[ROM] The Ultimate Droid 3.2.5 Discussion - Droid Incredible General

Just felt I should share this with everyone since I don't think a lot of people know about it yet. I know I never heard of it until the other day.
Trying to get an idea of what others think...
I guess there has been some controversy between Blackdroid (UltimateDroid) and the CyanogenMod team over the likeness of Ultimate Droid to CyanogenMod 7. They are almost identical, however, Ultimate Droid offers far more customization and every bit as snappy. As most of you know, the CM7 Final was released nearly 24 hours ago. I obviously downloaded and flashed it immediately to check it out. Honestly, there just wasn't anything special enough to keep it, I immediately restored my UD backup.
I certainly don't want to get in the middle of any beef between developers, after all these are both phenomenal ROMs.I just know I am always looking to try new ROMs and other methods of tweakness and hope others would speak up...
Obviously, I take no credit for anything here, just sharing info...

Your last thread about this in Dev was closed. While I do agree it belongs here... PLEASE tell me you got permission from the mods to post this again (even though it is in a different section). If you didn't... prepare for lockdown

yoyomonk said:
Your last thread about this in Dev was closed. While I do agree it belongs here... PLEASE tell me you got permission from the mods to post this again (even though it is in a different section). If you didn't... prepare for lockdown
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"UltimateDroid Development is to not be discussed here. Closing thread."
...not sure why "development" of a ROM doesn't belong in the "Development" section...
no I didn't talk to anyone. I'm not doing anything wrong. And if I am, I should at least be notified. I'm just trying to get the information out there because it's a great ROM. I'm not getting anything else out of posting this. As I said, I take no credit whatsoever, just sharing information since nobody else has. If this site isn't about getting information to people then I will quite posting.

you actually are doing something wrong by opening up the same thread a mod just closed.

I'll quote the mod from your previous thread.
UltimateDroid Development is to not be discussed here. Closing thread.


