FAQ - Galaxy S I9000 General

Dear fellow Galaxy S Users,
For almost a year now it has been my honor and my pleasure to maintain the FAQ and Guides for our beloved GT-I9000.
I would like to thank all those who helped make the FAQ what it is today and all the developers who helped make this phone such a massive success in the modding aftermarket.
As of today I am the proud owner of a brand new Galaxy S II GT-I9100.
As such I am looking for someone to take over maintenance of the FAQ so that it can continue to benefit the SGS community. (I cannot afford to own two high-end devices at the same time so my old I9000 will have to go during one of the next days)
If you are interested and feel you are qualified, please contact me via PM or leave a reply in this post.

Thanks for creating and maintaining these great FAQs. For many of us they were the starting points in modifying our SGS phones without bricking
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Thanks for all your hard work, enjoy the SII, hope to join you someday

can i ask for your SGS i9000? hehe thanks for your FAQ's
i have been silently benefitting from it since january
enjoy your new phone


The Galaxy S - ICS - Gratitude Thread

The Galaxy S ++R.I.P.++ ?
As you all know, Samsung has decided to abandon one of it's most popular childs by not delivering the sacred last Android version to this device.
But this is not the end of the story for this great phone, because the community lives.
There are many valiant people out there that are investing a lot of their free time to bring us the taste of fresh, homemade Ice Cream Sandwich.
Some of them are developers, some of them support development and deployment by providing the required infrastructure, others are committed to "real" testing and many people simple take their time to patiently answer questions, some of which have already been asked hundreds of times before.
And some people simply don't read what is written in the OP of ICS threads (or the previous post(s)). They complain, moan, request, demand, whine, ... to a point where even the most motivated people of the first category start asking themselves if their efforts are worth it.
And then there are thousands of people who can read, who try to find solutions, who know all the secrets of search engines and one never hears of them.
Why, because maybe they have not enough time to help or the questions they could reply to have already been answered hundred of times and certainly most of them do not post in the threads unless they have something useful to say.
This thread is for you guys and girls. If you have already hit the 'thanks' button and if you already donated what you can afford and you still feel like communicating your gratitude without spamming or flooding the development threads, then this is the place to do so.
Any moaning, flaming, blaming, whining and other stupid comments will be reported immediately.
Thanks a lot for your cooperation.​
Edit: rephrased the passage above, because there were some misunderstandings...
So I would like to say thank you to all the people I mentioned above.
Even though I am using Onecosmics wonderful ICS RC1 release, I do not forget people from other teams that are investing their free time in the development of ICS on the Galaxy S and related devices.
There is a lot of "parallel evolution" or "cross-species evolution" as biologists say, this means that the teams or individuals are taking inspiration from the solutions found by other teams and integrete the results of it into their own work.
I also want to say thank you to all the people involved in supporting the projects. I am unable to name all of them so if you helped supporting and deploying the releases, this Thanks is for you.
SiriusCybernetik said:
This thread is for you guys and girls. If you feel like communicating your gratitude without spamming or flooding the development threads, then this is the place to do so.
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No need for any spam or flood, just go to the respective thread and hit the thanks button. More, do a donation to the developers. That's what I call a THANK YOU.
What are you on about?
What happened to this?
ics 4.0.3
onecosmic rom 4.0.3 rc2.1.1 is supercool
daily use rom
This is 'old' news.
It seems that Samsung will bring some kind of 'value pack update'. Something like an ICS theme on GB
Some more recent news say that Samsung wont even grant us this.
Anyway, if one day Samsung will change its mind, then it will partially be due to the fluid ICS roms out there for SGS....
Sent from my I9000 using XDA App
Agreed with donations and the thanks button.
Yet, some may feel that's insufficient and the need to just get a more personal thank you may come across. One specific thread helps with this and can't see harm in it.
