[Q] Is there way to modify package name??? - Android Software Development

I'm trying to modify AndroidManifest.xml,
So I could use my edited version of APP
While I use original APP that is on the market...
> I'm not trying to publish the edit version of someone's hard work,
> And take his credit...
> I just like to have both version of his/her and mine...
I tried changing NAME, but that didn't work out...
So I renamed <manifest androidackage="com.app.android.inputmethod">
But it won't let me SIGN the apk file with the edited AndroidManifest.xml!
Someone help me please
::: Sorry for bad English :::

peurocs4 said:
But it won't let me SIGN the apk file with the edited AndroidManifest.xml!
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You should be able to sign every zip file, it doesn't matter whether you have edited manifest or not. How do you sign it?

I used APK manager to sign the file...
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App


Need a means to compile apks

OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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apk's are just renamed zip files.
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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yes, set to store...all you have to do is long-press the file and select rename...same to change it back afterward. I don't know about what app will allow you to set to store, but there are a TON of free zip apps. Check the market
I need to edit them though, and if I extract it edit it then zip it with an app, it's not set to store.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Root explorer can open xml files in apps but I don't think it can edit them.
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
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CMoney87 said:
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
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Yeah signapktic can sign on the phone, all I need is an app that either will, zip things set to store like in sundae or one that will directly modify the contents of the zip.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
akila87 said:
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
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Well making it a zip on my phone didn't screw anything up. I can still browse normally. What I need is a means to edit a zip without compressing it, like you have to for bootanimatjons and everything else.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
I would suggest having a look through the market....download every free app you can find and see if any help. There are so many out there that I have no idea which would work for exactly what you will want it to do. Really, trial and error is the best way, sometimes lol
I'm not sure I understand correctly, some previously mentioned are right on track.
Contents of an APK file are as normal zip files, extract the APK with winrar, 7zip or similar program.. make modifications and re-zip it and change the file name.
Important process called "Zip Align" optimizes the file for the APK format and helps to optimize and align the archive for memory mapping I/O ensuring the payload is delivered correctly, for more info - mmap
If you would like to reverse an APK file, I choose to use APKTOOL a Google hosted project and complete with it's own reverse engineering syntax called "baksmali" - This wraps AAPT - Android Asset Packaging Tool part of the android SDK - need this installed.
An issue exists with obfuscated Java classes. Meaning source code has been scrambled (obfuscation algorithm) enabling it be understood by a compiler but no longer is human readable. Another issue is Signing the APK file as most installers are to authenticate the issuing publisher.
To build an APK anyone only need's have the Eclipse IDE and Android SDK installed and you can do this without even having an Android device by using the emulator to build and test your application.
Happy play!
EDIT: Apk edit and Apk tool are both able to help in this situation also.

