[Q] Need a copy of a system APK - Kindle Fire General

Need a APK system file I hit delete by error ugh It is the file right under MarketInternetProxy.apk
Think it was called
media provider apk
This can be found under system/app files thanks for any help

troydog said:
Need a APK system file I hit delete by error ugh It is the file right under MarketInternetProxy.apk
Think it was called
media provider apk
This can be found under system/app files thanks for any help
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A full /system is in the 6.2 update file from Amazon.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

Thanks found it wow that was easy as pie.


[Q] editing framework-res.apk

Hey guys I need a bit of help..... I was trying to edit the drawables on my gf 's Eris in the framework-res.apk and when I recompiled the Rom and tried to flash my changes recovery tells me that the update script couldn't be verified due to framework-res.apk and aborts the installation.... what am I doing wrong? Do I need to sign this apk or something to make it work correctly? I did this on my Droid incredible the other day with no problem. I know there was another thread on this further down in Dec but unfortunately it didn't give me the answers I need...
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
Hey guys I need a bit of help..... I was trying to edit the drawables on my gf 's Eris in the framework-res.apk and when I recompiled the Rom and tried to flash my changes recovery tells me that the update script couldn't be verified due to framework-res.apk and aborts the installation.... what am I doing wrong? Do I need to sign this apk or something to make it work correctly? I did this on my Droid incredible the other day with no problem. I know there was another thread on this further down in Dec but unfortunately it didn't give me the answers I need...
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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I assume from reading your post that you updated the framework png's inside a Rom Zip package... You don't need to sign the framework, but you do have to resign the Rom Zip file. Try re-signing the rom file, that should get it working...
Macrodroid said:
I assume from reading your post that you updated the framework png's inside a Rom Zip package... You don't need to sign the framework, but you do have to resign the Rom Zip file. Try re-signing the rom file, that should get it working...
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Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
elixir911911 said:
Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
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You can sign it using gnarlycs kitchen.
Edit: another thing you could have done is just pushed your modded frameworkres to its folder and rebooted the phone.
Sent from my Incredible using Tapatalk
elixir911911 said:
Any input on how to sign Rom files? I've never signed anything before
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find zip signer i believe its called u can use that
tazzpatriot said:
find zip signer i believe its called u can use that
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Sterricson Zip Signer, or get SignApkTool from the market and sign it on your phone... Just make sure you use the test-keys for the rom file...
I used zip signer from the market.... is there anyway I can use this to sign apk 's like HTC messaging and HTC IME so that I can edit drawables in those apps?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
I used zip signer from the market.... is there anyway I can use this to sign apk 's like HTC messaging and HTC IME so that I can edit drawables in those apps?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Y don't u just download the kitchen so u can do it easier and do a bunch together...I think someone said this already I forget lol I need to look haha
Well I know how to sign sips I just want to know if I can sign apps like HTC messaging so they'll install on my device.... if I unzip and rezip afile it won't install on my device... will signing it fix this?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
i could never get that **** to recompile correctly. i gave up.
I use apk manager to decompile, compile, and sign apks. Unless I'm adding pngs I'm which case I use apktool. If your just editing or replacing what already exists apk manager is the easiest way in my opinion.
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
elixir911911 said:
Well I know how to sign sips I just want to know if I can sign apps like HTC messaging so they'll install on my device.... if I unzip and rezip afile it won't install on my device... will signing it fix this?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Those won't install...you need to push them to system/app and reboot. No need to sign them unless you resign a whole rom.zip
Conap said:
Those won't install...you need to push them to system/app and reboot. No need to sign them unless you resign a whole rom.zip
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That's right.. thanks for adding that Conap. Also I was re-reading and just wanted to add as well that you don't want to unzip an apk to modify it and then zip it.. Use one of the other tools mentioned.. apktool or apkmanager
CondemnedSoul said:
That's right.. thanks for adding that Conap. Also I was re-reading and just wanted to add as well that you don't want to unzip an apk to modify it and then zip it.. Use one of the other tools mentioned.. apktool or apkmanager
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Also for pc 7zip works good also. Just right click the file 7zip open archive drop your png where you want it. Close the apk and push it to system/app or where ever it came from.
If your on ubuntu just click your apk and drop your pngs. You don't even need an apk tool.
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
wildstang83 said:
Also for pc 7zip works good also. Just right click the file 7zip open archive drop your png where you want it. Close the apk and push it to system/app or where ever it came from.
If your on ubuntu just click your apk and drop your pngs. You don't even need an apk tool.
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
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That does work as well but doing it that way you will need to optimize the .9's if you change them also. xultimate works great for that.
CondemnedSoul said:
That does work as well but doing it that way you will need to optimize the .9's if you change them also. xultimate works great for that.
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Oh cool. I never really optimized any of them. What does that do?
dinc¦rockin' the stock root
ok big time mess up...I downloaded apk manager....I used the command prompt to adb pull Browser.apk. I put this in the modding folder and used the script.bat file to extract the apk....I edited my files annd hit re zip apk and chose the option to retain signature for system apps. Then when I adb push back it seems to work fine but when I reboot browser doesnt show up in my app list!!!!! help please!!! where did I mess up? I even tried to zip align to see if that would fix it.....If I try to use coommand prompt to adb push the original browser.apk back into place it says error read only file system.....I'm locked out! ah!
elixir911911 said:
ok big time mess up...I downloaded apk manager....I used the command prompt to adb pull Browser.apk. I put this in the modding folder and used the script.bat file to extract the apk....I edited my files annd hit re zip apk and chose the option to retain signature for system apps. Then when I adb push back it seems to work fine but when I reboot browser doesnt show up in my app list!!!!! help please!!! where did I mess up? I even tried to zip align to see if that would fix it.....If I try to use coommand prompt to adb push the original browser.apk back into place it says error read only file system.....I'm locked out! ah!
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To push the original browser, /system needs to be mounted as r/w which can be done with the command "adb remount"
As for the problem with the modded browser not showing up, try this:
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Browser.apk
adb shell chown 0:0 /system/app/Browser.apk
#now reboot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik-cache, and reboot
the string you typed for the modded browser....i type that into a normal command prompt not into apk manager correct? I tried to put my normal browser back with adb remount and it still doesnt show in my app list but if i look with a file explorer the apk is in the right place....why wont it show up?
OK i actually pushed my old browser successfully and it wouldnt show in my app list....I then followed your instructions and did adb shell chmod and chown and reboot wipe dalvik and cache and it still wouldnt show up. I really dont wanna have to flash a recovery image....
edit: If it has any importance this is actually on a droid incredible i was testing for my gf's eris. So idk if it changes anything that this is actually an inc.

