[Q] screen unresponsive after "screen-off" - HD2 General

I've picked up a strange issue in the last few days ... but I'm not sure it's a hardware/software/firmware problem.
A. Pull battery & restart ... everything works fine no matter how long I use the phone AS LONG as I don't allow the screen to blank (lock is disabled).
B. If Screen blanks, push power button & it lights up again ... now the phone won't detect ANY touches on the screen, the HW buttons are fine, any programmes running that display, etc are still running fine, clock updates, music/video plays ... just no touch is detected.
1.) All was fine, HSPL: 2.08, Radio:, WM: EnergyROM, Android: Cope'nWarren SD AmeriCanAndroid
2.) Decided I wanted to play with NAND Android
a.) Had to install MAGLDR for that ... worked fine
b.) Installed HyperDroid-GBX-v12-signed ... problem cropped up the 1st time the screen was locked, played with various settings, no joy.
3.) conclusion ... problem with that ROM, no problem, reflash Energy ROM
4.) reflash Energy ROM ... problem still exists ... uh-oh
5.) Task 29 ... successful
6.) Flashed stock shipped ROM (RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE-AFK_1.66.421.1_Radio_15.32.50.07U_2.07.51.22_2_Signed_LEO_Ship) which I got directly from HTC here in South Africa ... problem still exists. BIG UH-OH
So obviously the problem is ROM, Radio & Bootloader independant (because the shipped ROM replaces all of that) ... which seems to indicate a Hardware issue.
The reasons I am wondering if it is NOT a hardware issue are twofold:
1.) The problem appeared so abruptly, after flashing MAGLDR & HyperDroid
2.) The problem ONLY exists after a screen-blank and not between powering on & a screen-blank.
Anyone with any ideas I can try, or advice?

I have the same exact problem, while im in the OS i can use it for a long time, but when I hit the unlock screen I cant do anything! it makes no sense!

It is known for a while that something happens to the screen of certain devices after using NAND android. since I'm not using it I'm fine. You should search a bit before you do anything new.
I've seen plenty of milar threads before, try these keywords:
Digitizer touchscreen Unresponsive NAND Android etc.
I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, not sure if anyone found a solution to that though.

Thanks ... suddenly a lot of old "screen locked" threads are "alive" & at the top of the forum!
You pointed me in the right direction ... now at least I can use my phone!
To anyone else who reads this ... use your OTHER hardware buttons to wake up the phone ... the END (rightmost) one is getting "worn" ... will eventually need replacing, but now it can be later ... hopefully MUCH later.
Seems MAGLDR isn't the cause, but because you use it (END button) so much when using MAGLDR, that's when the problem becomes evident ...

... Sadly ...
Sadly I have to let you know that it didn't taks so long for the problem to spread to all my hard keys!
I sent it in for repairs & was informed that they CANNOT only replace the "digitizer", but have to replace the entire screen (R2200-00 [South African Rands = ~ $300-00]).
I decided to rather get myself a Desire HD & am very happy with it.
My wife asked me to repair the phone anyway, so she could inherit it ... she's used if for a week now & the problem has reappeared ... On a brand new screen!!!! Am taking it back in.