[Q] editing framework-res.apk

Hey guys I need a bit of help..... I was trying to edit the drawables on my gf 's Eris in the framework-res.apk and when I recompiled the Rom and tried to flash my changes recovery tells me that the update script couldn't be verified due to framework-res.apk and aborts the installation.... what am I doing wrong? Do I need to sign this apk or something to make it work correctly? I did this on my Droid incredible the other day with no problem. I know there was another thread on this further down in Dec but unfortunately it didn't give me the answers I need...
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
Hey guys I need a bit of help..... I was trying to edit the drawables on my gf 's Eris in the framework-res.apk and when I recompiled the Rom and tried to flash my changes recovery tells me that the update script couldn't be verified due to framework-res.apk and aborts the installation.... what am I doing wrong? Do I need to sign this apk or something to make it work correctly? I did this on my Droid incredible the other day with no problem. I know there was another thread on this further down in Dec but unfortunately it didn't give me the answers I need...
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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I assume from reading your post that you updated the framework png's inside a Rom Zip package... You don't need to sign the framework, but you do have to resign the Rom Zip file. Try re-signing the rom file, that should get it working...
Macrodroid said:
I assume from reading your post that you updated the framework png's inside a Rom Zip package... You don't need to sign the framework, but you do have to resign the Rom Zip file. Try re-signing the rom file, that should get it working...
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Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
elixir911911 said:
Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
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You can sign it using gnarlycs kitchen.
Edit: another thing you could have done is just pushed your modded frameworkres to its folder and rebooted the phone.
Sent from my Incredible using Tapatalk
elixir911911 said:
Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
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find zip signer i believe its called u can use that
tazzpatriot said:
find zip signer i believe its called u can use that
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Sterricson Zip Signer, or get SignApkTool from the market and sign it on your phone... Just make sure you use the test-keys for the rom file...
I used zip signer from the market.... is there anyway I can use this to sign apk 's like HTC messaging and HTC IME so that I can edit drawables in those apps?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
I used zip signer from the market.... is there anyway I can use this to sign apk 's like HTC messaging and HTC IME so that I can edit drawables in those apps?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Y don't u just download the kitchen so u can do it easier and do a bunch together...I think someone said this already I forget lol I need to look haha
Well I know how to sign sips I just want to know if I can sign apps like HTC messaging so they'll install on my device.... if I unzip and rezip afile it won't install on my device... will signing it fix this?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
i could never get that **** to recompile correctly. i gave up.
I use apk manager to decompile, compile, and sign apks. Unless I'm adding pngs I'm which case I use apktool. If your just editing or replacing what already exists apk manager is the easiest way in my opinion.
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
Well I know how to sign sips I just want to know if I can sign apps like HTC messaging so they'll install on my device.... if I unzip and rezip afile it won't install on my device... will signing it fix this?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Those won't install...you need to push them to system/app and reboot. No need to sign them unless you resign a whole rom.zip
Conap said:
Those won't install...you need to push them to system/app and reboot. No need to sign them unless you resign a whole rom.zip
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That's right.. thanks for adding that Conap. Also I was re-reading and just wanted to add as well that you don't want to unzip an apk to modify it and then zip it.. Use one of the other tools mentioned.. apktool or apkmanager
CondemnedSoul said:
That's right.. thanks for adding that Conap. Also I was re-reading and just wanted to add as well that you don't want to unzip an apk to modify it and then zip it.. Use one of the other tools mentioned.. apktool or apkmanager
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Also for pc 7zip works good also. Just right click the file 7zip open archive drop your png where you want it. Close the apk and push it to system/app or where ever it came from.
If your on ubuntu just click your apk and drop your pngs. You don't even need an apk tool.
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
wildstang83 said:
Also for pc 7zip works good also. Just right click the file 7zip open archive drop your png where you want it. Close the apk and push it to system/app or where ever it came from.
If your on ubuntu just click your apk and drop your pngs. You don't even need an apk tool.
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
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That does work as well but doing it that way you will need to optimize the .9's if you change them also. xultimate works great for that.
CondemnedSoul said:
That does work as well but doing it that way you will need to optimize the .9's if you change them also. xultimate works great for that.
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Oh cool. I never really optimized any of them. What does that do?
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
ok big time mess up...I downloaded apk manager....I used the command prompt to adb pull Browser.apk. I put this in the modding folder and used the script.bat file to extract the apk....I edited my files annd hit re zip apk and chose the option to retain signature for system apps. Then when I adb push back it seems to work fine but when I reboot browser doesnt show up in my app list!!!!! help please!!! where did I mess up? I even tried to zip align to see if that would fix it.....If I try to use coommand prompt to adb push the original browser.apk back into place it says error read only file system.....I'm locked out! ah!
elixir911911 said:
ok big time mess up...I downloaded apk manager....I used the command prompt to adb pull Browser.apk. I put this in the modding folder and used the script.bat file to extract the apk....I edited my files annd hit re zip apk and chose the option to retain signature for system apps. Then when I adb push back it seems to work fine but when I reboot browser doesnt show up in my app list!!!!! help please!!! where did I mess up? I even tried to zip align to see if that would fix it.....If I try to use coommand prompt to adb push the original browser.apk back into place it says error read only file system.....I'm locked out! ah!
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To push the original browser, /system needs to be mounted as r/w which can be done with the command "adb remount"
As for the problem with the modded browser not showing up, try this:
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Browser.apk
adb shell chown 0:0 /system/app/Browser.apk
#now reboot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik-cache, and reboot
the string you typed for the modded browser....i type that into a normal command prompt not into apk manager correct? I tried to put my normal browser back with adb remount and it still doesnt show in my app list but if i look with a file explorer the apk is in the right place....why wont it show up?
OK i actually pushed my old browser successfully and it wouldnt show in my app list....I then followed your instructions and did adb shell chmod and chown and reboot wipe dalvik and cache and it still wouldnt show up. I really dont wanna have to flash a recovery image....
edit: If it has any importance this is actually on a droid incredible i was testing for my gf's eris. So idk if it changes anything that this is actually an inc.

[Q] Need a copy of a system APK

Need a APK system file I hit delete by error ugh It is the file right under MarketInternetProxy.apk
Think it was called
media provider apk
This can be found under system/app files thanks for any help
troydog said:
Need a APK system file I hit delete by error ugh It is the file right under MarketInternetProxy.apk
Think it was called
media provider apk
This can be found under system/app files thanks for any help
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A full /system is in the 6.2 update file from Amazon.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Thanks found it wow that was easy as pie.

