Delayed notifications in google talk? - Xoom General

For some reason I can't seem to carry out a chat in googletalk. My messages go out instantly, but I don't get replies for ~45 minutes
before you tell me to get new friends, let me assure you that I am receiving replies on desktop GT and on my droidx promptly.
This behavior is consistent, whether I am inside google talk with current conversation selected, or doing something else.
Also, I don't seem to be seeing notifications for new gmail messages either. Those are at least coming in properly though.

Get new friends j/k
I have no problem carrying on multiple conversations with G-Talk. It works fine for me both in Wifi-Mode and on 3G.

When in doubt - Reboot. You may have tried that already but just in case.


The Sprint Hero Lost SMS Debacle

I was all set to finally take the plunge and sign a contract with Sprint for the new Hero - just waiting for my prepaid cellphone account to run out of money. Now more and more reports have started coming in about the Sprint Hero and its issues with losing SMS, and possible MMS too. Some sauces:
Engadget's questioning > and the scary responses:
Sprint Community's ongoing thead:'s ongoing thead (there are many):
Slightly older but still the same problem from here from XDA:
A few observations (feel free to add your own):
-UK/GSM Hero users are experiencing this, though to a much lesser extent
-A common, but not completely sweeping assessment is that affected users are using task killer programs or did at one time, even before a hard reset
-Soft resets tend to help the problem, though only temporarily (for some)
-People are getting the same issues on brand new phones that they exchanged for old ones.
Any thoughts? Do you have any personal experiences with this? I'm hoping to hold out till HTC/Sprint releases a patch or some sort of announcement about this problem but in the meantime, what has your experience, as a CDMA/Sprint Hero user, been like in regards to losing/delayed SMS and MMS messages?
From my experiance running Hero on the G1 lost text messages were due to the messeges app failing due to many things running and causing it to crash.
I can't speak for the sprint Hero, though I have not experienced any lost text messages I am aware of.
Maybe its a network issue?
I actually experienced it once. From what it appears, I downloaded a task manager and selected to kill all running apps. After I rebooted my phone though I have yet to experience any text message loses. Originally I was blaming it on a 3rd party messaging service, however now I really think it was as a result of killing the messaging app. This happened about a week and a half ago and so far *knocks on wood* have not experienced any other issues. Aside from that, I still love my hero. I honestly think that it is the best phone I have ever owned.
My biggest issue with SMS messages is that I've had up to a 3-4 minute delay between the timestamp on the message and when i get the notification. But AFAIK, I haven't lost any messages.
I think its a great phone so far. If Android keeps picking up as it appears to be, I think it can trump apple and iphone.
I have not lost any texts. I tested with texts to and from different carriers and area codes. I have not run any task killers. For what it's worth, I have not had any of the battery problems that people have run into either.
i had lost all of my SMS messages on my Sprint Hero after i installed Handcent SMS and used it for a couple days ( which so happened to be exactly a week after i bought the phone the messages were gone)
your sms's are still there, but they are in your messenger app, handcent doesn't access stuff that's already there, just the new stuff comming in. I don't belive it's possible to import the sms's that are already there, or at least there's not a known procedure on how to do so.
you can access them if you pull up your original messenger app, just no way to import/export. Sorry, probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is the correct one.
I had this problem when I first got my Hero, no text messages were being received, third party SMS app or not. My Hero said 'with Google' on the back. I exchanged it for one that just says 'htc', haven't had the problem since.
im worried
