Nexus S users (battery life) - Nexus S General

Hey guys,
I'm planning to get a Nexus S (SLCD) version and I would like to enquire on the battery life of it.
My daily usage will be lots of whatsapp, google talk, sms and some surfing. I wonder if I can get through a day with this usage using stock rom.
Thanks and looking forward for your response.

I get two days worth of battery without problem! And yes, I have the SC-LCD (i9023) version. I also have Facebook, Twitter and Google all syncing quite often! I love the battery on this thing, esp. when you compare it to my previous Desire HD
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

Cool.. did you enable background sync all the time?

I am currently waiting to receive the SLCD as well, and my usage would be similar to yours. I will tell you in less than a week!

bryant_16 said:
Cool.. did you enable background sync all the time?
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You can use all the apps you mentioned plus have background sync enabled providing that you switch from 3g to 2g.
I use:
Exchange mail push
Gmail push
Phone quite a lot
When the data is on 2g (or 2g/wifi) I can easily get at least 18 hours.
3g won't let you last the whole day.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App

echoes. said:
I am currently waiting to receive the SLCD as well, and my usage would be similar to yours. I will tell you in less than a week!
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Thanks dude. Will be looking forward to your review!

I see. I plan to leave my 3G on throughout the day. From your experience and with this kind of usage, 3G on, can last how many hours?
ikuikuiku said:
You can use all the apps you mentioned plus have background sync enabled providing that you switch from 3g to 2g.
I use:
Exchange mail push
Gmail push
Phone quite a lot
When the data is on 2g (or 2g/wifi) I can easily get at least 18 hours.
3g won't let you last the whole day.
I see. I planning to use 3G throughout the day. From your experience, with 3G and this kind of usage, can last how many hours?
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i9023 here, using:
- wifi always on (in range for approx 16h per day)
- autosync on
- gtalk on
- exchange push
Got one day, but it appeared that Launcher Pro was the battery drain cause, switched back to Zeam launcher, and have two days without problem.
Not talking much, but using email/web intensively.

emdzej said:
i9023 here, using:
- wifi always on (in range for approx 16h per day)
- autosync on
- gtalk on
- exchange push
Got one day, but it appeared that Launcher Pro was the battery drain cause, switched back to Zeam launcher, and have two days without problem.
Not talking much, but using email/web intensively.
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If you are on 3G instead of wifi, what would the results be like?

bryant_16 said:
If you are on 3G instead of wifi, what would the results be like?
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The results would be bad
I think I could get close to 12 hours. Which is not necessarily bad. However I don't like to live on the edge when it comes to battery - you never know when you will need it...
So I highly recommend you use 2g/wifi if you can. It won't hurt emails or WhatsApp, only web surfing speed would be annoying.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App

I see. If 3G can last me around 12 hours, I would be very happy already. Guess each person's ideal battery life is different.

I am now getting 3 days with my I9023. The upgrade to 2.3.4 really improved the battery life.
This is with wifi, 3G, a few calls, sms, browsing and about 1.5hrs of music per day!

ikuikuiku said:
The results would be bad
I think I could get close to 12 hours. Which is not necessarily bad. However I don't like to live on the edge when it comes to battery - you never know when you will need it...
So I highly recommend you use 2g/wifi if you can. It won't hurt emails or WhatsApp, only web surfing speed would be annoying.
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They really need to get the 2G toggle working. Also, the Nexus S seems to take a while to switch where the connection dies in the middle for a solid 10 seconds or so before it picks the 2G/3G switch up?

I see. Is the toggling a problem for all the nexus s users?

dmo580 said:
They really need to get the 2G toggle working. Also, the Nexus S seems to take a while to switch where the connection dies in the middle for a solid 10 seconds or so before it picks the 2G/3G switch up?
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When switching from 2g to 3g or the other way around, the connecting always breaks for a few seconds.
This is how it works on all phones usually and I don't think this is a problem.
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bryant_16 said:
I see. Is the toggling a problem for all the nexus s users?
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Toggling is not at all a problems. There are free apps on the market to help you do it quickly or you can go the "long" way which takes 2 seconds and do it via the settings.
Anyway, it is not at all necessary to toggle between 2g and 3g all the time. You should live with one or the other and just switch if/when needed.
I live with 2g/wifi quite well and find I have to switch to 3g perhaps once a month, if that.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App

The battery life of the i9023 just rocks. I*don't know if it's better than i9020, but my SGS with AMOLED drained much quicker. I get 3 days of battery with airplane mode over night.

Coming from the Epic, the battery life on this is amazing. The Epic ate batteries for lunch (comparatively speaking) even on the best ROM. It wasn't completely uncommon on the Epic to be able to discharge the battery while charging during heavy use.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk

I can't complain about the battery life on this phone compared to other Android devices.
I get about 30 hours till it dies completely and that's with 20 hours on 2g + wifi, 10 hours on 3g, 90 mins of calls, 30 mins of music, 20 mins of games, 20 mins of streaming TV (Big Bang Theory ), about 4 hours of total screen time, 60 or so sent and received texts, 10-15 mins of web browsing, 1 email account, twitter and Facebook updating hourly.

