some hickups.. cyanmod etc - Blade General

have cyanmodgen installed.. 7.0
my phone is an gen1 (dont really know if i need to update?)
my simcard is having some problems, i cannot access the contacts on my simcard since i flashed it, i have checked the card in another phone and i have all contacts in place there, i have tried some apps, like sim2contacts copysim etc etc..
my phone just says- " OOps, we have problems in reading your SIM contacts"
any fix, what to do??
the phone works fine, i can call, send sms, mms etc etc.. but not acces my sim contacts..
Many thanks for all help!
since this is a Gen1 what are the benefit from upgrading? is it really necessary?
and for what?


Issues after upgrade to wm6.1 WWE ROM v3.13.206

Hi, I am facing a serious issue after upgrading my O2 Orbit2 to wm6.1 wwe 3.13.260 official rom from O2 website, before Upgrading i took backup of PIM thru sprite backup 6.5 (which works on wm6.1 and 6 both), after upgrading i restored my contacts successfully but the issue is that whenever I receive any call or SMS from the contacts (which i restored) it doesnt detect the name and shows number only, and i tried restoring many times but the same issue happens, contacts are available in phone but does not detect any call or sms, only shows the number. Please tell me why is it happening like this?
by the way when I select any contact and create a duplicate on phone, then it detects the name of incoming call, other then that it does not. i have over 400 contacts, i cannot copy all and then delete the previous one by one, its very tedious process, pls tell me wht is the bug??
please anyone tell me, I have all the contacts saved but incoming call does not show caller name, it shows number for every caller, pls tell me why is this happening, how can i fix it??
I am really haveing trouble to fix this
all that i can say try another rom.. C_shekkars is very good.. breathes life back into your device. and don't forget to flash the radio. )

New to HTC Touch HD

Just got my HTC Touch HD today and really impressed with it and it's not as big as i thought
So i've been playing with it to get to know the menu, functions, etc and just wondering how to set pin code when i turn on the phone?
Great forum and been looking at the threads for couple of days now
Thanks a lot
Phone pin
Just go to PHONE/MENU/OPTIONS and the select the PIN tab on the bottom.
Good luck.
Yeah tried that and after i put pin, there's no OK button or anything?
ALso what's the advantage of flashing with new ROM, will it remove my provider splash screen?
A new ROM does much more than just change the splashscreen. It is basically the same thing as installing a new OS on your desktop computer, or rather a different version of it. New ROMs solve bugs, glitches, add new functionality, can change the appearance.
I would recommend to you to try out your Touch HD for at least a week, find out what you dislike about it, write it down if you'd like and then hit the local ROM forum, open the most popular topics (that would be Davideuck's, Laurentius' and Dutty's) and check their features. If a particular ROM appeals to you, read the instructions on how to flash it and try it out - but backup beforehand, as you will lose all your data!
willykatie said:
Yeah tried that and after i put pin, there's no OK button or anything?
ALso what's the advantage of flashing with new ROM, will it remove my provider splash screen?
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The OK button should be on the top/right corner.
Thanks all for your help.
Still charging just now. How long do i need to charge it for (just out of the box) as it's been 4.5 hours now
Was looking at Unsigned_HardSPL_for_Blackstone_OliNex which i believe need to flash it with this before flash with any ROMs? Also was looking at CustomRUU for Blackstone as well as Dutty's HD XTREME. Still no idea what they are tho
Is it similar to jailbreak for ipod which allow us to add apps, etc?
Also, i have old sim card on network A and wanting to transfer all the contacts (phone no) to my new phone which on network B, is the only way to do it is to unlock the phone and insert sim card network A to the phone?
willykatie said:
Also, i have old sim card on network A and wanting to transfer all the contacts (phone no) to my new phone which on network B, is the only way to do it is to unlock the phone and insert sim card network A to the phone?
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You can synchronize the contacts from your old phone to your computer and synchronize your contacts to your new phone afterwards.
I did the same yesterday.
Well, what you could try, is syncing through Outlook or something like that. Use an old phone with your old SIM to sync your SIM contacts with the program, then connect your Touch HD and sync contacts again.
And now for the terminology.
Flashing: Saving data on the internal memory.
SPL: You need to flash one of these first to be able to flash a new ROM.
HardSPL: You only need to flash this once and then you can flash as many ROMs as you'd like.
USPL: Basically the same as HardSPL, but you have to flash it every single time before you flash a new ROM. It, however, doesn't void your warranty.
ROM: The "OS" of your phone. There are many different authors, or "cooks", who make their own ROMs. (i.e. Davideuck, Laurentius26, Dutty, kwbr and many others.) This is the part that really matters.
Radio: Another thing you can flash. This time, it changes the behaviour of your GSM module, WiFi, 3G and GPS. Basically anything that is used to communicate wirelessly. A newer version is not necessarily better.
Wow thanks a lot for that
I don't have any cable that come with my old phone, will bluetooth works?
So HSPL probably better then and will it void warranty? Can i revert it back to original ROM in the future?
Have to do it 1 by 1 with bluetooth
Well, I've heard you can flash your original SPL later and nobody will know a thing (same goes for the ROM), but that's only when you don't have your phone "bricked" (that means your phone has to work for you to be able to flash the SPL/ROM). I've never looked for it, so I don't really know.
I don't have any cable that come with my old phone, will bluetooth works?
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No idea, sorry.
Transferred now.
What i did, i put the new sim card to the old phone, copied all the contacts to the new sim card and then put the new sim card back to the new phone and copied to the contact in the new phone
When i open contact on the new phone, why showing both name from the contact phone and sim card? I couldn't find a way to choose just the one from contact?
Install this to hide SIM contacts.
So do i need to do HSPL before i can install this kind of mods/apps?
No, HSPL is only needed for flashing unofficial ROMs. Applications and programs are alright.
How to install this?
Also do i need to reinstall after doing HSPL/USPL?
There, all the information you'll need.
I installed HD Tweak at the end and it's great.
Will do HSPL or maybe USPL later still don't know which one tho