I can see where this comes from so:
Thank you developers
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
Well said !
This aint no substitute to 'Thanks button', buying a beer or donation, it is complementary.
If you dont't like this idea, then stay away.
Sent from my I9000 using XDA App
I didn't say I didn't agree with the idea. My "no need for any spam or flood" was agreeing with the original post that you shouldn't spam the development threads with verbose thanks but instead just hit the thanks button and do a donation if you appreciate their work. Is my english that bad?
I love ics. Thanks to teamhacksung onecosmic and all the others. Before ics I was using customs samsung rooms and now I miss stock samsung camera. Hope Samsung will release one for aosp ics
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
+1 ICS is running very well now on beta12
Of course it's not kind from Samsung not to release ICS für the Galaxy S. No problem - next time i'll buy a phone from another manufacturer. The are a lot of.
Many thanks to the community, which brought us great things like the Lagfix, the possibility NOT to install TouchWiz and many other things i just don't remember.
I love ICS, I'm currently using S.U.R.F.A.C.E's version. I would like to thank all developers - teamhacksung onecosmic and all the others. I miss the old camera app and radio but I hope the open source community comes up with a solution soon.
Galaxy S is capable for ICS
Guys and Girls,
The first Galaxy S is working great on ICS. My self using Teamhacksung Build 12 now, started with build 10 and have just a few minor problems, but these problems are caused by the installed apps that cannot work fully on ICS yet. Hope that they will be upgraded soon.
Samsung isn't even giving the value pack.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
pynex said:
Of course it's not kind from Samsung not to release ICS für the Galaxy S. No problem - next time i'll buy a phone from another manufacturer. The are a lot of.
Many thanks to the community, which brought us great things like the Lagfix, the possibility NOT to install TouchWiz and many other things i just don't remember.
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You should consider that Samsung updated the phone for a long time, and gave it two major updates. I don't think there are many other companies who update longer than that. In fact, the only android devices that get really all the updates until they can't handle it anymore are the Google phones. And then you should ask yourself: do you really care SO much about getting updates all the time? If that is so, you are forced to buy a Google nexus.
Yes, it's sad that Samsung are not the angels that we thought they were. But anyone ranting that they'll never buy a Samsung phone again should get real. Really no offense, but Samsung is a company. And a company lives not only from happy customers. It lives from happy customers that buy their new products, and so they have to add exclusive features. And 2 years of updating is fair enough for me.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
What you think?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
El Aidge said:
You should consider that Samsung updated the phone for a long time, and gave it two major updates. I don't think there are many other companies who update longer than that. In fact, the only android devices that get really all the updates until they can't handle it anymore are the Google phones. And then you should ask yourself: do you really care SO much about getting updates all the time? If that is so, you are forced to buy a Google nexus.
Yes, it's sad that Samsung are not the angels that we thought they were. But anyone ranting that they'll never buy a Samsung phone again should get real. Really no offense, but Samsung is a company. And a company lives not only from happy customers. It lives from happy customers that buy their new products, and so they have to add exclusive features. And 2 years of updating is fair enough for me.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Dear El Aidge,
I hope you felt better after writing the above post.
I must congratulate you on your realistic assessment of Samsung as a company. I do agree entirely with you.
But next time you post in this thread, may I kindly ask you to stay on topic? This tread is not about bashing nasty Samsung or whining.
My intention was to offer the Galaxy S ICS users a place where they can say thanks to the community without flooding dev threads and without being annoyed by people that feel the need to play teacher...
Have a nice day and enjoy your Galaxy on ICS.
I want to say thanks you at all the people who participe at the ics developpement , thanks you to do that, and thanks you to share with us.

