Evo Battery Life - EVO 4G General

This has been bothering me....
Is anyone else completely happy with the Evo battery life? I came from the Hero and the Evo without a doubt beats it. I mean I was charging my Hero halfway through the day and I was barely using it while working.
Anyone else feel the same?

Mine dies pretty quick. I should probably keep the brightness down but I love how it does it automatically. Will a change in Rom help with the problem?

kyleblakepeters said:
This has been bothering me....
Is anyone else completely happy with the Evo battery life? I came from the Hero and the Evo without a doubt beats it. I mean I was charging my Hero halfway through the day and I was barely using it while working.
Anyone else feel the same?
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I have a Nexus One and we had to deal with alot of these same sort of whining battery life threads when it came out.
Give it time... the whiners will eventually go away

I use Power Manager Pro, and have wifi off when not connected to my Mac (which is only done at home) and my brightness low. I am continuously pulling RSS feeds all day with NewsRob Pro and checking email while on a regular work day.
I can easily pull a day and a half with my Evo without charging, compared to my Hero which would only last about 6-8 hours with the same settings. As I type this, I am currently tethering after installing the latest Wifi Tether and the battery is holding steady.
Gotta love it.

Curious, mine was fine until the OTA update. Did you guys get it yet? What radio version, software version you running? My drain isn't coming from calendar/flickr either.
1.39...5.31 (Baseband)
1.32.651.6 (software)

running .6 (obviously)
I also have turned off data and call roaming (South Florida is one of Sprint's best networks, no need to have to be searching for better strength towers.)
Some people were reporting 100% sync uptime after Toast's root. Could you be experiencing that?

I'm still on the stock image. No roots for me yet. I was running fine for about 2 weeks until that OTA.
I do have bad signal at work, so i was thinking that maybe it was just searching for signal all day, but still doesn't make sense to me yet why it was ok before.

I'm not having any battery issues. I'm also really careful with what i leave on, remove all the bloatware and not really into facebook and the other social bull ****.

For other people....I'm going to be giving this a shot tomorrow all day. If it works as intended, this time tomorrow I should be around 50% battery.

I've had good luck removing my flickr account.

im using the overclock widget already, and i must say... its helping, but i cant tell if its becasue of it or all the sprint and htc bloat ive removed since they were all done in the same day...

This is the result of:
-Turning off Auto sync *background data is fine
-Rooting & removing all the crap that starts up in the background
-Startup Cleaner 2.0 (app)
-If at home or office use WiFi only and turned the sleep policy to never
-Gps off
-Bluetooth always on. As from what I understand it only drains while in use which seems to be true.
-4g off
That's pretty much all with medium to heavy use. I had about 10 phone calls today. I txt all the time so I don't keep track and well yeah...that's it. I know its not omfg amazing but it literally gets me trough "a day".

Strangely enough, I have very good battery life.
WiFi: Off
GPS: Off
4G: Off
Bluetooth: On and off
Exchange: Push
IMAP Email: 3 accounts, checks every 5 minutes
Weather, Facebook and Flickr: Default interval
Screen brightness: Auto
Gmail, gvoice and gchat: On
LWP: Off
Using this configuration, I have had this result today:
8.5 hours since last charge
80% battery remaining
1 hour of continuous talk today
2-3 hours of continuous 3G useage and browsing

on my phone right before i plugged it i had 20 hours uptime and 6.5 hours awake time....and i was using i pretty moderately. checking xda shooting some videos with qik, emails, texting with google voice, basically everything i would normally do with my old g1 (which i had to charge at least 2 times a day) so this one has superb battery life... i really dont know what people are complaining about. one thing i do want to note though, is that the very first charge only lasted about 6 hours before my device died and that was 6 hours on NONSTOP use (was playing with it soo much haha) i think the very first charge is always going to drain super quick.
These are my sync settings
FACEBOOK FOR HTC SENSE:my sync settings are update every 2 hours, sync live feed checked, sync contacts checked.
GOOGLE: sync calendar is unchecked, sync contacts is checked and sync gmail is checked.
NEWS: is set NOT to sync (i can check news on internet myself)
STOCKS: is set NOT to sync
TWITTER: update schedule every 2 hours, download last 50 tweets, sync peep checked, sync friend checked
i dont have a flicker account so i didnt set that up...
also in the calendar app, press menu, then "more", then "calendars", and i uncheck everything except my calendar.

I had really good battery life until the OTA as well...can I revert back without rooting..
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

I get get to 20%ish after about 24 hours or so with medium to high usage. High usage is streaming Pandora for a while. I streamed it last night for about 2-3 hours with hardly a noticeable reduction.
My details:
4G Off - I'm in Portland, but can't get 4G at any of the places I frequent, so whats the point?
WiFi - On at home, off outside the home.
Bluetooth Off - On outside the house.
Screen Brightness - 30%
Animations - Off
Gmail & FriendStream - AutoUpdate On
Oh, and no OTA update and unrooted.
Edit: Also using Live Wallpapers if that helps at all..

This thread reminds me of car forums...where there is always that group of people that claim to average 10mpg better than you have ever even peaked at.