Suggestions for cleaning up and moderating the Forums

1. A FAQ listed on each section. I know we have Wiki, but its usually outdated and hard to navigate. There really is no need for gigantic lists, but simple things like how to root, use odin, use clockwork, install roms/themes, etc... can be put there along with a warning on asking questions which have already been posted on the FAQ.
2. More Mods! I think just one or two more mods can help the forums a lot and clean things up.
3. Warnings for people who post questions that have already been answered on the front page of a thread or faq followed by a temp ban if they continue.
I'm really tired of the cycle of
- Dumb question posted
- Followed by "read the damn thread or use the damn search button"
- Followed by "Hey you were a noob once and theres no harm in answering the question you ass along with lengthy answer on the question that will inevitable be asked 10 more times in the near future"
- Continue flame war that now has nothing to do with the thread anymore
You enable people by holding their hands. Don't be an enabler. If you managed to find out how to do all this crap on your own, they can too. At most you should point them to the right thread and let them read up on it on their own so they can further their own education.
4. Don't PM the Devs for requests. They have enough work on their hands and don't need to be flooded. Remember the rule of think before you speak? Try thinking before you PM.
Anyhoo, there was a bunch more, but I'm sure you guys/gals have other ideas.
riceknight said:
1. A FAQ listed on each section. I know we have Wiki, but its usually outdated and hard to navigate. There really is no need for gigantic lists, but simple things like how to root, use odin, use clockwork, install roms/themes, etc... can be put there along with a warning on asking questions which have already been posted on the FAQ.
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I don't understand why the "[How To] Return to Stock / Fix Bricked Epic" thread is not sticked.
If someone posts they bricked their phone and needs help you post the link to that thread and lock it.
I like the sentiment of this thread but fear it might be taken the wrong way. Whosdaman is really a wonderful guy and has been very helpful to me but it seems like he is very busy (and who can blame him for dealing with things outside of the interwebs?) so I support this I would also like to issue a blanket "Thank you for your hard work" to Whosdaman.
Seeing as this is a collection of developers I don't see why we don't customize the forum itself.
I don't see any reason we can't flag the development and Q/A threads for every phone. Then, if "is this a question" is set to yes, automatically put it in that phone's Q/A forum. On top of which we could add a "You are posting in the development forum, this is reserved for people developing for [insert phone]. Please check the box below to confirm that you are developing something you wish to share." anytime people posted in the development forum.
Obviously people can still screw it up, if nothing else on purpose, but we can expect people who have never been on the forums to know how the forums are laid out, usually by reading the rules, which never happens, to sort their own, or we can make it as self sorting as possible.
Sounds like whosedaman just needs some support. Perhaps another mod added to help out. We all have to keep in mind that these guys don't get paid for this and real life always trumps forums life. Just my thought on this.
Sent from my Epic while i should be working
I was wondering why there was so much confusion in this forum, as I really liked the forums I used for the month I had a Moment before the Epic dropped. Was there ever a forum on here for the moment??? I couldnt find one, so I checked sdx, which I remember lurking back then and found my answer. Why can't Xda have 'child forums', with descriptions of where and why to post things?? They have a 'market' forum section for ROMs, etc, which we here are using development exclusively. I understand why, but it seems its this way here because of limited tools for organizing, can this sites software not do that? It is completely logical and intuitive to post questions directly regarding development or roms in the development section if you are new... I would have expected a sub-forum for roms only, or at least some direction other than after the fact... usually unless its horribly out of order, whosdaman is pretty polite about it, and given the feelings regarding this device, things get silly in here. Anyways, yes, at least sticky all roms and things 'coolguy' or whatever dont warrant flaming, and then politely notify the new people that questions regarding development actually get booted over to general, where intuitively people would assume GENERAL questions like 'do you like gmail or the stock app better?'.
More mods? Better structure? Who has control over this? Are there any experienced volunteers that can help whosdaman out with his daunting task?
We need to expect more 'joined in Dec 2010' and later members as every idiot with a blog and engadget included seem to think this site and forum are the authority, even over Sprint and Samsung (if XDA says 2.2 is dropping, it must be true, head over there and complain about it). NOTHING against new members, just that there is little direction other than the 'rules' that most people think are just 'dont flame, no kiddie porn... etc...' Dont get all elitist because people couldnt figure out your simple, non-intuitive structure because its their first 5 mins here.
Love this forum, but its like people are baited into getting flamed by assuming this forum runs like most any other... I thought I saw the end of this when I refused to go to another BBC chat... guess not.
If you feel that you must deputize yourself, please, copy the link to the wiki, rules, etc and paste them in misplaced, repeat threads and leave it at that.
since this is a fluff post, BigJim, whats the 1488 stand for??? Just curious...
ungovernable1977 said:
since this is a fluff post, BigJim, whats the 1488 stand for??? Just curious...
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Pardon? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'a fluff post'. I sincerely hope Whosdaman reads this thread and takes into account that there are some of us who would genuinely like to help him make our forums a more manageable place to browse and share ideas/roms/themes/etc. I am in no way asking for myself to be made a mod but rather I believe there are people here who would make good mods and I hope that WDM sees that we support him and want to help him make our community more accessible!
I'm willing to be a mod here I have experience and would know and how to handle things here...
Admins or mods pm me
sent from my Epic 4G
riceknight said:
1. A FAQ listed on each section. I know we have Wiki, but its usually outdated and hard to navigate. There really is no need for gigantic lists, but simple things like how to root, use odin, use clockwork, install roms/themes, etc... can be put there along with a warning on asking questions which have already been posted on the FAQ.
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Did you do a search before posting this? There's already a thread on it, learn how to use the search.
Ok, that was my attempt at humor
ungovernable1977 said:
since this is a fluff post, BigJim, whats the 1488 stand for??? Just curious...
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I don't think this is fluff at all and whosdaman does deserve to be thanked for his, well, thankless work.
1488 is a race thing. They usually won't tell you what the ideology of it is in public. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words
Although I don't agree with the sentiment of the belief structure, I support their right to peacefully observe their beliefs.
Yeah I know that meaning its generally a tattooed target, was just hoping it was just some retarded interweb speak. Sorry to hear. Almost forgot what it was though... not many Boneheads around here, not anymore.
BTW, I respect Lady Gaga's work, although I dont like it, therefore I see no reason to put it in my username.... its ok, you have a right to be a Nazi in this country...
Regrettably, I do read almost every thread in this forum, and forums I maintain...