[mod] ICS apk de/recompile script for APK Tool - Windows

ICS Framework-res.apk does not like to be decompiled and recompiled by APK tool.
The work around is to use 2 different versions of APK tool and keep swapping files for decompile and recompile.
I have put this in a handy little batch file package to manage all this. It really is basic stuff, but hopefully for those who are not quite sure, it will ease the pain a little.
Please feel free to test it. Enjoy:
This is an updated script to modify ICS *.apk using APK tool.
I take no credit for Apk tool or the process.
I have simply automated it for Windows as there are issues with ICS framework-res modification
Pre -requisites
1. WinRar
2. Java
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Initial setup
1. Extract the apk folder from the .zip to the root of C:\
The structure should then look like c:\apk\ACTIONS
2. Go into c:\apk\ACTIONS\Install_files
3. Double click "Setup_Install.bat"
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Simply double click START.bat and follow the instructions
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Can decompile any one .apk with any name at a time. Do not put any .apk files into the "in" folder until prompted to.
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Thanks to Rob222 for confirming the method.
Updated the OP. Now can decompile / recompile any name .apk
Simple script. Double Click start and follow prompts.
got this problem
Ficheiro não encontrado
1 ficheiro(s) copiado(s).
Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\Windows\System32\\apktool.jar
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any hint ?
i already made the java paths .. tryed java6 and java7
but always that error
ruizit0 said:
got this problem
any hint ?
i already made the java paths .. tryed java6 and java7
but always that error
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What command did you run when you did that?
Did you run the setup file first?
You will need to be an administrator. Are you? If so try right click on the start script > Run as administrator
Just realised I somehow had left part of the usage instructions for the old version in the post by mistake. That maybe why some of you have issues.
Nice one bro... that was surely something that many have tried.. nice work..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Did not work
I set up the script as per the OP but I get the error attached
Think I need this. Getting errors trying to build apks.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Phone_Guru said:
I set up the script as per the OP but I get the error attached
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Please walk me through, step by step what you did from downloading to receiving this error
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Hey I'm a total noob with apktool on win. But I have unzipped apks on my phone using root explorer swapping res files and made working theme mods...
Could you guide to a good guide to doing this stuff on windows with a GUI I'm code illiterate virtually but know what's going on
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I was able to get the CM 10 Framework-res to decompile and recompile using this version:
The beauty of apks is that if you're swapping oranges for oranges, you don't need to decompile. You only really need to decompile if you're changing XML files.
To swap one image for another image with the same name is easy.
1)Download winrar (or 7zip - but I use winrar).
2)Open the apk with winrar (do NOT extract)
3)Delete the images you want to change
4)Drag the replacement images back in. When the window pops up with options, change "compression" to "store"
5)Close winrar
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
rootSU said:
The beauty of apks is that if you're swapping oranges for oranges, you don't need to decompile. You only really need to decompile if you're changing XML files.
To swap one image for another image with the same name is easy.
1)Download winrar (or 7zip - but I use winrar).
2)Open the apk with winrar (do NOT extract)
3)Delete the images you want to change
4)Drag the replacement images back in. When the window pops up with options, change "compression" to "store"
5)Close winrar
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Oh... yeah cool so this automates replacing different images in the apk with the same location... I just use a vrtheme skeleton CMW.zip folder and zip it when done for flashing.
So how do you decompile the arsc archive and mess with deeper stuff?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
thankssssssssssssssssssssss Alot
first i Run Setup_instal.bat as administrator in "C:\apk\ACTIONS\Install_Files"
after that my problem solve (i have problem like post 2 and 3)
and thats Awsome ,
graffixnyc said:
content removed
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Kindly remove your link. This thread is about the mod I am sharing, which I scripted. It is not about other mods.
rlorange said:
Oh... yeah cool so this automates replacing different images in the apk with the same location... I just use a vrtheme skeleton CMW.zip folder and zip it when done for flashing.
So how do you decompile the arsc archive and mess with deeper stuff?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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No, you don't use this at all if you're going to be changing images. This is for the deeper stuff.
rootSU said:
Please walk me through, step by step what you did from downloading to receiving this error
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I did exactly what the OP says, extracted the files into the root of the C drive, ran the setup and clicked on the start.bat and followed instructions. I now ran the setup again and took a screenshot of what appeared because it was so fast I couldn't see it. It said access denied and 0 files copied. I then took ownership of the System32 folder and ran setup again and it said 1 file copied. I now ran the start.bat again and got the attached error.
So am I right in thinking that you can't simply merge folders/files and zip like you can with root explorer because windows is not a Linux system?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Phone_Guru said:
I did exactly what the OP says, extracted the files into the root of the C drive, ran the setup and clicked on the start.bat and followed instructions. I now ran the setup again and took a screenshot of what appeared because it was so fast I couldn't see it. It said access denied and 0 files copied. I then took ownership of the System32 folder and ran setup again and it said 1 file copied. I now ran the start.bat again and got the attached error.
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can you try right clicking the start.bat and run as administrator please? You're still getting access denied messages.
rlorange said:
So am I right in thinking that you can't simply merge folders/files and zip like you can with root explorer because windows is not a Linux system?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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You can swap anything like-for-like. You can put in a replacement folder, xml file or png as long as everything has the same name.
If you want to edit an existing XML, you cannot do this without decompiling as when an xml is compiled, it does not appear as plain text. Similarly if you want to add more pngs or xml files, resources changed so it has to be decompiled too.
But if its simply swapping like-for-like, you can just use winrar or 7zip as mentioned earlier.
rootSU said:
can you try right clicking the start.bat and run as administrator please? You're still getting access denied messages.
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I tried that and still got the error messages.

