Pocket MSN Wish List - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have looked just about everywhere for a solution to my requirements but not only can not find one, but have also found next to no discussion on the subject anywhere on Google or many other forums out there so hence this post.
Basically, here's what I want Pocket MSN to do:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
I scoured the registry but I'm afraid I am bit of a novice in this area and can not find anything that will do the job. Anyone out there have any ideas? Or is this something I need to pray for in a future Pocket MSN release?
For info, I have already applied the excellent MSN_Notify.cab that adds the "Messenger: Contact Online" and "Messenger: New message" notifications to the control panel. Both these options are an excellent start, but unfortunately they do not address the items in my wish list.
Also for info, I have GPRS permanently enabled on my T-Mobile UK MDA Vario using this nifty little reg entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\T-Mobile Internet\AlwaysOn = 1
Your thoughts and ideas greatly appreciated.

Anyone.... ideas???

email MSN and ask them?
it will prob need the Pocket MSN Code Rewriting and will there for will be in an update IF MS choses to add these to pocket msn

Basically your Wishlist says it all. I started using Pocket MSN as an alternative push-mail method to Blackberry hence the latter is f***ing expensive. I haven't found solutions to the things you mentioned either but would highly appreciate a solution.


How do you guys have your emails setup?

Hi all,
I just got my MDA yesterday and have been messing around with it ever since.
Anyways, I just have a quick question for those who have more than 1 email account setup through their phones. See I have 2-3 emails I use, plus one for school. I have them setup as messages (on the mda) and my school account through outlook (I couldn't set it up through the mda to work, because of security features). The way I have it setup works, but I am looking for a better way to put all of them into one area, but at the same time all the messages from each account distinguished nicely. If there is such a way please share the knowledge.
I use the T-Mobile mail trigger service.....this is in the US though....
Yea I'm in the US too. What exactly is T-moblie email trigger?
It is a small app origianlly from the 6315 phone on TMO. I would guess it is on the MDA, too. It sends an invisible text that triggers the phone to login and download email. It makes it look like a slow push email system I don't think it will let me post because of the size. Google it, I'm sure you will find a download for it.
Your email is then setup on the TMO myemail site and those are the settings you use in the messaging app. I think there is a limit of 4 or 5 on the PDA, I only use two so I don't know.
Don't know a way around the security on your school email. Perhaps post the Outlook settings and someone here could post how to set it up on the mobile.
The built-in is far from perfect, but it will work for you.
Is it the MyEmail already installed on the phone? Because everytime I try to set it up it says I need T-Zone, do you guys have T-Zone?

Mac OS X sync, notes sync, pre addressed sms and mms set up

Things I have learned regarding SPV M500 (magician) and Mac OS X
Pocketmac does not work. I have purchased both the pro and lite versions of this software and I can categorically say that it does not work. I managed to get it to sync with entourage contacts and address but the email support is very bad and after 24hrs of trying ity still does not work properly. The support system does not work either, I had several tickets started to try and resolve the problems but the support staff repeatedly requested information that I had previously stated in the original ticket requests. There is one redeeming aspect of my dealings with Pocketmac and that is that they did give a refund upon request; could this be because they are aware of the problems?
Switch to Missing Sync, it is the recommended software of mac and after using it I can see why, from the first connection to the first sync it was all plain sailing, it keeps you informed about choices it is making during the sync and was very stable. I can now sync ical with tasks and contacts. First class software. Once set up you can add and email account on the device and it allows a pass through with the settings for .mac auto detected. You simply set the delete period to 7 days on both the mac and ppc the messages are then synced on both. Avantgo works ok although you have to start the sync from avantgo, it is not automatic like on activesync.
The next problem was notes, I bet most of you work on the net on your mac and at some point want to some information from your mac to the ppc as quick and simply as possible, I searched and searched for software to do this but to no avail. Eventually I found some. What you need is an account with www.backpackit.com they allow a free account for notes, tasks and lists, it is a web based system that seems to work a treat, to allow sync between the systems you make their page an avantgo personal channel to be viewed on the device (the first time you sync do it while connected with the ppc, it will ask for a username and pass. The next thing you need is the desktop widget for os x, they connects to the backpack site and shows you previous messages in real time on the dashboard, you can add or edit items. Every time you sync avantgo picks this data up and adds it to the device. You can also add notes and lists etc through avantgo which consequently adds your data back to the widget.
How do you create an icon on the today screen which will open pocket outlook with a new message already addressed to your chosen contact. Again I looked high and low for a solution to this, my preivous post mentioned using wizbar and specifying mailto:yournumber as a command to start upon button press, this works well but as was pointed out by one of the replies it does use a lot of resources just to do a simple task, this is not necessary. I have been a calligrapher user for a while and have never really looked into the features too much, I now know that you can ad a command which can be activated by a simple written command with a circle around it, the command you need to open the mail app and address and txt is as follows:
This when activated will start p outlook with a pre addressed message.
Finally MMS message setup, I would guess that some of you have unlocked phones and need to set up mms, I am with virgin and tried the settings they provide although as you probably know the syntax is very different on a wm device so it can be quite confusing, this is a really simple tip but one that I overlooked for quite some time, I tried different settings over and over again and they would not work until I realised that the tele number you input to address the message must not have any spaces I know if sounds really stupid but I use calligrapher a lot and I was putting in the recipients number via the pen and there were obviously spaces in the number, all the messaged were being rejected for this reason and nothing to do with the settings, I felt very stupid but thought I must point this out to newbies like me.
2 other tips that I was not aware of until reading some other posts are: -
speaker phone on the magician can be activated by holding down the green call button in a call.
Pressing the green button followed by the : -
Right directional button gives call register
Left directional gives speed dials
I was not aware of either of these until reading the groups.
Hope the above helps, I am very much a newbie but love tinkering and will not rest until the device is how I like it.

Hotmail notification

Hi guys!
Nice skille community you've got here, I'm still browsing through all your previous posts, but I can't wait to ask you this:
I have long been looking for a solution (tweak or software) that would allow me to schedule an automated send/receive on my Hotmail account just the way it works on my regular POP accounts.
Any hints?
So far, I have kept MSN Messenger always on, which allows real-time e-mails reception. But I don't really like this workarround as it drains both my battery and my monthly data transfer allowance (don't know the word for that...).
However, if you were to tell me that this is indeed the only workarround, I would appreciate the answer to this: what are the parameters that would make my Wizard ring or vibrate, depending on which mode it's in, upon reception of a Hotmail e-mail? It does that just fine for POP accounts, but not for Hotmail (although it keeps vibrating whenenver someone pops online on MSN Messenger, which is a pain in the a..).
Well that's it for now, I truely hope you guys can help me out!
I truely wish this was a feature as well. I would love at the very least to be able to set a Hotmail retreival schedule. One of my biggest complaints!
There are several programs to check your Hotmail automatically:
HTTPMail Provider:
Well I paid and downloaded HTTP Mail.
At first it seemed I had found the solution I was looking for BUT the data consumption is simply enormous.
Your average send/receive with the regular Hotmail account (the one that cannot be automatically retrieved) uses 1,12 kb when there is no new mail.
Now, the same operation, still with no new message, consistantly uses more than 700 kb! That's basically horrific...
So back to square one, but 10€ lighter :evil: !
Still, thanks very much for trying to help! But this really isn't a good solution...
Again, if anyone has another idea, please share ;-)!
I put this Pocke MSN wish list togther a while ago:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
Original post:
Live Messenger
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
___ said:
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
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A couple of pains...

