Android 3.0 Preview - "Built Entirely For Tablet" - EVO 4G General
new link thanks to krazyflipj
There it is boys and girls!
Mister HONEYCOMB!!!!

Looking foward to buying a honeycomb tablet
Sent from my gingerbread evo 4g

Did you see that it showed chat face to face with goggle talk contacts
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

This video is private?

Awesome. Cant wait for those tablets....
Only a small glimpse to be sure, but it definitely looks like phone/tablet android is gonna fork. Everything you can see looks absolutely amazing however, like miles above what we have seen on a tablet so far. Youtube looks sick. The UI actually looks "cool." Like futuristic, badass, sweetness. But its hard to tell from a minute video.
Edit: Looks like the video is now private

Vivix729 said:
This video is private?
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for me too

Vivix729 said:
This video is private?
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krazyflipj said:
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Private still
sent from my evo.

krazyflipj said:
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sultan.of.swing said:
Private still
sent from my evo.
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Try refreshing. At first, it was a video from youtube but Engadget uploaded theirs.

Between my Evo and my Notebook, I don't really have a need for a tablet...but I really, really want that Honeycomb goodness. Dammit Google, now you've made me drool all over my desk!

It looks nice but I'm sure that oems will screw it up with proprietary skins unless google grows some balls and enforces a standard.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I still have absolutely no interest in owning a tablet so unless they make a mobile version I guess itll be gingerbread for me.

Anyone wanna buy my iPad?

_MetalHead_ said:
Anyone wanna buy my iPad?
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LOL. That motorola tab that was showed a few weeks ago seemed really cool! I want a tablet!!!

so what will be the next build for mobile phone devices? i assume ginger will be the last evo update then? might be time to start to look for a new phone in a few months.

Thats a good question. This looks absolutely fantastic, and absolutely nothing like android does currently. I for one am excited to see where the two forks of android take us. This looks like it has absolutely no place on a cell phone.

I still wouldn't mind a port though. My evo screen is room enough especially With honeycomb running on landscape .
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

alex2792 said:
It looks nice but I'm sure that oems will screw it up with proprietary skins unless google grows some balls and enforces a standard.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Look at this pic of a new Moto tab...looks like stock Honeycomb!


Blind Type

Didn't see it posted so I thought I would, looks very cool. Says coming for Android aswell
That is extremly cool. When is it going to be released? I didnt see a date on the website...
*This was posted from my Evo 4G using Tapatalkpro! Great app, if you want to browse and post through many dfferent forums*
Didn't see a release date either, hopefully soon.
They will def. Charge us for that app right? Is there anything like this out now?
*This was posted from my Evo 4G using Tapatalkpro! Great app, if you want to browse and post through many dfferent forums*
They will def. Charge us for that app right? Is there anything like this out now?
*This was posted from my Evo 4G using Tapatalkpro! Great app, if you want to browse and post through many dfferent forums*
They will def. Charge us for that app right? Is there anything like this out now?
*This was posted from my Evo 4G using Tapatalkpro! Great app, if you want to browse and post through many dfferent
corybucher said:
Didn't see it posted so I thought I would, looks very cool. Says coming for Android aswell
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Maybe because I posted it about 10-15 minutes before you - many times are you going to post the same thing? Need to work on your Tapatalk skills or get a refund
Looks awesome!
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
redrazr7791 said:
Maybe because I posted it about 10-15 minutes before you - many times are you going to post the same thing? Need to work on your Tapatalk skills or get a refund
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Oops, maybe I just didn't look very hard. Thanks
corybucher said:
Oops, maybe I just didn't look very hard. Thanks
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It's all good, wasn't flaming you
Either looks like a pretty awesome application.
Mod edit : do not encourage or offer warez
Google bought out blind type last month or early this month. We should be seeing something soon
Sent from the island my Evo built
Oh god this and swype built together would make me do sick and un forgettable things to my phone!
Sent from my netarchy_toast, froyo beast of a machine evo!
Did this software ever come out?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
snake411 said:
Did this software ever come out?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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No... I wish they did something with it
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
this app is genius! how did google never bring this to fruition????
cnstarz said:
this app is genius! how did google never bring this to fruition????
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Yea I totally agree with you.
Another good keyboard is SwiftKey X. Their predictions and auto correct has gotten really good. I mean good to the point where I don't really look at what letters I'm typing and everything still comes out great. I am also disabled, i can only use one hand, so SwiftKey keyboard X really and i mean really helps me out. Before that typing was a chore, or at least it felt like it. Now it's just great.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I've read few people talk about SwiftKey X.
I might have to give that a try, because I'm about tired of Swype, really. Words I've added to the dictionary still don't come up first, and I just get tired of for being fire, poor being pot, etc.....
Friggin' annoying
i applied for the touchpal beta like 2 days ago, and ive already heard back. supposedly its got FANTASTIC blind type style correction, AND phenomenal swyping. about to install right now!

