[Q] HD2 complete blackout after radio change, HELP!! - HD2 General

I have owned a few Leo's myself, flashed cooked roms, ran SD android on all of them. I flawlessly have run two different phones for months with NO radio issues, no "SOD", zero problems.
However, I am now working with my newest HD2 and had a traumatic failure...
I have a 1024 leo on TmoUS and was running Motoman234 EVO Black&Blue Remix, and for the first time, I installed it to SD without modifying anything else at all. Stock WinMo rom, Stock radio, etc. Up until last night I had zero issues with it.
I decided to change my radio for reception purposes. Installed HSPL3 without any issues, then when I ran CustomRUU to update radio, both screens went to 100 percent, then my Leo went black.
I mean black. Keys wont light up, Charge indicator LED wont light, screen is black, phone is TOTALLY unresponsive. I have tried everything that has been recommended in other "Bricked HD2" forums, but to no avail.
Can anyone help, or am I buying a new phone today???

Hello Clark,
I'm sorry to inform you this but,
Tmous Leo + Incompatible Radio = Instant Brick .
So if you could provide on which radio you were and what version you were trying to upgrade to you might have بصيص* of hope.
*بصيص = Shaft, ray.

I did a lootttt of research, and found a radio on the master radio thread labeled "TmoUS 1024 Leo" from a list.... The one I downloaded is, however I did not write down my previous radio version.... Careless, I know...

Ok, May be it's something minor.
How good was your battery charged before installation ?
Check the battery pins, one might be bent ?
Try to Remove battery for 30 mins then re-insert and charge from wall ?
Otherwise, God shall be with you

Yessir, did all that last night, and decided to go to sleep with battery out (discharged by pressing keys w/o battery) and this morning no change. I was at about 95% battery when I did this, I really think it was the phone, not the software... Ill buy a new one =)
Sincere thanks, Kawazaki, for the help.

Or ,since it's completely dead, you can just send it in for repair and play dumb, It might work .
I'm really sorry for you, and glad that I was -sort of- help .

Yep, dead, sorry to say. The rule is ..50.. radios only for tmous, and like every rule there is an exception. In this case the exception(s) are 2.04.50.x and 2.05.50.x which whilst they are from tmous test /pre production roms, and carry 50 v numbers, they are 51 radios really, from when the tmous roms were being developed on regular hd2's


I can't turn device on after flashed with new radio

I don't know if anyone got this problem before.
Today I flashed few different radio before.
But this time i tried to flash from 2.15.50 to
I got 2.09.51 from here ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=654706 )
after completed flashed then i disconnected the usb but for some reason the phone can't even turned it on.
I removed the battery and wait couple of mins but got no luck.
Put it on A/c charge, but still no luck, no led light
Battery was above 90% before i tried to flash with new radio.
I used Android as my fulltime os and it runs very smooth.
I've got T-mobile us hd2.
Im running Miri
If any1 could help me on this topic would be great.
Well for now no phone for me
yep, its dead, flash a radio with 51 in teh version to a tmous and it dies.
One of teh genuine (and there are few) times when 'brick' is teh correct word.
JTAG or warranty are your options.
yeah same thing happend to me, i took it to the store they tried diff charger batter etc. Ended up sending mine in and they sent me one within a few days. Since it cant come on there is no way for them to tell HSPL has been installed so if i were i would just return it as warranty
Does it atleast go in to flash mode ?
remove battery, replace battery and starting it up while holding volume down + power botton,
if you can get it that far, you can push in a new radio.
Aevum said:
Does it atleast go in to flash mode ?
remove battery, replace battery and starting it up while holding volume down + power botton,
if you can get it that far, you can push in a new radio.
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Yep, it worked for me anyway when I flashed my handset with the radio 51
I think its not possible to get the screen to even turn on.
I know that my battery is still in very good condition.
I did some research, once bricked its gone beside JTAG or warranty are your options as mentioned above.
Too bad i got this over ebay US and im in Australia...
But i still love my hd2, i'll purchase a used one in the future.
But good news, i got new Htc desire hd today, damn this is fast and smooth
bad thing is i can't even hear the speaker

