Development: Files to APK....? - Android Software Development

Sort of new in the development world, been workign with some examples and changign some files around , but i have no apk yet.
I have all the folders, and files. as in the picture enclosed
So my question is.
How can i make this into an APK file? I have the files, already made and since the example was provided to me in ZIP file, i dont have many options..
I know and read that i would need eclipse etc for programming, but i figure the program is already made Just not in APK
so how do I make this an APK file?
I tried Apk manager, but u need an APK for it

Uhm, yeah, I don't think this is going to work like that. Install eclipse, ADT plugin and import the Project and then you can try to build the apk!

You cant compile code into an executable apk without a development environment, such as eclipse.

Sure you can. Check out:

I would STRONGLY suggest you install eclipse (or equivalent) because it makes things so much easier. You'll struggle otherwise.
An APK can be made, completely from scratch, from the command line but why on earth would you want to?

Yeap, eclipse does everything.
You can compile it on an AVD via eclipse, or even straight to your phone, if you connect it by the time you run the program in eclipse.


(Dev) Here goes nothing

This is my attempt to get some more creativity, innovation, and roms here on xda. alot of people here have incredible skills but they cant be harnessed because they dont know what to do. if you are an artist we need you make icon packs. you have made 30 roms but you cant sign them. blah blah.
so no one abuse this but i attached a toolkit to do anything and everything with android on windows. im pushing this to be used for creating themes. hopefully it can help. but i thought it would be nice if everyone had this and the opensource community could start to grow even more.
i like this idea because it can help fellow Devs and even the watchers. everyone can get involved and give something to the community.
And now i present the Avabox
Any questions post them up.
unyaffs-you have the ability to take system.img and data.img from you nandroids and get specific items from them.
Autosign- sign anything and everything. name your zip and follow the readme. roms themes, apps, anything.
Baksmali- put in apk in the folder. read readme. edit any icons wallpapers, anything. close it up and enjoy.
Perlscripts- this opens the boot.img for you.
Read the readme on all of these programs.
So this is going to be a quick tutorial Im gonna put up a video soon on how i got this to work on my computer
First things first download Avabox and unzip it in your C folder (same place you put androidsdk).
then get the java runtime from here not to be confused with the java development kit but since your there might as well grab it as well.
Install the java runtime then reboot
then open up avabox and click on autosign and place the zip you want signed in that folder and name it (dont add the .zip part it should already be a zip file).
then open up command prompt and type:cd\
cd Avabox/auto-sign
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8
After that last enter give it a second and look in your avabox/update file and you'll notice a new file called
I know that this is almost word for word from the read me but a few differences can go along way expect a video shortly..... well around wednesday or whenever i can get someone to help with this
im interested in learning how to port and combine different aspects of themes and other mods. will this do it or is there other software i need. I can do the work if shown the way. I read all the post everday with peopl;e asking for this and that and i do it myself. If shown I would help with requests as much as possible. HELP PLEASE
Thank you Avalaunch!!
so with this software, can i take a signed theme mod (like launcher or taskbar) and it will grab the images for me to edit, and then repack and sign to a flashable zip?
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
regaw_leinad said:
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
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hm ill have to check into it. it should be making a new classes.dex too. i never really used it on edits.
Avalaunchmods said:
hm ill have to check into it. it should be making a new classes.dex too. i never really used it on edits.
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It changes the classes.dex and resigns it it looks like, but doesn't copy the mods of the pngs to the apk.
regaw_leinad said:
Everyone that knows how to use bak/smali, I have a question.
The modifications I made to the extracted pngs aren't getting transferred back to the original apk when I close it back up. Any Ideas? I'm getting really close to a breakthrough for 2.1. Any help would be appreciated
