Motoblur + Corporate Sync - Atrix 4G General

I am in the market for an upgrade to my work phone. I have been looking at the Atrix but I have never been a fan of motoblur due to some preconceived notions I have about it, which I do not know are correct.
When you first log in to the phone, it has you create a motoblur ID (no different than htc). My concern comes in that every account you create seems to store your password in your Motoblur account. Is this correct? If I configure my email through the stock "Corporate Sync" option, will it send my domain credentials and store them on Motorola's server?
Its kind of a security issue if it does in fact do that as we have a strict policy and that is just another point of possible failure.

no it wont store it on motorola servers , shouldnt have any security issues AFAIk i have my corp account on it now and it looks the best ive seen on any android device, native html encoding with the same view as id get on my outlook , im pretty happy with it.

No, it will keep up with all the information, DNS and such, but does not keep your corparate password. I have flashed mine several times and I always have to redo my password for my email.

Well thats a relief. Then why exactly do you have to create it under the motoblur version? Why bother signing in at all?


Inability to access google account

I went to sleep last night awaiting my first day at sixth form. My G1 was going to be there for internet browsing whilst looking for information (school intranet is very unreliable) but I woke up with a slightly different issue. An ! mark. Turns out somebody had hacked my google account overnight and changed my password. i can now no longer access any google features, including any synced things on the phone, all because of some pesky hacker (of course not aimed at the wonderful 'hackers' on here such as drizzy, twisted, cyanogen, jac etc).
However, I only have one email address so I did not provide an alternate, and to reset my password requires me to know the date i started using my account, which I haven't got a clue. Does anybody know what I can do in this position? Thanks a lot
tucka20 said:
I went to sleep last night awaiting my first day at sixth form. My G1 was going to be there for internet browsing whilst looking for information (school intranet is very unreliable) but I woke up with a slightly different issue. An ! mark. Turns out somebody had hacked my google account overnight and changed my password. i can now no longer access any google features, including any synced things on the phone, all because of some pesky hacker (of course not aimed at the wonderful 'hackers' on here such as drizzy, twisted, cyanogen, jac etc).
However, I only have one email address so I did not provide an alternate, and to reset my password requires me to know the date i started using my account, which I haven't got a clue. Does anybody know what I can do in this position? Thanks a lot
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You can wipe your phone and create a new account. Then in the mean time just email google and see what they can do for you.
yep, thats an option. however I have purchased numerous apps (copilot being the most expensive) that are linked to the account and that I will lose.
Also, I emailed them and they said I didn't provide enough information on my account to get it back. How the hell am I supposed to know the dates I started using 1. the account 2. youtube 3. Google calendar?
Why not just provide me with a security question?
tucka20 said:
Why not just provide me with a security question?
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I'm wondering if you are interacting with a real Google password recovery page. From my account page the only password recovery options are:
- Secondary email (optional)
- SMS (optional)
- Security question
At no point does it ever indicate it would recover my password using something as arcane as the date I first started using Google services. By the way, I highly recommend the "Write my own question" option for the security question. Choose a question that describes a very particular characteristic of one of your heirloom or keepsake possessions.
Besides a secondary email account (which i don't have) it is not possible for me to do this! I am really pi*sed off with google at the minute, and am considering selling the G1 because of this. I am an ebay seller with items currently on and use my gmail address with confidence for that account, and unfortunately I can now no longer send/ receive emails to customers. THANKS A LOT GOOGLE
tucka20 said:
Besides a secondary email account (which i don't have) it is not possible for me to do this! I am really pi*sed off with google at the minute, and am considering selling the G1 because of this. I am an ebay seller with items currently on and use my gmail address with confidence for that account, and unfortunately I can now no longer send/ receive emails to customers. THANKS A LOT GOOGLE
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Any reason why you couldn't recover using the regular account recovery screen? It should use your security question.
I'm not sure why you're angry at Google, when your own computing practices are what probably caused your account to be exploited (probably weak password or trojan installed a keylogger)? Regardless, Google is just practicing normal due diligence for account recovery. Account recovery has to use information that only you know (and which you possibly might not even know yourself).
If you're concerned about your eBay sales, go into your eBay preferences and change your registered email.
I dont have another email address, and have no intention of creating a new one! My password is a mixture of numbers and letters (UPPER and lower case) and I have a separate laptop that handles ebay sales so the only thing that the laptop accesses is ebay website/paypal/gmail and its running linux.
The only other time i use my gmail account is on my g1.
The reason I am angry is because this is the only company I have ever seen with security measures this tight! Even when a friend lost his paypal password it was a simple DOB/ security question thing.
I go to recover password, and it asks for my email address. I then type it, and it tells me I don't have a secondary address to receive my security question and to fill in the form posted above. That is all I get, no security question!
tucka20 said:
I dont have another email address, and have no intention of creating a new one! My password is a mixture of numbers and letters (UPPER and lower case) and I have a separate laptop that handles ebay sales so the only thing that the laptop accesses is ebay website/paypal/gmail and its running linux.
The only other time i use my gmail account is on my g1.
The reason I am angry is because this is the only company I have ever seen with security measures this tight! Even when a friend lost his paypal password it was a simple DOB/ security question thing.
I go to recover password, and it asks for my email address. I then type it, and it tells me I don't have a secondary address to receive my security question and to fill in the form posted above. That is all I get, no security question!
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Looks like your stuck getting another email address and trying to work up the Cust. Serv. chain at google...
tucka20 said:
I dont have another email address, and have no intention of creating a new one! My password is a mixture of numbers and letters (UPPER and lower case) and I have a separate laptop that handles ebay sales so the only thing that the laptop accesses is ebay website/paypal/gmail and its running linux.
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That does sound like a pretty secure setup.
Well I guess the best you can do is just try filling out that password recovery form. It doesn't appear that dates for the times you first started using specific Google services is necessary. Worst case scenario you could just guess. Since you already don't have any access now, I reckon you have nothing to lose. Good luck!