[Q] Battery issues & SPL/ROM Install Questions

Hi everyone,
I recently joined this forum because I got my hands on an HTC HD2 from T-Mobile. Don't know the "official" name to call it since the phone name implies that it's a HTC HD2 LEO and from the looks of it (green call button and red power/end button), it looks like it should be T-Mobile HD2. I'm an advanced computer user in general, but admit that I'm completely new to WinMo devices and have spent hours scouring these threads reading up as much as I can. Now I have a few questions and things that I just want to clear my mind of before I dive in
Please bear with me on this. So many questions to ask and they may sound simple for those that are use to it, but I'm clueless on them.
Model: T-Mobile/HTC HD2
OS Version: 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
Manila version: 2.5.20121412.2
ROM version: 2.13.531.1 (90963) WWE
ROM Date: 4/28/10
Radio version:
Protocol version:
RAM Size: 576MB
Flash Size: 1024MB
D 2.13.90693 8G
SPL-2.10.0000 8G XE
PB81120 SS-B3
I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and have Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 installed already.
1. One major problem I noticed is that this phone is a power guzzler. I left the phone around 75% of power remaining and by morning, it was dead. I made sure to turn off all the unnecessary data fetching features and it didn't seem to help out much. Anyone else experienced similar problems? I read up on a lot of the battery usage tips here and elsewhere and so far, there is very little improvement.
2. Which brings me to this question. I want to try using other custom ROMS that I have been seeing users talking about here. Maybe it will help out with the power issue and also remove unnecessary garbage that may be slowing down the unit. It looks like in order for me to do any of these things, I must install HardSPL3 first:
I have a question on this part:
IMPORTANT: To install/uninstall this HSPL3 there must be any SPL version from this list on your device:
SPL 1.42.0000, SPL 1.62.0000, SPL 1.66.0000, SPL 2.07.0000, SPL 2.08.0000, SPL 2.10.000
3. If I wanted to go back to stock SPL, how do I do this? For HSPL3_PKG.exe, it looks like it will only go back to SPL 2.08.0000? My version is 2.10.0000 (8G XE, not sure what those characters are for).
4. One part says that flashing with the wrong ROM can "brick" the phone. But if I install HardSPL3 first, how do I unbrick it? Just by doing a hard reset or restoring stock ROM?
5. When we flash a custom ROM, is that ROM going to be the one used after we do a hard reset?
Here's hoping to doing my first HardSPL or ROM flash without screwing it up
Thanks in advance.
Wow, GREAT first post. Although most of these questions have been answered before, I must commend you on your post. Clear english, more information that I can shake a stick at, general politeness...you are a poster child for what we want new users to be.
Anywho, to answer your questions:
1-There are ways to conserve power with the HD2, and customs ROMs do generally have less power consumption than stock ROMs, but ultimately it comes down to that the HD2 has a small battery at just 1230MAh. I would purchase an extended battery, you can get them from eBay for like 15 bucks and they work wonders.
2-Yes, you need to install HardSPL in order to flash a custom ROM, but once you do it you never need to re-do it as it is permanent. And yes, your SPL should work with the HSPL3 package.
3-To go back to stock SPL, you can either use the HSPL package to go back to 2.08.0000 or flash the official 2.13 T-Mobile USA stock ROM via your SD card and it will overwrite HardSPL back to 2.08.0000. Even though your SPL is 2.10.0000, there is no real appreciable end-user difference between the two. The only reason you would need to go back to stock SPL is for warranty purposes.
4-Yes, flashing the wrong custom, stock or radio ROM will brick your device. PLEASE read up on which versions work. If the thread specifically says "for TMOUS" then you are pretty much in the clear. If it says for LEO512 or Euro, DO NOT attempt to flash it, as it WILL perma-brick your device. Radio's are really the most deadly. Flashing a radio ROM with .51 in its name WILL perma-brick your phone. The rule of thumb with WinMo is that if your phone can go into bootloader, by pressing power and holding the down volume button from startup, and get to the tri-color screen then you can flash a new ROM and most of the time recover. Flashing an incorrect ROM or radio will make it so that your phone will not power on, thus rendering it usesless.
and 5-Yes, whatever ROM is on your device is the ROM that will be re-installed when you Hard Reset. To go back to stock, just flash the original 2.13 T-MoUS stock ROM.
I hope that helps, and please don't hesitate to ask anymore questions. READ like crazy before flashing, and if in doubt....DON'T FLASH till you ask. Also, for more info, check out the guide in my signature, should be helpfull.
Thanks for the fast reply ashasaur
One thing on the SPL version. Since I have SPL 2.10.0000 will T-Mobile notice that it's 2.08.0000 and won't take it back? Just asking these precautionary questions. More on the careful side
I definitely have read dozens of these threads and think I pretty much get the gist of it now. Will definitely look out for those things you mentioned and have been reading those sentences in big red fonts LOL
I actually do have a few more questions.
1. I have been installing some of the apps mentioned here to my SD card. If my guess is correct, I have to reinstall these again if a different ROM is used right? There are probably settings stored in the registry on the internal memory.
2. Been having trouble using WiFi with both of my wireless routers at home even though they work for my other computers. For some reason, it connects to them but when I try to browse a webpage with Opera, it gives me an error saying it can't be found (or similar to that wording). Once I turn off WiFi, it works again with 3G.
3. This one will probably have no definitive answer and I've seen debates go on about it. Do you notice any power usage difference between using WiFi or 3G for the internet? Besides speed, if WiFi uses less power, I want to get that working.
Now to get that extended battery. Hopefully it won't stick out too much since I read up on that also somewhere.
Thanks again.
No problem.
1-No, T-Mobile has no idea what SPL you have, only that it falls within a certain range of (something) to (something), that top one being 2.10.0000. They DO know however if your SPL has been tweaked with the HSPL3 package because it displays HSPL after the SPL version.