Big problems with Touch HD

I have a UK supplied Touch HD from Orange and it`s going crazy!
Problem 1:
Backlight switches off without warning, touchscreen still responds but obviously you can`t see anything! Multiple hard resets will eventually coax the backlight to wake up, but the delay between power button pressed and the "first buzz" of life is around 20-30 seconds. Started happening when it was about 2 months old. Initially it was infrequent and I put it down to an installed software problem, but now every few hours. Other symptoms include the charging light failing when the backlight fails and there is usually an increase in heat around the case. Strangely however when I use it as a sat-nav and it is permanently charging the backlight never fails. I have tried a new battery, desktop charger, turned off fast-sleep, autolock, light sensor, full reset and removal of all my software and it still does it. Sometimes its OK for 5 days, other times it goes "dark" after 10 minutes.
All ROMs updated to latest versions. NB This started happening with the original Orange installed ROMS
My original solution to the problem was to run bootloader which forced the backlight on, but the long delay between on/off and start means this doesn`t work anymore.
Problem 2:
Screen display appears inverted and mirrored after pressing power button during operation. This is an infrequent problem but may be connected.
I live in Thailand now. HTC Thailand will no doubt take it and charge me $250 for a new motherboard whether it needs one or not. I can`t easily return it to the UK and I just hope somebody somewhere has some ideas?!?
I was just talking to another user with completely bizarre issues. What you are experiencing is totally abnormal. Just to make sure it's not a software issue- what SPL version shows up in your bootloader? Also, what rom are you currently running?
Please read next post
Please read next post
** OOPS my typing brain isn`t working today **
Thanks for replying. I had upgraded to:
with soft uspl but last night I reinstalled the original Orange ROM, effectively factory fresh. (The HTC April update won`t install natively on the Orange variant of the phone) and the thing stayed on all night and didn`t go dark. However, this morning when I got the reply, I turned off the phone to get to bootloader and it took 3 battery removals to activate the backlight.
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
jamesmclean said:
** OOPS my typing brain isn`t working today **
Thanks for replying. I had upgraded to:
with soft uspl but last night I reinstalled the original Orange ROM, effectively factory fresh. (The HTC April update won`t install natively on the Orange variant of the phone) and the thing stayed on all night and didn`t go dark. However, this morning when I got the reply, I turned off the phone to get to bootloader and it took 3 battery removals to activate the backlight.
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
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So is the phone working properly again with the factory Orange rom? All I can tell you is that if you want to run the 2009_RUU_BlackStone_HTC_WWE_1.56.405.1_Radio_52.62.25.34_1.13.25.24_Ship rom you must have a base SPL of 1.54.0000. Even if you use USPL to flash the rom to bypass CID-locking you still need to upgrade your SPL because the new 1.56+ roms are not compatible with an SPL version less than 1.54.0000. Read the guide in my signature for more information.
I see cRaCKwHoRe is on your case, so your in safe hands. I'll leave it to him.
One suggestion though. Instead of creating new posts and saying 'Read Next Post', why not just edit your first post and state 'EDIT' or 'Update' with new information below. This way thread remains short and easy to follow
Just an idea mate!!
Hello again. As I said in the previous post, reset to check the ROM version caused it to happen again. 3 Attempts to wake it up this morning. This afternoon another spontaneous backlight failure. I started to wonder if it could be connected to something on the flash card. So I took that out and it has behaved since then. But this doesn`t mean problem solved as it had worked ok for the 5 previous days with the WWE 1.56 ROMS.
Also, HARDSPL is being identified as a Trojan "heur" with Bitdefender.
jamesmclean said:
Hello again. As I said in the previous post, reset to check the ROM version caused it to happen again. 3 Attempts to wake it up this morning. This afternoon another spontaneous backlight failure. I started to wonder if it could be connected to something on the flash card. So I took that out and it has behaved since then. But this doesn`t mean problem solved as it had worked ok for the 5 previous days with the WWE 1.56 ROMS.
Also, HARDSPL is being identified as a Trojan "heur" with Bitdefender.
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Most virus scanners show a false positive that USPL and HSPL are trojans or viruses. This is based on heuristics and how these utilities work. They are tried and tested and are most definitely safe.
