Poor bluetooth music streaming reliability? - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Got to say that it seems like ever since I've been using Android instead of WinMo, the performance of the music streaming to a headset is pretty awful for me.
I don't mean it's a weak signal or the sound quality is horrible etc, but it keeps glitching, and then I find that the receiver (headset or car stereo) is playing the music at different speeds slightly to 'catch up' the tiny moment where it glitched, or something like that.
It's quite frequent and really spoils listening to music.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Also, I just got a Sony MBR-100 Bluetooth receiver to plug into my Hifi at home so I can just stream music from my phone to hifi. It works, but the volume is pathetic and I REALLY have to crank the amp up way louder than any other sources to even make it worth listening to. All the volume sliders on the phone are set to 100% but there must be a setting somewhere that limits the signal going out on BT or something?
Would love some info on either of these BT problems, thanks!


Bluetooth stereo quality

I was playing with my friends Atom the other night (and I have one on order myself) and I wanted to see how the bluetooth worked. So, I used a bluetooth adapter on a computer to become a stereo receiver for the Atom. While I had no problems getting the device working, the quality seemed outragiously bad. I was playing an MP3 in Windows Media Player, and the sound played over bluetooth sounded as if it had a high pitched squeel over it the whole time. With this kind of quality, I question being able to use a set of bluetooth headphones with the Atom. The quality was not a problem in the MP3, and it sounded find out of the Atoms speakers. Was I having some other problem, or is bluetooth stereo sound just this bad?
On mine it sounds better on BT stereo than thru' speakers :lol: Maybe your pc corrupted the soundz
Well, I suppose "better" could be rather subjective. But when using the PC as a stereo speaker it sounded bad. I imagine with that kind of sound on headphones, my head would explode out of sheer pain. I'm certainly willing to accept that my PC bluetooth software could be causing problems, but I'd like to hear what others think before purchasing a set of bluetooth headphones. I would be describe what I heard as if it had been overcompressed sound with horrible high pitched artifacts. Would you say that the actual sound being sent to your headphones was phonically the same, ignoring the quality of speaker vs headphones?
Remember "Garbage in Garbage out" :twisted:
The same MP3 played on the computer it's being transfered to via bluetooth (and therefore the same speakers) sounds perfect. What I'm wondering is if bluetooth stereo quality is as bad as I've just experianced, or if it was something outside the normal "headphone" system that was causing this (such as poor receiving software).
Fortunately tonight while browsing the forums I came across the following,
This completely cleared up my sound quality issues. Sounds like what I'd expect now. Hope this helps someone else.
Tell me. Which settings did you apply? All or some of them. There are so many inputs you cannot even know ehich is which :roll:
I changed only Bitrate:
Bitrate 53 increased the frequency of breaks to almost one every 5 seconds. My original was the default 30 which was just fine at less than once every 2-3 minutes.
Am currently testing 35. Hissing is gone, but the ocassional cut is still there @ once every 2 minutes.

Motorola HT820 + Trinity

Would the Motorola HT820 headphones work on Trinity?
They're working fine for me; the only tweak I did was to disable the JointStereo so I have proper stereo audio - there are a million threads about that around here, it's in the registry.
I have the SYN0948D model of the HT820, which I think is the newest, for previous ones there's a flash firmware update that may fix some skipping.
oh! Mind answering some questions for me?
How are they for music? Sound good? Any major problems? I use TCPMP for music.... will the controls work that are on the headphones themselves? How about the battery life (of the phone and the headphones?).
It seems the headphones also have a mic? Does that work with the phone?
Id appreciate if you could answer these for me... thanks!
The sound quality for music is certainly not what I'd call perfect.
Put it this way: I attached them using the supplied 2.5 -> 3.5 mil connector to my high-end audio card in my PC, and they sounded pretty good for headphones of their size.
However, when running over Bluetooth there is a noticeable drop in audio fidelity. I don't know whether to attribute that to the Trinity or to the headphones, but I suspect the Trinity. Maybe it's downmixing the audio?
There is a lot of A2DP tweaking you can do to find the best balance between audio quality and skipping/reception; I left it fairly close to the defaults for now, and I'll probably play with it more later.
The mic works with the phone and the audio quality for voice calling is outstanding. It sure makes a difference to hear a person in both ears - when I use them I almost never have to ask a person to repeat themselves. I haven't heard what anyone else sounds like when calling from the Ht820s, but friends say that they can hear a slight echo depending on the room I'm in. Makes sense because the room I usually call from is a smallish office/den with wood floors and lots of echoes.
I am going to fire up TCPMP right now to try to play a song with it. I've been using PocketMusic but it sucks balls...
Plays the song just fine, but it doesn't seem to support the next/prev track buttons at all. I tried to map them in the Hot Keys section, no dice.
PocketMusic and WMP both seem to work with the buttons, for what that's worth.
If you need anything else, just PM me like last time.
Yah I tried pocketmusic... it blows. I use tcpmp for everything. I suppose I can just use the controls on the phone itself.
I currently use the shure buds.... I hope Im not too used to the great quality ive been getting on them.

