Big problems with Touch HD - Touch HD General

I have a UK supplied Touch HD from Orange and it`s going crazy!
Problem 1:
Backlight switches off without warning, touchscreen still responds but obviously you can`t see anything! Multiple hard resets will eventually coax the backlight to wake up, but the delay between power button pressed and the "first buzz" of life is around 20-30 seconds. Started happening when it was about 2 months old. Initially it was infrequent and I put it down to an installed software problem, but now every few hours. Other symptoms include the charging light failing when the backlight fails and there is usually an increase in heat around the case. Strangely however when I use it as a sat-nav and it is permanently charging the backlight never fails. I have tried a new battery, desktop charger, turned off fast-sleep, autolock, light sensor, full reset and removal of all my software and it still does it. Sometimes its OK for 5 days, other times it goes "dark" after 10 minutes.
All ROMs updated to latest versions. NB This started happening with the original Orange installed ROMS
My original solution to the problem was to run bootloader which forced the backlight on, but the long delay between on/off and start means this doesn`t work anymore.
Problem 2:
Screen display appears inverted and mirrored after pressing power button during operation. This is an infrequent problem but may be connected.
I live in Thailand now. HTC Thailand will no doubt take it and charge me $250 for a new motherboard whether it needs one or not. I can`t easily return it to the UK and I just hope somebody somewhere has some ideas?!?

I was just talking to another user with completely bizarre issues. What you are experiencing is totally abnormal. Just to make sure it's not a software issue- what SPL version shows up in your bootloader? Also, what rom are you currently running?

Please read next post

Please read next post

** OOPS my typing brain isn`t working today **
Thanks for replying. I had upgraded to:
with soft uspl but last night I reinstalled the original Orange ROM, effectively factory fresh. (The HTC April update won`t install natively on the Orange variant of the phone) and the thing stayed on all night and didn`t go dark. However, this morning when I got the reply, I turned off the phone to get to bootloader and it took 3 battery removals to activate the backlight.
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

jamesmclean said:
** OOPS my typing brain isn`t working today **
Thanks for replying. I had upgraded to:
with soft uspl but last night I reinstalled the original Orange ROM, effectively factory fresh. (The HTC April update won`t install natively on the Orange variant of the phone) and the thing stayed on all night and didn`t go dark. However, this morning when I got the reply, I turned off the phone to get to bootloader and it took 3 battery removals to activate the backlight.
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
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So is the phone working properly again with the factory Orange rom? All I can tell you is that if you want to run the 2009_RUU_BlackStone_HTC_WWE_1.56.405.1_Radio_52.62.25.34_1.13.25.24_Ship rom you must have a base SPL of 1.54.0000. Even if you use USPL to flash the rom to bypass CID-locking you still need to upgrade your SPL because the new 1.56+ roms are not compatible with an SPL version less than 1.54.0000. Read the guide in my signature for more information.

I see cRaCKwHoRe is on your case, so your in safe hands. I'll leave it to him.
One suggestion though. Instead of creating new posts and saying 'Read Next Post', why not just edit your first post and state 'EDIT' or 'Update' with new information below. This way thread remains short and easy to follow
Just an idea mate!!

Hello again. As I said in the previous post, reset to check the ROM version caused it to happen again. 3 Attempts to wake it up this morning. This afternoon another spontaneous backlight failure. I started to wonder if it could be connected to something on the flash card. So I took that out and it has behaved since then. But this doesn`t mean problem solved as it had worked ok for the 5 previous days with the WWE 1.56 ROMS.
Also, HARDSPL is being identified as a Trojan "heur" with Bitdefender.

jamesmclean said:
Hello again. As I said in the previous post, reset to check the ROM version caused it to happen again. 3 Attempts to wake it up this morning. This afternoon another spontaneous backlight failure. I started to wonder if it could be connected to something on the flash card. So I took that out and it has behaved since then. But this doesn`t mean problem solved as it had worked ok for the 5 previous days with the WWE 1.56 ROMS.
Also, HARDSPL is being identified as a Trojan "heur" with Bitdefender.
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Most virus scanners show a false positive that USPL and HSPL are trojans or viruses. This is based on heuristics and how these utilities work. They are tried and tested and are most definitely safe.
And again I stress that you cannot run a 1.56+ rom on an SPL version below 1.54.0000. Since you are running SPL 1.14.0000 this is why you are having such issues. You need to flash a newer SPL version!

