hmdi beta released - EVO 4G General

Didn't see this posted here yet but at AC the hdmi mirroring app was realeaded this morning for public beta
Figured I shouldn't post the apk in case there is a count going but here is the link

Teamwin beaten to the punch!
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nate.spangler said:
Didn't see this posted here yet but at AC the hdmi mirroring app was realeaded this morning for public beta
Figured I shouldn't post the apk in case there is a count going but here is the link
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You need the modified kernel also.

r.mauldin said:
You need the modified kernel also.
Is this the stock kernel modifed?
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jethrt said:
Teamwin beaten to the punch!
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Not really , The final product has not yet been released.
Sam definitely got a head start though many props to him for kicking feature into motion.

Yes it is.

I believe this only works on sense though :/

Yes it only works on sense roms that already have stock HDMI working. Orrebmas has also stated that he will work on an ASOP version when this is complete.
Sent from my Evo using XDA App

r.mauldin said:
Yes it is.
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You are correct my bust ,Sam has beaten Teamwin to the Punch
The final products have not be released so knockout punch has not yet occurred.

Props to Orrebmas for this...but can we not make it like there's a competition between Teamwin and Orrebmas? Orrebmas' main focus was HDMI so of course he would be the first out of the gate with it. Teamwin's goal was to get Wimax working on the Evo, and have always stated that it was 4G first, then HDMI.
I'm sure Shinzul and Orrebmas would like nothing more than to spend their time doing what they love best, and that's coding, not trying to manage the bickering that has developed surrounding this. #thatisall

nate.spangler said:
Is this the stock kernel modifed?
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No. This kernel is a modified netarchy version.
"This was created by gutting out one of netarchy's kernels and replacing the files needed/removing everything else."

Holyrolla said:
Props to Orrebmas for this...but can we not make it like there's a competition between Teamwin and Orrebmas? Orrebmas' main focus was HDMI so of course he would be the first out of the gate with it. Teamwin's goal was to get Wimax working on the Evo, and have always stated that it was 4G first, then HDMI.
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I think the competition is great it will make for better app everyone wins.
Props to both developers for turning up the heat

Any mirror for kernel? For some reason I can't get it to dl on my evo from media fire
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Ep3n3wp said:
Any mirror for kernel? For some reason I can't get it to dl on my evo from media fire
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Here you go

blassilando said:
Here you go
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Thank you!!!!!!!
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sling said:
I think the competition is great it will make for better app everyone wins.
Props to both developers for turning up the heat
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Competition is great with for profit options. When it's all meant to be free, Cooperation >> Competition
You get the best of both worlds then.

ViViDboarder said:
Competition is great with for profit options. When it's all meant to be free, Cooperation >> Competition
You get the best of both worlds then.
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this... its not for profit... at least team win isnt anyway...

Well? Any body using it yet? How does it work?
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matt2053 said:
Well? Any body using it yet? How does it work?
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Im using it. Works great. Fps isn't perfect because your outputing 2 displays. 1 at 800x480 and another at 1280x720. He says that 3d games work better than anything else because the mirroring app uses the 2d engine and the game uses the 3d engine

Excellent work, Asphalt was super cool! I noticed a couple of things, 1)WiFi didn't work when mirroring, had to turn it off to get a connection. 2) issues when competing with regular HDMI service, eg using mirror and videos from native video player.
Arch media was pretty good playing .avi files, not perfect but quite serviceable (on sync but only good pic).
Thanks dude, awesome work!