<--------- Look here, I have 8 forums to maintain full time, but 6 are dead lol
Yeah I do have a life outside this for sure. Not only am I a senior in High School, I am on the Mock Trial team, the Robotics Team, a Sales Representative for Sprint, and a Writer for BriefMobile.com
So yeah I would say I'm busy, but I look over the entire forum as much as I can. Shep211 has been extremely busy in his personal life, that's why I started helping.
It is a thankless job, it's a volunteer job. All free, I don't get paid. The only thanks comes from the owner of the site when I say "if you fix this the site will be better."
Besides all that I can single handedly control this entire forum. I know it sometimes looks cluttered and in a mess, but then again...the Development section is spotless, which is truely the only thing that matters. The General section is meant to be a mess because it's where everyone posts their questions and complaints.
There are applications to become a moderator here on XDA, you have to meet certain requirements to be considered and then be approved. No one of this forum knows my experience as a moderator unless you used GameBattles.com for PS3.
If you want to help me out the most, please please please, use the "Report Post" feature. Every reported post goes straight to my inbox, and I see every single one. Normally RP's get extra attention as they obviously have bothered someone enough to have it reported. 90% of the RP's are either Ghost or Kenvan.
The search feature would do alot of people good, it's nice to tell people to do something, but Report the post/thread and I'll take care of it. You clutter up the forum and threads by posting in threads saying to post in General, just report it. That's all.
Sure, I wish everyone searched because there are at least 5 can't root threads. I would rather merge them all but it too much work to find them. Like I said, let the noobs make their mistake. The members report the post, don't tell them they were wrong. I'll move it, shoot them a PM, and then post in their thread telling them where they should have posted. Then hopefully they will learn.
Thanks again,
kenvan19 said:
Pardon? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'a fluff post'. I sincerely hope Whosdaman reads this thread and takes into account that there are some of us who would genuinely like to help him make our forums a more manageable place to browse and share ideas/roms/themes/etc. I am in no way asking for myself to be made a mod but rather I believe there are people here who would make good mods and I hope that WDM sees that we support him and want to help him make our community more accessible!
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Sorry, fluff may have been a wrong choice of words, I was implying that as this has been talked about before, and ignored by the powers that be, I saw it was going to end up an off topic post eventually, or at least until the elitist post Nazis (no offense bigjim) came in and said how we are cluttering their precious first page of posts, because as most have trouble with the AMAZING search function, a lot here have a lot of trouble with 'next page', you dont even have to pick which page, it takes you right to the next one!
Sorry, this is just getting really retarded around here, oh and BigJim,apologies, last comment on your beliefs, if off topic, but being an anarcho-punk, its hard not to at least ask if that is REALLY what you are talking about.
hehe *blush* I've tried to resort to reporting posts lately as opposed to trying to deal with problems on my own. Hope its not too much of a burden.
THANK YOU whosdaman! that is a very simple way to deal with the clutter issue... didnt even realise what the report button was till i looked around for it. I agree that not replying, positive or negative is good, if its easier for you to redirect them (you could probably easily make a form letter, just sub in 'froyo', 'GPS', or 'search' and the rest is pretty much the same!)
So what of the ability to make sub forums??? to be able to have a section under Dev that is for general DEV RELATED questions would be cool... most people assume that General is for stock, non rooted phone discussion, and Development is for anything to do with development. I think I remember one called 'all things root'?? Idunno, but you get the idea. So what is the plausability of this?? not possible with site software? Too much work??? Just curious, I have asked in similar threads and I think you were too busy with other stuff... I tend to avoid PM especially if it is something someone else may be able to answer, as we all know, mods are busy, especially in this forum. Thanks for all your hard work!
I certainly appreciate all the hard work Whosdaman has been doing with these forums, but unless he enjoys handling all this, wouldn't an extra mod or two be helpful?
My biggest thing is the FAQ post. Someone asks questions, you can point and say you should have read that first. Like I said before, the Wiki is great, but its a little cluttered and outdated as well as being hard to edit. Having one person willing to just moderate that one thread would be so helpful.
It bugs me when the whole community seems to be represented by the lazy people who just spam post. There are plenty of helpful, polite and very well informed that get lost among the clutter. In fact, they probably outnumber the newbies but don't feel the need to post nonsense. For every idiot that asks a dumb question, there are probably 10 that actually do research and figure it out for themselves.
kenvan19 said:
hehe *blush* I've tried to resort to reporting posts lately as opposed to trying to deal with problems on my own. Hope its not too much of a burden.
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Nope, I love you and ghost for reporting post. I always look forward to waking up and seeing 10 new PMs lol
ungovernable1977 said:
THANK YOU whosdaman! that is a very simple way to deal with the clutter issue... didnt even realise what the report button was till i looked around for it. I agree that not replying, positive or negative is good, if its easier for you to redirect them (you could probably easily make a form letter, just sub in 'froyo', 'GPS', or 'search' and the rest is pretty much the same!)
So what of the ability to make sub forums??? to be able to have a section under Dev that is for general DEV RELATED questions would be cool... most people assume that General is for stock, non rooted phone discussion, and Development is for anything to do with development. I think I remember one called 'all things root'?? Idunno, but you get the idea. So what is the plausability of this?? not possible with site software? Too much work??? Just curious, I have asked in similar threads and I think you were too busy with other stuff... I tend to avoid PM especially if it is something someone else may be able to answer, as we all know, mods are busy, especially in this forum. Thanks for all your hard work!
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I have no control over sub-forums. And right now it is only me working on the entire Epic forum. Like I said shep211 is gone atm.
svetius is in charge of the entire site, and I've talked to him about improvements that can be made. I wouldn't bother him too much or he'll just ignore ya. Most of the time the only things he is interested is fixing errors with the site itself. Right now I don't think we are in the area of reorganizing the entire site.
ok, so adding a subforum is not possible? Or is it a decision to make the structure uniform across the whole site? Just thinking, because this forum is like maximum security, different from the rest... or so it would seem...
I'm not so sure making more areas, and thus more chances to be wrong, is a good way to combat posting in the wrong area.
If you have a rom question, ask it in the rom thread. All that would happen if there were subforums for things in development, and discussion of things in development is we'd have 37 threads about how "I just discovered ___ doesn't work in [rom]" instead of 50 posts about it in the rom thread.
(Not to mention you'd then be blurring the line of when it is or isn't ok to post in the DEV forum, where as now, if the person bothers to read, there's a pretty clear cut "If you aren't about to post about the thing you just developed, GTFO" rule.)