[Q] Delete my G-Mail acct. assoc. w/ Market

So I decided to delete my g-mail acct. I never ever use it... I have another email acct that is my primary...
anywho, so I tried to go onto the Market & it says my password is invalid for the gmail acct that I signed up with. It doesnt exist any longer & theres no way to change it that i've found on the Market to another email or something.
what to do?? I've searched and i havent found a solution.
BASICALLY- what i need to know is how do i get back onto Market?
I guess the easiest way would be to set up your phone with a different gmail account. But you will still lose the apps you paid for.
You could try emailing android market support or Google checkout support. They can transfer your purchases to a different account. Not sure if they would be willing to though.
Yeah, when I switched to CM6, the email I thought I used previously wouldn't work so I created another. Turns out that I misspelled the first email I created, which is why I kept getting it wrong. When I installed CM6, I ended up just creating another account for the market. Now I have two gmail accounts on my phone and neither are my usual usernames. When I go to settings > accounts & sync it won't let me delete them. I pretty much have to have both emails on my phone so I can keep my apps anyway. It just sucks that both emails' login info is something that I will never remember off the top of my head.

Exchange security still not working

i am so chocked that nobody is complaining about Exchange security not working with GRI40 either. the only ROM working fine are HTC Sense rom...
i know it is not important for most of you but i am stucked with a phone that cannot connect to my Exchange system...but i want vanilla ROM working...
I have no issues.
securities policy
difrnt said:
I have no issues.
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Password/PIN required
failed attempts 10
Min Length 5
Timeout 1800 sec.
Password recovery.
This is what i need and this is not supported by vanilla Android ROM.
Only touchdown and HTC sense support this.
So this work for you but only for basic security, not like 95 % of enterprise companies out there...
cedricj said:
Password/PIN required
failed attempts 10
Min Length 5
Timeout 1800 sec.
Password recovery.
This is what i need and this is not supported by vanilla Android ROM.
Only touchdown and HTC sense support this.
So this work for you but only for basic security, not like 95 % of enterprise companies out there...
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Maybe only 5% of the companies have that restriction??
I have used my phone with two different "enterprise" companies and have not had an issue.
No issues here either. Using a major law firms exchange.
Liking the update to include signatures on replies now. That's the way it should be.
Exchange Sync Issues
I also had (have?) issues and I mentioned them as part of another note on my overall response to 2.3.3. (in a phrase, not worth it) but nobody else seemed to be interested in that thread. So, welcome.
2.3.3. on my stock N1 has suffered the following problems:
1. Would not connect to Exchange server after I updated to 2.3.3
2. So I cleared data in "email" app, forced close, and tried to reinstall from
Home>Menu>Accounts. Also rebooted.
3. When trying to install from Home>Menu>Accounts I found NO PROVISION FOR MANUAL SETUP, i.e., manually entering domain name and exchange server ID; you can only enter your email address and password. The Gingerbread Manual mentions there is provision for manual setup in case of problems, but they don't tell you that you have to. . .
4. Set up from eMail App in the App drawer. When I set up that way there is a button for Manual Install.
5. Without Manual Install it is probable that your phone is assuming a domain name or ID that is wrong, and it will never connect.
6. After the successful re-install and use for about a day, 2.3.3. wiped out my server connection again arbitrarily (I never turn the phone off/on, etc.; it just did it) and I had to set up again.
This is definitely a BUG in 2.3.3--very definitely the inability to manually set up from any screen on which you can set up an account.
Same problem here, although it looks that Exchange is setup correctly -following instructions of ecdy, there is NO data synchronization at all with my exchange account! As under Froyo there were no problems at all, this MUST be a Gingerbread bug. Anybody any solution, workaround, please?
N1, unrooted stock, 2.3.3. OTA.
ecdy said:
I also had (have?) issues and I mentioned them as part of another note on my overall response to 2.3.3. (in a phrase, not worth it) but nobody else seemed to be interested in that thread. So, welcome.