Android 3.0 Preview - "Built Entirely For Tablet"
new link thanks to krazyflipj
There it is boys and girls!
Mister HONEYCOMB!!!!
Looking foward to buying a honeycomb tablet
Sent from my gingerbread evo 4g
Did you see that it showed chat face to face with goggle talk contacts
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
This video is private?
Awesome. Cant wait for those tablets....
Only a small glimpse to be sure, but it definitely looks like phone/tablet android is gonna fork. Everything you can see looks absolutely amazing however, like miles above what we have seen on a tablet so far. Youtube looks sick. The UI actually looks "cool." Like futuristic, badass, sweetness. But its hard to tell from a minute video.
Edit: Looks like the video is now private
Vivix729 said:
This video is private?
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for me too
Vivix729 said:
This video is private?
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krazyflipj said:
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Private still
sent from my evo.
krazyflipj said:
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sultan.of.swing said:
Private still
sent from my evo.
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Try refreshing. At first, it was a video from youtube but Engadget uploaded theirs.
Between my Evo and my Notebook, I don't really have a need for a tablet...but I really, really want that Honeycomb goodness. Dammit Google, now you've made me drool all over my desk!
It looks nice but I'm sure that oems will screw it up with proprietary skins unless google grows some balls and enforces a standard.
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I still have absolutely no interest in owning a tablet so unless they make a mobile version I guess itll be gingerbread for me.
Anyone wanna buy my iPad?
_MetalHead_ said:
Anyone wanna buy my iPad?
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LOL. That motorola tab that was showed a few weeks ago seemed really cool! I want a tablet!!!
so what will be the next build for mobile phone devices? i assume ginger will be the last evo update then? might be time to start to look for a new phone in a few months.
Thats a good question. This looks absolutely fantastic, and absolutely nothing like android does currently. I for one am excited to see where the two forks of android take us. This looks like it has absolutely no place on a cell phone.
I still wouldn't mind a port though. My evo screen is room enough especially With honeycomb running on landscape .
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alex2792 said:
It looks nice but I'm sure that oems will screw it up with proprietary skins unless google grows some balls and enforces a standard.
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Look at this pic of a new Moto tab...looks like stock Honeycomb!

DInc honeycomb port

Since the evo got the honeycomb port, shouldn't we be next in line?
We do have it. Its just useless for a phone since its not designed for a phone. r2 has a port but dont think anybody cares to try it to be honest
khanam said:
We do have it. Its just useless for a phone since its not designed for a phone. r2 has a port but dont think anybody cares to try it to be honest
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I tried it
It was fun to mess with and good way to see what honeycomb is like.
But since most of the stuff doesn't work, flashed my nandroid backup
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Could you post a link to the thread?
Sorry but I don't think there's a thread.
R2 isn't liked around here alot lol
So his threads usually get closed.
But google r2doesinc
And his website should come up
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Futur Innovations said:
Could you post a link to the thread?
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Google is your friend.
Why doesn't anyone like him?
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He put some paid apps into a rom mad long ago and got banned. He made new accounds and kept making roms. So yea...
Noooooooo... We have the Phone Interface of Honeycomb. The EVO has the real deal: The Tablet Honeycomb Interface.
Hopefully, someone takes interest in it.
I'm a rom-whore, and I'm damn proud of it
Futur Innovations said:
Could you post a link to the thread?
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hmm would it ever be vertical or always horizontal?
It goes vertical
gilly336 said:
hmm would it ever be vertical or always horizontal?
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HTC Incredible OMFGB 2.3.2
Does this actually work for anyone?
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What do u mean by work? It boots up and u could play around with it but as far as calls ,sms mms they dont work its just a little taste
jorny32 said:
Does this actually work for anyone?
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HTC Incredible OMFGB 2.3.2
Futur Innovations said:
Since the evo got the honeycomb port, shouldn't we be next in line?
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Your little sign says you know where I sleep You should know I am a Vampire my sleeping place is hidden
I mean I am not able to flash this rom. It failed each time and I've done my fair share of flashing
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Anyone get a chance to play with the emulator yet? Its still pretty slow, but its fun to mess with. Would you guys want the wallpapers that are seen on the emulator?
It's already out there. Someone ripped all the wallpapers plus some apps
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Futur Innovations said:
Anyone get a chance to play with the emulator yet? Its still pretty slow, but its fun to mess with. Would you guys want the wallpapers that are seen on the emulator?
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Well, the emulator and the port are the same, so pick your poison.

Fullhdmi on aosp?