Grims said:
This thread reminds me of car forums...where there is always that group of people that claim to average 10mpg better than you have ever even peaked at.
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Yeah, that reminds me..my Toyota's gas mileage sucks monkey balls. I'm only averaging 20mpg when it's supposed to be at least 22 in the city..WTF Toyota!
What were we talking about?
I noticed a HUGE increase by just turning off 4G, probably because it does nothing but "search" for a signal. It was my single biggest drain.

Sirchuk said:
Yeah, that reminds me..my Toyota's gas mileage sucks monkey balls. I'm only averaging 20mpg when it's supposed to be at least 22 in the city..WTF Toyota!
What were we talking about?
I noticed a HUGE increase by just turning off 4G, probably because it does nothing but "search" for a signal. It was my single biggest drain.
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Feel lucky, my Toyota gets 15.5 mixed
Same with 4G here, in fact that issue alone is making 4G over all much less attractive. 4G can't get through many commercial buildings here in Houston 9Like my downtown office) therefore I need to disable it. Then when I do need to use it, and have access...I have to enable to 4G antenna...which takes as long as it would just to pull the info over 3G when you count in the 4G activation lag.

It angers me, all the negative battery press on this phone. I seem to get great battery life with mine. I fully charged before much use, not sure if that makes a diff, I know the batteries now are not supposed to have memory. With the bad press I thought I would full charge first. Also I read somewhere that HTC recommends you charge the phone before using it for a minimum of 8 hours? Mine seemed to take a long time to fully charge the first time.
4g off (no 4g in Utah anyway)
Display brightness (cranked all the way
sync off
moderate txting and calls
some gaming and playing videos (to show off the new toy)
1 hour of sprint navigation (gps on) and played with google earth a few times
several trips to the market for apps and games
14 hours later I still have 40% battery left
WTF are people complaining about, they only get 6-8 hours with 4g blazing. turn it off retard!!! Why do you need it on all the time anyway? If your going to surf in a 4g area, flip it on, when your done turn it off. The 4g seems to me mostly hype anyway and not that much faster than 3g in the tests I've read.
To touch on the MPG joke in this thread:
In this new EVO car, when your driving 140 mph and hit the NOS to punch it up to 180 you will have poor gas mileage... Forget all the other cars on the market that cant do 140 and have no NOS... BAD EVO BAD, what a crappy car, I'm not buying it.
That just made me think.. Someone should make a widget to turn on 4g and have that nitrous sound kick in.. What a bad ass phone