Says I am out of space and can't install apk when I have 800+mb left, why?

I'm not even installing a game, just another app that takes a few mb's.
I go into storage and see I have 800mb left.
What's the problem?
it says: "_____ couldn't be installed. Free up some space and try again."
i have faced this problem, try to uninstall the app u install before this message
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315b using xda premium
i'm actually having problem with only one app- vplayer.
can anyone help?
I can install other apps no problem. I'm trying to download vplayer from the play market, and it just wouldn't install. It says not sufficient storage, but I do have sufficient storage, and I can install other apps no problem.
I had vplayer previously, but uninstall it, is there anyplace I can clear the data? this is quite frustrating
You can try deleting the .odex file for that app under /data/app (I think you might need a root explorer)
Cryingmoose said:
You can try deleting the .odex file for that app under /data/app (I think you might need a root explorer)
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if you are rooted, otherwise
open Terminal
cd /data
cd /app
rm (packagename.odex)
ls will allow u to see the list of all the files in that folder and help u type the exact name with ease.
Just download lucky patcher it will automatically remove unused odex files
Cryingmoose said:
You can try deleting the .odex file for that app under /data/app (I think you might need a root explorer)
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Just log-in to say thank you! It worked for me! :laugh:
Cryingmoose said:
You can try deleting the .odex file for that app under /data/app (I think you might need a root explorer)
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Worked for me. Posting to let everyone know this works.
Having an issue with memory as well.. The amount of data I have doesn't equal what its says I have left.. Running cm 10.1 rc2 where has all the space gone? I'd this a memory leak?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Hassaan.W said:
Just download lucky patcher it will automatically remove unused odex files
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Excellent fool-proof way of solving the problem! Thanks!
Hassaan.W said:
Just download lucky patcher it will automatically remove unused odex files
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I had no idea that would work. Bingo! Solved that error for me. =-}
Another reason to love Lucky Patcher, thanks.
Cryingmoose said:
You can try deleting the .odex file for that app under /data/app (I think you might need a root explorer)
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Worked for me too..

