[How To] New EM Diagnostic Menu - FW Updated DVP's - Venue Pro General

Folks, the hidden menu under the Dell EM app has been cracked open. Here is how to get to it. Its still stupid of Dell to have a convoluted way to get get to it.
1. GO to EM app on your DVP (dial ##634# - if u haven't done so to make the app appear under apps)
2. Open physical keypad
3. Double tap the blank dark area of the screen (below the MMS settings)
4. On the physical keyboard, press each of the first row buttons (qwertyuiop)
5. This should open up the advanced menu.
Same password to get to the RD Test and Protocol - *#6336#
Be careful when using the Chinese language menu's. It will make the app language as Chinese. You can always exit and come back to the app.
New features:
Nothing much except one important feature - File Browser (Windows Explorer)
Registry Editor - still doesn't work for writing and only good for reading.
How to Get to File Browser:
1. Go to RD Test. In the input box type *#6336#
This will open up RD test page.
2. Scroll to the bottom and click About EM. This will open up SORRY APPLICATION.
3. In the empty input box, type 983. This will open up the file browser.
The Explorer is so slow and might crash the app.
Note:The above steps only works for the DVP's that have the new EM App and updated FW version - 2250.1800.7355.205 and beyond or close to that.
If you try to load the new EM App in the current DVP's, it will not work for the new features.

--deleted. wrong post

Does any of this allow the DVP to backup SMS, for example if they are stored in a data file?

efjay said:
Does any of this allow the DVP to backup SMS, for example if they are stored in a data file?
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Will need to investigate on that front...Might take some time.

notebookgrail said:
Will need to investigate on that front...Might take some time.
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Thanks, fingers crossed!

Built-in file explorer
Thanks for the info on the built-in file explorer.
One thing I have noticed is it shows more files and directories than other methods of looking at the files (like using the web server app).
I can see files in the root as well as many other directories.
For example, when I open the file explorer I see:
Storage Card\
Application Data\
My Documents\
Program Files\
and more...
I am not sure that it is helpful, but it is different.

Joelh1 said:
Thanks for the info on the built-in file explorer.
One thing I have noticed is it shows more files and directories than other methods of looking at the files (like using the web server app).
I can see files in the root as well as many other directories.
For example, when I open the file explorer I see:
Storage Card\
Application Data\
My Documents\
Program Files\
and more...
I am not sure that it is helpful, but it is different.
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anyone else thinking this looks similar to windows mobile 6.1 file explorer directories (save from doc file)
keep us posted. Shame not everything works

Let me write a quick app that writes the read file to a isolated storage and we can dump the file from there.

Any of you headed to Mix next week?

notebookgrail said:
Let me write a quick app that writes the read file to a isolated storage and we can dump the file from there.
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keep us posted
btw when is mix?

domineus said:
keep us posted
btw when is mix?
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Mix is Apr 12-14.
Are you handing over Chris a dvp?

He won't be getting mine to keep, but if anyone smarter than I feels like they can do something with the registry after having access to a device, I'm game.

notebookgrail said:
Mix is Apr 12-14.
Are you handing over Chris a dvp?
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I can't
remember the samsung focus I got from here? yeah its sitting nice in a repair center in plano...screen issues up the wazoo. Plus some more things I'll PM...trust me never has my tech been so broken at a time I can't pay for it =/

Do any of the new menus allow tethering without the HTC driver hack?

seaephpea said:
Do any of the new menus allow tethering without the HTC driver hack?
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Not until we get hold of Qisda Driver similar to HTC.

How bout write access to the file explorer? Everything I find says it's for HTC products only.

Is there a way to permanetly change the touch sensitivity of the phone or will it always reset to the default of 40 after a power cycle?

I love the LED flash light option this gives us now! Sweet!

theusername said:
I love the LED flash light option this gives us now! Sweet!
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This is a nice app that i put together earlier for the flashlight.
For those of you with the new updated FW, let me if this app isn't working. I will upload the updated one.

AWESOME thanks !
How did you figure this out..?
Anyway.. any idea if the NEW firmware update coming soon, is going to be NEW to us as well ? Camera still isnt fixed, and radio seems worse than old phone.


[APP][Update 07-11-08] LockDown, keeping stuff private

Don't you hate it when you let someone play with your shiny new WM phone
they usually go right to your SMS inbox?
jonesj8 had the same irritation, so inspired by him I threw something together
Original thread :
I created a new thread to have a bit more overview, and also to get it under the attention of other users who might be interested
I can understand if you close this thread...
How does it work.
this version requires you to change all the .lnk files pointing to tmail.exe, or to the dll...maybe even other ones...
I say all lnk's but the most important are the ones the "friend" is going see/use.
I've included a shortcut creator in the attachment.
In FileList.ini specify the application to block,
in the included file it's \WIndows\tmail.exe
and i've used msg as argument.
so in the .lnk would point to lockdown.exe with the argument msg
if the passcode is correct the file will be opened.
it's not very quick (since it needs to be opened) but this should change in the next version.
the passcode can be changed in the settings.ini, default is 12345
Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas
Update Version 0.4
Well I finally got around to an update, which is attached below
The application has been rebuild from the ground up, I've used a Lock and Key method, e.g. the lnk uses key.exe which communicates with the server (the lock) this way the server only needs to read the filelist once which should save time.
because of this you will need to enter the items in the FileList.ini prior to starting the server, when the server is running it will create the used shortcuts for you
which you can then place.
if you add stuff while it is running the shortcuts wont be created...
pointers on making the FileList.ini is in the readme below.
New in this version
- installer (cab)
- app to date support
- redesigned layout
- support for arguments, opening the sms should work now, it does for me
- locking of other files should work now too (thesed with a html file)
- automatically create the proper lnk files in sub folder
To do
- include support for different screen sizes
- way to customize the colors
- mask input with *
- skinning...?
In case someone is bored and wants to create the graphics, be my guest,
My creativity in that department is next to null
Sounds great. Any chance of a screenshot of the lock screen?
Mr_Gee said:
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Thanks, trying it now
works good, cant seem to get arguments passed to tmail.exe in settings.ini
msg=\Windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS"
just opens account picker, is on todo list? not bugging you, good app,
great will it run on VGA? make it as simple as you can so when we are in hurry the soft won't load so long
This looks nice and configurable.
Are we able to make it request the pin for any application listed in FileList? First try didn't work, I want to restrict more than just the inbox
sorry, double post
badaas said:
works good, cant seem to get arguments passed to tmail.exe in settings.ini
msg=\Windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS"
just opens account picker, is on todo list? not bugging you, good app,
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Correct that isn't working... also i'm not sure if it will be in there,
the reason is I wanted to change the app so it looks at the window name,
this would close all message related windows, and there is no need to change the .lnk files
theme freak said:
great will it run on VGA? make it as simple as you can so when we are in hurry the soft won't load so long
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Not yet, but is planned for future versions, I'll add it to the todo list.
evojulz said:
This looks nice and configurable.
Are we able to make it request the pin for any application listed in FileList? First try didn't work, I want to restrict more than just the inbox
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Currently any application can be restricted by providing a ID + location, e.g
xyz=\Program Files\TCPMP\player.exe
changing the link to tcpmp would have lockdown popup first
What application would you like to restrict?
Mr_Gee said:
Correct that isn't working... also i'm not sure if it will be in there,
the reason is I wanted to change the app so it looks at the window name,
this would close all message related windows, and there is no need to change the .lnk files
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hmmm, not sure i know what you mean. But basically, as it is now, I can't go direct to the inbox of sms using your lockdown? \o?
badaas said:
hmmm, not sure i know what you mean. But basically, as it is now, I can't go direct to the inbox of sms using your lockdown? \o?
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Basically, no
but as a workaround you could try making an lnk to tmail.exe with the -service etc. in there, next change the FileList.ini pointing to that new lnk...
not sure if it will work though
Mr_Gee said:
Basically, no
but as a workaround you could try making an lnk to tmail.exe with the -service etc. in there, next change the FileList.ini pointing to that new lnk...
not sure if it will work though
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bLEhg! lol, ok, will look into that (scratches head )
some novelty things to add: skins, mask input with '*', maybe use symbols instead of numbers, 'jumble' keypad/symbols random for added security (if using symbols )
thanks for infos and keep up the good work
badaas said:
bLEhg! lol, ok, will look into that (scratches head )
some novelty things to add: skins, mask input with '*', maybe use symbols instead of numbers, 'jumble' keypad/symbols random for added security (if using symbols )
thanks for infos and keep up the good work
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Let me know if it worked, I'll look into the symbols
Skinning was already on my list great minds ....
input mask is also a good one
Any chance you can re-scale the images to fit a 240x240 screen res?
Can test it you want.
Cheers, Mike.
Mike1002 said:
Any chance you can re-scale the images to fit a 240x240 screen res?
Can test it you want.
Cheers, Mike.
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I'll give it a shot
@ the rest
there are 4 basic resolutions right?
320 X 240
320 X 320
240 X 240
640 X 480
the rest is pretty exotic (Omni & X1)
is this possible on htm files?
Hi Mr_Gee, thanks for sharing
I have an couple of offline files I would also like to lockdown. Is it possible to lockdown those htm files as well? tia.
adomila said:
Hi Mr_Gee, thanks for sharing
I have an couple of offline files I would also like to lockdown. Is it possible to lockdown those htm files as well? tia.
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have you tried entering them in the FileList.ini file?
currently not working on html files
Mr_Gee said:
have you tried entering them in the FileList.ini file?
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now, that you mention it yes, i have tried it and it does not work, if it is the specific html file. the lockdown screen would still appear but nothing happens after entering the code. maybe it will work, if the iexplore.exe itself is lockdown but this will lock down every/all html files. would it be a big change to code it, just for specific html files? i'm also thinking on specific text files just like the said html files. i keep notes on pure text files like tax account number, passwords, pincodes, etc in a text or word file. maybe this is pushing too far. maybe in the next version/release? hehehe thank you for sharing and more power...
Sorry I was on holidays
I've tested with PIE.exe and i plan this for the next version.
Please note though that this tool is only for making sure "friends" don't read your personal stuff very easy, but passwords/pin codes might be a bit too high risk..
I think this should be further developed! It really should come standard on winmob... hey Gee, if you need a cab builder or photoshop, I'd be happy to help! Let's make this idea the next ROM must-have!
I wanna use this program because every time someone wants to see my phone, they get to snooping into my personal info. However, I'm afriad if I start changing things manually, I'll screw my phone up.

X1 Panel HTML pseudo-handlers

If anyone discover more pseudo-handlers for HTML panel development. Post them here.
The current ones discovered are
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Webpage in Internet Explorer
Open google.com
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Webpage in Opera Mobile
Open google.com
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Click to collapse
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Click to collapse
Launch Bubble Breaker Game
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To launch applications from the Program Files directories you need to use something of this form. The "%CE1%" sets you to the program files directory
Google Maps
Replace %CE1% with any of these to go to the directory
%CE1% = \Program Files
%CE2% = \Windows
%CE11% = \Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%CE14% = \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
%CE17% = \Windows\Start Menu
%CE18% = <default volume, dependent on device configuration>
%CE19% = \Application Data
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To launch the messaging facility you can use ...
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Great idea!
Nice stuff. But how do you open URL with Opera instead?
And how do you start an installed app?
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
EDIT: Seems the exe's are located in \\Windows\
So, im guessing if you wanted to launch a website in Opera it would be
Open google.com
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I can confirm ^^ works
Evostance said:
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
However I couldn't find cprog.exe on the phone....
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cprog is in windows as are the others.
fards said:
cprog is in windows as are the others.
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Yep found it thanks
Evostance said:
Im not too sure. I spent while yesterday trying to figure out where the root read directory is.
EDIT: Seems the exe's are located in \\Windows\
So, im guessing if you wanted to launch a website in Opera it would be
I can confirm ^^ works
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Great stuff.
But how to launch other installed apps (the ones in \program files\)?
Lovsten said:
Great stuff.
But how to launch other installed apps (the ones in \program files\)?
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Not sure yet. However most of the apps should be in \\Windows
How about trying the winmo aliases, can't find a list of em at the mo, but : DEFBROWSER and the like. (without the space, stupid smilies)
Then the paths have defined shortcuts but I can't find a list of those either (I'd best go to bed too tired, before I fail to find that as well) something like CE% points to /windows etc.
Launching Other applications
To launch applications from the Program Files directories you need to use something of this form ...
Google Maps
The "%CE1%" sets you to the program files directory
To launch the messaging facility you can use ...
Please note I've only tested the two examples I have given at the top not these other ones here for access to other areas of windows mobile
%CE1% \Program Files
%CE2% \Windows
%CE11% \Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%CE14% \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
%CE17% \Windows\Start Menu
%CE18% <default volume, dependent on device configuration>
%CE19% \Application Data
More info can be found here ...
nice one that was the list i was looking for last night...
im making a new panel and have been able to make the app start by pressing on a button on my panel. is it possible to make the app autostart when i press u press on the panel?
if so could someone post the code i need.
Hi there and thanks for this tips!
I've got an application saved on my memory card, any idea how to specify the link to be able to start the app?
Hi again,
Having tested a bit more I realised there is one more basic thing I don't get to work besides figuring out the right path to the memory card.
I have an application that I have developed myself. The application can be started by going browsing for the file in the file explorer, and then clicking it. the question then is; How do I then make a link in my html-panel to start the application?
I thought I could use the links like above, but exchange the name of the application to the file-path? This seems to work for my installed applications, e.g. Xperia Tweak can be started by with:
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But my own application can not be started with:
VOR applikation
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Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or are there alternative ways of starting up my application?
Hi there,
I'm building my own panel and get stuck with some links that are on my memory-card.
I want to link to G-Alarm wich is on \Opslagkaart\Programmabestanden\ageye\G-Alarm\GAlarm.exe (yeah, that's Dutch), but the link to
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doesn't work. I get a . NET CF initialising error. Strange because I can open these from the Start menu. Same goes for moBlog:
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And does someone know where to link to if I want to start the MSN chat, the Calculator and the Notes?
When I've taken care of these little issues, I'll share my panel here. Thanks in advance!
Ganondolf said:
im making a new panel and have been able to make the app start by pressing on a button on my panel. is it possible to make the app autostart when i press u press on the panel?
if so could someone post the code i need.
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you have to register edit,
go to software- sonyericson- panelmanager or something like that
Holds alot of information to.
is it possible to make a button for sms that change its icon when new sms is received?
like spb mobile shell sms icon?
Anyone Know any more?...
Hi gys, been working on a HTML panel and cant find out the following info.
I'm sure all the exe's have additional args, is there anywhere that has them all together.
one im looking for is for the tmail.exe so i can show sms when i click on the image.
i have at the moment
a href="extended://app:start?app=tmail.exe" img src="email.bmp" alt="email"></a>
this will open the mail app but not automatically select the email screen.
Anyone know the right arguments?
It's really annoying that this isnt held centrally somewhere, sony need to get in gear, lol!
Opening a .lnk file
Hi guys / gals,
i have a two .lnk file in windows folder that will allow me to create a new text msg and allow me to go to sms view in tmail.exe.
How would i open these using html?
tried a few variations.
href="\WINDOWS\NewSmsMsg.lnk" will open the text contained in the file and messes up the panel, sets the panel screen to be the text inside the shortcut file from then onwards, the panel must be uninstalled to fix that issue.
calling href="WINDOWS\NewSmsMsg" done nothing
same as href="NewSmsMsg" and ="NewSmsMsg.lnk"
Anyone got any ideas.
Annoying as clicking on these shortcuts in the windows folder will do the desired action, just trying to get me html panel to do more useful actions.
Oh and you can write java script in html panels, it's in the example html panel for visual studio creating panels, not sure about flash, have not tried it, it probably JS only being microsoft.
Camera working, notes, msn messenger, calculator
here is the code to run camerarunner.exe that some people have had an issue with:
<img src="camera.png" alt="Images"/>
hope that helps some people out.
also to run notes its:
<img src="notes.png" alt="notes"/>
messenger is:
<img src="messenger.png" alt="Messenger"/>

Explore issue

Got rather a big problem. I installed Resto Explorer and was using it quite happily until the trial period lapsed. I did purchase the program as I liked it but got the wrong license generated and still waiting to hear from their support on getting it fixed. In the mean time I was unable to edit or do anything of substance.
So in my wisdom I decided to remove it for now. Big mistake! I am now unable to explore my phone as I cannot find the default explorer. I think I may have removed that from the start menu. OCD cleanliness you understand!!
So I cannot explore at all and thus cannot install anything to replace it.
Anyone know how I might recover from this one?
try installing total commander
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
rphillip said:
Ok panic over. I used pcsync to copy a shortcut of fexplore.exe to start menu. Phew!
What someone mind posting the registy location and values of the default file explorer please so I can fully recover as it was and this time keep it there!!
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Not quite sure what you expect to be stored in the registry for the file explorer. I've had a brief look and can't see anything in there. Just using it will set up any data storage that it uses. AFAIK it only needs to remember the last location it was in - nothing more.
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
rphillip said:
Well at the mo all I have in the start menu now is "Shortcut to fexplore.exe". I woudl like to clean that up as far as possible to be what it it supposed to be.
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Open file explorer and go to windows\start menu\programs and find the shortcut. Just rename it in there.
Incidentally, if you select an application, anywhere on your phone and do "Copy", you can then go to the above mentioned programs folder and do "Paste Shortuct". Just in case you lose any more shortcuts

What do I need? New phone!!

Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
saldawop said:
Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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Seriously, wait till you've had the phone for about a week before doing anything to it. You sound like a puppy that's about to go for a walk! Chill man. Get to know the phone before you start changing it, or you'll just end up asking for things that it already does!
Yeah thanks.
Any answers to the questions I asked though?
saldawop said:
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent slider.cab ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files, but Total Commander, or Resco Explorer will. Just get the latest version, and don't worry about the processor. They run on Windows - they don't care about the processor.
If you install theme/visual changes, there's no hard-and-fast rule about what to do to replace the changes. Some of them you can uninstall and it restores the original look. Others don't. You can usually just install a new change over a previous one, but not always. You're gonna have to just find out through trial and error, or by asking, when you have specific questions to ask.
I wasn't being dismissive earlier - there's just no straight forward answer to such ambiguous questions.
Enjoy your new phone mate. I've had mine for 6 weeks now and I still love it like it was new yesterday!
johncmolyneux said:
File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files
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Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
DexyG said:
Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
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Uhh... just because the options are there doesn't mean they work for every file. As you quoted me saying, "File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files" (certain files, not all files).
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
johnkst said:
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
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I was only explaining that I wasn't wrong - he'd misread my statement. Obviously if it doesn't work for certain files then it does work for the rest. The context of the question suggests that the OP needed that explaining to him, or he'd only come back later and say "I can't copy this manila file into the windows folder", and we'd have to explain it to him then!
Bottom line, we're all right, and we're all trying to give the OP a concise answer (which I think he's got now)
Ah ok, my bad. Sorry.
Ahhh... That's nice...
Now we're all friends again, to come back to the OP's original question, I'm with John C on this. Take your time, get to know your phone and decide what you REALLY need first.
IMHO, the only thing you should install from the start is the BSB Tweaks cab (Just search the Leo forum for latest version - I think it's in a sticky somewhere). This will save you having to install a Registry Editor and installing a lot of these tweaks manually. It also makes it a lot easier to switch the tweaks on and off.
There are also some HTC updates now available (for Camera, SMS and SD Card). They have been out for a few days now and I haven't seen too many complaints, so I would say they are all safe to install...
Finally... ROM updates...
There are a couple now available from HTC. But again, unless you're experiencing a problem which you know has been fixed by these new ROMs, I would leave them alone. I've still got the original O2 ROM in my HD2 and it's working perfectly well, so I've not bothered to upgrade just yet.
All of the above is just my personal opinion. Hope you find it useful...
By the way, if you find BSB Tweaks (or any other cab that someone has invested time and effort into creating) useful, you might want to think about making a small donation. A $5 PayPal transaction is easily made, costs about the price of a pint (in the UK) and really makes these guys (and gals) faces light up!
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
saldawop said:
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
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Now you tell us...! ;-)
Just before we all get tarred with the same brush, I'm also an iPhone owner, and will be keeping my ROM-upgraded HD2 and selling my 3GS ;-)
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
saldawop said:
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
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1) You can click on "Inbox" then Menu->Select Messages->Several, Choose the messages you want to mark as read then Menu->Mark as read/delete
2) I kindof makes sence to delete the email - keep the two in sync or is that only my perception on things
3) Try use one codec possibly, I'm certain there are different players out there with the ability to play a wider range its just a case of looking (sorry i don't really use my phone for music/multiple video formats)
4) Yes there is a setting settings->sound and display->backlight
5)Agreed it is rubbish I've tried G alarm because everyone seems to rave about it but i wasn't too keen but you could still try it and it does do the alarm sound for longer than 2 rings
Thanks for that Strange though because the screen is set to switch off after 1 minute. It doesn't! Was still on when I woke up this morning

I've been looking...can you help?

I'm looking for some cabs:
1. A cab that will allow me to select more than one file to copy/cut/paste
2. How to make the lists in folders smaller (as in the Energy Roms)
That's it...unfortunately, don't know their names-hence my issue in finding them.
Currently running Xanny Evo 17b
telegraph0000 said:
I'm looking for some cabs:
1. A cab that will allow me to select more than one file to copy/cut/paste
2. How to make the lists in folders smaller (as in the Energy Roms)
That's it...unfortunately, don't know their names-hence my issue in finding them.
Currently running Xanny Evo 17b
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1. You mean like a file explorer which allows you to select one than one file?
Resco explorer (3rd party app), file explorer 2 and I think total commander and basic file explorer on most roms also does this
2. Some file explorers you can change view in options or do you mean amount of files in programs etc. If the latter you create more folders like 'tweaks' etc in /windows/start menu/programs and then move your desired file into this folder
Thanks, but let me clarify...
You (and I) both use Xanny. What do you use to select more than one file in a folder (music, for example)? It's irritating copying/pasting/cutting only one file at a time.
As for #2, I would.like to get rid of the finger friendliness when listing files. With Xanny, for example, all files have a double space between them,.and the font is relatively large.(for ease of choosing). At this time, only 7 items can be seen at a time. Would like it single spaced.
telegraph0000 said:
Thanks, but let me clarify...
You (and I) both use Xanny. What do you use to select more than one file in a folder (music, for example)? It's irritating copying/pasting/cutting only one file at a time.
As for #2, I would.like to get rid of the finger friendliness when listing files. With Xanny, for example, all files have a double space between them,.and the font is relatively large.(for ease of choosing). At this time, only 7 items can be seen at a time. Would like it single spaced.
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Well to be honest I use Resco Explorer to select more than one file. You can either select all or use the 'multi-selection' mode. Open your folder containing music, then go to menu > edit > multi-selction mode then select the files you want before you either move, copy, run them etc
Thought i'd post in here as I'm looking for some cabs too. I've searched for 3 days and it's time to ask. Can anyone please tell me the name of the program that adds the buttons to the bottom of the home screen like this >screenshot< shows (camera, opera and comm manager buttons)? I'm sure everyone knows the name... except me.
I've searched for maxmanilla, home plugins, home buttons, sense ui, etc. and I've found pics of this all over the forums but haven't been able to find the exact name of this cab/program/plugin, without installing a whole new rom.
Fallen Spartan said:
Well to be honest I use Resco Explorer to select more than one file. You can either select all or use the 'multi-selection' mode. Open your folder containing music, then go to menu > edit > multi-selction mode then select the files you want before you either move, copy, run them etc
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Thank you. That is exactly what I was looking for. Solved both #1 and #2. Thanks again.
With regard to stuntdouble's question: There is no cab to enable the shortcuts, you will need to update your ROM to one of the 6.5.x HTC Sense versions that have that as a feature. Look in the Roms section and pick out something that looks good to you. But don't ask which one is best, as it's all a matter of taste.
telegraph0000 said:
Thank you. That is exactly what I was looking for. Solved both #q and #w. Thanks again.
With regard to stuntdouble's question: There is no cab to enable the shortcuts, you will need to update your ROM to one of the 6.5.x HTC Sense versions that have that as a feature. Look in the Roms section and pick out something that looks good to you. But don't ask which one is best, as it's all a matter of taste.
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Ah ok thx. That's a shame because I love the Topix rom. Guess I'll have to try out a load of roms again. Cheers for the info.
telegraph0000 said:
Thank you. That is exactly what I was looking for. Solved both #q and #w. Thanks again.
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No probs, glad I could help
telegraph0000 said:
With regard to stuntdouble's question: There is no cab to enable the shortcuts, you will need to update your ROM to one of the 6.5.x HTC Sense versions that have that as a feature. Look in the Roms section and pick out something that looks good to you. But don't ask which one is best, as it's all a matter of taste.
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stuntdouble said:
Ah ok thx. That's a shame because I love the Topix rom. Guess I'll have to try out a load of roms again. Cheers for the info.
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Yeah telegraph0000 is correct, you'll need to flash a wm6.5.x rom to get those buttons on the home screen.
stuntdouble said:
Ah ok thx. That's a shame because I love the Topix rom. Guess I'll have to try out a load of roms again. Cheers for the info.
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Backup your ROM and try one for the heck of it. If you don't like it, reflash Topix and restore the backup. Nothing lost, but some quality family time...and who doesn't have that to spare
Total Command also allows multiple file selection. However I've only been able to access the feature in landscape mode. I haven't really delved into it too much.
Flip to landscape, click on "Ctrl" (a new button that appears in the toolbar) and you'll be able to select more than one file.
Swarvey said:
Total Command also allows multiple file selection. However I've only been able to access the feature in landscape mode. I haven't really delved into it too much.
Flip to landscape, click on "Ctrl" (a new button that appears in the toolbar) and you'll be able to select more than one file.
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This is also why I included it as a cab on post#2

