[Q] Content Provider for Settings/Call Settings/Internet Call Settings/Accounts - Android Software Development

Hey folks, I'm new to Android development and the last piece of real code I touched was over 10 years ago.
I went thru the google documentation on the settings content provider, but it seems only some of the settings are exposed. I'm struggling to find a way to get access to the Call Settings, in particular I want to get the list of SIP accounts from Settings/Call Settings/Internet Call Settings/Accounts.
I'm hoping to monitor the registration status of these accounts from my app.
Any help would be appreciated.

If its not in the documentation then it would probably have to be accessed through a content Uri. The exact path for that Uri, however, is not known to me.
Actually a uri might just be able to link straight to that page in the settings. Im not sure if it could manage the accounts directly. Might want to see if there is a database associated with them
From something awesome

Dude, all content providers are accessible by URI. And if you don't have any solid information to contribute, why post at all?

stangri said:
Dude, all content providers are accessible by URI. And if you don't have any solid information to contribute, why post at all?
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alright, durr.
i did look through settings.db and other account and call databases and found one reference to sip. it was in settings.db and it was sip_call_options of which the value was SIP_ASK_ME_EACH_TIME
also in looking at the SIP docs and the SipManager and SipProfile classes they look to be made for creating sip apps that do not use anything from the Internet call Settings. There is also a good SIP demo app here http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/SipDemo/index.html but again it is a stand alone sip client that gathers the sip account info at runtime.
i dont have the answer you are looking for, just trying to help. i still think the most likely spot to gather this info will be from a database somewhere on the phone. just like how there is no api for accessing gmail but it can be reached by querying the local gmail database directly.


Newbie XDA Mini

Hey all, and I'd like to say I have never seen a forum with so much info on it before....this place is great.
I have two questions regarding my new toy.
1) I read a thread on the site a day or so ago, but clever IE on my desktop has cleared my History so I can't see the pages I've visited - The page had a post from someone listing a whole host of registry hacks and which keys need adjusting etc to make the changes stick. If anyone knows of a thread with a list of all the hacks and the keys to change could you please link it here.
2) I have configured my Gmal account on my XDA and am able to connect and send/recieve ok however I have a slightly different question: I use a forwarded email address from my domain name which forwards my domain name email to my Gmail account, and then on Outlook on the desktop, I use the Reply Address feature to hide the Gmail address so that people see the domain address.
Is there anyway to do this on the built-in Outlook style email client on the device as I've looked about and can't see anything.
Many thanks for any help anyone can provide.
With regards to registry tweaks, the following won't be the exact page your looking for but it's very comprehensive and is regularly updated (so it will more than likely cover all the settings you saw)...
Yep keitaro's link is good.
Include this one also http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard_Tweaks
and the big all tweaks topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=38957
Brilliant - The 2nd one is the thread I was after.
Thanks very much

