[Q] Shared calender problem - Android Software Development

I just want to find out if my problem is a general problem in Android/Google calender or just my phone.
I have read access to my wifes work schedule, witch works fine except for those events that is repeated. Eg. Every 3 Thursday she has a 15-23 shift. When added to her Google calender it is set to recurring.
In my calender I will see all events but repeated events shows up as "no title" in HTC's calender and "NULL" in "Pure Grid Calender"
I have attached a screenshot of a repeating event and a single event to show the difference.
Her calender is the top one


Calendar events vanished from grid view and HTC widget

Hello everybody,
I've been a happy Hero convertee since my device arrived two days ago. Well, I had to weather the Facebook-bug but there's plenty of help on the web. However, it seems that I've found somethimg new:
For some reason, my calendar does no longer display events in the grid view while list view keeps working perfectly. Also, the HTC calendar widget (small layout) does show no events in the preview area (although there are events) while the Android calendar widget still does its job. Soft resetting and re-syncing did not help...
Any ideas anyone?
i got the same problem whith the htc calendar widget yesterday. It dont show the next upcoming event.
My alarms from the calender has also stop working, so somthing must be wrong with the calender, but i cant find anything...
I also have problems, when i use the htc agenda widget and the pure calender widget. But the calender under android widgets, seems to work better. My problems are, that it stops showing events that has been created a long time ago.
Same problem here, post Orange update, no calendar widget updates.

Help: Gmail Contacts and Time

I'm having two problems with my new Hero after switching from Touch:
1) I just synced the Hero with my Outlook 2007 to capture the contacts and calendar. I then setup a Google account, added it to the phone and choose Sync. Whether set to automatic or manual - none of the contacts nor calender items sync (Google is empty). How do I get the contacts on my phone into Google without resorting to an export (CSV don't contain categories or pictures).
2) The Clock widget is wrong by 1 hour. The time on the menu bar and lock screen is correct - but the widget is incorrect. I try both local time and selecting a city - even manually setting time. In the world clock page - Current is one off from Home. How can I fix this?

Touch Calendar events not syncing to Google Calendar

When I add an event using Touch Calendar on my phone (HTC Desire Z) it is listed in a green font, and does not get replicated to my Google Calendar. If I enter an event in my Google Calendar on the web it DOES get replicated to my phone however.
I have Touch Calendar configured to show all calendars. One of the listed calendars is "PC Sync", which is where I believe all events are being entered by default.
Even if I choose not to display the PC Sync calendar it seems to put new events into it.
Can anyone advise on how I can my events going to the my Google Calendar instead?

Calendar sync problems

I'm getting this msg every time I'm trying to add new event to the calendar:
"Local calendar cannot sync with Google calendar. You need a Google account"
I can of course choose to never see it again, but still there have to be a reason why it is displayed.
Syncing events with main calendar works without any problems, both ways. Only sync problems I'm getting are with external (read-only) calendars. I can see them on calendar list, but they do not appear in calendar itself (most of the time, they sometimes appear for few hours).

S8 calender autofill

Good day. I have a rather minor annoyance , in my CALENDAR. When i type in an item, like say, my wifes doctor appoint, up pops past appointments . I have searched thru the phone, and am unable to locate anywhere anything to 1) stop this 2) delete " suggestions"/ On the MANAGE CALENDARS, i have , under the MY PHONE, the MY CALENDARS and CONTACTS' BIRTHDAYS enabled, and MY TASKS disabled. I also have the GOOGLE CALENDAR enabled for my account, and the HOLIDAYS enabled. My SAMSUNG ACCOUNT ( Calendar and TASKS) are both disabled.
I do not wish for the AUTOFILL/COMPLETE to appear, or if i am unable to do that , how can i delete the AUTOFILLS. This was occuring also, before the phone updated to OREO.
Thank you.

