S8 calender autofill - Samsung Galaxy S8 Questions and Answers

Good day. I have a rather minor annoyance , in my CALENDAR. When i type in an item, like say, my wifes doctor appoint, up pops past appointments . I have searched thru the phone, and am unable to locate anywhere anything to 1) stop this 2) delete " suggestions"/ On the MANAGE CALENDARS, i have , under the MY PHONE, the MY CALENDARS and CONTACTS' BIRTHDAYS enabled, and MY TASKS disabled. I also have the GOOGLE CALENDAR enabled for my account, and the HOLIDAYS enabled. My SAMSUNG ACCOUNT ( Calendar and TASKS) are both disabled.
I do not wish for the AUTOFILL/COMPLETE to appear, or if i am unable to do that , how can i delete the AUTOFILLS. This was occuring also, before the phone updated to OREO.
Thank you.


Googlemail calendar not synching to X10 or entried made on X10 to Googlem calendar

Hi everyone!
Need some advice please? I have GMail and Calendar working perfectly in my X10 but my friend’s calendar does not synch to her own X10..
On the X10,
Settings – Data Synchronisation – Google mail is checked..
Then choose select sync application – Google sync,
Background data,
Auto synchronisation,
Are all checked..
Select Calendar,
From menu select more – My calendars
Both UK holidays and [email protected]
Are both checked.
All seems OK on the PC!
My idea is that when she set up the calendar and it asked Calendar to X10, X10 to calendar or bother directions, she maybe did something wrong there.
I cannot find those settings to change them!
Not sure if I delete the calendar from Google on the PC then add it again, if it would resolve the issue…
Or delete from the phone and reinstall that way.
I don't want to delete the google account from her phone because she added many calendar entries directly.
Any ideas most welcomed!!
ofiaich said:
Hi everyone!
Need some advice please? I have GMail and Calendar working perfectly in my X10 but my friend’s calendar does not synch to her own X10..
On the X10,
Settings – Data Synchronisation – Google mail is checked..
Then choose select sync application – Google sync,
Background data,
Auto synchronisation,
Are all checked..
Select Calendar,
From menu select more – My calendars
Both UK holidays and [email protected]
Are both checked.
All seems OK on the PC!
My idea is that when she set up the calendar and it asked Calendar to X10, X10 to calendar or bother directions, she maybe did something wrong there.
I cannot find those settings to change them!
Not sure if I delete the calendar from Google on the PC then add it again, if it would resolve the issue…
Or delete from the phone and reinstall that way.
I don't want to delete the google account from her phone because she added many calendar entries directly.
Any ideas most welcomed!!
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I had a same problame. Delete from the phone and add new one.
If you don't want to lose calendar entries made on the phone, you should check out SE Sync:
And on the phone: Settings - data sync - choose sync service/software - SE sync
It is free, works very smoothly, I have no idea why SE tries to hide it from everyone.
You would be able to store all calendar entries to SE Sync website and recover them after you have cleared the phone calendar.
I've seen somewhere on here that syncing can be re-enabled by disassociating the phone with the google account and then putting it back in.
thanks very much for your replies,
I meet my friend on Monday and will try to sort this problem.
@im_iceman I tried that but only for 30 minutes, and did not switch the phone off. I will try it again on Monday.
You can also try settings - applications - manage applications - clear the storage of both calendar storage and calendar.
That should make the calendar app sync again with the Google server.
Calendar question
Hi there!
I have been following this forum for many months now and find it the most useful place; all of you are doing a great job here!
I don't want to create a new thread, so writing my question here.
I wanted to have a look at the Calendar function of the X10 and went to the local store. They gave me an unlocked/unbranded one to play with for a good 20 minutes. Surprisingly there was no way to actually enter the Calendar application. In any attempt it required to fill in my Google account.
I have asked in many places if the main Calendar application of X10 is web-oriented or it is local (on phone). Many ppl said it IS local an there is no need to have a data connection at all to use the Calendar (of course, if you want to sync you need data, that's a different story).
Anyway, despite changing many options and settings (not to sync Calendar, not to use Google account, etc.) I have still no luck in entering the Calendar even to have a look at.
Note: X10 which I used in store was in no-SIM mode (there was no SIM within).
If you have any suggestions or some kind of workaround, please share them.
Thak you in advance and have a great day!
Hi visitador02!
visitador02 said:
You can also try settings - applications - manage applications - clear the storage of both calendar storage and calendar.
That should make the calendar app sync again with the Google server.
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Yes, the problem is that she only entered her calendar items on the phone!
I will see her on Monday to try things again!