2-Yes, if you install a new ROM, or hard reset you will have to reinstall all the applications that you have installed right now regardless of where you put them. You can however get a backup program such as Sprite Backup and backup your entire program database, then use that backup on your new ROM to put back all your programs and tweaks and whatnot in one easy process.
3-Some routers are just straight up not compatable with the HD2's WiFi adaptor. Search for how to enable WiFi N on the HD2. Even if your router doesn't support N speeds, it still sometimes solves compatability problems, as do custom ROMs.
4-3G more often then not actually uses more power than WiFi because..well...I don't really know to be honest, only that it does. Mostly from what I gather is that depending on your signal strentgh 3G may use very little, to an amazing amount of power, whereas no matter what the signal strength, WiFi is pretty constant.
They do make extended 1600MAh batteries that have the same form factor as the stock one, and don't require the bigger cover...which is about a half inch tall I'm afraid. I myself use a cheapo 1600MAh battery from eBay and get around 30% more battery life out of it versus the stock one, and can still use the stock cover.
ashasaur said:
No problem.
1-No, T-Mobile has no idea what SPL you have, only that it falls within a certain range of (something) to (something), that top one being 2.10.0000. They DO know however if your SPL has been tweaked with the HSPL3 package because it displays HSPL after the SPL version.
2-Yes, if you install a new ROM, or hard reset you will have to reinstall all the applications that you have installed right now regardless of where you put them. You can however get a backup program such as Sprite Backup and backup your entire program database, then use that backup on your new ROM to put back all your programs and tweaks and whatnot in one easy process.
3-Some routers are just straight up not compatable with the HD2's WiFi adaptor. Search for how to enable WiFi N on the HD2. Even if your router doesn't support N speeds, it still sometimes solves compatability problems, as do custom ROMs.
4-3G more often then not actually uses more power than WiFi because..well...I don't really know to be honest, only that it does. Mostly from what I gather is that depending on your signal strentgh 3G may use very little, to an amazing amount of power, whereas no matter what the signal strength, WiFi is pretty constant.
They do make extended 1600MAh batteries that have the same form factor as the stock one, and don't require the bigger cover...which is about a half inch tall I'm afraid. I myself use a cheapo 1600MAh battery from eBay and get around 30% more battery life out of it versus the stock one, and can still use the stock cover.
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Okay.... You are so posting the particulars of that 1600MAh battery! Right?! Aren't we ALL looking for a larger battery that doesn't change the form factor of the HD2! PLEASE!!!!!
ElaineD said:
Okay.... You are so posting the particulars of that 1600MAh battery! Right?! Aren't we ALL looking for a larger battery that doesn't change the form factor of the HD2! PLEASE!!!!!
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x2! (and here are the obligatory extra characters)
I finally did it. I stayed up until like 1AM yesterday re-reading everything in the threads here before I dove in and installed HardSPL3, Core Cell Custom ROM and to make the final finish, flashed the radio ROM to Everything seems to be ok except for a few freeze ups here and there with the Core Cell ROM.
Already enabled the wireless N on the HD2 and also have an N router. Will give it another try since the attempt failed last night.
Thanks for mentioning those two programs. Just what I wanted. They will definitely save me time.
The only 1600mah batteries I found on eBay are all from China. It's going to be a long wait and if I decide to buy it, I hope it's not a cheap model. Need a good long lasting battery
Heh, awesome! You will enjoy custom ROMs. Every device I have ever had has had a custom ROM, and the HD2 is no different. They just make the phones sooooo much better.
Anyways, due to popular demand, here is a picture of my battery, and yes, it's a cheapo from China...cost me I think 8USD on eBay, and took around a week to get here by standard overseas shipping.
It's a NETCOM WCL-01A. SUPPOSEDLY works with all the HD2 variants. 3.7V, 1600MAh, and as you can see...is standard size and works with the stock battery cover. Pictures suck I know, taken with my webcam...
Thanks for the pics. Quality is more than enough to make out what it looks like. I think I saw an identical one going on eBay. Will snatch one up now since the shipping time will be the huge killer here. How long did you have it for? Last thing I want is a cheap battery leaking inside LOL
I still use it everyday...and i've had it since around June-ish I think. Still works just as well as the day I bought it.
ashasaur said:
No problem.
1-No, T-Mobile has no idea what SPL you have, only that it falls within a certain range of (something) to (something), that top one being 2.10.0000. They DO know however if your SPL has been tweaked with the HSPL3 package because it displays HSPL after the SPL version.
2-Yes, if you install a new ROM, or hard reset you will have to reinstall all the applications that you have installed right now regardless of where you put them. You can however get a backup program such as Sprite Backup and backup your entire program database, then use that backup on your new ROM to put back all your programs and tweaks and whatnot in one easy process.
3-Some routers are just straight up not compatable with the HD2's WiFi adaptor. Search for how to enable WiFi N on the HD2. Even if your router doesn't support N speeds, it still sometimes solves compatability problems, as do custom ROMs.
4-3G more often then not actually uses more power than WiFi because..well...I don't really know to be honest, only that it does. Mostly from what I gather is that depending on your signal strentgh 3G may use very little, to an amazing amount of power, whereas no matter what the signal strength, WiFi is pretty constant.
They do make extended 1600MAh batteries that have the same form factor as the stock one, and don't require the bigger cover...which is about a half inch tall I'm afraid. I myself use a cheapo 1600MAh battery from eBay and get around 30% more battery life out of it versus the stock one, and can still use the stock cover.
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Snagged one from obostore.com $8.99 + free shipping andida brand...
"1600mah Andida Battery for HTC Touch HD2 Leo Tmobile HD2"
Hope it works!