Everyone please take a moment to read.

Hi everyone,
I have just got myself a galaxy nexus so i just wanted to take a moment to so a huge thank you to EVERYONE here at XDA in the galaxy s forums.
You guys have made these last 2 years so much better than they would have been otherwise.
Thank you to all the Devs for their hard work and for keeping this 2 year old phone competing with the best.
Thanks to all the helpful users here as well. Its a great community here for the sgs and i think its unrivaled by any other device.
Anyways thanks again to everyone who helped me and for all the roms i have flashed over the years ( which is a hell of a lot ).
Bye guys and thank you.
not much point in answering this anyway, but...
wrong thread!

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Community Links

Hi Guys,
Just a heads up that in November I'll be supporting the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on my site.
I'm making a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Community Links page for all Samsung Galaxy Note 2 owners. Obviously most of the links or resources will link back to XDA Developers, but the intention is to have the most relevant Galaxy Note 2 owner or new owner info in one quick-to-access place, especially for noobs who don't yet know about XDA.
The HTC Desire HD ROM lists will continue to be updated, as quite a few people still access the site for those lists. I'm getting the Galaxy Note 2 in November, so I'm waiting until then to test and see everything work on the device for myself (as I've done with the Desire HD).
Not everyone knows about XDA, so it's nice to introduce people to here.
If you'd like to send me your ideas of essential info or shortcuts, feel free to do so, via PM here at XDA or via the site.
Isnt that why we have stickies? Why go to your site to only hqve to come here anyway?
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda premium
Yeah, that's right. For us regulars the stickies are easy to spot. For new people who don't know about XDA, they might appreciate a page with a few quick shortcuts to information. I think that's why the same people keep visiting the site to check the Desire HD rom list. It's a little quicker than searching through the development section.
I'm making it anyway. I love this stuff! :good:
Grant Barker said:
Yeah, that's right. For us regulars the stickies are easy to spot. For new people who don't know about XDA, they might appreciate a page with a few quick shortcuts to information. I think that's why the same people keep visiting the site to check the Desire HD rom list. It's a little quicker than searching through the development section.
I'm making it anyway. I love this stuff! :good:
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Stikies are gard to spot....hmm...yeah I thinm I know what this is about lol thanks but no thanks for me
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium HD app
This is all just a hobby for me, and so I went ahead and made a quick page here of Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Community Links.
As I mentioned before, it is primarily aimed at people who don't know about XDA yet (and therefore can't see the stickies - because they don't know XDA exists). Most of it links to XDA. I'll be adding other stuff and hopefully a few kind folk will recommend some other useful things which should be added, when I can get around to it.
I got my Galaxy Note 2 on release day here in Japan, on the 16th of November. I totally love it! :good:
If you think the page is worthy, please share it around on Facebook, Google+, Etc.
Just giving this thread a gentle nudge in case the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Community Links page can interest other members too.
Thanks to those of you who have given positive feedback here and there.:good:
Thanks for the inclusion of the Lowyat.net forum.
A quick explanation about the "versions" you see on the main page. Due to some database performance constraints, the mods ask that each thread contain only about 2500 posts, after which the "topic starters (TS)" or OP in XDA parlance need to start a new version.
I've also placed grantbarker.com in post 5 as additional resources.
joytest said:
Thanks for the inclusion of the Lowyat.net forum.
A quick explanation about the "versions" you see on the main page. Due to some database performance constraints, the mods ask that each thread contain only about 2500 posts, after which the "topic starters (TS)" or OP in XDA parlance need to start a new version.
I've also placed grantbarker.com in post 5 as additional resources.
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You are welcome joytest. If it helps the community, then it deserves to be included. :good:

Goodbye* & Thanks

hey guys, i wanted to say thanks to everyone in this forum:
- the devs for taking time creating amazing work that to help improve, theme, mod, etc. our device to an extent beyond the what samsung/sprint couldnt or wouldnt do. THE DEVS ARE THE DRIVING FORCE OF THIS SITE - i cannot thank u enough either monetarily or by clicking the "thanks" button. ur work (regardless if i have flashed it or not) is incredible. cheers!
- the members for helping out the devs w/bug reports, answering questions, and general help w/either questions i had or welcoming in a rookie. this is a VERY friendly forum and thats not always the case in other forums. thanks!
for anyone who cares i haved moved on to the GSIII. i took advantage of the one day $100 best buy sale a few days back. the EPIC 4G was my first smartphone and android device. because of the devs and the community here - I WILL NEVER PURCHASE A "non android" PHONE. i understand now why its even laughable to me that anyone would purchase an iPhone over and android device.
long live the original and BEST of the Galaxy S devices.:highfive:
thanks again guys!!!
*for the savvy readers who caught the (*)asterick in the title of thread...its because my wife still has her EPIC 4G. i made needs ya'lls help in the future

Apology to AT&T Galaxy Note 3 users

I know this thread will probably get shut down quick, so I'll keep it simple. Some of you may remember that I created a thread for a ROM entitled ENCOREROM and did not follow through with a release. I would like to apologize for that and explain a little. I have been an avid ROM flasher and seeker of knowledge in the field of Android development for some time now. When I set off to build a ROM for the Note 3, I was unaware of just how much time it would take. I was in high school, both regular and an extended hours performing arts school, and found myself with very little time to work on development. I have since moved on to college and am attempting to reach out and work more on my development skills. I have reached out to a fellow new dev that is attempting to do something that I attempted a while back, Android Wear for the original Galaxy Gear. I know I haven't always been the most reliable, but I try my best to share, learn, and teach where I can. I thank every member of XDA for this amazing site and hope that my past mistake will be forgiven. If you have any input on the Android Wear for Galaxy Gear, PM me and I will pass it along. If you have any information that may help in my learning, also PM me. Mods, if this is out of place, feel free to shut the thread down immediately. I no longer own a Galaxy Note 3 (currently on an LG G3). Happy New Year everyone, I wish you luck in all of your endeavors.
Thanks for the explanation...
Happy New Year!