After the hardspl back to original Orange ROMS:
Anyways SPL is 1.14.0000
G 52.49a.24.26u
D 1.14.22273
I had 2 dark events. I wondered if there could be a problem with the memory card, so I took it out. My reasoning being, after it goes dark and is reset, something was causing it to wait 30 seconds before "smart mobility" and/or buzz (if the screens still alive). When my PC does that its usually because there`s a memory card or external hard drive confusing it. Took out the card and it was OK all night. Formatted the card this morning and had no problems all day.This is a guess, I am an idiot! But the memory card is the only ongoing part of my phone; internal storage and ROMs has been cleared or upgraded every month.I dont doubt my feeble attempts to upgrade to 1.56 and bypass HTC`s no upgrades for Orange handsets policy may have been a significant contributory factor. Interestingly, Orange are actively discouraging purchase of the HD, they have had too many problems with their handsets.
Going to keep the phone empty for a few days, no software, no sat-nav and see if I have any more events. Then I think will read your HARDSPL instructions far more carefully and retry the ROM upgrade. Excellent work by the way!
The odd thing about this telephone (apart from the inversion and mirrored display problem, which still occurs) is that following the nuclear option of total clearance and ROM upgrade/downgrade it will behave for an number of days and then the backlight dies again. It could still be hardware!
Going to keep my eye on things for a few days.
But if anyone else has had these problems with their HD or Orange handset, please tell! Maybe you aren`t crazy! To help this is a list of symptoms:
Spontaneous backlight failure but screen and phone responding
Simultaneous charging light failure
Delayed reboot 20-30 seconds before first buzz
Continued backlight failure requiring multiple hard resets to resolve
Weak vibration during failed backlight reboot
Inverted and mirrored screen at boot or after wake-up

Looks like a SPL problem only. It is responsible for the boot events and mismatched display drivers between SPL and the ROM most likely did it. Anyway interested in knowing updates once U flash a new SPL 1.54. and ROM..

Problems not resolved. Backlight dead again today. Multiple failures 10 minute interval. Totally fed up with HTC products. My previous HTC phone MDA Vario 2/Tytn/Hermes had to be replaced 4 times under warranty and until 2 weeks ago I used it when Touch HD died, now it has completely died as well.
Even in its "as-supplied" by Orange configuration the Touch HD won`t work now. May be I will try one more attempt at ROM upgrade. In the meantime I`ve just bought a cheapo Samsung sgh i200 for basic pocket PC functionality and just because it doesn`t say HTC on it!
Windows mobile is great. Massive software library and great to customize. But in my experience HTC make lousy unreliable products!

jamesmclean said:
Problems not resolved. Backlight dead again today. Multiple failures 10 minute interval. Totally fed up with HTC products. My previous HTC phone MDA Vario 2/Tytn/Hermes had to be replaced 4 times under warranty and until 2 weeks ago I used it when Touch HD died, now it has completely died as well.
Even in its "as-supplied" by Orange configuration the Touch HD won`t work now. May be I will try one more attempt at ROM upgrade. In the meantime I`ve just bought a cheapo Samsung sgh i200 for basic pocket PC functionality and just because it doesn`t say HTC on it!
Windows mobile is great. Massive software library and great to customize. But in my experience HTC make lousy unreliable products!
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That's really unfortunate. Seems you have bad luck, consistently
Most people really like HTC devices. They do actually make some pretty decent stuff. Seems you've just gotten rotten luck.

Taken it back up to 1.56 with Hardspl as suggested. Installed Dutty 3.4. And it worked... For one night! Dead again today. I think now it is a hardware fault. So I suppose she`s off back to HTC and I will have to pay some money.
I have been very unlucky with HTC products. I said before I had to have 4 HTC Hermes, thought it would be interesting to tell what was wrong with them:
1. Orange SPV3100 WM5. First generation Hermes 100, hopeless wifi, buggy, returned to store and refund.
2. MDA Vario 2. WM5 Upgraded radio version, better wifi. Decided it didn`t like being a telephone anymore and the radio died after 3 months. Returned to store.
3. MDA Vario 2. WM5 Factory replacement. Dead memory card reader, didn`t make it out of the store when I went to collect.
4. MDA Vario 2 WM6 (Hermes 300). Working wifi, a much better operating system. A real telephone. Lasted 18 months! 2 weeks ago, complete power failure for no specific reason. Won`t charge or do anything now.
But before Nokia and iPhone customers get too smug. I also had an iphone when they were first released in 2007 (1.02) and that was a bug infested piece of junk as well. Got stolen in Bangkok. I really do miss having to reinstall the OS every 2 weeks! And my brother`s Nokia N95 has spent more time with Nokia than with him. 8 visits to Nokia care.
And now I have a broken Touch HD, probably with a power supply issue!
All these phones have one thing in common. They were (with the exception of the Hermes 300) first generation examples. And just before you rush out and pay big bucks for the latest telephone from HTC or whoever... Think, was this phone ready for release? Or was it just rushed out to keep the shareholders happy?
Think about it...

Hell! finally I found someone with the same problems. But I have bought it just some days ago!! The only thing I have done since then: installing tomtom on my sd-card and setting this gps-signal thing to the value 3000.
when I bought it i tried to run it in the store: after turning on, black screen but still vibration when i pressed some button, so it must have been on. Then it suddenly worked, installed the system, everything perfect. yesterday i installed tomtom, today it probably "died" around 20 times. everything the same like already described, screen messed up, after turning on vibration after 30 seconds, god!
is there anything i can do? i just bought that thing

Spontaneous backlight failure but screen and phone responding
Simultaneous charging light failure
Delayed reboot 20-30 seconds before first buzz
Continued backlight failure requiring multiple hard resets to resolve
Weak vibration during failed backlight reboot
Inverted and mirrored screen at boot or after wake-up
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Sounds like you have the exact same problem as my HD: inverted screen, screen blank but still functioning etc...
I am waiting for mine to happen more frequently before sending it away for service. Otherwise they will just return it if they can't reproduce the problem.
Pretty sure it is a hardware problem. I am in Australia and have the original stock ROM.

