUI, though. MIUI.us was the first MIUI for me and I haven't shifted to another MIUI as I think it maybe the same.
I liked the SCI systune versoin. You get a very good cpu control app for free and "a user" makes very nice subtle tweaks to the rom!
No one will be able to tell you what one to use. Sense they are all mostly the same except for a theme here and there.
Me personally I would say don't ever use an MIUI rom but then again I don't like people breaking the android laws like MIUI does.
Thread closed

Am I expecting too much from a ROM?

My Gb ROM, the stock sense, was pretty f'n awesome when it came to functioning with a lot of apps loaded. All these Jelly Bean ROM's are all show and no go. They look great. But once you get a few apps loaded, you can forget about stability and speed. Some ROM's are better than others, but they all seem to share this same theory. I speak too soon on many "good" things about a ROM then feel like an idiot later once I see the nitty gritty is seen and I move on to the next one. I am so fed up with looking for the perfect ROM. I don't need to look any more. The perfect ROM for the Evo is the one that came with it. I jsut need to find my stock version, with 4G, and no spyware and be done. I can't wait to get a Galaxy S 4. I need a second job....
Not expecting too much just using the wrong roms. The Og is an awesome device but like all money hungry corporations Htc put the Og in the grave. While it can handle some of the new Os's we dont have the proper drivers to run our hardware so only gingerbread roms will run properly. Now the devs have done the best they can to keep this ancient device up and running the latest software but without the proper drivers we can not expect everything to work correctly.
Now if you want the Og to be the best it can you need to use gingerbread otherwise you have to make compromises. Reloaded .500, Jellybread, GB MIUI are all great roms that work very well with our device. If you are looking for the jellybean/ics flare, bells, whistles, and such you could also try my rom (CyanMobile). But if you must have the latest and greatest then there is only one thing to do. That is what the corporations are counting on anyways. Go get you the latest and greatest phone out there. Oh yeah and a second job will help you pay for that device also. Lol.
Long live the Evo 4G. The device that has been dead for years now but still being developed and running strong!!!
If we had FFC on the JB roms then I would run MIUI JB...I use apps like Google Now and Keep on my tablet but sadly I like snapchat and I'm stuck with Gingerbread on my EVO. Still a great phone.
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Still using mikg 3.11 on my OG EVO.
Unfortunately I to would like some jellybean love, but without proper drivers for hardware I rather stick to a fully functional rom.
OP, very true but you are also very fortunate to have the ongoing development that is available.
Before I bought a new phone, I always used the very stable GB sense ROMs but still loved the fact that I could still play around with ICS and JB ROMs when I was bored.
The support and development the OG still has is amazing, and it gives YOU your choice of what to run .
Also, there is always boot manager...
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