Hello all
Right, so I've had my Wizard for a couple of months so far and it's struck me as a wonderful piece of miniaturisation. But I've found the OS lets it down - WM2005 tries to do too much and thus fails as the basic features, stability and user-friendliness. Anyway, bashing Microsoft isn't why I'm here today
I've managed to sort out most of the pressing concerns with the device, especially the sluggishness (fixed with a firmware upgrade from O2, my carrier). But there are a few things that bother me still:
1) When adding a new ToDo task or contact, the first field loses focus after a random amount of time, halfway through typing. This is incredibly annoying as I have to, after typing in thef first few letters, refocus the cursor at the end of the text to continue typing. This only effects the default (first) field selection, ie, the contact or task name.
2) When plugged into my PC, it appears as a network device. Fair enough, I can see the logic behind a phone being classed as a network device. What's annoying as that whenevr I plug it in, a network connection is set up which become the primary - overruling my LAN connection to the internet. Now I never use my phone as a modem, but I still have to unplug or disable it if I want to access the web or do other PC-based networking activites.
3) Hotmail. I can't believe this was built into the email client. How can it be removed? And can the 'Outlook' email be made to download email directly? It's completely pointless to have to maintain two email profiles for the same account - one for email received via Outlook and the other for directly downloaded messages. I need to reply to SMSs for them to be marked as 'read'. Anyone know if this is usual behaviour? Better yet, are there any decent alternatives to the messaging suite? I really loved the threaded SMS views of the Treo and its email client, but haven't found any PocketPC equivalents.
4) I'm really hating Outlook on my desktop - the only reason I installed it was to allow (half) my emails to by sync'ed. I've been yearning to get back to Thunderbird but have been held back by my phone. However, recently, I heard of something called FinchSync, which claims to allow Thunderbird-WM2005 email/contact sync'ing. Anyone used it?
5) Skype. I like Skype and would love to see it on my phone. I knew when I brought it that it probably wouldn't be able to run it and my tests (even if OC'ed to 252MHz) show that it doesn't really work (gets tantilizingly close). Yet I hear people claiming it works perfectly on their devices - I was wondering if there's a clever trick to this.
Phew - that's a load!
F*SH said:
Hello all
Right, so I've had my Wizard for a couple of months so far and it's struck me as a wonderful piece of miniaturisation. But I've found the OS lets it down - WM2005 tries to do too much and thus fails as the basic features, stability and user-friendliness. Anyway, bashing Microsoft isn't why I'm here today
I've managed to sort out most of the pressing concerns with the device, especially the sluggishness (fixed with a firmware upgrade from O2, my carrier). But there are a few things that bother me still:
1) When adding a new ToDo task or contact, the first field loses focus after a random amount of time, halfway through typing. This is incredibly annoying as I have to, after typing in thef first few letters, refocus the cursor at the end of the text to continue typing. This only effects the default (first) field selection, ie, the contact or task name.
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hm never had that problem
2) When plugged into my PC, it appears as a network device. Fair enough, I can see the logic behind a phone being classed as a network device. What's annoying as that whenevr I plug it in, a network connection is set up which become the primary - overruling my LAN connection to the internet. Now I never use my phone as a modem, but I still have to unplug or disable it if I want to access the web or do other PC-based networking activites.
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it has to be related to your PC networking settings[routing i think]. right now my wiz is connected and I use net ;]
3) Hotmail. I can't believe this was built into the email client. How can it be removed? And can the 'Outlook' email be made to download email directly? It's completely pointless to have to maintain two email profiles for the same account - one for email received via Outlook and the other for directly downloaded messages. I need to reply to SMSs for them to be marked as 'read'. Anyone know if this is usual behaviour? Better yet, are there any decent alternatives to the messaging suite? I really loved the threaded SMS views of the Treo and its email client, but haven't found any PocketPC equivalents.
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I think this is related to way of managing mails. Outlook is build in acount fo handling sync'ed mail's and standard pop3 is for handlig popped mails. Actually I am not syncing my e'mails (my inobx on pc is larger thn my sd card ) but imo there is another way of managaging (ie. on my pop3 account emails are deleted from device when read and older than settins)
4) I'm really hating Outlook on my desktop - the only reason I installed it was to allow (half) my emails to by sync'ed. I've been yearning to get back to Thunderbird but have been held back by my phone. However, recently, I heard of something called FinchSync, which claims to allow Thunderbird-WM2005 email/contact sync'ing. Anyone used it?
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5) Skype. I like Skype and would love to see it on my phone. I knew when I brought it that it probably wouldn't be able to run it and my tests (even if OC'ed to 252MHz) show that it doesn't really work (gets tantilizingly close). Yet I hear people claiming it works perfectly on their devices - I was wondering if there's a clever trick to this.
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on my OC [240] wiz skype is working flawleseverything I've done is oc my wiz. skype was included on rom I am using.
Phew - that's a load!
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iv that was a help, np. [/quote]
Hi savac
Thanks for the reply - I'm thinking you're right about the networking issues being on the desktop.
You got your Skype on a ROM - I downloaded mine from the Skype website. I opted for the 'low power' version, I assume that's the one everyone else uses?