MESSAGE to HTC, Tmobile, Android and Google

There is a problem with our battery life and we all know its true... I have even been given a new battery and HTC mains charger
I turn off any service im not using at the time (ie: wifi, BT, GPS, NETGPS,etc) not that I should have to do this, but lets story on track...
My battery will make about 1 day as I am A "power user" but if its not plugged in I wont have the juice for my alarm to wake me up, my wifes Sony Ericsson lasts 4-5 days per charge, but lets not compare apples and oranges, the whi-phone 3g my sister has sahe bought it about the same times as my g1, she hadn't ever heard of "deep cycling" 2-5 times when you get a new phone, she never lets it discharge fully and just tops off all the time, AFAIK she is treating a NIMH cell exactly the wrong way, BUT SHE GETS 1-3 DAYS depending on the type of use, and never turns off ANY of the 3g, gps, net gps, wifi, BT nada and Id say she uses hers alot because its her primary camera, GPS & A/V player
my question is WHY?
Im sure there must be somebody involved with the development of this phone/OS that reads thru here, since there is more exciting stuff coming from XDA than there is the market...
Im gonna add a poll that pertains to battery use...
I wanted to add one very negative one but hit submit not preview, maybe just post and dont vote if none apply..
they better come off a new battery almost all other new phones will get 1-2 day + average use, Ive had phones that could go 3-4. but the state of the art G1 mindblowing innovative phone wont even work a whole day, so what if its bigger than the whi-phone, it has no keyboard.
I for one would like to hear some solid info on a replacement battery and back, for new and existing G1 users, early adopters got the fuzzy end of the lollipop on the HTC->headphone jack adapter I got the headphones with the htc angled adapter from fleabay, so many manufactures stick it to the early adopter, when we are the ones that get the word of mouth going, as people go "WOW that thing is cool!,what is it?! they know when we bought out phones and should be able to figure out when the head phone rev change was made, so send them to the first of the buyers....
IF the battery issue isnt fixed, alot of people will be very angry and the g1 will flop.
I think the bad press is starting to out weigh the good press the G1 and possibly android as a whole is at a crossroad. If the g1 tanks Android will be stained forever...thankfully enuff I dont think XDA-DEV would give up on this badboy, I love this thing, and I love it for what it can be
Well stated sir.
HTC/Google need to fix battery problems in G1. Maybe it's soft bug, but maybe it's a hardware bug - Nobody knows
I dunno. With normal use, I get about 12 hours or more from my stock battery. That's about the same as other HTC phones I've had.
there is a battery issue and we are al aware of it.
i have managed to have it last through out the day
just set the brightness to the lowest possible, sleep time to 15 secs
turn off data and wifi and anything else that you are not using
its not how the phone was intended to be used, but it's what i ave to do for now
I find it fine for everyday use. Of course I haven't done a full test but maybe tomorrow I will.
I would like to use my G1 like I use my WinMo but no way I can with the battery.
bhang said:
IF the battery issue isnt fixed, alot of people will be very angry and the g1 will flop.
I think the bad press is starting to out weigh the good press the G1 and possibly android as a whole is at a crossroad. If the g1 tanks Android will be stained forever.
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I think you're exaggerating here a little bit. The battery life, while it got press at first, has faded from the limelight of android news for the general population. The G1 is already far from a flop and I don’t think there’s going to be a sudden mass return of all the handsets sold.
Let’s face it living on the cutting edge means you will get cut sometimes. Your high expectations will not always be met and manufacturers will frequently not care. The battery life is less than what many people expected, but we’ve learned to deal with it. At least we have options (power management, backup batteries, and expanded capacity batteries), but I’d not hold my breath on HTC making any major moves. How long has the issue been going with the TYTN II drivers anyway?
bhang said:
BUT SHE GETS 1-3 DAYS depending on the type of use, and never turns off ANY of the 3g, gps, net gps, wifi, BT nada
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I have no idea what kind of use gets 1-3 days, but it certainly isn't 3G web browsing. Most iPhone 3G battery life tests clock 3G data use at about 3-5 hours. Based on my own usage of a friend's iPhone 3G, that seems to be about right. Coincidentally my G1 gets about 3-5 hours of 3G data use as well.
Frankly, from an engineer's point of view I have not seen any power drain tests conducted with enough rigor and variable control to be worthy of being called a truly scientific analysis. Even the best "battery life tests" out there aren't declaring what type of testing environment (los and distance to closest 3G tower), what background apps are installed, ambient temperature (which affects the battery discharge profile), etc. Without considering and removing these variables from the test, deviation could be as high as... well there's no fixing the percentage really. It's all just junk data.
I do notice after I installed Task Manager, to close out programs I am not using my battery life went up. There are a lot of un needed start up apps.
TimSykes said:
There are a lot of un needed start up apps.
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Care to give some examples? Im curious to see what runs on startup that isnt needed.
QUOTE jashsu
I have no idea what kind of use gets 1-3 days, but it certainly isn't 3G web browsing. Most iPhone 3G battery life tests clock 3G data use at about 3-5 hours. Based on my own usage of a friend's iPhone 3G, that seems to be about right. Coincidentally my G1 gets about 3-5 hours of 3G data use as well.
Yep my friend has iphone and we did test last weekend, both went 3 hours and change then died. If i dont use internet and set timeout and brightness down plus use task manager mine will go as long as my dash. I personally dont care about the battery life, i have a computer, home charger and car charger and i drive for a living so if it gets low no biggie. In my opinion i dont see android going anywhere and i love the g1. Just like wm its gonna take time to get off the ground. To say its at a crossroads is ridiculous.
I am using ADP1.1 and yea if I am browsing the net with 3G for 3-5 hours straight I start seeing the battery go down. But from 100% to 0% takes me longer than 5 hours. I know because I like to lay in bed and don't care to come check my messages LOL
I bought a G1 last week and so far I have been really dissapointed. After having an elf and seeing other htc phones I was expecting big things from the G1.
I am now a week into ownership and after 5 full charge - discharge cycles I am managing to get 24 hours out of the phone with next to no use what so ever. If i check my emails and do 30 mins browsing the phone is dead in 6 or less.
The hardware is simply put 'very poor' my screen is wobbly and the back is loose, all this after just a week.
As for android, it is fantastic everything I expected (except hotmail support) and there is no way it is going to flop. Its just a shame that google and htc didn't wait until they had the right phone for the job.
Thats just my 10p worth!!
Dharkaron said:
Care to give some examples? Im curious to see what runs on startup that isnt needed.
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It all depends on what you have installed. for me the start up is. I beleve amazon does too, but I uninstalled that. But the first thing I do is go into task manager and kill everything. And only like two things auto start up. I really with HTC built in a x-button app for android. I loved the click x for close.
voice dialer
Alarm clock
woot checker
Under light usage I get about 36 hours from full charge to shutdown. That's GPS on, Bluetooth on, Autosync on, periodically doing e-mail and web browsing.
Under heavy usage (Which is basically I listened to MP3s for 2 hours) it goes at least 17 hours before I plug it back in. I haven't tested but I'd bet it could go 20 or more.
That's as good as (or better) than I was getting on the Wizard/MDA.
I dunno if anyone has stated it but the problem with the battery has to do with the phone recieving the cell signal. For some reason the phone runs in overload when searching for a cell signal...I noticed this one day when T-Mo suspended my service and my battery meter never moved all day, I think by night it was down to 85-90%...sure enough that night when I paid my bill and the phone started picking up signal again, the battery depleted at "normal" speed.
Answer All Your Complaints & Problems with the Mugen Extended 2400MAH Battery
This extended battery barely increases the size of the phone & the cover is actaully better than the battery cover that comes with the phone & its the same exact material as the original cover. Its $80 but God is it worth it. PLUS FREE SHIPPING!! & it dosent destroy your phone like the other japanese extended batteries for a cheaper prices with cheap UGLY! battery covers that fall off & that can over heat and bust in your G1 phone.
Mugen Speacializes in TOP QUALITY Extended batteries for Many Phones.
This Mugen Extended 2400MAH Extended Battery will Doubles your battery Life with regular use of internet also. I literally havent recharged my battery in 3 DAYS!!!!!!
search ebay for this title above or click here:
*EXTENDED BATTERY COVER FOR MUGEN 2400mah ONLY ($11.99)(Also Free Shipping)
Here the ebay page for the cover by itself for $11.99 I bought 2 cover just incase:
Preech2003 said:
This extended battery barely increases the size of the phone...
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so exactly how much is "barely"? care to give side by side comparison shots?
dubstar_04 said:
As for android, it is fantastic everything I expected (except hotmail support) and there is no way it is going to flop. Its just a shame that google and htc didn't wait until they had the right phone for the job.
Thats just my 10p worth!!
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Why do i keep hearing that there is no hotmail support? Android (and G1) works with hotmail just fine! Just go to the Email program and set it up. WHY!! .. I am having connection errors sometimes though..
Battery is a big issue. Never had any luck with it.. EVER.. just unplugged it and after about 1+ hour it's down to 66%. Played a game (slide puzzle) watched 2 youtube vids of about 3 minutes each. And I had it fully drained and recharged a couple of times in the beginning. It didn't even took 10 minutes to drop from 100% to 89%.. But I was on wifi.. Maybe this is normal.
Software has a lot to do with this I think. Yesterday I had about 50-60% left. Did something, can't remember what, opening programs or music. And closed it. After 5 minutes I checked and battery was hot and had drained to orange level. I checked with task manager and only calendar/messaging/tunewiki/music was on. I closed all and restarted the phone, cuz it was still hot. Luckily it lasted a few hours till I got home, with very carefull use..