ive had the phone for 2 weeks.three days later i got the dreaded calls from friends and girlfriend that i havent been answering back to text. ive installed handcent sms and smstomailbox. from then on the problem has stopped.although i have sent myself some text and im yet to receive them no one has told me they cannot contact me. i just moved to sprint because i recently got a job as an assistant. my boss contacts me strictly through text. (you can imagine the magnitude of this issue) after all the forums ive read, i dont know what to do regarding this. my 30 days is almost up. i cant imagine a patch is not already on the works, but ive read this has been a known problem for some time. with Htc pumping out phones by the dozen and 1.6. / 2.0 updates taking the spotlight, i wonder if i should return my phone. the phone is real nice and i dont want a flimsy pre. seems too much stress for a device you pay good money for.i have the sprint hero with the "with google" in the back. seems like a bad time to get a phone with sprint since theres no news on wether this phone will be upgradeable or patched and the other phones are going to get upgraded soon. (HD2)
on another thread someone posted that the problem had been acknowledged . the post pointed to a flaw in the sms app that did not send a "memory full" notification back to the sms database server. so it seems theres a limit to the sms app capacity and it kinda locks down or something along those lines. lol (sorry ill post the link when i find it again) in other news 2.0 is coming to the hero. so i guess ill deal with the issues till then.
I purchased a Hero on launch day [early run device, without 'with Google' branding, only 'HTC' on the back cover] and quickly encountered the intermittent text message delivery debacle.
Bottom line, there were extended periods of time in which text messages being sent to me were simply not appearing on my phone. [Side note, this includes individuals both on and off the Sprint Network.] Turning the phone off and on usually alleviated the non-delivery / appearance problem but any messages sent during that time were gone. There was no flood of messages post restart.
I should note that on two occasions I did notice that I had received a text in the top notification bar but when I opened the Messaging App, the text was no where to be found.
It appears that the messages may indeed have been delievered... but the app is 'eating' them, so to speak. This *could* explain why on Sprint's end, everything looks fine on the network... or so I was told, which I believe.
My temp solution, as advised by forum / discussion posts by other Hero users was to install an alt Messaging App [I used Handcent SMS] and use this rather than the stock Messaging app. Additionally, I added 'SMS To Mail Lite' which forwarded a copy of my incoming texts to an email address. I experienced no intermittent outages / delivery failures / abductions at all. Both Handcent and the email inbox matched. While this 'worked' I was unable to replicate the bug but since I was using Handcent this might have been why.
Later, after spending some time on the phone w/Sprint Advanced Tech Support, they determined it was not a network issue and was due to the phone itself [as their system showed all my messages being delivered]. They set up a trouble ticket and I was able to swap my Hero for a new one at my local store. Caveat, I was still under the 30 day trial which made things much easier when I got to the store.
I was told by Advanced Tech Support that HTC has recognized this intermittent text delivery issue and they are working on a solution. I only mention 'Advanced' b/c the first individual I spoke with from regular Text Messaging Support had zero knowledge of this issue and was quick to deny any problems whatsoever. No one at the store knew anything about it either, but I wasn't expecting it. So if you speak with anyone at Sprint, expect that they might not know yet and be nice. You might even get a replacement phone.
Currently, I'm still using Handcent and really like it. Tried ChompSMS but just prefer the other. They're on par w/one another so be sure to check them both out if you prefer to go this route. Also, I used the 'My Backup Pro' app to restore my new phone to the original configuration. Certainly worth the $5.
Hope this helps.