For new NS 4G owners, or for any new smartphone owner, battery life will increase over time once you stop tinkinering with stuff. I've spent the first few days with the screen on nearly all day, customizing my homescreen to my liking, resulting in only around 6 hrs of life. Last night I hit 17 hrs, mostly on 3g, with 20% left before plugging it in.


Evo Battery Life

This has been bothering me....
Is anyone else completely happy with the Evo battery life? I came from the Hero and the Evo without a doubt beats it. I mean I was charging my Hero halfway through the day and I was barely using it while working.
Anyone else feel the same?
Mine dies pretty quick. I should probably keep the brightness down but I love how it does it automatically. Will a change in Rom help with the problem?
kyleblakepeters said:
This has been bothering me....
Is anyone else completely happy with the Evo battery life? I came from the Hero and the Evo without a doubt beats it. I mean I was charging my Hero halfway through the day and I was barely using it while working.
Anyone else feel the same?
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I have a Nexus One and we had to deal with alot of these same sort of whining battery life threads when it came out.
Give it time... the whiners will eventually go away
I use Power Manager Pro, and have wifi off when not connected to my Mac (which is only done at home) and my brightness low. I am continuously pulling RSS feeds all day with NewsRob Pro and checking email while on a regular work day.
I can easily pull a day and a half with my Evo without charging, compared to my Hero which would only last about 6-8 hours with the same settings. As I type this, I am currently tethering after installing the latest Wifi Tether and the battery is holding steady.
Gotta love it.
Curious, mine was fine until the OTA update. Did you guys get it yet? What radio version, software version you running? My drain isn't coming from calendar/flickr either.
1.39...5.31 (Baseband)
1.32.651.6 (software)
running .6 (obviously)
I also have turned off data and call roaming (South Florida is one of Sprint's best networks, no need to have to be searching for better strength towers.)
Some people were reporting 100% sync uptime after Toast's root. Could you be experiencing that?
I'm still on the stock image. No roots for me yet. I was running fine for about 2 weeks until that OTA.
I do have bad signal at work, so i was thinking that maybe it was just searching for signal all day, but still doesn't make sense to me yet why it was ok before.
I'm not having any battery issues. I'm also really careful with what i leave on, remove all the bloatware and not really into facebook and the other social bull ****.
For other people....I'm going to be giving this a shot tomorrow all day. If it works as intended, this time tomorrow I should be around 50% battery.
I've had good luck removing my flickr account.
im using the overclock widget already, and i must say... its helping, but i cant tell if its becasue of it or all the sprint and htc bloat ive removed since they were all done in the same day...
This is the result of:
-Turning off Auto sync *background data is fine
-Rooting & removing all the crap that starts up in the background
-Startup Cleaner 2.0 (app)
-If at home or office use WiFi only and turned the sleep policy to never
-Gps off
-Bluetooth always on. As from what I understand it only drains while in use which seems to be true.
-4g off
That's pretty much all with medium to heavy use. I had about 10 phone calls today. I txt all the time so I don't keep track and well yeah...that's it. I know its not omfg amazing but it literally gets me trough "a day".
Strangely enough, I have very good battery life.
WiFi: Off
GPS: Off
4G: Off
Bluetooth: On and off
Exchange: Push
IMAP Email: 3 accounts, checks every 5 minutes
Weather, Facebook and Flickr: Default interval
Screen brightness: Auto
Gmail, gvoice and gchat: On
LWP: Off
Using this configuration, I have had this result today:
8.5 hours since last charge
80% battery remaining
1 hour of continuous talk today
2-3 hours of continuous 3G useage and browsing
on my phone right before i plugged it i had 20 hours uptime and 6.5 hours awake time....and i was using i pretty moderately. checking xda shooting some videos with qik, emails, texting with google voice, basically everything i would normally do with my old g1 (which i had to charge at least 2 times a day) so this one has superb battery life... i really dont know what people are complaining about. one thing i do want to note though, is that the very first charge only lasted about 6 hours before my device died and that was 6 hours on NONSTOP use (was playing with it soo much haha) i think the very first charge is always going to drain super quick.