Battery life? Is it really that bad?

Gizmodo and MobileCrunch have pretty much bashed the battery life to make it sound like if its not on the charger, it will die in a matter of an hour or three. For the people who got one from the I/O or other means. What do you get from the phone during a normal days usage? If its that bad, have you guys use SetCPU/Locale/App Killers etc? Thanks.
With light to moderate use, it lasts through the day. A bit worse than Nexus One in that respect, but not too bad.
Agree with sergey.povzner.
Android central had a great review on this. I have heard a mixed bag of battery life. Some sounded very good some didn't. But it's the most power smartphone out there so additional drain is expected.
It not as good as my n1 but its close. It gets a lot better with custom roms without sense.
Uptime 10:08:35
Awake time 1:46
I had it plugged into computer for about 25 mins to transfer a movie.
I have 80% battery left.
No bluetooth, no GPS, no WIFI.
I don't have anything extra except gmail and another account frequently syncing. I get 4-5 hours of browsing and email with 4g on or off, wifi off, gps off. Standby time doesn't seem to have significant effect though I'm sure it would be measurable if you left it in standby for a day. Adequate to get me though a day, but I hardly use voice.
What if you are watching full length movie on HTC Evo, how long will the battery last (especially if I put it on airplane mode)?
I am planning to switch from from Xperia X10i to HTC Evo. My x10 has the usual battery drain problem but I have controlled it with task killer. However, I am yet to run a full movie on it. If x10's battery life has more survival time (with task killer on it of course) then HTC Evo then I might think twice.
Also can the 'task killer' improve HTC Evo's battery life?
Does anyone know if the Evo uses the HTC Touch Pro size battery like the Hero?
If so then I've already got an external charger and three extra batteries!
Honestly if anyone is that worried about battery life get another battery as a backup. Its been said many times on these forums that a HTC Touch Pro 2 and also a HTC Hero all use the same batteries as the EVO. (Confirmed). You can pick them up on ebay for around 7 or 8$. Which is pretty cheap! Nothing better than having an extra juice pack laying around waiting to be used! Hope this helps somewhat
Stunna4life888 said:
Honestly if anyone is that worried about battery life get another battery as a backup. Its been said many times on these forums that a HTC Touch Pro 2 and also a HTC Hero all use the same batteries as the EVO. (Confirmed). You can pick them up on ebay for around 7 or 8$. Which is pretty cheap! Nothing better than having an extra juice pack laying around waiting to be used! Hope this helps somewhat
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LOL we posted at the same time, thanks for answering my question! I'll keep a backup in my glove box and one in my back pocket. This method worked great with my Hero.
danknee said:
LOL we posted at the same time, thanks for answering my question! I'll keep a backup in my glove box and one in my back pocket. This method worked great with my Hero.
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Great minds think a like. Ya man wont get to hot in that glove box either. Its always nice to have a little something extra especially when we will be showing this bad boy off 24/7 to anyone that wants to see it! Cant wait to "Officially" get mine lol. Im about 17 hrs and 3 minutes form my appt.
Stunna4life888 said:
Great minds think a like. Ya man wont get to hot in that glove box either. Its always nice to have a little something extra especially when we will be showing this bad boy off 24/7 to anyone that wants to see it! Cant wait to "Officially" get mine lol. Im about 17 hrs and 3 minutes form my appt.
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i'm so excited, wish I had an extra battery though, it'd be nice
8hrs 15min till i get mine!
Gotta say this thing blows my old Moment's battery out of the water... 4.5 hours hard and heavy use... 60% left - no 4G coverage area (but it was left on by accident - ooops) and no video watching, but heavy text, email, and facebook/twitter activity.
I ordered the extended slim battery from seidio.com. 1750 vs 1500. Should give a bit more in the long run.
Its been decent for me though. Just dont jack up your brightness, keep it on auto.
Wifi kills my battery. The signal never settles even though the coverage should be good all over my house.
You want to go into advanced wifi settings and change WiFi sleep policy to never otherwise your phone will shut off WiFi after 15 mins of screen being off and you'll be using 3g which will use a lot more battery.
Sent via the XDA taptalk app from my EVO
donatom3 said:
You want to go into advanced wifi settings and change WiFi sleep policy to never otherwise your phone will shut off WiFi after 15 mins of screen being off and you'll be using 3g which will use a lot more battery.
Sent via the XDA taptalk app from my EVO
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Its already set to never.
Mybattery was pretty terrible. Lose 10% per 40 minutes on standby mode alone. After messing around with it for a while I discovered the culprit was the location services. I turned them off and now I lose about 2% per hour on standby.
tadda said:
Mybattery was pretty terrible. Lose 10% per 40 minutes on standby mode alone. After messing around with it for a while I discovered the culprit was the location services. I turned them off and now I lose about 2% per hour on standby.
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I'm curious, how exactly do you go about turning off the location services? Unless it's included with the GPS tab of the settings, I haven't been able to find such an option on my brother's Hero.
Mecha2142 said:
I'm curious, how exactly do you go about turning off the location services? Unless it's included with the GPS tab of the settings, I haven't been able to find such an option on my brother's Hero.
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It's under settings , location and then location setting. This does not disable the 911 location which is good.