Its coming soon. Real soon thanks to orrebmas.
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from my phone duh
He's got it working on cm6 right now. Search fullhdmi on cm6
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Shinzul and #teamwin are also making progress, as far as i can tell in this pic its running on CM7
Nice to see some progress from shinzul Still a ways off though. Resolution does look good.
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um i dont think so. phone is not capable of running full hd which is like 1920x1260. nice try though. lol
ronnyhawks said:
um i dont think so. phone is not capable of running full hd which is like 1920x1260. nice try though. lol
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mkeena0305 said:
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what are you talking about?
aimbdd said:
what are you talking about?
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Nobody said full HD. Its full HDMI dummies
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Uh...1920 x 1080 is full HD, so wrong on two accounts...
Original Post w/ info and video of Full HDMI on CM
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Orrebmas is a stud!
Sent from my mobile HDMI device
This is the guy that was working on hdmi out here, before the mods banned him for asking for cash. Also, teamwin isn't working on their own version, they took the release from Sam, added their own tweaks and released under their group. kinda slimey IMO.
I've been playing with his releases and they're quite good, best i've seen yet. The only complaint i have is you have to flash his modified kernel to get it working and i'm too content with my current kernel.
SilverStone641 said:
This is the guy that was working on hdmi out here, before the mods banned him for asking for cash. Also, teamwin isn't working on their own version, they took the release from Sam, added their own tweaks and released under their group. kinda slimey IMO.
I've been playing with his releases and they're quite good, best i've seen yet. The only complaint i have is you have to flash his modified kernel to get it working and i'm too content with my current kernel.
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Oh, no. You spoke badly of Teamwin? How dare you? This is blasphemous, slanderous, derogatory and just plain evil. Prepare to be banned for at least 3 days for some BS like "trolling and harassment of others" and then not getting a response from administration when you ask what you did that constitutes this behavior.
rugedraw said:
Oh, no. You spoke badly of Teamwin? How dare you? This is blasphemous, slanderous, derogatory and just plain evil. Prepare to be banned for at least 3 days for some BS like "trolling and harassment of others" and then not getting a response from administration when you ask what you did that constitutes this behavior.
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I would certainly hope they wouldn't jump the gun like that. I was simply stating facts. go look at the code for each incarnation. it speaks for itself.
I wish to join the rebellion.
SilverStone641 said:
I would certainly hope they wouldn't jump the gun like that. I was simply stating facts. go look at the code for each incarnation. it speaks for itself.
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XDA has more politics than the US government and my 3-day ban just ended yesterday. I wish I was more adept at reading and understanding code so that I could see what you see.
Now if you'll excuse me: I'm going to go pop some popcorn and enjoy the show that is about to commence.
rugedraw said:
XDA has more politics than the US government. I wish I was more adept at reading and understanding code so that I could see what you see.
Now if you'll excuse me: I'm going to go pop some popcorn and enjoy the show that is about to commence.
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Quit it! You're making me nervous!
SilverStone641 said:
I would certainly hope they wouldn't jump the gun like that. I was simply stating facts. go look at the code for each incarnation. it speaks for itself.
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Why not post the code for each incarnation so I don't have to spend time looking. Time is money you know.
You guys are evil
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