These are my sync settings
FACEBOOK FOR HTC SENSE:my sync settings are update every 2 hours, sync live feed checked, sync contacts checked.
GOOGLE: sync calendar is unchecked, sync contacts is checked and sync gmail is checked.
NEWS: is set NOT to sync (i can check news on internet myself)
STOCKS: is set NOT to sync
TWITTER: update schedule every 2 hours, download last 50 tweets, sync peep checked, sync friend checked
i dont have a flicker account so i didnt set that up...
also in the calendar app, press menu, then "more", then "calendars", and i uncheck everything except my calendar.
I had really good battery life until the OTA as well...can I revert back without rooting..
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I get get to 20%ish after about 24 hours or so with medium to high usage. High usage is streaming Pandora for a while. I streamed it last night for about 2-3 hours with hardly a noticeable reduction.
My details:
4G Off - I'm in Portland, but can't get 4G at any of the places I frequent, so whats the point?
WiFi - On at home, off outside the home.
Bluetooth Off - On outside the house.
Screen Brightness - 30%
Animations - Off
Gmail & FriendStream - AutoUpdate On
Oh, and no OTA update and unrooted.
Edit: Also using Live Wallpapers if that helps at all..
This thread reminds me of car forums...where there is always that group of people that claim to average 10mpg better than you have ever even peaked at.
Grims said:
This thread reminds me of car forums...where there is always that group of people that claim to average 10mpg better than you have ever even peaked at.
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Yeah, that reminds Toyota's gas mileage sucks monkey balls. I'm only averaging 20mpg when it's supposed to be at least 22 in the city..WTF Toyota!
What were we talking about?
I noticed a HUGE increase by just turning off 4G, probably because it does nothing but "search" for a signal. It was my single biggest drain.
Sirchuk said:
Yeah, that reminds Toyota's gas mileage sucks monkey balls. I'm only averaging 20mpg when it's supposed to be at least 22 in the city..WTF Toyota!
What were we talking about?
I noticed a HUGE increase by just turning off 4G, probably because it does nothing but "search" for a signal. It was my single biggest drain.
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Feel lucky, my Toyota gets 15.5 mixed
Same with 4G here, in fact that issue alone is making 4G over all much less attractive. 4G can't get through many commercial buildings here in Houston 9Like my downtown office) therefore I need to disable it. Then when I do need to use it, and have access...I have to enable to 4G antenna...which takes as long as it would just to pull the info over 3G when you count in the 4G activation lag.
It angers me, all the negative battery press on this phone. I seem to get great battery life with mine. I fully charged before much use, not sure if that makes a diff, I know the batteries now are not supposed to have memory. With the bad press I thought I would full charge first. Also I read somewhere that HTC recommends you charge the phone before using it for a minimum of 8 hours? Mine seemed to take a long time to fully charge the first time.
4g off (no 4g in Utah anyway)
Display brightness (cranked all the way
sync off
moderate txting and calls
some gaming and playing videos (to show off the new toy)
1 hour of sprint navigation (gps on) and played with google earth a few times
several trips to the market for apps and games
14 hours later I still have 40% battery left
WTF are people complaining about, they only get 6-8 hours with 4g blazing. turn it off retard!!! Why do you need it on all the time anyway? If your going to surf in a 4g area, flip it on, when your done turn it off. The 4g seems to me mostly hype anyway and not that much faster than 3g in the tests I've read.
To touch on the MPG joke in this thread:
In this new EVO car, when your driving 140 mph and hit the NOS to punch it up to 180 you will have poor gas mileage... Forget all the other cars on the market that cant do 140 and have no NOS... BAD EVO BAD, what a crappy car, I'm not buying it.
That just made me think.. Someone should make a widget to turn on 4g and have that nitrous sound kick in.. What a bad ass phone