We may be onto a new fault here. Just noticed 2 more threads with the same screen issues. My phone has been OK for a few days, but today screen won`t wake up at all. Hooked it up to Pocket Controller Pro and it`s reporting a "microp version mismatch 0" in its dark state. Been checking on other websites and this seems to have been a problem with Touch Diamond previously. There doesn`t seem to be an update for microp firmware. One user tracked it down to a loose connection between screen and motherboard. I don`t know! I just wish it would work!
Any suggestions for MICROP issue?
Currently running Dutty 3.4 with 1.56 Olinex. But this has been a problem long before this ROM version.

Fallen Spartan told me this:
"Have you tried going to Start > Settings > All Settings > System > Power > Advanced and making sure device isn't set to turn off after a period of time?"
Until now my phone works without problems, I will report again after some days

Yup, tried that one. Doesn`t work. You will notice after you end a call, the screen will be dim. This is the warning of imminent backlight failure. It is not power management dependent. My problems with the phone started in Feb. Initially intermittent. Now constantly.
Sometimes the thing will work for a few days for no reason. Only way to guarantee no failure is permanent USB power. Pull out the USB and watch it die, instantly! That`s with the original or the new battery.
New motherboard may be the only solution. But it is worth noting that when I had problems with my Hermes and it had to go back to HTC 3 times, each time a new phone was sent. On the service report "New motherboard" was reported. The guy in the T-mobile shop told me they`re too expensive to repair so it`s easier giving you a new one. They still hold onto the old one for 3 weeks though!
Might try to repair the Touch HD, I still have my Samsung SGH. (It`s very slow!) but I think I will wait for ASUS or Toshiba phones with snapdragon processors. Had enough of HTC and don`t want another iphone.

This is a hardware issue. No if's, and's or but's. It is caused by a disconnection between the screen and the motherboard. A faulty motherboard or a loose / broken connector is the usual culprit. I would say 7 out of 10 times it is due to a loose connector. It is a poor design to begin with and after being dropped or roughed up enough it tends to break or get loose. HTC typically just replaces the motherboard in a warranty repair situation.
If you are lucky and just have a loose connector and are comfortable with opening up the device yourself, you can disassemble the device and re-connect or re-solder the 2 port connector that connects the motherboard with the screen. Of course this will "void" your warranty so I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you are comfortable working on micro-electronics. If your case is the type where it is intermittent and it works sometimes and then sometimes not, then you have a loose connection and it just needs to be reconnected or re-soldered.
I have seen and fixed a couple of these now.


SPV M1000 Resets completely for no reason..

