Apktool and Rosie.apk - Android Software Development

Okay I am trying to make some changes to my Rosie. I'm not going to ask how to make the changes I want I will hopefully figure it out myself....My question is about apktool. I keep getting FC on startup after trying to decompile and the build the rosie apk without making changes. What I've done
1) apktool d Rosie.apk
no errors ( Yes I have put the correct htc framework into apktool fw)
2)I Made no changes at all
cd Rosie
apktool b
3)I go to the build dir and the apk is there from here I have tried two different things
3a) Sign the apk using
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 Rosie.apk your_app_signed.apk
3b)Leave the apk alone withouot signing it since it's a system app I dont think it needs to be signed, but I'm not sure
4) I put into a flashable file, in my update script I wipe dalvik cache as well, everything installs fine and I know this step isn't the issue
5) I reboot nand get constant FC so I have to pull the battery
I can't figure out why I'm getting this error so If anyone can help I would appreciate it alot....Thanks

it's not just Rosie I cant get to work....It's any apk...I decompile and build and they dont work with non changes....any ideas?

Hey bro I just started a thread on this in the theming section I'm with you on the Rosie.apk can't get it to work.

I haven't done system apps before, but I have successfully used apktool. There is (if it's different or maybe I'm just losing my mind) and additional tool called apk manager that utilizes the apk tool. That's what I've used that's so successful. It basically just gives you a list of choices with what to do with your apk. All you do is place the apk in the specific folder where the script can reach it and then run he script, make your choices, and bam. You have what you want. That could be either a system apk, regular apk, or a folder that's been decompiled. (I used a tool after that called j2gui that let's you take the .classes file and see a near perfect reproduction of the original java code).
Jack Attack!

I have had my fair share of dealings with Rosie, but apktool can do the job.
Everything up to Step 3 is good, although I don't 'cd' into Rosie, I just run:
apktool b Rosie from the previous folder.
Anyway, system files like Rosie do not need to be signed so scrap that route. The issue you have is with the new Rosie.apk that's been compiled not containing the original META-INF folder so won't be accepted by the system.
Check out this post that describes in full what I am trying to say. You'll want to focus on Step 3 and onwards in that post

i'm trying to do the same thing and i'm having a ton of different problems.

I believe about a month ago I checked the Apktool website and checked their list of bugs. There is a really nasty bug in the newest version (at the time I read it) where if you generated your .apk, then some things would be written incorrectly and of course would be the reason why your apps no longer work.
I'm gonna suggest you all check what versions you have and go to the previous version which worked great, or they might have fixed that already.


[Q] How to edit theme images and not have phone hang on boot?

I've figured out all apk files are really just zip files, but why am I not able to unzip the framework-res.apk file, edit the images within, then save it again without causing my phone to hang on boot?
Is there some step I am missing? I've tried rezipping with normal compression, store only, and only photoshopping and resaving a single image within the apk and still it fails.
How are images edited and updated? What am I missing?
I use apkmanager myself for most theming. You might look into it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
An apk is a zip, but it's a *signed* zip
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Here is the way I do it. I use 7zip to do this and I think it is the only program that can do it.
The way you can do it is to extract the drawable-hdpi folder within the framework-res.apk then do all your edits and save them with the exact same file names. Then you can go back into your framework-res.apk and drag and drop the drawable-hdpi folder back in and it will over write the original ones. Now just hit the Up (like to move up a directory) button until you see the message "framework-res.apk has been changed. Update it in the archive?" then click yes. Now you can put it on your phone without force closing. If you were just editing framework-res and it was not within another .zip file then you won't get that message and that is fine.
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
(Next step: learn about the update.zip packaging script. Remember to name it something besides update.zip afterwards, because on the Fascinate we're installing everything through Clockwork, which should be the only file actually called update.zip.)
s44 said:
APK Manager.
You can use extract/zip (2/3) for image-only edits, but you need to decompile/compile (9/11) to mess with xml files.
Do *not* sign system apks (like framework-res.apk). Do sign other apks.
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Oooh! I didn't know this app made xml's editable. That opens up a whole new set of theming fun. I can't wait to release my new theme. It should be well received (I hope)
Btw, this is in the wrong forum.
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I considered putting this in Themes, but this was a theme development question, so here it ended up. If the Theme and Development forums ever hook up and have a few drinks, then spawn a sub-forum, Theme Development, I assure you it would have been a much easier decision to make
Thanks everyone for helping me out. My last time playing with a phone is an old WinMo 5 device. Anroid seems limiting in it's own ways (no dedicated theme files (can't update without losing the apk theme), but much better for customizing for a 'look' of the OS.

[Linux][UTILITY][TOOL] APK Multi-Tool

GgI am currently working on a major update to the apk manager application as well and changing the name to APK Multi-Tool with some new added features and also to fix some issues with some code errors.
I am also changing a lot of the features as well since a lot of the code has been outdated for a while.
I have updated all the files and modified Apk manager's Scripts to fix many user reported bugs from Daneshm90 apk manager which he had written a simple script to ease the process of editing apks. Got a lot of downloads so thought its in demand
Whether you're doing basic image editing or editing the smali or xml files, on average u have to use (Brut.all or JF's smali/baksmali) awesome tool to extract the apk, edit it, then sign the apk and then adb push/install it. This process is quite tiresome if you are testing a method that needs fine tweaking.
This script should make the process a LOT smoother.
Theres an option of compiling/signing/installing all in one step
Goes to Daneshm90 the Original Writer of APK Manager
Goes to Brut.all for his awesome tool.
Goes to JF for ofcourse, smali/baksmali
- Added framework dependent decompiling (For non propietary rom apks). (Option 10). Checks whether the dependee apk u selected is correct.
- Allows multiple projects to be modified, switch to and from.
- Allows to modify system apk's using apktool but ensures maximum compatibility in terms of signature / manifest.xml
- Batch optimize apk (Zipalign,optipng,or both)
- Batch Ogg optimization
- Batch install apk from script (option 19)
- Batch Theme Image Transfer TOOL
- Batch Theme optipng TOOL
- Batch Theme Zipalign APK TOOL
- Compression level selector (monitor status above menu)
- Error detection. Checks if error occurred anytime u perform a task, and reports it
- Extract, Zip apk's.
- Incorporates brut.all's apktool
- Improved syntax of questions/answers
- Logging on/off has been removed. Instead a log.txt is created which logs the activities of the script organized using time/date headers
- Optimize pngs (ignores .9.pngs)
- Pull apk from phone into modding environment.
- Push to specific location on phone
- Quick sign an apk (Batch mode supported)
- Read log (Option 24)
- Sign apks
- Supports batch installation, so if u drag multiple apks into the script (not while its running) it will install them all for u. U can ofcourse drag a single apk as well
- User can change the max java heap size (only use if certain large apks get stuck when decompiling/compiling apks) (Option 19)
- U can now set this script as ur default application for apks. When u do, if u double click any apk it will install it for u.
- Zipalign apks
- Much Much More
- Place apk in appropriate folder (Any filename will work, if running for first time folders will not be there, you must run and then the folders will be created)
- Run script
- Minimize the script
- Edit files inside the project folder
- Maximize the script
Java 1.7
Android SDK
Resulting apk file is much smaller than original! Is there something missing?
First: compression of resources.arsc file. Sometimes this file is compressed in original apk, sometimes not and apktool always compress it. Second: lack of META-INF dir. Apktool builds unsigned apks, so they lack signatures stored in this dir. Third: apktool uses newest Android SDK, so it could optimize files better, especially if original app is old. So: unpack both original and resulting apk, remove META-INF from original and then compare sizes. If they're still much different, then you could report on XDA or somewhere.
There is no META-INF dir in resulting apk. Is this ok?
Yes. META-INF contains apk signatures mostly and after modifying apk in no longer signed, so there are no signatures in it. You have to sign resulting apk and then META-INF dir will be created.
What do you call "magic apks"?
Sometimes there are some apks which (for my current knowledge) are invalid, broken, theoretically they shouldn't exist. There may be many reasons of their existence: my lack of understanding of Android resources; some non-public, maybe future SDK tools or custom modifications of these; manual hacking of binaries, etc. Usually I can't do anything about it, but you could at least try to replace broken parts by something valid. Actually it's quite likely that they aren't even used, because if they would, then application would crash.
Got problems ?
1. Make sure your path has no spaces
2. Your filename has no wierd characters
3. Java/adb are in your path
4. It's not a proprietary rom's apk (aka Sense,Motorola,Samsung) (If u are, then use option 11 and drag the required framework, eg com.htc.resources, twframework-res...etc)
5. It's not a themed apk (if it is, expect .9 png errors, use as close to stock as possible)
6. Look at the log to know whats happening
7. If all else fails, post as much info as possible and we will try to assist you.
Add new feature to Randomly Generate a new Key File for signing the apk files after modifying and recompiling of the apk files this will also allow of uploading to the android market as this added feature will allow you to sign apk files that you may of compiled without signing beforehand.
Modify the Signapk script to be compatible with the Randomly Generation feature in the works
and a few other added features are in the works as I am redesigning the application and rewriting a lot of the code to fix issues as well as some of the new features have broken parts as some features have been moved and broken some command line prompts.
Installing APK Multi-Tool Itself
Instructions (Linux):
1-Download, create a folder in your sdk called "APK-Multi-Tool" and extract into it.
2-Goto the the "sdk/APK-Multi-Tool" folder and rename "Script.sh" to "script.sh".
3-Go into the "other" folder, right click on one file at a time, goto "permissions" in the new window and check the execute box.(do this with all the files)
4-To add the path to your folder open up a terminal and type in -
sudo su
(for me this looks like the following)
5-export PATH
6-install "sox"
7-Type into the terminal "cd PATH TO YOUR SCRIPT.SH"
7.5 export PATH={PATH}:/PATH TO Your SDK/sdk/platform-tools/adb
8-Type "./script.sh"
9-You should have a running APK-Multi-Tool.
how to install sox:
Open the software center of the linux service and searched for sox. Installed it and it there you will have SOX working.
- Place apk in appropriate folder (Any filename will work, if running for first time folders will not be there, you must run and then the folders will be created)
- Open terminal and change-directory to APK-Multi-Tool(Easiest way is to type "cd ")
- Chmod 755 Script.sh
- Chmod 755 all files apps inside other folder
- Run script by typing ./Script.sh
- Minimize the script
- Edit files inside the out folder
- Maximize the script
Please check back daily or weekly as this project is under active Development and I am releasing Alpha releases on the website for Testing and bug reports.
Lol, why has nobody commented on this?
You're a savior. This is awesome. Can't wait for the rewrite.
AW: [Linux][UTILITY][TOOL] APK Multi-Tool
Haven't seen this also available for Linux, so this is great.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Binary updates
UPDATED to apktool-cli-1.5.3-SNAPSHOT
-Updated to smali/baksmali to v1.4.2
-Fixed (issue #396) - Correctly handle android:debuggable while in debug
-Fixed (issue #340) - Fixed superclass errors on debug mode.
-Updated to Gradle 1.4
-Updated known bytes for configurations to 38 (from addition of layout
-Fixed NPE when handling odex apks even with --no-src specified. (Thanks
Rodrigo Chiossi)
-Fixed (issue #427) - Correctly handles `--frame-path` on uild
Error 404 on GitHub download page
xcly said:
Error 404 on GitHub download page
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Sent from my DROID RAZR CDMA XT912 using Tapatalk 2
I merged a few projects together instead of having multiple Android developer projects. I did some spring cleaning and deleted a few projects that was not useful and served no purposes. Also renamed the project organization which broke the link forgot to update lol.
Sent from my DROID RAZR CDMA XT912 using Tapatalk 2
I ran the script but I can't see any folders being created.. Trying to sign an apk. Looked up on google and all I can find is your instructions to put apk in appropriate folder (which I can't see..)
Thanks in advance
I will look into this ABCs see what's up
Sent from my DROID RAZR CDMA XT912 using Tapatalk 2
I ran the apksign tool separately using terminal for now
I got
The program sox is missing or is not in your PATH,
please install it or fix your PATH variable
If I go to the other folder there is no sox like in the windows version.
I will look into this asap once I get some free time
Sent from my DROID RAZR CDMA XT912 using Tapatalk 2
civato said:
I got
The program sox is missing or is not in your PATH,
please install it or fix your PATH variable
If I go to the other folder there is no sox like in the windows version.
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I had the same problem but it was fixed once I installed sox. There was a tutorial on google search for setting up apk manager you might wanna have a look at.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
raziel23x said:
I will look into this asap once I get some free time
Sent from my DROID RAZR CDMA XT912 using Tapatalk 2
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xcly said:
I had the same problem but it was fixed once I installed sox. There was a tutorial on google search for setting up apk manager you might wanna have a look at.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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I got it solved , I just entered the Ubuntu software center and searched for sox. Installed it and it works.
Maybe good to add this in OP when using linux. It is stupid of me thinking it was something harder so thank you for your help and fast response.
A other methode I found here
You don't need to type in ./Script.sh in teminal in linux , just clicking on it (Script.sh) and select "run in terminal" does the trick without typing anything.
updated the original post with detailed instructions
raziel23x said:
updated the original post with detailed instructions
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Put updated info into the README file. Made a few corrections (hope you like).
AndyOpie150 said:
Put updated info into the README file. Made a few corrections (hope you like).
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pushed your changed to github all code changes are welcome even forking the repo on github and making changes and doing pull request are welcome
raziel23x said:
pushed your changed to github all code changes are welcome even forking the repo on github and making changes and doing pull request are welcome
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Just uploaded changed attachment. Fixed minor typos in Installation Instructions. Sorry I didn't get it straight before you pushed to github.
I deleted the info for Windows in previous attachments as well due to this being for the Linux version. Didn't know if you caught that.
PS: Thought I would let you decide if you liked my hair brained ideas first.
Is there any way to have a .jar file work without having to rename to .apk, or is that a mind bogling code rewrite. I'm all for learning.
Hey, I made some changes to the script to act more like the windows version of this tool. I added a setup.sh which will create all the folders and set permissions to everything. i also the ability to have multiple projects going at the same time, and also added a separate jar/dex folder so there is no need to rename the jar files to .apk to edit it. and other updates as well. its not 100% up to par with the windows one, but these few changes make a huge difference. Would you be interested in this?
---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------
AndyOpie150 said:
Just uploaded changed attachment. Fixed minor typos in Installation Instructions. Sorry I didn't get it straight before you pushed to github.
I deleted the info for Windows in previous attachments as well due to this being for the Linux version. Didn't know if you caught that.
PS: Thought I would let you decide if you liked my hair brained ideas first.
Is there any way to have a .jar file work without having to rename to .apk, or is that a mind bogling code rewrite. I'm all for learning.
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actually yes there is..i made an updated version of the script which has those features
clmowers said:
Hey, I made some changes to the script to act more like the windows version of this tool. I added a setup.sh which will create all the folders and set permissions to everything. i also the ability to have multiple projects going at the same time, and also added a separate jar/dex folder so there is no need to rename the jar files to .apk to edit it. and other updates as well. its not 100% up to par with the windows one, but these few changes make a huge difference. Would you be interested in this?
---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------
actually yes there is..i made an updated version of the script which has those features
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Make a pull request on github and in will merge it
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk HD

Can't decompile SecSettings ApkTool

I try to decompile SecSettings by apktool and i get this:
C:\apktool>apktool d secsettings.apk SecSettings23
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Multiple resources:
spec=0x7f020052 drawable/avatar_default_6, config=-hdpi
at brut.androlib.res.data.ResConfig.addResource(ResConfig.java:65)
at brut.androlib.res.data.ResConfig.addResource(ResConfig.java:58)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(ARSCDecoder.java:196)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(ARSCDecoder.java:165
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(ARSCDecoder.java:130)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(ARSCDecoder.java:10
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(ARSCDecoder.java:82)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(ARSCDecoder.java:48)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(AndrolibRes
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(Androlib.java:44)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.getResTable(ApkDecoder.java:148)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(ApkDecoder.java:98)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(Main.java:128)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:65)
What to do ??
Please any help?
Same issue here
osherdadon said:
Please any help?
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Using a Note 3 from T-Mobile, I pulled the file with the adb command, with root explorer, and extracted it from the stock ROM file all giving me the same error. For some reason I also don't get any smali files out of my SystemUI.apk which has been driving me crazy. I can't seem to find any working answers yet... Fail...
Basically bumping this thread a half a year later...
You have the relevant frameworks installed and java in your path?
Learned a lot in 24 hours
DSA said:
You have the relevant frameworks installed and java in your path?
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Summary/Lessons Learned in the last 24 hours:
I must have been too tired, went to sleep got up again and went at it. I realized a few things, main thing was deodexing, I learned all about that. Converting the .odex file to a class.dex file inside the SystemUI.apk and SecSettings.apk so decompiling would work properly (I was originally missing the smali folder without deodexing my app). Second I needed to pull all the framework files from my device instead of just the two I had, then I used "apktool if framework-res.apk" then "apktool if twframework-res.apk" then "apktool d SystemUI.apk" then "apktool d SecSettings.apk". This time it actually worked, I proceeded to try and re-compile them just to test. The SystemUI.apk worked flawlessly but the the SecSettings.apk had errors then I realized I needed to copy the AndroidManifest.xml and resources.arsc from the original app to the decompiled folder and the SecSettings.apk compiled with no issues. I had to get the original file out of the stock ROM, it had gotten damaged somehow with zipping/raring/7zipping so quicktip no one should be zipping the files you're about to work on get it fresh from the ROM.
Current Issue:
Now that all that's done I'm onto what I was trying to get at when I started this whole project. I need to modify both of these apps which are now perfectly deodexed and on my stock device. Every time I try to modify these files I lose my status bar and my settings stop working, I'm obviously breaking it, this is the XDA guide I was following.
Any help or redirection on where to post would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Easiest thing - put your mod back in and get the status bar to disappear/fc whatever
Then, pull a log (catalog from appstore works fine)
Post that log at pastebin and link it here
We won't be able to solve your issue without knowing what it is, in the first place
Like this?
This was before I restarted: Log 1
Then I recorded for a little after I restarted probably pointless but that's where the error would have been: Log 2
DSA said:
Easiest thing - put your mod back in and get the status bar to disappear/fc whatever
Then, pull a log (catalog from appstore works fine)
Post that log at pastebin and link it here
We won't be able to solve your issue without knowing what it is, in the first place
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Not sure exactly how to record it and send it to you, I pressed record but when the phone finished rebooting CatLog was closed so I reopened it and it keeps scrolling endlessly.
Research progressed a little
I came across a post here in the Flashlight Mod development thread which made me realize I'm not getting the ID's correct. They suggest compiling the modded SystemUI.apk to get the ID's into the apk file under the /res/values/public.xml file, then decompiling it to read the ID values. I'm missing a step or doing something wrong, I can't replicate it to find the ID values I need so I can add them to the .smali file and recompile a final time. I'm sure this is the only reason for the missing status bar and the force closes. I guess I need help understanding, a different set of instructions or just more detailed?
I can't post in that thread yet so I'm getting my posts up over here, I already posted in the Q&A thread but no one has responded yet, any help is greatly appreciated!
I get this when decompiling the modded apk: Modded SystemUI ApkTool Decompile
All these errors look like the file is broken now or something, I'm just lost at this point. I tried ApkTool 1.5.2 and 2.0 as well.
Additional info below for troubleshooting purposes since it seems my issue recompiling at the end to get the values for my public.xml
1. deodex (universal deodexer v5)
2. decompile (apktool 1.5.2 & 2.0 separate tests)
3. modify (add flashlight .png's and .smali file from 4.4kk flashlight mod files)
4. recompile (apktool)
5. decompile (apktool)
Errors <<<<< These errors solved in edit below
I forgot to use "apktool if SystemUI.apk" when loading "framework-res.apk" & "twframework-res.apk" now I get through decompiling and recompiling like I thought I should be and I even located the values int he public.xml, replaced them in the .smali and everything went peachy. Only problem is I never get the status bar after I reboot, not really getting any FC's but the status bar, if my goal were to get it to be invisible I would be so happy omg lol If you're curious I've also tested by signing and even another test with zipalign, nothing zip/zero/zilch...
EDIT... Again I know still no sleep, durp durp:
So my main issue was not using apktool v1.5.2 to decompile and v2.0 to compile EVERY SINGLE TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS. When I followed that simple rule I get it onto my device and she has no status bar... Hmmmmm..... And a logcat for anyone smart enough to help me
Maybe I'm in the right direction with an error I saw in the log at this post? I thought it was so I installed the DisableSignatureVerification Mod from the Xposed Modules and still nothing.
Calling All Developers
It's been like 2 weeks just curious if anyone has even looked at this, I haven't been able to make any progress so I started learning how to develop apps. I made two small apps basic flashlight and a counter app but I really want to know why I'm totally unable to mod a file on my phone. I can't get the ink effect to work with finger input either I've been really trying to get this flashlight mod and the ink effect for months. If I could get pointed in the direction of a developer that can actually help me I don't see why I couldn't donate like $10 or $20 to the one who helps me. I'm on android 4.4.2 (NK3) on my Note 3 from T-Mobile.

Help with apktool

I am having an interesting time with apktool. Much of the problem is due to ignorance on my part and I've done some reading and searching but it's still opaque to me. Just to be sure I was even close to getting a result I did the following:
1. Installed a copy of the framework-res.apk from my NST ("1.apk")
2. Decompiled the apk I'm working on ("Books_1.5.2")
3. Recompiled the same app, without changes
Almost immediately I get a string of errors as shown in the attached image. They don't mean a lot to me, but I have suspicions that I don't have the minimum requirements of JRE or JDK or something of the sort on my machine. I don't want to go the whole SDK route if I can avoid it. I just want to play around a little.
I've tried several versions of apktool and always get a similar result. Can someone help?
Um, you don't copy the framework to 1.apk, you make it.
apktool if [i]myframeworkres.apk[/i]
Errors out of apktool are difficult.
Maybe it really just can't find aapt.exe, Android Asset Packaging Tool.
It should be in myandroidsdkdir\build-tools\version\aapt.exe
Renate NST said:
Um, you don't copy the framework to 1.apk, you make it.
apktool if [i]myframeworkres.apk[/i]
Errors out of apktool are difficult.
Maybe it really just can't find aapt.exe, Android Asset Packaging Tool.
It should be in myandroidsdkdir\build-tools\version\aapt.exe
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Thanks. My bad with the framework. That is what I did but it also turned out to be the problem. I saw a suggestion somewhere to skip that step and when I did everything worked fine!
Always something...

Customize Xperia Themes [no computer]

Sometimes someone makes a theme you love, but you wish just one thing was different, or maybe, like me, you have a modded system with dark background, and you apply a theme with dark text on settings dashboard, etc, and you can't read the words. This is what I do about it, (screenshots - Dark Sense theme by @shehabskull). Maybe someone else will appreciate...
** Note - you may not use this method to modify someone else's theme, then re-post it as your own. Always give credit and get proper permission before using a developer's work.
I posted a similar thread a year and a half ago, but seems like Sony theme creator has changed since then, (can't say for sure since I've never used it, but the files and folders in recent themes seem different than they were back then).
This assumes you know something about apktool. If not, that's a different thread. I recommend using ApktoolX for decompile / recompile, and Mixplorer for editing.
1. Install ApktoolX - https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298927619 - and set it up, (check 'root' in settings, make apktool folder, copy framework files and import each one). Also copy whatever theme you want to mod to apktool folder.
2. Decompile theme apk. You will get a folder with a few files and folders in it. One of them is called 'assets', which contains a bunch of zip files. The zips are all apks with zip extension.
3. Make a temp folder somewhere and copy whatever zips in the assets folder you want to mod, (settings, systemui, etc). Change the file extension from zip to apk. Then go back to ApktoolX and decompile those. Now you can mod the values.
4. After making mods, use ApktoolX to recompile. When recompile is done, change the filename back to what it was originally, (whatever.zip). Then copy that zip into the original location in the decompiled theme apk, deleting the one that's already there.
5. Now go back to ApktoolX and recompile the theme. When it's done, you will get a filed called (whatever)_src.apk. Use ApktoolX to sign it, (click on the file and choose 'sign' from the menu). The new file can be installed normally.
Note - occasionally you can change something that will recompile and install just fine, but will cause systemui to crash or something. If so, just boot to recovery, and delete the theme from /data/app.
Also - some themes might have a certain asset you like that another theme doesn't have. You can add them, but you have to modify android manifest xml accordingly, (look at it and you'll see). They're not always cross-compatible, though.
Nice guide.. Keep it up ?
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