Stopping Live Messenger syncing with contacts

Anyone know of a way I can use it without syncing my contacts?
I don't want it even touching my contact list as it adds all these contacts which I don't want on my device and when I remove them here it echoes the changes on my real desktop contact list. Luckily I had a contact list backed up on my desktop pc so I restored it.
So...anyone know how I can use Live Messenger Beta without letting it touch my contacts?
I guess you could disable the syncing of contacts altogether on ActiveSync?
It would stop any contacts syncing but it's the only thing that really comes to mind at the moment
It's a part of WLM, and I don't think you can disable it.
Synching Contacts
athiqueahmed said:
Anyone know of a way I can use it without syncing my contacts?
I don't want it even touching my contact list as it adds all these contacts which I don't want on my device and when I remove them here it echoes the changes on my real desktop contact list. Luckily I had a contact list backed up on my desktop pc so I restored it.
So...anyone know how I can use Live Messenger Beta without letting it touch my contacts?
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When I installed WLM it installed two programmes on start menu:
Windows Live Messenger and
Windows Live
If I select Windows Live it opens a screen which has Menu option. Within this is an Options setting that then leads to an option called "Sync Options" with this there are tick boxes to deselect synching contacts and e-mail.
Perhaps that might solve your problem?
That option is actually 'Sync Contacts and Messenger'.
All I want is the second part of that option...I want to sync messenger so it works but not my contacts.
I personally havent sync`d my contacts yet...but looking a bit deeper into this matter i found some registry keys that might help you.
Just open the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Service\Windows Live\Contacts\" there are a few options you can change. Maybe if you set the value "CanDoSync" to "0" it might actually stop syncing your contacts.
aquasesh said:
I personally havent sync`d my contacts yet...but looking a bit deeper into this matter i found some registry keys that might help you.
Just open the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Service\Windows Live\Contacts\" there are a few options you can change. Maybe if you set the value "CanDoSync" to "0" it might actually stop syncing your contacts.
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how do i get to there? i have total commander installed both on my device and desktop. but have no idea how to use them. any instructions would help please. yep thts right im a noob to all this
I just found this in a thread over in the Wizard forums.
Looks like maybe you don't HAVE to sync contacts anymore...
I just thought I'd come an taunt all you none beta testers! j/k
The new mobile client is now out!!! It's available on the Microsoft Connect website, and it's pretty damn good...
Feel free to ask any questions about it, i'll gladly answer.
Some of the new features include:
- Contant sync isn't compulsory any more!!! although the contact sync is more intelligent now, and it's much simpler an faster to sort out the initial sync.
- LARGE speed boost.
- New today/home screen applet (Displays search box, and MSN avatar and contact info (All is optional))
- Windows Live config screen.
- Contact avatars (you can have your own now).
- Personal Message support.
- Original MSN Messenger seems to be left un-touched.
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athiqueahmed said:
I just found this in one a thread over in the Wizard forums.
Looks like maybe you don't HAVE to sync contacts anymore...
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So any ideas when this version will be available.
I saw on that thread there are a few people experiancing the same problem. that the their msn contacts are getting added to thier device address book, which i find very annoying. and when you delete of the device it also deletes the contacts from your messenger list
if i was to get hold off msn messenger the one that worked on pocket pc 2002/2003, would it still work?
Dont suppose anyone would have it??
Where to download Live Messenger
Where can I download Live Messenger for the Hermes I have been looking and simply can not find it.
I saw on the connect website from Microsoft that there is a new version out since 16-12-2006. Has anyone been able to download this version already? If so, can someone give a review ?
I've just applied to the beta program
hopefully I'm allowed in.
same i have also just joined. see what happens.
Could you guys upload the installer to the xda-devoloper ftp when you recieve it?
Somehow I'm not allowed to sign up for the beta. Perhaps it's the firewall here at school.
What are the latest news about it ?
Is this "contact sync problem" solved in this version and is this availaibe for download ?,
The versions I've tried you're still forced to sync with no other options
Plus theres been lots of problems even getting push with hotmail...the option just won't stick to "when they arrive" but stays on manual sync
is there an answer for this yet?
i would love to use windows live messenger, but hate getting some 250 contacts added to my contacts (in my phone)
Just spent hours re-editing my contacts cos of live! eager to find a way of stopping it syncing but allowing me into messenger!
well is there a program that lets you put contacts into groups so that i could just filter all the live contacts?
a free one? or you know uhh one with a key?
falum: im the same as you, its a bastard to fix..
i wish this could be hacked at the moment, ive also found the WLM is pretty resource hungry, anyone else found this?