I loved seeing the EVO 4G on "Leverage"....

.....tonight. Dunno who else watches that show, but apparently it is Hardison's new phone of choice
Its a mans man phone.
Filmed in Portland Oregon ya know, it's the reason I started watching it. I like seeing places I know in the shows I watch for some reason.
But yeah, I noticed the evo too..=)
Totally missed it ... watching my recording again to see it ... Of course EVO has been making a regular apparence on Fringe ...
its a phone for real men
My favorite phone in one of my favorite shows
It's also in Traffic Light.
Sent from my Evo powered by moar gees.
It makes many appearances in Fringe.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
yeah. eventer289 beat me to the punch. Fringe rocks! That's his phone! now what I'd like to see is that he mods it. hahahahhahaha! that would be freaking great!
it was also on Hawaii Five 0
Peter Bishop character on Fringe has been using it all year long.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Kevin Walker on Brothers and Sisters uses one often.
stevenxjessica said:
it was also on Hawaii Five 0
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That surprises me because that show is normally just a big WP7/Bing commercial
Isn't product placement awesome.
Truly it is cool that they are not using some black box and rotoscoping the screen on it. Of course, they still do that...
slipshft said:
Isn't product placement awesome.
Truly it is cool that they are not using some black box and rotoscoping the screen on it. Of course, they still do that...
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Very true! Saw a link yesterday where a Hero was used on Smallville, yet it had the call screen from WP7 on it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I'm glad Hardison is using the EVO. So much easier to believe he's pulling off the things he does on an EVO versus a Pre!
slipshft said:
Isn't product placement awesome.
Truly it is cool that they are not using some black box and rotoscoping the screen on it. Of course, they still do that...
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I actually prefer not to be bombarded with commercials while I'm watching something. The least they could do is make the show commercial free if they're going to advertize during it.
what are commercials? never see one in the hundreds of episodes I download
NewZJ said:
what are commercials? never see one in the hundreds of episodes I download
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Same here
NewZJ said:
what are commercials? never see one in the hundreds of episodes I download
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AbsolutZeroGI said:
Same here
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Point taken, let me rephrase and say that if they're going to advertise during shows then I shouldn't have to fast forward through them on my DVR.


Is taking over very very soon ...Get ready for the show
Leave us curious why don't you
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
booo hisss
Wait, what?
My girl runs that on her epic while she waits for cm6, can't wait for the bad theme jobs and goofy shutdown sounds
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Viper sucks...
Sent from my Evo 4G
This is a real stupid way to make introductions. That's whats up!
00_MACKIE_00 said:
This is a real stupid way to make introductions. That's whats up!
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Agreed. Any other info you care to share???
spiicytuna said:
Agreed. Any other info you care to share???
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Cue balloons, confetti, chorus line, trained bears and elephants, and big banner "1000th POST!"
As someone who doesn't have a clue what "viper" or "TeamViper" is, this sounds like just another spam post. Not impressed, titillated or really even interested.
ROM devs? I've heard the name before.
Heard of it but i don't think i will defect from Ricsim78's Azrael X rom. IMO its one of the best besides it will have to compete with CM7 so lets see how this goes
Jbcarrera said:
Heard of it but i don't think i will defect from Ricsim78's Azrael X rom. IMO its one of the best besides it will have to compete with CM7 so lets see how this goes
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Same here, only myns rom. Unless it completely blows all others outta the water. Which is am doubtful.