GChat on desktop with phone nearby

Has anyone cracked the code on when Google chat on the phone ignores desktop chat and when it doesn't? I have seen that sometimes when I chat with my friends on my desktop, sometimes my phone beeps for every line entered by the other party and sometimes it doesn't. I think in a perfect world, the phone should beep for the "first" line of text, and if I answer on the desktop, it should ignore the rest (but still record them for posterity). And if I answer on the phone, perhaps it should just haptic vibrate for each line of text received after the "first". I say "first" in quotes because I imagine that would be difficult to manage pragmatically. When is it the first chat of a new "session", and when is it just a delay in between chat lines of the same session? Maybe a customizable interval, like say five minutes. If no text is received within five minutes then it is a new session, so beep on the first line?
Lat night I was chatting with a friend (I was on the desktop) and every time he sent something, my phone would beep. Not the best solution in my opinion.
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
From my experience I use Gchat on my pc everyday when i am at work and I have my phone on my desk near by. When a friend of mine messages me it hits both for the first message, but if i answer on my desktop, it does not hit my phone ever until I sign off of gchat on my pc. Even if it is not focused on the gchat window. I am however using Trillian for my gchat, not sure what you all are using.
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
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This is what happens for me as well. Messages go to my phone on the first IM or if I don't have that window active on my desktop.
I am using the built-into-gmail-dot-com google chat. This has definitely happened to me several times before. Last night it happened again. The entire conversation I had with my friend, every time I received a message on my desktop, my phone also beeped. Other times it worked like it was supposed to (beeped the first time and that was it.)
I will see if I can get my wife to help me troubleshoot tonight.
perhaps a topic for a different thread...
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop....
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My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
Try (within setting of google talk) turn off notification bar, no vibrate, and set ringtone to silent.
That might approximate no notification.
etaChase said:
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
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thanks for that - have tried to "approximate" no notification, and that's all well and good. . . but not the same as turning it off.
I have looked around in my mobile settings in the google account but can't find it (thought it might be similar to turning on/off notification of appointments in the calendar)...
might just be missing it, but this seems like fairly simple feature. I am nearing feeling ready to root my phone and thought maybe this would be a feature that was only available after doing that. It would have been the final encouragement I need to take that (admittedly not very big) plunge!
I have a rooted Nexus One (CM6 with KOR) and that is as close as I can get to turning them off (that I can find anyway).
This was happening to me, too (when I used Gtalk on the PC, the phone sitting on my desk would sound the alert, with every chat message I rec'd) -- so I just manually signed out of Gtalk on the phone, and it stopped happening. I mostly use Gtalk on desktop anyway. (Though when I check "running processes" on the Vibrant, I see Gtalk always seems to be running -- must start up automatically -- even though I'm signed out...)
exactly Pevvy -
but signing out of Gmail kinda defeats the purpose of having the phone constantly synched. Guess the same argument could be made as to why you want chats saved/synched... anyhoo - I just don't want chat on my vibrant, period. I don't want them saved (so transcription is turned off in gChat on the desktop) and I would never chat from the phone. OK, never say never, but I would rather have to enable that, rather than always having it running using resources.
When I root that would a fun thing to explore to see if it can be deactivated through some custom start-up (so it doesn't show as a running service - I see the same thing) and only starts if I manually start it.
That said, if it is server side associated with the google account (its a hosted domain and that may further change things...) it may not be able to adjust even with root. Interest how this shows the blending/blurring between the net and the synch to the phone - and should data and synch be more push or pull.
Oh, I didn't sign out of Gmail on my phone -- just Gtalk (the chat service)... seems it was keeping me signed in automatically before, and I had to go into the app, and manually sign out.

[Q] Can't Send/Receive SMS text messages

I am very new to Android coming from Palm Pre and I purchased Droid Pro and activated it with Page Plus everything seems to work fine except I can't receive or can't send any plain text messages any kind. I haven't been able to receive or send any ever since I got this activated. I have tried everything I could.
I did activation multiple times and still no luck! I am very frustrated at this point and don't know what to do. I really love this phone and it works great including web data, calls but the stupid text messages will not work at all.
As soon as I send a text message I get an instant error message saying text message not sent and it does that for every message. This is just driving me insane since I text more than I talk.
I am getting close to my last resort is the reset this phone to factory which I don't know how to do. My brother uses Droid 2 Global and Fascinate on Page Plus Wireless with no problems. I tried calling multiple sources and no one is willing to help me.
Please help me if you can.
When this happened to me on Verizon, I would have to reboot my phone to get messages to send. I would suggest trying a 3rd party messaging app, such as HandCent, GOSMS or one of the other, reputable ones on the market.
There is a communication error in the Pro with the Verizon servers that will get 'backed up' from time to time and messages will not go through. Motorola is aware of this problem and is supposed to of sent out an update for this to help avoid this problem.
Being on Page Plus, I would hope that it's a similar issue.
Another thing I would suggest is to make sure Wifi is turned off on your phone. The Pro's have a different set of protocols for messaging when Wifi is active.
I hope that this helps you get your phone squared away ^.^