And again I stress that you cannot run a 1.56+ rom on an SPL version below 1.54.0000. Since you are running SPL 1.14.0000 this is why you are having such issues. You need to flash a newer SPL version!
After the hardspl back to original Orange ROMS:
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
I had 2 dark events. I wondered if there could be a problem with the memory card, so I took it out. My reasoning being, after it goes dark and is reset, something was causing it to wait 30 seconds before "smart mobility" and/or buzz (if the screens still alive). When my PC does that its usually because there`s a memory card or external hard drive confusing it. Took out the card and it was OK all night. Formatted the card this morning and had no problems all day.This is a guess, I am an idiot! But the memory card is the only ongoing part of my phone; internal storage and ROMs has been cleared or upgraded every month.I dont doubt my feeble attempts to upgrade to 1.56 and bypass HTC`s no upgrades for Orange handsets policy may have been a significant contributory factor. Interestingly, Orange are actively discouraging purchase of the HD, they have had too many problems with their handsets.
Going to keep the phone empty for a few days, no software, no sat-nav and see if I have any more events. Then I think will read your HARDSPL instructions far more carefully and retry the ROM upgrade. Excellent work by the way!
The odd thing about this telephone (apart from the inversion and mirrored display problem, which still occurs) is that following the nuclear option of total clearance and ROM upgrade/downgrade it will behave for an number of days and then the backlight dies again. It could still be hardware!
Going to keep my eye on things for a few days.
But if anyone else has had these problems with their HD or Orange handset, please tell! Maybe you aren`t crazy! To help this is a list of symptoms:
Spontaneous backlight failure but screen and phone responding
Simultaneous charging light failure
Delayed reboot 20-30 seconds before first buzz
Continued backlight failure requiring multiple hard resets to resolve
Weak vibration during failed backlight reboot
Inverted and mirrored screen at boot or after wake-up
Looks like a SPL problem only. It is responsible for the boot events and mismatched display drivers between SPL and the ROM most likely did it. Anyway interested in knowing updates once U flash a new SPL 1.54. and ROM..
Problems not resolved. Backlight dead again today. Multiple failures 10 minute interval. Totally fed up with HTC products. My previous HTC phone MDA Vario 2/Tytn/Hermes had to be replaced 4 times under warranty and until 2 weeks ago I used it when Touch HD died, now it has completely died as well.
Even in its "as-supplied" by Orange configuration the Touch HD won`t work now. May be I will try one more attempt at ROM upgrade. In the meantime I`ve just bought a cheapo Samsung sgh i200 for basic pocket PC functionality and just because it doesn`t say HTC on it!
Windows mobile is great. Massive software library and great to customize. But in my experience HTC make lousy unreliable products!
jamesmclean said:
Problems not resolved. Backlight dead again today. Multiple failures 10 minute interval. Totally fed up with HTC products. My previous HTC phone MDA Vario 2/Tytn/Hermes had to be replaced 4 times under warranty and until 2 weeks ago I used it when Touch HD died, now it has completely died as well.
Even in its "as-supplied" by Orange configuration the Touch HD won`t work now. May be I will try one more attempt at ROM upgrade. In the meantime I`ve just bought a cheapo Samsung sgh i200 for basic pocket PC functionality and just because it doesn`t say HTC on it!
Windows mobile is great. Massive software library and great to customize. But in my experience HTC make lousy unreliable products!
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That's really unfortunate. Seems you have bad luck, consistently
Most people really like HTC devices. They do actually make some pretty decent stuff. Seems you've just gotten rotten luck.
Taken it back up to 1.56 with Hardspl as suggested. Installed Dutty 3.4. And it worked... For one night! Dead again today. I think now it is a hardware fault. So I suppose she`s off back to HTC and I will have to pay some money.
I have been very unlucky with HTC products. I said before I had to have 4 HTC Hermes, thought it would be interesting to tell what was wrong with them:
1. Orange SPV3100 WM5. First generation Hermes 100, hopeless wifi, buggy, returned to store and refund.
2. MDA Vario 2. WM5 Upgraded radio version, better wifi. Decided it didn`t like being a telephone anymore and the radio died after 3 months. Returned to store.
3. MDA Vario 2. WM5 Factory replacement. Dead memory card reader, didn`t make it out of the store when I went to collect.
4. MDA Vario 2 WM6 (Hermes 300). Working wifi, a much better operating system. A real telephone. Lasted 18 months! 2 weeks ago, complete power failure for no specific reason. Won`t charge or do anything now.
But before Nokia and iPhone customers get too smug. I also had an iphone when they were first released in 2007 (1.02) and that was a bug infested piece of junk as well. Got stolen in Bangkok. I really do miss having to reinstall the OS every 2 weeks! And my brother`s Nokia N95 has spent more time with Nokia than with him. 8 visits to Nokia care.
And now I have a broken Touch HD, probably with a power supply issue!
All these phones have one thing in common. They were (with the exception of the Hermes 300) first generation examples. And just before you rush out and pay big bucks for the latest telephone from HTC or whoever... Think, was this phone ready for release? Or was it just rushed out to keep the shareholders happy?
Think about it...
Hell! finally I found someone with the same problems. But I have bought it just some days ago!! The only thing I have done since then: installing tomtom on my sd-card and setting this gps-signal thing to the value 3000.
when I bought it i tried to run it in the store: after turning on, black screen but still vibration when i pressed some button, so it must have been on. Then it suddenly worked, installed the system, everything perfect. yesterday i installed tomtom, today it probably "died" around 20 times. everything the same like already described, screen messed up, after turning on vibration after 30 seconds, god!
is there anything i can do? i just bought that thing
Spontaneous backlight failure but screen and phone responding
Simultaneous charging light failure
Delayed reboot 20-30 seconds before first buzz
Continued backlight failure requiring multiple hard resets to resolve
Weak vibration during failed backlight reboot
Inverted and mirrored screen at boot or after wake-up
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Sounds like you have the exact same problem as my HD: inverted screen, screen blank but still functioning etc...
I am waiting for mine to happen more frequently before sending it away for service. Otherwise they will just return it if they can't reproduce the problem.
Pretty sure it is a hardware problem. I am in Australia and have the original stock ROM.
We may be onto a new fault here. Just noticed 2 more threads with the same screen issues. My phone has been OK for a few days, but today screen won`t wake up at all. Hooked it up to Pocket Controller Pro and it`s reporting a "microp version mismatch 0" in its dark state. Been checking on other websites and this seems to have been a problem with Touch Diamond previously. There doesn`t seem to be an update for microp firmware. One user tracked it down to a loose connection between screen and motherboard. I don`t know! I just wish it would work!
Any suggestions for MICROP issue?
Currently running Dutty 3.4 with 1.56 Olinex. But this has been a problem long before this ROM version.
Fallen Spartan told me this:
"Have you tried going to Start > Settings > All Settings > System > Power > Advanced and making sure device isn't set to turn off after a period of time?"
Until now my phone works without problems, I will report again after some days
Yup, tried that one. Doesn`t work. You will notice after you end a call, the screen will be dim. This is the warning of imminent backlight failure. It is not power management dependent. My problems with the phone started in Feb. Initially intermittent. Now constantly.
Sometimes the thing will work for a few days for no reason. Only way to guarantee no failure is permanent USB power. Pull out the USB and watch it die, instantly! That`s with the original or the new battery.
New motherboard may be the only solution. But it is worth noting that when I had problems with my Hermes and it had to go back to HTC 3 times, each time a new phone was sent. On the service report "New motherboard" was reported. The guy in the T-mobile shop told me they`re too expensive to repair so it`s easier giving you a new one. They still hold onto the old one for 3 weeks though!
Might try to repair the Touch HD, I still have my Samsung SGH. (It`s very slow!) but I think I will wait for ASUS or Toshiba phones with snapdragon processors. Had enough of HTC and don`t want another iphone.
This is a hardware issue. No if's, and's or but's. It is caused by a disconnection between the screen and the motherboard. A faulty motherboard or a loose / broken connector is the usual culprit. I would say 7 out of 10 times it is due to a loose connector. It is a poor design to begin with and after being dropped or roughed up enough it tends to break or get loose. HTC typically just replaces the motherboard in a warranty repair situation.
If you are lucky and just have a loose connector and are comfortable with opening up the device yourself, you can disassemble the device and re-connect or re-solder the 2 port connector that connects the motherboard with the screen. Of course this will "void" your warranty so I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you are comfortable working on micro-electronics. If your case is the type where it is intermittent and it works sometimes and then sometimes not, then you have a loose connection and it just needs to be reconnected or re-soldered.
I have seen and fixed a couple of these now.

Display alignment issues

I have the following issue and would very much appreciate it if someone can help me out or has seen it.
My phone has OliNex 1.56 and Energy Phoenix ROM ( from sometime December I believe )
The issue is that the display does not correctly interpret the clicks on the display. For example I click an button or try to select something it thinks that I've selected the one above it ( or below it - it's random or I cannot figure out the pattern ). If you open and excel file and try to select a cell - it select 1 or 2 above or below it. When I manually align the screen it fixes the issue until the next screenoff or call. Afterwards it's the same thing.
Operating with the phone is a real pain and close to impossible.
I started seeing this about a week ago (haved using the rom for a couple of months ) when I had to take out my SIM card to test another phone. Afterwards it has been like this. ( I haven't dropped the phone or damaged it )
I tried restoring a spb backup from before the issue - it did not help. I then tried flashing with the latest Enerty ROM and did a hard reset afterwards - it it is same. Again it can temporarily be fixed with the screen alignment.
I'm suspecting either an issue with the OliNex or with the HW
Ive had the exact same problem. Turned out to be a HW problem.
Restored mine back to original (ROM, Radio, SPL) and HTC fixed it in 10days
My friend, your probably are having a problem with the digitizer, you have to send it to HTC assistance so that they can repair it. If it's still in the warranty it's for free.
Moved thread to general section, not rom related. Cheers.

Phone Keep restarting

Hi, I'm having a big problem with my device, I've bought the European version and didn't touch the ROM or radio for a cool 3 months, but I often update to the latest Cookie HT, and lots of different apps. Then it got a weird behavior that if I use the device and it got a little hot it would restart by itself and after the restart got stuck on the white logo screen. It would happen often when plugged and Activesynced to my computer.
I lived with this situation for the past month but now I had enough, I've updated the radio to the latest I could find, and the ROM to Energy with Cookie HT.
Now it's worse, I can't get it to stable on the Home screen, I can see it but can't play with anything, stuck...
And BTW when it get stuck the bottom of the phone is quite hot, even if I left it for quite some time.
Edit : The Sense UI isn't loading and it actually a good bug, cause the device is running smoothly even on ActiveSync. It feels like the CHT is to blame, at least the latest one to date.
Edit 2 : Sorry, I was wrong, now it got stuck during SPB backup restoring connected to ActiveSync.
Edit 3, Sorry 2 : I've let it cool, turned it on and somehow the CHT is back and working wonderfully, this is weirder then I thought.
Edit 4 : I've managed to run Android 2.1 Desire and it was running good until it got a little warm and then froze. I'm beginning to suspect this is a hardware issue.
I realy need help feaguring this one out.
I've replaced a couple of Radio versions and this device keep jamming up, it's now unusable. I need to get it relaxed and cold before I try to turn it on again.
Can it be that the ROM is responsible ? should I go back to the stock with no mod at all (it would KILL me though).
I'm frastrated and thinking of selling the phone if anyone would buy this piece of crap.
i am in the same boat mate.
mine is going back to htc tomorrow.
In the end i removed everything and took the rom/radio back to stock still the 'heat' issue exists.
It has been like this on test for nearly two weeks if i try to run the youtube app the phone switches off anything more intense and it hard resets itself.
I have learnt that if you leave it too cool down battery out etc it will switch back on and if you do nothing but make phone calls it will be ok?
Having read alot it appears this issue happens if the device goes over a certain temp. For example folks have been moaning about the phone switching off if used in a car whilst charging running sat nav.
I advise you to contact htc as i have done.
you may have already done this, but did you do a task 29 before flashing the rom (task 29 wipes the phone and gives you a clean base to start from). Also delete the application data on your mem card(important). If your phone wont boot you can enter the bootloader by removing batt and holding vol down as soon as you you put the batt back in,This will put you onto bootloader screen ( if you have hspl installed?) from here you can do task 29 and reflash your chosen rom. Oh and make sure you have required radio for the rom you choose. hope this is of some help thought id try
Just wanted to update that HTC took an effort and accepted my unwarranted device for fixing. They replaced the board and sent it back on their expense. The device now is working flawlessly !
Thanks to HTC for a GREAT customer service and support !!!