[Q] [q] HTC HD2 hardware or software problem?

Hi there, I have joined this Forum as I have spent the last week reading through heaps of threads, and while I have learnt a bit, I am at a point where I need some help.
I got a HTC T-Mobile HD2 for less than half price with the intention of running Android OS. I got it for this price as it has the freezing issues. I don't think it is in warranty and the box and CD didn't come with it.
I think it must be a US T-Mobile, as it has the Coming Together screen when it is turned on. Most of the time, that is all it gets to. It has a green talk button and red off button. The resets do nothing.
I have read that these phones are often returned to HTC as they are defective, they get hot and don't work. The one I got doesn't get hot. When it does boot up, it has Transformers and Transformers2 loaded into the memory. It will play but after a short time it goes black and resets.
Does this phone seem repairable? If so, please tell me where to start as I have been totally confused here.
Here is some of the details I got off it when it was booted up.
CPU Qualcomm (R)
Speed 1024 Mhz
Ram 576MB
Flash Size 1024 MB
Data Bus 32 Bit
Storage Size 689.61
Bluetooth Version 2.1/2.1 ERD
WM 6.5
OS version 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
Manilla Version 2.5.20121412.2
ROM Version 2.13.531.1 (90963)
ROM date 04/28/10
Protocol version
Total Storage 689.61MB
Used 76.52MB
Free 613.09MB
Total Program 458.74MB
Used Program 172.52MB
Free Program 286.19
SD Card
Total 7571.20MB
Used 1419.18MB
Free 6152.02MB
Thanks for any help here.
98% of the time it's the software. Flash a new STOCK rom and see if the problem persists.
98% hardware problem, not software.
Okay will flash a new stock ram, as I have nothing to lose here. Back to searching on how to achieve this!
StarScreamx said:
98% hardware problem, not software.
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That's quite helpful, isn't it?
My expieriences vary from StarScreamX's ones. Indeed it might be a good idea to flash the stock rom which was made for your HD2. Back in the days of WM 6.5 it solved some weird problems permanently. You might even reflash your original HSPL, only to flash the fitting version again. I repeated those steps several times, just to wipe out eventually made errors.
The other point is, that some errors occur because of certain hardware-combinations, not because of the components themselves. It might be the SD-Card or even the way you formatted it. Best expieriences I've made with using Fat32 64kb cluster size. Seemed to speed up the whole OS.
My last suggestion is to try several builds. Android can be far different from Android. For examle Sense, ADW, MIUI are all pretty good, but have their own advantages. While I first refused MIUI for its similiarities to iOS, I stuck with it before I switched to WP7 some Weeks ago.
Try the builds and take your time, there certainly is one, that runs great on YOUR hardware.
Anyway, Good Luck!
kyliekwong said:
Hi there, I have joined this Forum as I have spent the last week reading through heaps of threads, and while I have learnt a bit, I am at a point where I need some help.
I got a HTC T-Mobile HD2 for less than half price with the intention of running Android OS. I got it for this price as it has the freezing issues. I don't think it is in warranty and the box and CD didn't come with it.
I think it must be a US T-Mobile, as it has the Coming Together screen when it is turned on. Most of the time, that is all it gets to. It has a green talk button and red off button. The resets do nothing.
I have read that these phones are often returned to HTC as they are defective, they get hot and don't work. The one I got doesn't get hot. When it does boot up, it has Transformers and Transformers2 loaded into the memory. It will play but after a short time it goes black and resets.
Does this phone seem repairable? If so, please tell me where to start as I have been totally confused here.
Here is some of the details I got off it when it was booted up.
CPU Qualcomm (R)
Speed 1024 Mhz
Ram 576MB
Flash Size 1024 MB
Data Bus 32 Bit
Storage Size 689.61
Bluetooth Version 2.1/2.1 ERD
WM 6.5
OS version 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89)
Manilla Version 2.5.20121412.2
ROM Version 2.13.531.1 (90963)
ROM date 04/28/10
Protocol version
Total Storage 689.61MB
Used 76.52MB
Free 613.09MB
Total Program 458.74MB
Used Program 172.52MB
Free Program 286.19
SD Card
Total 7571.20MB
Used 1419.18MB
Free 6152.02MB
Thanks for any help here.
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I think it might be a hardware issue my Hd2 has the same issues & I jst finished restorting it back to stock so i cld snd for repair. Once its stock SPL, original ROM try running it with out an SD card, try running w/out SIM card & if you still have issued most likely ur stuck w a bad HD2
After heaps of searching and learning, interesting and rewarding when you put some effort into it, I loaded a stock ROM, removed the SD card, hard reset, it made no difference to the freezing and booting up issues.
If left for about 10 minutes the Stick Together screen got these numbers at the bottom, then it would boot up...sometimes but it always reset itself after looking intothe menu and then it would not reboot.
So I did more reading, and with my confidence up after achieving my first stock ROM flash, I thought I would try ANDROID.
I used the TUT Flashing your first ROM on Leo 1024 thread. Installed the HPSL 1.11, successfully.
Then I installed the MAGLDR program.
Then I installed the ROM - [TMOUS][LEO1024][DFT/CWM]CMYLXGO's Stock Desire HD(2)[KERNEL:MDJ 10.4OC] which seems to be the most 1024 friendly and least taxing ROM on the CPU.
It worked so far. I did the Root task as explained, although I dunno if I was needed to. But at least the phone boots up for more than 3 minutes. I give it a Hard Reset and it is now on charge.
It will not boot up if it crashes, have to wait. Maybe this will settle down after a while.
Anyhow, I love this ROM, it has made the phone SO FAST it is incredible. That is until it crashes. I LOVE the HTC HD2 phone, it is just awesome.
i dunno what to do, stick with this perhaps suspect dodgey phone, that could let me down at the most inconvienent time. What I will do is give it a chance today, after charging. It is a really hot day here, over 120F so if handles that it will handle anything. If it fails, I notice that Ebay have free insetion fees this Weekend, and I may get rid of it and let someone else have a turn at it, and just get one that is not a bad one.
Anyhow sorry for boring all the experts with my phone problems, I did try my hardest to search and learn it myself, and this is a great forum, and I am gonna keep at this with this phone now or my next one. These Custom ROM's are just awesome.
I'm glad you're finally enjoying it.
Just remember, the way you use/abuse your phone could have an adverse effect on its condition. If it gets too hot:
--try to see if you have programs running in the background.
--don't use a case if you're watching a 2hr movie through SD card (really, how's that heat going to escape?)
--watch wifi usage
--leave the phone in a well-ventilated space
...things of that nature, etc.
I'm not saying there's no such thing as hardware issue, but symptoms like those are a lot more clear-cut than a phone overheating and restarting.
In my case I'm confident its hardware related. I had mine and my wife's phones loaded with the same ROM. My phone continues to die in my hands while hers hums along with no problems at all.