Dear All,
I have had my SPV now for about 4 weeks now and very pleased with it. However, twice in the last week it hasn't responded when I turned it
on and ended up removing and re-inserting the battery. When it comes back, it starts with the "Welcome to Pocket PC" setup wizard and all my data is gone.
Has anyone else had this problem. This problem has happened with both
versions of the ROM. The only s/w I am running is
Tube (VisualIT)
MS Arcade Pack (Pacman, DigDug etc)
MS Voice Command
Agenda Fusion
Regards & Thanks
Yeah i got the same problem. But it happens when I upgraded my ExtRom from Sometimes it stays at suspend mode, then i have to perform a hard reset to wake up the device. Very odd.
dfens said:
Dear All,
I have had my SPV now for about 4 weeks now and very pleased with it. However, twice in the last week it hasn't responded when I turned it
on and ended up removing and re-inserting the battery. When it comes back, it starts with the "Welcome to Pocket PC" setup wizard and all my data is gone.
Has anyone else had this problem. This problem has happened with both
versions of the ROM.
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I have had my M1000 for about four weeks too now and although it occasionally soft resets it never fails to respond to the power button. Maybe you have a faulty phone?
On a different note, you say you have Voice Command, I was looking for places that sell it in the UK but it appears to only be available in the US, if you could let me know where you got it I would be really grateful.
Hope you sort your phone out!
High all
No probs so far
Swiss m1000 installed Programs
Pocket Hack Master ( Overlock your PDA )
Pocket Mechanic ( Clean Defragment and more )
Snails ( adictive Worms(TM) Clone )
Crazy Cart ( adictive Mario Cart(TM) clone
and lots more.
Im overlocking my CPU to 530 MHZ and no Trubbles so far.
Got the thing for two months now, running in this config for about one month.
Yep, I am having the same problem or much the same problem. The unite works fine until every four or five days when I notice that the bluetooth light and the green phone radio light are flashing (even though bluetooth is turned off). It does not respond to the power button and then lights go off when I try a soft reset. The only way I can get it back on it with a hard reset.
It does not seem to be a battery issue as the battery is fully charged and when I try plugging in the Charger (before doing the hard reset) the charging light does not light up. I have had the same problem with several M1000s from Orange.
Anyone have any ideas at to what might be going on?
Yep, I am having the same problem or much the same problem. The unite works fine until every four or five days when I notice that the bluetooth light and the green phone radio light are flashing (even though bluetooth is turned off). It does not respond to the power button and then lights go off when I try a soft reset. The only way I can get it back on it with a hard reset.
It does not seem to be a battery issue as the battery is fully charged and when I try plugging in the Charger (before doing the hard reset) the charging light does not light up. I have had the same problem with several M1000s from Orange.
Anyone have any ideas at to what might be going on?
With Orange Switzerland SPV M1000 I experience the following problems:
1) Bluetooth lights (blue light) and the battery lights flashes even though
bluetooth is not connected and the battery level is fine.
2) Once every other day the device (though fully charged) freezes and I end up doing soft reset.
3) Removing battery already puts the device to soft reset. Orange
4) The activeSync is running without me having to start any activeSync session.
5) Abruptly I get message the memory is full and the device then freeses.
Is anyone having the above problems? How do i resove this?
Many thanks
SteveD said:
Yep, I am having the same problem or much the same problem. The unite works fine until every four or five days when I notice that the bluetooth light and the green phone radio light are flashing (even though bluetooth is turned off). It does not respond to the power button and then lights go off when I try a soft reset. The only way I can get it back on it with a hard reset.
It does not seem to be a battery issue as the battery is fully charged and when I try plugging in the Charger (before doing the hard reset) the charging light does not light up. I have had the same problem with several M1000s from Orange.
Anyone have any ideas at to what might be going on?
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There have been frequent reports of this problem- Orange are aware of it, and are replacing M1000's as required. They are currently testing a new ROM, so it appears that they think it may be a ROM problem, though it could also be a batch of faulty hardware.
Another possibility
Turning off the record button seems to have helped, could it be that this is being caught and filling memory / draining batrtery?
3rd phone 3 weeks.
Great when working - anyone using a GPS receiver? Tried a TomTom with an XDA 2 lead is not recognised
Re: Another possibility
BobW said:
anyone using a GPS receiver? Tried a TomTom with an XDA 2 lead is not recognised
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Remember you have to turn of the IR in settings>connections>beam before a GPS will be recognised.
NeilM said:
There have been frequent reports of this problem- Orange are aware of it, and are replacing M1000's as required. They are currently testing a new ROM, so it appears that they think it may be a ROM problem, though it could also be a batch of faulty hardware.
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we got almost 30 of these at our work, it seems the only one to have this problem is... my one! so i swapped it for another one and it did the same problem... hmm, they must not like power users, the other users are idiots so they dont really mess about with the settings n all
anyhooz, ill be upgrading all of em to SE very soon and i doubt that rom will have the same glitch...
who knows... now that we can confirm (99%) that SE works on the xda II maybe the operators will now make an official upgrade to SE... they have no reason not to
regards said:
we got almost 30 of these at our work, it seems the only one to have this problem is... my one! so i swapped it for another one and it did the same problem... hmm, they must not like power users, the other users are idiots so they dont really mess about with the settings n all
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Hmm. That is interesting. Only having one here - and having problems - I do not have much to compare.
Do you think the problem comes from changing the standard settings or using extra software then?
By the way the new ROM does not seem to make much difference in terms of this problem, alas!
Exactly the same thing to me...
Every 5 or 6 days... it goes of for no reason, and the only way to wake it up is to hard reset it! weird SPV... maybe some day a nice guy will come up with a solution to our problem! Hopefully...
To keep an old thread alive
Those experiencing issues with this device going into coma (requiring Hard Reset to clear)please would you post detailed accounts of when the issue occurs.
Please confirm power settings, what applications were open on the device and whether the radio or BT was on.
Does the problem occur off or on charge, if on does same problem occur if charged from travel charger not dock?
If off charge, if known - state both internal and external battery charge levels when problem occurs?
What is seen on the handset at point of coma?
Working from soft Reset through battery off to hard reset, what was necessary to restore the device and did soft reset or battery off result in a dump?
Could ROM V's and bootloader V's also be stated.
cheers guy's, together we'll crack it
To keep an old Thread Alive
:roll: I have had my phone from about June last year. The first reset occurred about the 3rd Jan this and two more occurring in the past few weeks the last one on sat 12th Feb
The history as I can recall with the last reset is as follows. I took the phone out from work (cradle) Friday afternoon after 4pm don’t think it was put to charge again before the incident also the phone was not used very often as its a work phone. It was on stand by all day Saturday with the green light flashing but no signal input was being received as I was expecting a cal which never came only to find out the phone was off as mentioned by the caller when I called them. Got home about 530pm with the light still flashing and tried to switch the phone on after finding out no signal was received, the light then went out. Could remember this quite distinctly as it happed on the previous occasion. To activate the phone i have to take the battery and sim card out as with the previous occasion put the card in another/different phone to activate it (make a cal) then put the card and battery back in for the phone to work when it would then go through the reset process. Once working on checking, both battery powers were very low think less than 50% as when i checked some time after they were up to 75%
Am in an office with 3 other users and the only one with this problem and am on my 3rd phone since the year started. It seems to be linked with low battery power (both) and extended stand by when it completely shuts down. Trust this would help to get us a stage further.
i have had two m1000's with this problem,
orangecare stepped up for the replacement and i upgraded the 2nd to win2003se and it still does it!
i make scheduled backups now and have learnt to live with it until my contract expires..
on another seperate note..
Remember you have to turn of the IR in settings>connections>beam before a GPS will be recognised.
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how do i do this in 2003se?
I had an M1000 that worked fine but a small problem occured and orange replaced it - the new one had this problem every 7 days or so - the bluetooth light was flashing although not switched on and when I try to turn phone on it wont - remove/replace bat and resets - I upgraded to ROM 2.02 from this forum but was using origional orange extended rom and it made no difference - if it is a rom problem its in oranges extended rom
I was on a 166wwe - boot loader 1.06 - dont know radio version but was still happening after DCM 2.02 WM2003SE WWE from this forum with radio 1.18.00 and original ORANGE ext rom so if is on ROM is definatley oranges ext rom that has a problem. - HAS ANYONE HAD THIS HAPPEN WHILE ON CHARGE????
guys lets think here
were all orange subs so its got to be an orange thing (so unlikley to be hardware) - there are people here (myself included) who have upgraded radio and OS so I am begining to think it is in the extended rom on these machines - has anyone who has replaced extended rom had this trouble - I would experiment but no longer have this fault - I never thought Id wish I could get it back but now I think I can see a resolve
we need an orange customer who does not have this trouble to post extended rom on here for us all to try????? - - - Please ??????
it would be nice to crack this one guys keep plugging on
Had my M100 nearly a year now and after many many resets decided to call Orange as I would have thought this was a known problem with them. But according to technical they have never seen this before!!!
There response was ... backup your data! doh!
I told them I did and it was unacceptable to say this as the thing is faulty it takes over an hour to reload the data and it's happend 4 times since I called them 4 days ago.
PS: has anyone got a copy of the original 1.66 rom as you can no longer get it from Orange.