Honeycomb on the Incredible

Is this in the works yet??
I wish I knew how to do these things myself and port it, but cant
so I'm just wondering.
You are better off going with CM 7 or CM 7 nightlies than the above link as you will get more support for them here on XDA than that site offers. And in my opinion CM7 is far superior to that mod anyways.
kzoodroid said:
You are better off going with CM 7 or CM 7 nightlies than the above link as you will get more support for them here on XDA than that site offers. And in my opinion CM7 is far superior to that mod anyways.
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CM7 is gingerbread. He is asking for honeycomb.
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kzoodroid said:
You are better off going with CM 7 or CM 7 nightlies than the above link as you will get more support for them here on XDA than that site offers. And in my opinion CM7 is far superior to that mod anyways.
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You do realize that their OMHC is a pure beta with hardly anything working, so saying something is far superior to that is a pretty poor choice of words.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
It's a sdk port so its crap
Honeycomb is meant for tabs anyway
I doubt we will have a fully functional version here on xda due to our screen being.too small for the OS
He will.port it tho to get more hits on his site
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Keyboards said:
CM7 is gingerbread. He is asking for honeycomb.
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And he is still better off installing CM7 than the Honeycomb version on that site as just about nothing works in it including wifi, the phone and gps.
superchilpil said:
It's a sdk port so its crap
Honeycomb is meant for tabs anyway
I doubt we will have a fully functional version here on xda due to our screen being.too small for the OS
He will.port it tho to get more hits on his site
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Thank you captain obvious
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kzoodroid said:
And he is still better off installing CM7 than the Honeycomb version on that site as just about nothing works in it including wifi, the phone and gps.
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That doesn't matter he didn't say he wanted HC he wanted to know if it was being developed
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Better off waiting for 2.4 which will be for phones
kzoodroid said:
Honeycomb is made for tablets not phones so as of right now that ROM doesn't come with a working phone, nor wifi and gps. He's still better off with CM7.
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Boy, you are stuck on CM7. But completely straying from the topic, he didn't ask you what your favorite ROM was.
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kzoodroid said:
And he is still better off installing CM7 than the Honeycomb version on that site as just about nothing works in it including wifi, the phone and gps.
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I can't really understand your point. He asked for a HC port and I gave him a link to the only one that I know of. He did not ask for the best ROM running gingerbread, so I fail to see why your still here.
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Keyboards said:
I can't really understand your point. He asked for a HC port and I gave him a link to the only one that I know of. He did not ask for the best ROM running gingerbread, so I fail to see why your still here.
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Just to piss you off
Nice very mature
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kzoodroid said:
Just to piss you off
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Your actually doing the opposite, it's highly entertaining. School's super boring.
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Skrillex1 said:
Thank you captain obvious
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Just doing my job
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LOL, so much hate on r2does from people. So much so people can't even answer a question correctly that someone asks if it has something to do with him.
g00s3y said:
LOL, so much hate on r2does from people. So much so people can't even answer a question correctly that someone asks if it has something to do with him.
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To me, it's more of an extreme dislike of the people posting these threads every day. How hard is it to go to google, type in "honeycomb incredible", and click a link; only to download something you'll use for 5 minutes, tops?
Skrillex1 said:
Boy, you are stuck on CM7. But completely straying from the topic, he didn't ask you what your favorite ROM was.
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kzoodroid said:
Just to piss you off
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Keyboards said:
Your actually doing the opposite, it's highly entertaining. School's super boring.
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Can we take the petty bickering elsewhere kids? Adults are trying to talk in the General forum
wdfowty said:
To me, it's more of an extreme dislike of the people posting these threads every day. How hard is it to go to google, type in "honeycomb incredible", and click a link; only to download something you'll use for 5 minutes, tops?
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This is exactly the place where people should be asking that question. I can't believe you would say something like that when this entire forum is dedicated to the development of software on phones.
wdfowty said:
Can we take the petty bickering elsewhere kids? Adults are trying to talk in the General forum
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Can we not belittle younger people who use this site such as myself? There are plenty of immature adults who act like assholes and also plenty of "kids" who contribute to this community.
POQbum said:
This is exactly the place where people should be asking that question. I can't believe you would say something like that when this entire forum is dedicated to the development of software on phones.
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There's no development going on here. It's not like this thread was ever off topic or anything.
POQbum said:
Can we not belittle younger people who use this site such as myself? There are plenty of immature adults who act like assholes and also plenty of "kids" who contribute to this community.
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Well, "kids" was referring to the maturity of posts like "I did it to piss you off", etc.
But, if you want to defend them, that's up to you.

Icing on the cake?