Not Your Ordinary FREEZING Issue!

So my HD2 freezes constantly. I don't have the unlock freezing issue nor the black screen freezing issue. My phone will just freeze quite constantly. Doesn't matter if I'm just doing a message, online, or it's just sitting there doing nothing. It will freeze and will have to remove the battery and restart it. I've reinstalled MAGLDR, CWM, and tried several ROMS and it still doesn't make a difference. I remove the battery and have to let it cool for around an hour just to turn it on and be able to use it for a period of time.
Any suggestions out there? Could the battery be bad? The hardware? I constantly use Task Killer and Data Eraser to make sure there aren't unnecessary programs running. I've narrowed my app collection to just the necessary ones that I need. Still doesn't make a difference. Any programs out there that would help with this issue in any way. Would repartitioning my SD card help at all. I have pretty much everything on my SD card as well so the hardware shouldn't be overloaded at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
check here
LOADS of people are having this problem including myself.
As long as Mobile Data and Gps are OFF, I have no freezing issues.
BUT, if I turn on Mobile date or Gps, or both, then GAME OVER.....it freezes within seconds.
It's not your battery, or SD card and don't listen to the muppets who repeat themselves by saying "do a task29" coz it doesn't work.
I've tried 5 different SD card, got 2 hd2's, task29, over 100 roms, different radios etc etc.
Never used to happen on SD builds, only Nand.
if i had the cash, i'd smash my hd2 against the wall and get a Android native phone.
this aint ever gonna be solved.
freeridindirtbiker said:
So my HD2 freezes constantly. I don't have the unlock freezing issue nor the black screen freezing issue. My phone will just freeze quite constantly. Doesn't matter if I'm just doing a message, online, or it's just sitting there doing nothing. It will freeze and will have to remove the battery and restart it. I've reinstalled MAGLDR, CWM, and tried several ROMS and it still doesn't make a difference. I remove the battery and have to let it cool for around an hour just to turn it on and be able to use it for a period of time.
Any suggestions out there? Could the battery be bad? The hardware? I constantly use Task Killer and Data Eraser to make sure there aren't unnecessary programs running. I've narrowed my app collection to just the necessary ones that I need. Still doesn't make a difference. Any programs out there that would help with this issue in any way. Would repartitioning my SD card help at all. I have pretty much everything on my SD card as well so the hardware shouldn't be overloaded at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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It might be worth trying to flash an original ROM and seeing if the same thing occurs in WinMo.
Have you properly formatted card? (overwrite with size adjustment)
Which rom are you using?
Does it do it on multiple roms?
Have you done a task29?
have you tried a different radio version?
TheATHEiST said:
Have you properly formatted card? (overwrite with size adjustment)
Which rom are you using?
Does it do it on multiple roms?
Have you done a task29?
have you tried a different radio version?
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I've tried all those things. I'm using the Nexus 2 Gingerbread ROM by tytung. I've tried winmo roms, android, etc. I've done task 29 several times. Different radios as well. It doesn't make a difference at all. I found a thread that might be the culmination of it all. If anyone else is having problems like I am, take a look at this thread. It's definitely the motherboard overheating and freezing/and or shutting itself off.
Luckily, I pay insurance through t-mobile so I will be picking up a new HD2 pretty soon.