How to extend battery life on ANY rom

I am not responsible if you brick you're phone or blow it up/cause world war three. so don't tell me it's my fault because this should all be fine, just don't wanna get legals against me you know how it is
People seem to think that 1-5MA is fantastic but it's all about how long you spend on the phone, i mean if you have it on for 2 hours messing with it. listening to music, angry birds then internet, you are going to have bad battery life no matter what you do, smartphones aren't built for a hell of a long battery life.
First things first!
Battery stats, charge using current widget to 100% untill it shows 0MA usage keeping it plugged in goto root explorer or w.e you use that can Mount and enable write access to DATA/SYSTEM then delete the file BATTERYSTATS.bin then restart phone unplug and you are done.
Display the display is best set at Auto.
Vibration off, for max battery life.
as for the CPU just set the notifcations off and screen off to the lowest setting unless you have it doing ridiculous things it should be fine, if not set it one about that the lowest should be 245MHZ this will save power!
im more of a minimalistic kinda guy so i prefer to have stock apps and the apps i really need not like these iphone types who just want to show you how many apps they have on their phones.. so how many apps you use is upto you, but if you have quite a few download and install a cache cleaner, doesn't matter which one. all do the same (i think)
Other things to prolong battery life:
Turn the screen off when you're not using it!
Turn auto rotate off
Turn onto silent (not recommended if you have a life outside of XDA can cause problems with girlfriends and such)
Turn off things when not using them, this goes for all of the options, WIFI, GPS, Mobile data.
that should prolong battery life.
Hope i helped
what is your definition of pretty long battery life ? At the end of the day we all have to charge the phone.
2 days usually mate
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samuel2706 said:
2 days usually mate
Sent from my Desire HD using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
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Not happening. I have a social life xD.
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monstermuffin20 said:
Not happening. I have a social life xD.
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My girlfriend calls me for about 30-1 hour a day, I listen about 2-3 hours to music a day, 10-20 minutes of games, 10-20 minutes internet, halfhour internet, sometimes halfhour MSN, mutch Ping/whatsapp/sms/facebook.
Still got about 2 days? Sometimes a little shorter sometimes a little longer :>
mesut19 said:
My girlfriend calls me for about 30-1 hour a day, I listen about 2-3 hours to music a day, 10-20 minutes of games, 10-20 minutes internet, halfhour internet, sometimes halfhour MSN, mutch Ping/whatsapp/sms/facebook.
Still got about 2 days? Sometimes a little shorter sometimes a little longer :>
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Then your phone is a miricale phone
monstermuffin20 said:
Then your phone is a miricale phone
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Yeah friend of mine said it to xD My screen brightness is 50% I don't have any complains about the battery ^^
I get about 6-8 hours on a work day from my phone when stock, 8-12 hours with current rom
1% every 1-2 minutes, on CM 6.1.3 ROM is that normal?
even after flashed new recomended radio
the Battery Drain fix makes my wifi can't find AP and the USB won't be detected, rebooted and still the same.
tried CM 7, stuck at boot loop, can't even enter the phone
I don't know about Cm 6 but I thought the fix was for cm 7 Only. The creator is a man named mad Murdoch ask him he will know more
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
I notice that actually reception plays a big big part of battery life, which means this can vary from location to location, country to country, network to network.
If you are in an area (or even a particular room in your house) that constantly require power to hold onto weaker network signal, your battery will be drained a lot of faster obviously.
And to be honest, there isn't much we can do about it except using a known good radio.
my 2 cent.
franklin20uk said:
I notice that actually reception plays a big big part of battery life, which means this can vary from location to location, country to country, network to network.
If you are in an area (or even a particular room in your house) that constantly require power to hold onto weaker network signal, your battery will be drained a lot of faster obviously.
And to be honest, there isn't much we can do about it except using a known good radio.
my 2 cent.
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Cheers ill add that in to the first post later on today
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App