I knew Sprint did something right

The BB Playbook will run android apps.... I'm so getting one that thing is sexy
RIM plans to integrate the technology with the PlayBook operating system, giving customers access to Android's more than 130,000 apps, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the effort isn't public. RIM, after looking outside the company, is developing the software internally and may have it ready in the second half, two people said.
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old, and retarded.
Why waste thousands of dollars on trying to figure out how to run apk files, when you can simply install AOSP honeycomb, and have it look 1000x better.
1 day old news is old a retarded? lol. Let me not feed
I think this is great. I'm curious to see if it actually follows through and how they will put the Android market on it... that's my biggest question. Seems unlikely to have a device with two market places.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
davenukem said:
I think this is great. I'm curious to see if it actually follows through and how they will put the Android market on it... that's my biggest question. Seems unlikely to have a device with two market places.
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If they follow through I'd buy one, always wanted a tablet that wasn't a Tab or an iPad. Having two markets isn't that ridiculous. Isn't there a way for people with rooted phones/jailbroken iPhones that can install the other's market on them?
It'll still rely on RIMs horrible OS. No thanks. Now if only WebOs could run our apks...
akarol said:
It'll still rely on RIMs horrible OS. No thanks. Now if only WebOs could run our apks...
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What makes you say RIMs OS is horrible? The new QNX based OS looks great. It's funny that you are a WebOS fan, and wouldn't be interested in the PlayBook. They are extremely similar in terms of UI.
I've only read great things about their new OS. If you have some articles saying otherwise, I'd be very interested to see it.
DirtyShroomz said:
1 day old news is old a retarded? lol. Let me not feed
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i didnt say you were retarded. I said the idea was.
and no its not 1 days old. already has been mentioned in a few threads before.
wow, just went to that site and got a pop up for about 30 cookies
Last-Chance said:
i didnt say you were retarded. I said the idea was.
and no its not 1 days old. already has been mentioned in a few threads before.
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Hmm didnt see those, care to point in their direction?
Last-Chance said:
old, and retarded.
Why waste thousands of dollars on trying to figure out how to run apk files, when you can simply install AOSP honeycomb, and have it look 1000x better.
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i thought you got an iphone
awesome! ha @ blackberry did sprint do something right?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
david279 said: did sprint do something right?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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This is a Sprint device. First 4G tablet
Sent from your favorite carrier, black and yellow!
david279 said: did sprint do something right?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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You still browse the evo forums? Lol that's funny
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I still have the evo. Just no service. I like popping my head in here to see what's going on. The vision forum is so civilized its boring.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
xHausx said:
wow, just went to that site and got a pop up for about 30 cookies
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Thin mints or walkabouts?
Sprint didn't do this, RIM did.
If/When the BB playbook goes to Verizon, should we thank them as well for a software feature which they had no involvement in?
I thought I heard that this device was going to be on verizon first. Guess I was right.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Its going to Sprint haven't heard anything about it going to Verizon but rumors.
Sent from your favorite carrier, black and yellow!