I had a similar problem, but mine came about under different circumstances. I smashed my HD2 against a wall for whatever personal reasons that you shouldn't care about, anyway, so I ordered a replacement display. When I installed the display the phone would freeze just as described by OP. I found that disabling GPS and WiFi allowed me to use it for a longer time, but if I ever so much as applied any pressure to the display (rather than just lightly touching it) the screen would freeze and sometimes it would just straight shut off until it didn't turn back on at all (this was barely the first day after installation). I opened the phone and tested, found out that the LCD flex cable had a defect to it where if it was bent (the position it's supposed to be in once the phone is assembled) the display would "short out" and with the cable fully extended no problems would be present, even after applying pressure to the display or any of the other internal components.
I'm sending my LCD back for a replacement and hopefully the new one will work fine. I've read that some LCD's cause the HD2 to freeze and I think I was unlucky enough to receive one such. I need the phone to hold on long enough until I get my contract renewal May 2012. I'm surviving on my Dream right now and I'm going through Angry Birds withdrawal...
Compatible-Bad Hardware-Insurance Questions
freeridindirtbiker said:
I've tried all those things. I'm using the Nexus 2 Gingerbread ROM by tytung. I've tried winmo roms, android, etc. I've done task 29 several times. Different radios as well. It doesn't make a difference at all. I found a thread that might be the culmination of it all. If anyone else is having problems like I am, take a look at this thread. It's definitely the motherboard overheating and freezing/and or shutting itself off.
Luckily, I pay insurance through t-mobile so I will be picking up a new HD2 pretty soon.
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I have similar issue. Could use advice. Please.
My HD2 is about a year old. Decided to try android on the sd.
Radio: (Original) NOW flashed to
SPL: 2.10.xxxx (Original) NOW HSLP 2.08.0000
Android Rom: SD AmeriCanAndroid AOSP HD2 GB234 CM71
WM Rom: 2.13.531.1 (Original)
ACA seemed ok but would freeze randomly. So I flashed the radio to the 50.14. Seemed a little better but still a few freezes in android. Thought I would try the partition to improve the sd card performance. can't tell if it helped or not to many freeze ups to use android during the day. NOW my winmo side it giving me random reboots. It gets hot reboots, especially bad if using gps. I know overheating is part of the issue because during the middle of the day in my car without A/C it is terrible.
I also have an OTTERBOX Defend which has kept the phone looking great but is a really pain with on all the battery removal with the freeze ups.
I have read that this can be a mainboard issue, but how can I tell if it is or not?
Could the radio and winmo rom be incompatible?
Should I flash the winmo rom to a more compatible android rom?
Should I send it in since I have TMO insurance? (Anyone know if there is a deductible if you didn't lose the phone?)
I have also noticed the on the winmo side it reboots less if I turn htc sense off.
Not sure if I should go back to a different radio or send it in?
Are the insurance replacements refurbished or new? do they have the same issue?
Thanks for any expertise you care to share.
Had similar problems with Tmous HD2. Problems were really bad in Winmo; aca worked somewhat better. Read forums, tried standard "solutions". With time the problems got to the point where the HD2 would not boot unless it had been placed in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.
Did T-Mobile warranty exchange in April. Replacement was refurb (arrives without battery or sd card, used old one), but looked fine. Had a week to test "new" phone, before sending the old one back. Replacment phone works much better. In Winmo, gps, videos, sense no longer cause reboots; aca also works great.
Hope this helps...
TheATHEiST said:
Have you properly formatted card? (overwrite with size adjustment)
Which rom are you using?
Does it do it on multiple roms?
Have you done a task29?
have you tried a different radio version?
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Exactly as my post from a few days ago predicted..."task 29"