[Q] Experiencing Random Reboots on CM7

Before anyone points out that I didn't post this is the main CM thread, I'd rather not keep up with sorting through the dozens of new posts to find out which ones are in response to my question if I don't immediately visit the forums after receiving a notification E-Mail, that is if anyone even notices mine among the already thousands of posts within the same thread. So, with that being said:
I loaded CM7 v2.5 into the NAND of my HD2. Everything ran great for about the first week. Now I am experiencing random reboots on an average of about once a day. At first, I thought ti might be related to overclocking. But even after returning to the default profile and on top of that UNINSTALLING SetCPU, the problem still persists.
It doesn't reboot the entire phone as in starting from the bootloader. It will freeze in the middle of whatever and fall back to the CM7 loading screen.
I see many people having this same problem and also many people with CM7 working just great. Has anyone yet determined the cause of this issue?
With that being said you still posted in the wrong section. This should be in the Q&A section. After blatantly stating your too lazy to follow a possible response to your question, its not that hard to just go to your statistics, then your posts and follow it from there. Its not like it would be pages ahead if your original question. To answer your question, you should upgrade your build.
mattfmartin said:
With that being said you still posted in the wrong section. This should be in the Q&A section. After blatantly stating your too lazy to follow a possible response to your question, its not that hard to just go to your statistics, then your posts and follow it from there. Its not like it would be pages ahead if your original question. To answer your question, you should upgrade your build.
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Hey Matt, here is a suggestion for you:
The next time you feel as if you are going to have diarrhea of the mouth, take it to the toilet instead of spewing it all over someone else. I already stated the obvious, and there is no need to be a complete D-Bag and start something that doesn't need to be started by rubbing it in.
If I posted in the wrong forum, oops oh well no big deal but there are better ways to let someone know. The first mod that sees this would move it anyways It's that simple.
And in response to your statement about being too lazy, I went through this whole route when I was running WM6.5 and the CleanEX ROM. I was told to post any issues in the main ROM thread, and usually I would have to sort through 2 - 3 pages of replies to find anything that was addressed to my question that is, as already stated, if it didn't go unnoticed among the thousands of other posts. This might be the way you and many others do things, but honestly it is an extremely unorganized way of getting a response. Tried it, and didn't care for it.
So with that being said, I kind of find it hard to believe that it is just the build that's causing the phone to act this way, unless it was discovered that this was actually a bug with the build (?). No offense, but people tend to see upgrading to a newer version as a universal fix-all.
You cant just ignore the rules and post anywhere you want, just because you cant be arsed to post and wait in the roms own thread. This forum is for posting developments/dev info etc, NOT for posting question topics.
Go use the Q&A section or post in your roms thread.
User/Thread reported.
Moved this thread to "HD2 Android Q&A and General" section.
Oh yeah. I closed the thread too. There is no reason to deliberately violate the rules and post in your OP that you did exactly that.
I don't really care how much you dislike the idea of posting an issue in the ROM release thread because that's how things are done.
This is the kind of thread that really irks me. You know all you're doing is getting yourself flamed and irritating a moderator....
The next time I see a thread like this from you, I'm not only going to close it but I'm going to delete it and infract you for deliberately breaking the rules.
Consider yourself warned.
(Leo Forum Mod)

Where MDJ???

Oh man.. so long i not coming to see HD2 rom since i get my nexus.. But wait.. where all MDJ thread all gone?? its something happen??? someone tell me..
are-red said:
Oh man.. so long i not coming to see HD2 rom since i get my nexus.. But wait.. where all MDJ thread all gone?? its something happen??? someone tell me..
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Mods closed / removed his threads... not sure what happened.
I got this reply from a moderator throuh a personel message
(''To answer your question, he was not complying with our rules regarding GPL liscensing.
We are working with him on this and his threads will be back when he is in compliance.'' )
so he might be back soon
i try to search on google and acess xda mdj rom and got the message below
"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting. "
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
so he wasn't sharing his source code?
orangekid said:
so he wasn't sharing his source code?
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Apparently, that is the case.
Yeah, I believe it had to do with him not sharing it. I think it all started when CM started to announce and work on the official build and were wanting to use his kernel as a base/starting point but he wouldn't give it out? I don't know, I just remember something similar to that happening in the Offical CM topic.
hd2k10 said:
Yeah, I believe it had to do with him not sharing it. I think it all started when CM started to announce and work on the official build and were wanting to use his kernel as a base/starting point but he wouldn't give it out? I don't know, I just remember something similar to that happening in the Offical CM topic.
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do you have a link?
that doesn't make any sense, if CM actually wanted to do an official HD2 build everyone would benefit, doesn't make sense for him not to release his kernel source.
invicible said:
i try to search on google and acess xda mdj rom and got the message below
"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting. "
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
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Im getting the same thing...Im looking to download the newest for my HD2 but i cannot enter that forum.
Can someone tell me if there is any and what possible damage can occur due to MDJ not sharing his source? Example: is any of our personal information at risk by this taking place (i.e. credit card numbers, e-mails, sms, phone records, etc)?
Hope they are back soon
eenbox said:
Can someone tell me if there is any and what possible damage can occur due to MDJ not sharing his source? Example: is any of our personal information at risk by this taking place (i.e. credit card numbers, e-mails, sms, phone records, etc)?
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it is posible that he has put some code in there to get details from devices, so without actually seeing the code people can only speculate
i hate to say it but this thread has turned borderline pathetic
can a mod please close this thread
before conspiracy theories start popping up about it MDJ
Weird. Haven't visited the android HD2 forums for a few weeks and to see MCCM back and MDJ gone is weird. But MCCM's builds work better for me anyway.
MDJ!!! WE MISS YOU!!! Hopefully we will see him back soon
MDJ, your work was the best here, Back to us pls!
Kameirus said:
i hate to say it but this thread has turned borderline pathetic
can a mod please close this thread
before conspiracy theories start popping up about it MDJ
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No it hasn't. Seems the issue has been addressed well enough and people are just voicing what's on their mind. The only excuse for this one being closed is it's a dupe thread.
Closing fair discussion never benefited anybody !
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
There has to be a reason why he refuses to share his code, if this is true, i would be really careful with those roms he created. think about it, everybody else shares their code (its a requirement) but when they asked him to share his, he disappears? I hope I am wrong...
It sucks that he's not around right now before this stuff went down he promised an update and i'm jonesing for one!
I've moved to another build, but don't like it as much.

Do not post links to synergy or other closed testing nighties!!!