2.3.3. on my stock N1 has suffered the following problems:
1. Would not connect to Exchange server after I updated to 2.3.3
2. So I cleared data in "email" app, forced close, and tried to reinstall from
Home>Menu>Accounts. Also rebooted.
3. When trying to install from Home>Menu>Accounts I found NO PROVISION FOR MANUAL SETUP, i.e., manually entering domain name and exchange server ID; you can only enter your email address and password. The Gingerbread Manual mentions there is provision for manual setup in case of problems, but they don't tell you that you have to. . .
4. Set up from eMail App in the App drawer. When I set up that way there is a button for Manual Install.
5. Without Manual Install it is probable that your phone is assuming a domain name or ID that is wrong, and it will never connect.
6. After the successful re-install and use for about a day, 2.3.3. wiped out my server connection again arbitrarily (I never turn the phone off/on, etc.; it just did it) and I had to set up again.
This is definitely a BUG in 2.3.3--very definitely the inability to manually set up from any screen on which you can set up an account.
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I do believe there is an issue with not having the manual setup option. I read somewhere on here that someone got the manual option after the automatic setup failed 10 times. A bug yes, but once account is set up, everything works as it should.
derfo said:
I do believe there is an issue with not having the manual setup option. I read somewhere on here that someone got the manual option after the automatic setup failed 10 times. A bug yes, but once account is set up, everything works as it should.
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No, pity, NOTHING works as it should - read my post above, please. Since Gingerbread (N1, stock, unrooted, 2.3.3. OTA) exchange sync lost, although it LOOKS set up correctly (accepts all, password, username) does NOT sync mail, calendar!
Anybody any solution please?
Strange thing noticed: after OTA Gingerbread Hotmail account in mail survived, exchange account (company) went lost.. Anything to do with problem?
bmszabo said:
No, pity, NOTHING works as it should - read my post above, please. Since Gingerbread (N1, stock, unrooted, 2.3.3. OTA) exchange sync lost, although it LOOKS set up correctly (accepts all, password, username) does NOT sync mail, calendar!
Anybody any solution please?
Strange thing noticed: after OTA Gingerbread Hotmail account in mail survived, exchange account (company) went lost.. Anything to do with problem?
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I did a manual upgrade to GB (clean upgrade). Maybe the OTA has broken something.
Exchange Sync problems
As far as other email accounts are concerned: GMail worked fine; Yahoo! Mail, which was originally set up in the OS's "Accounts" mode, didn't work. Downloading the Yahoo! Mail App fixed that.
Maybe there's a Hotmail app too.
It sounds like bmszabo isn't getting refreshed (synced); check all accounts settings that adjust sync frequency and do a "sync now" to see if it works.
Before I erased all the data in my Exchange a/c on the phone I would get a screen with all my emails and contacts up to the point where I had installed 2.3.3, but nothing thereafter. The phone will store old data but if it can't connect to the server it won't add anything new. Why does bmszabo say "it LOOKS set up correctly (accepts all, password, username)"? It will remember the correct pwd and username as you put them in, along with an incorrect domain name and server, and never be able to connect.
ecdy said:
It sounds like bmszabo isn't getting refreshed (synced); check all accounts settings that adjust sync frequency and do a "sync now" to see if it works.
Before I erased all the data in my Exchange a/c on the phone I would get a screen with all my emails and contacts up to the point where I had installed 2.3.3, but nothing thereafter. The phone will store old data but if it can't connect to the server it won't add anything new. Why does bmszabo say "it LOOKS set up correctly (accepts all, password, username)"? It will remember the correct pwd and username as you put them in, along with an incorrect domain name and server, and never be able to connect.
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Sorry, trying to explain things happened since GB OTA upgrade: after setting up exchange account, Exchange sync setup looks allrite, after asking about administrator priorities (and accepting them) sync sign turns green, looks like account setup correct, shows empty mailbox, but it DOES NOT sync with my mail, neither with calendar; as a matter of fact, my exchange calendar does not even show up on the list of calendars in Agenda...