Attention to all devs

There is a port that has been put alot of time into and needs the handy work of some talented devs that can get this going and finished in the right direction. The Droid X port. ( )
Camera is literally a second away from getting to work and other then that that WiFi is the only thing not working to my knowledge. me and a bunch of other members have been trying to keep the thread alive and checking in everyday to see how the progress was and at first it wasn't doing anything and no one was even bothering cause of it being motoblur and doubted it could ever work/
But then team Xron came in and literally brought this port from nothing to pretty damn usable. They fixed the screen tearing, the hw acceleration and the sound. All that is working right now and only thing that needs a touch up from a dev is the Wifi. Fix that and this can be one badass mother effin Port. Can't wait for this to get finished up and everyone can enjoy it because its really that good.
All i know is that Chubbz is still working on it but Swamp Goblin has given up and thinks this is as far as the rom will go, but i don't believe that. no pun intended but he got the evo 3d now and is off to bigger and better things lol
So im asking if anyone out their, dont even have to be a Myn or Virus but someone that can put some little more progress in this and it will be finished and ready to boot up for everyone to enjoy.
Thanks for hearing me out and hopefully word gets out to the right ears and they would want to lend a hand. i know it can be done.
May the force be with you all
Quick question.....I'm a long time Android user and rooter and I remember back ineligible the G1 and MyTouch 3G days there was a motoblur port and pretty much everything was running including cams and you think you guys can look into those roms and see what those devs did to get it working?? I mean it may be worth a shot......
jm5503 said:
Quick question.....I'm a long time Android user and rooter and I remember back ineligible the G1 and MyTouch 3G days there was a motoblur port and pretty much everything was running including cams and you think you guys can look into those roms and see what those devs did to get it working?? I mean it may be worth a shot......
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for sure i will look into it, whatever it takes to get the rom back in business.
Do you remember the names of the ports or even links would be nice.
Joey_UFC said:
for sure i will look into it, whatever it takes to get the rom back in business.
Do you remember the names of the ports or even links would be nice.
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Ill do a little research and post in a sec.....
Is this port further along than the WP7 port?
didn't even know there was a WP7 port, never seen it in the 4g development forum. so i would have to say yes.
Like i said, all this needs is a cam fix and wifi and its ready to go
lakers1624 said:
Is this port further along than the WP7 port?
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Light years ahead of the WP7 port....not bashing either I would love to see wp7 work out on the Evo especially since its going to be retired from sprints lineup soon.....but of course porting an android rom with a skin on top of it to a device already running android is easier than porting a whole different OS.....
The wp7 is vaporware its like the webos port....light years away LOL. You'd probably see an iOS port before wp7. I still have my evo id love to check out this droid x port.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Hey you switched to the 3d so your a trader. you may not enjoy the sexiness of the Droid port.
You are not welcome in this DOJO!
Joey_UFC said:
Hey you switched to the 3d so your a trader. you may not enjoy the sexiness of the Droid port.
You are not welcome in this DOJO!
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LOL :rolls eyes: you need one man....for reasons i wont say...ill keep it pg haha. Let's just say i made a few 3D clips you'd be proud of meeee Hahaha
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
LOL :rolls eyes: you need one man....for reasons i wont say...ill keep it pg haha. Let's just say i made a few 3D clips you'd be proud of meeee Hahaha
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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lol your the second person that told me that.
and now excuse me while i go download the official Synergy release, or maybe even the CM7 release which i have and you don't
Joey_UFC said:
lol your the second person that told me that.
and now excuse me while i go download the official Synergy release, or maybe even the CM7 release which i have and you don't
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LOL mi nombre es asshat. I'm running synergy right now aka legit sense 3.0 take that.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
oh yeah lmao
dirkyd3rk said:
LOL mi nombre es asshat. I'm running synergy right now aka legit sense 3.0 take that.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Joey_UFC said:
oh yeah lmao
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Cmon dude sell your EVO bro, come to the darkside, there's ways. I know 3 people personally that called to have their upgrade reset then traded in evo to target for 150 and paid 50 bucks for 3D. If they did it in my city I would have gone that route. 50 bucks only! I love my og EVO too much to get rid of her though...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
Cmon dude sell your EVO bro, come to the darkside, there's ways. I know 3 people personally that called to have their upgrade reset then traded in evo to target for 150 and paid 50 bucks for 3D. If they did it in my city I would have gone that route. 50 bucks only! I love my og EVO too much to get rid of her though...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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i will never waste money on the 3d. if i got it for free i would still sell it.
im waiting for the photon or the galaxy s II
jm5503 said:
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Yes but mine was free
Joey_UFC said:
i will never waste money on the 3d. if i got it for free i would still sell it.
im waiting for the photon or the galaxy s II
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I will mail a box of white dog **** to your doorstep if you get a upgrade is in September this year. If sgs2 is better than evo, which I doubt, then ill get that and sell my 3D.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
dirkyd3rk said:
I will mail a box of white dog **** to your doorstep if you get a upgrade is in September this year. If sgs2 is better than evo, which I doubt, then ill get that and sell my 3D.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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i like the photon. i really do enjoy motoblur port we have now. but i would want the galaxy s2 more then the photon.
i don't care if the phone is a downgrade, i just need a change of pace in phone. no more evo but i would want to keep android
Joey_UFC said:
i like the photon. i really do enjoy motoblur port we have now. but i would want the galaxy s2 more then the photon.
i don't care if the phone is a downgrade, i just need a change of pace in phone. no more evo but i would want to keep android
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Word. I think ill still mail you that box anyways, pm your address LOL.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