dead bottom buttons

hi all, i bought a tytn at ebay, but
the after a short time of using the bottom buttons, they stop working.
touch screen and buttons on the side are stíll working, but the bottom buttons are dead.
sometimes after turning off amd turning on they are working for a short time again. a restart also helps to make them work.
but its not funny to restart every 10 minutes.....
it is an e-plus tytn from germany with wm5.
do u guys think that it is a hardware or a software error?
I seem to have this problem on and off myself and think it's related to either the rom on the phone or the radio rom but am not sure which. It seems sometimes I have this problem and it seems to come and go depending on what combination of rom/radio rom I have installed. If I was smart I'd find a combination that works well for me and stick to it but I always like to play with things so typically every day or two I'm reseting
yeah, i have the same problem.... i hate to restart the phone every now and then, but I need to figure this out sometime soon, or I'm gonna upgrade to WM6 to see if that solves my problem. lol...
did anybody else have an idea to solve the problem?
crutav said:
did anybody else have an idea to solve the problem?
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I opened up my tytn, to find out the problem, and I found a small crack in the flexcable mentioned above.
Before it was never opened nor did anything strange happen with it, so this seems to be yet an other production problem/fault..
More and more people seem to have the same problem, time to presure htc for a repair....
Ok for me this is too late, but all for the good cause.. will just order myself a new cable and try to swap it..
Any ideas where to get the flex cable these days? Not finding it at the link above and internet searches aren't panning out either.
Just got back my HTC TyTN from service under warranty, sent for exactly the same problem.
The technician I spoke to directly said that maybe about 90% of the lower keys malfunctions are caused by the lower keyboard board behaving erratically and it is a well-known hardware problem.
A board replacement solved it, my TyTN is working perfectly again, they also replaced the stylus holding rubber (which was broken already from the early days) and, surprise, they upgraded my WM5 device (I had to revert everything to the initial versions before handing it to them) to the latest official HTC WM6 Rom. Even bigger surprise, although what I gave them was a WWE device, when I got it back they had upgraded it to the localized (official Greek) version. Life is good.
Anyways, seems the only real solution to this is a visit to the repair store, hopefully under warranty and reverted back to the original settings...

