Update fail - myTouch 3G Slide General

My girlfriend updated her slide to 2.2.1 from my computer and now it's running at least 50% slower. We did the official htc update, but it has ended badly. Any advice?
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wipe data/factory reset

carlosze said:
wipe data/factory reset
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Hopefully that should do it, if not, try applying the update again.

Just so u know doing a wipe/reset will downgrade you to 2.1 u will till have 2.2

will not downgrade you to 2.1
kitila said:
Just so u know doing a wipe/reset will not downgrade you to 2.1 u will till have 2.2.1
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Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App


PRI doesnt Change with 2.2

I installed the 2.2 new update and saw the PRI remain in 134.003. Anyone with same issue?
Otherwhise, everything is working fine, but when i downloaded FPS2D or any app, the phone reboot and doesnt install.
Let me know you status!!
2.2 ava or the "official" update after rolling back to a 47 stock?
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SharkUW said:
2.2 ava or the "official" update after rolling back to a 47 stock?
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Has to be ava. The official rom hasn't been rooted yet to my knowledge.
Right, you got issue when try install app from the market? Reboot after install. Seem the damm Pri dont gonna change with the new update
edtate said:
Has to be ava. The official rom hasn't been rooted yet to my knowledge.
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Most likely. But he didn't say he still had root, hehe.
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SharkUW said:
Most likely. But he didn't say he still had root, hehe.
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Im completely unroot

[Q] Can u switch from one rom to another

May be kinds of a noob question but, If I wanted to go from bonsai to viper to whichever other one I wanted. can I go from One to the other with no problems or do I have to flash back to stock dk28?
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As long as the roms are the same version then you may switch. I.e.. 2.2 to 2.2 or 2.1 to 2.1.
All you'll want to do is clear data and cache on the flash over to remove the chances of conflict
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XtaC318 said:
As long as the roms are the same version then you may switch. I.e.. 2.2 to 2.2 or 2.1 to 2.1.
All you'll want to do is clear data and cache on the flash over to remove the chances of conflict
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Ok thanx, but do I have to clear factory data as well. Or can I just do dalvik cache?
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No need to clear dalvik. The flash over does it alrdy. Clear the data/cache in cwm.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

update cm7

how do i update it without losing all my data.
boroboy69r said:
how do i update it without losing all my data.
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just flash on the of ur current rom.( if u r using the same rom.. i means CM Nightlies over CM Nightlies )
ahh so i dnt do the wipe data factory reset just flash on top
boroboy69r said:
ahh so i dnt do the wipe data factory reset just flash on top
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Hi guys im new here and new to all this, i only got my wildfire a couple of days ago and was wondering on how to mod it and do all the things you guys have going on on your phones?
I should also add im scared of ruining my phone so yes i am a newb but we all gotta start somewhere havent we
Don't worry bricking your phone is unlikely unless you do something silly and don't follow the guides correctly.
This is the best place to start, you'll find everything you need in this one thread.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Welcome to the section. Check out the guides for rooting and installing custom roms on your phone. There isn't really a big chance of getting your phone bricked. Once you root it, you'll feel alot safer because the worst thing that can happen is a bootloop. (Which can be repaired!)
Scratch0805 said:
Don't worry bricking your phone is unlikely unless you do something silly and don't follow the guides correctly.
This is the best place to start, you'll find everything you need in this one thread.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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thanks but it looks like i will need to downgrade and the possibility of me losing my phoneis too scary lol
wishmasterdjl said:
thanks but it looks like i will need to downgrade and the possibility of me losing my phoneis too scary lol
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You're on 2.2.1? Can't you use revolutionary?
Justiceā„¢ said:
You're on 2.2.1? Can't you use revolutionary?
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lol im a newb and dont know how
Its fairly simple when you actually do it, revolutionary does all the hard work for you. The guides just look scary as there's so much in them.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Scratch0805 said:
Its fairly simple when you actually do it, revolutionary does all the hard work for you. The guides just look scary as there's so much in them.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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can you point me in the right direction for an idiots guide of how to do it step by step lol
This worked first time for me on mine and my girlfriends wildfires.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Scratch0805 said:
This worked first time for me on mine and my girlfriends wildfires.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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do i connect my phone when running step1.bat
wishmasterdjl said:
do i connect my phone when running step1.bat
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Try it with and without the phone plugged in. I think you'll probably have to have it plugged in.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
okay i did all that now its stuck on the cyanogen loading screen what can i do
You've done the hard part don't worry its not broken. It should take around 5-10 minutes for first boot anyway so if its only been a minute or two and the rhythm of the boot logo is still turning smoothly and not pausing or restarting just leave it a little longer but if the logo freezes and restarts over and over this is called a bootloop. Easily fixed by rebooting into recovery again then select the wipe menu and wipe dalvik cache, cache and data then install your cm7 zip again. Everything should work then.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
hmm i may have ruined it then for i just re did the installing of RUU_Buzz_HTC_WWE_1.14.405.2_R_Radio_13.45.55.24_3.35.15.31_release_130814
then left it at that for it worked then lol, is there anything i can do to get it actually done from there
You might need to run revolutionary againcan you still get to clockwork recovery?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Scratch0805 said:
You might need to run revolutionary againcan you still get to clockwork recovery?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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yes i can still get to clockwork recovery by rebooting into hboot and going through recovery, ive also got the super user app in my apps
Just check in hboot that you are s-off and as you can still get recovery you're good to go, remember to wipe dalvik cache, cache and data when changing roms, if its an update you might get away with not wiping data sometimes. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Before you flash cm7 again just run the backup in cwm then if it goes wrong again you can just restore.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Scratch0805 said:
Just check in hboot that you are s-off and as you can still get recovery you're good to go, remember to wipe dalvik cache, cache and data when changing roms, if its an update you might get away with not wiping data sometimes. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Before you flash cm7 again just run the backup in cwm then if it goes wrong again you can just restore.
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cwm?? sorry for being dumb but whats that
Clockwork mod recovery.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Scratch0805 said:
Clockwork mod recovery.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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woohoo it works, now all i have to do is find a decent theme and my apps and games

Can I do a restore when on a custom Rom?

Ok I can't find anything to answer this question. Therefore I am asking, because I just don't believe this has been asked be4. I am running Revolution HD 6.3.1. My phone(HTC INSPIRE 4G) sometimes just slows down to a halt. It started about a week ago. I have uninstalled a good many apps, and cleared plenty of space. Prior to rooting, and flashing I had this problem and restoring to factory setting fixed this. Ok now that I've explained that, the Rom(as stated above) I'm on has the option to do this. I want to know if I do this if it will "restore back to just flashed condition" although it says factory condition, but Is a flashed ROM. Will it just simply put, brick my device, or reinstall the Rom as if I had just flashed it. Thanks ahead of time.
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Ir you factory reset the phone you will get stuck in the splash screen. If you want to go back to stock, the restore a backup from CWM or flash a stock Rom from CWM. Factory reset does not work in custom roms...
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
Thanks for that response. I'm not interested in stock at all. I just wanted to know if it would work. Root and flashed Roms are always smoother, even if some of them have bumps. Truthfully I'm waiting on a RC Rom from Existz, as I just want a stock android experience
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In CWM wipe data and cache and it should be some sort of factory reset.
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johrie said:
In CWM wipe data and cache and it should be some sort of factory reset.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
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this will restore original behavior of rom?
dmytrop said:
this will restore original behavior of rom?
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Thats what the man said.