no battery life with the 2.2 update

My battery made it to 1:00 o'clock today with the new 2.2 update that i did last night. It normally lasts till 11 - 12 at night. Whats up with that?
FYI - All the same apps,widgets, and settings
Doing a factory reset fixed the problem for me!!
opie2l said:
My battery made it to 1:00 o'clock today with the new 2.2 update that i did last night. It normally lasts till 11 - 12 at night. Whats up with that?
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Strange, I'm sitting at 75% after 5 hours off the charger and using it for moderate text usage (probably less than 80 messages today). Usually around this time it's sitting closer to 60%.
i have the .3 update and went from about 24 hours to about 8-10 hours. Battery life cut in half. My friend who has .3 is having same issue too. So much for increasing battery life.
formulabird said:
i have the .3 update and went from about 24 hours to about 8-10 hours. Battery life cut in half. My friend who has .3 is having same issue too. So much for increasing battery life.
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Wow. Have you searched the forum to see if anyone else has the same issue? If not I hope it's not an isolated incident. Then again if it's isolated maybe you can get support on it better...? Good luck finding a solution.
You gave us zero information to help you. So thus, you will not get any help.
There are about a billion threads on here about battery life and how to tweak it. When you flashed 2.2 you will need to do those steps again.
yeah some people are reporting bad battery life after update. most people i know are on .3. don't know if .6 fixes this hopefully we get update soon
I did a test last night. Dropped 13% between 1130 and 3:30am With wifi on (got up cause of baby), then only 10% between 330 and 8am with wifi off. So a drop of only 23% overnight.
That's with one exchange account, one gmail account (both syncing as items arrive), htc news set to not sync, but newsdesk and feedr both syncing. Facebook for htc set to sync contacts only.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I had the same issue on all 2.2 ROMs I tried.. i am now going through the apps one at a time to see which one is the issue.
right now I am 7 hours in and sitting at 75% very light use ( read about 7 emails, 5 new articles and little to no Web surfing). installed 10s so far other than the standard with Fresh latest ROM that is.
I've actually had very good battery life, I'm running the .3 release. Battery life for me has been very comparable to running Baked Snack 9.6, with its underclocking/undervolting power save features. Moderate use of the phone for 8 hours (wifi, browsing websites here and there, one navigation route, texting, bunch of short phone calls, playing some games), my battery was around 65 or so, same as I had before for similar usage.
I did do a full wipe though, and haven't calibrated my battery since updating.
Aridon said:
You gave us zero information to help you. So thus, you will not get any help.
There are about a billion threads on here about battery life and how to tweak it. When you flashed 2.2 you will need to do those steps again.
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I am just stating a observation on my part. And i know all the little tricks of how to get better battery life. But like i said, before the update i was getting a full day of battery and now after the update i am getting half. With the same settings and the usage on my part.
opie2l said:
I am just stating a observation on my part. And i know all the little tricks of how to get better battery life. But like i said, before the update i was getting a full day of battery and now after the update i am getting half. With the same settings and the usage on my part.
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maybe because some of the htc sync stuff that you might have disabled before re-enabled.
Check that.
diomark said:
maybe because some of the htc sync stuff that you might have disabled before re-enabled.
Check that.
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Yeah, i already went through all the settings last night.
Aridon said:
You gave us zero information to help you. So thus, you will not get any help.
There are about a billion threads on here about battery life and how to tweak it. When you flashed 2.2 you will need to do those steps again.
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This is not directed at you personally, but at the words you chose to use:
I am sick and tired of "tweaks and settings and cutting things off." I used them and got over 30 hours on both DamageControl and Fresh.
I paid Sprint/HTC good money for this awesome phone (and am committed to pay them a whole lot more over the course of the next 22 months).
While I can understand the 4G thing, why should I have to cut off Data-WiFi-Bluetooth, power down the CPU, not use it a lot in order to get... in short, drive it like a Toyota Prius when then phone is billed as a Maserati? Why should I have to try out this app and that app(Overclock widget, SetCPU, System Manager, Task Killer, Autostarts etc which all use battery too) in order to get the phone to do what it should have done on June 4, 2010?
Most of the battery draining apps and widgets come pre-loaded with sense (i.e. the Favorite widget, Friendstream etc). Why should I have to resort to rooting my phone or not using it in order to get the thing to last all day?
I'm keeping my EVO cause I love the device, but maybe Sprint/HTC need a little of the medicine that Jobs/Apple is getting in the form of lawsuits due to over-promising/under-delivering.
You should send that rant to HTC and Sprint... I think we all stand behind you on that one.
there are lots of reasons a battery might not last. there are way to many tweaks out there which is why you have to do it yourself.