O yes, forgotten: manual sync, although green wheel spins shortly, does not change a thing, neither..
Another similar issue with Exchange not syncing came up with CM 6.1.1. The fix was to reinstall the Email.apk.
ecdy said:
3. When trying to install from Home>Menu>Accounts I found NO PROVISION FOR MANUAL SETUP, i.e., manually entering domain name and exchange server ID; you can only enter your email address and password. The Gingerbread Manual mentions there is provision for manual setup in case of problems, but they don't tell you that you have to. . .
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Firstly, you enter email and password. If you want to include domain name - you write your email like this: domain\[email protected]
After you enter it, whether it fails or succeeds - it presents you with manual setup screen.
derfo said:
Maybe only 5% of the companies have that restriction??
I have used my phone with two different "enterprise" companies and have not had an issue.
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5 % pf the companies uses Exchange security? you must be kidding right? what my company is asking for in term of security is just basic. So i cannot believe that sorry.
This is really basic functionalities for security. It works on iphone, on Sense, on Symbian, but not on Android. So i am not getting it. If it works everywhere else than Android, it means that definitively more than 5 % of companies are requiring these basic security features.
My 2 cents of course and nothing personal!
cedricj said:
5 % pf the companies uses Exchange security? you must be kidding right? what my company is asking for in term of security is just basic. So i cannot believe that sorry.
This is really basic functionalities for security. It works on iphone, on Sense, on Symbian, but not on Android. So i am not getting it. If it works everywhere else than Android, it means that definitively more than 5 % of companies are requiring these basic security features.
My 2 cents of course and nothing personal!
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What I am saying is that there are plenty of people who are able to connect to their Exchange servers just fine which do HAVE exchange security enabled. Maybe your company has additional security restrictions enabled. If so, then your company will fall in the 5% subset.
derfo said:
What I am saying is that there are plenty of people who are able to connect to their Exchange servers just fine which do HAVE exchange security enabled. Maybe your company has additional security restrictions enabled. If so, then your company will fall in the 5% subset.
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well got your point... But why does all vendors supports the ""Only"" 5 % but not Android?
who cares... probably the answer...
I am using cyanogenmod 7 RC1 (gingerbread) and have tried multiple roms including googles vanilla and NONE of them have supported my company's exchange setup. This was supposed to be fixed in froyo and for people using sense it is fixed.
Basically when i manually setup activesync it says the phone doesn't support the security features.
Who cares if my company uses extra security or not. It works on HTC and iphone/ipad.
Google is basically doing half assed exchange support and I will keep telling people they will probably need to shell out for touchdown if they move to android until they fix it.
Google needs to support ALL ACTIVESYNC SECURITY settings, anything less isn't good enough.
I think You are right; Exchange sync (cal, mail) worked PERFECT with Froyo, and with Gingerbread it is completely lost.. I don't think any firm can do this to customers using their OS, and I do hope somebody gots a solution soon (or: Google fixes the issue?).
In the meanwhile: as I cannot use my company mail/ calendar: I wish I stayed with Froyo!!
jerkfaceirl said:
I am using cyanogenmod 7 RC1 (gingerbread) and have tried multiple roms including googles vanilla and NONE of them have supported my company's exchange setup. This was supposed to be fixed in froyo and for people using sense it is fixed.
Basically when i manually setup activesync it says the phone doesn't support the security features.
Who cares if my company uses extra security or not. It works on HTC and iphone/ipad.
Google is basically doing half assed exchange support and I will keep telling people they will probably need to shell out for touchdown if they move to android until they fix it.
Google needs to support ALL ACTIVESYNC SECURITY settings, anything less isn't good enough.
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Agree with you...
thank you for your support. Started to feel alone here!