I have gotten multiple requests from a few devs in the past week, including myn to delete links to their mirrors posted by users. Today, I had to delete a full thread about these. Stop posting links to said nighties. Devs will release the rom when it is ready to be called "beta". The reason they have not opened a new thread about this is because some people perceive the threads like this as "feelers" or with the sole purpose to draw donations, which is by no means the intention of the devs.
This is a final warning about this.
Right on man the devs work there ass off and are always working on something new and fixing problems sucks when people on here jack there links and post them all over here and then take credit for it Happy you did something about it.
It is crap that people feel the need to do things like that. Personally, I don't mess with "nightlies" unless it says AOSP. Stoked about Myn's next release though.
I agree 100%. Glad to see swift action from the XDA Admins / Mods.
Question - Should all links of the new ROMs be off limits, including changelogs and such? For instance, I noticed a link in the Warm 2.2 thread for the changelog for Myn's Synergy ROM.
jdogg836 said:
I agree 100%. Glad to see swift action from the XDA Admins / Mods.
Question - Should all links of the new ROMs be off limits, including changelogs and such? For instance, I noticed a link in the Warm 2.2 thread for the changelog for Myn's Synergy ROM.
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Changelogs for this rom can also be found in infectedrom as well afaik. If the link to the changelog has any way to link back to a mirror or a link to obtain the rom, then I would say it should be off limits. Please link me to the post in question if you can (myn's 2.2 thread is only a gazillion pages long and I don't have all eternity to look for it )
ehh, I think the issues is people don't understand that these rom's are for the experienced user. The Synergy is not released publicly yet because their is a risk some idiot will bork, brick, ruin their phone. also if you want it so badly go to the irc channel that's your best bet for getting the latest and most proper version some user's could think they're fixing something and share it on the forum and next thing you know 20+ dead device's
/end input and rant.
Sinistertensai said:
ehh, I think the issues is people don't understand that these rom's are for the experienced user. The Synergy is not released publicly yet because their is a risk some idiot will bork, brick, ruin their phone. also if you want it so badly go to the irc channel that's your best bet for getting the latest and most proper version some user's could think they're fixing something and share it on the forum and next thing you know 20+ dead device's
/end input and rant.
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great point man.
Although I agree with their general intentions, some developers have not been acknowledging or giving access to the nightly builds even for those who have donated. It's been almost a week since I donated to a developer and have yet to even get an acknowledgement, let alone access to any nighties, and I've seen posts from others who are in the same situation. I know donating does not automatically grant access to the nighties, but I think the developers should also be more forthcoming to those who donated to them.
antiphon said:
Although I agree with their general intentions, some developers have not been acknowledging or giving access to the nightly builds even for those who have donated. It's been almost a week since I donated to a developer and have yet to even get an acknowledgement, let alone access to any nighties, and I've seen posts from others who are in the same situation. I know donating does not automatically grant access to the nighties, but I think the developers should also be more forthcoming to those who donated to them.
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My point exactly. You don't donate to a dev and get automatic access to nighties. You donate because you feel like giving someone something for their hard work and should expect nothing in return. If the dev so happens to grant access in lieu of donations so be it, all the better for you. However, if a dev did post something along the lines of "donators will receive access to nightly builds and early releases", then that is where we would have to step in, as that is considered selling "money for a good or service". Sorry but if you donated, you donated and that is the end of it.
is it ok if i give someone who i know has access to like the myn links, the V links?? cuz right now myns links are broken, but V's arent....... if not, i will stop.... just plz dont ban me
and congrats on your 10,000th post egzthunder!!!!
i made it right, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=14567216&postcount=42026, so please, dont ban me egzthunder, i was only trying to help
JGW310 said:
is it ok if i give someone who i know has access to like the myn links, the V links?? cuz right now myns links are broken, but V's arent....... if not, i will stop.... just plz dont ban me
and congrats on your 10,000th post egzthunder!!!!
i made it right, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=14567216&postcount=42026, so please, dont ban me egzthunder, i was only trying to help
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Thanks and thanks
Im posting this here, because dont know were to put this.
I think we need more moderator here in the EVO 4G Forum area, because every single Development thread, you can only see people *****ing about the same thing that is already posted, PEOPLE here Don't READ even when your are installing something in your phone that can Break it. ( If you go to a Leak ROM thread, it is clear that you cannot install thoose type of ROMs, and people always are asking that they are having issues installing the ROM, LOL)
If you go to General you can see like 10 thread of the Same Thing, In the Evo 3d Area you can see like 8 topics of Release date, 4 of Root, etc, etc.
My opinion is that we need more moderators in the Forum, The XDA community everyday is becoming bigger, so you need to take that in mind.
rockypr said:
Im posting this here, because dont know were to put this.
I think we need more moderator here in the EVO 4G Forum area, because every single Development thread, you can only see people *****ing about the same thing that is already posted, PEOPLE here Don't READ even when your are installing something in your phone that can Break it. ( If you go to a Leak ROM thread, it is clear that you cannot install thoose type of ROMs, and people always are asking that they are having issues installing the ROM, LOL)
If you go to General you can see like 10 thread of the Same Thing, In the Evo 3d Area you can see like 8 topics of Release date, 4 of Root, etc, etc.
My opinion is that we need more moderators in the Forum, The XDA community everyday is becoming bigger, so you need to take that in mind.
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Agreed. I volunteer
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
rockypr said:
Im posting this here, because dont know were to put this.
I think we need more moderator here in the EVO 4G Forum area, because every single Development thread, you can only see people *****ing about the same thing that is already posted, PEOPLE here Don't READ even when your are installing something in your phone that can Break it. ( If you go to a Leak ROM thread, it is clear that you cannot install thoose type of ROMs, and people always are asking that they are having issues installing the ROM, LOL)
If you go to General you can see like 10 thread of the Same Thing, In the Evo 3d Area you can see like 8 topics of Release date, 4 of Root, etc, etc.
My opinion is that we need more moderators in the Forum, The XDA community everyday is becoming bigger, so you need to take that in mind.
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There are 3 moderators assigned here, plus I am always around as well as other Senior Mods. This place has become somewhat chaotic as of lately, but we will control it to the best of our abilities.
Google is your best friend. That's all I gotta say. *Hint*
Ya alot of flame wars going on. Sad people were stealin links and posting the devs hard work and claming it theres. Glad the ADMIN stopped it.
If you've made it a rule to close threads involving the posting of links to nightlies at least somewhere on the site there could be link to the rom!
There is a link posted. Goto the Incredible section and get it there.
rockypr said:
Im posting this here, because dont know were to put this.
I think we need more moderator here in the EVO 4G Forum area, because every single Development thread, you can only see people *****ing about the same thing that is already posted, PEOPLE here Don't READ even when your are installing something in your phone that can Break it. ( If you go to a Leak ROM thread, it is clear that you cannot install thoose type of ROMs, and people always are asking that they are having issues installing the ROM, LOL)
If you go to General you can see like 10 thread of the Same Thing, In the Evo 3d Area you can see like 8 topics of Release date, 4 of Root, etc, etc.
My opinion is that we need more moderators in the Forum, The XDA community everyday is becoming bigger, so you need to take that in mind.
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If you see anything that you feel is against the rules, or shouldn't be posted then please PM me or one of the other assigned Forum Mods for the Evo.
We can't read every individiual thread and do rely on members help. Remember this is your forum, so please help us keep it as clean as we can!
The 3 mods currently looking after this forum are:
And myself. You can PM me directly from the link in my sig.
rolfd said:
If you see anything that you feel is against the rules, or shouldn't be posted then please PM me or one of the other assigned Forum Mods for the Evo.
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THIS. rolfd has been more than helpful each and every time I have sent a private message.

