Calendar sync problems - Galaxy S II General

I'm getting this msg every time I'm trying to add new event to the calendar:
"Local calendar cannot sync with Google calendar. You need a Google account"
I can of course choose to never see it again, but still there have to be a reason why it is displayed.
Syncing events with main calendar works without any problems, both ways. Only sync problems I'm getting are with external (read-only) calendars. I can see them on calendar list, but they do not appear in calendar itself (most of the time, they sometimes appear for few hours).


Unable to synchronize appointment created on phone with Outlook (PC)

I've just tested the synchronization of Contacts and Calendar with the Hero, and I can't seem to get it to synchronize appointments made on the phone to Outlook on my PC. I have the latest version of HTC Sync (2.0.4) installed. I haven't changed any of the default settings.
Anyone else have the same problem? Please test it.
Thank you.
when you create new events in the phone calendar, you need to attend to the top-most drop-down, which is to which calendar the new event should be added. The choices are "My Calendar", "Outlook", and then your Google Calendars listed.
If you get this wrong, the sync won't work as expected. The default is the first in the list "My Calendar", and I took ages wondering why it wouldn't sync to my Google Calendar, which was the third in the list.
Then I read about this in another thread, set my google cal when creating a new event, and it did sync.
tedious though.
I can second this.
Just change the Calendar to Outlook and it will sync as expected.
Caught me out also!
Thank you sooooo much!
and if you go into "calendars" you can permanently de-select the ones you don't use - all but Google in my case, perhaps all but Outlook in yours - and then it should be fine. And I think the new event calendar selector remembers your last choice anyway.

Only partly in sync with google cal

I have problems with my calendar. In my google calendar I have more than one calendar on my own, and a couple of shared calendars - but on my galaxy I can only get it to sync ONE of my own calendars, and ONE of my shared calendars.
Does this happen to anyone else.
what are you trying to sync?
i can sync all my calendars and contacts via the Samsung Community Apps
I'm trying to sync to the stock calendar app.
go to settings > accounts and sync
make sure all your accounts listed have a green circle and edit each of them to make sure the sync options are Checked in green
some times they go grey, if they failed too many times
The problem is that they are not all listed.
Apparently other calendars that I can download also use the built-in sync, so my extra calendars are also missing there.
all my addons calendars like holidays and stuff shows up in the sync-ed calendar on the phone
all i do is select whatever i want from google account, then it syncs everything in it

Touch Calendar not showing some Google calendar events

I'm using Touch Calendar with my Desire Z, with the "Show All Calendars" option set. I can see most of my Google calendar entries, but when I add a new entry to my Google calendar via the web on my PC, then select "Refresh" in Touch Calendar on the phone, the new appointments don't appear.
Can anyone think of any possible reasons why some Google calendar events wouldn't be displayed?
(My wifi internet connection on the phone is fine, by the way)
The appointments setup on your desktop computer will not instantly appear on Touch Calendar, you need to wait a few minutes (or have you already done that, and they NEVER appear?). I think the refresh function on Touch Calendar just refreshes the Touch Calendar app with your phone's calendar. But does not sync it to your PC's Google Calendar. You have to wait until your phone syncs with Google Calendar, then you should see it come up on Touch Calendar.

Touch Calendar events not syncing to Google Calendar

When I add an event using Touch Calendar on my phone (HTC Desire Z) it is listed in a green font, and does not get replicated to my Google Calendar. If I enter an event in my Google Calendar on the web it DOES get replicated to my phone however.
I have Touch Calendar configured to show all calendars. One of the listed calendars is "PC Sync", which is where I believe all events are being entered by default.
Even if I choose not to display the PC Sync calendar it seems to put new events into it.
Can anyone advise on how I can my events going to the my Google Calendar instead?

Calendar does not sync all Gmail Apps Calendars!!!!

The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
Weird, when I go into the calendar settings and click calendars, all of them show up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Riccardo83 said:
The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
With google calender the first time the sync occurs, it happnes with the calenders that are enabled google calendar on the web.
Here is what u can do .
1. Go to and make all the calendars visible
2. In phone - settings /manage applications delete the data from calendar and calender storage.
3. then settings / accounts and sync - re sync calendar.
Now all the calenders will come in calendar app in phone.
Select the ones that u want.
Thanky you
I tried your method of deleting the data and then re-syncing the accounts. But, now even the main calendar from my google account has disappeared and refuses to show up. Is there something missing here??? Cal widget for example shows all the calendars in its configurations but does not show any of the events from the same.
there is something wrong with the default calendar. I am running stock rom xxki3.
Hi, I had similar issue, i think this is one of known issue on android, I tried "clear data" method, sometimes it may work, sometime it doesnt. I google for solution and I found this temporary workaround would solve the issue, atleast for me..
you may want to try this:-
1. Go to android setting, application (all), clear data on calendar storage (WARNING-this step will wipe all calendar entries which were saved internally on your phone)
2. Go to market, download & install this app called: Business calendar (FREE)
(This app have direct connection to google calendar, which will also download and keep all of your calendars entries (including sub calendars)
3. Open business calendar, login with your gmail account, and it will start sync
(manual: more > sync now) it may take few mins, be patient.
this way, your stock or default calendar will get synced as well automatically...try this out
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
This tips is working.
First time, this doesn't work, I had to erase my google account (by the way to refresh my apps ^^).
But the second time, it worked.
nishadh said:
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think this is a bug in Samsung Calendar app. The first time the phone synchronize with google calendar, the phone will download all calendars available for the google account. Each calendar has two flags, sync and visible. The first time, all calendars will be flag unsync and hidden (not visible) except our main calendar. After that we can use the calendar app to choose which calendar will be sync and visible. The problem with Samsung Calendar app, if the calendar is flagged as hidden, then the Calendar apps won't recognize the calendar at all, so we can't change the flag to visible. This does not happen with my other phone. So this is not Android bug. I think this bug exist since Samsung Galaxy S. Someone in Galaxy S use sql editor to edit the calendar database. Meanwhile I use Calengoo. Bussiness Calendar can be used as well