[Q] Few noobish questions

So... uh... I know you're disappointed, maybe even angry that with all those FAQs there are still some guys who don't understand everything.
I bought my HD2 today (or maybe I got it today, but ordered it few days ago). It was used before, but as far as I could tell, nothing was done there - stock ROM, SPL 1.42.000, radio The first thing I wanted to do was to install Android, so I read some guides here, HardSPL'd to 2.08.hspl, then I saw that I'd have to upgrade my radio. BUT! I've read that you can brick your phone by installing wrong radio and there was no answer to...
FIRST QUESTION: What radio(s) can I upgrade to without fear of bricking my precious?
SECOND QUESTION: What are the differences between radios and why the one with top number isn't the best?
THIRD QUESTION: When I'll eventually install new radio, how do I know if it's worse or better than previous one? Is there a fast and efficient way to check it? I don't use my phone as a calling device too often (average 1 call and 0.5 sms a day), so it would take ages to detect all flaws by using it as always.
And without going into any details, can you say - why would I install Android on SD? From what I've heard and read, NAND version is faster (and I haven't heard anything else).
Oh. Please, don't kill me because I'm a newbie I have some experience with jailbreaking iPods and installing ROMs on HTC Artemis, but with HD2 things I'm for now like "I'd better not touch it, I paid so much for this phone, so I don't want to brick it ".
If something is unclear, just ask.
1) If you have a tmobile HD2 you can flash any radio with the third set of numbers being .50 as long as it's above 2.08.50, you cannot flash any radio where those numbers are .51.
2.10.51.xx = brick
2.07.50 = brick
2.11.50 = safe
If you do not have a tmobile US version, you're safe with the radios I stated above not to flash.
For Android, only use 2.10.50 and above, I've had nothing but problems with older radios.
2) They communicate slightly differently with your hardware. The "newer" might have better battery life for some, or better reception with Android but not WP7. The truth is no one knows exactly what aspect of which radio is better, you have to just flash them and find out. Newer does not always mean better (although I do like 2.15.50 the most).
3) There's no fast way to check this, other than maybe on the 2.11.50 radio you had only Edge with terrible speeds, then flash 2.12.50 and suddenly you see H everywhere (I've had that happen). Also you might see more bars immediately. For battery life you can have Current Widget (Android) which will show your battery drain. One radio might show 2ma and the other might have 10ma for some reason, obviously the 2ma will give you longer battery life (this is in standby)
But there are so many factors. Which ROM, kernel, mod, apps all effect stuff on your device. Different radios work better in different regions too.
What I would recommend is use 2.15.50 for Android and 2.12.50 for WP7
But play around and see what you think!
Spaqin said:
So... uh... I know you're disappointed, maybe even angry that with all those FAQs there are still some guys who don't understand everything.
I bought my HD2 today (or maybe I got it today, but ordered it few days ago). It was used before, but as far as I could tell, nothing was done there - stock ROM, SPL 1.42.000, radio The first thing I wanted to do was to install Android, so I read some guides here, HardSPL'd to 2.08.hspl, then I saw that I'd have to upgrade my radio. BUT! I've read that you can brick your phone by installing wrong radio and there was no answer to...
First, Congratulations
FIRST QUESTION: What radio(s) can I upgrade to without fear of bricking my precious?
Depends, is your device the european version or the T-Mobile's Version? (Are the Talk and Hang-up button Coloured with green and red? and do you see "T-Mobile"'s logo ontop of your device?)
The radio's that supposedly won't kill your device must meet those two conditions:
1- The radio must be above 2.08 .. (2.09 or 2.10 .... 2.15)
2- The radio SHOULD NOT have "51" in it's tag (i.e. this radio "2.04.51_55_8 will brick your device )
SECOND QUESTION: What are the differences between radios and why the one with top number isn't the best?
Because Radio's efficiency depends on where you live, some people use the latest and it gives them very good reception .. others on different places might get poor receptions.
THIRD QUESTION: When I'll eventually install new radio, how do I know if it's worse or better than previous one? Is there a fast and efficient way to check it? I don't use my phone as a calling device too often (average 1 call and 0.5 sms a day), so it would take ages to detect all flaws by using it as always.
Well, I don't think there is another way beside monitoring your reception and your data losses .. Just keep an eye on your signal bar and/or your call (drops) (despite cLK/PPP)
And without going into any details, can you say - why would I install Android on SD? From what I've heard and read, NAND version is faster (and I haven't heard anything else).
Some people prefer to have Windows Phone 7 on their NAND, yet they want to play with Android sometimes so it becomes a win win . Furthermore, SD cards are easier to deal ith in term of modifications.
I don't think NAND builds are faster, both have same speed (you just have to pick the right rom for you )
Oh. Please, don't kill me because I'm a newbie I have some experience with jailbreaking iPods and installing ROMs on HTC Artemis, but with HD2 things I'm for now like "I'd better not touch it, I paid so much for this phone, so I don't want to brick it ".
(we won't kill you )
If something is unclear, just ask.
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Omg, I need to recharge my battery
Well, Orangekid was faster, i think