Question about Email forwarding

So I work for a Company and we use email pretty regularly to communicate.
I am a store manager and the company is really **** about letting us set up to recieve emails to our phones. We use Microsoft outlook and it is an intranet bassed email service (I cant email my store or other stores from an outside email, it has to be from a store location). I have tried to creat a rule to have them forwarded but they dont forward.
I figured this is were some of the greatest and able bodies are, anybody have a solution? I'm just trying to get the stores email forwarded to my gmail account so I dont miss stuff on my days off. Anybody have any ideas??
Hope this is the correct forum for this
Well if your using outlook at your store, why don't you create a new account in your pocket outlook with your account info. You can find all of it in your settings, then set it to recieve at certain times only.
There is an option to forward an email to an account once recieved. I'm using Outlook '07 so my setup may be a bit different but most outlook versions should have the same options. If you still can't find the rule setup for it just let me know.
mrmikemcguire said:
So I work for a Company and we use email pretty regularly to communicate.
I am a store manager and the company is really **** about letting us set up to recieve emails to our phones. We use Microsoft outlook and it is an intranet bassed email service (I cant email my store or other stores from an outside email, it has to be from a store location). I have tried to creat a rule to have them forwarded but they dont forward.
I figured this is were some of the greatest and able bodies are, anybody have a solution? I'm just trying to get the stores email forwarded to my gmail account so I dont miss stuff on my days off. Anybody have any ideas??
Hope this is the correct forum for this
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Well, there are a few things that come to mind.....
I am a District Manager for a restaurant chain so my first response is to say enjoy our time off
Second, I will probably sound like a jerk but there are reasons that companies limit email access to the physical location of a business, it is much more secure.
Knowing all of that, I personally forward all of my work mail to gmail and use the IMAP access so I do not have to remember if I have checked it or not. I generally get between 30-60 emails a day.
Your email may not be able to be forwarded due to how it is set up. I worked at a place where we did that and the email server we used would not allow an email from the units to be sent to any other domain other than our internal one.
My last thought it that if you are unable to find the email server settings on your own and set your email program on your phone up then you probably should not be messing with it. They are pretty easy to find but you do open your work network up to potential infection of malware or a virus. I know I would get pissed if one of my managers did something like that and caused us to have issues. Beware that they can and do track which IP addresses connect to the email server though.
Thanks guys,
I appreciate the help. I have put a rule in outlook to forward them to my gmail but it doesnt work.
Believe me, i understand the reason for limiting the location to the stores for email access. I do know that its definately possible because a couple area managers and my DM have it to their phone. I'm honestly not trying to deceitful, and I do enjoy my time off, but I have issues where i dont get important emails so i just wanted to forward them..
I didnt think about setting it up in the phone, i'm going to look into that. Where would i find the settings at in outlook? I know that I using it through my INTRANET and i use outlook through web access, so there isnt a "tools" tab that i can go into to get settings.
I'm going to play around with it.
Thanks again
Well.. some thoughts about the access...
If you you use web access then you know the server address already.
I would start off using the url as the pop3 access.
I'm replying from my phone but I will put up a mini guide later.
mrmikemcguire said:
Thanks guys,
I appreciate the help. I have put a rule in outlook to forward them to my gmail but it doesnt work.
Believe me, i understand the reason for limiting the location to the stores for email access. I do know that its definately possible because a couple area managers and my DM have it to their phone. I'm honestly not trying to deceitful, and I do enjoy my time off, but I have issues where i dont get important emails so i just wanted to forward them..
I didnt think about setting it up in the phone, i'm going to look into that. Where would i find the settings at in outlook? I know that I using it through my INTRANET and i use outlook through web access, so there isnt a "tools" tab that i can go into to get settings.
I'm going to play around with it.
Thanks again
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Can you create and send a new email to the Gmail account you are trying to forward these messages to? If you cannot then you must first find out if your network is blocking Gmail or if it is a routing issue. If you can successfully send an email to the Gmail account then the problem is merely in the settings of outlook (insert any email client here).
Almost always the outlook application must remain running for the rules to be honored. Creating and managing rules can be tricky. Make sure there are no stop processing rules entries prior to the forward all email rule you created. Also make sure there is not a stop rule in the forwarding rule or any after it will fail as well.
Ok, you said that you use outlook web access to check your email in your location. I would take a look at the url in the address bar. That will most likely be your access point that you will use later.
If you are on an intranet though you might be out of luck.
For example, one company I worked for had things set up like this:
Intranet with everyone having an ip address of 10.10.10.***.
We had an internal DNS server to resolve our intranet based web site and our email server.
Our email server was
Our internal web server was
Now, for outside access, we had an external IP that was something like
If you only access your email from on the intranet (not INTERNET) then you need to find out the external IP address. You might be able to get it from a higher up but most likely you will be shot down.
Now, for simplicity sake, how about either letting the people at your location check email and call you if something major is going on email wise or just call them a few times each day?
Without the magic numbers (external IP) you won't be able to get access no matter what you try. There is also the remote possibility that the higher ups with access on their phones are using blackberries and the service associated with that or a VPN solution to get on the work intranet.
With out physically looking at the numbers and the set up it would be hard to figure out all of the details so my post is just full of WAG (wild ass guesses).
Just to finish it up, think about this...
Deliberately trying to circumvent your networks protections even accessing email against your companies policies can put you in not only work related trouble but also legal trouble.
Appreciate the help. I figured if the process wasnt to intracate I would set it up. Appears that it's more trouble than what it's worth.