SIM deleting text messages help

hi everyone
so i search everywhere trying to find an answer to my problem and so far i have found nothing.. my problem is that i accidentally saved some of my txt messages to the sim card but now every time i delete them they keep coming back .. they delete but if i reset the phone they show up again .. is there any way i can permanently delete these txt .. i try going to sim manager but theres no option for txt .. only contacts .. plz help
try selecting 'save sms to phone' then deleting, restart and see if you still have the same issue... i know exactly what you're talking about, i had that problem before and it got really annoying but i ended up fixing it by popping my sim card into my old G1 and deleting that way, if the method i suggested doesn't work let me know and I will try to figure out another way.
good luck!
thanks actually i tried that there's an option that says move to phone .. i did but it doesnt help everytime i restart it shows up again i dont have a G1 but i to have a tilt.. do u think i could delete them thru the tilt?

retrieving sim contacts

hey there,
i just reset my phone to factory settings...
I have lost all my contacts and cannot find any in the sim manager..
Is there a way I can retrieve them?
Please help urgently
thanks in advance..
xirokx said:
hey there,
i just reset my phone to factory settings...
I have lost all my contacts and cannot find any in the sim manager..
Is there a way I can retrieve them?
Please help urgently
thanks in advance..
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the hd2 doesnt store them on the sim, so if they werent already on the sim card before, then they've gone. (I take it you havent been using myphone, or outlook, or exchange, or pim manager, or some other contact backup prog?)
sure i understand the contacts not on the sim which were installed to my HD2 only have gone, however there were contacts on the sim before which I cannot get hold off...when I go to people/sim manager and try to import sim contacts there are 0
whats happened?
Im assuming I have lost my sim contacts aswell?
xirokx said:
sure i understand the contacts not on the sim which were installed to my HD2 only have gone, however there were contacts on the sim before which I cannot get hold off...when I go to people/sim manager and try to import sim contacts there are 0
whats happened?
Im assuming I have lost my sim contacts aswell?
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hmm, well if - people tab - all people - menu - view - sim doesnt show any, then there aren't any i'm afraid.

[Q] Lost contacts + Apps dont work after restart

Hello guys first of all some informations:
- HTC HD2 With CoreDroid 1.6 installed on phone (NAND)
-MAGLDR 1.13
-Contacts were copied to phone, No SIM-Contacts
Thank you, that u want to help me ..
My problem is the following.:
*I switched off my phone and pulled out my SIM and pulled into another phone.
Then i pulled te SIM back to my HD2.
*It booted Normally
*It start synchronizing all the time, after i deactivated the automatical synchonization (2 green arrows)
*I wanted to start Facebook it says an error.
*wanted to start ohter apps error.
*Some apps are working
*Started Market: Need to reactivate
*Started Whatsapp : Need to reactivate
* There are no Contact on the Phone.
What can i do now ?
I need my contact and why some Apps are not working. And WHY WhatsApp etc need to be reactivated.
In the contact menu there is shown my WhatsApp number but 0 contact Facebook -> 0 contact
did it say new sim and to change settings?
Actually No...
What does this mean ??
if u dont have contacts in sim of .nfc file there is no way to backup..
to the next time save .nfc file
Oke , i guess my contacts are lost for sure..
But whats with my phone , why the apps dont work etc.. Why google amrket need to be reactivated like other apps and whatsapp
**PUUSH IT TO The TOP ... Really need Help..**
ShockHTC said:
Oke , i guess my contacts are lost for sure..
But whats with my phone , why the apps dont work etc.. Why google amrket need to be reactivated like other apps and whatsapp
**PUUSH IT TO The TOP ... Really need Help..**
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