[KERNEL][ICS-CM9 or JVU] USB Host mode (OTG) driver for SGS i9000 [BUILD 4]
This thread is a good read
So far its available for the i9000, Captivate, and the Nexus S.
He says this is what he needs to possibly port it to other devices -
The kernel source is avialable on github. It is either a kernel for gingerbread (>=2.6.35) or for ICS (>=3.0)
It also contains (or has links to) the initramfs and all the other files needed to create an update.
If creating the update is not straightforward I also need a script to do this for me
After the update is made I need someone with the device to test it for me. If the feedback is positive I'll build versions for that device too, whenever something is changed.
dzl said:
[KERNEL][ICS-CM9 or JVU] USB Host mode (OTG) driver for SGS i9000 [BUILD 4]
This thread is a good read
So far its available for the i9000, Captivate, and the Nexus S.
He says this is what he needs to possibly port it to other devices -
The kernel source is avialable on github. It is either a kernel for gingerbread (>=2.6.35) or for ICS (>=3.0)
It also contains (or has links to) the initramfs and all the other files needed to create an update.
If creating the update is not straightforward I also need a script to do this for me
After the update is made I need someone with the device to test it for me. If the feedback is positive I'll build versions for that device too, whenever something is changed.
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BTW ICS is>=4.0
adelmundo said:
BTW ICS is>=4.0
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Kernel version 3.x though.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
What's this mean in normal people talk?
Seriously what's this mean in normal terms a possible ics port?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Nope, it just means that they've ported USB host(OTG) to other Galaxy S variants by use of a Linux 3.x.x kernel. Not the same as a kernel, it won't just magically work for us, it'd have to be adapted. To except Epic specific things.
Aw okay I was way off that's for he insight
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Biggoron said:
What's this mean in normal people talk?
Seriously what's this mean in normal terms a possible ics port?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Normal people talk? Smh.
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azyouthinkeyeiz said:
Normal people talk? Smh.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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i dont think "normal people" are even talking about ics let alone even know what it is in regards to phones.
austin420 said:
i dont think "normal people" are even talking about ics let alone even know what it is in regards to phones.
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So, if he had asked for it in French, would you deny him a translation explicitly because you don't think the French are talking about it?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I think the hopes for some ICS action are so strong, and many of us don't understand what goes into porting and creating custom work. Let's be happy with what we have with the epic. I hear cm9 is coming along nicely, so what the hell more should we expect? Dual core LTE's are on the way, so enjoy cm9 when it gets here cause I remember when all of us were wondering if we'd even see gingerbread.
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azyouthinkeyeiz said:
Normal people talk? Smh.
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It was to put emphasis on how lost I was not meant to make me look like an idiot as you percieved it..... thus why I added the following sentence if your going to quote me don't cut stuff out :\
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austin420 said:
i dont think "normal people" are even talking about ics let alone even know what it is in regards to phones.
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Are you implying your not a normal person.... ?
We are all normal, some of the devs on the otherhand are not but that's what makes em so good at what they do. I mearly meant for someone to put it into terms in which the "commonplace man" could understand because I wasn't getting it/ had the wrong thought.
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It means you will be able to plug in usb devices such as mice and keyboards for example or flash drives via a modified microusb cable and they would work normally with our device
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
adelmundo said:
BTW ICS is>=4.0
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yeah thanks, but did you read his thread?
There is also a build for stock JVU (Gingerbread). It is possible to port this to older ROMs too (like CM7, or pre-GB ROMs). Ask your favourite kernel developer to do this for you. I only plan to support the CM9 and the stock Gingerbread version.
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b16flybye said:
I think the hopes for some ICS action are so strong, and many of us don't understand what goes into porting and creating custom work. Let's be happy with what we have with the epic. I hear cm9 is coming along nicely, so what the hell more should we expect? Dual core LTE's are on the way, so enjoy cm9 when it gets here cause I remember when all of us were wondering if we'd even see gingerbread.
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thanks for your thoughts. not sure why you need to sound demeaning like this is an impossible feat. clearly anything is possible once the source is available. this would be just one more thing to add to our already awesome phones.
dzl said:
thanks for your thoughts. not sure why you need to sound demeaning like this is an impossible feat. clearly anything is possible once the source is available. this would be just one more thing to add to our already awesome phones.
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Both earthbound and myself have already begun attempting this so we'll see what happens. It's sounds like he may be farther along than me.
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bbelos said:
Both earthbound and myself have already begun attempting this so we'll see what happens. It's sounds like he may be farther along than me.
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Earthbound is almost there from what I understand... its breaking wifi at the moment... between the two of you I know one of you will figure it out... 2 of the most talented devs I have ever seen
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
jbadboy2007 said:
It means you will be able to plug in usb devices such as mice and keyboards for example or flash drives via a modified microusb cable and they would work normally with our device
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That plus your TV screen would get you a computer and a gaming console in one.
That would be f'n awesome!
This Epic post as brought to you via Tapatalk
DCRocks said:
That plus your TV screen would get you a computer and a gaming console in one.
That would be f'n awesome!
This Epic post as brought to you via Tapatalk
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Really it would work as video out too?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Th cable is just a mini to usb-A connector, they are pretty cheap. Right now I don't think you can plug a mouse and keyboard into the phone, but I have seen an example of using a usb dock. Usb dock with video out and wireless sixaxis/wiimote controllers combined with every availble console emulator hmmmmmm.....