Randomly Require Password

Ok, so today I was sitting in the library on campus minding my own business listening to music on my DVP and when I go to check something it randomly says something on the order of "Security settings have changed, make a new password"
My problem is I never had a password on the phone, never set it up to do so. Needless to say, it FORCED me to create a password and won't let me turn it off in the lock&wallpaper settings menu. I'll sync it when I get home to see if that fixes it, anyone else having a similar issue?
Do you have your phone set to sync with an Exchange account? As the administrator could have set it to now require a password on devices.
Thanks for the reply, I haven't ever had it synced to an exchange account. I really don't know what happened, also I noticed that instead of having the option to let my screen timeout be 3 minutes, etc... I only have the option for 30 seconds or 1 minute. No "slider" bar to allow me to turn off the password either. Really confusing.
Ok so I figured out why it's doing this, somehow my school's e-mail randomly decided my phone needed a password. As soon as I deleted this account I no longer needed the password. Really annoying I wonder if there's a way I can change this.
Naterade said:
Ok so I figured out why it's doing this, somehow my school's e-mail randomly decided my phone needed a password. As soon as I deleted this account I no longer needed the password. Really annoying I wonder if there's a way I can change this.
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Your school email must be an Exchange account. Any email service that syncs over Exchange ActiveSyc is looked at as an Exchange Account by your phone. They get the power to do stuff like require passwords on the device.
frazell said:
Your school email must be an Exchange account. Any email service that syncs over Exchange ActiveSyc is looked at as an Exchange Account by your phone. They get the power to do stuff like require passwords on the device.
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yeah, an EDU mail account is back ended by exchange
frazell said:
Your school email must be an Exchange account. Any email service that syncs over Exchange ActiveSyc is looked at as an Exchange Account by your phone. They get the power to do stuff like require passwords on the device.
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Makes sense, Just weird how it hasn't done this for 3 months on my DVP and then all the sudden it decides to, never did that on my android for years either. I was messing with outlook the other day and maybe I triggered something? I don't know.
And my school uses Gmail btw.
alodar1 said:
yeah, an EDU mail account is back ended by exchange
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Sorry, but I have to point out that not every EDU account equates to an Exchange back end. The two have no causal relationship whatsoever. Some schools do use Exchange, but many do not.
Naterade said:
Makes sense, Just weird how it hasn't done this for 3 months on my DVP and then all the sudden it decides to, never did that on my android for years either. I was messing with outlook the other day and maybe I triggered something? I don't know.
And my school uses Gmail btw.
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If your school uses GMail, they are actually using a variety on Google's corporate email hosting, which now supports policy push to Windows Mobile (and other, including Android, devices). It would seem they turned it on recently, or are testing it out, and you got hit with a policy.