TOUCH HD keeps turning itself off

Hi Guys, i have a strange Problem since a couple of days.
The touch HD turns itself off after some minutes. I have to take out the battery and put it back in, otherwise it will not turn on...
i have:
- deactivated automatic shut down in power settings
- deactivated today timeout
- tried hardreset
- tried another rom (currently dutties final)
no success :-(
i have absolutlely no clue what could cause this and how i can fix it...
help is highly appreciated.
hello there , actually maby its a virus or there is problem in SPL
Try to install again the SPL modified and tell me
best regards
unlikely it has anything to do with SPL. it was fine for months, i had not flashed or installed anything.
it seams dead now by the way. i cannot turn it on again.
i also tried a new battery. it doesnt even charge, no light at the power button. nothing.
Surrido said:
unlikely it has anything to do with SPL. it was fine for months, i had not flashed or installed anything.
it seams dead now by the way. i cannot turn it on again.
i also tried a new battery. it doesnt even charge, no light at the power button. nothing.
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Sounds like a warranty claim
I am getting the same problem!! is there anything i can do to fix this? anyone figured out the reason?
I had this sort of problem.
The HD would hang, then switch off, then to get back on I had to remove the battery for a while. Sometimes it worked after a minute, other times I had to leave the battery disconnected for longer.
So I performed a hard reset and it switched itself off during boot (after successfully resetting).
Battery out for a while.
H/R once more. Again crashed during boot but not at the same point as previous.
Tried a different battery with a full charge - same result.
Tried to re-flash a "very popular" custom ROM with USPL. Got to 1% and error. This was because the HD had crashed..
Tried to flash the official HTC ROM and it got to 15% and error. HD crash.
So I have contacted HTC and they are sending a courier to collect it so they can take a look with a view to repairing it.
The last ROM I successfully loaded about 2 weeks prior to the start of my problems was a custom win mo 6.5 rom. As I couldn’t get it to a stable state - I couldn’t flash the official HTC ROM.
I’ve convinced myself it’s a hardware fault rather than any software damage..
Although I fear I’ll be in for some bad news.
mine too
I have the same problem.
Mine was doing hard reset and after a day or two the same problem.
Now I cannot turn it on.
I will send it to htc...
Crossing my fingers.
I had the same problem with mine...
While turned on, it automaticly tryed to turn of, as if something was pressing the on/off buttom. Everytime that message for turning it off poped up and I just couldn't control the on/off button anymore.
I tryed everything and nothing worked. It really seemed a hardware and warranty claim issue. However, since I bought it abroad and it does not have warranty here in Brazil, I just decided to sell it (obviously warning the buyer about the issue) and to buy another one (which is working as a charm).
It is a hardware issue, for sure...
So my HD has been away at HTC for nearly a week, and im currently tracking its return journey, due to land back here at some point this morning.
I have had no contact from HTC so its going to be a suprise as to whether anything has been repaired.
My hope was they couldn't turn it on at all - thus replacing the bits n bobs inside, replacing the main board containing my 6.5 ROM.
So for now im hoping "no news will be good news", but I will update this when I have it back.
... I've the same problem...
Hi, I've the same problem. Do you have any solutions?
Nasher79 said:
So my HD has been away at HTC for nearly a week, and im currently tracking its return journey, due to land back here at some point this morning.
I have had no contact from HTC so its going to be a suprise as to whether anything has been repaired.
My hope was they couldn't turn it on at all - thus replacing the bits n bobs inside, replacing the main board containing my 6.5 ROM.
So for now im hoping "no news will be good news", but I will update this when I have it back.
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Just recieved delivery. The service report states:
1. Diagnosis
2. Replace Main Board
3. Function Test
Confirms it was a H/W fault and my "flashing" did not effect the warranty status. That may have been because they couldnt get far enough to confirm so.
Mega75 said:
Hi, I've the same problem. Do you have any solutions?
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Other than a Warranty repair, im afraid not. Try your best to get it back to HTC official software, then report it as no power / cant boot.
Nasher79 said:
Just recieved delivery. The service report states:
1. Diagnosis
2. Replace Main Board
3. Function Test
Confirms it was a H/W fault and my "flashing" did not effect the warranty status. That may have been because they couldnt get far enough to confirm so.
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Good to know, confirmed h/w issue
i simply deactivated automatic shut down in power settings as mentioned in the first post and unistalled a couple of new programs i had recently installed!!
Not quite sure which of the above worked.. but atleast for now it seems to be working fine!! the screen has not turned off by itself and i have not had to remove battery etc to get it to work again!
I'm not quite sure if the problem is properly fixed but it has been a few days since anything occurred!! so fingers crossed!!
mine was doing this last tuesday, each time i went into my pocket for it, it was turned off, then i hard to do the reset pin or remove the battery, it has been ok since, i just thought, maybe it was me, pushing it in my jeans i might be turning it off.
also using duttys popular 6.5 latest rom, i dont think its fair to blame his rom, as mines ok now, maybe i should reflash it again?? im still waiting for a new version to be released.... JESUS!!! just looked it up to r12, im on r9 .
oh no... no it not..... says to go here, and it will be released here and not on dutty throy???
iamdarren said:
mine was doing this last tuesday, each time i went into my pocket for it, it was turned off, then i hard to do the reset pin or remove the battery, it has been ok since, i just thought, maybe it was me, pushing it in my jeans i might be turning it off.
also using duttys popular 6.5 latest rom, i dont think its fair to blame his rom, as mines ok now, maybe i should reflash it again?? im still waiting for a new version to be released.... JESUS!!! just looked it up to r12, im on r9 .
oh no... no it not..... says to go here, and it will be released here and not on dutty throy???
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FYI, Throy is releasing roms exclusively to HTCPedia now, so no future roms will be released on either XDA or
wow!!! i never knew!!!! thats crazy as his own site duttythroy wont be used.
im getting it now, but only 11 when it says 12 is out, either way, i will still flash i love the roms, i will be sure to be on all the site, incase theres another change of heart??
anyway guys i will report if i noticed the shutdown thing happening again with the version. 4mins till downloaded.....
I think theres a couple of different issues here. My own problem was due to faulty parts in the hardware itself. Absolutley nothing to do with any ROM, only reason I mentioned them was because of the invalid warranty possibility.
If your problem was ROM related, Im sure in the relevant ROM thread, there would be many people (everyone) with the same issue. Thats not to say that its not some sort of conflicting software you may have installed after the ROM flash.
Some simple troubleshooting steps:
1. Hard reset - If it still has a problem...
2. Flash Official HTC ROM - If still a problem...
Phone HTC.
All the best, hope you manage to get something to work for you. I know how lost I felt without mine!
Nasher79 said:
I think theres a couple of different issues here. My own problem was due to faulty parts in the hardware itself. Absolutley nothing to do with any ROM, only reason I mentioned them was because of the invalid warranty possibility.
If your problem was ROM related, Im sure in the relevant ROM thread, there would be many people (everyone) with the same issue. Thats not to say that its not some sort of conflicting software you may have installed after the ROM flash.
Some simple troubleshooting steps:
1. Hard reset - If it still has a problem...
2. Flash Official HTC ROM - If still a problem...
Phone HTC.
All the best, hope you manage to get something to work for you. I know how lost I felt without mine!
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Your exactly right. Some people experience similar symptoms which are rom related others have same problem which is hardware related. One can only be fixed by HTC as motherboard problem, other can be rectified by different means without having to send device back for repairs
Hi again,
Today I have received an sms from HTC service informing me that my HD has a circuit problem and they will fix it without any charge.
I have to wait.