First set the phone up like you normally have it and test the battery life. if you can live with it your good. if not start looking at the settings. Read the tweaks but don't just take them as golden as everyone is different and uses their phone different. Ask yourself if you real need that setting. (I like my screen time out at 2 min. do I need it NO 1 min is fine). When done with the settings move to the apps. load the flat ROM no apps and run for a hour and track your battery life. then add the apps 1 at a time or in small groups and let run an hour and track. there are was if find what apps are using the CPU or Battery but many do this normally and yet don't effect the battery much. Only way i have found is old school add them one at a time. When you find a bad one decide if you need it or can find a replacement.
I am done with Sense as Launcher Pro Plus is awesome and now with the only Widget I was missing (Calendar). Once I done going through my app list I will create a new thread in General to list the bad application I found unless someone else has or does before I done that is.
From what I have gathered from using .3 that apps auto sync/update on their own now with "always on mobile data" turned off. if you use advanced task killer, do a kill of all apps then turn the screen off. If you wait for a few minutes and turn the screen back on you will notice that apps like news, messages, Twitter, Facebook clock, weather and others will be active. From what I gather the decrease in battery life is from apps like those will send/receive data on 2.2 while on 2.1 apps would not update/sync until you manually refreshed or opened the app, as long as you didn't have "always on mobile data" enabled.
Edit: this reason is why I uninstalled fring. Just too bad I cannot uninstalled qik.
trojandnc said:
This is not directed at you personally, but at the words you chose to use:
I am sick and tired of "tweaks and settings and cutting things off." I used them and got over 30 hours on both DamageControl and Fresh.
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It is a mini-computer. You don't use it like a "phone" anymore. You shouldn't expect more than 15-20 hours on it. Do you get angry when your laptop runs out of life after 5-6 hours? If you don't want to do tweaks, then don't. Keep a micro-USB at your desk at work and charge it there. I, myself, enjoy rooting so I don't mind tweaking it. I also get 30 hours of life on it due to this. If you don't like to do that, you get what you put into it.
trojandnc said:
I paid Sprint/HTC good money for this awesome phone (and am committed to pay them a whole lot more over the course of the next 22 months).
While I can understand the 4G thing, why should I have to cut off Data-WiFi-Bluetooth, power down the CPU, not use it a lot in order to get... in short, drive it like a Toyota Prius when then phone is billed as a Maserati? Why should I have to try out this app and that app(Overclock widget, SetCPU, System Manager, Task Killer, Autostarts etc which all use battery too) in order to get the phone to do what it should have done on June 4, 2010?
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Again, you have unrealistic expectations for a smart phone it seems. All I have is Set CPU running on my phone with Fresh 3.0.1 and works just fine. I still use my phone like a "Maserati", it just lowers the CPU when the screen is powered off. That is like saying you want your car to idle when you get home at night until the next morning. It doesn't change how you drive it, just how you store it in the garage.
trojandnc said:
Most of the battery draining apps and widgets come pre-loaded with sense (i.e. the Favorite widget, Friendstream etc). Why should I have to resort to rooting my phone or not using it in order to get the thing to last all day?
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You don't have to use them though. You can remove friendstream and go with either the twitter or FB update app or go without either and just check facebook like anyone else. As far as favorites go, you don't have to use that either. You can just make shortcuts to each person's phone number on that same screen if you think that is sucking all your battery life. There are always other options or fixes, but again you expect the phone to come out of the box perfect without any customization. You are getting away from what Android really is. Something tells me the Iphone would have been more your liking since it is built around lack of true customization. This isn't a rip, but just saying if you want cookie cutter phone reliability, it is hard to beat Apple. If you want the ability to tinker with the phone, the power to change things, and the power to make your phone yours, then that is more Android.
trojandnc said:
I'm keeping my EVO cause I love the device, but maybe Sprint/HTC need a little of the medicine that Jobs/Apple is getting in the form of lawsuits due to over-promising/under-delivering.
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I can understand your frustration, but nothing was ever promised to us on purchase. I don't remember anywhere seeing something saying the battery would last 30+ hours out of the box. Apple had an actual structural issue with their phone, that is why they had the lawsuits and PR nightmare. This is just the phone doing what most would probably expect(at least anyone who had a G1 or Hero or any of the earlier Android phones). You love the device enough to keep it even with your frustration, something tells me it works quite well for you. But I have yet to see any over-promising/under-delivering on the Evo myself.
And no, I don't work for Sprint or HTC. And no offense meant to you as a person, just I didn't understand your motives on your frustration. Guess we will have different opinions on the Evo so far.
diomark said:
maybe because some of the htc sync stuff that you might have disabled before re-enabled.
Check that.
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I had the same battery problem after updating to 2.2. After 3 hours my battery was at 50%. Normally it'd be at 50% after 9 to 10 hours of usage.
I did find that some settings had been reset. Once I turned off all the crap syncing, gtalk logging in, Sprint Zone, etc my battery usage has seemed to flatten out.
I made it an hour and only dropped 2% which is much more like it. This is all with very little usage going on.
Buy a new battery! Best solution!
No joda!
Sent from my EVO!
very funny just pluged my phone in using flipz newest after 19 hours
make sure you are signed out of googletalk !!