top battery killers

I just want to know what kills the battery the most on your nexus s
........and do y'all use auto brightness
pkilla said:
I just want to know what kills the battery the most on your nexus s
........and do y'all use auto brightness
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If you have the RGB multipliers on the voodoo app to full and brightness on full you will get 2:30 mins lollol, found that out at uni yesterday;P
But that was heavy usage as well But i could see everything on the screen in direct bright sunshine)
Biggest killers are things like powerAMP(but worth it), virus scanners, anything you have syncing under 1 hour...
I never use auto brightness
Just common sense stuff dude really
JupiterDroid said:
If you have the RGB multipliers on the voodoo app to full and brightness on full you will get 2:30 mins lollol, found that out at uni yesterday;P
But that was heavy usage as well But i could see everything on the screen in direct bright sunshine)
Biggest killers are things like powerAMP(but worth it), virus scanners, anything you have syncing under 1 hour...
I never use auto brightness
Just common sense stuff dude really
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I'm still on stock 2.3.2 not rooted so I don't got any of that voodoo **** but I guess auto brightness does
More damage then help
3g data is a big one. You can switch the phone to 2g when your not using the internet or sending and receiving pictures. YouTube / videos, and music are the main killers. If you limit the use and use SETCPU to underclock the phones processor then you'd be fine.
I normally get about 14-15 hours from moderate use with 3g data, GPS setting and auto brightness all on. In my opinion that is excellent especially considering what the phone can do.
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OuncE718 said:
3g data is a big one. You can switch the phone to 2g when your not using the internet or sending and receiving pictures. YouTube / videos, and music are the main killers. If you limit the use and use SETCPU to underclock the phones processor then you'd be fine.
I normally get about 14-15 hours from moderate use with 3g data, GPS setting and auto brightness all on. In my opinion that is excellent especially considering what the phone can do.
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what? i get 24 hours+ with 3G (HSDPA) on all day. this is only true depending on your location, if you're in a place with weak 3G signal, then yes it'll drain.. but that applies to anything. if you have weak service, it'll stress more on the radio causing more battery to be used.
SetCPU: Profiles will cause phone to reboot/shut down etc etc. All sorts of problems can happen. And OP said he's not rooted so this is not an option.
My brightness is set to 0.00%
the screen is by far the biggest battery drain, nothing else comes close!
RogerPodacter said:
the screen is by far the biggest battery drain, nothing else comes close!
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not if you use all black
That's true that nexus s screen be eating up the battery I got mine on
medium I guess the best way to go is 00% at least at work.... at medium I get
The most 10hr from like 6am to 5pm y'all dudes need to stop
Lying saying y'all get a whole 24hours with heavy use that's bull****.
pkilla said:
That's true that nexus s screen be eating up the battery I got mine on
medium I guess the best way to go is 00% at least at work.... at medium I get
The most 10hr from like 6am to 5pm y'all dudes need to stop
Lying saying y'all get a whole 24hours with heavy use that's bull****.
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Yeah, I definitely don't understand how people claim 24 hours on heavy use. I get about 14 hours on moderate use.
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OuncE718 said:
Yeah, I definitely don't understand how people claim 24 hours on heavy use. I get about 14 hours on moderate use.
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no one ever said heavy use.. moderate use, i could go on for 24 hours+ easily.
its not "bull****" all you have to do is:
A) Apps with syncing (reduce them to 2 hours+ rather than every 10min/30m/1hour)
B) USE BLACK WALLPAPERS! this is a must. white on the Nexus S (or any Super AMOLED screen) is absolutely kryptonite
C) Flash a custom ROM + Netarchy's CFS Kernel. (This is a must as well)
D) GPS/WiFi/BT off.
E) Possibly recalibrate your battery. Attached is your proof. NSCollab is pretty much CM7 + some minor modifications.
Now can y'all stop being disrespectful? We're not here to say our battery lasts over 24 hours+ just to mess with your head and make you feel bad. It's the truth. You just need to do these little small things to get the best out of your battery.
zephiK said:
no one ever said heavy use.. moderate use, i could go on for 24 hours+ easily.
its not "bull****" all you have to do is:
A) Apps with syncing (reduce them to 2 hours+ rather than every 10min/30m/1hour)
B) USE BLACK WALLPAPERS! this is a must. white on the Nexus S (or any Super AMOLED screen) is absolutely kryptonite
C) Flash a custom ROM + Netarchy's CFS Kernel. (This is a must as well)
D) GPS/WiFi/BT off.
E) Possibly recalibrate your battery. Attached is your proof. NSCollab is pretty much CM7 + some minor modifications.
Now can y'all stop being disrespectful? We're not here to say our battery lasts over 24 hours+ just to mess with your head and make you feel bad. It's the truth. You just need to do these little small things to get the best out of your battery.
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Who's being disrespectful? Did I say anything disrespectful? I can believe 24 hours on moderate use while doing the things you mentioned.
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adb logcat people!
Pretty simple: plug in phone to pc and open up a command prompt and type adb logcat
If you can't keep up with the lines running then you got issues
I ended up uninstalling crap loads of unnecesary apps that were wasting resources... getting a day and a half now
OuncE718 said:
Who's being disrespectful? Did I say anything disrespectful? I can believe 24 hours on moderate use while doing the things you mentioned.
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The OP.. not you; just the first part was meant towards you. sorry
That's true that nexus s screen be eating up the battery I got mine on
medium I guess the best way to go is 00% at least at work.... at medium I get
The most 10hr from like 6am to 5pm y'all dudes need to stop
Lying saying y'all get a whole 24hours with heavy use that's bull****.
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technically speaking the phone can last several days in standby
Push email/gmail on 3g kills the battery pretty fast.
Push email (exchange) + push gmail on 3g destroys the battery
So if you "push" sync anything (email, twitter, latitude etc) on 3g, you can simply forget about a decent battery life.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
pkilla said:
That's true that nexus s screen be eating up the battery I got mine on
medium I guess the best way to go is 00% at least at work.... at medium I get
The most 10hr from like 6am to 5pm y'all dudes need to stop
Lying saying y'all get a whole 24hours with heavy use that's bull****.
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Just because you haven't been able to achieve it doesn't mean people are lying to you. I have a thread about my battery life lasting 24hrs+ and I still had 16% when I put it on the charger. And that was with 2.5 hrs of calling, the screen on for a couple hours, syncing, facebooking, video recording and uploading, and some other things. Maybe you should take a look at that thread and see what you can do differently instead of being disrespectful.
In case you have not try this, you can try disable Location service from 'Location & Security' settings. Turn off both 'Use wireless networks' and 'Use GPS satellites'.
This worked for me.
zephiK said:
The OP.. not you; just the first part was meant towards you. sorry
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Ok, thanks for clearing it up and I do agree with your previous post. It definitely makes sense.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
It's a combination of all of the above.... location and push email (other than gmail..I have my work email updating every hour) and bright colored screens are the 3 killers I found...and obviously staying on 3G adds to it.. I can last a good 17-19 hours on mostly 2G (maybe 3G when downloading heavy stuff), with just above average use... that number is good enough for me...charging overnight is all I need.. I also have weatherbug updating every 2 hours...
oh and make sure u don't have that init bug... using OS monitor, check if /init keeps fluctuating...if so, check the debug mode in your settings,.. always have the box checked and you will notice a huge difference
funny how people freak out when someone has done something that they perceive as unachievable... just like when android was ported to the HD2 XD everyone that saw mine was like WTF!? now its all normal and expected @[email protected]
but just as everyone has been mentioning, there are ways to get 24+ hours of battery life, its just all the small things that make a difference =)

Best configuration for three days of battery!