Faulty HD2?

Hi all,
I am after some guidance as I believe my phone to be faulty.
Basically without warning the phone will lock up/freeze, I am unable to do anything with it until I remove the batttery & then, within 2 hours sometimes as short as 1 minute it will freeze again. I've tried both a hard & soft reset & still it continues to freeze/lock up.
I have managed to use the phone constantly for long periods but the minute I let the lights dim or the phone goes into standby it will lock up, the hardware buttons light up but nothing from the screen.
My questions are:
Could this be a software/rom issue?
If it is possible to be a software/rom issue & I have the phone unlocked could I reflash the rom using one of the genuine HTC roms on this site?
Would doing the above void my warranty with Vodafone?
I would really appreciate any help as it would appear that it is going to be a long time before Vodafone get a replacement to me.
Assuming that you have the standard ROM and have not installed any programs, this behaviour would unfortunately seem to indicate a faulty phone.
Sorry I can't bring you any good news
Faulty phone or faulty rom
I am getting this issue but only since the new 1.48 rom, and only after a few days.
Not sure if it is a software conflicict or what.
Most likely the rom.
Xaddict said:
I am getting this issue but only since the new 1.48 rom, and only after a few days.
Not sure if it is a software conflicict or what.
Most likely the rom.
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Try upgrading ROM by standard method instead of using gold card (in case)
Check few days without additional programs.
Also, don't use any power saving tweaks.