[Guide] How to enable multi-user?

hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
faruqmunshif said:
The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
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ah I did not know .. you tell me how to do? maybe put to me now if there is. Anyway .. this is useful for anyone who is not practical to make changes to the framework
Here is the alternative, modifying framework-res.apk.
What I've done on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210) :
- Modifying framework-res\res\values\integers.xml (locate the entry, and put X, where X <= 8 instead of 1, X = the number of allowed max users) :
<integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">8</integer>
- Modifying framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_host_view.xml (to show user selector on lockscreen) :
>> Adding this after the second </FrameLayout>
<FrameLayout androidprv:paddingTop="@dimen/status_bar_height" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="wrap_content">
<include androidprv:layout_gravity="top|center" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="fill_parent" layout="@layout/keyguard_multi_user_selector" />
- Adding framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardMultiUserSelectorView android:layout_gravity="bottom" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_user_selector" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:contentDescription="@string/keyguard_accessibility_user_selector" android:layout_childType="userSwitcher"
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardLinearLayout android:layout_gravity="bottom|center" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_users_grid" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="@dimen/keyguard_avatar_size" android:layout_marginBottom="400.0dip" />
- After that, copied from the original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one (using a zip file utility) so I can bypass the sign process (like you should do with auto sign tool - signapk.jar)
And voilà, after putting back my modified framework-res.apk to the device and rebooting, i'm able to add new users in settings
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
Spatz said:
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
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Before recompile your framework-res.apk, you should find the png files with uppercase (.PNG) from your decompiled framework-res.apk/res/ and rename them to lowercase (.png).
when finished, flash it using CWM or other recovery.
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
slobodan.bogdanovic said:
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
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Just follow the guide in this thread to make your framework-res.apk working with multiuser. or if you have no time, just give me your framework-res.apk and i will try to decompile it for you,
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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You can also copy from your original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one so you can bypass the sign process
I have an issue when having multiple users enabled.
When I am logged in as the owner (first user) I am able to connect device via usb and transfer files.
When I am logged in as the second user, and when I try to connect device vis usb, it is not recognized. MTP Driver installation fails in this case.
Anyone has the same issue?
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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Working on Tab3 7" ?
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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I do not know, I have not tried it, so you head to the end you just have to move an app
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?[/QUOT
Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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faruqmunshif said:
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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Don' work =/
I do not believe he will get more 4.2.2.
I think like other devices, it will jump to 4.4
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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Spatz-is there any chance you could post detailed instructions? Or can you post your framework res.apk file?
Sent from my SM-T310 using xda app-developers app
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
i am curious about this, but i'd like to know how multi user works. How do I "log" in to the tab and use my gmail, etc? And then how would my wife log in and user her email and etc? Are there profiles or something similar?
never mind
Hi. I see this method does not work very well. I recommend the app SwitchMe. It's much easier and just requires root permission which everyone should have. I can't post links because I'm a newbie, so just search for it on the Play Store. :good:
alfreddallaire said:
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
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As I mentionned some posts before, I did not use the signapk.jar but instead copied signed informations from my original framework-res.apk to the new one.
See my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48429541&postcount=10 there.
I updated my tuto post to include this in the process (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48315919&postcount=4)