Froyo (2.2) Increased My Battery Life

I know one of the major concerns regarding the EVO has been the battery life. It was the reason that I rooted my phone in the first place, granting me the ability to rip out bloatware to conserve battery life. It wasn't until Saturday that I got around to noticing the rooted version of the official 2.2 release. All I did was download the ROM and delete all the apks/odexes I didn't want from the zip file, load it, charge my battery. Currently, I've been going almost 70 hours and am still at 60% battery life under normal use. That's a significant increase. The best I ever got was after the rooted second OTA at about 40 hours pushing the battery down to about 10%. Have other people been seeing battery life increases like this?
No, we have not. Quit bragging..
Serious? Experiment with more use of battery life
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I have noticed better battery life but not as good as you say. I've tried many different roms and kernels also.
do you actually use your phone on a daily basis? do you have any emails being synched? gmail? exchange? do you use facebook? browse the internet every 4-6 hours to see whats news on BGR or usatoday/cnn? do you text msg.. etc etc
if i leave my phone sitting i can have great battery life too, don't get me wrong i'm not trying to bash you, just trying to understand how you use phone so i can guage if this can apply to me. i know people who haven't installed one single app on their evo yet, usuage is different for everyone.....
Did you say 70 hours? Is that a typo? That's 2.916666666666666666666667 days and you've only dropped 40% battery life?
IceCreaMan said:
do you actually use your phone on a daily basis? do you have any emails being synched? gmail? exchange? do you use facebook? browse the internet every 4-6 hours to see whats news on BGR or usatoday/cnn? do you text msg.. etc etc
if i leave my phone sitting i can have great battery life too, don't get me wrong i'm not trying to bash you, just trying to understand how you use phone so i can guage if this can apply to me. i know people who haven't installed one single app on their evo yet, usuage is different for everyone.....
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I was super nervous when I suggested the evo to my aunt's family over the iphone 4. AT&T doesn't even have 3g where they live though. Asked them if they had any battery issues with their 4 evo's and they looked me like I was crazy. Then I found out that they all only had like 1 app installed. They get great battery life on their stock 2.2 phones. If I play around with my phone, and I do, I usually am riding the red line by the end of the day.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't use my phone that much for phone calls, actually. Several hundred texts a month, several megs of data a month. It's synched with gmail, I have a separate phone for everything else (work). At work I'm always on 3G, at home wifi. The only time it's not actively connected to a network is when I'm sleeping (sleep profile is only for the alarm). Outside of synching, I use the internet for random browsing periodically, usually sports related, or anytime I'm not at home or work and want information.
When I put this ROM on, I stripped out over 60 files from the zip file (almost 20megs) and only installed about 8 apps that I use regularly. After I configure my phone for all my settings, I remove all the widgets everywhere and setup just three screens with my widgets.
Even though I'm in Dallas, I rarely use 4G (the higher wavelength doesn't penetrate well in the urban areas I work or live in), only turn on GPS when I'm using Google Maps to drive around, and never have both wifi and 3G (Mobile) on simultaneously. I have my profiles setup so that the only time my screen brightness is above 0 is when I'm in my car or on a need basis (separate Bright profile).
I probably would have rooted my phone eventually but I did it about the third day I owned it because of the battery life. Most of the settings and ways I use the phone revolve around making sure I don't tax the battery. My real goal was being able to leave home for more than a day and not having to worry about minimizing my usage of anything, and now it seems I've easily done that.
jdh012400 said:
I know one of the major concerns regarding the EVO has been the battery life. It was the reason that I rooted my phone in the first place, granting me the ability to rip out bloatware to conserve battery life. It wasn't until Saturday that I got around to noticing the rooted version of the official 2.2 release. All I did was download the ROM and delete all the apks/odexes I didn't want from the zip file, load it, charge my battery. Currently, I've been going almost 70 hours and am still at 60% battery life under normal use. That's a significant increase. The best I ever got was after the rooted second OTA at about 40 hours pushing the battery down to about 10%. Have other people been seeing battery life increases like this?
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Hey I did not even know you could get that much time out of a single charge.... I am going at least 17 hrs before empty but thats enough for me in a full day. Hey honestly a car charger is on $13 at Walmart.
well i tried the "shut the phone off" mod and ive been getting weeks of use out of my phone on a single charge.