Non XDA hosted roms in general and Thor in particular

Having had a number of threads crapped, locked and deleted I am now asking (since mods dont answer PMs with the question)
Why can we have threads asking for help getting Thors mod running but we can not have threads discussing Thors upcoming Roms and cornerstone?
Not flaming, not causing controversy, just asking. So far I have seen multiple threads locked and my very polite, very clear, very 100% legal thread deleted with no notice or explanation and no response from mods.
I and others would just like to see a constant and even hand when it comes to Thor. Can we or can we not discuss his work, and if so, then can we have the mods remove the offenders and not the threads.
yeah, I saw this too. It seems the only time a thread gets attention from a mod is if Thor is mentioned. The rules are followed, yet the thread gets locked or deleted. Yet the rest of the sub forums are a mess. It is definitely clear that it's a vendetta now. Thread to disappear in 3,2,....
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500 using Tapatalk
Remember that XDA is huge... so some things slip through. If they do, you can always flag a post for review... That said, removing the offenders would be even worse, as (particularly new) members might violate the rules without noticing... Of course, some people just won't accept the rules, and I guess they are eventually banned. Other than that, the forum rules clearly say "no warez" -- and, from a purely legal point of view, Thor's kernel qualifies.
I would say purely because the moderation of the a500 forums has been so lacking for so long. Now they finally get sick of flame threads being flagged they decide to just nuke anything to do with the cause of 95% of the nuisance posts: THOR and anything to do with him.
OP Really has come across as a Troll account to me though TBH, sorry if I am wrong but can't you just let it go? You are like a dog with a bone, go to his unmentionable forums and hang out there if you don't like the rules?
He has followed the rules, even directly from the horses mouth. The rules state no links may be posted, that's it, that's all. Discussion is fine. There's even an ICS theme thread that's been going on for awhile for thors Rom.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
I created an account 3 (!!) years ago just so I could be a "troll".
Looking at post counts vs time we seem to be about the same......lurkers who post when meaningful. I do spend a lot of time at the "unmentionable" forum. I also keep tabs here to see if there is anything worthwhile...unfortunately less and less recently. Show me one post (other than 1 deleted one that was a clean call by the mod) where I did NOT 100% address the topic of the thread. Just because some one does not like the answer does not make it a troll post.... those whos some total of input is "sputter sputter GPL sputter stammer froth sputter" those are trolls.
Personally I have zero interest in Thor's stuff and I find his behaviour to be petty, childish and, again, hypocritical -- "I use other devs' stuff but I don't want other people to use my stuff!" -- but I still think people should be allowed to discuss his stuff here. We do not lose anything as a community even if we allow people to discuss topics they find interesting, but we certainly do lose something if we start censoring discussions just on the basis of who they are about!
Just my 2 cents, here.
Aaron Camp said:
I created an account 3 (!!) years ago just so I could be a "troll".
Looking at post counts vs time we seem to be about the same......lurkers who post when meaningful. I do spend a lot of time at the "unmentionable" forum. I also keep tabs here to see if there is anything worthwhile...unfortunately less and less recently. Show me one post (other than 1 deleted one that was a clean call by the mod) where I did NOT 100% address the topic of the thread. Just because some one does not like the answer does not make it a troll post.... those whos some total of input is "sputter sputter GPL sputter stammer froth sputter" those are trolls.
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Hey I did say sorry if I was wrong!
Maybe one of the mods rubbed you the wrong way and you decided to be defiant? I don't actually disagree with any of your points, I just don't see the point in constantly questioning the mods or the rules when it won't get you anywhere?
Correct me if I missed something but it pretty much went
*Getting a thread closed due to mentioning Thor and people jumped in and started **** (as most mentions of him tend to do).
*Then instead of letting it go, posted a similar topic saying go to Thors site...he's working on stuff you want!
* Now after that thread failed you go ahead and call out the Moderators to what end? An apology?
It does seem the Moderators are more active in here now though, which can only be a good thing...if you are to blame in some way, thank you! lol
Update to reply to WereCatf instead of double posting: I agree 100% the mods deleting the threads is silly, they should only delete clear violations or flame wars. People will behave if the Mods stay as active as they have been the last couple of days and we can all discuss anything without starting **** storms and having threads deleted or people banned.
Great summation for the past 2 week "thor gate".
Honestly trying to understand the rules. I am a long time lurker/poster. I was actually around when thor was deving here. There is zero consistency so no one knows the rules. Tth thread that was deleted had over 500 views and was 2 pages long. I ddint see anything in it that was flamebate and I was very very careful to keep it 100% legit by all posted rules and previous mod comments. All of a sudden....poof. Add to that a complete lack of response via pm from the mod and it did leave a bad taste.