System Gallery App

I accidentally deleted this app. Can someone please upload it for me please.
MutantWizard said:
I accidentally deleted this app. Can someone please upload it for me please.
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here you are
from xxlc1 rom
unzip it .also include odex file if you need it
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
afilopou said:
here you are
unzip it .also include odex file if you need it
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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thank you
ughhhh.... how do I make it work? Is there something other than copy into the system\app folder and adjusting wr properties that I need to do?
MutantWizard said:
ughhhh.... how do I make it work? Is there something other than copy into the system\app folder and adjusting wr properties that I need to do?
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Do you have odex or deodex rom?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
stock, only rooted not sure if that means one or the other?
MutantWizard said:
stock, only rooted not sure if that means one or the other?
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Check if you have in your /system/app files with the extension .odex
If so you have odex rom
try this ...put the apk and the odex file from zip in your /system/app (make sure to hit the mount as r/w in your root explorer) and change permissions to rw-r--r--
Then reboot and check again
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
yes have quite a few odex files in the system/app folder. I did copy both files there and changed the permissions for both. How do I mount with ES File Explorer?
MutantWizard said:
yes have quite a few odex files in the system/app folder. I did copy both files there and changed the permissions for both. How do I mount with ES File Explorer?
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if you already copy them ,then your /system is already mounted as r/w
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
So seems I did everything, rebooted a couple times but it still doesnt work. In fact I dont even get the Gallery icon anywhere.
afilopou said:
here you are
unzip it .also include odex file if you need it
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for posting I trashed mine by mistake as well
Anybody have any idea why copying the Gallery apk and odex files to the system/app folder, and setting the permissions to rw-r--r-- doesnt get the galery app to work?
bumping it up to try to get somebody who knows the answer to notice.
How can I install again a system Gallery app I accidentally deleted?
So far using ES File Explorer I copied the apk and odex files to /system/app folder, set permissions to rw-r--r--. The files are secGallery2_Galaxy.apk and secGallery2_Galaxy.odex.
It gives me a Gallery icon but clicking it just reopens the Home screen or it gives me a message "Unfortunately, Gallery has stopped."
vê se não apaga de novo
Enviado de meu A953 usando o Tapatalk 2
MutantWizard said:
bumping it up to try to get somebody who knows the answer to notice.
How can I install again a system Gallery app I accidentally deleted?
So far using ES File Explorer I copied the apk and odex files to /system/app folder, set permissions to rw-r--r--. The files are secGallery2_Galaxy.apk and secGallery2_Galaxy.odex.
It gives me a Gallery icon but clicking it just reopens the Home screen or it gives me a message "Unfortunately, Gallery has stopped."
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Try clearing its data. If all fail, just re flash with mobile odin or pc odin. Just make sure not to flash the data.img if the rom has one. Flashing that would clear user data.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
programatix said:
Try clearing its data. If all fail, just re flash with mobile odin or pc odin. Just make sure not to flash the data.img if the rom has one. Flashing that would clear user data.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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If you mean to clear data in settings/manage applications, I did that and it didnt work. While writing this I though of clearing the cash in CWM. Does that have a chance of doing something?
Maybe the uninstall deleted a library file? Can you check /system/lib if there's any file with name gallery in it?
Have you run fix permissions?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Seifer1975 said:
Maybe the uninstall deleted a library file? Can you check /system/lib if there's any file with name gallery in it?
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/system/lib contains a file named libXIVSamsungGalleryCoder.so
daz_2000 said:
Have you run fix permissions?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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I manually edited the permissions to make them rw-r--r--

[Q] Es File Explorer Problem...Please help

can anyone tell me why es file explorer when i enabled he apk install automatically it was working fine and after that few minutes when i ry to install any apk i says apk install failed....?????!!!!!
elbildozer said:
can anyone tell me why es file explorer when i enabled he apk install automatically it was working fine and after that few minutes when i ry to install any apk i says apk install failed....?????!!!!!
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1,Are you trying to install system apk ?? If so u need to replace that from system / app
Or check the permission
2, use solid explorer that's better then all available
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
123hiten said:
1,Are you trying to install system apk ?? If so u need to replace that from system / app
Or check the permission
2, use solid explorer that's better then all available
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
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i wonder why is that it was working perfect and it was very easy to install apk files and was very fast...now i have to press install and press next next next and hen done....long procdures

Unable to uninstall: com.sonyericsson.album_5.4.A.0.22.apk

I recently installed com.sonyericsson.album_5.4.A.0.22.apk, but like a noob I didn't read the description before hand and the apk file is actually only for Xperia Z2 System/Media/App ] Apks and Odex and Jar files for Z1
The apk installed as normal, however I can't find the application in my app drawer and using root explorer the album apk is not showing in system/app system/private app or any other location.
The problem is that I am not able to install the correct version as the wrong apk has to be removed somehow first, when I try to restore the version that used to work from titanium backup - it just hangs at restoring and never restores successfully. Trying to restore the apk directly from a file manager results in a "not installed" message - I think this is because the wrong apk is still hidden somewhere in my device.
Any suggestions guys? any suggestions will be highly appreciated :good:
Heres the thread from which I found the incorrect apk from:
I've also attached the apk file here.
krohme said:
I recently installed com.sonyericsson.album_5.4.A.0.22.apk, but like a noob I didn't read the description before hand and the apk file is actually only for Xperia Z2 System/Media/App ] Apks and Odex and Jar files for Z1
The apk installed as normal, however I can't find the application in my app drawer and using root explorer the album apk is not showing in system/app system/private app or any other location.
The problem is that I am not able to install the correct version as the wrong apk has to be removed somehow first, when I try to restore the version that used to work from titanium backup - it just hangs at restoring and never restores successfully.
Any suggestions guys? any suggestions will be highly appreciated :good:
Heres the thread from which I found the incorrect apk from:
I've also attached the apk file here.
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If you installed it like a normal app (just opened the apk), then look into /data/app.
Someguyfromhell said:
If you installed it like a normal app (just opened the apk), then look into /data/app.
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Thanks for the suggestion, but its not there either - strange.
Then how do you know, that it isn't gone yet?
The system wont allow me to install it again or any other com.sonyericsson.album.apk file, I'll keep checking system directories one by one until I find it.
Flash philz recovery, then download aroma file explorer from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2236977 then, boot into recovery, begin to flash aroma file manager. Once the manager loads, navigate to the file you want to delete and do it that way
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
speedyjay said:
Flash philz recovery, then download aroma file explorer from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2236977 then, boot into recovery, begin to flash aroma file manager. Once the manager loads, navigate to the file you want to delete and do it that way
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'll give this a try thanks bro :highfive:

