Newbie XDA Mini - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hey all, and I'd like to say I have never seen a forum with so much info on it before....this place is great.
I have two questions regarding my new toy.
1) I read a thread on the site a day or so ago, but clever IE on my desktop has cleared my History so I can't see the pages I've visited - The page had a post from someone listing a whole host of registry hacks and which keys need adjusting etc to make the changes stick. If anyone knows of a thread with a list of all the hacks and the keys to change could you please link it here.
2) I have configured my Gmal account on my XDA and am able to connect and send/recieve ok however I have a slightly different question: I use a forwarded email address from my domain name which forwards my domain name email to my Gmail account, and then on Outlook on the desktop, I use the Reply Address feature to hide the Gmail address so that people see the domain address.
Is there anyway to do this on the built-in Outlook style email client on the device as I've looked about and can't see anything.
Many thanks for any help anyone can provide.

With regards to registry tweaks, the following won't be the exact page your looking for but it's very comprehensive and is regularly updated (so it will more than likely cover all the settings you saw)...

Yep keitaro's link is good.
Include this one also
and the big all tweaks topic

Brilliant - The 2nd one is the thread I was after.
Thanks very much


Pocket MSN Wish List

I have looked just about everywhere for a solution to my requirements but not only can not find one, but have also found next to no discussion on the subject anywhere on Google or many other forums out there so hence this post.
Basically, here's what I want Pocket MSN to do:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
I scoured the registry but I'm afraid I am bit of a novice in this area and can not find anything that will do the job. Anyone out there have any ideas? Or is this something I need to pray for in a future Pocket MSN release?
For info, I have already applied the excellent that adds the "Messenger: Contact Online" and "Messenger: New message" notifications to the control panel. Both these options are an excellent start, but unfortunately they do not address the items in my wish list.
Also for info, I have GPRS permanently enabled on my T-Mobile UK MDA Vario using this nifty little reg entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\T-Mobile Internet\AlwaysOn = 1
Your thoughts and ideas greatly appreciated.
Anyone.... ideas???
email MSN and ask them?
it will prob need the Pocket MSN Code Rewriting and will there for will be in an update IF MS choses to add these to pocket msn
Basically your Wishlist says it all. I started using Pocket MSN as an alternative push-mail method to Blackberry hence the latter is f***ing expensive. I haven't found solutions to the things you mentioned either but would highly appreciate a solution.

Mac OS X sync, notes sync, pre addressed sms and mms set up

Things I have learned regarding SPV M500 (magician) and Mac OS X
Pocketmac does not work. I have purchased both the pro and lite versions of this software and I can categorically say that it does not work. I managed to get it to sync with entourage contacts and address but the email support is very bad and after 24hrs of trying ity still does not work properly. The support system does not work either, I had several tickets started to try and resolve the problems but the support staff repeatedly requested information that I had previously stated in the original ticket requests. There is one redeeming aspect of my dealings with Pocketmac and that is that they did give a refund upon request; could this be because they are aware of the problems?
Switch to Missing Sync, it is the recommended software of mac and after using it I can see why, from the first connection to the first sync it was all plain sailing, it keeps you informed about choices it is making during the sync and was very stable. I can now sync ical with tasks and contacts. First class software. Once set up you can add and email account on the device and it allows a pass through with the settings for .mac auto detected. You simply set the delete period to 7 days on both the mac and ppc the messages are then synced on both. Avantgo works ok although you have to start the sync from avantgo, it is not automatic like on activesync.
The next problem was notes, I bet most of you work on the net on your mac and at some point want to some information from your mac to the ppc as quick and simply as possible, I searched and searched for software to do this but to no avail. Eventually I found some. What you need is an account with they allow a free account for notes, tasks and lists, it is a web based system that seems to work a treat, to allow sync between the systems you make their page an avantgo personal channel to be viewed on the device (the first time you sync do it while connected with the ppc, it will ask for a username and pass. The next thing you need is the desktop widget for os x, they connects to the backpack site and shows you previous messages in real time on the dashboard, you can add or edit items. Every time you sync avantgo picks this data up and adds it to the device. You can also add notes and lists etc through avantgo which consequently adds your data back to the widget.
How do you create an icon on the today screen which will open pocket outlook with a new message already addressed to your chosen contact. Again I looked high and low for a solution to this, my preivous post mentioned using wizbar and specifying mailto:yournumber as a command to start upon button press, this works well but as was pointed out by one of the replies it does use a lot of resources just to do a simple task, this is not necessary. I have been a calligrapher user for a while and have never really looked into the features too much, I now know that you can ad a command which can be activated by a simple written command with a circle around it, the command you need to open the mail app and address and txt is as follows:
This when activated will start p outlook with a pre addressed message.
Finally MMS message setup, I would guess that some of you have unlocked phones and need to set up mms, I am with virgin and tried the settings they provide although as you probably know the syntax is very different on a wm device so it can be quite confusing, this is a really simple tip but one that I overlooked for quite some time, I tried different settings over and over again and they would not work until I realised that the tele number you input to address the message must not have any spaces I know if sounds really stupid but I use calligrapher a lot and I was putting in the recipients number via the pen and there were obviously spaces in the number, all the messaged were being rejected for this reason and nothing to do with the settings, I felt very stupid but thought I must point this out to newbies like me.
2 other tips that I was not aware of until reading some other posts are: -
speaker phone on the magician can be activated by holding down the green call button in a call.
Pressing the green button followed by the : -
Right directional button gives call register
Left directional gives speed dials
I was not aware of either of these until reading the groups.
Hope the above helps, I am very much a newbie but love tinkering and will not rest until the device is how I like it.

Email signature and reply all issues

Hi all,
Love the X1 but have a few niggles which bother me on a daily basis:
1. Email Signature
When ever I have reset the phone or lost power for some reason, my signature reverts to the "sent from my x1" signature. Have to change it back each time. Oddly, it only happens to the signature on my Exchange email, the Gmail one I use is not affected. It stays as what I set it as.
2. Reply All
I noticed this one on my crappy Omnia (had 3 in a row, all faulty). Must be a WM6.1 thing... When I am on the To part of the email, I select Reply All and it decides to send me my reply. How stupid!
Has anyone else seen these issues please?
Open the file explorer of your choice. Go to \Windows\Autostart\ or \Windows\Startup\ (depending on your ROM) and delete the file SignatureReplicator.exe, voila, you can now set your own exchange e-mail signature.
Thanks for that!! Brilliant answer.
I assume the Reply all issue just bothers all WM6.1 users and I have to live with it?
danjwalker said:
Thanks for that!! Brilliant answer.
I assume the Reply all issue just bothers all WM6.1 users and I have to live with it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Regarding the reply all issues, check out the link below:
Basically it is saying that Messaging does not really know who you are, so to work around that issue, you have to enter your email address for that account.
There are instructions shown in the link.
Hope it helps.
This is really nice to have this stupid little problem fixed, thanks!
Odd - if you set up a new account (I have a gmx account) you don't get these issues... I think it only applies to the default outlook inbox account. My GMX account is a seperate inbox........
erichui said:
Regarding the reply all issues, check out the link below:
Basically it is saying that Messaging does not really know who you are, so to work around that issue, you have to enter your email address for that account.
There are instructions shown in the link.
Hope it helps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wow! Thanks for that. You are a gem. This must bother so many people. Must be in some sticky on this forum...
do you know where to find the html file for a new mail composer in WM6.1...?

gmail help

I've successfully got gmail actively synced onto my phone now which is great news. The next step is, figuring out if there's a "search" function for my inbox, much like there is on the gmail website itself. You know, where you can search any term in the engine and it'll pull up all relevant emails. Does such a thing exist on the HD2, if I've got gmail being pushed to it? Also, I've noticed that I'm able to "set flags" on certain emails, which I was hoping to be equivalent to "starring" emails in gmail, but it seems that if I set a flag on my phone, it won't show up as a star on my gmail account. Is there any way to actually achieve this? Thanks for the help guys!
Hi, although you haven't said what ROM you use, On the stock european ROM thee is a Search Phone utility. you can search your email by selecting Messaging (or potentially Outlook Mobile depending on how you have set up your email) as the type and putting the information you are looking for in the "Search for" section. The search string you look for is saved for future searches.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm using the stock rom on my TMOUS device. I have it set up so that I may view my gmails through outlook mobile through activesync. I can't seem to find this "messaging" feature you're talking about though?
Does anybody have any ideas on the "starring" of gmails that I mentioned in my first post?

Gymail contacts synchronization issue

Hello everyone. New to this forum and so far I have found it to be very helpful so thanks to everyone who shares their wisdom and knowledge. First of all let me say that as a faithful BB owner, I felt a bit guilty switching to Android but the DI was too compelling to pass up. So far it has not disappointed. I absolutely love me phone, except for one major quirk. Namely, the address information from Gmail contacts all goes into the Street field in the People app. I have read the threads on Gmail's forum on this and know that for some odd reason Gmail is not following industry standard of using separate fields for the components of the street address. I'm less concerned about pointing fingers than finding a workable solution for this issue.
I work on a MAC and use Entourage. I had been using Missing Sync to synchronize my contacts in Entourage with the Contacts on my BB and then using Google Sync to synchronize my BB with Gmail. I'd like to have the same configuration with my DI.
If I add or change an address in the People App, the change is sync'd with Gmail and all is fine. If I however make any change to a contact in Gmail, after sync the address info is f'd up. which is then propagated to my Entourage.
One workaround would be to limit doing my edits to my phone and Entourage. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Sorry for length of this post.