To be honest the whole thor issue comes down to opinion on who's right and who's wrong. It could go either way. He is clearly outside the bounds of xda though....no grey there, but from a personal level as to people stealing his hard work, I am behind him 100%.
Hell its been 2 days on this thread and no mod or "authority" has responded at all. In my book a poorly modded forum is worse than an unmodded one every time.
Aaron Camp said:
Hell its been 2 days on this thread and no mod or "authority" has responded at all. In my book a poorly modded forum is worse than an unmodded one every time.
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Mate, just let go. Don't expect a response from mods, they are likely busy, plus they likely have better things to do than to respond to threads like this. I mean, man, let go now and go do something useful. If they respond to this thread then good, if they don't you're just wasting your time at being unproductive.
I'm new to the community so I don't have an opinion about a certain hammer wielding developer. However, why the F*** do people want XDA to support his stuff when he has a whole site devoted to that?
Aaron Camp said:
Having had a number of threads crapped, locked and deleted I am now asking (since mods dont answer PMs with the question)
Why can we have threads asking for help getting Thors mod running but we can not have threads discussing Thors upcoming Roms and cornerstone?
Not flaming, not causing controversy, just asking. So far I have seen multiple threads locked and my very polite, very clear, very 100% legal thread deleted with no notice or explanation and no response from mods.
I and others would just like to see a constant and even hand when it comes to Thor. Can we or can we not discuss his work, and if so, then can we have the mods remove the offenders and not the threads.
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He has a forum use his forum to discuss how mods installed etc
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Thats kinda the point of this and other threads. There are other Roms out there beyond XDA. XDA in almost all other cases has no problem discussing them, referencing them, and even helping troublshoot them. XDA is very clear on what a ROM must be to be hosted here. Thor can not be hosted. No one argues that. We (and yes there are many who agree with me) just want to be able to discuss Thor here without the rabid anti-Thor crowd running in and crapping threads. As someone above said its become clear that it is a vendetta against Thor for some. If it is great, admit it, come clean and post clearly to all that XDA will not allow discussion of Thor, or moderate those who are crapping threads and let the discussion continue.
Aaron Camp said:
Thats kinda the point of this and other threads. There are other Roms out there beyond XDA. XDA in almost all other cases has no problem discussing them, referencing them, and even helping troublshoot them. XDA is very clear on what a ROM must be to be hosted here. Thor can not be hosted. No one argues that. We (and yes there are many who agree with me) just want to be able to discuss Thor here without the rabid anti-Thor crowd running in and crapping threads. As someone above said its become clear that it is a vendetta against Thor for some. If it is great, admit it, come clean and post clearly to all that XDA will not allow discussion of Thor, or moderate those who are crapping threads and let the discussion continue.
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One of the things about XDA, is that you can discuss general things regardless. And of people have issues with a rom, no matter who it comes from, then that falls under the apache license. Not GPL which has to do with the kernel itself. Something to that effect.
Discussing Thors rom, does not violate any license agreement, nor XDA policy. Direct links to Thors kernel, or rom or code containing such kernel, does.
This has been stated by Mod's time and time again. Some people, just don't get it, and use any mention of the name, as an excuse to "carry on the crusade", most of whom have not an inkling of what happened in the first place. They just react on what is recently known, and then again, only "hearsay".
So to discuss problem with an android rom, regardless of where it came from, is quite ok. But if the "crusaders" (on both ends) cause too much of a ruckus, which normally happens, the Mods will shut it down.
If people keep it civil, then things will be ok. Discuss the problems at hand, and ignore those who get their jollies trying to turn it into something else.
Not another Erica Post!!!!!!! Ohhh no!!!!
I Totally agree with Moscow..For me the biggest issue is . I see and post to all the threads Asking for Acer to release ICS. Then there are threads asking for GPL Compliant ICS. In those threads the flaming starts when people come in shouting there is ics and im running it now. Go to Here xxxxx to get it.. Its perfect its good the dev is above and beyond all..
The above is what has started this flaming war.. IF someone starts posting that he is so great so much above and better then everyone else. The flaming will start. As stated above i kinda agree that discussing issues solving basic android apps and issues on his rom is likely ok. But when People start putting xxxx as being better then everyone else is again when it will become a flaming thread. Unfortunately xda is a community for all.Everyone will give there opinion.Its a two sided story.I was using the above mentioned stuff until way back.I seen everything that went wrong.it would have took one Tiny Link to Source code solve this whole mess.
so keep this thread clean from the he has the right to not share and you MIGHT NOT GET FLAMED. IF you are lucky.. Whats right is Right.and there is a huge wrong happening.As i FLAME If you will ACER Everyday in email facebook twitter there automated help on there website. Over the boot loader . Will it help NO. But like equality for all in the US. sitting on your butt surely will fail..
Just my 3.well maybe 4 pennies..
Sorry if this is considered out of line for your Thread..
As far as cornerstone. I really do hope he gets its Working within his rom.As this is something that can be stripped out and Used in the Acer rom when pushed.Thou im not sure how will it will work with the acer ring as that also makes major changes to the same files as cornerstone.
Peacefully .. Me
Moscow Desire said:
Discussing Thors rom, does not violate any license agreement, nor XDA policy. Direct links to Thors kernel, or rom or code containing such kernel, does.
This has been stated by Mod's time and time again. Some people, just don't get it,....
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And this is the issue I am bringing up! I miss read the policy. The thread where I posted the direct link to Thor was locked. That was fine. I created a new thread that did not LINK. It DISCUSSED. It was 100% within the posted and stated rules of XDA, but that thread was DELETED!!
As for what really happened, I too was around, and read all the same threads you read. The issue of hosting the ROM is very cut and dry, it is not XDA material. The issue of if Thors ROM is legal, warez, violation of GPL etc is NOT cut and dry and is very much in a grey area. You can argue all you want about the rights or wrongs (ok, maybe not on this board!! ) of how Thor was treated by XDA mods etc.
I just want to make sure people passing through know about another GREAT ROM for a great tablet, and would also like to see XDA get back to being a well moderated (even handed) forum that is open to all discussion on relevant topics.
Aaron Camp said:
The issue of if Thors ROM is legal, warez, violation of GPL etc is NOT cut and dry and is very much in a grey area.
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Just pointing out that that is not true. It is in violation of GPL, that's that. It is a fact, not "grey area."
WereCatf said:
Just pointing out that that is not true. It is in violation of GPL, that's that. It is a fact, not "grey area."
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Well, you stretch the truth. To suit your needs.
Discussing of Thors rom breaks no rule. The "rom" itself does not fall under GPL, but under Apache. Only the specific kernel falls under GPL.
Now, if I flash RTripps kernel, using Thor's rom, are you to say I am violating GPL? No, and neither is RTripp or Thor.
GPL specifically states "Kernel".
So if a user, wants to ask questions, about a specific rom, well, nobody is violating any rules. Which is why the mods, have not intervened.
Of course if the cross comes to bear,,, well, that's just the way it is.
Moscow Desire said:
Discussing of Thors rom breaks no rule.
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I never claimed that. Just look at the previous page where I said people should be allowed to discuss it.
The "rom" itself does not fall under GPL, but under Apache. Only the specific kernel falls under GPL.
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As long as the kernel is distributed as part of it, then yes, it does. If he were to distribute them separately then what you claim would be true.
GPL specifically states "Kernel".
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No, it doesn't. GPL applies to any GPL-licensed software.
So if a user, wants to ask questions, about a specific rom, well, nobody is violating any rules. Which is why the mods, have not intervened.
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Again, you're barking up the wrong tree there.
Aaron Camp said:
And this is the issue I am bringing up! I miss read the policy. The thread where I posted the direct link to Thor was locked. That was fine. I created a new thread that did not LINK. It DISCUSSED. It was 100% within the posted and stated rules of XDA, but that thread was DELETED!!
As for what really happened, I too was around, and read all the same threads you read. The issue of hosting the ROM is very cut and dry, it is not XDA material. The issue of if Thors ROM is legal, warez, violation of GPL etc is NOT cut and dry and is very much in a grey area. You can argue all you want about the rights or wrongs (ok, maybe not on this board!! ) of how Thor was treated by XDA mods etc.
I just want to make sure people passing through know about another GREAT ROM for a great tablet, and would also like to see XDA get back to being a well moderated (even handed) forum that is open to all discussion on relevant topics.
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The real problem is the fact that any discussions on Thor or his works immediately brings about the heated arguments from both sides of the fence. There is just very little possibility that people here can carry on a discussion that is JUST about the ROM and issues/experiences using it. There are only a few ways it can be carried out here (and seriously correct me if you think I am wrong):
You start your nice thread to discuss issues with Thor's ICS ROM, you put in your OP that this is simply a discussion, no linking allowed, you can even put a disclaimer like "If anyone has an issue with this discussion, please bring to a MOD's attention instead of posting your opposition here". But...
1. someone feels it is their responsibility to post why they are against this. Or...
2. someone is going to post asking why we cannot provide a link, or where to find the ROM, or why isn't it in the development section... or...
3. someone is going to feel they need to retaliate when someone does one of the above.
Either way, one outcome, the argument will get heated, and the mods will be forced to step in and take action. If they feel there is no salvation for the thread, they will close or delete it. End of discussion.
So, really, the content of the discussion is not really the issue at hand, but how the discussions are generally (always?) carried out.