Phone lose calibration

I have a big problem with my touch HD that used to work perfectly. I recently flashed with the most recent NRG rom (4 sep) and also tried after the flashing the new android 2.2 (1.6)..
The phone worked perfectly for a number of reboots and so on.... But suddenly something started to happen.. In WM i pressed the button save screen calibration to SD card (a feature part of the NRG rom)... then the screen calibration went bezerk... The screen is algin 1,5 cm wrong... I have realigned my screen and everything works perfectly for a couple of hours, sometimes just minutes, then once more the screen gets f***ed up... I have cleared my rom (so no traces of the screen calibration file) but still the same problem..
Tried to hard reset the NRG rom, still problems...
Installed stock rom, still same problem (algiment gets messed up after a while)...
I'm running on stock SPL.. anyone else with the same problem.. is it android that messed up my phone or the NRG rom?
Is it fixable (maybe using task 29)?....
i have the some problem ...i dont know how to fix ...
Got the same problem, task 29 do not help.
since task 29 wipes your device, there are only few things untouched:
1. the sd card's content (in other words android)
2. the radio rom
3. the hardware
the exact moment it happened points away from a hardware issue, so i guess in your place, i would format the sd card first. use fat32, standard allocation size and slow format.
Chef_Tony said:
since task 29 wipes your device, there are only few things untouched:
1. the sd card's content (in other words android)
2. the radio rom
3. the hardware
the exact moment it happened points away from a hardware issue, so i guess in your place, i would format the sd card first. use fat32, standard allocation size and slow format.
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1. Pulling out sd card don't help.
2. Tried 3 or 4 different radio rom's.
I also have this "Newton's Rings"
So i think this is hardware.
I also have the same problem, but it is a little different for me. Some times it works perfectly (perfect calibration etc.), other times it is not calibrated well and even sometimes the touch screen doesn't react at all. I also haven't dropped it or anything so I don't think it is hardware problem I would like to know if it is hardware what should I change on the HTC - the LCD display or the digitizer or both maybe? Please help me. BTW I had also installed android on my phone and maybe that could have caused the problem? Thanks in advance.
I got same problem from 2 weeks. I've changed rom but it doesn't help. Sometimes it is ok, sometime it's moved 0.5 cm, once it doesn't work at all for 2h. Now it's moved for 2-3 cm.
Is there any solution for that? Or I need to change screen (lcd+dig)?
I notice as well that when it's getting wormer (by using satnav for example) the screen stops working at all. When it gets colder it's coming back to normal (almost, still moved about 2mm). I think, I'll buy new lcd+dig, no ideas what different could help for that problem.
All the symptoms above, IME are malfunctioning digitizers. I've replaced my own, and some for other people too.
The fault seems to show itself when the device gets warm, or the chassis gets stressed, but more often it's just random failures.
They are a cheap repair, and if you're VERY careful, can be replaced without replacing the LCD by using gradual warming and acetone on a thin, sharp blade to break the bond between the digitizer and LCD.

Bricked HD2 - White Screen(no logo) [NOT! SOLVED] !!