Music output Quality is Pathetic.. I stand corrected please.

Load Music, connect the earphone and the output sount quality is pathetic/worse even compare to the XDA ATOM/Exec or for that matter any other WM device I owned in past. On the other side the speaker output quality is still OK. The sound through the earphone ecos..sometimeit the voice goes low and instruments are high... normally this happens when you switch on the 3D surround on other devices like samsung Innov8. But the in X1 the quality is worse.. I even took it to the sony service they reloaded the ROM a fresh but the problems still remains. IS IT THE ACCEPTED SOUND QUALITY FROM X1. How about other owners .. do they get better sound output/quality through earphone. Is there anything I am doing wrong, Kindly suggest.
really? i find the music quality more than good enough. what headphones are you using?
The Headphone quality is f*cking good!!! I havn't heard this kinda bass on my I-Mate Jam or HTC TyTN II.
One thing is correct, the quality of the original earpieces is bad.
I got ones from creative. The one that go into you're ear.
The speaker quality..... Don't talk about it. Hate it
I'm using Sennheiser CX400 earphones and the sound quality is actually better than my iPod 5g.
Player software
jsbutran said:
Load Music, connect the earphone and the output sount quality is pathetic/worse even compare to the XDA ATOM/Exec or for that matter any other WM device I owned in past. On the other side the speaker output quality is still OK. The sound through the earphone ecos..sometimeit the voice goes low and instruments are high... normally this happens when you switch on the 3D surround on other devices like samsung Innov8. But the in X1 the quality is worse.. I even took it to the sony service they reloaded the ROM a fresh but the problems still remains. IS IT THE ACCEPTED SOUND QUALITY FROM X1. How about other owners .. do they get better sound output/quality through earphone. Is there anything I am doing wrong, Kindly suggest.
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The headphones supplied with this phone are suprisingly high quality ones. I have my own Phillips branded ones however.
Aside from the headphones, I think you issue is with the software you use. I found that WMPlayer is pretty crap when it comes to playing my favourite tracks. I use PocketPlayer and also Pocket Music, which have some very good equaliser functions. They make a big difference.
I also find the sound quality f*cking good!!
I expected the worse because it's a WM device, but it exceeded my expectations. Also using Creative ear-ins (EP-630)
I think there is a bug in the Sony Media Player software that can result in a seemingly poor quality sound output.
I've found that when opening the media player for the first time and playing a track the soundstage of the music sounds like its collapsed (lacking any high end or openess in the stereo image). If you then tap pause and then play again all of a sudden the soundstage opens out and the sound quality is very good.
Since I've turned on the "clicking" noise for screen taps, the above bug doesn't occur so often.
However, if I receive a call whilst listening to music after subsequently hanging up the bug re-appears.
Anyone else getting this?
yoboj said:
I think there is a bug in the Sony Media Player software that can result in a seemingly poor quality sound output.
I've found that when opening the media player for the first time and playing a track the soundstage of the music sounds like its collapsed (lacking any high end or openess in the stereo image). If you then tap pause and then play again all of a sudden the soundstage opens out and the sound quality is very good.
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I have this too, but I don't think the bug is mediapanel related only.
I get this when I use S2P, Wmplayer and the media panel.
Sounds almost like flat mono before I tap pause and then play again..
I don't see this as a huge bug, but it can get annoying.
It depends on the mood I'm in..
can anyone compare the speakerphone to a nokia n73 or n70?
It's definitely weaker than the N73 one.
so much so its sickening or just a tiny bit? how bad are we talking about here :S?
I was expecting this thread to be about the poor speakerphone quality.... which it is. I know of no WM phone with a good speakerphone so I wasn't expecting it to be as good as my N95's. However, music through headphone jack is as good, or perhaps even better than my N95 (not as much background hiss as the N95). I use Shure SE430's (pretty expensive earphones) and I find the music playback to be quite good. I even hook the X1 up to my Logitech Z5500 speakers through the Line-in jack and I can pretty much DJ a party with the phone and it sounds as good as if the songs were being played off my computer. (This is all through the SE Multimedia Panel btw. I get similar results with CorePlayer or Windows Media Player).
The only problem I have with the media panel is I can't receive calls with it open. That may or may not be a plus/minus to some people, but I guess it's ok. When people call me, it goes straight to voicemail. The only way I can receive calls with music playing is to go back to the today screen (with the music still going), which works out ok too, since I hold the end key to lock the phone, which brings it back to the Today screen before locking.