Hello beautiful, sorry for my bad english!
We can write here, comparing ideas and impressions of all, what is the best configuration to protect the battery?
It may seem an obsession, but now it is summer and it often happens that the cells can not just load it because I have an outlet in attack.
So often I stay off her cell phone.
The Nexus S promises, but together with your expertise, I would like to figure out how to stay on the nexus s for as long as possible.
To understand Configuration: os (cyanogen, stock, AOPs, etc. ...), the kernel, governor settings, launcher, widgets, various tricks (NFC disabled) ...
There were?
Can we make the battery last for three days ?!?!?!?!?!!
Let me explain, I have the latest nightly cyanogen, the 88. Off data always when I'm around and I do not use the internet. I do not need the push, so no active sync. The wifi I turn it on only at home or at work, I have WhatsApp, twitter and I uninstalled facebook to try what were saying that facebook consumes battery. I have launcher pro and Gtasks widget for notes in gmail, news and weather widget for news that is updated every 6 hours, if it's on the Internet, and then all program icons. I have installed very few, narrow required.
The kernel is the 1.3.3 universal netarchy signed cfs (the bfs? Is not that I had to use the bfs what do you think?).
This afternoon I used the GPS a few minutes to find an address, then he arrived, I turned off the GPS and data, with the widgets "Power Control" modified cyanogen.
Some short calls since this morning and some short text messages, not even 10. Some web browsing on 3G, but not much.
Well, after all this I can tell you that after only 11hours 18minutes 5seconds the battery is already 42% (97% this morning after recharge).
I'm not coming to pass even 23 hours which is what you do with a simple stock 2.3.4.
What is the sense I'm in the kernel and cyanogen netarchy? Only to change some other small lockscreen?
I need the battery! And I have already explained why.
The other ROM that you have listed does not come from cyanogen?
They are not "pure" cyanogen changed? Implemented? Correct?
Let me know ....
The AOSP where they come from? They are like cyanogen, a family on its own? O derived from cyanogen, too?
Now I remove the cyanogen and try something else.
What do you suck a lot in my phone? WhatsApp? Imagine if gripping always-sync data and as some of you! Not even 10 hours would last.
In the processes running there: Settings - 1 and 0 process services (21MB), WhatsApp - 1 process and 2 services (8.8 Mb), Market - a process and a service (11Mb) Maps - a service process and 1 (5.8 Mb) Google services - 2 processes and one service (15Mb), keyboard Android - a process and a service (8.9 Mb) - TOTAL: 153Mb used and 152 free.
It's right? Do you have it?
I just do not understand where mistake ... help me ...
denteca said:
It may seem an obsession,
but now it is summer
and it often happens that the cells can not just load it
because I have an outlet in attack.
So often I stay off her cell phone.
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This is actually quite poetic, in a nonsensical way.
But I can't understand it - could a native speaker please try to "translate"?
why is there a 2nd thread on this? do the mods even ever come here?
Complaining about your phone being HALF dead after 11 hours?! Mine is completely dead after 5! I'm lucky if I even make it that far.
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA App
elijahpr said:
Complaining about your phone being HALF dead after 11 hours?! Mine is completely dead after 5! I'm lucky if I even make it that far.
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA App
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if thats true you need to take it back for a replacement.
3 days of phone use.
Step 1: charge phone to full
Step 2: Set phone down on table
Step 3: Pick it back up 72hrs later
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
styckx said:
3 days of phone use.
Step 1: charge phone to full
Step 2: Set phone down on table
Step 3: Pick it back up 72hrs later
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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in most cases that would be correct but in reality no phone running android without an extended battery will achieve 3 days. BUT my 4g did go 2 days/8hrs with medium usage.
I can see two days no prob with some average use. You could maybe get 3 days if the screen brightness was at zero, setcpu locked at 500mhz Max and constantly toggle airplane mode when not using it.
What fun is that though.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
You seem to have completely missed his point, which is that people who tout their batteries lasting 2 and 3 days acheive this by not really using the phone at all.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
matt2053 said:
You seem to have completely missed his point, which is that people who tout their batteries lasting 2 and 3 days acheive this by not really using the phone at all.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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i bet with heavy usage i could go about 24hrs. i used my phone alot yesterday and still had great life on a stock battery. i guess everyones phone is different. it also depends on what kernel and rom you use.
fixxxer2008 said:
i bet with heavy usage i could go about 24hrs. i used my phone alot yesterday and still had great life on a stock battery. i guess everyones phone is different. it also depends on what kernel and rom you use.
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Correct. There are so many variables. Some say their battery lasts 7hrs. What we never know is if their homescreen looks like a widget bomb exploded on it, everything set to auto sync every hour and brightness at 100% while they use it like a mini laptop non stop.
At work I get like 5 hours. I use it redicously heavy almost all day.
The two biggest battery killers are tapatalk and web browsing. If that is all you do, yep you will never make it past a day.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
fixxxer2008 said:
i bet with heavy usage i could go about 24hrs. i used my phone alot yesterday and still had great life on a stock battery. i guess everyones phone is different. it also depends on what kernel and rom you use.
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I think this is pretty accurate.
Typically, with average use (by my estimation) I get about 22-23 hrs between charges.
Average use is defined by
*Netarchy kernel overclocked to 1.2GHz with SetCPU (screen off profile set to 500MHz)
*2-3 hrs of talk time (with about -85dBm signal on average - or at least that's what it is when the call starts)
*push email for 3 IMAP accounts at 5min check intervals and sending and receiving at least 75-100 emails per day
*push gmail with 60 or so emails per day
*fancy widgets updating location every 30 mins.
*Seesmic twitter widgets on homescreen updating 3 accounts.
*Facebook widget
*locations service always on
*wifi never sleeping
I think that's most of what's running.
Battery life on the NS4G has made me laugh at my Evo's 8hr charge and has actually made me use my phone MORE out of confidence that my battery will last.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
TonyArmstrong said:
I think this is pretty accurate.
Typically, with average use (by my estimation) I get about 22-23 hrs between charges.
Average use is defined by
*Netarchy kernel overclocked to 1.2GHz with SetCPU (screen off profile set to 500MHz)
*2-3 hrs of talk time (with about -85dBm signal on average - or at least that's what it is when the call starts)
*push email for 3 IMAP accounts at 5min check intervals and sending and receiving at least 75-100 emails per day
*push gmail with 60 or so emails per day
*fancy widgets updating location every 30 mins.
*Seesmic twitter widgets on homescreen updating 3 accounts.
*Facebook widget
*locations service always on
*wifi never sleeping
I think that's most of what's running.
Battery life on the NS4G has made me laugh at my Evo's 8hr charge and has actually made me use my phone MORE out of confidence that my battery will last.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
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Do not forget SCREEN ON TIME and AWAKE TIME, those are the two most important variables of all!
fixxxer2008 said:
in most cases that would be correct but in reality no phone running android without an extended battery will achieve 3 days. BUT my 4g did go 2 days/8hrs with medium usage.
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I went on a vacation out of the states so I couldn't use my phone. It was charged before I went and I just left it in airplane mode for the whole trip, and occasionally used it for music and a calculator. After about 4 days it went dead, I was surprised it lasted that long.
fixxxer2008 said:
i bet with heavy usage i could go about 24hrs. i used my phone alot yesterday and still had great life on a stock battery. i guess everyones phone is different. it also depends on what kernel and rom you use.
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lol.mine doesnt even last 4 hours when playing riptide GP.(tegra 2 game)
on my nexus s
fixxxer2008 said:
why is there a 2nd thread on this? do the mods even ever come here?
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Says fixxxer. LOL
Enviado desde mi PC36100 utilizando XDA Premium de la aplicación
I'm not sure if you have let the battery die all the way to 0% and then charge it overnight. Do this 4-6 times a month and you will see a huge increase in battery life.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
unlvmike said:
I'm not sure if you have let the battery die all the way to 0% and then charge it overnight. Do this 4-6 times a month and you will see a huge increase in battery life.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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thats the stupidest ting ever to do with the battery..
its a Li-ion aren't supposed to let it die.its actually bad!
ghost010 said:
thats the stupidest ting ever to do with the battery..
its a Li-ion aren't supposed to let it die.its actually bad!
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
unlvmike said:
I'm not sure if you have let the battery die all the way to 0% and then charge it overnight. Do this 4-6 times a month and you will see a huge increase in battery life.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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Yeah you should do this only when calibrating the battery which should need to be done very very infrequently it not at all.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

Battery life ?

I'm here because i think i need your help.
On every blog that i found on the test of the LG G2, they mention a very strong autonomy (1,5 - 2 days of intensive use with 8-10h of screen time)
I've the LG G2 D802, rooted, stock rom. Uninstalled every bloatware, installed battery doctor, BatteryGuru, Greenify, Mediaserver Killer, but i don't found my autonomy as good as they mention on every blog.
This day i've used few apps such music, photo , sms and 15min of game (Dead Ahead), some bluetooth.
I don't use many widget (just for bbc one)
Let the wifi, H+ everytime. No GPS at all (neither the wifi location)
Sync always on (no automatic backup of my photographs).
Don't know if this is a very intensive use (not at all for me) but i don't know if i need to return my phone ...
Is that normal ?
Thank in advance for your response.
maxime4611 said:
I'm here because i think i need your help.
On every blog that i found on the test of the LG G2, they mention a very strong autonomy (1,5 - 2 days of intensive use with 8-10h of screen time)
I've the LG G2 D802, rooted, stock rom. Uninstalled every bloatware, installed battery doctor, BatteryGuru, Greenify, Mediaserver Killer, but i don't found my autonomy as good as they mention on every blog.
This day i've used few apps such music, photo , sms and 15min of game (Dead Ahead), some bluetooth.
I don't use many widget (just for bbc one)
Let the wifi, H+ everytime. No GPS at all (neither the wifi location)
Sync always on (no automatic backup of my photographs).
Don't know if this is a very intensive use (not at all for me) but i don't know if i need to return my phone ...
Is that normal ?
Thank in advance for your response.
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My battery sucks, to be honest. I did the same as you except without the battery apps and only get about a work day (wake up at 7, home by 6). By the time I get home, battery is complaining. I just text and instagram alot. No music at work. Kind of sucks...
Bad Battery?
Hi i just my lg g2 yesterday, but I can barely get through 10 hours on solely wifi and texting with some internet surfing. Is this bad? Because I have been looking around and people have been getting around 15 hours of battery, which will get me through the day. I also have a 7-6 day at school.
read on disabling carrier i.q.
also keep gps off or locations off when not using.
bachera said:
read on disabling carrier i.q.
also keep gps off or locations off when not using.
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Don't have it ...
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
bachera said:
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
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It's average... Should be getting way more... My D802 seems to be getting better battery life after the 10e update though.. Hopefully 4.4 will help in increasing it further...
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
bachera said:
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
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That's what i said at the beginning of my post.
Some blogs and test reports 7-8 hrs of screening time of video.
Compared to my screenshots, i didn't played video, neither video game so much, didn't activated the GPS... I didn't used a lot my phone as you can see "5h45 of running time"
More of that, i tweaked a lot my phone to obtain this "poor 4+ hours screentime" so ... thought can be way more
@Sean473, How did you get that update ? Mine is D802a ...
maxime4611 said:
That's what i said at the beginning of my post.
Some blogs and test reports 7-8 hrs of screening time of video.
Compared to my screenshots, i didn't played video, neither video game so much, didn't activated the GPS... I didn't used a lot my phone as you can see "5h45 of running time"
More of that, i tweaked a lot my phone to obtain this "poor 4+ hours screentime" so ... thought can be way more
@Sean473, How did you get that update ? Mine is D802a ...
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I was on b... flashed the kids file... There's a thread in general section about the e update...
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
ok well we will need to dig into whats eating your battery.
get betterbatterystats, its also here on forum.
get cpu spy, see amount of time asleep or at which frequencies your cpu runs often.
check what is longest on partial wakelocks, or has the highest amount of wakeups. each wakeup requires about 10 seconds idle cpu time.
How have you setup account sync.
I know none of this can be concluded from the screens above. But I do think it could attribute. also just guessing here.
I had really awesome battery life when I got my phone, almost 48 hours with like 6-7 hours of screen on time.
But now I've used it for a few weeks it hawks 30% in 4-5 hours with less than 1% screen on time, I don't know why!
Rouge app or service. 3 months in, clean phone, I lose at most .2%/h no use, and that's with GPS and Wi-Fi always active, full sync. With a few minutes of screen time in 5 hours, it's slightly possible I may 1-2% for the total.
Steamer86 said:
Rouge app or service. 3 months in, clean phone, I lose at most .2%/h no use, and that's with GPS and Wi-Fi always active, full sync. With a few minutes of screen time in 5 hours, it's slightly possible I may 1-2% for the total.
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With or without Google Now?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
With Google Now and widget on home screen, but location reporting off and search and services installed as user apps.
Steamer86 said:
With Google Now,but location reporting off and search and services installed as user apps.
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Doesn't that make it useless?
I also have them as user services but with reporting on. I can at most get 4h screen time.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
It does not. I use it for weather, commute traffic, and game info. It updates itself with widget, just not based on location unless it pulls wifi drop to cell. I locate manually if need be with pull down refresh. I can and have gotten over 7hours. The location reporting reports entirely to often and creates too many wakelocks. Wish Google would fix it already. At least give some form of control.
Steamer86 said:
It does not. I use it for weather and game info. It updates itself with widget, just not based on location unless it pulls wifi drop to cell. I do that manually if need be. I can and have gotten over 7hours. The location reporting reports entirely to often and creates too many wakelocks. Wish Google would fix it already. At least give some form of control.
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Just to be clear, you have both location reporting and history set to off?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
I keep history on. It still saves history when I manually refresh, widget wants to at random times (doesn't happen often), or data coverage changes (like cell data to Wi-Fi).
Quick Window case is a villain ?
Sebz4n said:
I had really awesome battery life when I got my phone, almost 48 hours with like 6-7 hours of screen on time.
But now I've used it for a few weeks it hawks 30% in 4-5 hours with less than 1% screen on time, I don't know why!
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Seriously I am experiencing the same issue. Only difference now is that now I use a quickwindow case- dont know how it affects the battery