I just unbricked my HD2 from the white screen with no logo. I spent the whole day reading hunderts of post about the white screen- bricked HD2 - the solution was to change the mainboard (at least the official service did that) and the people mostly sold the phone as bricked, its maybe also an production problem with HD2 because it's caracteristic and usual for it.
I think the Radio ROM is the problem and that it's a hardware error caused by overheating(i will report if the problems occurs again but i think it works now).
How it began(STORY):
I went on a trip and used google maps and route66 with GPS/WIFI all the time. My OS was Android Nand ICS and it wasn't too hot. The first problems started with random white screen occurrences trought the day as i was using google maps so i took out the battery and restarted, it worket but soon after the white screen occurred again. The white screen occurrences became more often and at the end there was only the white screen. (people reported the the phone somtimes worked when they recharded the battery and left it alone for a few days, after that they flashed the new rom )
I used the ICS rom for a few months with no problems(same reported from other users).
One theory(i read it on the forum) that the ICS is constantly overheating the HD2 + route66 mabe it bricked because of it.
So there is no other way, it has to be an hardware problem but the good news is it can some kind of be fixed (because i think it caused an radio mailfunction) !
So this is the way how i solved it:
- I downloaded an old version of the stock HD2 WM rom(i found somewhere that it can fix the problem) so with radio.
- I extracted the .exe file with WinRAR(or 7z, winzp...) and renamed the RUU_Signed.nbh to LEOIMG.nbh
- I copied LEOIMG.nbh to my SD Card (they said it should max 4GB, and has to be FAT32)
- I entred the HSPL with Volume down + Power and it found the rom on the SD card i pressed Power to install it and it FAILED !!!!
- I was depresed again :|
- I keept reading and may owners had the same problem, someone suggested that the update worked for him after he left the phone in a bag in the fridge. I had no fridge in the hostel (and no SD card writer only the ROM on my SD card) so i tried it again AND IT WORKED !!!
After that i got a HTC screen that didn't boot. I flashed HSPL3 (also from the second try, flashing from HD2 tools(HSPL2) didn't work) and installed official WM from the HTC HD2 support and i think i will use it from now on (or WM7) .
After i did it once it didnt work(flashing from SD card) so i used this method:
- Entered the SPL/HSPL
- Flashed HSPL4 sometimes it does not work but you have to keep trying
- Task29
- Updated a stock WM6.5 from the PC !! (from the SD card didnt work(
- works
PS: If you see only the white screen when you turn it on you need to wait few days to get to the HTC seceen so a hardware error. Maybe try to put the battery and simcard out of the phone or put it in a plastic bag in a fridge ... maybe it will accelerate the process
So my theory:
- The overheading caused a hardware error that damaged the Radio ROM and the software(but how?).
- It's a producttion problem(may owners with the same problem)
- It mostly occurrs to android users - and mostly ICS
- As an engineer i have no idea why it works now but i like it
Ok i got a white screen with Windows Mobile 6.5 after few days (with android/W7 imidiently).
The problem occured when i was cooking almost 40 celsius.
Maybe the solution can be to put some cooling paste on the radio or similar thing
Cruonit said:
I just unbricked my HD2 from the white screen with no logo. I spent the whole day reading hunderts of post about the white screen- bricked HD2 - the solution was to change the mainboard (at least the official service did that) and the people mostly sold the phone as bricked, its maybe also an production problem with HD2 because it's caracteristic and usual for it.
I think the Radio ROM is the problem and that it's a hardware error caused by overheating(i will report if the problems occurs again but i think it works now).
How it began(STORY):
I went on a trip and used google maps and route66 with GPS/WIFI all the time. My OS was Android Nand ICS and it wasn't too hot. The first problems started with random white screen occurrences trought the day as i was using google maps so i took out the battery and restarted, it worket but soon after the white screen occurred again. The white screen occurrences became more often and at the end there was only the white screen. (people reported the the phone somtimes worked when they recharded the battery and left it alone for a few days, after that they flashed the new rom )
I used the ICS rom for a few months with no problems(same reported from other users).
One theory(i read it on the forum) that the ICS is constantly overheating the HD2 + route66 mabe it bricked because of it.
So there is no other way, it has to be an hardware problem but the good news is it can some kind of be fixed (because i think it caused an radio mailfunction) !
So this is the way how i solved it:
- I downloaded an old version of the stock HD2 WM rom(i found somewhere that it can fix the problem) so with radio.
- I extracted the .exe file with WinRAR(or 7z, winzp...) and renamed the RUU_Signed.nbh to LEOIMG.nbh
- I copied LEOIMG.nbh to my SD Card (they said it should max 4GB, and has to be FAT32)
- I entred the HSPL with Volume down + Power and it found the rom on the SD card i pressed Power to install it and it FAILED !!!!
- I was depresed again :|
- I keept reading and may owners had the same problem, someone suggested that the update worked for him after he left the phone in a bag in the fridge. I had no fridge in the hostel (and no SD card writer only the ROM on my SD card) so i tried it again AND IT WORKED !!!
After that i got a HTC screen that didn't boot. I flashed HSPL3 (also from the second try, flashing from HD2 tools(HSPL2) didn't work) and installed official WM from the HTC HD2 support and i think i will use it from now on (or WM7) .
So my theory:
- The overheading caused a hardware error that damaged the Radio ROM and the software(but how?).
- It's a producttion problem(may owners with the same problem)
- It mostly occurrs to android users - and mostly ICS
- As an engineer i have no idea why it works now but i like it
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Hi, can u say which old WM version u used ? I dont have bricked hd2 but instead of this my lcd doesnt show anything in first stages of boot, i mean i cant see tricolor screen (but can get into this with buttons), cant see magldr or clk, cant see cwm or anything until android (hyperdroid) boots up. Then it works perfect. Of course even if I cant see anything it works fine in background, even more, i can go into cwm and by pressing buttons do everything but... cant see the menus (luckily got help on xda and i know menu structure). Anyway, I spoke to guy in mobile service point, who said that some time ago he had the same situation, his hd2 got exactly the same weird problem and he solved it my installing some old WM roms. Unfortunately it was long time ago and he didnt remembered versions. But he said it happened to him after playing with some 3rd party camera software and for him it was like lcd locked itself in specific resolution. I'm more than happy to try your solution if u can provide WM version u used, as i already tried few and... nothing. Thx
I used the newest version of WM 6.5 3.14 / it worked for days(i have not used the phone but it was on without simcard). Afther few days i inserted the SIM card inside the phone and then after few minutes maybe half an hour the white screen appeard again
Now i will try the 1.66.405.2 version with radio hope it works with the sim card or i will have a bad MP3 player
Problem still open
The phone works for days when i leave it in my room and don't use it (need to test it with a sim card).
But when i take it out in my pocket it just turns of and can't be turned on. I take the battery out and put it in and the famouse white screen appears and i can't flash it anymore (i can eneter the bootloader - voldown+power) but when i try to update the rom it hangs and restarts.
Had the same problem few times and the white screen disapears after a while(few days), the HTC logo appears and i can flash the phone again.
I have a feeling the phone is "more alive" when i use WM 6.5 old version (on android and WP7 the white screen appears after few minutes but i am not sure).
Next time(when the white screen goes away) i will try to flash WM6.5 and leave it with the simcard for a few days. If it does't go into white screen then it's a contact problem on the hardware (and it's triggered when i walk)
i tried to put it into the fridge but it did not work
i tried latest wm rom but it doesnt work, i can hear sound when its loaded but nothing on screen, pressing power off it just keeps black and then lights up display .... thats it. Weird but with android on board i works fine after boot sequence, just have to press power off 4times. Tried to load WM from SD card but for some reason I cant do it properly (heard thats only way to get rid of HSPL and have clean install), phone just hangs, maybe some error but my display is not showing anything at this point Starting installer from PC gives loads up WM rom succesfully, but as I mentioned before, screen just lights up, music is playing and ..... nothing. Maybe You can try this way ?
If not, you could try following :
using mtty do some task 2a and task29 then reinstall
try find someone who could plug JTAG into it and wipe everything
Mine is proably hardware, but why its fine on android and not with WM ?
It's definitely a hardware problem. When the whitescreen appears it can't be removed with flashing. i leave the phone for a few days off and than again the mobile phone boots without problems !
The phone works for days when i leave and don't touch it, but as soon as i put it in my pocket and wear it with me for about half an hour the screen gets white againt and the phone does't boot anymore(for days or more).
so definitely it's a circuit or component problem, I will try to fix it with hot air(to refresh the definitely or to break the pohone but i'ts my last solution)
Would a motherboard change help ?
Cruonit said:
It's definitely a hardware problem. When the whitescreen appears it can't be removed with flashing. i leave the phone for a few days off and than again the mobile phone boots without problems !
The phone works for days when i leave and don't touch it, but as soon as i put it in my pocket and wear it with me for about half an hour the screen gets white againt and the phone does't boot anymore(for days or more).
so definitely it's a circuit or component problem, I will try to fix it with hot air(to refresh the definitely or to break the pohone but i'ts my last solution)
Would a motherboard change help ?
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Please help me, I have the same problem with my hd2 (white screen). I can not install anything on it. Tell me please, you solved the problem? Remove the battery when you leave a few days?
It just unfreezes at random. I found out that when installing windows mobile 6.5 and when it's winter that it works longer :|
For now it works when i install android it freezes after a day or two (in winter and almost imedietly in sommer)
Cruonit said:
It just unfreezes at random. I found out that when installing windows mobile 6.5 and when it's winter that it works longer :|
For now it works when i install android it freezes after a day or two (in winter and almost imedietly in sommer)
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I haven't read your previous posts, but from your last post it seems that your motherboard is failing. A common issue with the HD2.
Marvlesz said:
I haven't read your previous posts, but from your last post it seems that your motherboard is failing. A common issue with the HD2.
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i try to live with it Could "hot air" hack for short circuit help ? I will try it as soon as i find some one that has the "hot air" thing