Corporate sync not working after GB update

Spotty with froyo. Now does not work at all.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Cant even do it with touchdown. Everything else works great.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I'm syncing with a hosted Exchange 2010 server ( I had to change the server address from to the actual pod***** address, but after that it's working perfectly with my DX on GB.
We have Exchange 2003. Tried everything.
I lose synch whenever my ROM changes.
The first time, I deleted my corp account, and recreated it...that worked.
The second time, I re-entered just my password and the last field had changed the name, not sure why...but fixed that and it resynched after both of those.
It stopped working for me too, but I haven't tried inputting the actual outlook exchange address. We always used
Apparently Motorola knows about the problem. I just did a simple google search on my pop up about not being able to provision for my device. So much for "enhanced activesync" lol:
Still no corporate email or calendar sync. I've nuked phone clean and it still won't update.
Another e/ee here received the OTA update from Verizon and it ruined her corp sync too. So it has nothing to do with root.
I think there is some issue with pulling the certificate.
Corporate Email won't configure OTA GB 2.3
crawcraw said:
Still no corporate email or calendar sync. I've nuked phone clean and it still won't update.
Another e/ee here received the OTA update from Verizon and it ruined her corp sync too. So it has nothing to do with root.
I think there is some issue with pulling the certificate.
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I think you are right about the issue having to do with pulling a certificate.
In my case, first OTA install failed, then Verizon folks had me flash back to 2.2, wiping my existing settings.
After the rollback, I was able to install the OTA to get to 2.3 successfully, but now I am not able to setup corporate sync on the phone. All correct settings gets me an error message saying "Login to the server failed, please try again."
One thing I notice is that on the 2.2 Corporate Sync settings, it asks for:
"domain/username" in one textbox
where on the 2.3 settings page, the username and domain are entered on separate textboxes.
Maybe that has nothing to do with anything, but it was something I noticed.
I'll update if I find anything about this issue.
Call was disconnected with VZ, Moto, and I'm too mad/tired to go through the hassle again. Boo.
Droid X - Activesync issues after GB Update
So this is really strange, and I'm truly frustrated. The Mobile device policy in our Exchange 2007 environment will not allow the Corporate Mail application on our DXs provision with the server... unless we check the Allow Simple Passwords option in the policy itself. Then the device is provisioned properly and email, calendar and contacts sync.
This is not optimal as we have a strict Policy for passwords and using a simple password violates that.
I feel your pain Edge... same for me.. doesn't allow for simple passwords. So now I am receiving the provisioning error. I called Verizon lastnight... they forwarded me to motorola and they said for me to send a document stating the settings my company needs to change.. what a joke. I am furious. I don't want third party software to download email... Although my HTC Eris sucked because of the speed.. the company HTC supported my email. Every time there was an upgrade it continued to work.
still busted. Tried several things with my company's outside tech support.
Exchange 2003. Factory reset of phone (twice). Even pulled the SD card after the second factory reset. I manually added certificates. Tried Touchdown. turned SSL on, turned off.
tried all kinds of domain settings. Tried stuff on server side. Still nothing.
Now I'm getting error messages with Gmail.
Our certificate expires in August so the IT guy went ahead and updated it. When turning on account, I left off the domain name and checked SSL. Worked immediately after that. Good luck.
FWIW, i just upgraded to p3droid's rooted GB (performed a full data reset in the process). Setting up my corporate sync was painless (worked first try) and it works flawlessly. Our IT guy is sharp and knows how to configure and maintain our Exchange server with all the latest updates and such. If anyone is having issues with Corporate Sync, I'll bet a dollar that it's a problem with your Exchange Server and not GB.
BBJohnnyT said:
FWIW, i just upgraded to p3droid's rooted GB (performed a full data reset in the process). Setting up my corporate sync was painless (worked first try) and it works flawlessly. Our IT guy is sharp and knows how to configure and maintain our Exchange server with all the latest updates and such. If anyone is having issues with Corporate Sync, I'll bet a dollar that it's a problem with your Exchange Server and not GB.
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Exchange support on any android platform is usually from a mis-maintained Exchange server, but it just seems that motorola is extra messed up with their support. I know how my Exchange server is set up and I still have a hard time getting full functionality out of my DX and my corporate email account. At my work I depend on calender support because it's the main means of communication between our IT staff as to who is going to in the office at what point. As of right now, I'm using my work phone to keep up with work which is... Normal? I dunno, but I just know I'll have to float until I can get my hands on a decent root and ROM for the OTA update. I've tried using P3droid's patched version and out of the six times I've tried it, I've either gotten into a boot loop or I've lost all data connectivity- weird.
Laramie1997 said:
Exchange support on any android platform is usually from a mis-maintained Exchange server, but it just seems that motorola is extra messed up with their support. I know how my Exchange server is set up and I still have a hard time getting full functionality out of my DX and my corporate email account. At my work I depend on calender support because it's the main means of communication between our IT staff as to who is going to in the office at what point. As of right now, I'm using my work phone to keep up with work which is... Normal? I dunno, but I just know I'll have to float until I can get my hands on a decent root and ROM for the OTA update. I've tried using P3droid's patched version and out of the six times I've tried it, I've either gotten into a boot loop or I've lost all data connectivity- weird.
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I had lots of weirdness with GB too when I upgraded (twice) using P3droid's update. I SBFed back to .340 and then did a Factory Data Reset just prior to booting into Clockworkmod's Recovery to do the upgrade. Haven't had one lick of problems since. Give that a try.