[Q] synchronization with my own cloud

I'm trying to add a synchronization function to my app which will work like this :
I want it to be login free, so no new account will be needed.
The data will be assigned to the user's google account on which he's logged in.
On server side, there will be a mySQL database wich will hold the user's data.
I didn't find a useful tutorial. This one uses some weird servlet or whatever, and the official google tut is very briefly explained.
Could anyone help me ?
halp meh plz
I was also trying to find a tutorial for something like this a while ago. Theres not much out there. Seems need to know how to write your own server side code to handle the synchronising and then communicate with the app through https or whatever.
Well, that doesn't help me very much. I know php/mySQL as well. I could imagine synchronization through xml - like implementing a function that would create an xml file from my database, upload it to the server and parse it/put it my online database.
This would be useful, if I only wanted to be able to modify data on one end - the phone - but then it wouldn't be called syncing, rather backup.
Or maybe I could request a similar xml file from the server. I think it should be possible to send some kind of query from the device to the server which would call a function that creates an xml file from database entries and then download the created file, parse it, compare with the device's database and update the database if some file was updated (it's 'last edited' time was changed).
So on each sync cycle I would first get the server-side xml file, update the local DB, then create the xml file from local DB, send it to the server and update the online DB. Only files with newer "last edited" time would be updated.
What do you think ?
Who the hell if not you, guys, can help me ?
bumpity bump

[Q] what is the best way to implements push notifications in android.

I want to implement push notifications in my android apps.what is the best way to implement push notifications.
Notes :
1) Apps User need not have compulsory google Account.
Implement android push notifications without GCM
I want to implement push notifications in my android apps.is it possible without using GCM(Google cloud messaging)
Your app would need to "handshake" with the server when it was first run, so that the server could get the IP address and any other info it needed. That could be done with a simple HTTP post. (Googling "java http post" came up with a ton of results, but the first one was a Stack Overflow question with a ticked answer that's been upvoted over 100 times. I'd take that as a strong indicator that it's good - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily).
After that, you'd need to create a TCP listener in your app and something to send messages to it on the server. Again, a quick Google search came up with a ton of stuff, but this looks concise and useful...
I've not done anything like this with Java, so I can't be any more help than give you the principle of it. I've done it in other languages though, and it's all the same thing really.
I hope this helps, and good luck
Edit: I just had a thought - that's all good for people using data, but you'll run into issues when on wifi as you'll only have an external IP address. There's reasons that things like Google Cloud Messaging exist!
nileshandroid18 said:
I want to implement push notifications in my android apps.is it possible without using GCM(Google cloud messaging)
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GCM is free i think, while the alternatives are not.
For example Parse is not so difficult to program but after exceeding their Free plan you have to pay each month some money . Other similar platforms also exist, like urbanairship

Best approach for loading website data into android app (without webview)?

