update cm7 - Wildfire General

how do i update it without losing all my data.

boroboy69r said:
how do i update it without losing all my data.
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just flash on the of ur current rom.( if u r using the same rom.. i means CM Nightlies over CM Nightlies )

ahh so i dnt do the wipe data factory reset just flash on top

boroboy69r said:
ahh so i dnt do the wipe data factory reset just flash on top
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Update fail

My girlfriend updated her slide to 2.2.1 from my computer and now it's running at least 50% slower. We did the official htc update, but it has ended badly. Any advice?
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wipe data/factory reset
carlosze said:
wipe data/factory reset
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Hopefully that should do it, if not, try applying the update again.
Just so u know doing a wipe/reset will downgrade you to 2.1 u will till have 2.2
will not downgrade you to 2.1
kitila said:
Just so u know doing a wipe/reset will not downgrade you to 2.1 u will till have 2.2.1
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Wipe data

Selling my hd2 and need to wipe it. I want to keep root and android. What's the best way? Thank you
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Just wipe everything and flash rom without booting.
Without booting?
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inspire me said:
Without booting?
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Yeah...otherwise if you boot your phone after wiping it, your settings (apn a.s.o.)
are in there.
ROOT will be set by flashing.
So I can just do it all thru recovery
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inspire me said:
So I can just do it all thru recovery
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That's right.
try using hd2 tookit
use Task29

revert back to regular cm7

in on nightly build is it possible to revert back to stable build pf cm7?
sillyshyme said:
in on nightly build is it possible to revert back to stable build pf cm7?
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Yes, but next time please ask questions like this in the thread for the rom that you want to switch to as this question did not warrant the starting of a new thread! We already have way to many threads like this cluttering up the forums!
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ok sorry. So all I do is boot into recover and wipe cache then install?
sillyshyme said:
ok sorry. So all I do is boot into recover and wipe cache then install?
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For me I leave it on charge and at 100% I boot into recovery wipe cache, devlik cache, then factory reset but you may get buy without having to do factory reset since although different it still is cm 7 but if you don't factory reset and it won't boot do a factory reset then it should boot
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Maybe a stupid question,but i must ask-does the cm7 or miui supports dual memory (i have sd card plugged in)?
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dulexetina said:
Maybe a stupid question,but i must ask-does the cm7 or miui supports dual memory (i have sd card plugged in)?
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It does support them but not as a blur rom does cm7 puts internal under mnt/emmc and I think miui best I remember is the opposite. But mods can be done to switch them.
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Can I do a restore when on a custom Rom?

Ok I can't find anything to answer this question. Therefore I am asking, because I just don't believe this has been asked be4. I am running Revolution HD 6.3.1. My phone(HTC INSPIRE 4G) sometimes just slows down to a halt. It started about a week ago. I have uninstalled a good many apps, and cleared plenty of space. Prior to rooting, and flashing I had this problem and restoring to factory setting fixed this. Ok now that I've explained that, the Rom(as stated above) I'm on has the option to do this. I want to know if I do this if it will "restore back to just flashed condition" although it says factory condition, but Is a flashed ROM. Will it just simply put, brick my device, or reinstall the Rom as if I had just flashed it. Thanks ahead of time.
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Ir you factory reset the phone you will get stuck in the splash screen. If you want to go back to stock, the restore a backup from CWM or flash a stock Rom from CWM. Factory reset does not work in custom roms...
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Thanks for that response. I'm not interested in stock at all. I just wanted to know if it would work. Root and flashed Roms are always smoother, even if some of them have bumps. Truthfully I'm waiting on a RC Rom from Existz, as I just want a stock android experience
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In CWM wipe data and cache and it should be some sort of factory reset.
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johrie said:
In CWM wipe data and cache and it should be some sort of factory reset.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
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this will restore original behavior of rom?
dmytrop said:
this will restore original behavior of rom?
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Thats what the man said.

"Cleanest" way to upgrade?

What is the cleanest way to upgrade for Smoothest Rom? I've read its just cleaning cache and dalvic but for others I also read factory resetting makes it so its completely cleaned before upgrading?
So which way is the "cleanest" way to upgrade?
I just wiped both caches and then upgraded to smoothest 5.1. Is this gonna cause problems later?
Please help
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iamjerry123 said:
Please help
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Whenever I flash a new rom I always:
Wipe both caches and then Factory Reset
Then I flash the new ROM, it's always a safer bet too.
ronnie498 said:
Whenever I flash a new rom I always:
Wipe both caches and then Factory Reset
Then I flash the new ROM, it's always a safer bet too.
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I do the same and it always works.
The absolute cleanest way to upgrade will always be to format system and data as well as cache before flashing. When you're just updating top a new version of the same ROM, though, that usually isn't necessary.
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