[Q] HELP - Major Sync Issues with Google Calender - Android 2.1 - Samsung Vibrant

I thought it would be a great idea to sync my work outlook account with Google calendar via Google sync on the desktop.
I synced my outlook to Google calendar just find until I realized that there is no option to select a sub calendar so it synced thousands of events from my outlook to my primary calendar in Google.
Since my Google calendar account is also synced with my phone, my phone now has thousands of events with out the ability to toggle them getting my personal and work calenders all in one.
I went into Google via web, and deleted ALL events and wiped everything clean. I wanted my phone to also be clean. When I synced my phone the changes did not reflect what I did on the web.
I forced synced for the past 8 hours, and turned the phone off twice since then.
I found that it is syncing but not removing the old events. I change the calendar name in the web and it also changes it on my phone. But it never removes all those thousands of events off my phone.
Another test revealed that if I add an event on my phone, it will sync to the web.
If I add an event it will sync to my phone.
If I delete an event on my phone, it will delete it off the web.
Here is the issue, if I delete an event off the web, it does not delete it off my phone.
How can I remove these thousands of entries on my phone now?
I cannot remove my Google account and re-sync because when I tried it said my only option is to factory reset which I prefer not to do.
Try to change your google account password on web. When your phone won't sync then remove that account and add a new account but you can still use the same account name. I hope I make sense.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Calendar not synching?

My HTC calendar widget has stopped working it just shows the "Loading" text and even if you go into the calendar app no events are present. Going to Sync/Accounts and selecting my Google account shows the circular arrow next to "Sync Calendar" - not sure if this means it is trying to sync, but it is there all the time and the arrow is not animated. I don't think this is to do with the Calendar app specifically, since if I use the Google widget nothing shows up there either.
Occasionally, it will work after I reset the phone, but otherwise it is mostly stuck in this state. Any tips on how to diagnose the problem or how to get it working again?
I have the same issue. I found out that when I am also using the Exchange ActiveSync calendar account sync - the calendar's functionality malfunctions more often.
I too have yet to fully understand the root cause for this isseue.
One thing, though, when calendar is stuck in syncing, it consumed a lot of cpu and it blocks other apps from working properly.
I would really appreciate more comments regarding this issue.
Does anything sync and do you ahve the sync service running?
It sometimes works, sometimes not. When it does, UK Holidays, Facebook and my standard Google Calendar syncs, but other calendars on GC do not. They show up on the calendars list fine, but they are not displayed. Actually now looking at it, it seems it may just be loading a cache of previous information, since there's events on the calendar that I've sinced deleted. The sync service I'm pretty sure is running, called Sync and Accounts under OSmonitor? That one's running. Everything else on my phone (Friend Stream, mail, weather) syncs fine, it's just this damned calendar.
I hadn't noticed the Exchange ActiveSync calendar prior to this - it was set to sync even though I don't have anything on it. I have since disabled it and it seems to have improved slightly, but the calendar still shows up calendars list. I've emailed HTC about this, hopefully they'll have some idea of how to fix it.
Ok quick update - HTC emailed me telling me to clear the cache. Having done so (and disabling ActiveSync which I wasn't using anyways) my calendar seems to be working. Anybody with this problem might want to try this and see if it works.
Same as you, I had lot of sync problems with Exchange. It was completely unreliable, until I discovered Laurie's blog !
I installed the Google stock 2.2 email apk (as described in the blog) and after few minutes my calendar was fully synchronized and I receive emails in push. That's great
I am not sure that would solve your issue but it is worth trying it.
(make sure to delete the HTC exchange account).
Hope this helps.