I am wondering what possible ways would be for loading a simple website into my app. My first thought is using a WebView, but I would like a dynamic app, while webview takes some time when loading between pages and links.
Is a common solution to load the html resources locally, from let say the assets folder? Than I could use AsyncTask to keep the files up to date and whenever the app starts it would load and work much quickly.
Or should I use HTTP Requests and parse the external Html document?
What would be the most situable solution for this kind of app?
vedtam said:
I am wondering what possible ways would be for loading a simple website into my app. My first thought is using a WebView, but I would like a dynamic app, while webview takes some time when loading between pages and links.
Is a common solution to load the html resources locally, from let say the assets folder? Than I could use AsyncTask to keep the files up to date and whenever the app starts it would load and work much quickly.
Or should I use HTTP Requests and parse the external Html document?
What would be the most situable solution for this kind of app?
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I think it's probably a decision best made by yourself. You have not said what type of data ? Cause really you should be wanting the minimal amount required. My app uses lots of data from my server for things like themes, but these come direct from SQL Database
deanwray said:
I think it's probably a decision best made by yourself. You have not said what type of data ? Cause really you should be wanting the minimal amount required. My app uses lots of data from my server for things like themes, but these come direct from SQL Database
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Hi deanwray,
Thanks for your reply. I made some more researching and I have realised that my best bet is SQL, as you said.
Do you request data in your app directly from the online mySql database generally? I have read about a technique on downloading the data from the online database and converting it to SQLite (which is the local database on android) inside the application. This would be really cool, would really boost performance.
vedtam said:
Hi deanwray,
Thanks for your reply. I made some more researching and I have realised that my best bet is SQL, as you said.
Do you request data in your app directly from the online mySql database generally? I have read about a technique on downloading the data from the online database and converting it to SQLite (which is the local database on android) inside the application. This would be really cool, would really boost performance.
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well my app uses a hosted database for
Online Theme Data (thumbnails store in just web space)
Settings Overrides (settings that I may have to force on the app)
Announcements ( Messages that trigger dialogs, adverts, html boxes)
Purchase info
other stuff that I forget
Any database that I access online I cache data local in cache sqlite database
So lets say the most complex things is the purchase list... a rough flow is as follows :
Get idents from online purchasable list
get descriptions and titles from idents
store local database
Simultaneous query of google IAP data from play to get locale info and pricing (along with IAP ident)
Store that in same local db
Display to user at, initial data, updated data and price additions
The database online is accessed via php (not a fan of that but hey ho, not really a programmer so there ya go) and given to the app as encoded JSON
I'm currently considering an ORM system like greenDAO or something like that...but not looked too much into it currently.
The themes database is quite good as it hold descriptions of views, shading, dimensions etc, these too are never displayed to the user from the server, but are cached local, cause failure of internet and failure of sync should not prevent any vital parts of what appears to be an offline app from working (e.g. my Smart SMS app)
Hope that helps, I could pass you the php although tis quite simple, there are security issues to look out for though
deanwray said:
well my app uses a hosted database for
Online Theme Data (thumbnails store in just web space)
Settings Overrides (settings that I may have to force on the app)
Announcements ( Messages that trigger dialogs, adverts, html boxes)
Purchase info
other stuff that I forget
Any database that I access online I cache data local in cache sqlite database
So lets say the most complex things is the purchase list... a rough flow is as follows :
Get idents from online purchasable list
get descriptions and titles from idents
store local database
Simultaneous query of google IAP data from play to get locale info and pricing (along with IAP ident)
Store that in same local db
Display to user at, initial data, updated data and price additions
The database online is accessed via php (not a fan of that but hey ho, not really a programmer so there ya go) and given to the app as encoded JSON
I'm currently considering an ORM system like greenDAO or something like that...but not looked too much into it currently.
The themes database is quite good as it hold descriptions of views, shading, dimensions etc, these too are never displayed to the user from the server, but are cached local, cause failure of internet and failure of sync should not prevent any vital parts of what appears to be an offline app from working (e.g. my Smart SMS app)
Hope that helps, I could pass you the php although tis quite simple, there are security issues to look out for though
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Thanks for the details! It was really useful to see your workflow, I was not sure about the direction I should choose for my app development, but now is much clearer.
Hy deanwray,
I could use a litle help, regarding the methods you have adopted for synchronising your online database with your apps local database.
I have reached a point where my database is ready, I am parsing (via JSON) data from a local xml file, and inserting it into my SQLite database. Everything works ok, but I need to get the data from my online mySql server into my app on a regular basis.
I have found threads wich mentiones the Android sync adapter, and others where people use the HTTPClient to pass data to/from the server. To be hones I am a bit confused, I would really glad if you could light me up on what would be the best approach, or what works for you the best
vedtam said:
Hy deanwray,
I could use a litle help, regarding the methods you have adopted for synchronising your online database with your apps local database.
I have reached a point where my database is ready, I am parsing (via JSON) data from a local xml file, and inserting it into my SQLite database. Everything works ok, but I need to get the data from my online mySql server into my app on a regular basis.
I have found threads wich mentiones the Android sync adapter, and others where people use the HTTPClient to pass data to/from the server. To be hones I am a bit confused, I would really glad if you could light me up on what would be the best approach, or what works for you the best
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If you want do operate online database server then generally php is used.there is a tutorial on androidhive check it . you will get the answer
Sent from my GT-S5570 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
vedtam said:
Hy deanwray,
I could use a litle help, regarding the methods you have adopted for synchronising your online database with your apps local database.
I have reached a point where my database is ready, I am parsing (via JSON) data from a local xml file, and inserting it into my SQLite database. Everything works ok, but I need to get the data from my online mySql server into my app on a regular basis.
I have found threads wich mentiones the Android sync adapter, and others where people use the HTTPClient to pass data to/from the server. To be hones I am a bit confused, I would really glad if you could light me up on what would be the best approach, or what works for you the best
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if you need a real time chat hit me up on hangouts https://plus.google.com/+DeanWray/