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What do you mean? Baksmali and Smali are for decompiling classes.dex and opening it up for the .smali files that are inside. Smali takes that output and recompiles it back into classes.dex for your .apk or .jar file.
You need to update the baksmali and smali .jar's. You have older versions and that will cause issues with certain .jar and .apk's when decompiling. baksmali-1.2.1.jar and smali-1.2.1.jar are the latest versions and will not require the BOOTCLASS PATH to be included...
Does the autosign work windows 7 (64 bit)? I've heard issues with other autosigns on 7. If it doesn't, no biggie I got xp in a VM... lol
obannvi said:
What do you mean? Baksmali and Smali are for decompiling classes.dex and opening it up for the .smali files that are inside. Smali takes that output and recompiles it back into classes.dex for your .apk or .jar file.
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Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
Baksmali- put in apk in the folder. read readme. edit any icons wallpapers, anything. close it up and enjoy.
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that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
regaw_leinad said:
Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
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What im trying to figure out is why would you even need to use baksmali/smali to edit .png's inside an .apk. All that needs to be done is opening of the .apk with 7zip, modify whats in /res/drawable etc then close...No need to sign .apks or anything. If anything, the script needs to contain something to extract /res/ * from the .apk to edit.
obannvi said:
What im trying to figure out is why would you even need to use baksmali/smali to edit .png's inside an .apk. All that needs to be done is opening of the .apk with 7zip, modify whats in /res/drawable etc then close...No need to sign .apks or anything. If anything, the script needs to contain something to extract /res/ * from the .apk to edit.
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I'm actually doing more than that. I am changing the code to look for instead of <name of file>.jpg to <name of file>.png
While also putting the new png in the apk. Think that's possible? I changed all of the locations where that file comes up in the smali code.
regaw_leinad said:
I'm actually doing more than that. I am changing the code to look for instead of <name of file>.jpg to <name of file>.png
While also putting the new png in the apk. Think that's possible? I changed all of the locations where that file comes up in the smali code.
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I gotcha. So you're looking in blah.smali for any reference to .jpgs and changing that reference to look for .png instead??
obannvi said:
I gotcha. So you're looking in blah.smali for any reference to .jpgs and changing that reference to look for .png instead??
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yeah, not working too well atm, but working on it.
I think this is what I've been looking for. Downloading now.
Just noticed that ActivePerl was for 64bit. I am downloading 32bit as I have only have 32bit Vista Pro installed and not the 64bit.
regaw_leinad said:
Yeah I get it now, after playing with it for a while.
Avalaunch, you should change the first post.
that description is a little confusing to a person that NEVER used smali/baksmali before. It makes it seem like after you edit the unzipped files, you could just run smali and it will put al the changes in the new apk. I figured out that's not how it works lol I feel pretty stupid now looking back at my last question haha
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i guess i need to explain more. i use baksmali to make apks easier to search through. for me at least. instead of changing the type and everything i just put it in the folder and baksmali then do changes and create a new archive. sign and change .apk. if you smali it back to apk then it wont save edits. sorry about that anyways has this helped people so far? i love showing that windows can be a dev platform
&RoidRage said:
I think this is what I've been looking for. Downloading now.
Just noticed that ActivePerl was for 64bit. I am downloading 32bit as I have only have 32bit Vista Pro installed and not the 64bit.
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yes just google active perl i use win 7 64bit and when this toolbox was made, it was only made for certain people who had 64bit.
Sorry for the n00b question, but I have searched and haven't had much luck. Hopefully, this is the best place for this question. I just started editing .png's and updating some apk's files to customize some things on my phone for looks. However, I am really interested in modifying the taskbar and notification screen, but I have no clue where to start. Is there a guide somewhere I could follow to learn how to change them? What programs, if any additional ones will I need etc..?
Thanks for your help!
Figured it out on my own. framework.apk and resources.apk

Apktool and Rosie.apk

Okay I am trying to make some changes to my Rosie. I'm not going to ask how to make the changes I want I will hopefully figure it out myself....My question is about apktool. I keep getting FC on startup after trying to decompile and the build the rosie apk without making changes. What I've done
1) apktool d Rosie.apk
no errors ( Yes I have put the correct htc framework into apktool fw)
2)I Made no changes at all
cd Rosie
apktool b
3)I go to the build dir and the apk is there from here I have tried two different things
3a) Sign the apk using
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 Rosie.apk your_app_signed.apk
3b)Leave the apk alone withouot signing it since it's a system app I dont think it needs to be signed, but I'm not sure
4) I put into a flashable file, in my update script I wipe dalvik cache as well, everything installs fine and I know this step isn't the issue
5) I reboot nand get constant FC so I have to pull the battery
I can't figure out why I'm getting this error so If anyone can help I would appreciate it alot....Thanks
it's not just Rosie I cant get to work....It's any apk...I decompile and build and they dont work with non changes....any ideas?
Hey bro I just started a thread on this in the theming section I'm with you on the Rosie.apk can't get it to work.
I haven't done system apps before, but I have successfully used apktool. There is (if it's different or maybe I'm just losing my mind) and additional tool called apk manager that utilizes the apk tool. That's what I've used that's so successful. It basically just gives you a list of choices with what to do with your apk. All you do is place the apk in the specific folder where the script can reach it and then run he script, make your choices, and bam. You have what you want. That could be either a system apk, regular apk, or a folder that's been decompiled. (I used a tool after that called j2gui that let's you take the .classes file and see a near perfect reproduction of the original java code).
Jack Attack!
I have had my fair share of dealings with Rosie, but apktool can do the job.
Everything up to Step 3 is good, although I don't 'cd' into Rosie, I just run:
apktool b Rosie from the previous folder.
Anyway, system files like Rosie do not need to be signed so scrap that route. The issue you have is with the new Rosie.apk that's been compiled not containing the original META-INF folder so won't be accepted by the system.
Check out this post that describes in full what I am trying to say. You'll want to focus on Step 3 and onwards in that post
i'm trying to do the same thing and i'm having a ton of different problems.
I believe about a month ago I checked the Apktool website and checked their list of bugs. There is a really nasty bug in the newest version (at the time I read it) where if you generated your .apk, then some things would be written incorrectly and of course would be the reason why your apps no longer work.
I'm gonna suggest you all check what versions you have and go to the previous version which worked great, or they might have fixed that already.

[Q] Help understanding to make Themes

ok so i've read several, several threads on making themes, metamorph files, and what not and just wanted to ask a couple of questions since i'm going to try to start my own theme for my fascinate.
i know i need to be in the framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk files. Is the twframwork-res.apk only needed if i'm themeing for tw or can i just work in the framework-res.apk? also i've read somewhere not to mess with the .9.png files is this true here or is it ok to change these? also i'm not 100% on how to zip for a clockwork flash. do i just do a normal .zip file or is there something else thats has to be done to be flashable thru clockwork. o and is there anyhting else in the drawable folder i shouldnt touch? thanks for the help in advance
I am a little curious myself, but I haven't taken the time to look into it. You might check out this wonderful pdf:
I hope you get a more proper answer. Bump.
Swyped w/ XDA App. System:
Best way to learn how to build something is to take it apart. There are many valuable resources on line about android themeing. Knowledge of performing xml edits for font color and graphic placement. And using 7zip to be able to open an apk using the open archive feature and being able to extract and add image files from the drawable-hdpi folder. Make a back up of you phone and utilize some reverse engineering and experiment with some image replacement and give it a flash. Coming from windows mobile and no android knowledge I had things figured with about 3 hours of reading and experimenting.
good day.
You will need both framework files if you intend on getting it fully themed. It all depends on what you want to change. You can mess with the .9's, assuming you know how to do it properly. IE: modify your .9, edit your .9 in draw9patch, then compile in eclipse.
To sign a zip ---> java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8
ty for the pdf that explains a lot in simple terms, and maybe I'll dive in on my eris first just in case lol, and thanks for the zip signing
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Also look up apk manager in search (don't have the link handy)
on the .9.png files do I just open them in gimp/photoshop and then open it again in draw9patch to resave it? lol lil confused on these particular files
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Need a means to compile apks

OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
OK seeing as my computer currently doesn't work, I need to know if there is an app for my phone that will at least edit the contents of an apk, if not compile one. Anyone?
Also, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it, mods.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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apk's are just renamed zip files.
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Realorasz said:
If so, then is there an app that will directly edit zip files? And do they need to be set to store compression level? If so, is there an app that does so?
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
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yes, set to store...all you have to do is long-press the file and select rename...same to change it back afterward. I don't know about what app will allow you to set to store, but there are a TON of free zip apps. Check the market
I need to edit them though, and if I extract it edit it then zip it with an app, it's not set to store.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
Root explorer can open xml files in apps but I don't think it can edit them.
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
CMoney87 said:
After modding the contents of a non-system apk file i believe you'll have to re-sign the apk. I dont know of any way to do that on your phone, i am admittedly not an expert though. Ive modded icons and such for apps and the only way I could find out how to get them installed was to re-sign them on my PC and push back to the phone.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Yeah signapktic can sign on the phone, all I need is an app that either will, zip things set to store like in sundae or one that will directly modify the contents of the zip.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
akila87 said:
The files inside apk is I think encrypted. normal text viewers (ex. notepad) cant see it. and the resource files (styles strings colours ) are archived again. Btw it would be great if we have an app to disassemble them within 4n. Coz copying apk from and to to computer is a pain
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Well making it a zip on my phone didn't screw anything up. I can still browse normally. What I need is a means to edit a zip without compressing it, like you have to for bootanimatjons and everything else.
From my X10a running WB CM 6.1.3 V053
I would suggest having a look through the every free app you can find and see if any help. There are so many out there that I have no idea which would work for exactly what you will want it to do. Really, trial and error is the best way, sometimes lol
I'm not sure I understand correctly, some previously mentioned are right on track.
Contents of an APK file are as normal zip files, extract the APK with winrar, 7zip or similar program.. make modifications and re-zip it and change the file name.
Important process called "Zip Align" optimizes the file for the APK format and helps to optimize and align the archive for memory mapping I/O ensuring the payload is delivered correctly, for more info - mmap
If you would like to reverse an APK file, I choose to use APKTOOL a Google hosted project and complete with it's own reverse engineering syntax called "baksmali" - This wraps AAPT - Android Asset Packaging Tool part of the android SDK - need this installed.
An issue exists with obfuscated Java classes. Meaning source code has been scrambled (obfuscation algorithm) enabling it be understood by a compiler but no longer is human readable. Another issue is Signing the APK file as most installers are to authenticate the issuing publisher.
To build an APK anyone only need's have the Eclipse IDE and Android SDK installed and you can do this without even having an Android device by using the emulator to build and test your application.
Happy play!
EDIT: Apk edit and Apk tool are both able to help in this situation also.

Help with apktool

I am having an interesting time with apktool. Much of the problem is due to ignorance on my part and I've done some reading and searching but it's still opaque to me. Just to be sure I was even close to getting a result I did the following:
1. Installed a copy of the framework-res.apk from my NST ("1.apk")
2. Decompiled the apk I'm working on ("Books_1.5.2")
3. Recompiled the same app, without changes
Almost immediately I get a string of errors as shown in the attached image. They don't mean a lot to me, but I have suspicions that I don't have the minimum requirements of JRE or JDK or something of the sort on my machine. I don't want to go the whole SDK route if I can avoid it. I just want to play around a little.
I've tried several versions of apktool and always get a similar result. Can someone help?
Um, you don't copy the framework to 1.apk, you make it.
apktool if [i]myframeworkres.apk[/i]
Errors out of apktool are difficult.
Maybe it really just can't find aapt.exe, Android Asset Packaging Tool.
It should be in myandroidsdkdir\build-tools\version\aapt.exe
Renate NST said:
Um, you don't copy the framework to 1.apk, you make it.
apktool if [i]myframeworkres.apk[/i]
Errors out of apktool are difficult.
Maybe it really just can't find aapt.exe, Android Asset Packaging Tool.
It should be in myandroidsdkdir\build-tools\version\aapt.exe
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Thanks. My bad with the framework. That is what I did but it also turned out to be the problem. I saw a suggestion somewhere to skip that step and when I did everything worked fine!
Always something...