Calendar does not sync all Gmail Apps Calendars!!!!

The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
Weird, when I go into the calendar settings and click calendars, all of them show up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Riccardo83 said:
The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
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With google calender the first time the sync occurs, it happnes with the calenders that are enabled google calendar on the web.
Here is what u can do .
1. Go to google.com/calendar and make all the calendars visible
2. In phone - settings /manage applications delete the data from calendar and calender storage.
3. then settings / accounts and sync - re sync calendar.
Now all the calenders will come in calendar app in phone.
Select the ones that u want.
Thanky you
I tried your method of deleting the data and then re-syncing the accounts. But, now even the main calendar from my google account has disappeared and refuses to show up. Is there something missing here??? Cal widget for example shows all the calendars in its configurations but does not show any of the events from the same.
there is something wrong with the default calendar. I am running stock rom xxki3.
Hi, I had similar issue, i think this is one of known issue on android, I tried "clear data" method, sometimes it may work, sometime it doesnt. I google for solution and I found this temporary workaround would solve the issue, atleast for me..
you may want to try this:-
1. Go to android setting, application (all), clear data on calendar storage (WARNING-this step will wipe all calendar entries which were saved internally on your phone)
2. Go to market, download & install this app called: Business calendar (FREE)
(This app have direct connection to google calendar, which will also download and keep all of your calendars entries (including sub calendars)
3. Open business calendar, login with your gmail account, and it will start sync
(manual: more > sync now) it may take few mins, be patient.
this way, your stock or default calendar will get synced as well automatically...try this out
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
This tips is working.
First time, this doesn't work, I had to erase my google account (by the way to refresh my apps ^^).
But the second time, it worked.
nishadh said:
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
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I think this is a bug in Samsung Calendar app. The first time the phone synchronize with google calendar, the phone will download all calendars available for the google account. Each calendar has two flags, sync and visible. The first time, all calendars will be flag unsync and hidden (not visible) except our main calendar. After that we can use the calendar app to choose which calendar will be sync and visible. The problem with Samsung Calendar app, if the calendar is flagged as hidden, then the Calendar apps won't recognize the calendar at all, so we can't change the flag to visible. This does not happen with my other phone. So this is not Android bug. I think this bug exist since Samsung Galaxy S. Someone in Galaxy S use sql editor to edit the calendar database. Meanwhile I use Calengoo. Bussiness Calendar can be used as well

Solution for sync your entire Google Calendar to your Galaxy S2

Hi all since ICS came out been having problems syncing my entire Google calendar to my Galaxy S2. The phone would only sync the past month and forget the rest and I have been looking all over the internet for a solution but found nothing, some solution also required installing third party apps, but I found a solution that does not require third party apps.
What you need to do; First check what you are using to sync your Google account
Now if you are using Google it will only sync the past month.
Setting>Account and Sync>Add Account>Google
If you are syncing your calender through Google you will only get 1 month in the past.
Now for those that want there entire calendar on there phone like me (past/future events) this is what I did.
>turn off wifi
>disable Google sync
>clear calendar (settings>applications>all) clear calendar and calendar storage
> now turn your wifi on and make sure google sync is disabled.
> now add your G-mail through Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync
>Fill in the details you [email protected]/password next
>NOW about half way down in the settings list, there is a option to sync calendar
(Period to sync calendar) (select all Calendar) (at the bottom choose what you would like to be synced)
>Select all calendar
>name your account and hit done
> Go to Accounts and sync and manually push sync wait about 2-3 minutes depends on the amount of events in your calendar to download to the phone and you are done.
Please leave a comment if you tried this and it worked.
Good luck
Version I'm using