Google Voice delays

Hey guys.
For the past three days, SMS and voice mail messages aren't being received on my end until hours and hours after they occurred.
Even when going to the website they do not show.
Twice they haven't shown until I message someone and then they all suddenly appear.
I've searched on Google but I don't think I have found an answer for this.
Anyone have an idea what could be the cause of the problems I've been having lately?
I've been using Google Voice for over 6 years and I haven't come across something like this before.
Zippy the Wonderslug said:
Hey guys.
For the past three days, SMS and voice mail messages aren't being received on my end until hours and hours after they occurred.
Even when going to the website they do not show.
Twice they haven't shown until I message someone and then they all suddenly appear.
I've searched on Google but I don't think I have found an answer for this.
Anyone have an idea what could be the cause of the problems I've been having lately?
I've been using Google Voice for over 6 years and I haven't come across something like this before.
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I've been using voice since beta, I've been running into this too a bit lately... sometimes texts just won't come through at all through voice, and sprint integration has completely stopped working for incoming calls. I wonder if there's an issue with their backend provider.
Thanks for the response.
But yeah, the time stamps of the messages are correct but I'm still not getting them when they occur.
I hope this gets resolved soon.
So i know it been awhile but... Google voice will only sync my text messages when I manually refresh in the app. I have sync enabled in the app however, I don't see voice listed as in my Google account sync list. Also i am WiFi only, no data plan if it makes a difference. Am I missing something or will I have to go the route of mighty text or something similar?

Samsung Messages or Google Messages

Just got my S10+ this week, and have been busy playing with settings, etc..I'm coming over from the Note 8 (AT&T).
Question for everyone. Do you prefer the built in Samsung Messages app, or Google Messages. I like both, especially now with the dark them more readily available.
What makes me lean more towards Google Messages is the ability to get messages on the web/browser. Was using it all the time on the Note 8.
Wanted to ask if anybody has switched back/forth between the two messaging apps, and if they have encountered any issues? I had switched from Google Messages back to Samsung's message app on the Note 8, and my messages were being sent to the wrong person. That's not a good situation to be in. I ended up switching back because of that.
Also, I noticed there is an updated apk for Samsung messages. My S10+ is using v Looks like they are up to v Anybody install that apk? Any good/bad things in there?
Coming from an S7 edge i was forced off Google Messages due to the handling of group messages. Sometimes it would work but other times texts that belonged in a group would come in separately. I would then have to click to download the text before it popped back into the group. Other times those texts would show up as expired (even though i just received them) and i would never see what it was. Needless to say i couldn't use it anymore so i ended up using Samsung Messages which never has that issue. Now that i'm on S10+ i'm tempted to try Google Messages again in hopes that it works the way is should as i do prefer it over Samsung Messages just due to the look and of course the web messages.
I've been flip-flopping between: Textra, Google Messages, and Samsung messages.......I've decided to stick with Google Messages.
The Samsung app, feels dated.... I do like the notifications I get when sending to other (At&t) users using the Samsung messaging app (tells when read, or they're replying...ect...), but I only have 1 person out of my 200+ contacts that it's worked on (my 17yr old son, who hates the Samsung messaging app). Plus, it just feels dated. No swipe to delete and long messages require you to "read more".
Textra is the lightest of the bunch, and I've been using for the past 4 or 5 years..... It's also the most customizable. But, Google has upped their game on the last release and incremental updates. It just feels "native" to the phone now. I also like the fact when you receive a PIN number, it recognizes this and copies just the PIN for you.
Google Messages gets my vote
BTW: No issues with group messages for me on the Google Message app
I like the Google messages app very much, but since the update to OneUI I have been using the Samsung version as it's good enough and themes the same way as the other Samsung stock apps, which I like a lot.
I prefer Truecaller messages because of its spam feature..
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
nugzo said:
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
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Been using Google Messages for last like 2 years and never seem to have had any problems on Verizon besides the typical sending and receiving from an iPhone of videos etc
Textra every day of the week!
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
sharmajay said:
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
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Not in the United States. At least not yet.
It is live for 2 of my phones now
Using Google messages, but really like the ability to pin conversations to the top in Samsung app.
Sent feature request to
I prefer Android Messages over the stock one.
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I prefer Samsung over Google mainly because of the ability to pin conversation and star message, the pop up bubble.
If Samsung had scheduler that would be awesome.
There's Qsms which is quite good but I don't want additional apps installed when Samsung messages works atm .
I use Samsung messages at the moment. But the one thing I really miss from Google messages is swipe to archive conversations...I liked to be able to hide conversations I don't use a lot without having to delete them.
mastaofdacat said:
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
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You can enable the bubble for Google Messenges notifications in Advanced Settings/Smart Pop-up View.