Battery life improvment thread

One of the vital issues of the SE x10 is its battery life, i personally have to charge it once a day under normal use(10mins of browsing, messaging, phonecalls) while my older phones under heavy use lasted over 4 days.
Lets compile a list of remedies to improve battery life, every little bit helps.
Mine are:
Keep charger in my pocket
Close all apps before idleing the phone
Turn off everything wireless exept 2G
Prevent using the latest facebook app(Hogs the battery empty FAST)
I set the CPU's clock at 700/250mhz max min respectively
What are yours?
Use the phone as a phone. Don't carry around the charger, don't use any appkillers or CPU things, never ever turn off 3G, never ever turn off GPS...
I use the Facebook application a little too frequently, I read stuff using the Digg and Engadget apps, update Twitter via Twicca, listen to music via Mediascape, and take several photos.
Oh, and I charge the phone once every couple of days.
Since the last 026 update i have noticed a huge improvement, now lasts ffor about a day and half where used to last about 8 hours. I've stopped using taskkillers now apart from when i've finished playing a big game like need for speed which uses a LOT of ram. Looking forward to the 2.1 update.
Also, i got the 2600ma battery from ebay, bigger, but lasts nearly 2 days!
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
i always cut my web connection and i use taskiller
and my phone lasts also 2 days, but i have the original battery in it
SetCPU is a big help. At the very least throttle your battery when the screen is off.
I just use Data On Demand. No task killers, no startup manager, no root. Firm 026. Bluetooth and 3g on, and my batery (original) last 2 days at least.
Via Tapatalk
Get the recent firmware.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
mmk92 said:
Keep charger in my pocket
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Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
k1sr said:
Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
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my problem is that im a frequent user, my total call time per day reaches over 3hours and i text alot
mmk92 said:
my problem is that im a frequent user, my total call time per day reaches over 3hours and i text alot
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That's a lot...!
3 hours of talk time a day on ANY smartphone is going to drain the battery. I dont think there is a huge amount you can do really. Sounds like you have done all the sensible things already.
That being said, i am on a RB..26 FW, Rooted with ADW Launcher. I get about 2 days from a charge, using FB app all day long, a few calls a day, several msgs and general playing around with the phone. i dont run any task killers, cpu management tools or even disable 3g connections. maybe i just have a good one
k1sr said:
Sounds almost like the kind of solution Apple would give to fix poor reception...
Personally I resolve my battery issue by only turning it on when people want to call me. I've set up a roster with precise times when I'm available for contact. Callers must contact me within a select 5 min window otherwise they must wait until the next one. These are seperated by 2hr hour 'no call' times, as well as a complete call 'blackout' between the hours of 10pm and 6am. If I want to call people, I keep 50c in my pocket and use a payphone.
So far my battery has lasted 8 weeks.
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LOL!! better than any battery saving app.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
mrtim123 said:
3 hours of talk time a day on ANY smartphone is going to drain the battery. I dont think there is a huge amount you can do really. Sounds like you have done all the sensible things already.
That being said, i am on a RB..26 FW, Rooted with ADW Launcher. I get about 2 days from a charge, using FB app all day long, a few calls a day, several msgs and general playing around with the phone. i dont run any task killers, cpu management tools or even disable 3g connections. maybe i just have a good one
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Do you reckon rooting helps...?
I'm on 26FW too (actually, that's a lie, I just checked, and am on 24)... but anyway, I also use ADW and am on an Australian network, so all thing being equal, I should be getting similar... although I only get about a day and a half... Well, I usually put my phone on charge every night, and it's about 50-60%, but obviously the drain over night would take it a little too low for me to go another full day...
I just bought setcpu from the market. First day with it and juice defender (lite) running it's drained 16% in 12 hours.
Previously, i would be at 40 - 50 % by now.
Of course, you need root for this solution.
Running 020 firmware as i haven't got around to backing up and updating as yet.
Punnisher_42 said:
I just bought setcpu from the market. First day with it and juice defender (lite) running it's drained 16% in 12 hours.
Previously, i would be at 40 - 50 % by now.
Of course, you need root for this solution.
Running 020 firmware as i haven't got around to backing up and updating as yet.
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So which fixed it then?
You need to make a single change and observe
I used setCPU too, but i had problems with it.
Every 2nd time when i activated my screen and went passed lockscreen, my launcher was forced to a close.
This procedur has been with differents launcher like ADW, GDE, default launcher.
regards DauL
Does rooting help the battery life alone without any apps? And how?
I went ahead and got the Muegen 1800 battery and im now running generic 026 FW. I fully charged my phone two days ago and I use it quite a bit while at work and what not and this morning I have 26% still remaining. Not saying you should go out and buy one of these batteries but ive noticed a definite improvement.
I charge twice a day. Heavy data use and I need my screen bright as lot if it is out of doors. Rooted 026, with setcpu. About, 66% of my drain is the LCD. My GF with her iPhone 4 gets about 36 hours and she hammers it more than me- never turns any radios off either. Grrr... drives me nuts when i have to jump through hoops to get back home from work without a dead phone. Incidentally, what moron put the charge socket on top? Means we will never have a dock we can just drop it in when not carrying the damn thing /facepalm...
Sent from my X10i
consolation said:
... Incidentally, what moron put the charge socket on top? Means we will never have a dock we can just drop it in when not carrying the damn thing /facepalm...
Sent from my X10i
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Did SE ever make one for their previous models? That would have been a cool option.
Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk

