No Push Notifications Coming Through (Gmail, WordFeud to be exact) - EVO Shift 4G General

So I have Gmail app and WordFeud app on my phone and just recently, the notifications have stopped. I'll log into Gmail on my computer and see that I have 2 or 3 new items from as long 4 or 5 hours ago and have not received any notificaiton on my phone about. On my phone, I'll go into Gmail, hit refresh, and then the mail shows.
With WordFeud, I go in and see that it's been "my turn" for hours but I never received a notification. I've checked and verified that background data and auto-sync is on, but regardless, no changes have been made to my phone between the time when I always received notifications and now, when I don't receive them. All SMS and MMS messages come through right on time with notifications, so I have no idea what's happened with Gmail and WordFeud.
Anybody else run into these issues in the past, or now? Thanks for any advice!

One more thing, which is odd... I've noticed that when I wake up in the morning, like 6:30AM, I have Gmail and WordFeud notifications that must have came through overnight, but it's for new stuff, nothing I previously manually refreshed and deleted in Gmail for example. After that, I don't get Gmail or Wordfeud notifications for the rest of the day until the next morning. So, it seems like I get them once a day, which is sometime overnight. Weird, I know, I wish I knew what caused this...

nevermind on this guys... after some testing i was able to determine the root cause. it was due to a combination of having gtalk disabled and the wifi connection that i'm connected to at work. basically, with the wifi connection i have at work, gtalk can't connect to it. i turned off my work wifi connection, which turned 3G back on, and i was able to connect to gtalk. once connected to gtalk, push notifications began coming thru just fine.
i re-tested this by connecting back to my work wifi and this made gtalk disable automatically, as it could no longer stay connected. i sent myself a test email via my computer and it never came thru on my phone (unless i opened gmail and manually refreshed). turned off work wifi... 3G comes back on and gtalk auto connected and my (2nd test) email finally came thru on my phone!
i tested this with my wifi connection at home and gtalk connects to that just fine, so the main culprit of this entire post was the wifi connection at my work (some strong security i guess)! the great thing i took away from this is that, bottom line, in order to receive push notifications, gtalk must be enabled and connected!!
(figured i'd post all of this, not only for you guys or anyone that has an issue like this, but also so i can come back and read it if i ever forget what i tested!)


Phone is not syncing...

Are you guys having trouble with the phone receiving push notifications like email, gtalk, whatsapp, etc? On wifi it's fine, but I find that if the phone is on 3G it won't push emails instantly.. it takes a while, perhaps hours, or unless I refresh it manually. It doesn't seem to check when it's just sitting there, like it loses connection or something.
Anyone experiencing this? Just let the phone sit there on 3G and send yourself an email on the computer and see if it picks it up instantly.
the only thing not getting notifications is my yahoo mail app.
dinan said:
Are you guys having trouble with the phone receiving push notifications like email, gtalk, whatsapp, etc? On wifi it's fine, but I find that if the phone is on 3G it won't push emails instantly.. it takes a while, perhaps hours, or unless I refresh it manually. It doesn't seem to check when it's just sitting there, like it loses connection or something.
Anyone experiencing this? Just let the phone sit there on 3G and send yourself an email on the computer and see if it picks it up instantly.
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can you check my post to see if this is what you are experiencing?
i am just trying to get more confirmation that potentially could be a GB bug that we can submit to google.

[Q] Problem with the Note's Email application?

Hi guys, I have setup my corporate Exchange mailbox using the built in application.
However, it works VERY poorly (settings set to Push) - sometimes the widget (or alerts for that matter) wont display new mail for HOURS! Until I manually go into the Mail application, and a minute later suddenly I get all the emails, and 4 emails I've been trying to 'share' (Notes) have been all sent at once.
Any idea how to fix this? or what to use instead?
On my old Dell Streak, using the default program, I had instant alerts on emails! sometimes even before Outlook had a popup!
this is annoying to no end..
I'm not sure if you're organization sets device security, but mine required a passcode to be set on my device if I used my Exchange account. For whatever reason I was still able to use the pattern lock but I noticed the same delays that you did. On a whim I set it to a numeric lock and all of a sudden my mail decided to push properly.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
plasket said:
I'm not sure if you're organization sets device security, but mine required a passcode to be set on my device if I used my Exchange account. For whatever reason I was still able to use the pattern lock but I noticed the same delays that you did. On a whim I set it to a numeric lock and all of a sudden my mail decided to push properly.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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ok well, I tried this - 10 mins ago someone sent email (I see it on outlook already) - yet nothing on the Note (I switched to numeric lock hours ago), so must be something else... any ideas?
wifi is connected, and gmail is getting updates without issues.
I have this problem, too, and I've seen several others post about it as well. It's quite frustrating. Sometimes it works instantly and sometimes it'll go a couple hours without sending/receiving. Some people think it's a push bug and say changing to polling fixes it, but it didn't for me. I set it to 15 minutes and I still get the same problem with delays. It's really frustrating. I'm going to see if it's an app issue by installing another email client such as K9 or Touchdown.
Also, I wonder if it's a connectivity problem; I've been having weird issues; I work from home a lot so I'm here a lot in my wifi, and it seems sometimes my phone won't use the cellular network. I turn my phone off, it goes into deep sleep and turns wifi off, then I won't get any emails until something else wakes my phone, turning wifi back on. Like the email client can't or won't wake the phone when needed. I'm going to start a post about this tomorrow.
maxh said:
I have this problem, too, and I've seen several others post about it as well. It's quite frustrating. Sometimes it works instantly and sometimes it'll go a couple hours without sending/receiving. Some people think it's a push bug and say changing to polling fixes it, but it didn't for me. I set it to 15 minutes and I still get the same problem with delays. It's really frustrating. I'm going to see if it's an app issue by installing another email client such as K9 or Touchdown.
Also, I wonder if it's a connectivity problem; I've been having weird issues; I work from home a lot so I'm here a lot in my wifi, and it seems sometimes my phone won't use the cellular network. I turn my phone off, it goes into deep sleep and turns wifi off, then I won't get any emails until something else wakes my phone, turning wifi back on. Like the email client can't or won't wake the phone when needed. I'm going to start a post about this tomorrow.
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My wifi also disconnects sometimes if the phone is idle I don't know why.
That happens at home, it does not switch to 3G as I don't have any 3G plan atm at all (and its disabled in settings anyway).
However the mail push issue is prevalent even when I use the phone and its active - mails still don't arrive! even if I click refresh on the widget itself, no new mails until I launch the Mail application!
Ok well, this has gotten worse.
My limit is when I show up for a meeting only to find out 15 mins ago a postpone email was sent.
I've mailed Samsung support, hopefully will get an answer to resolve the issue - will update when I hear something back.
Anyone else experiences the same problem? please post here...
Also anyone who solved it
I had the same issue as well,So i deleted my Exchange account started all over again from scratch,on the set up i chose all the options I needed,now it works as it should,so what I have noticed:
1-After the setup is complete,if you go to the Account Settings and start to fiddle with the settings that seems to upset the push funtion ,except changing the notification sound didnt do any harm.
2-When I assign my custom Notification tone it also seems to upset the Push funtionality(but I am not 100% sure of this one yet.)

Syncing WOES

Alright. My phone is having a huge problem syncing. First I noticed it with Gmail. I can tell how instant I am getting emails because I am sitting here at work on my PC. I can send an email from where ever (in this case my outlook work address), send it...see the email pop up on my screen in the Gmail internet tab. Here is the thing. It takes anywhere from 1-20 mins for the email to finally get to my phone. It is SO random. Sometimes if I pick my phone up and turn the screen on, it pushes through alittle faster. I have tried everything (I think) the last two days. Obviously all my settings are correct. AutoSync, the Sync settings in the gmail itself.
To see if it was just gmail, I put my work email on the phone to see how that works. It's EXACTLY the same. Sporadic syncing. I then tried cloudmagic email app which people rave about. Same thing.
What gives? I've about had it with this phone. I even tried a factory reset this morning. Still have the issue. I'm thinking of taking the phone back honestly. Could this be a hardware thing to do with connection? I've tried all of this with strong wifi on, and with perfect 4G signal. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.
Nobody here has ANY idea what could be going on with my phone? I thought I fixed it and had it narrowed down to the WiFi st work but I just tried it again and it took 6 minutes for it to show up on my phone. If the phone is awake, it seems to be faster. Does this sound like it could be a hardware issue? Should I take this phone back? I already did a factory reset ect. Someone please help!!

Not getting notifications on watch or on phone, driving me crazy!

So lately I have not been getting hangout notifications and it's driving me nuts. I have it paired to my android wear watch and 80% of the time it works fine but other times I get text messages and nothing, no buzz, not even a notification in my task manager letting me know I have a unread message, totally blank. It's not until I go into hangouts and I see the bold text that I know I got a message. Even when not paired to the watch,same thing, no buzz, sound, notificiaon icon, nothing until I open hangouts and see it.
Anyone else having this issue?? Driving me crazy and I already missed plans with friends because of it. Fully stock and on 6.0.1 as of a few days ago and still the problem.
Are you logged into hangouts on another device or computer? Also check to make sure you didn't snooze their notifications.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I had this issue. Try turning off wifi and see if it works. Mine did on cell data only. The messages would come into me on wifi, but I would just not get notified. I did a roll back on it and a re-install and it started working again normally. The first time I had this was on my Nexus 6. This is a LONG running hangouts problem ( various posts out there show it going back to 2012 ).

No push notifications coming through - on mobile data only, when on Wifi it's fine.

I've had my V20 for 18 months or so and it's worked pretty well with only a couple of issues (I've no idea why I can't download web pages on Chrome or any Chromium based browsers) but nothing I couldn't live with.
I only noticed a couple of days ago that I'm no longer getting push notifications when on mobile data. Everything had been working just fine prior to that. When I'm out, if I don't open the app, I don't get any notifications. As soon as I log onto Wifi, I get all my Whatsapp messages through and notifications for any emails through Gmail - life is a LOT quieter at the moment with the pandemic so those are the 2 main sources of incoming messages)
I'm in the UK, haven't changed my sim provider or updated the phone (I'm stuck on Nougat as I can't do an official update due to not being in the states) and haven't been messing around with any optimization settings. The phone is stock. I have Greenify running but haven't altered anything in that for a long time either.
I went into battery optimization and Whataspp was showing as turned off - it's a LONG time since I went into the optimizations, so I don't know if that was always set to off? If I turn it on, things seem to go back to normal and the notifications come through on data and Wifi. Would that explain why they only come through on wifi? I'd have thought that if that was the culprit, it would've been the same no matter if I was on mobile data or wifi?
Any suggestions would be most welcome!
Just a thought but maybe Background Data is disabled for said apps not delivering push notifications on mobile connection. That would cause your problem. Of course, I don't know why it would suddenly work with battery optimisation turned on. Seems like that would disable background data usage.