Thanks for the replies, guys!
My device is the european version (no coloured buttons and no logo, bought at Polish store with no simlock). So it looks like I should be safe with all radios, right? There's no way that something may screw up by itself? As I said, my HD2 isn't new and I don't know much about device's history. Is there something I should check?
Sorry if I ask too many questions... I'm just amazed with the phone (everything else seems to be so little now and I wouldn't want to break anything.
About NAND and SD versions of Android - well, I've heard that you need to wait very long to wake up the phone from standby (I mean it's not instant definitely) on SD version, but with playing with NAND you could break something more easily.
Spaqin said:
Thanks for the replies, guys!
My device is the european version (no coloured buttons and no logo, bought at Polish store with no simlock). So it looks like I should be safe with all radios, right? There's no way that something may screw up by itself? As I said, my HD2 isn't new and I don't know much about device's history. Is there something I should check?
Sorry if I ask too many questions... I'm just amazed with the phone (everything seems to be so little and I wouldn't want to break anything.
About NAND and SD versions of Android - well, I've heard that you need to wait very long to wake up the phone from standby (I mean it's not instant definitely) on SD version, but with playing with NAND you could break something more easily.
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NP, better to ask a bunch of questions than brick your device.
you do not have a tmobile US version, so those .51 and below 2.08.50 radios will not brick your phone, however Android doesn't like anything below 2.10.50 and does some stupid ****.
as far as wake-up from SD lag, doesn't happen on my SD rom, so I wouldn't worry about that. This ROM:
is awesome, and performs just as well or better than any NAND rom I've used. Since I use WP7 in NAND, I stick to that ACA SD ROM and I love it.
Marvlesz said:
The radio's that supposedly won't kill your device must meet those two conditions:
1- The radio must be above 2.08 .. (2.09 or 2.10 .... 2.15)
2- The radio SHOULD NOT have "51" in it's tag (i.e. this radio "2.04.51_55_8 will brick your device )
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#2 isn't the best example because even if that radio was .50 it would brick a tmous device.
orangekid said:
#2 isn't the best example because even if that radio was .50 it would brick a tmous device.
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I know
.04 and .05 can have .50 yet brick devices .. that's why I said above .08
thnks !
Marvlesz said:
I know
.04 and .05 can have .50 yet brick devices .. that's why I said above .08
thnks !
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No worries, good write-up.
The more often we tell people this stuff hopefully the less "oh **** I bricked my tmous hd2" threads.
So ALL the radios should work? Does updating radio require WinMo, or can it be done without it?
Anyway, it looks like I won't bother much with NAND Android. I'll just leave WinMo 6.5 for now, maybe later I'll be able to understand this magldr thing (for now all the descriptions are like 'it's something that allows you to boot other OS from NAND', but I have no clue how does it work).
Spaqin said:
So ALL the radios should work? Does updating radio require WinMo, or can it be done without it?
Anyway, it looks like I won't bother much with NAND Android. I'll just leave WinMo 6.5 for now, maybe later I'll be able to understand this magldr thing (for now all the descriptions are like 'it's something that allows you to boot other OS from NAND', but I have no clue how does it work).
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Yes, you're safe from radio brick, but i wouldn't bother with any radio below 2.10.xx
You can flash the radio from HSPL (hold the volume down button and power on) or from WinMo with an activesync connection.
MAGLDR is a second bootloader that sits on top of HSPL and allows you to:
1) boot WP7
2) boot Android recovery
3) boot Adroid NAND
4) boot android SD without having to boot winmo first
5) play tetris from your bootloader
Flashing MAGLDR is very safe and very easy, same process as flashing a radio. You can't do anything with or from magldr that will brick your phone because it loads after HSPL so worst case is you boot into HSPL and flash stock or reflash magdlr.
about nand or sd:
some people like to dual-boot either winmo or Android. This will give you the option to run one or the other. If you decide to go the sd route then you might want to check a program called RunDroid found here. It makes it make the process of booting different builds a lot more simple and easier I feel.
About radio:
I know a lot of people seem to say stay above 2.10 but I've seen a small increase using 2.08.50. This will/can be different for you so i would suggest to try them to see what gives you the best signal. Start with the newest or maybe even 2.15.50.
About testing signal strength:
For a good way to get a fairly accurate reading on signal I would go into settings, about phone, then network. Look at the signal you have, I would suggest to leave your phone in one place and don't try to move it. Get the readings maybe 3-5 times over a few mins, I'd think the longer the better. Then flash a new radio. The closer to a positive number the better. Low signal for me normally means around -108 while good for me is around 89. (It's normal to show negative when you have poor signal.) This is a little more accurate I feel then trying to see how bars you have. Infact one radio over another may only show a small increase and not enough to generate a full bar so just play around and see what works best for where you live.