[HELP] my Omnia7 will not stay in standby! it switchs on alone

Hello guys,
I have a very strange but really bad problem: my omnia7 can't stay in standby.
When I press the power button, to turn off the screen and go in standby (so not the full turn off), my Omni7 wakes up alone, going on the unlock screen. In the same time, the phone rings with the ring that is played when you connect the phone for charging.
I've tried reboot, reset, hardreset, removing the sim-card, turning on/off "battery saver options" ... still that issue :crying:
Anyone has an idea?
I've flashed with a cooked rom (xda-devs Omnia7 Tango V4.0)
my current config :
OS version : 7.10.8779.8
hard version :
soft radio version : 2424.11.7.2
hard radio version :
loader version :
SOC version :
Thanks to any ideas, because that problem is killing me
my phone started doing this late last night too! i thorght it was because rain had gone into the power socket but if others are having same problem at the same time maybe not?
has your phone been exposed to water at all recently? is your phone jailbroken? cant realy think of other reasons
the problem stops when the phone is plugged in. is there anything that can trick the phone to thinking it is on charge? I have wphtweaks installed but the options there are not able to stop it
I can't remember if my phone has been wet :/ I take care, so my phone never received water. But when I'm outside, under the rain, it's possible.
Today it was better, just a few times my phone wakes up alone.
I'll give you feedback in the next days. Let me know about yours
I managed to trick my phone into silence a few times earlier but it was difficult and then only lasted 5-10 minutes.
if yours didnt get wet it seems unlikely to do with water but I left mine ontop of the aga after removing the battery and over a relativly cool part. A few hours later and it seems to be working fine now.
I will report back if the issue arises again.
EDIT: Ahhhh!! STOP THE RINGING!!! started again this morning
Mine too !
This morning ... the ringing awakening problem !!!!!
But it was better this afternoon.
Really I don't know what happens.
Are we only two persons in the xda world with this problem????
this is realy weird now! mine was doing it in the morning but since about 12pm - 1pm it has been fine! I feel like its something to do with an installed homebrew app maybe.
I also have a custom rom but mine was flashed a long time ago and much older than yours. not sure which version
EDIT (1:10pm GMT): no problems since yesterday
EDIT2 (1:30pm GMT): again i spoke too soon!
Did you guys get this problem sorted out? Had the same problem recently and tried all the suggestions in other threads (bend USB pin, Reset/Restore Device etc) but nothing fixed it, so after being woken at 3am by constant charging tone, took to T-Mobile shop. They said it was a software problem. I said I'd tried all that and the most likely cause I'd seen on the internet was a duff USB port.
Anyway, T-Mobile sent it off for repair and 7 days later - returned and fixed. The repair sheet said software upgrade, but the phone had been reset to bog standard Phone 7, so unlikely. The T-Mobile repair tracking site (excellent) which shows blow-by-blow trace of what and where, showed initial software upgrade/no fix but I used their "contact us" facility to suggest a USB problem and by magic the repair tracking log showed a replacement USB port.
BTW - had to resort to an iphone and HTC android while Omnia was off for repair. Now I know why I like Phone 7 and can't wait for 8. The iphone GUI is so last decade and Android GUI is really just a copy of Windows 6.5 with XDA developers' tweaks isn't it.
Hi Wuzzok,
what do you mean by "bend USB pin" ?
Anyway, it seems like it's finished for me. I didn't get tht strange bug (soft/hard bug???) for a very long time. I just hope it's really over !
Same problem
Hi Folks,
I have the same problem, too. Yesterday afternoon on my way home the phone started ringing with the USB plug sound and always started up itself from standby mode.
As I have a custom ROM (mi7ROM) I first thought it could be a problem with the ROM - although I could not really believe it since it was running stable for months now. I flashed it again and nothing changed - still ringing and starting up itself
I managed to get rid of the sound by deleting the entry in the registry key "Local Machine\Current User\ControlPanel\Sounds\BatteryCharging\Sound" but that does not solve the real problem.
After reading here and in some other WP7 blogs I am sure that this is a hardware problem with the USB plug unit. As my phone is just 11 months old I opened an online ticket at "SAMSUNG online repair service" who promise to answer in the next 24 hours. So I just have to wait and see...
actual state
neutom said:
Hi Folks,
I have the same problem, too. Yesterday afternoon on my way home the phone started ringing with the USB plug sound and always started up itself from standby mode.
As I have a custom ROM (mi7ROM) I first thought it could be a problem with the ROM - although I could not really believe it since it was running stable for months now. I flashed it again and nothing changed - still ringing and starting up itself
I managed to get rid of the sound by deleting the entry in the registry key "Local Machine\Current User\ControlPanel\Sounds\BatteryCharging\Sound" but that does not solve the real problem.
After reading here and in some other WP7 blogs I am sure that this is a hardware problem with the USB plug unit. As my phone is just 11 months old I opened an online ticket at "SAMSUNG online repair service" who promise to answer in the next 24 hours. So I just have to wait and see...
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Samsung sent me an offer to send the phone in for repair - but what should I say, the problem solved itself. For two days now the phone works normal again. So I had to cancel the service call .
mine hasnt done it in a long time either. looks like its just a temporary thing. I wonder what caused it! For me it started after I was using my phone in the rain and the usb slide was open so thats my suspect.
You may be right. Mine is "quiet" now, since a long time. Water may be the cause.
Hi folks,
mine is mostly quiet again, too. Only few incidents "happen" but they do not last very long - only a few minutes. It's somehow spooky but I do not want to send it in to Samsung now when the error it not constantly reproducible.
I agree with you that there might be a correlation with humidity although I am sure that it did never get wet and I almost always keep the USB-shutter closed. Who knows ...
Sent it in
Finally I sent it in for repair today. It started ringing permananently two days ago...
Now I have to wait and see.
Final state
Okay, I received it back... and it works.
First they did nod find and could not reproduce the failure and wanted to send it back - only with a new flashed image - but fortunately the technician called me and I could describe the problem again. After waiting a few hours, the fault appeared again and they decided to change the mainboard.
I hope, that's all :laugh:
Me too it makes me after my omnia 7 is dropped in water, but problem solved.
Me too
WuzzoUK said:
Did you guys get this problem sorted out? Had the same problem recently and tried all the suggestions in other threads (bend USB pin, Reset/Restore Device etc) but nothing fixed it, so after being woken at 3am by constant charging tone, took to T-Mobile shop. They said it was a software problem. I said I'd tried all that and the most likely cause I'd seen on the internet was a duff USB port.
Anyway, T-Mobile sent it off for repair and 7 days later - returned and fixed. The repair sheet said software upgrade, but the phone had been reset to bog standard Phone 7, so unlikely. The T-Mobile repair tracking site (excellent) which shows blow-by-blow trace of what and where, showed initial software upgrade/no fix but I used their "contact us" facility to suggest a USB problem and by magic the repair tracking log showed a replacement USB port.
BTW - had to resort to an iphone and HTC android while Omnia was off for repair. Now I know why I like Phone 7 and can't wait for 8. The iphone GUI is so last decade and Android GUI is really just a copy of Windows 6.5 with XDA developers' tweaks isn't it.
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Are you really sure that the problem is USB port.. Mine too behave like this. I've tried to remove battery, factory reseting, reflashing ROM. But nothing works. Mine is Samsung focus
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