worst audio player?? are you kidding?
sorry, but thats definitly NOT TRUE.
the x1 has got the best and most powerfull audio out, i`ve tested. (but not compared with n70/73)
i wrote it few days ago in the accessoires threat.
i use the Ultimate Ears Triple.fi 10 Pro Inear
with 3 drivers/speakers per earpiece. (like a 3 way oldschool musik speaker)
i`ve tested my ue10pro headsets with a lot of other mp3 players and mobile phones.
but the X1 is the first player, who can unleash the power to drive the UE 10 pro to there limit....
only my sondcard a creative x-fi has got enough power to blast your ears/tympanic membrane....
the base is unbeleavable! the headset can go down to 10hz. and the high tones are crisp, sharp, clear. but a little
to soft from the middle to the highest frequency. but this could be fixed with the equalizer/audio booster.
if you set the first base frequency to +12 and the second slider to -10, you can formerly 'feel' the extreme deep bases.
you cant beleave, that you are not in a club!
don`t use the x1+ue10 for longer time on maximum power. thats very risky for your ears. trust me.
the only thing is, you have to use coreplayer and calibrate the equalizer.
or use a new custom rom (touch it hd) with integrated audio booster.
holy ****, that rulez!!
Ultimate Ears Triple.fi 10 Pro Inear (~300$-400$)
these devices with othoplastic, spezially for your ears. and a laser burns your name into the headsets.
if you have 900$ bucks into your pocket, take a look at that:
or 1150$? with 4 audio drivers/speaker per ear!!
this is the last headset you buy! the cables are replaceble with translucent cables and iphone button.
no more broken headset cables/wires.
my advice, use coreplayer. DONT adjust the equalizer/tone faders more then 12 db.
you will be surprised.
(core is able to adjust more than 12db/slider. more then 12db will bring disharmonies and ugly subtones and crickeling)
(the audio booster could only adjust 6 db. thats not enough for xtreme bases.
but dont use in coreplayer the 2 lowest faders both to +12. thats to much base and
the headsets and the power amp will be very unprecise and roar/rumble and you run into danger to burn the headset
for good kickbase decrase the lowest fader to -3 and the second fader to +12, the 3th to +6. increase the high tones 1-4 db.
for good ultra deep base drums, set the lowest frequenzy +9 or +12, and the second one to -2, the third 0 db.
i have a ultimate ear fi 5 pro headphones with two driver lower is range then DOMin8or tri fi 10 pro. i get quite good results but not on the default player. I only use touch flo 3d in -built music player with audio booster, if you know how to set it , i guarantee you get better sound then walkman phone. i prefer bass and vocal no to be so dull. get the touch flo 3d music player set it to rock mode first then try to made this mode to v shape by just shifting the first two bar to be same as the last two bar, trust me even if you are using your default headphones, you will notice the difference
billybobjones said:
can anyone compare the speakerphone to a nokia n73 or n70?
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speaker phone n95 8gb i think is the best
try this setting on audio booster
possibly, but i will it verify by my own. for me, this is the best combo i`ve tested. and ths x1 has got exactly that power, i`ve searched for. more power will destruct my/your ears
i like this unhealthy power of X1. and at 90% power, the sound is very precise and defined.
and 90% is my personal max. and i like it loud. but 100% ? not with me. *G
audio booster has got other cross over frequencies. so my advice/hint could not used with audio booster. audio booster has a range of +-6 db. thats not as good as cores +-12db(possible +-18, but most time useless. only for spezial noise filtering. for example in microphone recordings)
the most players output power broken down, if i increased the base and at high volume.
with other players, you can formaly feel the missing amp power. (ipod nano iv suuuxxxxxx,cheap no name mp3 player,orbit,diamond,nokia 6233, creative zen v plus. but zen v was the best.(not the best menu, but good sound quali)
but now the x1 is my favorit device)
imho the x1 has got a good power amp.
im not sure will it fit everyone style but after some tunning i think this settings best for me to go for on default earphones, i have been looking for post how to optimized sound quality, here is one, hopefully more will share there experience, i bought the x1 because of the 3.5mm connector if x1 doesnt has it i wont even look up to x1!
DOMin8or said:
audio booster has got other cross over frequencies. so my advice could not used with audio booster. audio booster has a range of +-6 db. thats not as good as cores +-12db(+-18useless)
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i have a coreplayer as will DOMin8or would you post some screen shot about the 12db settings? wanna see will it rock my 5 pro

In doubt of buying E100 headset for HTC TP.

I'm in doubt of buying it, because as far as I read of the reviews, the screen pops up everytime you switch a song. Isnt there a way in regedit to fix this? It must be... IF it can be fixed, ill probably buy this headset..
Why not go bluetooth and get the jabra bt3030? http://www.blueunplugged.com/p.aspx?p=121991
Good sound quality, no annoying wire connecting your headphones and phone, and I just double checked. The screen doesn't turn on when changing tracks.
I saw the headset, but still decided to go for the E100
Not regretting it, the remote control is VERY useful and got seperate ears, which boosted my sound quality up alot. Also had a jacksplitter, so now if someone wants to listen music I can attach a 2nd headset.. tested it and no loss of sound quality, the volume goes down by 50% though, but since the MAX volume I always use is 3/6 bars that wont be a problem
Jabra headset looks nice tho

Low volume with Bluetooth.

Overall om really satisfied with my x style but I have one really annoying issue with mine, low Bluetooth volume both in calls and music podcasts etc. Coming from a opo where I had no issues with volume at all this is a bit of a let down. I thought that mm would solve it, a bit at least (why I thought that, or have no idea hoping for the best I guess.) but it's still at max setting it's just a tad bit higher than normal speaking volume.
Is there any one else that have experienced this? Maybe there's even a fix?
headset is sony sbh20, I actually have two same issue with both but not on the opo
I use the Moto Surround headphones. Volume is OK but could have just a little more boost for noisy environs or when I'm doing the vacuuming!
For Podcasts I use Pocket Casts which has a volume booster which works. Also the best podcaster out there.
I mainly use pocket casts and Google music, but I've also tried Spotify, songza youtube, and it's the same issue, been fiddling with gmusics eq doesn't matter. The front speakers works great so I assume there's some conflict with the headset, fu*k i don't know.
I just switched from a Note 3, and at least for my car radio, the sound is MUCH louder than my note 3. I'm at almost 1/2 volume on my Pure, and on my Note 3, I have to have it at max (Override the volume limiter) to keep from going deaf when I switch to the radio!!!!
My bluetooth volume kind of sucks too. In my car, if I take the phone and connect via Bluetooth I have to crank the volume to ~75% to be listenable, while if I take the same phone and car and plug in the aux jack, volume can be half of that.
It's a real bummer because I really like the freedom of bt, I can leave my phone anywhere in the apartment and just use the headset. Wired headphones paired with my phone is just a hassle

